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Chernigiv Secret Caves 1




Copyright 2009

Chernigiv Secret Caves 2

Chernigiv Secret Caves 3

With lots of love dedicated, to my parents, to EL_lines in Natalia, Olga,

Onder, and of course to my colleagues
                                                                                          By Price
                                                                              LIAPIS Panagiotis

With lots of love dedicated, to my parents, to EL_lines in Natalia, Olga,

Onder, and of course to my partners
                                                                                  By Price
                                                                          LIAPIS Panagiotis

При большом количестве посвященный, любви мои родители

        Греки, В Наталья, Οльга, и Ондер, к моим коллегам
                                                                    По цене
                                                      LIAPIS Panagiotis


Δ/νση Κ.Βάρναλη 12, 15121 Πεύκη, Αθήνα
Τηλ. 210-6149149
Κιν. 6937097443
ΔΙΑΘΕΣΗ 210.8065618 6937097443

Chernigiv Secret Caves 4
Author LIAPIS Panagiotis
Addr K. Varnali 12 15121 Pine Athens
Tel 210-6149149
Mob. 6937097443
SUPPLY 210.8065618 6937097443

A few words from the author

My Friends in this textbook, take the
knowledge that until now store it in
dusty Greek manuscripts of Plato,
Aristotle and other ancient fotodoton
in damp basements monasteries and
private libraries disekatomyriouchon. We revealed through
masterfully blended events of economy, religion, Greek history
and mythology, the confirmations of Medicine and the
multidimensional social structures, the Greek discovery of
ether for which spoke Platonas and Aristotle, the mineral
krystalyka and electrical properties, their initiatory secret
caves, history, radiation and their effects on human health,
MIND CONTROL is the technical control of the mind legends
and myths, travel guides, the history of Russia and Mongolia,
Dynasty RURIC, the Greek supremacy, The Secret of the
Living Water, forecasts in recent days, the establishment of the
4th Reich, well read, and its organization, methods of
prevalence of the 4th Reich, Geostrategic, The Secrets of the
Parthenon, The stolen works of art, naturally leads business
survival in difficult times. There are missing from my literary
work of literature, prayer and research on photovoltaic
technology in whose threshold of energy is free. Also
presented a series of investigations on a series of error events
for the signs, and possible manipulation of cosmogony,
incidents involving the Nazis and the possible bases in space,
President Obama, and the new doctrine Panthriskeias
launched in conjunction with the Worship infernal beings are a
new mirror through which can be seen the current scene of the
enormous progress in the areas of MIND CONTROL, the chip
EMV of Bill Gates on bank credit cards, the emerging banking
system in relation to economic crashes of America The
SIONISMOS and the New World Order of the 4th Reich, and
PEOPLE CLONES - Men in Black, and the CIA in connection

Chernigiv Secret Caves 5
with the anti-government slogans and reactive walls define a new reality, which leads
to control police forces in Use of Sound for centuries hidden weapons ancient Greeks
developed from the Greek National Nuclear epistimoina C. Gkiolva. The creations of
the Plan "Arrow" (sound rule) and the sound "Artemis", as are sources on the web are
presented in detail below in relation to biological warfare aircraft from the US-spray
from chemical and microbial air over cities. Trying to minimize the harmful effects that
using genetics Industry, extensive fires, building new towns in the concentration
camps of D Reich, apply geostrategic implementation plan new war in the Balkans
because of Kosovo, where the project "Blue Ray" at the upcoming mayhem by the
end of 01/2010 will chrisimopoiithoun new weapons bass Police with physical effects
of radiation on the human organism KARKINOUS
                                                                                                          By Price
                                                                                   LIAPIS Panagiotis

Chernigiv Secret Caves 6

1. This project is a bottomless MYTHISTORIMA Reality

2. Clarifies Developed Fiction
3. Any resemblance to actual persons, locations and events are imaginary,
purely accidental, not existing in the present reality and past it.
4. Copyrights on works protected by the current constitution, laws and
5. Prohibited the reproduction and distribution of all or part of the document
without the prior written permission of the author and an award identifying
figures and in words of the author's remuneration, rights and remuneration of
the Greek state, the duration of the contract and the parties.
6. The document bears a registered trademark
7. The project is only available for private use, prohibited the reading public
all or part of it.
8. The work donate to the library of the Greek state request and complied
with the legislation providing for the process.
9. For Greek citizens: To book not sold through bookstores and other retail
outlets. KNOWLEDGE donors.
10. The book takes seeker typing costs and expenses of this mission.
11. The Writer LIAPIS Panagiotis receive no remuneration (money) making a
work available
12. The book has no subversive of the system concept, but instead Net
conglomerate of all the Greeks of Planet Earth, 120,000,000 Greeks to create
well-governed society as defined by the democratic, elected Parliamentary
Antiptosopous People (primary form of power)
13. The GREECE Fri all the problems exist because of the scandalous
AS NO ONE GREEK even no hope, no justice. Amen.

Copyright by Panagioti Liapi





Chernigiv Secret Caves 7

(From Dialogues of Diomidis with Alexander the Great )

Chernigiv Secret Caves 8

Some believe the city was named after its

founder, the warrior Cherniga. Locals prefer
the romantic legend about a girl who threw
herself out a window rather than be forced
to marry against her will. Her father, Prince
Chornyy, was allegedly the founder of the
town and was buried there in the Chorna
Grave.Most of Chernigiv’s architectural
sites are found in Dytynets, an historical
area in the centre of town. The earliest
settlements appeared at the beginning of the first millennium, and in the 8 th-12th
centuries, the town’s fortifications came into being. On the east, Dytynets borders
the Desna beside what is known as the Ramparts, where there are still twelve old
cannons once used for the city’s defense. The city’s historical treasure is the 11 th-
century Church of the Transfiguration of Our Saviour. One of the oldest
cathedrals of the Kyivan Rus, it was built by the legendary Prince Mstislav the
Brave, whose remains were laid to rest there, along with the remains of Prince
Igor and Prince Svyatoslav. The weapons of the Kyiv princes and the battle
colours of Chernigiv’s Cossack regiments are also preserved there. The
Cathedral of St Boris and St Glib, also in Dytynets, was built in the 12 th century
on the foundations of an even earlier building. The Tsars’ Gates, built at the
beginning of the 18th century by the order of Hetman Ivan Mazepa, still stand
there, and the cathedral itself houses an architectural exposition. The 18 th-century
St Katherine’s Church near Dytynets is considered the symbol of Chernigiv. It
houses the oblast’s Museum of Folk and Decorative Art (tel.: 0462-43-236).
The Chernigiv area is a prize catch for researchers, since the
Mezinska excavation site is unrivalled in the world. About 20
thousand years ago, people of the late Palaeolithic period
lived in the few primitive shelters there. Tools made from the
local chalky flint along with interesting works of ancient art,
such as a bracelet made from mammoth ivory, female
figurines and pendants were found at the site. These
artefacts are on display in the Chernigiv V.V. Tarnovsky
Historical Museum (4 Gorky St., tel.: 0462-17-66-50, 17-67-
93). But the most interesting exhibits are a “noisy bracelet”
similar to a castanet and six mammoth bones decorated with patterns that
represent the world’s only remnants of a Palaeolithic percussion orchestra! By
analysing the impact patterns on the bones, experts have even been able to
reconstruct the music composed in those prehistoric times.

Chernigiv Secret Caves 9
Secrets of the Chernigiv Caves
The most mystic and visited place in Chernigiv are the legendary St Anthony’s
Caves at the Holy Trinity-St Elias Monastery (92 Tolstoy St.), one of the oldest
remnants from the times of the Kyivan Rus. In 1069 the founder of the Kyiv-
Pechersk Lavra, St Anthony of the Kyiv Caves, visited Chernigiv. Later a
monastery was built there, and the famous St Elias’ Church appeared in the 12th
century.For many centuries the monks dug catacombs until an underground
complex appeared. These catacombs have been the site of many phenomena for
which there is no scientific explanation. In the 1960s, members of archaeological
expeditions claimed to hear strange sounds and to smell the aroma of burning
incense, and they often reported feeling that someone was breathing down the
backs of their necks. In 1970, the famous Black Monk, an apparition in a long
black robe, made his first appearance …Most visitors to the caves experience
increased vitality, a feeling of euphoria and the correction of abnormal heart
rhythms, so from time immemorial, people from all over Ukraine have travelled
there to be cured of various ailments.Besides the caves, the Holy Trinity-St Elias
Monastery boasts the Holy Trinity Cathedral (1679), where the relics of St
Feodosy and St Lavrenty are kept, the Church of the Presentation with a
refectory (1677) and a 58-metre bell tower that offers a fascinating view of the
city. No wonder these picturesque places have inspired many Ukrainian writers!
From 1898 to 1913, the great writer Mikhailo Kotsyubinsky lived and worked in
Chernigiv. A museum now occupies his house on the street named after him. The
author of Shades of Forgotten Ancestors is buried near St Anthony’s Caves.
Another prominent Ukrainian writer, Leonid Glibov, is buried at the Holy Trinity-St
Elias Monastery.

From 1669 to 1708 and again from 1750 to 1764, the

city of Baturin was the residence of Hetmans
Samoilovych and Mazepa and the last Ukrainian
hetman, Kyryl Rozumovsky. The classical palace (1799-
1803) is dilapidated but fascinating. The museum of
local lore and history (tel.: 04635-48-437) is also worth a
visit, and you can pay for a guided tour of the
Rozumovsky family burial vault, the Church of the
The Kachanivka History and Culture Reserve (tel.:
04633-24-193) is open from March to September. A
unique collection that belonged to the Tarnovskys, an
aristocratic family, was created at the end of the 18 th
century and was completely restored in 1980. The

Chernigiv Secret Caves 10
museum has fragments of V. Tarnovsky Jr’s collection, dedicated to Taras
Shevchenko, who was a frequent guest of the family.
The Monastery of the Transfiguration of Our Saviour is the point of greatest
interest in Novgorod-Siversky, capital of the Siversky principality in the mid 11 th
century. According to one account, it was founded in 1033 by Prince Mstislav
Vladymyrovych to thank God for victory over Kyiv’s Prince Yaroslav; according to
another version, it was founded by Yaroslav the Wise in 1036. The Cathedral of
the Transfiguration of Our Saviour (1785-1787) has a museum exposition called
A Word Concerning Igor’s Regiment (Pushkin St., tel.: 04658-21-521).The
partially preserved, 10th-century Yuriev’s House of Prayer is the second most
important monument of the Kyivan Rus period, after St Sophia’s Cathedral, and
draws visitors to the city of Oster in the Kozelets district.
The first historical reference to the town of Nizhyn appeared in 1147. It was once
the site of trade fairs, a Cossack community and a former Greek colony in
Ukraine. It is also home to the famous Nizhyn Teachers Training University,
founded in 1820, where the great writer Mykola Gogol studied.

In the village of Sosnytsa in the Mensky district, visitors can see the log
cabin where the great Ukrainian screenwriter and film producer Alexander
Dovzhenko was born, as well as an exhibit about him in the Literature and
Memorial Museum (2 Dovzhenko St.; tel.: 04655-21-590).

The best way is by car along the Kyiv-Chernigiv road or by public transport van
from the Lisova metro station. The two-hour trip costs UAH10.Ukraine
International Airlines offers convenient, daily flights to Kyiv from almost each
capital of Western Europe.For more information on flights schedules and
ticket reservations, please contact the UIA office in Kyiv at (+380 44) 581-
5050, or visit the UIA website:

Places to Stay and Relax

Slovyansky Hotel Complex
Just 200 metres from the city’s main square with deluxe and semi-deluxe suites,
single and double rooms with all amenities, a café/bar, sauna, pool and parking.
Address: Chernigiv, 33 Myra Ave., Tel.: (04622) 74-604
Gradetsky Hotel
Chernigiv’s biggest hotel is a 10-minute walk from the centre and has deluxe and
semi-deluxe suites, single and double
rooms and probably the best cuisine in
Address: Chernigiv, 68 Myra Ave., Tel.:
(04622) 45-025
Etoile Cafe
Located on the Ramparts and very
Chernigiv Secret Caves 11
popular with the locals, it offers the Courage disco, billiards, the Traffic Light
bowling alley and delicious, inexpensive meals.
Address: Chernigiv, 50 Pyatnitska St., Tel.: (0462) 18-57-30
Old Town Tavern
Situated on the town’s main street, it has a quiet atmosphere and offers a variety
of reasonably priced Ukrainian dishes.
Address: Chernigiv, 32 Myra Ave., Tel: (04622) 7-41-65

Chernihiv caves

Chernihiv caves. From generation to generation people retell true

stories and even legends about them, sometimes keen and romantic. Even
nowadays some believe in the legend about an underground way from
Chernihiv to Kyiv. But is it only a beautiful legend for the Pechers’k

In ancient times there was a monastery which consisted of small

underground buildings. They are caves, which were used by monks for
religious ceremonials and living, cave necropolises (kymityrii) and
underground churches. By the way even nowadays they impress visitors and
researches by their sizes and architectural shapes. Thus, the height of Rev.
Theodosius Totems’kyi church reaches 8 m 40 cm which is nearly like three-

Chernigiv Secret Caves 12
storey building (and this is under the ground!). An apartment has a form of
octahedron, walls are decorated with semi-circular and square niches, there
is a multi-profiled cornice above them and a dome completes church building.
Today the underground complex of caves, 350 meters of total length,
consists of two layers. Lower – it the underground cemetery in a way.

Is this the only purpose these caves created? Or existed from the
past? The burial places are found everywhere here: in walls, in the floor of
gallery, in monastic cells But the most mysterious phenomenon of Anthony
caves is ghosts. They as if go out from the walls of caves and in a few
minutes… dissolve midair or appear in total darkness. Mostly ghosts rise
up near the monastic cell of Anthony Pecherskyi. Possibly, the founder of
caves comes to examine underground buildings created by him. Many
articles can be written about Anthony caves, but it’s better to see them. Visit
Boldyn Hills and mysterious caves. “Anthony caves” museum works daily,
without a break and days off, from 10.00 am till 6.00 pm.
Some legents says that St. Antony found a complex of caves and extended it.

Chernigiv Secret Caves 13

Pachomius, Archbishop And Hieromartyr Of Chernigov

Archbishop Pachomius, in the world Peter Petrovich Kedrov, was born on

July 30, 1876 (according to another source, 1877) in Yaransk, Vyatka
province, in the family of a priest (according to another source, his father was
a psalm-reader). He was the elder brother of the holy hieroconfessor
Abercius, bishop of Zhitomir. Another brother, Michael, taught theology at the
Kremenetz and Vilna seminaries in Poland between the wars. After the
Second World War he became a monk and was consecrated Bishop of
Wraclaw, where he soon died.
By nature Peter was serious, humble and meek, pensive and church-
oriented. After preparatory theological training, he entered the Kazan
Theological Academy when Bishop Anthony (Khrapovitsky) was rector. He
Chernigiv Secret Caves 14
was given the office of candle-lighter. Being a little too zealous in his
religiousness, Peter decided to fulfil literally the Lord's command: 'If thy right
eye offend thee, pluck it out' (Matthew 5.29), and one night he attempted to
burn out his right eye with a candle. His roommate at this time was Basil
Maximenko, the future confessor and archbishop of Jordanville. He was
awakened in the middle of the night by the grinding of teeth of his roommate,
who was trying in this way to endure the pain. Seeing what had happened, he
put up a cry and saved his friend's eye. However, the burns were so serious
that it required surgery on the eyelid and eyebrow, and the scar remained for
the rest of his life.

In 1898 he was tonsured into monasticism by Bishop Anthony, who took him
with him on his transfer to Volhynia. There Fr. Pachomius did missionary
work while residing in the Derman Monastery near the Pochayev Lavra. In
1899 he was ordained to the priesthood, and in 1900 graduated from the
Kazan Academy with the degree of candidate of theology. In 1905 he was
raised to the rank of archimandrite. In 1906 he became superior of the
Derman monastery. On August 30, 1911 he was consecrated Bishop of
Novgorod-Seversky. In 1916 he became Bishop of Starodub, a vicariate of
the Chernigov diocese. In 1917 he became Bishop of Chernigov.
In 1917-18 Vladyka Pachomius took part in the Local Council of the Russian
Orthodox Church, and on October 30, 1917 delivered a report concerning the
procedure of electing the patriarch.
Chernigiv Secret Caves 15
When the White Army retreated and the Red Army took full control of Russia,
the country was in total collapse, with transportation paralyzed. But this did
not stop Bishop Pachomius, who with his bishop's staff visited all the
churches of his diocese on foot! Since the left bank of the Dnieper River,
according to the new administrative division, belonged to the Chernigov
diocese, he also had to visit the outskirts of Kiev, and so he visited the Kiev
Caves Lavra also. Bishop Pachomius was also the abbot of a local
monastery, where he resided.
At that time there lived in Chernigov the fool-for-Christ Michael the Blessed.
In the world he had been a highly respected civil engineer. Once he was
commissioned to build a large bridge. The bridge was constructed according
to his specifications. One day the bridge collapsed killing several people. So
profoundly was the engineer struck by the news of this tragedy that he took
off his expensive business suit and, putting on a long shirt, left his home
never to return. He became a fool-for-Christ's sake. He ate very little, had
almost no place to sleep, knelt whole nights in prayer, and spoke very little,
saying only: "Repent." The blessed Michael achieved great sanctity and
frequently visited Bishop Pachomius. When he died in 1922, the whole city
lamented his righteous death and took part in the burial, which was
performed by Bishop Pachomius with tears in his eyes.
The same year the communist authorities made many attempts to arrest him.
One day they stormed into the cathedral while the Divine Liturgy was being
celebrated in order to arrest him on the spot. The crowd of believers,
however, thronged straight to the altar and prevented the arrest of their
beloved archpastor for a time. But the GPU was not easily dissuaded from its
plan. The bishop had the habit of remaining for a long time in the altar after
the service, and once, when only he and his cell-attendant remained, the
GPU agents burst into the sanctuary and captured their holy victim. This was
the first of many arrests of Bishop Pachomius. He was arrested and released
time and again. This continuous nightmare finally began to undermine the
bishop's peace of soul.

At about the same time, the communist

authorities throughout the whole of
Russia began a blasphemous
"investigation" of holy relics, opening the
shrines of many saints in an attempt to
prove "scientifically" to the public the
alleged falsity of the saints' incorruption.
This movement produced frightful
spectacles of sacrilege, evoking
enormous protests and resistance by the
people, many of whom suffered
Chernigiv Secret Caves 16
imprisonment and banishment. But the "scientific investigators" were
themselves put to shame, for they themselves had to admit the incorruption
of the relics, which they could not explain scientifically, and this was printed in
all the newspapers. The believing Orthodox rejoiced at the outcome, but the
authorities nevertheless did their work - they placed the saints' relics in anti-
religious museums as "mummies". This campaign caused some
conscientious bishops even to die from desperate sorrow at the mockery of
the saints, as happened with Archbishop Anatolius of Irkutsk.
Bishop Pachomius also had to suffer in this campaign. It was demanded that
the relics of St. Theodosius of Chernigov be stripped and exposed to the
public. Usually the atheistic commission of "scientists" would shake and toss
the relics, but Bishop Pachomius stood his ground, and, having put on
epitrachelion and cuffs, did the unwrapping of the relics himself, shedding
painful tears in the presence of a large crowd of believers, who also wept and
sobbed, seeing the communists would not leave even the dead alone. The
later Archbishop Leontius of Chile, a close friend of Bishop Pachomius, has
preserved for us a rare photograph of the opening of the relics of St.
Theodosius of Chernigov, showing the grieving Bishop Pachomius holding
the relics and surrounded by his grief-stricken flock.
After this the relics were confiscated, brought to Petrograd and exposed in an
anti-religious museum together with dead rats and fossilized bones. But the
believers, having bribed the guards, secretly served catacomb services
before the relics in the middle of the night. Evidently in connection with this,
Bishop Pachomius was arrested.
After his release in 1923 he could not return to his diocese, but found shelter
in the St. Daniel Monastery in Moscow, whose abbot was the future martyr,
Archbishop Theodore of Volokolamsk. On November 29, 1923 (according to
other source: 1927 or 1929) he was raised to the rank of archbishop.
According to one source, Vladyka Pachomius was in Kiev from 1923 to 1924
without right of departure, and from 1924 to November, 1925 - in Moscow
without right of departure. On December 10, 1925 he was arrested in
Moscow in connection with the affair of Metropolitan Peter of Krutitsa, was
imprisoned in Butyrki prison in Moscow and was sentenced to three years'
exile in the camps.
According to one source, he was then (from June, 1926 to 1928) exiled to the
Zyryansk region. But according to another source he was exiled to Solovki,
transferred to Mai-Gub on the Baltic-White Sea canal in 1928 and transferred
again to Zyryansk from 1928 to 1930.
In 1927, Archbishop Pachomius and his brother, Archbishop Abercius, wrote
an epistle attacking Metropolitan Sergius' traitrous "declaration". They wrote:
"There can be no union between Church and State, when it has to do with
our Orthodox Church and the Soviet Union, by reason of the fundamental
difference in the basic views of the two sides. The only thing that is possible
Chernigiv Secret Caves 17
is a conditional agreement as to practical mutual relationships, solely on the
foundation of the principle of the separation of Church and State.
"In actual fact, can one even conceive of the Soviet State in union with the
Church? A State religion in an anti-religious State! A government Church in
an atheist government! This is an absurdity; it contradicts the nature of the
Church and the Soviet State; this is unacceptable both for a sincerely
religious person and for an honest atheist."
Professor Nesterov relates that Archbishop Pachomius arrived at the camp
almost an invalid, with paralysis of the facial nerves. Because of his physical
weakness he could not be used in the building and was therefore sent in
1932 to a camp for invalids at Kuzema. But even here he was sent out to
physical labour which was very difficult for him: carrying water, baking bread,
Professor Nesterov relates an incident from this period which is very
characteristic of the archbishop. One of the imprisoned professors was
working in the office of the Kuzema camp as a scribe. He had to compile a
list in quick order of those who had been sent to a different work point in the
Kuzema camp and had to work all night. The professor was tormented and
irritable. In the morning Archbishop Pachomius came into the office and
asked the professor whether he knew where and when they were being sent.
The professor replied sharply:
"You bother me, Vladyka!" -
and added a crude comment.
Archbishop Pachomius humbly bowed down to his feet, asking forgiveness
for irritating him by his question. The professor became upset and in his turn
asked forgiveness of the archbishop for his crudeness.
In personal conversation with Professor Nesterov, Archbishop Pachomius
often condemned the church policy of Metropolitan Sergius even more
sharply and categorically than he had done in his epistle. By this time the
results of Metropolitan Sergius' policy had become clear, both with regard to
the fate of the Church herself in general, and with regard to the banished
bishops in particular. In place of the promised legalization, the liquidation of
churches and clergy was proceeding at an increasing tempo. Bishops and
priests languished in prison without any hope of liberation. Exiles and arrests
not only did not cease, but even increased.
In the absence of Archbishop Pachomius, all the churches in the Chernigov
diocese commemorated Metropolitan Sergius until 1930, and so the True
Orthodox who refused to accept "legalization" had to go to Kiev, to the
community of Abbess Sophia, to receive the Holy Mysteries.
On his arrival in Chernigov from prison, there was a meeting between
Vladyka Pachomius and the "antisergianist" clergy. During this meeting
Igumen Laurence (Proskura), Hieromonk Smaragdus (Chernetsky) and
Hieromonk Michael (Tyshkevich) expressed themselves strongly against the
Chernigiv Secret Caves 18
declaration of Metropolitan Sergius. (When Igumen Laurence heard the name
of Metropolitan Sergius commemorated he would put his hands over his ears!
But he later joined the sergianists, and is now considered to be a saint by
them.) Also strongly against the declaration were Igumen Alypius
(Yakovenko) and Hieromonk Michael (Korma), who said that they would
break communion with Vladyka Pachomius if he accepted the declaration.
Vladyka accepted the point of view of these priests, although, according to
Bishop Damascene of Glukhov, a vicar of Archbishop Pachomius, he did not
openly and actively oppose the declaration. However, it is evident from the
"affair" of the "counter-revolutionary activity" of a group of Chernigov clergy in
1936, that in the middle of the 1930s Metropolitan Sergius' name was not
commemorated in the churches of Chernigov, but only the names of the
Orthodox Patriarchs and Metropolitan Peter.
On October 3/16, 1930 (according to another source, 1932) Archbishop
Pachomius was arrested in Chernigov for the last time. He was charged
according to article 54 (10) of the Ukrainian criminal code of "counter-
revolutionary activity" and "inciting the priests to organize resistance to Soviet
power by joining forces, and his flat was searched. He was also accused of
having continued his religious activity during his exile in Zyryansk region in
1925-28, by serving in the local church, corresponding with Chernigov clergy,
and "corrupting" children by giving them sweets and crosses and not blessing
them to enter the pioneer organization. On November 4 he was sentenced to
five years in the camps, which he spent in Kotelnich, Vyatka district.
According to one source, Archbishop Pachomius was killed on May 15, 1937
(old style), according to another - on November 11, 1937 in Kotelnich.
According to Protopresbyter Michael Polsky, he served his last sentence in
his homeland in the city of Yaransk, living under house arrest in the home of
his brother, the protopriest. Once when the GPU came to arrest his brother,
Vladyka Pachomius could not stand it, had a nervous breakdown and died
soon after in hospital.
According to some oral witnesses, on sensing the approach of death,
Vladyka took upon himself the podvig of foolishness for Christ...
(Sources: M.E. Gubonin, Akty Svyateishego Patriarkha Tikhona, Moscow: St.
Tikhon's Theological Institute, 1994, pp. 877-78; Russkiye Pravoslavnye
Ierarkhi, Paris: YMCA Press, 1986, p. 58; Ivan Andreyev, Russia's Catacomb
Saints, Platina, Ca.: St. Herman of Alaska Press, 1982, ch. 12; Lev
Regelson, Tragediya Russkoj Tserkvi, 1917-1945, Paris: YMCA Press, 1977,
pp. 543, 550; Ikh Stradaniyami Ochistitsa Rus', Moscow, 1996, p. 73; G.
Stankevich, "Budyet zhe Vam dlya Vsidetel'stva", Troic'kij Visnik (Chernigov),
N 9 (18), 1995, p. 4; Bishop Ambrose (von Sievers), "Episkopat Istinno-
Pravoslavnoj Katakombnoj Tserkvi 1922-1997g.", Russkoye Pravoslaviye, N
4(8), 1997, p. 5; I.I. Osipova, "Svoz' Ogn' i Vody Slyoz", Moscow:
Serebryanniye Niti, 1998, p. 263)
Chernigiv Secret Caves 19

The Mother of God of Chernigov

While Lazar Baranovich was Archbishop

of Chernigov and Zosima was Abbot of
the Ilinsk Monastery, tears poured forth
from this icon from the 16th to the 24th of
April, 1662. In that same year, the Tatars
attacked Chernigov and devastated all of
the surrounding villages. However, the
monks of the monastery knew nothing of
the imminent danger. In the night, they
received the news. After rushing to the
church, and earnestly, tearfully, praying to
their Heavenly Intercessor, they hid in a
cave. At midnight the Tatars broke into
the monastery and looted the church, but
the miraculous icon and all of its precious
decorations remained untouched. An unseen power did not permit the
barbarians to touch the Holy Icon. That same unseen force kept them from
entering the cave where the monks were hiding. Suddenly, terrified by a
vision, the barbarians fled. Her feast is celebrated on April 16th (O.S.).

Where is this place? Are they truly caves dug out or natural formations? I
imagine caves being rather small, how did they build a church in them and
have so many monks in them? I have seen underground caverns here in
Texas, is this how they were as well?

I have read of elders digging themselves a cave in the mountain side. That
is an impressive feat for even the steepest grade hills, let alone a gentle
sloping hillside. How deep were their caves? How tall? Were they like
mining tunnels?
the Lavra's own website. It has plenty of photos, but photos of the caves
themselves were kinda scarce (I didn't find any, but I might have missed
something). There are a few notes about the caves themselves in the
NationMaster articles on the monastery and on the near caves.

I am very curious as you can see

about the cave dwellers

Chernigiv Secret Caves 20
We promised to meet again, and Ludmila took me to St. Job’s cell beneath
Holy Dormition Cathedral. Saint Job prayed and struggled as a recluse for
years in this tiny natural cave. A chapel has been built around the cave, and
his relics repose outside of the cell. Ludmila took me to the cave, which had
a long line of people waiting to enter it, but she exclaimed, “This is an
American Orthodox pilgrim! Let him go first!” All the other pilgrims nodded,
and assented. A child called out, “What is your name?” in English. I looked at
the opening to the cave, which is about the size of two toasters, and I
immediately told Ludmila, “I won’t fit in there! I won’t go!”
“Pray to the Bogoroditsa and anything is possible,” called out a woman from
among the lined-up pilgrims.
“Yes, but I am not small,” I protested.
“I will go first,” said Luda, who slid through the cave entrance with no
“Easy for you to say,” I thought. Although I had lost some weight, I was still
kind of thick around the middle. I was also 6’9” in height. She came back out
and told me how wonderful it was to be able to venerate the icon of St. Job
and stand there just like he had... go, we’ll help you...
I had visions of going down in Church history as the pilgrim who got stuck
and required a fire crew to remove him, but Ludmila was still pushing me on
— “the icon of your patron saint is around the corner, doubting Thomas. He
didn’t think it was truly the Lord until he could touch His side. Now, you don’t
have to doubt.”
I began to shimmy forward through the cave entrance, head first. I got my
head all the way in to find a priest who took my hand and began pulling me
in. “Pray to the Bogoroditsa!” he said cheerfully.
“Presviataia Bogoroditsa, spasi nas!” I exclaimed and made it another few
“Why don’t you say it in English?” asked Olga, a 10-year-old girl who was
also in the cave. I hadn’t known she was in there. Oh, dear, I thought. I’m
going to get myself stuck, and these two are going to starve to death as a
“Most Holy Theotokos, save us!”
With a little more dragging, I did eventually get into the awkward cave, and I
said to the priest, “St. Job wasn’t a tall man, was he?” I found the icon, and
said a prayer to St. Job that I’m sure he’d heard many times before, “St. Job,
intercede before God for me, and get me out of this cave in one piece!”
Well, I figured, if I don’t get out of the cave, I can stay here and fast for 40
days. School won’t start for a while...
With the priest and Olga pushing on me, and Ludmila and another woman I’d
never met pulling on me, I did pop out of the cave, feeling reborn in a
spiritual and literal sense, having re-enacted my own birth as an adult. A
doubter no more!
Chernigiv Secret Caves 21
Since this time my daughter met and married this wonderfully creative young
man and I am proud to have him as part of my family.

The relics are actually full bodies in coffin sized boxes along the sides of the
passage ways leading down to the chapel. Each relic/saint has his name
written on the coffin sized reliquary. Each coffin/reliquary is covered with
glass on top so that veneration is possible.
I can tell you one thing- there is nothing on earth like being at Liturgy with the
full body of a saint literally beside yours.
The mysteries of monastery caves.
The first artificial caves appeared in Chernigiv (Chernigov) in the 11-th
century. They were founded by famous Old Rus religious man Anthony who
had been founder of the Kiev-Pechersky monastery (Lavra).
His monastery in Chernigiv consisted of churches, cells and burial places. All
of them were situated in the slopes of the Boldin Hills. St. Illya's church was
built near the entry to the cave monastery in the 12-th century.
Nowadays it is the united underground complex the length of which is about
350 meters. There are three churches and a few other premises and
corridors. Most of them were formed in the 18-th and the 19-th centuries but
there are some sections of the caves where ancient architecture is
preserved. First of all it is a large burial temple which appeared before
Mongolian period. It was discovered in 1987, cleared away and investigated
by Chernigiv archaeologists. This room is more than 300 cubic meters. Here
were found some rich archaeological materials and traces of the ancient
burial rite.

Chernigiv Secret Caves 22

There are many legends about Chernigiv caves. They say that long
underground passages connected Chernigiv with Kyiv (Kiev) and Lubich
(Lubech), that Anthony caves were connected with the Eletsky monastery
and the Val.
Caves were being built in Chernigiv for centuries. Many of them were ruined
and forgot. But some of them are true. Even today exists tunel which connect
the Eletsky monastery and the Val. I know the next question is where is the
entrance? You will find the entrance if you follow the passage of the water.
But winters these underground tunels are full of water so there is no posibility
to walk inside it. Remember also that if you dive, even if you have very strong
lights, the quality of the grownd is such that you cant see after 60cm what
happens. Its a real deadly trap.
Sometimes people see pasages for the mystic underground world and
caving-in take place in Chernigiv.
One of such episodes happened between the Eletsky monastery and the
Trinity monastery in 1853. Three men ventured to penetrate into the pit and
saw the cave. But it was pity they did not measure the underground
premises. The pictures were not made also. The entrance to the cave was
covered up with earth.
Filling-in appeared in some places on the territory of the Val at the beginning
of the 20-th century. After they had been investigated it became clear that all
of them were made later than Anthony caves.
So called the “New caves” which were digged out by monk Alypy in
1918 are situated in the slope of the Boldin Hills not far from the Trinity
monastery. The underground premises were decorated by Ukrainian folk
ornaments. After the erection of that complex had been finished it was
sanctified by bishop Pahomy. Some time later the New caves were deserted
and partially ruined. Most of the ornaments disappeared. Nobody knows how
many caves there are on the territory of the Chernigiv region. But we are
firmly convinced of the fact that there are many of them. The most famous
caves are known in Lubich, if we set aside Chernigiv caves. It is explained
by the information that father of Russian monkhood saint Anthony was born
in this Old Rus town and spent there his youth. No less known are caves of
Spaso-Preobrazensky monastery in Novgorod-Siversky (Novgorod-
Seversky).The cave small and secluded convent of Ryhlovsry Svyato-
Nicholaevsky monastery in Korop vicinity was widely known at the end of the
19-th century. Now it is neglected.
Many legends about the local caves exist in Sedniv (Sednev). One deserted
cave was found accidentally near this settlement. An underground corridor
the length of which is about 100 meters is under former landlord
Galagan's estate in Sribna (Srebnaya) vicinity. The similar cave under
landowner's house in the village Petrushin of Chernigiv vicinity was
Chernigiv Secret Caves 23
mentioned in documents in 1623. 20 years ago a half-ruined cave was
found in Sosnitsa.

The vast underground premises strengthened with mason are known under
village Osich of Bahmach vicinity. They say there is a sarcophagus in one
of the underground premises of that complex.
A very interesting legend is connately with the caves in the village Irzavets
of Ichnya vicinity. They are situated under the ruined old cossack church.
The local people are sure that the famous Zaporozhkaya Virgin icon is
hidden there. The icon was delivered to that village by cossack after the
Sich (Sech) had been liquidated.

The tradition of the cave building in Chernigiv land exists for eight centuries.
Rremember that caves are monuments of history and culture that's why they
required our protection.

KIEV Lavra Monastery caves — legends and history

  The Kyiv Pechersk Lavra Monastery was
founded in the eleventh century.
Archeologists and historians continue their
research into the historical and spiritual roots
of this ancient monastery. Andriy PYROHIV
looks at what has been done in this research,
using the materials of the Department of the
Preservation and Study of the Underground
Section of the Kyiv Pechersk Monastery
National Historical and Cultural Reserve.
In the early medieval times, the city of Kyiv
sat right in the middle of the route which was
known as “from the Varangians to the Greeks”
(Varangians being the old name for those
Scandinavians who, as merchants and
warriors, migrated south to Kyivan Rus and
further down the Dnipro to the Byzantine
Empire, we speak about Vikings ). The Dnipro River was also the route
the Kyivan merchants and monks took to go south to Byzantium.
Monks’ and novices’ destination was mostly the monasteries at Mount
Athos in Greece; some of them went further to Palestine and Sinai. After
staying for some time at one of the monasteries of Mount Athos and
confirming their monastic vows, many of the monks returned back
to Kyiv and other lands of Kyivan Rus.

Chernigiv Secret Caves 24
Antoniy Pechersky (Anthony of the Caves) was a monk credited with
founding a monastery which was later called Pechersk Lavra (Laura of the
Caves). He hailed from Lyubech in the Land of Chernihivshchyna but was
not among those who went on pilgrimage to distant lands. One of the
early chronicles (Hustynsky Chronicle) says that “in the year of Our
Lord 1013 a much revered monk named Antoniy came to Kyiv and
settled down to live in a cave called Varangian.” The name of the
cave suggests some association with the Varangians, or Vikings.
Vikings (also called Norsemen or Northmen), were Scandinavian
seafaring warriors who raided and colonized wide areas of Europe from
the ninth to eleventh century. Their disruptive influence profoundly
affected European history. These pagan Danish, Norwegian, and
Swedish warriors were probably prompted to undertake their raids by a
combination of factors ranging from overpopulation at home to the relative
helplessness of victims abroad.
The exact ethnic composition of the Viking armies is unknown in
particular cases, but the Vikings’ expansion in the Baltic lands and in
Russia can reasonably be attributed to the Swedes. The eastern
Viking expansion was probably a less violent process than that on the
Atlantic coasts. The greatest eastern movement of the Scandinavians was
that which carried them into the heart of Kyivan Rus. The extent of this
penetration is difficult to assess; for, although the Scandinavians were at
one time present at Novgorod, Kyiv, and other centres in considerable
numbers, they were rapidly absorbed by the Slavonic population. The
Vikings in Kyivan Rus were mostly traders, and two of their
commercial treaties with the Greeks are preserved in the Primary
Chronicle under the years 912 and 945; the Rus signatories have
indubitably Scandinavian names. Occasionally, however, the Rus
attempted voyages of plunder like their kinsmen in the West.
In the nineteenth century, the controversial aspect of the Varangian-
Viking presence in Kyivan Rus was much debated and some historians
were of the opinion that the Vikings in Rus were responsible for
establishing the Kyivan statehood. Such views became known as The
Norseman Theory. The controversy continues with no consensus having
been reached, though, a majority of local historians now hold the view of
an independent emergence of the early Kyivan state. There are not too
many facts to base the Norsemen Theory on but enough is known from
the written sources and archaeological finds to keep the flame of the
Varangian controversy burning. It is known, for example, that the Viking
chieftain Oleg invaded the lands of Kyiv and captured Kyiv in the middle
of the nineteenth century, killing two local rulers, Ascold and Dir
(incidentally, the tomb, though of much later date, still stands). One of the
early chronicles says that because of the strife among the Slavs, it was
Chernigiv Secret Caves 25
decided to invite a ruler from Scandinavia, named Rurik, and it is from him
that the lineage of the Kyivan Grand Dukes starts. Igor (also called Ingvar),
presumably the son of Rurik, prince of Novgorod, who is considered the founder
of the dynasty that ruled Kyivan Rus and, later, Muscovy until 1598, was
successor to the great warrior Oleg. He assumed the throne of Kyiv in 912; at
least half of his army was known to have been made up of the Varangians.
Thus, the Norsemen presence in the early Ukrainian history cannot be
dismissed but the current historians’ opinion is overwhelming in favour of the
independent origins of the state of Kyivan Rus.
When the Vikings began their movement from Scandinavia in the
southern direction, they were still pagans but they found themselves among
the Christians in Kyivan Rus, many of them converted to Christianity, taking
new, Christian names. Among such newly converted Vikings were Ivan and Fedir,
who died the martyrs’ death at the hands of the pagans — they were burned to
death in their house for their refusal to offer a sacrifice to the pagan gods.
They were later canonized thus joining the ranks of the earliest Kyivan Rus
saints; apparently they followed the injunction of the Gospel, “Lay not up for
yourselves upon earth, where moth and rust doth corrupt, and where thieves
break through and steal; but lay for yourselves treasures in heaven… for where
your treasure is, there will be your heart also.” Their heart was apparently in
heaven but the heart of many of their fellow Vikings was definitely with their
treasures on earth. To prevent the treasures from being stolen when they
were away from home, some of the Vikings in the service of Kyivan rulers
must have hidden their hoards in caves. Such caves at a place which in the
eleventh century developed into the Pechersk Lavra Monastery were used
as cells by monks. So the first use of these caves was TREASURY. Very
interesting. We speak for very old caves made by nature powers. Vikings hadnt
time to dig cave to hide their treasure. And maybe many monks killed for these
treasures. Thats why even today many people see the gost of the monk to these
From what some of the chronicles say we can gather that some of the hoards
hidden in the caves were discovered. Thus, under the year 1098, we find a
story about two monks, Fedir and Vasyl, who discovered a cache of gold
and silver. The monks reburied the treasure at a new place but the word
about a discovered and re-hidden treasure got around and reached the ears
of the son (Mstyslav Svyatopolkovych) of the then Kyivan ruler. The monks
were brought to Mstyslav who demanded that they disclose the place where the
treasure was hidden. The monks said that the hoard was made up of church
vessels and other items used in the religious service and as such belonged
to the church rather than to a secular power. The monks were tortured —
but they stubbornly refused to reveal where the treasure was hidden. Both
monks died under the torture taking their secret into the grave. Incidentally,
Mstyslav died soon afterwards.
If this story is true — and there is no apparent reason to doubt its veracity —
then the treasure found by the ill-starred monks could have been one of those
hoards that the Christians put away at the time of persecutions against Christians
launched by the Kyivan Grand Duke Svyatoslav, the son of Igor.

Chernigiv Secret Caves 26
There is evidence that the treasure hunting in the Lavra Monastery caves
continued in later centuries. It reached such proportions that in the
nineteenth century the Lavra monks had to brick up some of the passages
to prevent unauthorized penetration into the caves.
Local lore produced a wealth of legends connected with the caves — the
underground passages stretched as far as the Troyitsko-Illynsky monastery
in Chernihiv, a hundred miles away; they were connected to the caves in the
vicinity of the Vydubetsky Monastery in Kyiv, or to some other monasteries
in the vicinity of Kyiv; the treasures hidden there are worth millions, to name but
a couple of popular stories about the caves.
In recent years, the caves of the Lavra Monastery have been examined by
certified archaeologists and historians (there are two systems of caves
connected by underground passages to be found in the territory of the
Lavra Monastery in Kyiv — The Near Caves, and The Distant Caves). The
research produced a number of discoveries. It has become evident that originally
the caves known as The Varangian Caves were not connected with The Distant
Caves and differed considerably from the caves that were used by monks as cells.
Among the discoveries were nine corridors dating from the eleventh century at the
latest, two caves used as cells in the eleventh and fifteenth centuries, and
a number of burials in the walls. In ancient times, The Varangian
Caves could indeed be entered from the side of the hill that faced the
Dnipro River. A depiction of the Cross on Golgotha which is carved into
the wall and which was discovered in one of the cells is unique in its
iconography; it dates from approximately early eleventh century. It is not
improbable that this cell could have been the one where St Antoniy
Pechersky himself lived and that the carving on the wall could have been
done by his hand.
In spite of the recent discoveries we still know very little of the early
years of the Lavra Monastery when its monks lived in the caves. We know
but little about the origin of the caves; we do not know how many caves
were there originally; we do not know whether the “Varangian caves”
still contain hoards of silver and gold. Research goes on.

Chernigiv Secret Caves 27

“The imperishable relics” (mummified bodies of the monks) in the Lavra


A seat for prayers cut in the wall of a cave.

Chernigiv Secret Caves 28
The cross that could have been cut in the wall by Antoniy Pechersky,
the founder of the Lavra Monastery in Kyiv in the eleventh century.

A view of the Lower Lavra Monastery.Photo by O. Onishchuk

Chernihiv belongs to the ancient cities of Ukraine-Rus. Formed at the end of

VII century. From IX century. - Centers of Slavic tribes Siveryany. At the end
of IX century. became a part of Kievan Rus. First mentioned in chronicles in
907 years. Since 1024 - the center of Chernihiv principality. In the early tenth
century by the size, status, political and economic importance in the ancient
state Chernihiv inferior only Kyiv. Under the reign of Mstislav Vladimirovich
began in a complex of stone buildings princely dvoryscha - castle (now Val)
in place of an ancient Slavic settlement of the first millennium. In Chernigov
successfully developed construction, various crafts and trade. Chernigovskie
armourers jewelers and craftsmen were skilled. They were known techniques
such as perehorodchasta enamel, filigree, mob ... To this day preserved in
the masterpieces of old architecture of XII century Siverskoy: Transfiguration
and Boris cathedrals, Assumption Cathedral Yelytskoho monastery Bloc

Chernigiv Secret Caves 29
(restored) and St. Elias Church.

In 1239 Chernivtsi was destroyed by Tatar-Mongols. In the XIV century.

captured Duchy of Lithuania. From 1618 to Deulinskoyu agreement - under
Polish rule. However, even many zaznayuchy damage from external
enemies, the city always come up from the ashes and ruins, and
vidrodzhuvalos onovlyuvalos in all its beauty and grandeur of their temples
zlatohlavyh. In 1623, the Chernigov granted the Magdeburg Law, and has
subsequently, in 1635 - status of the main city of Chernigov Province. During
the liberation war of Ukrainian people in the years 1648-1654 under the
leadership of Bohdan Khmelnytsky Chernihiv was the center of the same
regiment. Since 1802 the city - the center of Chernihiv province, which until
the prostyralasya Kyiv.
Unique monuments of Kievan Rus survived in Chernigov with obvious
features of ancient architecture. In Kiev the temples of this period are mostly
lost in baroque remodeling. In Chernihiv clearly visible zakomorni (arched)
ceilings and original form of drums and the apse. Partly tynku layers removed
and vetting these give an idea of the nature of ancient masonry, look plinthoi
and "drowned series", etc..
Chernihiv refers to the ancient cities of Ukraine-Rus. Formed at the end of
VII., With the IX. - The center of the Slavic tribe of the northerners. Since the
end of IX century. became part of Kievan Rus. First mentioned in chronicles

Chernigiv Secret Caves 30
in 907 year. Since 1024 - Center of the Chernigov principality. At the
beginning of the tenth century, according to their size, status, political and
economic importance in the ancient Russian state is second only to Chernihiv
Kiev. In the reign of Mstislav Vladimirovich in the city started to create a
complex of stone structures of the princely court - Detinets (now Val) in place
of old Slavic settlement of the second half of the first millennium. In
Chernigov successfully developed construction, a variety of crafts and
commerce. Chernigov goldsmiths and armorers were masters qualifications.
They have been known techniques such as cloisonne, filigree, black ... Up to
the present day in the city remained dim and masterpieces of architecture
Siverskaya XII century: the Cathedral of the Transfiguration and
Borisoglebskij cathedrals, Assumption Cathedral Eletski monastery,
Pyatnitskaya (restored) and Elias Church.
In 1239 Chernihiv was destroyed by the Tatar-Mongols. In the XIV century.
captured by the Lithuanian principality. From 1618 to Deulino agreement -
under Polish rule. However, even experiencing multiple fracture from external
enemies, the city of all time, rising from the ashes and ruin, reborn and
renewed in all its beauty and grandeur of its gold-domed churches. In 1623
Chernihiv granted the Magdeburg Law, and subsequently, in 1635 - the
status of the main city of Chernigov Province. During the liberation war of
Ukrainian people in the years 1648-1654 under the leadership of Bogdan
Khmelnitsky Chernigov was the center of the same name of the regiment. In
1802 the city - the center of Chernigov province, stretching right up to Kiev.
Unique monuments Киевскої Russia remained in Chernigov, with obvious
features of old Russian architecture. In Kiev temples of this period they
mostly lost in baroque reconstructions. In Chernihiv clearly seen and
Zakomorny (arched) ceiling, and the primary form of drums and apses. Some
places layers of plaster removed and these soundings give an idea of the
nature of ancient masonry, as plinfy and recessed series, etc.

Chernihiv (Chernigiv, Chernigov) is ancient and is a few hundreds of years

younger than Kyiv. Chernihiv is the most northern regional centre in Ukraine
with population of 305.000 It is only like 50km away from Belarusian border.
Chernihiv located on the right bank of the Dnipro, 150 km far from Kyiv. One
of the most ancient cities in Ukraine, it’s the brother of golden-domed Kyiv. Its
history is the reflection of the whole Ukraine’s history, with its bright and dark
pages, and every epoch left its mark in city’s architecture. The high level of
art characterized the culture of Chernihiv Principality. Famous cathedrals of
Old Town (11th-13th centuries) are silent witnesses of the fact. Together with
Kiev’s temples they are the gem of the Ukrainian architecture of Kyiv-Rus
period. Besides them it is worth seeing remarkable monuments of Ukrainian
baroque built by representatives of Cossack nobility.

Chernigiv Secret Caves 31

Chernivtsi. Catherine Church, 1715

located next to the castle church
was consecrated in 1725 in honor
of St. Catherine.
This excellent examples of
Ukrainian Baroque style was built
on the site of the ancient church
of the Kievan Rus. It was built at
the expense of Chernihiv colonel
James Lyzohub, Jr. in memory of
the older noble Cossack family
Lyzohubs. It is - a kind of
monument zvytyazi Chernihiv
Cossack regiment (commanded
by Jacob
Lyzohub), who in 1696 showed
extraordinary heroism during the
storming of the Turkish fortress of
Azov, at which have been
awarded a silver cross.
Please do read about this with my a brief history of the Ukrainian
culture, education and science of those times.

Chernigov. Catherine's Church, 1715 located next to Detinets. The chur ch

was consecrated in 1725 in honor of St. Catherine.
This wonderful monument of Ukrainian baroque built on the site of the
ancient temple of Kievan Rus'. It is based on the means of Chernigov
Colonel James Lizoguba Jr. in memory of the older generation noble
Cossack family Lyzogubov. This - sveobrazny monument of valor
Cossacks Chernigov Regiment (commanded by Jacob Lizoguba), who
Chernigiv Secret Caves 32
in 1696 showed extraordinary heroism during the storming of the
Turkish fortress of Azov, for which he was awarded a silver cross.
We also invite you read about it with my very short excursion into the
history of Ukrainian culture, education and science of the time

Ditinets (central fortified part) of ancient Chernihiv formed in VII-VIII

century on the ground is 2 nd quarter I thousand BC
In the XI century Dytynets was the main political and religious center of
Chernigov - table degrees "Chernigov-Siverskoy land. Its territory was
reduced Murovanye Prince Terem, founded the episcopal court, built
churches and cathedrals. Detinets (central fortified part of) the ancient
Chernigov formed in VII-VIII century on the spot settlement 2 nd quarter
of the I millennium AD In the XI century Detinets was the main political
and religious center of Chernigov - "capital city" Chernigov-Severskoy
land. In its territory were built stately stone towers, founded by the
bishop's court, built churches and cathedrals.

Val castle. Guns XVI-XVIII centuries, the bastions of the fortress of

In the mid-XVI centuries speaker towards Desna cape castle was built
castle and arranged passage to river. Later became the main street of
Pohorila (North) gate to the castle. Along her sporudzhuvalysya
administrative buildings, barracks, artillery yard.
Most chavunnih guns Val, as think it was cast in Chernihiv artillery yard.

Val Detinets. Guns XVI-XVIII centuries, from the bastions of the fortress of
In the middle of the XVI century to protrude into the Desna Cape
Detinets castle was built and constructed a tunnel to the stream. Over
time, became the main street of Pogorelov (northern) gate to the castle.
Constructed along its administrative home, barracks, artillery yard.
Most cast-iron cannon Vala, is believed to have cast it in Chernigovski
artillery yard

Chernigiv Secret Caves 33
Gear princely castle
over the gums cover
the most valuable
lands of the historic

Shafts princely Detinets

above the gum
covering the territory
of the most valuable historical city center.

Stronghold: Transfiguration Cathedral (1033-1041).

Transfiguration Cathedral - Stone one of the oldest churches of Kievan
Rus, which survived until today in Left Bank Ukraine. Founded by
Prince Mstislav Vladimirovich "Brave". The architectural style similar to
the Byzantine structures V-IX centuries. For
centuries, the temple rebuilt several times, the
late eighteenth century were to build two
conical spire, which give the building
similarities with the Polish church.

By Detinets: Transfiguration Cathedral (1033-

Transfiguration Cathedral - One of the oldest
stone churches of Kievan Rus survived to our
days in the Left-Bank Ukraine. Laid down by
Prince Mstislav Vladimirovich "Brave". For
architectural style similar to the Byzantine
structures V-IX century. For centuries, the temple rebuilt several times,
at the end of XVIII century have been completed, two conical spire,
which gives the building similar to the Polish church.
"Spaso-Preobrazgensky" Cathedral. Ancient Church
built in1033-1041. One of the best remaining
ancient Ukrainian Churches.

Transfiguration Cathedral. Inside the cathedral.

In our days are fragments of fresco paintings XI
century., Slate floors, decorated with mosaic,
carved gilded iconostasis in the classical style,
1795-1798; Oil Wall-painting early XIX century.
In the cathedral are buried Igor Svjatoslavovich,
the hero of "A Word about Igor's Regiment".

Chernigiv Secret Caves 34

Transfiguration Cathedral. Inside the cathedral.

To this day preserved fragments of fresco XI century.; Floors of slate
slabs, decorated with mosaics, gilded iconostasis carved in the style of
Classicism, 1795-1798; oil murals beginning of the XIX century.
Buried in the cathedral Igor Svyatoslavovych, the hero of "Lay".

Stronghold: Boris Cathedral (1120-1123) - Only

three years of construction, but such monumentalnist!
Founded in 1120 by Prince David as a princely tomb of the sons of the
great prince Vladimir - Boris and Gleb, who were killed during
mizhusobytsi by order of their brother Svyatopolk "impious." Boris
Cathedral is a typical cross-dome house. Constructed solely for the
ancient temple plinthoi, natural stone is used.
Cathedral often rebuilt, it suffered from bombing during the Second
World War. Today this temple is the most popular cult buildings of
special architectural style Chernihiv that time and is one of the few
buildings which were restored to nearly their original form.

By Detinets: Boris and Gleb Cathedral (1120-1123) - Only three years of

construction, and such a monumental!
Laid down in 1120 by Prince Davyd a princely tomb of the great sons of
Prince Vladimir of Kiev - Boris and Gleb, were killed during infighting
on the orders of their brother Svjatopolka "Accursed". Boris and Gleb
Cathedral is a typical cross-domed church. Built entirely of ancient
temple plinfy, natural stone was not used.
Cathedral often rebuilt, it was badly damaged by bombing during the
Second World War. Today this temple - the most typical religious
building Chernigov particular architectural style of the time and is one
of the few buildings, rebuilt almost in its original form.
Chernigiv Secret Caves 35

"Borisoglebsky" cathedral This one is just slightly younger than the one
above. Built during1120-1123.

Boris Cathedral. Engraved royal gates of the

The temple, as part of the reserve - an impressive
display: samples of ancient capitals carved in
animal style, slate, unique pottery A minted royal
gates of the iconostasis was cast from silver Fused
pagan idol found during renovations of the temple
in 1700. And made the gate in Danzig (Gdansk).
Around the Cathedral - remains arcade gallery.
In Borisoglebskom pohovanyo cathedral church,
political and cultural figure XVII. Lazar

Boris and Gleb Cathedral. Chased the royal doors of the iconostasis.
In this temple, as part of the reserve - an amazing display: samples of
the ancient capitals with carved into animal style, slate slabs, unique
ceramics A chased silver royal gates of the iconostasis were cast from
remelted silver pagan idol found during renovations in the temple in
1700. I have made this gate in Danzig (Gdansk). Around the buildings -
the remnants of the arcade gallery. In Borisoglebsky buried in the
cathedral church, political and cultural figures XVII cent. Lazarus

Stronghold: Chernihiv Collegium

end XVI - the beginning of XVIII
This excellent examples of
Ukrainian Baroque style, which
stands beside the cathedral Boris
also linked with the name Lazarus
Baranovych and age of the
Ukrainian national revival. Built
for the oldest secular middle
school left-bank Ukraine. Its
founder was a prominent
Ukrainian teacher, church leader
and writer John Maksimovich, and
construction was conducted in
Chernigiv Secret Caves 36
three stages and was fully completed in 1702 in the XVIII century is the
founder of the national epidemiology studies, undeservedly forgotten
Daniel Samoilovitch, which in a century ahead of the opening of Louis
Pasteur. College was in part Borisoglebskogo buildings of the
monastery, his 40-meter bell tower rules for this monastery. The
building of the Collegium has perebudovuvalasya and
pereobladnuvalasya. The third tier is the most interesting part of this
very eclectic buildings. Its walls are inventive configuration, consisting
of structures that perform and sink. Special decoration wonderful decor
facilities - two ceramics icons: the image of Our Lady and the Holy

By Detinets: Chernigov Collegium end of XVI - the beginning of XVIII century.

This beautiful monument to the Ukrainian baroque, towering next to

Boris and Gleb Cathedral is also linked with the name of Lazarus and
Baranovichi era Ukrainian national vozrodzhdeniya. Built for the oldest
secular secondary educational institution in the Left-Bank Ukraine. Its
founder was an outstanding Ukrainian teacher, church leader and
writer, John of, and is built in three stages and was fully completed in
1702, the College was in part the buildings Borisoglebskii monastery,
his 40-meter tower served as a bell tower of the monastery. Building
Collegium repeatedly rebuilt and refurbished. The third tier is the most
interesting part of this rather eclectic buildings. Its walls are an odd
configuration, consisting of speakers and disengaging structures.
Special decoration wonderful decoration of the building - two ceramics
icons: the image

Stronghold: Chernihiv Collegium end XVI - the beginning of XVIII century.

This excellent examples of Ukrainian Baroque style, which stands
beside the cathedral Boris also linked with the name Lazarus
Baranovych and age of the Ukrainian national revival. Built for the
oldest secular middle school left-bank Ukraine. Its founder was a
prominent Ukrainian teacher, church leader and writer John
Maksimovich, and construction was conducted in three stages and was
fully completed in 1702 in the XVIII century is the founder of the
national epidemiology studies, undeservedly forgotten Daniel
Samoilovitch, which in a century ahead of the opening of Louis
Pasteur. College was in part Borisoglebskogo buildings of the
monastery, his 40-meter bell tower rules for this monastery. The
building of the Collegium has perebudovuvalasya and
pereobladnuvalasya. The third tier is the most interesting part of this
very eclectic buildings. Its walls are inventive configuration, consisting
Chernigiv Secret Caves 37
of structures that perform and sink. Special decoration wonderful decor
facilities - two ceramics icons: the image of Our Lady and the Holy

By Detinets: Chernigov Collegium end of XVI - the beginning of XVIII century.

This beautiful monument to the Ukrainian baroque, towering next to

Boris and Gleb Cathedral is also linked with the name of Lazarus and
Baranovichi era Ukrainian national vozrodzhdeniya. Built for the oldest
secular secondary educational institution in the Left-Bank Ukraine. Its
founder was an outstanding Ukrainian teacher, church leader and
writer, John of, and is built in three stages and was fully completed in
1702, the College was in part the buildings Borisoglebskii monastery,
his 40-meter tower served as a bell tower of the monastery. Building
Collegium repeatedly rebuilt and refurbished. The third tier is the most
interesting part of this rather eclectic buildings. Its walls are an odd
configuration, consisting of speakers and disengaging structures.
Special decoration wonderful decoration of the building - two ceramics
icons: the image of the Virgin and the Savior Almighty.

Stronghold: House of Jacob Lyzohub.

With the name of Colonel James Lyzohub
senior connected with another monument of
Ukrainian Baroque architecture - his house,
which was built in the late XVII century. After
the death of the first owner of this building
purchased by Hetman Ivan Mazepa, and in
the XVIII century house ruled by the office of the Chernihiv regiment.
It will be recalled that the day Hetmanate Left-Bank Ukraine was a kind
of administrative division in which the colonel had not only military but
also civil authority throughout the regiment.
The facility is a wonderful example of civil Baroque building. In the plan
it is the ordinary peasant house into two halves, but the facades of
houses decorated with numerous details. Those were troubled times,
so walls were thick, and narrow windows. If necessary, its inhabitants
could withstand a siege - in the spacious cellars stored food supplies.

By Detyntsu: House of Jacob Lyzohub.

the name of Colonel James Lizoguba-bound senior is another
monument of Ukrainian Baroque architecture - his house, built in the
late XVII century. After the death of the first owner of this building
became hetman Ivan Mazepa, and in the XVIII century the house served
as the Office of the Chernigov Regiment.
Chernigiv Secret Caves 38
It should be recalled that in an era Hetmanshchyna Left-bank Ukraine
had a kind of administrative-territorial unit in which the colonel had not
only military but also the civil authority throughout the regiment.
Construction is a fine example of civil Baroque building. In terms it is
an ordinary peasant's hut with two halves, but the facades of houses
are decorated with numerous details. These were troubled times, so the
house walls were made thick and the windows - narrow. If necessary,
its inhabitants could withstand a siege - in the spacious cellars of
stored reserves of food

Stronghold: Monument of Pushkin.

By Detinets: A monument to Pushkin. Pushkin bust.

Ditintsem: Pam `yatnik Taras Shevchenko.

By Detinets: Monument to Taras Shevchenko. Taras Shevchenko, high

relief, free standing sculpture.

Chernigiv Secret Caves 39

Chernigov, Red Square: burial in the

Pam wrote on `yatniku:
"Eternal glory to the heroes
who died for freedom and independence
of our homeland"
Square was rebuilt in 2002 after 200 years
of Chernihiv province at the expense of
South-Western Railway.
Chernigov, Red Square: a common grave in the park.
The inscription on the monument (in Ukrainian):
"Eternal glory to the heroes who fell for freedom and independence of our
A square was reconstructed in 2002 to mark
the 200 anniversary of the Chernigov district the means of South-
western Railway

Chernigiv Secret Caves 40

Chernigiv Secret Caves 41

Pyatnitska church, the end of XII - the beginning of XIII century. Built in
Chernihiv office in the old torzhyscha and named after the patron of
trade Paraskeva Friday. Church is a cross-dome house, which rapidly
extends in height. Its size in terms of relatively small - 12h10, 5 m, with
the apse - 15h10, 5 m, but the internal height from floor to highest point
of the dome is 27 m.

Chernigiv Secret Caves 42

Friday Church, the end of XII - the beginning of XIII century. Built on the
Chernigov region of the old tenements in the market place and is
named in honor of the patron saint of trade Paraskieva. Church is the
cross-domed church, is rapidly drifting to the heights. Its size in terms
of relatively small - 12x10, 5 m, with an apse - 15x10, 5 m, but the
internal height from floor to highest point of the dome is 27 m.

"Pyatnytskaya" Сhurch.
Byzantine style Church - built in 12th century. Often used in
illustrations of different books as characterizing byzantine style.

Pyatnitska church. Dome Church from within.

In the construction of facilities used wonderfully decorative brick
features, ornamental muruvannya Bloc churches are early examples of
such decoration. In 1786 was the main building Pyatnitska monastery.
Significant bomb damage during World War II she was "dressed" in the
baroque form and looked at first glance, the temple of the XVII century.
After careful study of its remains, scientists and archaeologists came
to a sensational conclusion, showing that the temple, which embodies
the highest achievements of architecture of Kievan Rus.

Friday Church. The dome of the church from within.

In the construction of buildings used wonderfully decorative
Chernigiv Secret Caves 43
possibilities of brick, ornamental masonry Pyatnitskaya church serves
as an early example of such a decoration. Before 1786 was mainly the
construction Pyatnickogo monastery. Until a significant bomb damage
during World War II, she was "dressed" in baroque forms and looked at
first glance as the temple of the XVII century. After careful examination
of its remains, researchers, archaeologists came to the sensational
conclusion that the temple was found, embodying the hig hest
achievements of architecture of Kievan Rus

Pyatnitska church. Iconostasis.

In 1962, the project architects PD Baranovsky and MV Holostenka
reproduced in its original form. It was not the first attempt in Ukraine
play during the reconstruction of the initial shape of the church.

Friday Church. Iconostasis.

In 1962, the project architects PD Baranovsky and MV Kholostenko
church rebuilt in its original form. It was almost the first attempt to
recreate in Ukraine during the reconstruction of the primary forms of
the temple.

Chernigiv Secret Caves 44

Monument to Bogdan Khmelnitsky.

Monument to Bogdan Khmelnitsky.

Bohdan Hmelnic'ky monument.

Monument to defenders of
Located in the mountains Boldin.

Defender Chernihiv monument.

Boldin is located under the mountains.

Monument to the Defenders of Chernigiv.

Chernigiv Secret Caves 45

Burial graves in the mountains Boldin.

Mounds "Hulbysche" and "anonymous" - the largest burial mounds on
Boldin mountains - the historic district of Chernigov. There is a burial
complex - one of the largest necropolis IX-XI centuries. It consists of
six burial groups defined territory inhabited city, and has about 230
The name comes from the mountains davnoslov Slavic "bold" - an oak,
or from the Ruthenian "boldy" - mountains.

Kurgannyi burial on Bolding mountains.

Mounds "promenade" and "Bezimyanny" - the largest burial mounds on
Bolding mountains - the historic district of Chernigov. Here is mound
complex - one of the largest cemeteries IX-XI centuries. It consists of
six mound groups, defining the territory inhabited by the city, and has
about 230 mounds.

The name comes from the mountains of the Old Slavonic "Bold" - an
oak, or from staroukrainskogo "boldi" - mountains.
Monument famous Ukrainian writer
Michael Kotsyubinskogo (1864-1913) on
Boldin mountains.

Monument outstanding Ukrainian writer

Michael Kotsyubinskoe (1864-1913)
на Болдиных горах.
Photo Elias Church (first quarter of XII century)
Trinity Monastery.
Architectural Ensemble Trinity Monastery (XI-XVIII
century). is an excellent example of Ukrainian
Baroque. The monastery is situated on terraces of high Boldyn mountains. It
consists of two parts - the former Trinity Monastery Ilinskom and combined
landscape and architecture into a single group. Home annals of the
monastery was laid in 1069, the monk Antony Caves. Dug him and his

Chernigiv Secret Caves 46
followers of the cave gradually expanded and turned into a multi-layered
underground complex -- Antonievyh cave.
Elijah Church (the first quarter of the twelfth century), Trinity-Elias
Architectural ensemble Trinity-Elias Monastery (XI-XVIII cent.) is a
beautiful example of Ukrainian Baroque. The monastery is situated on the
terraces of high Bolding mountains. It consists of two parts - the old Elias and
Holy Trinity Monastery, combined landscape and architecture into a single
ensemble. Start the Monastery of the chronicle was initiated in 1069 a monk
Anthony of the Caves. Excavated by him and his followers of the cave
gradually expanded and transformed June into a multilevel underground
complex 2004. Elias Church (first quarter of XII century) Trinity
Monastery. Iconostasis.
Little Elias ChurchThat nestled at the foot of the mountains, combined with
direct entrance to the cave. The church - the only such school odnonefnoho
Chernihiv ancient temple architecture have been preserved.
It is said that in 1662, after the death of Bohdan Khmelnytsky, with the
miraculous icon of Our Lady of St. Elias Church was a miracle - within ten
days from her eyes flowed tears, she wept for the future fate of the Ukrainian
people. The event attracted many pilgrims and Chernihiv Monastery became
too small for visitors. It also was the impetus for the start of construction on
the highest plateau Boldin monastery of the Trinity Mountains. Subsequently,
the two institutions merged in the Trinity Monastery.

Elijah Church (the first quarter of the twelfth century), Trinity-Elias

Monastery. Iconostasis.
Little Elijah Church, Nestled at the foot of the mountain, directly connected
to the entrance of the cave. The church - the only surviving example of
single-nave church Chernigov school of ancient Russian architecture.
It is said that in 1662, after the death of Bohdan Khmelnytsky, with its
miraculous icon of the Church of Our Lady of Elijah was a miracle - for ten
days from her eyes flowed tears that she wept over the future of the
Ukrainian people. The event resulted in Chernigov Ilinsky many pilgrims and
visitors to the monastery became too small. This triggered the start of
construction on the highest plateau of mountains Bolding Trinity Monastery.
Subsequently, they were both united in the Trinity-Elias Monastery.
Antonievyh cave. How caves.
The total length of explored caves - 315 of the

Chernigiv Secret Caves 47
oldest layer is at a depth of 12m.
There is a
legend about the existence of the
passage once one hundred and fifty
miles long
, connecting these caves of Kiev.
Antoniy cave. Scheme of the
The total length of the investigated
part of the
caves - 315 m. The oldest layer is
located at a
depth of 12m. There is a legend
about the
existence of the once-underground
length one hundred and fifty kilometers, which
connected these caves with
Antonyevy caves. Chart of caves.
12th century caves. Similar to
what is found in Kyiv

These were underground temples

and burials.
The mysteries of monastery caves.
The first artificial caves appeared in Chernigiv (Chernigov) in the 11-th
century. They were founded by famous Old Rus religious man Anthony who
had been founder of the Kiev-Pechersky monastery (Lavra).
His monastery in Chernigiv consisted of churches, cells and burial places. All
of them were situated in the slopes of the Boldin Hills. St. Illya's church was
built near the entry to the cave monastery in the 12-th century.
Nowadays it is the united underground complex the length of which is about
350 meters. There are three churches and a few other premises and
corridors. Most of them were formed in the 18-th and the 19-th centuries but
there are some sections of the caves where ancient architecture is
preserved. First of all it is a large burial temple which appeared before
Chernigiv Secret Caves 48
Mongolian period. It was discovered in 1987, cleared away and investigated
by Chernigiv archaeologists. This room is more than 300 cubic meters. Here
were found some rich archaeological materials and traces of the ancient
burial rite.
There are many legends about Chernigiv caves. They say that long
underground passages connected Chernigiv with Kyiv (Kiev) and Lubich
(Lubech), that Anthony caves were connected with the Eletsky monastery
and the Val.
Caves were being built in Chernigiv for centuries. Many of them were ruined
and forgot.
But sometimes caving-in take place in Chernigiv. One of such episodes
happened between the Eletsky monastery and the Trinity monastery in 1853.
Three men ventured to penetrate into the pit and saw the cave. But it was
pity they did not measure the underground premises. The pictures were not
made also. The entrance to the cave was covered up with earth.
Filling-in appeared in some places on the territory of the Val at the beginning
of the 20-th century. After they had been investigated it became clear that all
of them were made later than Anthony caves.
So called the “New caves” which were digged out by monk Alypy in 1918 are
situated in the slope of the Boldin Hills not far from the Trinity monastery. The
underground premises were decorated by Ukrainian folk ornaments. After the
erection of that complex had been finished it was sanctified by bishop
Pahomy. Some time later the New caves were deserted and partially ruined.
Most of the ornaments disappeared.
Nobody knows how many caves there are on the territory of the Chernigiv
region. But we are firmly convinced of the fact that there are many of them.
The most famous caves are known in Lubich, if we set aside Chernigiv
caves. It is explained by the information that father of Russian monkhood
saint Anthony was born in this Old Rus town and spent there his youth.
No less known are caves of Spaso-Preobrazensky monastery in Novgorod-
Siversky (Novgorod-Seversky).
The cave small and secluded convent of Ryhlovsry Svyato-Nicholaevsky
monastery in Korop vicinity was widely known at the end of the 19-th century.
Now it is neglected.
Many legends about the local caves exist in Sedniv (Sednev). One deserted
cave was found accidentally near this settlement.
An underground corridor the length of which is about 100 meters is under
former landlord Galagan's estate in Sribna (Srebnaya) vicinity.
The similar cave under landowner's house in the village Petrushin of
Chernigiv vicinity was mentioned in documents in 1623.
20 years ago a half-ruined cave was found in Sosnitsa.
The vast underground premises strengthened with mason are known under
village Osich of Bahmach vicinity. They say there is a sarcophagus in one of
Chernigiv Secret Caves 49
the underground premises of that complex.
A very interesting legend is connately with the caves in the village Irzavets of
Ichnya vicinity. They are situated under the ruined old cossack church. The
local people are sure that the famous Zaporozhkaya Virgin icon is hidden
there. The icon was delivered to that village by cossack after the Itself
(coulter) had been liquidated.
The tradition of the cave building in Chernigiv land exists for eight centuries.
We must remember

that caves are monuments of history and culture that's why they required our

Antonievyh cave. Inside the caves.

Second tier. Anthony Cave Church.

Antoniy cave. Inside the caves.

Second tier. Anthony Church Crypt.


Antonievyh cave. Inside the caves.

Third tier. Chapel with burial.

Antoniy cave. Inside the caves.

Third tier. Chapel with burial.

Chernigiv Secret Caves 50

Nicholas SvyatoshaPrince of Chernigov, Kiev Thaumaturgy (about 1080-

1143) in the world - Prince Svyatoslav of Chernigov-Taormina Davidovich
(Svyatosha was shortened name Svyatoslav: so people called him) was born
about 1080 and was the son of David Sviatoslavovych Chernigov Prince,
grandson and great Prince Svyatoslav Yaroslavoich, patron Pecherskih
monks. Prior to the adoption monk was Lutsk Prince, owned land in the
Principality of Chernigov, had a wife and children (his daughter was later
married to Prince of Novgorod Vsevolod-Gabriel).
February 17, 1106 Prince Svyatoslav, Taormina, leaving the family took the
name postyh and Nicholas spent 36 years in the Kiev-Pechersk monastery,
leading a strict ascetic life.
He suffered a monastery hospital to the other side of the monastery and
expanded so that formed a "hospital monastery. With funds Svyatoshi
Nicholas was built Trinity Church of Kyiv-Pechersk monastery hospital and
the Church. Nicholas. Near his cell Nikolai Svyatosha solution perfect
After the death of the prince-monk was canonized. He is buried in the Middle
(Antonievyh) caves of the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra.

Chernigiv Secret Caves 51
Nicola SvyatoshaPrince of Chernigov, Crypt the Miracle (c. 1080-1143), in
the world - Prince Svyatoslav of Chernigov-Pankraty Davidovich (Holy Man
was the abbreviated name of Sviatoslav: they called his family) was born
about 1080 and was the son of David Svyatoslavich Chernigov prince and
grandson of Grand Duke Svyatoslav Yaroslavovych, the patron Pecherskikh
monks. Before vows as a monk was a prince of Lutsk, owned land in the
Chernigov principality, had a wife and children (his daughter later became
the wife of the Prince of Novgorod Vsevolod-Gabriel).
February 17, 1106 Prince Svyatoslav-Pankraty left the family, received, and
mastered by the name Nicola spent 36 years in the Kiev-Pechersk
monastery, leading a severe ascetic life.
He suffered a monastic hospital on the other side of the monastery and
expanded so that they formed a "sick monastery. The funds Nikola
hypocrites were built Trinity Gate Church of the Kiev-Pechersk monastery
hospital and church of St. Nicholas. Around its Svyatosha the cell Nicola
threw a beautiful garden.
After his death was canonized. He is buried in the Near (Antoniy) caves of
Kiev-Pechersk Lavra.

The Holy Nicolas /Sviatosha/ - the Prince of Lutsk Sviatoslav, the son of
the Chernigov Prince David Sviatoslavich, having lost his princely domain
1107, he took the monastic vows of Kyiv (Kiev) Pechersk Monastery under
the name of Nicolas. He had been living in the Monastery for about 40 years
living a stern and ascetic life. It used his means to build the Trinity Church of
the Kyiv (Kiev) Pechersk Monastery of the Caves. After the death he was

Antonievyh cave. Inside the caves. Lower tier.

Gallery to unearthed after the collapse of the
Church of XI-XII centuries.

Antoniy cave. Inside the caves. The lower tier.

Gallery of excavated after the collapse of the
Church of XI-XII century.

Chernihiv (Chernigov). The Caves of the

.. St.Anthony’s. The lower circle. The galleries.

Chernigiv Secret Caves 52
Antonievyh cave. Inside the caves. Lower tier.
Нижній tier - One with lots of modern Antonievyh
caves. Launched in the Old days. First, there was
a place of accommodation monk-hermit. In the
XVII century was extended to the XVIII century.
used as a necropolis Cave Monastery.
The composition of the lower tier includes
galleries, cells of monks and burial nyshi - lukuly.

Antoniy cave. Inside the caves. The lower tier.

Lower tier - One of the sites of modern Antoniy
caves. Based in Old Russian times. First was the
residence of the monk-hermit. Following the
expansion of (XVII century.), Until the XVIII
century. used as a cave necropolis Elias
In part nizhneogo tiers are galleries, cells of the
monks and burial niches - lukuly.

Chernihiv (Chernigov). The Caves of the

St.Anthony’s. The lower circle.
The lower circle - one of the parts of the
St.Anthony’s caves. It was founded in the ancient
Russia period. First it was the place where the
.. monk-anchorite lived. In the 17-th c. it was
widened and it was used as a burial place of
St.Illiya’s monastery up to the 18-th c.
It consists of the galleries, the monk’s cells and
the burial niches - lukuls.

Antonievyh cave. Inside the caves. Lower tier.

Ossuary (kimitriya) XII century. Scheme.

Antoniy cave. Inside the caves. The lower tier.

Ossuary (kimitriya) XII century. Scheme.


Chernigiv Secret Caves 53

Antonievyh cave. Inside the caves. Lower tier.


Antoniy cave. Inside the caves. The lower tier.



Antonievyh cave. Inside the caves. Lower tier.

Kelly Anthony Cave.

Antoniy cave. Inside the caves. The lower tier.

Qilya Anthony Crypt.


Trinity Monastery. Trinity Cathedral.

Construction of Trinity monastery associated with
the name of the famous Ukrainian religious,
political, cultural figures and enlightener Lazarus
Baranovichi. Even in a time when the typography
are just beginning, and Lazar Baranovych founded
in Novgorod-Seversky printing, which was later
transferred to the Trinity Monastery. She was
known to the skill of its engraver, and the
monastery library had more than 11 thousand
Chernigiv Secret Caves 54
Please do read about this with my a brief history of
the Ukrainian culture, education and science of
those times.
Central sporudu ensemble Monastir - velichny
semiverhy Trinity Cathedral was founded in 1679
on the project and led by architect John Baptist.

Trinity-Elias Monastery. Trinity Cathedral.

Construction of Trinity monastery associated with
the name of the famous Ukrainian religious,
political, cultural activist and educator Lazarus
Baranovichi. At a time when the printing press was
just beginning, Lazar Baranovich founded in
Novgorod-Seversky printing press, which was
subsequently transferred to the Trinity Monastery.
She was known for his mastery of engravers, as
monastic library consisted of more than 11
thousand books.
We also invite you read about it with my very short
excursion into the history of Ukrainian culture,
education and science of the time.
The central building of the ensemble монастіря -
majestic semiverhy Trinity Cathedral was
founded in 1679 on the project and under the
supervision of architect John the Baptist.

Trinity Monastery. Trinity Cathedral.

Trinity Cathedral - The first big house that was
built across the Dnieper in Ukraine after the prince
of days, after a long break in the builder of art that
was caused by the Mongol invasion and decline of
these centuries. Trinity Cathedral, and so far
remains the largest religious buildings in
Chernigov, its height is within 35 m and the size of
the plan - 38h26 am to the present time kept Wall-
painting XVII - XVIII century. and the minted
southern altar doors. Construction of the temple
accompanied by great difficulties and with
trimming zatyahnulosya for 17 years. He was
already consecrated successor Lazarus
Baranovych Theodosius Uhlytskym. This
outstanding Ukrainian religious leader died in
Chernigiv Secret Caves 55
1696 and 200 years after his death was connected
to the saints. In the years of Soviet power
imperishable holy relics were taken in churches
and kept in state institutions, only in 1986 they
returned to believers.

Trinity-Elias Monastery. Trinity Cathedral.

Trinity Cathedral - The first great temple, built in
the entire Naddniprianske Ukraine after the
prince's era, after a long hiatus in the development
of architectural art, caused by the Tatar-Mongol
invasion and decline in subsequent centuries.
Trinity Cathedral, and to this day remains the
largest cult construction of Chernigov and his
elevation is within 35 m while the dimensions in
the plan - 38h26 am to the present time are
preserved murals XVII - XVIII century. and struck
the southern doors of the altar. Construction of the
temple soprovodzhalos great difficulty and at the
finish was delayed for 17 years. He was already a
successor osvyaschn Lazarus Baranovichi
Theodosius Uglich. This looking Ukrainian cleric
died in 1696 and 200 years after death, was
numbered among the saints. In the years of Soviet
power the incorrupt relics of the saint were
removed from the church and held in public
institutions, only in 1986 they were returned to

Trinity Monastery. Chasovenka over the crypt

of the Russian diplomat and scholar GS
Scherbiny. The second term - the chapel crypt of
the genus Stefanovich.
Gregory S. Shcherbina came from a family of
Chernihiv carpenter, made a brilliant academic
career and tragically died in 1903 as a Russian
consul in Mitrovica in Serbian.
Trinity-Elias Monastery. Chapel of the tomb of
Russia diplomat GS Shcherbina. In the
background - the Chapel of the tomb kind
Chernigiv Secret Caves 56
Grigory Stepanovich Shcherbina was born in
Chernigov carpenter, made a brilliant scientific
career and tragically died in 1903, Russia's consul
in office in the Serbian town of Mitrovica.

Refectory Church of Vvedensky (1677-1679)

Trinity Monastery. Dvohkupolna only church that
remained in Left Bank Ukraine. For forms of
expression is one of the best monuments of the
Baroque period in Ukraine.

Refectory with the Church Vvedensky (1677-

1679) Trinity-Elias Monastery. Only dvukupolna
church, preserved in the Left-Bank Ukraine.
Expressive forms refers to the best monuments of
.. Baroque pores in Ukraine.

Trinity Monastery. Bust at the tomb of poet-

fabulist LI Glebova.
Burial of the famous Ukrainian poet and fabulist,
Leonid Glebov is located near the southern facade
of Trinity Cathedral.

Trinity-Elias Monastery. Tits on the grave of

poet-basennika LI Glibova.
Burial of the famous Ukrainian poet basennika
.. Leonid Glibova located near the southern facade
of the Trinity Cathedral.

Belltower Trinity Monastery crowning the

highest hill Boldin mountains.
Bell Tower was built in 1771-1775 years in the late
baroque forms, both with brick walls and corner
towers. The building has ambitious plan, concave
inward front walls. The height of the bell tower with
cross - 58 meters. Belltower-like posestrubell
tower of the church in the Nativity of the Virgin

The bell tower of Trinity-Elias Monastery, which

crowns the hill nivysshy Bolding mountains.
The bell tower was built in 1771-1775 years in the
Chernigiv Secret Caves 57

late baroque forms together with a stone wall and

corner towers. The structure has a bizarre plan
and concave inward front walls. The height of the
bell tower with cross - 58 meters. The bell tower
resembles sister -belfry of the church of the Virgin
in Rozhdvestva Kozelets.


Landscape Chernigov with Bell Trinity


Panorama of Chernigov from the bell tower of

Trinity-Elias Monastery.


Chernigov, Trinity Monastery. Printing

(architectural monument of the XVII century.)
Elias and Gates.

Chernigov, Trinity-Elias Monastery. Printing

(architectural monument of the XVII century.)
and Ilinskij gate.


Photo Yeletsky Monastery was

founded 60 years of XI century.
Chernigov Prince Svyatoslav
west of the castle in the
coniferous forest, where he also
got his name. The architectural
ensemble of the monastery
Chernigiv Secret Caves 58

Yeletsky monastery. Church burial Lyzohub

Jacob, 1689.

Eletskii monastery. Church-tomb Jacob

Lizoguba, 1689.

Yeletsky monastery. Peter and Paul Church with the refectory,

Eletskii monastery. Peter and Paul Church with a refectory,


Chernigiv Secret Caves 59

Курган "Чорна могила".

Monument yatnyy mark on the

Курган "Чорна могила". Memorial

sign on the mound.


Church near the museum


Church not far from the museum




Chernigiv Secret Caves 60




of the Holy Prince Mikhail of Chernihiv
and boyar Fedor
(belongs to the Ukrainian Orthodox Church
Kiev Patriarchate).
Church 2 nd half of the XVIII century, was
part of the former seminary.

Church of the Holy Prince Michael of

Chernigov and boyar Fedor
(belongs to the Ukrainian Orthodox Church Kiev Patriarchate).
Church 2 nd half of the XVIII century, was part of the former s eminary.

Chernihiv city cemetery "Yatsevo" grave OG Molodchogo.

The inscription on the monument (in Russian):

"Twice Hero of the Soviet Union

Lieutenant General Aviation
Chernigiv Secret Caves 61
Freeman Chernihiv
Oleksandr Molodchiy Gnatovich

The land of Chenigivschyna was first settled by early Slavic tribes 150,000
years ago, and later, at the end of the 1st millennium A.D., by the tribal
community of Siveryans.  In the time of Kyiv Rus, Chernigiv Principality was
one of the largest in the state, and was in competition for power with Kyiv.   In
the early 17th century, the land of Chernigiv-Siverschyna was part of the
Great Lithuanian Principality, then of the Moscow Tsardom and later of Rech
Pospolita.  In the late 17th-early 18th centuries, Chernigivschyna was the
centre of Hetmanschina, and in the 19th-early 20th centuries, it was a
province of the Russian Empire. In 1932 Chernigiv Region, as it is known
today, first appeared.

Each of these eras left their mark on the great historical and cultural heritage
of the region, represented by some 5,000 archeological, architectural and
sculptural monuments, which are preserved by historical, cultural and
architectural reserves and museums. The unique beauty of these monuments
is emphasized by the charming nature of Chernigiv Polissya and the forest-

The region’s depository of architectural monuments of the pre-Mongolian

period is the richest in Ukraine and Russia, including Spasopreobrazhensky
Cathedral (11th c.), Borysolibsky Cathedral (12th c.), Uspensky Cathedral of
Yeltsky Monastery (12th c.), Illinska (12th c.) and Pyatnyska (late 12th-early
13th c.) Churches. Collectively, these sites comprise the National
Architectural and Cultural Reserve “Chernigiv of the Olden Days”, which
also includes St. Antony’s Caves (11th-12th c.), Yeletsky and Troitsky
Monasteries, Chorna Mohyla (“Black Grave”) Mound and the mound in the
Boldyn Mountains, a college (founded 1700), a regimental office (Mazepa’s
House, late 17th c.), and Katerynynska Church (early 18th c.). The Reserve
also houses a collection of 70,000 items exhibited in exhibition galleries and

The ancient town of Lyubech, first mentioned in The Chronicles in 882, is

located on the bank of the Dnipro River. Today it is categorized as third zone
of contamination from the Chernobyl accident. The magnificent Zamkova
(“Castle”) Mount, on which there is a monument in honor of the Lyubetsky
Congress of Counts of 1097, has witnessed the most dramatic events of the
ages. The cave of Antony Pechersky, native of 11th century Lyubech, has
been preserved to the present days.

Chernigiv Secret Caves 62
The ancient city on the right bank of gums. There in the VII century. on
the ground over the ancient Slavic settlement, later becoming the center
of Chernigov principality. According to legend, founded the Black Prince.
Historians connect the name of the city named Siverska Prince
Chernigi. At the end of IX. When the Kiev Prince Oleg subdued siveryan
living downstream Desny, the city became a part of Kievan Rus. In 1239
destroyed the Mongol-Tatars. During the Lithuanian government has
built a fortress. In the Russia became a provincial center. Now focused
here a quarter of all architectural monuments of Ukraine
domongolskogo period.

Detynets (Val), park them. Kovel. The complex structures of ancient

cities in the high bank gums. Include the Savior Transfiguration
Cathedral in the XI. (one of the oldest temples of Kievan Rus, which
was built by Prince Mstislav Brave, which buried Igor Svyatoslavovich,
the hero of "The words on the shelf Igorevom"); Borisoglebsky
Cathedral (now the Museum of Architecture), built in XII century. on a
foundation of a more ancient stone structures in the XI.; building
Chernigovskogo collegium (1700); Kamenica J. Lizoguba (XVIII
century.) served as regimental office building, museum Tarnovskogo (str
Grkogo, 4). There were remnants of Terem princes and boyars homes.
At the shaft are 12 iron cannons XVII-XVIII centuries., A monument to
Shevchenko. Ekaterinenskaya Church (1715), Alley of Heroes. Located
on the opposite of Detintsa hill at the entrance to the city. Built in the
style of Ukrainian Baroque church on the site long period of Kievan Rus.
Built Lizogubami, the famous Kozatskyi kind. Troitsko-Ilyinsky
Monastery (1069), st. L. Tolstoy, 92. Founded Anthony Caves. In
Antonievyh caves length 315 meters is the largest underground church
in Ukraine. Next - Ilyinskaya church. The complex also includes Trinity
Cathedral (1679), Vvedenskaya church with refectory (1677), 58-meter
bell-five, cells. Near the southern wall of the cathedral buried poet
fabulist L. Glebov. Near Ilinskoy Church of the tomb M. Kotsyubinskogo
with monument. Yeletsky Assumption Monastery (XI century). Str.
Proletarskaya 1. Founded Chernigov Prince Svyatoslav
Yaroslavovichem (1027-76 biennium.) And rebuilt in the 1445-95
biennium. after the Mongol-Tatar invasions. Preserved ancient cave
period. The architectural ensemble has the features of the Ukrainian
Baroque: The Assumption Cathedral (XII century)., 36-meter
nadvorotnaya bell, Peter and Paul Church with the refectory, cells,
Tomb Lyzogubov. Pyatnitskaya Church (XII-XIII cc), Square
Khmelnitskogo. Prior to 1786 was mainly the construction Pyatnitskogo
monastery. Repeatedly rebuilt. In 1962, restored in Old Russian style.
Black tomb (X in.) Street corner. Proletarian and Vorovskogo. According
Chernigiv Secret Caves 63
to legend, on this site was buried founder of Chernigov Prince Black. In
1873 a burial mound at the memorial obelisk. Yalovschina, SD.
Yalovschina. Scenic Park area on the bank of the river. Strizhenov
locally ancient hill bronze era, the early Iron Age, Kievan Rus. Partly
zastroena private cottages. Museum-Reserve M. Kotsyubinskogo st.
Kovel, 3.

Chernigiv Secret Caves 64

This monument to the past is

located in the central part of historic
town near the Dytynets, in the view of
Zemlyakiv avenue and Kyiv-Chernihiv
motorway. It is one of the leading
architectural dominants of the city.

It was built in honor of

heroism of Chernihiv regiment
Cossacks showed up during the
assault of turkey fortress Azov in
1696 under the commandment of
Chernihiv colonel Yakiv Lyzohub. The
church was sanctified in 1715 in
honor of St. Katherine, who had been
respected in Ukraine for a long time.

St. Catherine church hasn’t

had great changing. In 1837 the
narthex was built to the western façade of the church and the bell tower
was erected in 1908 (both were taken apart during the restoration in
1951). It suffered losses in 1941 – 1943 (roofs and the tops of domes
were burnt). The restoration works were conducted into 2 phases: 1947
– 1955; 1975 – 1980.

The church is made of bricks, it is cross-shaped, nine-fraction,

five-dome. The composition is centrical, pyramidally built: with the
highest central dome, and lower ones – over the faceted sleeves of
architectural cross. So, its composition reminds a wooden Ukrainian
church with five octahedral capacities – octahedrons each crowned
with dome combined in one plastic unity. Thanks to such pyramidal
construction the church looks tender, elegant and solemn.

The facades are a characteristic feature of the church. The main

role in their decoration is played by portal and windows margins:
triangular pediments, frames, shallow-cut cornices. Modelled
ornamentation is not used in the church, common and circle brick,
which replaced plinth, is used both as building and ornamental
material. The facades are plastered and limed.

Chernigiv Secret Caves 65
The characteristic feature of the interior is its opening upwards.
It is a five-chamber pillarless temple crowned by five domes. The top is
designed in traditional Ukrainian style – with fractures. The walls are
whitewashed. The domes and crosses are gilded

St. Catherine church in Chernihiv is the greatest monument of

Ukrainian (Cossack) renaissance of the XVII-XVIII centuries, which has
authentically remained; it produced decisive influence on the
development of Ukrainian church architecture of the XVIII century and it
still plays the role of city building dominant of the historic part of the

Chernigiv Secret Caves 66

Chernigiv Secret Caves 67

Chernihiv’s architectural monuments chronicle two most flourishing

periods in the city’s history – those of Kievan Rus (11th and 12th
centuries) and of the Cossack Hetmanate (late 17th and early 18th
centuries). The Saviour Cathedral of Chernihiv (1030s) is the oldest in
Ukraine. Marble pillars of the Savior Cathedral provide the only glimpse
to the Byzantine opulence of the original 1036 interior.The 5-domed
Saviour Cathedral, commissioned in the early 1030s by Mstislav the
Bold and completed several decades later by his brother, Yaroslav the
Wise. The Cathedral of Sts Boris and Gleb, dating from the mid-12th
century, was much rebuilt in succeeding periods, before being restored

Chernigiv Secret Caves 68
to its original shape in the 20th century. Built in brick, it has a single
dome and six pillars. The crowning achievement of Chernigov masters
was the exquisite Church of St Paraskeba (Pyatnitskaya), constructed
at the turn of the 12th and 13th centuries. This graceful building was
seriously damaged in the Second World War; its original medieval
outlook was reconstructed to a design by Peter Baranovsky.

Eletsky monastery cathedral was modeled after that of Kiev Pechersk

Lavra. Thre is a contrast between its austere 12th-century walls and
baroque 17th-century domes. The caves of the Eletsky Monastery are
said to predate those of the Kiev Pechersk Lavra. Its magnificent 6-
pillared cathedral was erected at the turn of the 11th and 12th centuries;
some traces of its 750-year-old murals may still be seen in the interior.
After the domes collapsed in 1611, they were augmented and
reconstructed in the Ukrainian baroque style. The wall, monastic cells,
and bell-tower all date from the 17th century. The nearby mother
superior’s house is thought to be the oldest residential building in the
Left-Bank Ukraine. The cloister’s holiest icon used to be that of
Theotokos, who made her epiphany to Svyatoslav of Chernigov on
February 6, 1060. The icon, called Eletskaya after the fir wood it was
painted upon, was taken to Moscow by Svyatoslav’s descendants –
Princes Boryatinsky – in 1579.

Troitsko – Illinskyi (St. Trinity-St. Elijah) monastery

One of the most expressive architectural

ensembles of Ukraine is Troitsko – Illinskyi (St.
Trinity-St. Elijah) monastery of the ХІ – ХУІІІ
centuries in Chernihiv. It consists of two parts -
former St. Elijah monastery of the ХІ – ХУІІ
centuries and St. Trinity monastery; built on the
highest plateau of Boldyn Hills during 1677 – 1780,
incorporated a landscape and architecture in the
unique ensemble. The beginning, according to a
chronicle, was fixed by a monk Anthony Pecherskyi
in 1069.The “dug up” by his followers and him
caves in the ravine of Boldyn Hills in course of time
grew into a two tier large underground complex – known today all over
the world monument of underground building as “Anthony caves”. In the
ХІІ century at an entrance to caves a cruciform pillarless St. Elijah
church with one top was built. In 1239 the monastery was destroyed by
the hordes of Batyi. “In a year 1649 God church of the Saint prophet
Chernigiv Secret Caves 69
Elijah, and the monastery through the efforts and cost of church
warden, mister Stephan Podobaylo, Chernihiv colonel, were restored by
Zosim Tyshkevych, Father Superior of that monastery...” Due to the
reconstructions it got the form of a three dome church, the most
widespread in Ukraine during the Cossack times.
The initiator of St. Trinity monastery construction was a well-known
political, church figure and writer of the end of the ХУІІ century
Chernigiv archbishop Lazarus Baranovych. In 1672 he moved in
Chernihiv from the former residence in Novgorod – Siverskyi.
The ensemble of St. Trinity monastery was formed during the ХУІІ – ХІХ
centuries. The construction of this majestic complex became possible
because the monastery was a large feudal sector which possessed
almost 10 thousand peasants, 24 villages, 30 windmills, 31 factories
including brickworks in the middle of the ХУІІІ century. “The gallery built
up on the stone arches and posts” united St. Trinity and St. Elijah
monasteries. First the refectory with Vvedenska church (1677 – 1679)
were built, the only two dome church among those refectory churches 
which remained on Left-bank Ukraine; later there were built three corps
of monastic cells and utility rooms which created picturesque baroque
surroundings of main building – St. Trinity cathedral, built in 1679 –
1695 years by architect Ioann Zauer-Baptyst’s project.An interesting
fact: in the cathedral’s head tholobate the fragment of inscription of
hetman Mazepa times about Lazarus Baranovych’s and Ioanna
Mazepa’s money offerings on cathedral construction remained.At the
end of the ХVIII century instead of wooden there was built brick
enclosure of monastery with square and octahedral angular towers;
from the north part of cathedral a majestic 58
meters bell tower of baroque forms was built. A
bell tower was built between 1770 and 1780 by
an archimandrite Ioil (Bikovskyi). The last name
of architect – builder is unknown; according to
some information the project drafts by Iogan
Shedel, the author of the Large Lavra bell tower
were used. Placed in the ensemble of
monastery, a bell tower became the main
reference point for a traveler from the side of
Kyiv, Nizhyn, Lyubech.In the seven chamber
burial vault of the cathedral temporal and
spiritual agents were buried in the ХVIII-ХIХ
centuries, particularly Chernigiv archbishop and prominent researcher
of history of Ukraine Filaret Humilevskyi, representatives of well-known
families of Miloradovich, Kochubey and others.  In the church near the
altar the remains of saints Theodosius of Uhlych and Lawrence of  
Chernigiv Secret Caves 70
Chernihiv are lying. Near-by a temple, among others there is a burial
place of prominent Ukrainian fable writer Leonid Hlibov, diplomat and
scientist Hryhorij Scherbyna, Chernihiv and Nizhyn archbishop Anthony.
St. Trinity-St. Elijah  monastery operated till 1786, when by the order of
Katherine  the II the patrimony of monastery were secularized. The
special role was given to St. Trinity monastery: on its territory it was
appointed to place Chernihiv university, a monastery also had a
printing-house and a library which counted more than 11 thousand
books.After the death of prince of Tavrida Grigoriy Potyomkin, who
especially took care of this question, an order was not executed.
Therefore in 1790 the fate of monastery was changed: an empress
defined the Chernihiv bishop to move from St. Borys and Hlib in to St.
Trinity monastery.From that time there was so called “Bishop house” -
the residence of Chernihiv archbishop on the territory of former
monastery. As for a friary on Boldyn Hills, it was closed again in 1918.
St. Trinity cathedral functioned as a parish temple till 1929.
Till the II World war the buildings of monastery were in use by Chernihiv
zootechnical school. During the occupation in November, 1941 St.
Trinity monastery became an operating nunnery; which mother superior
was Anthonia (Sorokina). Buildings of monastery considerably suffered
during the bombardments in 1941 and 1943 that is why a diocese in the
40s of the ХХ century conducted repair works. A nunnery operated till
1961; from 1967 the complex of St. Trinity monastery was the part of
Chernihiv state architectural historical park.
In 1988, after the restoration works, conducted by a well-know architect
Marionila Govdenko and restorer of painting Volodymyr Babyuk,
buildings of former St. Trinity monastery were returned to the Chernihiv
diocese.     Today a former monastery continues to be the residence of
archbishop of the Ukrainian church of Moscow patriarchy. In the house
of abbot the spiritual school on preparation of priests and regents –
parish clerks operates from the 90s of the XX century. St. Trinity
cathedral, the remarkable sample of Ukrainian masters of the end of the
XVII century, is an operating church.

Chernihiv was first mentioned in chronicles in 907, but is considered to have

existed at least in the 9th century, as uncovered by archeological excavations
of a settlement which included the artifacts from the Khazar Khaganate.
Towards the end of the 10th century, the city probably had its own rulers. The
famous Black Grave, one of the largest and earliest royal mounds in Eastern
Europe, was excavated these in the 19th century. The city was the second in
importance and wealth in the southern part of the Kiev Rus. In the early 11th
century it became the heart of powerful Grand Principality of Chernigov,
whose rulers at times vied for power with Kievan Grand Princes, and often
Chernigiv Secret Caves 71
overthrew them and took the primary seat in Kiev for themselves. The grand
principality was the largest in Kievskaya Rus and included not only the
Severian towns but even such remote regions as Murom, Ryazan and
Tmutarakan. The golden age of Chernigov, when the city population peaked
at 25,000, lasted until 1239 when the city was occupied by Batu Khan hords,
which started a long period of relative obscurity. The area fell under the
Grand Duchy of Lithuania in 1353. The city was seizes again by Crimean
khan Meli I Giray in 1482 and 1497 and in the fifteenth to seventeenth
centuries it changed hands several times between Lithuania, Muscovy
(1408–1420 and from 1503), and the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth
(1618–1648), where it was granted Magdeburg rights in 1623 and in 1635
became a seat of Czernihiv Voivodship. The area’s importance increased
again in the middle of the seventeenth century during and after the
Khmelnytsky Uprising. In the Hetman State Chernihiv was the city of
deployment of Chernihiv Cossack regiment (both a military and territorial unit
of the time).

paso-Preobrazhensky Cathedral of the XI

century was ordered by prince Mstyslav,
Chernihiv’s golden age ruler. Back then it was
a major social center, these days, and
especially on summer season it’s a dim, cool,
gorgeous place.
You will easily recognize the Cathedral
because of its Golden towers resembled up-
ended ice-cream cones. The Cathedral is
located immediately next to the Cathedral of
Sts. Boris and Hleb. You’ll also want to see
the Cathedral of Sts. Boris and Hleb
(Borisohlebsky Cathedral). It was built in the
12th century and belongs to the oldest
cathedrals in Europe. It’s a great example of the famous Chernihiv
architecture of the period, and now a museum. Several renovations took
place after severe pillages in the 13th and 17th century and also after World
War Second. The Collegium was built in the early 18th century and was one
of the first secular learning establishments in the region. The students were
mostly sons of priests and Kozak officials who learned general education.
During the rule of Catherine II of Russia, the school was turned into a
theological seminary, which it remained until its closing in 1917. Nowadays
the building houses a little museum. It resembles a vertically elongated
wedding-cake. Twelve cast-iron cannons of the 18th centuries were
presented by Petr the First, as a sign of heroism Chernihiv’s Cossacks in the
struggle against the Swedish army. This is a good place to take a stroll and
Chernigiv Secret Caves 72
look at the famous sightseeing of the Val.
St. Catherine Church was built between 17th and the beginning of the 18th
centuries. It is used to be a symbol of Chernihiv. The Church is built in
Ukrainian Baroque style by Yakov Lisogub, representatives of Cossacks. The
museum of Ukrainian decorative arts is located here.

Troisko-Ilyinsky Monastery (1069) was founded by Antoniy Pechersky, who

also founded the famous Kiev-Pechersk Lavra. One of Chernihiv’s best sights
is the St. Anthony monastic cave complex. The largest underground church
in Ukraine is located in Antoniy caves, which are 316 meters long. The
monastery also has Ilyinska church, Troitsky Cathedral was constructed in
Ukrainian Baroque stile in the second half of the 17th century, Vvedenska
church with the refectory, 58 meter Bell-tower and cells. The Bell Tower was
built between 1774 and 1778. The yellow white tower can be climbed for
magnificent views of Chernihiv and the Troitsky Cathedral.
Troisko-Ilyinsky Monastery is located on the highest place in the city called
Boldyn Hill. Chernihiv oblast’ is famous for its great number of historical
memorials and architecture of the XI-XII centuries and XVII-XIX century.
More than 200 of them are of world importance. The most valuable
memorials of pre-Mongolian period are unique Spas’ka (XI) and
Borysohlibs’ka Cathedrals, Antoniyev caves and Illins’ka Church (XI-XII),
P’yatnyts’ka Church (XII) in Chernihiv, Yur’yeva Church (X) in Ostroh.
Palaces of the late period: the Tarnovs’ky country (XIX) in the village of
Kachanivka of Ichnyans’ky district, Halahaniv country (XVIII) in the village of
Sokyryntsi, P.Rumyantsev-Zadunajs’ky (XVIII) in the village of Vyshen’ky of
Korops’ky district. Lands of Chernihivshchyna are inspiration sources for a
great number of prominent representatives of culture and science. The
famous navigator Y.Lysyans’ky was born here, Mariya Zan’kovets’ka started
here her theater career, was born and spent his childhood outstanding film
director O.Dovzhenko. In the region lived, worked or just visited this land the
historian and writer O.Bodyans’ky, sculptor I.Martos, writers – V.Zabila,
I.Kocherha, P.Tychyna, Oleksa Desnyak, composers H.Veryovka,
L.Revuts’ky, T.Shevchenko, philosopher and poet H.Skovoroda, writers
L.Hlibov, M.Kotsyubyns’ky, Marko Vovchok, V.Samijlenko, M.Verbyts’ky,
designer of space rockets S.Korolyov, academic O.Bohomolets’, Russian
historian M.Derzhavin, writer M.Hohol’, poet Y.Hrebinka, O.Pushkin,
O.Hryboyedov, L.Tolstoj, M.Hor’kyj, Mhlinka, P.Chajkovs’ky.

Sivers’ka land is a motherland of the President of Ukraine Leonid Kuchma

and other politicians of Independent Ukraine

Chernigiv Secret Caves 73
the Val - the place of the former Chernihiv Dytynets. It is the most ancient
part of the city which is its cradle and its spiritual and administrative centre
for many centurys. And not accidentally most of historical buldings and
museums are here. A special place among them occupies Spasky
cathedral - the most ancient of the cathedral which are preserved on the
territory of the Rus. It was founded by the first known Chernihiv prince
Mstislav at the beginning of the Xl-th century. Mstislav was a son of prince
Vladimir Svyatoslavich who baptized the Rus.

The St. Borys and Hlib  cathedral which is nearby was erected by another
ruler of Chernihiv-prince Davyd Svyatoslavych. Nowdays he is cananized by
the Russian orthodox church. It was erected about 1123 and converted into
the honourable tomb being devoted to the sky patrons of Jaroslavich's
generation. Now this nonument is a museum and is the object of the
National arehitect-historical preservation "Chernihiv drevniy".

In the second half of the XVII-th century building of the stone refectory
started to the north-west of St. Borys and Hlib cathedral which was the main
temple of the same name monastery then. In 1700-1702 a belltower and the
church named after loan Bogoslov were built over the refectory. Now this
monumental erection is knowon as College and is o ccupied by the
management of the preservation "Chernihiv drevny" and a few museum
exhibition of Ukrainean icons.At the end of the XVII th century a nice brick
house was erected in the southern-west part of Dytynets. The people called
it Mazepa's house. There is a legend that the aged hetman hid in it his
young mistress - his god-daughter Motrya Kochubey. She was damned
by her own mother for felonious tie with her father's killer. The territory
of the Val was the most fortified part of Chernihiv. It was the stronghold.
As it was the safest part of the city there were not only administrative
buildings and churches there but dwellings and baazars and even the
grave-yard. A former palace of archbishop preserved till nowdays. It was
erected in 1780. Now it is occupied by Regional State archives. 
I t6hink that the story about the caves starts from that grave yard, first days
a small cave, later a tunel, after that a way which connect underground
churches. That means that only few special people knew how to use that
system. Later these caves become bpart of the defence system of the city.
In 1799 Chernihiv fortress was demolished. The defence remparts were
pulled down and boulevards were arranged instead of them. Since that time
on this place is called the Val. The city got a chance to widen. Baazar,
grave-yard and jail were tran-sfered from the territory of the Val. At the
beginning of the XX th century a new building for governor was ereted
here. Soon it was handed to the boy's gymnasium. Now it is occupied by the
Regional Historical museum named after V. V. Tarnovsky. At the same
Chernigiv Secret Caves 74
period the repair of the arch bishops's palace was going on with the purpose
to place some province organizations in it and a post-station was being
erected. Now it houses "Ukrin-bank" in it. Always bankers prefered
buildings with secret pasages. Dont you agree?
In 1859-1870 a House of nobility meetings was built in front of the
archbishop's palace. It is not preserved. The nobiliary boarding house was
built north ward the citadel in 1894. 
It was destroyed during the Great Patriotic war an a memorial stone with
inscription that partisan detachments were organized in it stands here. In
1899 the two-storeyed girl's high-schoot was built side by side with the boy's
gymnasium artistic museum). Near the Gymnasium public garden was
arranged. In the centre of it Pushkin's bronze bust was set in 1900. There is
one more monument on the Val. It is the monument of Taras
Shevchenko. Both great poets visited Chernihiv and undo ubtedly walked
along lanes of its public gardens and boulevards. One of the sights of the
Val are 12 cast-iron cannons set here at the beginning of the XX th
century. There is a legend that they were presented by Peter I as the sign of
his recognition cossack's heroism displayed in battles against Svedish
conquerors. We do not des-proved this legend because ancient tales
decorate the history.

St. Catharin's church is one of the most beautiful temples of the Ukraine. It
rises on the high cape seperatlby from the Val. It meets first all those who
arrive to Chernigiv by Kyiv highway. It is a real visiting card of Chernihiv. St.
Catherine's church was built by general transport driver of the
cossak's army Yakiv Lyzohub in 1715 to the memory of cossacks who
distinguished themselves when capturing the inpregnable Turkish fortress
Azov. Lyzohub, Yakiv K., b ?, d 9 August 1698 in Chernihiv. Member of the
Cossack starshyna. He served as colonel of Kaniv regiment (1666–9),
Hetman Ivan Briukhovetsky's emissary to Moscow (1667), Petro
Doroshenko's general osaul (1669–74), and acting hetman (1670 and
1673). In 1674 he crossed over to Left-Bank Ukraine. He participated in the
general council that signed the Kolomak Articles and was a candidate for
hetman in 1687. Lyzohub was known as a remarkable commander; he took
part in the Crimean campaign and Chyhyryn campaigns, 1677–8, and
served as colonel of Chernihiv regiment (1687–98) and acting hetman at the
siege of Oziv (1696). He was
buried in the Yeletskyi Dormition
Few such scenic spots are found
even in Chernihiv oblast whose
environs have long attracted
Chernigiv Secret Caves 75
travelers. Sedniv is situated on the steep bank of the beautiful river Snov (the
“steep hill” immortalized by Leonid Hlibov in his poem “Grief” is located here).
It is mentioned in chronicles starting in 1072, when Prince Sviatoslav of
Chernihiv first defeated the Polovtsians in the vicinity. This town thus has a
remarkably eventful history. If we wanted to recount Sedniv’s past step by
step, we would recall how the populace twice repulsed formidable Crimean
Tatar raids in the 15th century (1482 and 1497) and how Sedniv became a
“company town of the Chernihiv Cossack Regiment” under Khmelnytsky. But
the subject of this article is the direct link between Sedniv and the life and
creative work of our national prophet, Taras Shevchenko.
In this place the brilliant poet always felt special creative inspiration (he wrote
The Witch here and several dozen other colorful poems) and enjoyed the
harmony of the environs. Visiting Sedniv in the spring of 1847, Shevchenko
marveled at the sight of the river Snov and the boundless, verdant plain; he
may have subconsciously felt that these were his last days of happiness and
freedom. He was immensely grateful to his friend Andriy Lyzohub, the owner
of the Sedniv estate, for his hospitality. On the morning of April 3, 1847, a
happy and merry Shevchenko left Sedniv for Kyiv, where Tsar Nicholas I’s
blue-coated gendarmes were waiting with an arrest warrant.
During the most tortured, lonely months and years of exile at the Orsk
fortress and Novopetrovsky Fort memories of Sedniv, where the brilliant poet
spent only a short while (April-May 1846; March-April 1847) were like a
breath of fresh air infusing Shevchenko’s soul with new life, helping him to
survive. In a letter to his close friend Varvara Mykolayivna Repnina (March 7,
1850) he wrote, “I’m praying to the Lord and cherishing the hope that my
misfortune will eventually end. Then I’ll go to Sedniv and paint ‘The Death of
the Savior’ in the church.” During the time of his greatest ordeal Shevchenko
remembered happy scenes from Sedniv: working hard and with inspiration on
the introduction for a new edition of the Kobzar (it was in Sedniv that he wrote
those beautiful lines filled with national and general human dignity about the
Russians having “a people and the word” and that the Ukrainians, too, had “a
people and the word”); the poet’s workshop in the attic over the bank of the
Snov River (destroyed by fire in 1883); the charming old orchard in front of
Lyzohub’s mansion (part of it is still standing).
A few words should be devoted to the history of the Lyzohubs, a family that
may be called unique without any exaggeration. The following lines from
Varvara Repnina’s letter to the great poet (September 1844) were probably
harbingers of Shevchenko’s future meeting with Andriy Lyzohub: “I am so sad
to know that you haven’t met Andriy Lyzohub. He speaks of your poems with
such warm appreciation, and he is so sorry he has never met you in person.”
Naturally, quite a number of pseudo-fans of Shevchenko appeared among

Chernigiv Secret Caves 76
the Ukrainian nobility in Chernihiv and Poltava gubernias in 1842-43; they
lavished false praise on him to prove that they too were “Ukrainian patriots”
and also “for the people.” Shevchenko, however, singled out Andriy and his
relatives from among the Ukrainian noble Cossack families, probably
because he knew the Lyzohub family history, recognizing their erudition,
sincerity, and true democratic ways.
The Lyzohubs were an old Cossack family that had acquired property in
Sedniv in the 17th century; the name is first mentioned in historical sources in
the mid-17th century. A Cossack by the name of Kindrat Lyzohub, born in the
vicinity of Zolotonosha, was a courageous and resourceful soldier whose two
sons were appointed colonels (Ivan in Uman, in 1661, and Yakiv in Kaniv the
following year). Some time later the Lyzohubs sided with Hetman Ivan
Samoilovych; Yakiv Lyzohub settled in Konotop and proceeded to amass
“free” and unclaimed plots of land. Before long he became a great landowner.
Andriy Lyzohub (b. June 1804) and his elder brother Illia (b. 1787, an
amateur musician) were direct descendants of Kindrat and Yakiv Lyzohub.
Ukrainian songs were often heard at Lyzohub’s manor in Sedniv, which was
frequented by artists, actors, and poets (Lev Zhemchuzhnykov left precious
recollections of the family. Unfortunately, the mansion caught fire on March
19, 1883, and a great many valuable old books, ancient deeds, memoirs, and
Shevchenko’s pictures perished. People who knew Lyzohub well described
him as a humane and kind-hearted landlord, who treated his peasants well
and tried not to overburden them with work. He was also an amateur painter
and this served to strengthen his friendship with Shevchenko. There was
much in Sedniv worthy of painting: not only the excellent environs opening
from the top of the steep hill over the Snov River (standing by the
summerhouse in which Hlibov is said to have composed his Grief in 1859,
one can see far and wide, including that “dense, verdant grove, like paradise
on earth”), but also the Lyzohubs’ stone church and Shevchenko’s beloved
linden (they say the tree is still there).
His friends recall that on April 3, 1847, Shevchenko was departing for Kyiv in
a cheerful frame of mind. His mood was not even dampened by the sinister
prophesying of Hryts, Sedniv’s well-known fortune-teller and saint (although
some regarded him as a yurodyvy, God’s fool). Hryts did his best to talk
Shevchenko out of his trip to Kyiv, repeating, “You’ll get in trouble! Bad
trouble!” Taras just laughed.
Lyzohub should be recognized in Ukraine for being perhaps the first to begin
corresponding with Shevchenko after learning the exact place of his exile. In
his letters he tried to encourage him morally and financially. Shevchenko, in
turn, was always grateful to his friend and shared with him the excruciating
pain in his heart. In a letter dated Dec. 11, 1847, Shevchenko thanked
Chernigiv Secret Caves 77
Lyzohub for his kind and sincere words: “I haven’t heard from Ukraine since
the spring. I have written to someone there. God must have prompted you to
write to ease the heavy burden of my loneliness in the desert...I wouldn’t
want my worst enemies to suffer the way I am! You ask if I have stopped
painting. I wish I could, but I can’t and it makes me suffer even more, as I am
forbidden to write and draw. And the nights, the nights! Oh God! They are
terribly long, and in barracks at that! Dear Friend, please send me your box of
paints and a clean album, and at least one Charion brush; I will look at them
once in a while and maybe I will feel better.” Lyzohub instantly did as the
imprisoned poet requested.
Shevchenko and Lyzohub’s correspondence lasted until 1850. It was cut
short by very disturbing events that were generally characteristic of the last
years of Nicholas I’s reign. Count Orlov, the omnipotent chief of the
gendarmes corps, who was spending the summer in Chernihiv, summoned
Lyzohub. On behalf of the tsar he brutally forbade him to maintain any
contacts with the “political criminal” Shevchenko, adding that otherwise “there
will be a place found for him, Lyzohub, where Shevchenko is now.” Andriy’s
son Dmytro inherited his freethinking ways, with the most tragic
consequences. In August 1879 he was court-martialed in Odesa on charges
of involvement in an underground political society. His death sentence was
extremely cruel, considering that Dmytro had nothing to do with terrorist acts,
although he sympathized with the revolutionaries and actively helped them.
He was executed on Aug. 10, 1879.
One thing is beyond doubt. Shevchenko remembered Sedniv with the utmost
gratitude, as a place truly close and dear to his heart. However, there is no
escaping the fact that the current condition of the Shevchenko memorial site
in Sedniv (Lyzohub’s mansion, the poet’s beloved stone church in which he
worked, and the gorgeous ancient garden) is, to put it mildly, not the way the
poet’s devotees would want it to be. There is no modern infrastructure or
roads, for which funds are required. Of course, it is much easier for our
ranking officials to place flowers at the Shevchenko monument in downtown
Kyiv once a year. Meanwhile, cultural monuments to the poet’s life, such as
Sedniv, remain neglected. Isn’t this hypocritical of the state the exhibition of
the folk-art regional museum named after V. V. Tarnovsky is placed in the
premises of the church.
Churches of Dytynets, Tretiak & Midtown

Chernigiv Secret Caves 78
Complex of the Dormition Monastery

Complex of Trinity & St. Elias Monasteries

The Red square is the administrative and cultural centre of Chernihiv since
the beginning of the XIX th century up today. To get it from St. Catherine's
church one must overcome not long way along the wide Heroes avenue
which is decorated with fountains. Monuments of our conutrymen who were
notable for their heroism during the civil war and the Great Patriotic war are
set here. Among them you can see monuments of J. Kotsubinsky, V.
Primakov, V. Antonov-Ovseenko, N. Podvoysky, N. Shchors, N.
Kropyvyansky, V. Senko. The monument devoted to the heros - liquidators
of Chornobyl atomic power-station is also set here.

The Peace Avenue which is embraced from the both sides. Heros Avenue
preserves a few historical buildings. One can see among them the former
notle "Alexandrovskaya" (now historical faculty of the pedagogy university,
Nicholaev's eparchy fraternity (the regional Philharmonic Society), the
school of blind children (the musical college). All of them were built at the
beginning of the XX th century and became the decoration of the city.
Besides two memorial stones were set on this section of Peace Avenue. It
was named Shosseynaya street on the boundery of the XlX-th and the XX-th
centuries. One stone was set on the place of the house where lived the
famous Ukrainean fabulist L. Glibov in 1867 - 1893. The other stone is on
the place of the hotel "Zargrad". It was famous lecause A. Pushkin, T.
Shevchenko and some prominent cultural workers put up there in various
times. The Red square appeared on the map of Chernihiv on the boundry of
the XVIII-th and the XlX-th centuries. Earlier this place was named
"Pyatniytske pole". This name originates from nearby temple

Chernigiv Secret Caves 79
Paraskovya Pyatnytsia which was built at the end of the Xll-th century.
Since the XVII th century it was a nunnery. Many historians think that this
monastery was founded in old times yet. Before the Tatar-Mongolian
invasion this territory was inside the city's buildings. The results of the
arcaelogical excavations proved that artizans and merchants lived here.
Today's architectural ensemble of the Red square was forming gradually.
One-storeyed city's magistracy was erected in the western part of it. The
author of the project was architect A. Kartashevsky. Now this building is
completely reconstructed and the regional management of the National bank
of the Ukraine is settled here. 
Approximately at that time the two-storeyed house for the province
organizations was built. After many reconstructions it changed its
appearance. Now it is occupied by the Regional state administration. One
more historical building is situated near on the cross-roads of Shevchenko
street and Kyrponos street (in former times Bogoyavlenskaya and
Alexandrovskaya street). It was built for the first police office in 1860. In
1912 a beautiful two-storeyed house was built for the office of the state bank
on the corner of Magistratskaya street and Alexandrovskaya street. This
building is nicely preserved and Chernigov city's municipality is settled here
now. On the place of military barracks the cinema named after Shchors was
erected in 1939.
All enumarated buildings are placed around the public garden named after
N. Popudrenko. 
It appeared here in the third quater of the XlX-th century. At that time it was
called Teatralnaya because the wooden building of the first Chernigiv
theatre was erected in the centre of the public garden in 1853. The theatre
as well as the row of brick stalles is not preserved. The square was
reconstructed after the liberation of Chernigiv from German fascicts. And it
obtained modern appearance when the musical-dramatic theatre named
after T. Shevchenko was solemnly opened in 1959. The graves of the soviet
soldiers and a partisan commander N. Popudrenko remind about the tragic
events of the Great Patriotic war.

There are two architectural ensembles in Chernihiv - Yeletsky-Uspensky

monastery and Troytsko-llliya's monastery. The origination of them was
connected with the name of Pussian monkhood father saint Antony
Pechersky. Both monasteries were built behind city's fortifications in ancient
times. Now their temples and belltowers defined the historical panorama of
Chernihiv. They are well seen from the flood lands of Desna and from the
former Detinets. 
Yeletsky-Uspensky monastery consists of the Assumption cathedral
(erected in the XII-th century), the belltower (1670 - 1675), the cells (XVI -

Chernigiv Secret Caves 80
XVII). Petropavlovska church and the brick wall. Besides the wooden
structure where lived Feodosy Uglitsky at the end of the XVII th century is
preserved on the territory of the monastery up today. 
As to the caves of this monastery origination of which is connected with the
name of saint Antony Pechersky, it is not true. They appeared in the XVIII-th
century. It was proved at the beginning of the XX-th century. They were
designated for everyday necessities. 
The history of the monastery is filled with events which were connected with
the names of prominent church and secular men, as well as with the
appearance of one of the most famous Chernihiv sacred thing-the icon
ofYeletsky God's mother that could made miracles.
There are a few historical buildings side by side with Yeletsky monastery.
One caff see among them the prison. It was built on the monastery plot
which had been bought by the magistracy for 100 roubles. The other one is
two-storeyed building erected in 1879 for an Ecclesiastical school. 
Here opposite the monastery's wall one can see the most famous pagan
burial mound - Chorna Mohila. It was erected in old Rus period. The legend
says that the founder of Chernihiv prince Chorny was buried under it. 
But excavations made by professor D. Samokvasov in 1872 - 1873 proved
that this mound was erected in the 60-ties of the X th century when the city
had been built long ago and was the second in Rus accordingly its

The Boldyn Hill is the highest part of the city's landscape which is occupied
by the architectural ensemble of Trinity Ylliya's monastery. This name
originated from the old rus "bold" that means an oak. For the first time it
was mentioned in the cronicle in 1074 on the occasion of foundation
by Antony Pechersky this monastery in honour of God's mother in
1069. In those ancient times the cloister located on the terraces and slopes
of. the deep ravine near the ancient pagan burial ground that consists
even now of more than 200 barrows. Among them are well known in
scientific circes burial mounds Besy-myany and Gulbische. Historians do not
excluded that sanctuary of the Slavic god Perun existed on the Boldin Hill in
pre-cristianity times. At first the monastery was an underground one but later
the one-cupola St. Illiya's church was built in the first half of the Xll-th
century. It is preserved up today. Near the church is the entrance to the
famous St. Antony's caves the length of which is 350 meters. This complex
consists of underground churches and some other premises digged out in
various historical periods since the Xl-th century till the XlX-th century.
St. Illiya's church and caves are part of the National architectural-historical
preservation and are accessible for tourists. Ancient caves and remians of
architectural structures which had been erected in various ages were found
Chernigiv Secret Caves 81
on the territory of the monastery. The vast architectural complex was being
built on the specious ground westward St. Illiya's church in the last quater of
the XVII th century. In the centre of it was erected. 

Trinity cathedral which was sanctified in 1695. It gave the modern name to
the monastery. The new architectural ensemble consisted of the cathedral,
the refectory, Vvedenskaya church (1677 -1679), the belltower (1775) the
cells the two-storeyed house where a bishop lived and a brick wall with
towers over them (XVII-XIX). 
Now Trinity cathedral serves as a parish temple. The eparchy of the
Ukrainian orthodox church is situated here. For a long time the territory of
the monastery was a prestige necropolis. Reprisentatives of nobility, state
and cultural men, Chernigov bishops found eternal piece under the
cathedral and around it. The main holy things of the monastery are the icon
of llliynskaya God's mother that can made miracles and saint relics of
Feodosy Uglitsky and Lavrenty.

A friend from Chernigiv informed me the following, “Ancient cemetery

was dug out in Chernihiv In the center of the Chernihiv city
builders dug out remains of an ancient cemetery dated to 11-13
centuries. Diggers found 30 tombs of the first Christians – men,
women and children. It is only a small part of the big necropolis,
which situated then on the territory of the modern city center.
Historians assure ...”
A ship burial or boat grave is a burial
 in which a ship
 or boat
 is used either as a container for the dead and the grave goods, or as a part
of the grave goods itself. If the ship is very small, it is called a boat grave.
This style of burial was used in the Vendel era
 and by the Anglo-Saxons
, the Merovingians, the Vikings, the Rus
, the Balts
 (especially the Curonians
), and occasionally the Ancient Egypt
ians. For the Germanic peoples
, this burial was seen as a way for the dead to sail to Valhalla

; ship burial was a high honour.

Chernigiv Secret Caves 82
I think we found the begining of the story dear friends. When Vikings went to
Chernigiv bring their customs there as boat graves which was great honour.
The same method folowed the dynasty of Rus. Simply they bring their
customs to Chernigiv which must be full of grave boats underground. The
Black Grave (Ukrainian
: Chorna mohyla) is the largest burial mound (kurgan
) in Chernihiv
, Ukraine
. Comparable to the barrows of Gnyozdovo
 near Smolensk
, the Black Grave has a height of 11 meters and a circumference of 125
During excavations undertaken in 1872-73, Dmitry Samokvasov
 uncovered two cremated bodies of Norse
 warriors (probably father and son), surrounded by slaves, sacrificial animals,
arms, armour, and decorations. Samokvasov dated the burial to the late 10th
century, when Vladimir I was the ruler of Kievan Rus. It is likely that the
buried warriors were two princes (knyaz
es) of Chernigov, although no local potentate is attested in the Slavonic
chronicles before Vladimir's son, Mstislav of Chernigov
After the bodies were cremated, they were put upon a 7-meter-high mound,
where a funeral feast took place. Arranged near the bodies were two helmets
and knee-length chain mail (hauberk
s), probably extracted from the pyre, as well as a cauldron with ram bones,
two sacerdotal knives, two golden Byzantine coins, an imported sabre
, a miniature dark-red bronze idol of Thor
, and two silver-bound aurochs
 horns decorated with floral motifs, fabulous animals, and figures of a man
and a woman shooting at a bird. When the barrow was completed, a stele
And if you are wondering which is the combination between the ship, the hill-
pyramid, and the grave yard, the answer is to the following lines, what
people from each country believes for death, for example the scandinavian
In Norse mythology
, Valhalla (from Old Norse
 ValhΓ¶ll "hall of the slain") is a majestic, enormous hall located in Asgard
, ruled over by the god Odin
. Chosen by Odin, half of those that die in combat travel to Valhalla upon
death, led by valkyrie
s, while the other half go to the goddess Freyja's field FΓ³lkvangr

Chernigiv Secret Caves 83
. In Valhalla, the dead join the masses of those who have died in combat
known as Einherjar
, as well as various legendary Germanic heroes
 and kings, as they prepare to aid Odin during the events of RagnarΓ¶k

In Norse mythology
, Valhalla (from Old Norse
 ValhΓ¶ll "hall of the slain") is a majestic, enormous hall located in Asgard
, ruled over by the god Odin
. Chosen by Odin, half of those that die in combat travel to Valhalla upon
death, led by valkyrie
s, while the other half go to the goddess Freyja's field FΓ³lkvangr
. In Valhalla, the dead join the masses of those who have died in combat
known as Einherjar
, as well as various legendary Germanic heroes
 and kings, as they prepare to aid Odin during the events of RagnarΓ¶k
. Before the hall stands the golden tree Glasir
, and the hall's ceiling is thatched with golden shields. Various creatures live
around Valhalla, such as the stag EikΓΎyrnir
 and the goat HeiΓ°rΓΊn
, both described as standing atop Valhalla and consuming the foliage of the
tree Læraðr
Valhalla is attested in the Poetic Edda
, compiled in the 13th century from earlier traditional sources, the Prose
, written in the 13th century by Snorri Sturluson
, in Heimskringla
, also written in the 13th century by Snorri Sturluson, and in stanzas of an
anonymous 10th century poem commemorating the death of a Eric Bloodaxe
 known as EirΓksmΓ΅l
as compiled in Fagrskinna
. Valhalla has inspired various works of art, publication titles, popular culture
references, and has become a term synonymous with a martial (or otherwise)
hall of the chosen dead.
Valhalla is referenced at length in the Poetic Edda poem GrΓmnismΓ΅l
, and HelgakviΓ°a Hundingsbana II
, while Valhalla receives lesser direct references in in stanza 33 of the

Chernigiv Secret Caves 84
, where the god Baldr's death is referred to as the "woe of Valhalla", and in
stanzas 1 to 3 of HyndluljΓ³Γ°
, where the goddess Freyja states her intention of riding to Valhalla with
Hyndla, in an effort to help Γ“ttar
, as well as in stanzas 6 through 7, where Valhalla is mentioned again during
a dispute between the two.

In stanzas 8 to 10 of GrΓmnismΓ΅l
, the god Odin (in the guise of GrΓmnir) states that Valhalla is located in the
realm of GlaΓ°sheimr. Odin describes Valhalla as appearing shining and
golden, and that it "rises peacefully" when seen from afar. From Valhalla,
every day Odin chooses from those who have died in combat. Valhalla has
-shafts for rafters, a roof thatched with shields, coats of mail are strewn over
its benches, a wolf hangs in front of its west doors, and an eagle hovers
above it.

From stanzas 22 to 24, more details are given by Odin about Valhalla: the
holy doors of the ancient gate Valgrind
 stand before Valhalla, Valhalla has five hundred
 and forty doors that eight hundred men can exit from at once (from which the
 will flow forth to engage the wolf Fenrir at RagnarΓ¶k
). Within Valhalla exists Thor
's hall Bilskirnir
, and within it exist five hundred and forty rooms, and of all the halls within
Valhalla, Odin states that he thinks his son's may be greatest. In stanzas 25
through 26, Odin states that the goat HeiΓ°rΓΊn and the hart
 EikΓΎyrnir stand on top of Valhalla and
graze on the branches of the tree Læraðr.
HeiΓ°rΓΊn produces vats of mead
 that liquor cannot be compared to, and
from EikΓΎyrnir's antler
s drip liquid into the spring Hvergelmir
 from which flows forth all waters.

Chernigiv Secret Caves 85
HelgakviΓ°a Hundingsbana II

In stanza 38 HelgakviΓ°a Hundingsbana II

, the hero Helgi Hundingsbane
 dies and goes to Valhalla. In stanza 38,
Helgi's glory there is described:

So was Helgi beside the

like the bright-growing ash
beside the thorn-bush
and the young stag,
drenched in dew,
who surpasses all other
and whose horns glow
against the sky itself.

Prose follows after this stanza, stating that a burial-mound

 was made for Helgi, and that when Helgi arrived in Valhalla, he was asked
by Odin to manage things with him. In stanza 39, Helgi, now in Valhalla, has
his former enemy Hunding β€” also in Valhalla β€” do menial tasks; fetching
foot-baths for all of the men there, kindling fire, tying dogs, keeping watch of
horses, and feeding the pigs before he can get any sleep. In stanzas 40 to
42, Helgi has returned to Midgard from Valhalla with a host of men. An
unnamed maid of SigrΓΊn, Helgi's valkyrie wife, sees Helgi and his large host
of men riding into the mound. The maid asks if she is experiencing a
delusion, if Ragnarök has begun, or if Helgi and his men have been allowed
to return. In the stanzas that follow, Helgi responds that none of these things
have occurred, and so SigrΓΊn's maid goes home to SigrΓΊn. The maid tells
SigrΓΊn that the burial mound has opened up, and that SigrΓΊn should go to
Helgi there, as Helgi has asked her to come and tend his wounds, which
have opened up and are bleeding. SigrΓΊn goes into the mound, and finds
that Helgi is drenched in gore, his hair is thick with frost. Filled with joy at the
reunion, SigrΓΊn kisses him before he can remove his coat of mail, and asks
how she can heal him. SigrΓΊn makes a bed there, and the two sleep
together in the enclosed burial mound. Helgi awakens, stating that he must
"ride along the blood-red roads, to set the pale horse to tread the path of the
Chernigiv Secret Caves 86
sky," and return before the rooster SalgΓ³fnir crows. Helgi and the host of
men ride away, and SigrΓΊn and her servant go back to their house. SigrΓΊn
has her maid wait for him by the mound the next night, but when she arrives
at dawn, she finds that he has not returned. The prose narrative at the end of
the poem relates that SigrΓΊn dies of sadness, but that the two are thought to
have been reborn as Helgi Haddingjaskati
 and the valkyrie KΓ΅ra

Prose Edda

Valhalla is referenced in the Prose Edda

books Gylfaginning
and SkΓ΅ldskaparmΓ΅l

Valhalla is first mentioned in chapter 2 of the

Prose Edda book Gylfaginning, where it is
described partially in euhemerized form. In
the chapter, King Gylfi
 sets out to Asgard
 in the guise of an old man going by the
name of Gangleri to find the source of the
power of the gods. The narrative states that
the Γ†sir foresaw his arrival and had
prepared grand illusions for him, so that
when Gangerli enters the fortress, he sees a
hall of such a height that he has trouble
seeing over it, and notices that the roof of
the hall is covered in golden shields, as if they were shingles. Snorri then
quotes a stanza by the skald �?jóðólfr of Hvinir
 (c. 900). As he continues, Gangleri sees a man in the doorway of the hall
juggling short swords, and keeping seven in the air at once. Among other
things, the man says that the hall belongs to his king, and adds that he can
take Gangleri to the king. Gangleri follows him, and the door closes behind
him. All around him he sees many living areas, and throngs of people, some
of which are playing games, some are drinking, and others are fighting with
Chernigiv Secret Caves 87
weapons. Gangleri sees three thrones, and three figures sitting upon them:
 sitting on the lowest throne, Just-As-High
 sitting on the next highest throne, and Third
 sitting on the highest. The man guiding Gangleri tells him that High is the
king of the hall.
In chapter 20, Third states that Odin mans Valhalla with the Einherjar: the
dead who fall in battle and become Odin's adopted sons. In chapter 36, High
states that valkyries serve drinks and see to the tables in Valhalla, and GrΓ-
mnismΓ΅l stanzas 40 to 41 are then quoted in reference to this. High
continues that the valkyries are sent by Odin to every battle, where they
choose who is to die, and determine victory.

In chapter 38, Gangleri says: "You say that all men who have fallen in battle
from the beginning of the world are now with Odin in Valhalla. With what does
he feed them? I should think the crowd there is large." High responds that
this is indeed true, that a huge amount are already in Valhalla, but yet this
amount will seem to be too few when "the wolf comes." High describes that
there are never too many to feed in Valhalla, for they feast from SΓ¦hrΓmnir
 (here described as a boar), and that this beast is cooked every day and is
again whole every night. GrΓmnismΓ΅l stanza 18 is then recounted. Gangleri
asks if Odin himself eats the same food as the Einherjar, and High responds
that Odin needs nothing to eat β€” Odin only consumes wine β€” and he
gives his food to his wolves Geri and Freki
. GrΓmnismΓ΅l stanza 19 is then recounted. High additionally states that at
sunrise, Odin sends his ravens Hugin and Munin
 from Valhalla to fly throughout the entire world, and they return in time for the
first meal there.

In chapter 39, Gangleri asks about the food and drinks the Einherjar
consume, and asks if only water is available there. High replies that, of
course, Valhalla has food and drinks fit for kings and jarls
, for the mead consumed in Valhalla is produced from the udders of the goat
Heiðrún, who in turn feeds on the leaves of the "famous tree" Læraðr. The
goat produces so much mead in a day that it fills a massive vat so large that
all of the Einherjar in Valhalla might satisfy their thirst from it. High further
states that, more notably, the stag EikΓΎyrnir stands atop Valhalla and also
chews on the branches of Læraðr. So much moisture drips from his horns
that it falls down to the well Hvelgelmir, resulting in numerous rivers.

In chapter 40, Gangleri muses that Valhalla must be quite crowded, to which
High responds by stating that Valhalla is massive and remains roomy despite
the large amount of inhabitants, and then quotes GrΓmnismΓ΅l stanza 23. In
Chernigiv Secret Caves 88
chapter 41, Gangleri says that Odin seems to be quite a powerful lord, as he
controls quite a big army, but he yet wonders how the Einherjar keep
themselves busy when they are not drinking. High replies that daily, after
they've dressed and put on their war gear, they go out to the courtyard and
battle one another in one-on-one combat for sport. Then, when mealtime
comes, they ride home to Valhalla and drink. High then quotes
stanza 41. In chapter 42, High describes that, "right at the beginning, when
the gods were settling" they had established Asgard and then built Valhalla.
The death of the god Baldr is recounted in chapter 49, where the mistletoe
 that is used to kill Baldr is described as
growing west of Valhalla.

At the beginning of SkΓ΅ldskaparmΓ΅l, a

partially euhemerized account is given of
 visiting the gods in Asgard and shimmering
swords are brought out and used as their
sole source of light as they drink. There,
numerous gods feast, they have plenty of strong mead
, and the hall has wall-panels covered with attractive shields. This location is
confirmed as Valhalla in chapter 33.
In chapter 2, a quote from the anonymous 10th century poem EirΓksmΓ΅l
 is provided (see the Fagrskinna section below for more detail and another
translation from another source):

What sort of dream is that, Odin? I dreamed I rose up before

dawn to clear up Val-hall for slain people. I aroused the
Einheriar, bade them get up to strew the benches, clean the
beer-cups, the valkyries to serve wine for the arrival of a

In chapter 17 of SkΓ΅ldskaparmΓ΅l, the jΓ¶tunn Hrungnir

 is in a rage and, while attempting to catch up and attack Odin on his steed
, ends up at the doors to Valhalla. There, the Γ†sir invite him in for a drink.
Hrungnir goes in, demands a drink, and becomes drunk and belligerent,

Chernigiv Secret Caves 89
stating that he will remove Valhalla and take it to the land of the jötunn,
, among various other things. Eventually, the gods tire of his boasting and
invoke Thor, who arrives. Hrungnir states that Thor is under their protection,
and subsequently he can't be harmed while in Valhalla. After an exchange of
words, Hrungnir challenges Thor to a duel at the location of Griotunagardar,
resulting in Hrungnir's death. In chapter 34, the tree Glasir
 is stated as located in front of the doors of Valhalla. The tree is described as
having foliage of red gold and being the most beautiful tree among both gods
and men. A quote from a work by the 9th century skald Bragi Boddason
 is presented that confirms the description.


Valhalla is mentioned in euhemerized form and as an element of remaining

Norse pagan
 belief in Heimskringla
. In chapter 8 of Ynglinga saga
, the "historical" Odin is described as ordaining burial laws over his country.
These laws include that all the dead are to be burned on a pyre on a burial
mound with their possessions, and their ashes are to be brought out to sea or
buried in the earth. The dead would then arrive in Valhalla with everything
that one had on their pyre, and whatever one had hidden in the ground.
Valhalla is additionally referenced in the phrase "visiting Odin" in a work by
the 10th century skald �?jóðólfr of Hvinir
 describing that, upon his death, King Vanlandi went to Valhalla.
In chapter 32 of HΓ΅konar saga GΓ³Γ°a, Haakon I of Norway
 is given a pagan
 burial, which is described as sending him on his way to Valhalla. Verses
from HΓ΅konarmΓ΅l
are then quoted in support, themselves containing references to Valhalla.

Chernigiv Secret Caves 90


In chapter 8 of Fagrskinna
, a prose narrative states that, after the
death of her husband Eric Bloodaxe
, Gunnhild Mother of Kings
 had a poem composed about him. The
composition is by an anonymous author
from the 10th century and is referred to as
, and describes Eric Bloodaxe and five other kings arriving in Valhalla after
their death. The poem begins with comments by Odin (as Old Norse Óðinn):

'What kind of a dream is it,' said Óðinn,

in which just before daybreak,
I thought I cleared ValhΗ«ll,
for coming of slain men?
I waked the Einherjar,
bade valkyries rise up,
to strew the bench,
and scour the beakers,
wine to carry,
as for a king's coming,
here to me I expect
heroes' coming from the world,
certain great ones,
so glad is my heart.

The god Bragi

 asks where a thundering sound is coming from, and says that the benches of
Valhalla are creaking β€” as if the god Baldr had returned to Valhalla β€” and that it
sounds like the movement of a thousand. Odin responds that Bragi knows well that
the sounds are for Eric Bloodaxe, who will soon arrive in Valhalla. Odin tells the
heroes Sigmund
 and SinfjΓ¶tli
 to rise to greet Eric and invite him into the hall, if it is indeed he.
Sigmund asks Odin why he would expect Eric more than any other king, to which
Odin responds that Eric has reddened his gore-drenched sword with many other
lands. Eric arrives, and Sigmund greets him, tells him that he is welcome to come into
the hall, and asks him what other lords he has brought with him to Valhalla. Eric says

Chernigiv Secret Caves 91
that with him are five kings, that he will tell them the name of them all, and that he,
himself, is the sixth.

The term has had some influence in modern popular culture, either directly influenced
by the concept of Norse mythology or referring simply to a gathering of the chosen
dead or a hall in honor of them. Examples of the latter include the Walhalla temple
 built by Leo von Klenze
 for Ludwig I of Bavaria
 between 1830-1847 near Regensburg
, Germany
, and the Tresco Abbey Gardens Valhalla museum built by August Smith around 1830
to house ship figureheads from shipwrecks that occurred at the Isles of Scilly
, England
, where the museum is located. A crater, Valhalla
, located on the planet
's moon
, is named after the hall.

References to Valhalla appear in literature, art, and other forms of media. Examples
include K. Ehrenberg's charcoal illustration "Gastmahl in Walhalla (mit einziehenden
Einheriern)" (1880), Richard Wagner
's depiction of Valhalla in his opera cycle Der Ring des Nibelungen
(1848β€”1874), the Munich
, Germany-based Germanic Neopagan
 magazine Walhalla (1905-1913), and the comic series Valhalla
(1978, ongoing) by Peter Madsen, and its subsequent animated film of the same
 (1986). Valhalla is prominently referencedβ€”with the line "Valhalla, I am
coming"β€”in the Led Zeppelin
 hit single
 "Immigrant Song

Chernigiv Secret Caves 92
" (1970).

Valhalla is referenced in the video game titles Valhalla (1983), Valhalla: Before the
War (1995), and Valhalla Knights
(2006). Amusement park attractions named after Valhalla include Valhalla Borgen in
Tivoli Gardens in Copenhagen
, Denmark
 and Valhalla
in Pleasure Beach Blackpool
 in Blackpool
, England
. Locations named after Valhalla exist in North America
 (including Valhalla, New York
, Valhalla Centre, Alberta
, Walhalla, Michigan, Walhalla, North Dakota
, Walhalla, South Carolina
, and Walhalla, Texas
), Australia
 (Walhalla, Victoria
), and South Africa
 (Valhalla, Pretoria
There also exists Valhalla Golf Club
, located in Louisville, Kentucky.

The Eternal fire is burning on the Grave of the Unknown soldier side by
side with the ancient burial mounds on the top of the Boldin Hill as the
homage of those who died in the battle for independence of our Motherland.
The ancient part of Chernigiv and Holly grove are well seen from this place.
The old legend says that Chernihivites were baptized in that grove in 992.
The well known Ukrainean men of letters M. Kotsubinsky and A. Markovich
liked to visit this place not accidentally. There are some other temples and
historical buildings in Chernihiv. They are scattered on all territory of old
Chernihiv. Among them one can see Voscresenskaya church near the
central market. It was built in the XVIII th century. 
Kazanska church stands in Kotsubynsky street. It was erected in the XVIII
th century. There is a Museum-preservation of M. Kotsubynsky which was
created on the territory of the writer's country set near that church. Up to day
Peace Avenue is decorated with the building of the Peasant and Nobility
land bank (now the library named after Korolenko) and with the Free firemen
The country-set of Chernihiv govenor with a two-storeyed beautiful palace is
Chernigiv Secret Caves 93
preserved on the other side of the Stryshen river near the city's park of
culture and rest. The moderu building of the Military historical museum rises
side by with it. Buildings of the military hospital are situated near the bridge
across the Stryzhen where the river crosses the Hetman Polubotko street. 
The S.S. Michael and Fedor's church which stands near the hospital shows
the old age of this complex. If you think so you are right. The country-set of
well-known colonel Pavlo Polubotok was situated here at the beginning of
the XVIII th century. And then till the October revolution the most ancient
educational establishment Ecclesiastical seminary settled here. 
We touched only the past of Chernihiv, but the city has the present. New
modern buildings and temples are being erected. The city lives with dreams
of the future and it resembles its past. Going to ancient Chernigov, about
140 kilometers north of Kyiv, is nice. ... ago: as a city of God , so to speak,
rising out of the mystical Slavic soil. The Black God survives in numerous
Slavic curses and in a White God, ... prophet Elijah is considered to be the
successor to Ukko, the ancient spirit of lightning. ... But the Ukranians of
Chernigov, when lighting the drying-house fire, ... In the period of the Kyiv
Rus Chernihiv was an active rival of the present capital, Kyiv, in the struggle
for domination.   The Chernihiv Principality of the 11th-12th centuries was
one of the largest and most powerful states of the medieval Europe. The
living witnesses of those days and other periods are numerous monuments
of history and architecture (32 objects of national and 39 of local

Ancient Gods, Black and White gods, until today, with the power of the blood
of earth, commands peoples lifes to Chernigiv waiting you to search for their
secrets and pasages
between worlds...

Chernigiv Secret Caves 94

Val (Rampart) of Chernihiv (Dytynets)

     The most ancient part of the city, the territory of the former Prince’s
palace and fortress. The original historical and cultural heart of Chernihiv.

Savior(Transfiguration) Cathedral
(Spaso-Preobrazhensky Cathedral)
A unique pre-Mongol building, one of the few in Eastern Europe that have
been preserved in such good condition. The cathedral was founded in the
11th century.

Boris and Hleb Cathedral

The cathedral was
built in the 12th
century on the
foundation of the
11th century and
belongs to the
oldest cathedrals in
Ukraine and

Chernigiv Secret Caves 95

St. Paraskeva Pyatnitsa Church (Pyatnitska Church)

A unique piece of the Kyiv Rus architecture dating back to the end of the
12th – beginning of the 13th century. An original monument of the Slavic

Athony Caves (Antonievy Caves)

A unique piece of underground religious
architecture, one of the few subterranean
monasteries in Europe. The complex was
established in 1069 by Anthony Pechersky,
the founder of the famous Kyiv-Pechersk
Lavra. In the 12th century the Church of St.
Elias (Illinska) was built over
the caves’ entrance, the
only building of the kind that
has remained intact by

Chernihiv Collegium
One of the oldest secular educational
institutions in Ukraine founded in 1700.

Chernigiv Secret Caves 96

St. Catherine’s Church (Katerynynska Church)

The Ukrainian baroque-styled church is built in the beginning of the 18th
century. It is a kind of the city’s visiting card, situated on the entrance to
Chernihiv. Im sure that there is underground connection between Val and
St Catherine Church

Trinity-Elias Cloister (Troitsko-Illinsky Cloister)

The complex includes the Caves of Anthony, the Church of St. Elias, and
the Trinity (Troitsky) Cathedral of the 17th century. A magnificent view of
the city opens from the tower-bell of the cloister. Its almost sure that the
crypt to st. Catherine church leads underground to Troisko-Illinsky

Bolda’s Hills (Boldyny

Another historical center of
Chernihiv. A nice place for
walking, from which one can
enjoy an excellent overview
of the ancient city. Under
your feet the secrets of
Chernigiv stays alive until today waiting the prince to open the old pasages

 There are several versions of the origins of Chernigov name. Some people
guess that the word Chernigov
originated from the word “Chorny” or
Black. Dark forest surrounded the city
and was so dense that people called it
black. There is also the version that the

Chernigiv Secret Caves 97
city derived its name from the ancient people Chorni Klobuki, meaning black

Another legend narrates about Prince Chorny, who ruled in Chernigov in the
X century, and his daughter Chorna. The Princess was amazingly beautiful,
enjoyed horse-riding and hunting and was a good archer. The Khazars’
Kagan (the ruler of nomadic tribe which got tribute from Prince Chorny)
learned about the girl’s beauty and decided to marry her. He sent to
Chernigov his ambassadors with rich presents, but the proud girl refused to
marry her people’s enemy. Then Kagan went angry and decided to seize the
city and take the girl away by force. The Chernigov people beat off numerous
attacks and then Khazars decided to lay siege. During the siege a gang of
traitors rushed into the Princess’s room on the upper floor of the mansion.
The Princess managed to hit some of the enemies from her bow, but then ran
out of arrows and jumped out of the window. The historians’ official version is
that Chernigov was founded in the VII century by Prince Cherniga, on the
place of Slavic settlements and later became the center of Chernigov
princedom. At the end of the IX century, when Kiev prince Oleg conquered
siveryan who lived near Desna river, the city became part of Kievan Rus. In
1239 it was destroyed by Tatar-Mongols. Under Lithuanian rule, there was a
fortress in Chernigov. Later it became the province center as a part of
Russia. The city still preserved a lot of ancient sights and is very interesting
for cultural trips. It is convenient to travel to Chernigov from Kiev, as the
distance between the cities is only 130
km. One hour and a half by car, and you
can roam its streets, see its cathedrals
and have rest at its night clubs and
discos. Even Kiev dwellers often go to
Chernigov to play bowling, to swim in the
river, to watch its sights and just to have
nice time. This city is full of historic sights
dating back to the ancient times, it
collected numerous architectural
monuments of the time before Mongol
invasion. Chernigov also has several
comfortable hotels, some night clubs and restaurants where you can have
rest, eat and drink a glass of beer Like every ancient city, Chernigiv has its
own mysteries and legends, the first being its name. For a long time, the
origin of the name “Chernigiv” was associated with the name of the legendary
Prince Chorny (“Black Prince”), who was allegedly buried in the Chorna
Mohyla (“Black Grave”) burial mound that stills sits on top of the Boldyni Hills
and is one of the pre-Christian necropolis hills. The most romantic theory is
that the city was named after Prince Chorny’s daughter, Princess Chorna
Chernigiv Secret Caves 98
(“Black Princess”), whose beauty caught the lustful eyes of a Polovtsian
king, whose army laid siege to the city. The Boldyni Hills are crowned with
the Troyitsko-Illinsky (Trinity-St. Elijah) Monastery, one of the oldest
monasteries in Rus. The biggest mystery of this monastery is Antony’s caves.
They were founded back in 1069 by the monk Antony, who was also the
founder of the Kyivo-Pecherska Lavra (Cave Monastery). It is an entire
underground city with cells, a necropolis and underground churches. The
Chernigiv caves also impress researchers and visitors with their size. The
largest of the underground churches, Feodosiy Totemsky’s Church, is over
eight meters high and is crowned with a dome. When you get inside this
church, you completely forget that you are underground.

Another one of Chernigiv’s historic sites is the Val (“Mound”). The Val itself
has not survived to our days, and the place where the Chernigiv stronghold
once stood surrounded by high walls is now bordered by an alley with a
fascinating panorama of the city. The Val is crowned by the Spaso-
Preobrazhensky (Savior Transfiguration) Cathedral (11th century), the oldest
remaining cathedral in Rus, and the Boryso-Glibsky (Borys and Glib)
Cathedral (12th century). It is a single temple virtually completely
reconstructed in its original form. It is decorated with a jewelry masterpiece –
a gilded silver iconostas. It was cast from a pagan god’s silver statue.
Another ancient monastery, the Yeletsky Uspensky (Assumption) Monastery
(11th century), is nestled between the Chernigiv stronghold and the Boldyni
Hills. Together with the Troyitsko-Illinsky (Trinity-St. Elijah) Monastery and
the Spaso-Preobrazhensky (Savior Transfiguration) Cathedral towering over
the Desna River, it forms a breathtaking panorama of the old Chernigiv.

The Palace of Hetman Rozumovsky in Baturyn, Chernigivska Region

A picturesque town with a long and turbulent history Baturyn was from 1669
to 1708 the capital of Left Bank Ukraine which, somewhat confusingly, was
located on the right side of the country when looking at the map. It was
founded by Polish King Stephen Batory in 1576, who ordered the
construction of fortress which was to undergo a series of reconstructions and
renovations over the centuries. The town thrived during the seventeenth and
eighteenth centuries, becoming a thriving mercantile centre governed under
its own charter and, as a seat for the Hetmans Demian Mnogogrishny, Ivan
Samoilovych and the controversial Ivan Mazepa, a political power base; this
was a golden era for the town, with merchants and craftsmen doing good
business with travelling tradesmen, attracted by a growing population and the
garrison. There are several legends associated with Baturyn, both involving
Mazepa; the first is of the romantic sort which was noted down by the

Chernigiv Secret Caves 99
immortal Pushkin in his poem ‘Poltava’ in which Mazepa falls for the fair
Motrya, the daughter of his old military colleague, the Supreme Judge
Kochubey. The second is altogether darker and based on the actual
destruction of the town following Mazepa’s betrayal of Peter the Great, when
the Hetman leader decided to throw in his lot with the Swedish monarch
Charles XII. As a reprisal Peter levelled the city, executing men, women, and
children alike. Local legend says that whenever a storm brews over the town,
cries of anguish can be heard from the victims of Peter’s massacre. It took
almost a century for Baturyn to recover though it was never the same again;
Hetman Kyrylo Rozumovsky spent the last ten years of his life there after it -
along with several surrounding villagers - was granted to him by the aging
Katherine the Great; historians remain divided as to what services were
rendered by him to have received this honour. Like many a retired pensioner,
Rozumovsky’s thoughts began to turn towards his legacy, enlisting
fashionable British architect Charles Cameron to come up with a blueprint for
a palace according to his instructions; a magnificent three storied building
with two adjacent wings, with a vast ‘English’ garden stretching out to the
river. Rozumovsky died just before the palace was finished and with nobody
to oversee its completion, the building began to crumble. Today the romantic
ruin is one of Baturyn’s main attractions, together with the tomb of
Rozumovsky, which is located within the so-called ‘Hetman’s Capital’ part of
the Christ Resurrection Church. Till present there exist a legend in Chernihiv
that caves of Lyubech, Kyiv and Chernigiv were united in ancient times and
served people to escape during enemy’s attacks.
Later on in Cossack epoch Lyubech was owned by Chernihiv colonels and
then Ukrainian hetmans. That period is recalled by the ruins of stone building
of hetman Polubotok (end of 17th century). There has also been preserved
the Transfiguration church (1811-1817) which is a burial vault of the family of
Earls Miloradoviches. For a long years Lyubech was owned by
representatives of this outstanding family. 11th to 13th cent., Chernihiv was
the capital of a principality of the same name, but the city declined after the
Mongol invasion of 1239. It passed to Lithuania in the 14th cent. and to
Russia in the 16th cent. It was under Polish control during part of the 17th
cent. Chernihiv's architectural monuments include the 11th-century Spaskyy
Cathedral, the Church of the Assumption in the Yelets Monastery (11th
cent.), and Ivan Mazeppa's baroque army building (17th-18th cent.).

One of the oldest and most important East Slavic monasteries, the Kievan
Caves Monastery is located in the southern part of Kiev along the Dnieper
River. Its name derives from the tunnels and caves that served first as cells

Chernigiv Secret Caves 100
for monks and later as burial crypts. According to the Primary Chronicle, the
monastery was founded by Saint Anthony of the Caves (died c. 1073) in 1051
after his return from Mount Athos in Greece, where he was tonsured.
Anthony's pious life attracted a number of followers, and soon he appointed
Varlaam, the son of an influential boyar, as abbot and secluded himself in a
nearby cave. In 1062 Varlaam left to lead the St. Demetrius monastery, and
the brethren chose Theodosius to replace him. The monastery grew steadily
under Theodosius's guidance, and in an attempt to provide an orderly life for
the monks, he introduced the Byzantine rule of Theodore of Studion (759 -
826). Despite the strong coenobitic nature of this rule, which required a
common life under the strict guidance of the abbot, the way of life described
in the Primary Chronicle at the time of Theodosius's death in 1074 is more
idiorrythmic, in that each monk was left to develop his own method of
monastic practice. A hallmark of caves monasticism in the Kievan period was
the claim, often repeated in the sources, that the Caves was a monastery
founded not by princes or rulers, but through tears, fasting, prayer, and vigils.
As a spiritual center, the monastery was a major source of bishops and
missionaries in pre-Mongol Rus.

The Caves Monastery was also the center of cultural life in Kievan Rus. The
Primary Chronicle has been traditionally ascribed to Nestor, a monk of the
Caves Monastery writing at the end of the eleventh century, who also wrote
the Life of Theodosius and the life of the slain princes Boris and Gleb. In
addition, the monastery is the setting of the Kievan Caves Patericon, a
thirteenth-century compilation of stories about caves monks, which was
reworked and later reprinted until the nineteenth century.

Theodosius's successors undertook a major building campaign that

continued with some minor setbacks until the invasion of the Mongols, who
sacked Kiev and destroyed the monastery under Batu Khan in 1240. The
monastery began to flourish once again in the fourteenth and fifteenth
centuries under Lithuanian rule. By the sixteenth century the Caves had
become quite wealthy, although as a citadel of Orthodoxy it still faced some
major challenges. After the Treaty of Lublin, which combined Poland and
Lithuania, and the Treaty of Brest, which created the Eastern Rite Catholic
Uniate Church (1596), there was pressure to subject the monastery to the
Uniate metropolitan of Kiev. Only strong resistance by the Caves monks
reversed this process. With the acquisition of Kiev by Tsar Alexei
Mikhailovich, the monastery and the see of Kiev were placed under the
jurisdiction of the Patriarch of Moscow. The Caves was the first (1598), and
one of only four monasteries in Russia to be given the special designation
lavra, which signified a particularly large and influential monastery. The

Chernigiv Secret Caves 101
monastery was an important center of Orthodox spirituality until 1926, when it
was made a museum by the Soviet government. It was restored to the
Orthodox Church in 1988.

Chernigiv Secret Caves 102

Magnetic Earth Field. Magnetic Exploration

Abnormal magnetic field

Abnormal magnetic field. Regional magnetic anomalies

During the last years the abnormal magnetic field has been
successfully used for the construction of non-uniformly scaled
solid models, the geological environment, which is also an integral
part of the estimation of perspectivity of geological structures on
different minerals.
The magnetic or geomagnetic field, is a force field caused by
electromagnetic processes in a kernel of the Earth (main, or a normal
field), in the top layers of the ionosphere (a variation of a geomagnetic
field) and magnetisation of earth crust materials. The former factor
forms an abnormal magnetic field which displays presence of materials
with different concentration of magnetic minerals in earth crust. The
most abnormal magnetic field on the territory of Ukraine is represented
on NAU map "the Abnormal magnetic field". It is received by an
exception of the variations connected with ionospheric processes, and,
a so-called, normal field from intensity of the general geomagnetic field.
The normal field has no exact analytical image and consequently has
several approximating models, one of which is represented on NAU
map "the Normal magnetic field".

Chernigiv Secret Caves 103

The abnormal magnetic field, which is found on the territory of Ukraine

is differentiated greatly and consists of the regional and local
components, which differ in the lateral dimensions of anomalies and the
depth of their sources. Regional field component, represented on the
map "Regional magnetic anomalies" is conditioned by the heterogeneity
of structure of the lower part of earth crust and a relief of the
magnetoactive layer bottom, which can be identified with an earth crust
bottom (Мохоровічич section) or with an isothermal surface of Curie
temperature magnetite as the main carrier of materials' magnetism. It
displays regional features of the big geostructures, and particularly of
separate blocks of the Ukrainian sheet and the imposed trenches of a
platform part of territory, border of the East European platform and
heterogeneity of earth crust within Mountainous Crimea and
Carpathians. Local component of an abnormal magnetic field is
influence of magnetised materials of the top part of the crust and
displays its composition and a structure. Use of local magnetic
anomalies in the search purposes has begun in Ukraine more than 100
years ago with opening and the further research of Krivorozhsky iron-
ore deposit. Now this component of a magnetic field is used as one of
the reliable information sources during geological mapping of materials,
studying of fold and explosive tectonics, tectonic zoning, and together
with the regional component and other geophysical data - for studying
of correlations between near-surface and deep lithospheric structures.
The former is an important factor in the development of searching

Chernigiv Secret Caves 104
criteria for the different types of minerals, including oil-and-gas. From
this point of view special value acquires tracing according to abnormal
magnetic field data of the so-called through faults and a trance of
regional tectonic zones, which are often enough zones of activization
and concentration of minerals.
During the last years the abnormal magnetic field has been successfully
used for the construction of non-uniformly scaled solid models, the
geological environment, which is also an integral part of the estimation
of perspectivity of geological structures on different minerals.


General conclusions concerning conducted research.

1. The construction technique of the maps, displaying abnormal
magnetic field (ΔТ)а, its regional (ΔТ)а.reg and local (ΔТ)а.loc.
components and module T was developed.
2. The new estimation criterion of the terrestrial magnetic field
storminess was offered, which can be used in the study of the
geomagnetic field's secular course and its ecological aspect.
3. Maps of abnormal magnetic field (ΔТ)а, its regional (ΔТ)а.reg
and local (ΔТ)а.loc. components, module T, storminess ΔD and
ecological storminess ΔDecol foer the territory of Ukrain were
worked out.
4. Maps of the geomagnetic field’s regional component (ΔТ)а.reg.,
storminess ΔD and ecological storminess ΔDecol for the East-
European platform were created.

Chernigiv Secret Caves 105

Natural conditions and natural resources. Geophysical fields

Physical fields that were caused or changed with planet natural

environment called geophysical fields (GF). GF change and distribution
in time and space depend on resources availability and power and on
natural environment characteristics structure and its dynamics under the
influence of natural and anthropogenic factors as well. It is important to
know the present condition and change nature of GF for understanding
of natural processes, that influence the people’s life and country
economics, for long-timed socio-economic planning, rational earth
usage, task-oriented minerals seeking and dangerous processes
Gravitational field of the Earth or field of gravity force is the field caused
by gravity force and centrifugal force, that was entailed Earth axial
rotation. It is conventionally divided into abnormal and normal.
Abnormal gravitational field (AGF) represents Earth form and its subsoil
structure characteristics. AGF changes in the wide range on the territory
of Ukraine, thatia connected with characteristics of Earth crust material
and upper mantle thickness. On the atlas map the AGF distribution is
showed with the lines of the similar values of its quantity, that is called

Chernigiv Secret Caves 106
On the base of gravitational modeling of the schistose inhomogeneous
three dimensional deep structures with the usage of data about
abnormal gravitational field, deep seismic sounding data (DSS),
experimental correlate dependences between specific thickness and
seismic-wave propagation under the conditions of different
temperatures and tenses considering material constitution amendments
was created a map of abnormal Earth crust and upper mantle thickness.
Due to the tendency to isostatic equilibrium of separate blocks and its
complexes the bottom of the Earth crust immerses under heavier blocks
and rises under lighter ones.
Thermal field also gives the important information about structure and
dynamics of our planet. Thermal condition of the Earth crust is
characterized by thermal flow thickness that comes from the Earth
subsoil and dissipates from its surface and by temperature change
depending on depth.
The main part in formation of the thermal flow plays: the long-living
radioelements’ (uranium, thorium, potassium) break-up energy, the
maximal concentration of which is observed in the Earth crust materials,
primary Earth energy and the energy of the physicochemical processes
that take place in its subsoil. The important part in positive geothermal
anomalies formation plays also thermal conduction conditions that
significantly change depending on depth and according to lateral. The
leading part in positive geothermal anomalies formation plays active
tectonic and magmatic processes that is attended by release of the
great amount of heat.
Thermal flow thickness – is a quantity of heat that is released from
subsoil to surface per time unit on area unit. It is measured in mW/m2
and is defined as the result of multiplication of the geothermal gradient
in the definite depth interval and the material thermal conductivity of this
interval. On the territory of Ukraine the thermal flow thickness changes
from 25-30 mW/m2 to 100-110 mW/m2. Temperatures on the depth of 1
km changes from 20 to 70oC, and on the depth of 3 km – from 40 to
135oС. Thermal flow distribution is closely connected with geological
development characteristics or the regions and its tectonics.
Deep thermal flow (DTF) is defined as observed thermal flow corrected
considering numerous nearsurface influences: paleoclimate,
groundwater move with vertical component, geological structures, that
cause out-of-level bedding of the distribution surfaces with different
thermal conductivity, young overthrusts, conglomeration of young
sediments etc. DTF map shows the distribution of its background (35-50
mW/m2) and abnormal (60-130mW/m2) values on the territory of

Chernigiv Secret Caves 107
Earth thermal energy is a geoenergy resource. The map given in the
atlas (map of geoenergy resources thickness in tones of conditional fuel
on square meter that can be mined with water geocirculate system with
the carrier temperature not less than 60oC and its returning to the
subsoil with T ~ 20oC) was made on the base of DTF data. General
geoenergy resources of Ukraine (present time defined) approximately
20 times exceed all the reserves of fuel minerals on its territory. They
reach 10 t c.f/m2 on some areas, that exceeds reserves that can be
mined from the big oil or gas field. Geoenergy resources suitable for
practical usage by steam getting (electric power) without additional
heating are investigated only in Transcarpathia and not very limited
territories of Crimea.
Magnetic or geomagnetic field is geophysical force field caused by
electromagnetic processes in the Earth core (main or normal field), in
upper ionosphere (geomagnetic field variation) and Earth crust material
magnetization. Last factor forms abnormal magnetic field that shows
availability of the materials with different concentration of magnetic
minerals in the Earth crust. It is defined by excluding normal field
intensity and its variations from general geomagnetic field intensity.
Normal field does not have exact analytical image. Several approximate
models are used for its description, one of which is in the atlas.
Abnormal magnetic field of the territory of Ukraine is very differentiated
and consist of regional and local components which differ by diametrical
anomaly sizes and source placing depth.
Regional field component showed on the map “Long waved magnetic
anomalies” is provided by inhomogeneous structure of the Earth crust
lower part and the relief of magnetoactive layer bottom, that can be
equaled to Earth crust bottom (Mokhorovichich discontinuity) or to
isothermal surface Curie temperature magnetite – the main carrier of
materials’ magnetism. It reflects regional characteristics of the big
Local abnormal field component is formed under the influence of
magnetized materials of upper Earth crust part and represents its
structure. This magnetic field component is used as one of the
important information sources for geological material mapping, fold and
disjunctive tectonics, tectonic zoning study and in complex with regional
component and other geophysical data – for studying surface and deep
lithosphere structure correlations, for making non-uniformly scaled
three-dimensional models of geological environment, that are used
when geologize geological structures to find different materials.
Magnetotelluric Earth field is a natural electromagnetic field, caused
current system. This field is one of the important source of knowledge
about present geological structure, tectonic processes, geodynamics
Chernigiv Secret Caves 108
and fluid rate of Earth crust and mantle. Material electrical properties
are closely connected with temperature and fluid subsoil rates, mineral
chemical composition, consisting of C, S, Fe and other metals, juvenile
waters mineralization level, available melt of crust and mantle materials
etc. On the base of observed magnetotelluric field analysis using the
methods of film and two-dimensional finite difference electromagnetic
fields modeling the given in atlas maps “Earth crust electroconductivity”
and “Upper mantle electroconducivity” in the siemens (S) – units of
conductivity were made. Electroconductivity anomalies are
distinguished above “normal” generalized Eastern Europe geoelectrical
section, that characterized by specific electric resistance (in ohm.m):
1000, 600, 250, 100, 50, 20, 10, 5, 1, 0.1 – in the geological
environment layers with power (in km): 160, 40, 50, 70, 80, 100, 100,
160, 200, ∞. Value of longitudinal electroconductivity of the environment
film was taken as 10cm.
For studying deep Earth structure: geometry and main tectonic bounder
location, physical parameters distribution of geological environment etc
– another type of GF is used widely – seismic field. It is observed in the
form of mechanical oscillations on the soil surface or in mines, caves,
adits, boreholes. Oscillations are generated by seismic waves
(longitudinal, diametrical, surface, channel), that propagate from the
source fading, reflecting, refracting and reradiating in other types on
geological environment inhomogeneities. Depending on source seismic
field can be natural or anthropogenic.
Studying of anthropogenic seismic fields that were by special
explosions or by Vibroseis generated and observed along geologic
profiles, allowed getting unique data about Earth structure, that are
used for minerals searching and solving other geological-geophysical
problems. There are Earth crust and lithosphere sections through the
main tectonic structures on the territory of Ukraine in the atlas.
1. Observations on the deep seismic sounding (DSS) geotraverse
“Holovanivs’k – Kirovohrad - Taganrog”, that crosses in
latitudinal way Eastern and Central parts of Ukrainian board,
were made according to the uninterrupted profiling method
using the mutually connected travel- time curves of the main
waves. This model shows velocity properties and deep
structure of the Archean-Proterozoic parts of the board.
2. Geotraverse “Black Sea – Baltic Sea” on the territory of Ukraine
has the 900 km length. It crosses Paleozoic Skythian plate and
Precambrian Ukrainian board. Velocity model was made on the
base of two-dimensional figure wave field modeling, that was
taken by DSS method.

Chernigiv Secret Caves 109
3. DSS profile “Poltava- Sverdlovsk” goes along Dnipro-Donets’k
avlakogen. DSS results was taken and interpreted by the big
staff of Ukrainian geologists and geophysicians.
4. Deep seismic researches on the profile “Berehovo – Dolyna –
Vyshnevets’ – Shepetivka - Chernigiv” showed the tectonic
structure of different age and genesis: Transcarpathian
Mesozoic – Palaeogene bending, Carpathia, that are one of the
main European Alpine orogenes and Archean-earlyProterozoic
Ukrainian board.
5. DSS profile “Putyvl’-Kryvyi Rih” join the ultradeep well UDW-8
and 9. In its Southern part it goes along Kryvoriz’ko-
Kremenchutc’ka submedidianal early protherozoic
protogeosyncline, and in the Northern – obliquely crosses
Dnipro-Donets’k late proterozoic- Devon paleorift north-western
6. On the territory of Ukraine great amount of seismic profiling
were done (over 10 th km) for studying Earth crust and
lithosphere structure. A map of Mokhorovichich surface was
made in the atlas according to these data. The word “surface” is
conventional, as actually it is powerful transition zone, that
divide Earth crust from the upper mantle, that is characterized
by complicated structure, alternation of thin layers with higher
and lower seismic waves velocities.

On the territory of Ukraine Earth crust thickness changes in wide ranges

from 25 to 65 km. Maximal crust thickness fixes under the Carpathia (65
km), Mountain Crimea (up to 60 km), jn the Ukrainian board (Odessa-
Yadliv, Kryvyi Rih-Krupets’k, Orikhovo-Pavlohrad early Protherozoic
geosyncline zones – 50-60 km). Minimal Earth crust thickness is
observed in the Transcarpathian bending region (25 km), under Dnipro-
Donets’k avlacogene (30-35 km), on the Ukrainian board, in the
Zaporizhzhya middle massif region (25-30 km), Kirovohrad
protoplatform block region (35 km) and on the water area of Black Sea
depression (25-30 km).
Natural seismic fields caused by the local and strong distant earthquake
foci, must be taken into account because of their dangerousness when
accommodations, important buildings, objects at ecological and
anthropogeneous risk are built. The cause of earthquakes is the present
geological structure tectonic activity. Distribution of different magnitude
earthquakes on the given territory in time and dimension is called
On the territory of Ukraine the high seismicity level is observed mainly
on the territory or Carpathia and Crimea-black Sea region.
Chernigiv Secret Caves 110
Seismicity of the Carpathia region depends on the earthquakes with
epicenters in Transcarpathia, Carpathia and on the adjacent territory of
Poland, Slovakia, Hungary, Romania. The most active is
On the Western regions territory (from 18th century and to the present
time) earthquakes are characterized mainly by foci depth (h) 2-10 km
and magnitudes (M)< 5,5. due to the small depth these earthquakes
caused local effects on the soil surface with intensity up to 7-8 points on
the MSK-64 scale. Similar fluctuations are felt on the Transcarpathia
from deeper (h=35 km) and bigger (M=6.8) earthquakes with epicenters
in Romania at the ~60 km from Ukrainian bounder. the biggest at the
adjacent territories of the Precarpathia earthquake was in the 1875 year
in the Lvivs’ka region. It has magnitude M=5.3, focus depth h=19 km
and was felt in the epicenter with the intensity 6 points. In Chernivtsi
intensity reached 3 points.
The territory of Ukraine is influenced by the subcutaneous earthquakes
from Vrancea zone in Romania. Earthquake foci are placed in the
mantle on the depths from 80 to 190 km. Maximal magnitudes reached
7.6. Due to big depths of the foci and magnitudes earthquakes from the
Vrancea are felt on the huge territory: from Greece on the south to
Finland on the north. There are earthquake foci from the Vrancea zone
from 11th century with magnitudes higher than 3.5 on the epicenter
map. For the last two centuries isoseims for the strongest earthquakes
were defined.
Seismicity of the Crimea-Black sea region is defined by the earthquake
epicenters, placed in the Black Sea water area near the Southern Coast
of Crimea. They are characterized by the highest in the Ukraine
magnitudes (M=6.8). On the epicenter map earthquake are represented
with M>2 from the first century to the present time. On the lower part of
Crimea and Sea of Azov waters area earthquake foci with M>1 are
On the platform part of Ukraine only several local earthquakes are
known. Their foci were in the Earth crust range, and to it, seismic effect
had local character. Seismic swing intensity in the epicenter reached 6-
7 point. Earthquake with intensity of 6 points on the MSK-64 scale that
took place on January 3, 2002, near the village Mykulyntsi Ternopils’ka
region and aftershock trail are the evidence of seismic activity
availability of the platform tectonic structures on the territory of Ukraine.
Danger level, which can be caused by earthquakes, is displayed on the
maps of general seismic zoning (GSZ) in the numbers of MSK-64
macroseismic scale. These maps are used in long-term social-
economic planning, rational land use, acceptance of administrative and
technical decisions concerning maintenance of existing constructions'
Chernigiv Secret Caves 111
stable operation and placing of the new ones (HPS, APS, pipelines,
etc.). In Ukrainian seismic areas design-survey and construction works
are regulated through three probabilistic ЗСР-2004 maps, marked as A,
B and C. They represent intensity values of seismic shakings, which
can become evident once in 500, 1000 and 5000 years accordingly, or,
in other words, may be exceeded with probability of 10 %, 5 % and 1 %
in the next 50 years.
Maps of seismic zoning (SZ) display a predicted increase in seismic
numbers on different territory lots, according to the one, presented on
GSZ map. Increases may be positive or negative, depending on the
local soil conditions, relief and presence of tectonic failures.
Engineering-geological researches data, macroseismic inspections of
earthquakes consequences data, tool observation over the earthquakes'
seismic fields, explosions, natural and technogenic microseisms are
used while creating SZ maps. SZ maps are used for planning of
population aggregates' development, maintenance of existing
constructions' stable operation and designing of the new ones.
The maps of geophysical fields represented in the atlas and the maps
and schemes, created on the basis of their interpretation, which display
depth of the lithosphere structure, dynamics of tectonic structures, the
danger, connected with earthquakes, creep movements, shifts,
subsidences, etc., is an important tool for the preception of a deep
planet structure, purposeful search of minerals, protection of the
population, habitation and important constructions from dangerous
endogenous processes and the secondary engineering-geological
phenomena, connected with them.

Data of geomagnetic measurements of the Arctic and Antarctic

These geomagnetic measurements on the site of Geophysics Center

RAN: the importance of the components of magnetic fields, catalogs
and maps of measured values of isolines of the geomagnetic field.
 Arctic
 Antarctic

Data of National Antarctic Research Center is available by arrangement

with the NASC.
 Description of geological and geophysical researches.
 Contacts NASC

Geomagnetic data of Antarctic

Chernigiv Secret Caves 112
Geomagnetic data
 The value of the components of geomagnetic field (hour and
 Catalogs measured values and maps isolines of the geomagnetic
field (publishing).

Geomagnetic observatories in Antarctic


Name Code
Latitude Longitude   

Leningradskaya LEN    69.50°S     159.40°E  

Mirny MIR 66.55°S 93.02°E

Molodezhnaya MOL 67.67°S 45.85°E

Novolazarevskaya NVL 70.77°S 11.83°E

Pionerskaya PIO 69.73°S 95.50°E

Vostok VOS 78.45°S 106.87°E

Geomagnetic data of Arctic

Chernigiv Secret Caves 113
Geomagnetic data
 The value of the components of geomagnetic field (hour and
 Catalogs measured values and maps isolines of the geomagnetic
field (publishing).

Geomagnetic observatories in Arctic.

Name Code
Latitude Longitude

Amderma AMD 69.47°N 61.42°E

Arkhangelsk ARK 64.60°N 40.50°E

Beliy Island BEY 73.30°N 70.00°E

Cape Chelyuskin CCS 77.72°N 104.28°E

Cape Kamenniy CKA 68.50°N 73.60°E

Cape Schmidt CPS 68.92°N 179.48°W

Cape Wellen CWE 66.16°N 169.83°W

Chernigiv Secret Caves 114

Chokurdakh CHD 70.62°N 147.89°E

Dixon Island DIK 73.54°N 80.56°E

Heiss Island HIS 80.62°N 58.05°E

Kharasavey KHS 71.13°N 66.83°E

Kotelny Island KTN 75.94°N 137.71°E

Leningrad LNN 59.95°N 30.71°E

Magadan MGD 60.12°N 151.02°E

Murmansk MMK 68.95°N 33.05°E

Pevek PBK 70.83°N 170.90°E

Podkam. Tunguska POD 61.60°N 90.00°E

Seykha SEY 70.10°N 72.50°E

Srednikan SRE 62.44°N 152.31°E

Tanbey TMB 71.50°N 71.80°E

Chernigiv Secret Caves 115

Tixie Bay TIK 71.58°N 129.00°E

Ugut UGT 61.00°N 74.00°E

Vise Island VIZ 79.48°N 79.98°E

Yakutsk YAK 62.02°N 129.72°E

Zyrjanka ZYK 65.75°N 150.78°E


Floating stations:

North Pole 8 NP08

North Pole 12 NP12

North Pole 13 NP13

Geomagnetical ecology

Chernigiv Secret Caves 116

Earth magnetic field environmental

storminess in 1950 – ΔDecol.1950
Earth magnetic field environmental
(height 0 km). Favourable areas for
storminess in 2000 г – ΔDecol.2000
human living on the Earth are
(height 0 km)
marked with yellow colour
Authors: M.I. Orlyuk, A. O. Romenets.
Authors: M.I. Orlyuk, A. O.

Comparison table of Earth magnetic

field storminess and disease quantity
on acute respiratoral viral infection for
administrative regions of Ukraine
Environmental storminess Authors: M.I. Orlyuk, A. F. Frolov
(corresponding member of NASU of
medical sciences of Ukraine, Doctor
of Medicine, professor, director of
influenza centre)

Chernigiv Secret Caves 117

Time dependence of average annual Dependence of infectious diseases

values quantity

Information of magnetic observatories of Ukraine


01APR2005LVV      01AUG2005LVV 01DEC2005LVV

Chernigiv Secret Caves 118



Chernigiv Secret Caves 119

01JUN2005LVV 01MAY2005LVV

Chernigiv Secret Caves 120



Chernigiv Secret Caves 121

02APR2005LVV 02AUG2005LVV


01APR2006LVV 01AUG2006LVV 01DEC2006LVV

Magnetic Field of Ukrainian Shield

Taktonichne division of Ukrainian abnormal Regional magnetic

Chernigiv Secret Caves 122
the Ukrainian shield magnetic field shield and anomalies of Ukrainian
related shield

Deep magnetic
The magnetic model of Magnetic model along
heterogeneity and
the earth's crust along geotraverse
depth of insulation to
geotraverse II EUROBRIDGE
the surface

The magnetic model of The magnetic model of The magnetic model of

the earth's crust along the earth's crust along the earth's crust along
geotraverse VI geotraverse VIII geotraverse DOBRE

New maps of the magnetic fields of


Chernigiv Secret Caves 123

Comparison between the magnetic

heterogeneity of Ukrainian board
The scheme of the Ukrainian board
earth crust and distribution areas of
magnetic heterogeneities
magmatic and metamorphic rocks of
the basic structure

Local anomalies of the geomagnetic


Nonmagnetic Deep Blocks of Earth Crust in connection with the

Nodes of Traversal of Transemegablock Crustmantle Magmoactive

Edges of the deep magnetic blocks of the earth crust in association with
section knots of transmegablock crust-mantle structurally-deformational
(magmoactive) zones are perspective in kimberlite magmatism.
Non-magnetic deep blocks of the earth crust in association with section
knots of transmegablock crust-mantle structurally-deformational
(magmoactive) zones are perspective in kimberlite-lamproite
Genetic and structural-genetic connections between abnormal magnetic
field of the earth and its oil-and-gas content are substantiated.
Chernigiv Secret Caves 124
On the basis of the developed maps of regional and local magnetic
anomalies of the oil-and-gas basins of Ukraine, locations of the basic
deep oil-and-gas monitoring fractures and fractures and oil-and-gas
providing channels are substantiated, and the ways of hydrocarbons
migration can be connected with it.

Petromagnetic Types of Earth Crust

By the magmatism type, size of magnetisation and yhe lithosphere

structure, four petromagnetic earth crust types are singled out.
The most widespread mafic and sialmafic types, which are
characterised by the basic magmatism and high magnetisation values,
are considered to be the structures of extension modes. Areas of
primordial continental crust consolidations, rifts (paleorifts) and zones of
oceanic and continental lithosphere articulation can be analogues of
such structures.
Initial magmatism of the basic structure and formation of the magnetic
sources is considered to date back to early stages of the large
tectonomagmatic cycles, which coincide in the time relation with the
periods of maximum dislocations of the Ukrainian board in width or its
maximum turns.
Regions' perspectivity in minerals of magmatic, hydrothermal and
pegmatite types is defined by the through lithospere structures together
with corresponding conditions in earth crust.

Results of 3D Analysis of Magnetic Model of Earth Crust

3D Earth crust magnetic models with other geological-geophysical data

in connection with tectonics, magmatism, metallogenic specialisation
and minerals prognostication were analysed.
Magmatic formations of the basic and ultrabasic structure of pre-
platform development stage of Ukrainian board, which are drawn off on
the surface of crystal base, are situated mainly over deep blocks (or
their edges) of the Earth crust with the raised magnetisation values;
Reduction of average magnetisation value of the materials with basic
and ultrabasic structure along with the reduction of their formation age
is discovered, and the maximum magnetisation of crust bottoms of
archaic Podolsky, Buzhsky, and partially Serednyoprydniprovsky
megablocks and the West Priazovsky block, its smaller intensity in the
Volynsky megablock and practically not magnetic bottom crust of the
platform activization areas is connected with it.

Chernigiv Secret Caves 125

Chernigiv Secret Caves 126

Chernigiv Secret Caves 127

Chernigiv Secret Caves 128

Chernigiv Secret Caves 129

Chernigiv Secret Caves 130


BETWEEN 1950 and 2000


Chernigiv Secret Caves 131

Chernigiv Secret Caves 132

Chernigiv Secret Caves 133

Chernigiv Secret Caves 134


Chernigiv Secret Caves 135

Chernigiv Secret Caves 136

Chernigiv Secret Caves 137

Chernigiv Secret Caves 138

Chernigiv Secret Caves 139
Deep magnetic heterogeneity and depth of insulation to the

Chernigiv Secret Caves 140

The magnetic model of the earth's crust along geotraverse II

The magnetic model of the earth's crust along geotraverse


Chernigiv Secret Caves 141

Chernigiv Secret Caves 142
Magnetic model along geotraverse EUROBRIDGE

Chernigiv Secret Caves 143
Comparison between the magnetic heterogeneity of Ukrainian board earth
crust and distribution areas of magmatic and metamorphic rocks of the basic

Chernigiv Secret Caves 144

Chernigiv Secret Caves 145
The scheme of the Ukrainian board magnetic heterogeneities

Chernigiv Secret Caves 146

Chernigiv Secret Caves 147
Local anomalies of the geomagnetic field

Chernigiv Secret Caves 148

Chernigiv Secret Caves 149
Nonmagnetic Deep Blocks of Earth Crust in connection with the
Nodes of Traversal of Transemegablock Crustmantle Magmoactive

Edges of the deep magnetic blocks of the earth crust in association with
section knots of transmegablock crust-mantle structurally-deformational
(magmoactive) zones are perspective in kimberlite magmatism.
Non-magnetic deep blocks of the earth crust in association with section
knots of transmegablock crust-mantle structurally-deformational
(magmoactive) zones are perspective in kimberlite-lamproite
Genetic and structural-genetic connections between abnormal magnetic
field of the earth and its oil-and-gas content are substantiated.
On the basis of the developed maps of regional and local magnetic
anomalies of the oil-and-gas basins of Ukraine, locations of the basic
deep oil-and-gas monitoring fractures and fractures and oil-and-gas
providing channels are substantiated, and the ways of hydrocarbons
migration can be connected with it.

Petromagnetic Types of Earth Crust

By the magmatism type, size of magnetisation and yhe lithosphere

structure, four petromagnetic earth crust types are singled out.
The most widespread mafic and sialmafic types, which are
characterised by the basic magmatism and high magnetisation values,
are considered to be the structures of extension modes. Areas of
primordial continental crust consolidations, rifts (paleorifts) and zones of
oceanic and continental lithosphere articulation can be analogues of
such structures.
Initial magmatism of the basic structure and formation of the magnetic
sources is considered to date back to early stages of the large
tectonomagmatic cycles, which coincide in the time relation with the
periods of maximum dislocations of the Ukrainian board in width or its
maximum turns.
Regions' perspectivity in minerals of magmatic, hydrothermal and
pegmatite types is defined by the through lithospere structures together
with corresponding conditions in earth crust.

Results of 3D Analysis of Magnetic Model of Earth Crust

Chernigiv Secret Caves 150
3D Earth crust magnetic models with other geological-geophysical data
in connection with tectonics, magmatism, metallogenic specialisation
and minerals prognostication were analysed.
Magmatic formations of the basic and ultrabasic structure of pre-
platform development stage of Ukrainian board, which are drawn off on
the surface of crystal base, are situated mainly over deep blocks (or
their edges) of the Earth crust with the raised magnetisation values;
Reduction of average magnetisation value of the materials with basic
and ultrabasic structure along with the reduction of their formation age
is discovered, and the maximum magnetisation of crust bottoms of
archaic Podolsky, Buzhsky, and partially Serednyoprydniprovsky
megablocks and the West Priazovsky block, its smaller intensity in the
Volynsky megablock and practically not magnetic bottom crust of the
platform activization areas is connected with it.

Friday, 19th day of July, 1051

Veritor asks for a meeting of the magi of the covenant that evening. He has a
proposal to put before the magi. The proposal is for Marya's men to occupy
the five-walls that the Varangians will be vacating at the death of the sun, and
for the horses to be brought in to some temporary stables that are to be built.
Also, Father Mark will hold services in an acceptable location, but will not
establish a chapel.
Quintus has problems with the idea of a foreign "army" being inside the holly.
There is much discussion of what would be acceptable to Quintus;
eventually, there is agreement that if Marya were to form an alliance with the
covenant for mutual defense and support, this would be acceptable.
Veritor talks to Marya, and she thinks that she can agree to this, but wants to
consult with Nikolai, her guard captain, before giving a final answer. Veritor
relays this to the other magi, and arranges for a meeting after dinner the next
day for the agreement to be finalized.

Saturday, 20th day of July, 1051

In the morning, Veritor takes Marya to where the guard captain is, and brings
both of them back to the covenant.
That evening, there is yet another meeting. Marya and Nikolai are brought in
to attend, and Simon and Demetrios are brought in to write out two copies of
the alliance agreement. The agreement is written down in two copies, and
signed by the magi and Marya.

Friday, 26th day of July, 1051

26 July (Friday)
Veritor visits the pool with the reflection and collects it in a bucket. Then he
goes to sleep in a patch of daisies.
Chernigiv Secret Caves 151
Saturday, 27th day of July, 1051
Dusk leaves.
Veritor gets 1 pawn of Imaginem from the reflection, and 3 pawns of Mentem
from the daisies. He gives 2 pawns of Mentem to the covenant.

Sunday, 28th day of July, 1051

There are storms with a lot of lightning outside the holly, but not inside. Is this
a coincidence with Dusk's exit from the holly?

Wednesday, 31th day of July, 1051

Grösschen answers the bell, and finds Vilus outside the holly. Vilus needs to
talk, but is in a hurry and asks Grösschen to come outside. The guards
spread out in the woods.
Vilus just came from Novgorod. The grain shipment from Chernigov hasn't
made it here yet, and it should be by now. Vsevolod thinks that the shipment
may have been "taken." He was hoping that the magi could check down the
river to see if there is any sign of the shipment, but Vsevolod wasn't sure
whether the covenant would want to help.
Vilus asks for news, and Grösschen tells about Dusk coming here with three
apprentice candidates.
Vilus says that there is some sort of boundary around Novgorod that prevents
his means of magical travel there; someone seems to be trying to seal in the
Church's influence, and has walked a path around the city.
Vilus also asks if Veritor's wife got here safely, and that Vsevolod said that he
would try to protect her if she made it to Novgorod.
Vilus decides to leave, and Grösschen goes back inside the holly with the
guards. Grösschen calls magi of the covenant to a meeting; they don't ask
Magus Frederick to leave the library, since he won't be paying any attention
to it anyway.
The magi discuss whom to send out. Lochlan is a possibility. Veritor was also
planning on a trip down to Chernigov, and can take a few people with him. So
Veritor will take a few people with him, Lochlan will check out the magical
properties of the protection of Novgorod, and Brigitte will be asked to scout
along the rivers for a couple of days' travel.
Acernus tells Veritor that if he runs into Vilus, he wants to talk to Vilus about
transporting grain.
Acernus "borrows" Veritor's "lodya" for an experiment. He shrinks it, along
with some grain, and lets it expand again.

Thursday, 1st day of August, 1051

Acernus realizes that his lab has started feeling good recently; unexpected
things don't happen as often.

Chernigiv Secret Caves 152
Demetrios is teaching Latin to the three boys. Nikolai sits in on the lessons.
Marya sits in when she can.
Veritor sets off on the trip to Chernigov. He takes a Gunther, a Varangian,
and Grigorii, Marya's tiun. Paulo also goes along. He also takes 5 of Marya's

Saturday, 3rd day of August, 1051

Veritor's flying circus is at the junction of two rivers in the late morning when
they find evidence of some recent funeral pyres. He sets down to let the
guards have a look, and it looks like a battle within the last few weeks. It
looks like the caravan was ambushed from the bank and from the second
branch of the fork. The funeral arrangements argue against the attackers
being Christians.
Veritor collects 3 pawns of Corpus from the funeral pyres while the guards
are looking at the tracks and such.
Veritor decides to scout down the branch of the river that doesn't lead to
Chernigov for the rest of the day. He eventually finds a series of villages
along the river, but no clear indication of the fate of the grain. He heads back
toward Holly Hill.

Sunday, 4th day of August, 1051

Veritor gets back to Holly Hill. He gives the information about the site of the
attack to the magi, and asks that they find a way to get it to the prince.

Monday, 5th day of August, 1051

Veritor leaves to go toward Chernigov again.

Wednesday, 7th day of August, 1051

Veritor gets to Cliff Side. There are two villages, one on either side of the
Vilus comes out to greet Veritor. Veritor says that he is here to do some
shopping, and introduces his passengers. Veritor and the others are invited
into the caves.
After they start eating, they see a harried-looking Johan go up to the cook.
Veritor learns that Vilus moved Julka and her village here earlier in the
summer. Julka now has a lab in Cliff Side.
After a bit, Ilsa comes out to say hello.
Vilus offers to have Rurik recommend a small clearing nearer Chernigov so
that Veritor's people don't have to walk so far.
Vilus and Veritor exchange news. There was an attempt to burn a church in
Chernigov, but no other trouble so far. Vilus does not go into Chernigov
Vilus offers some French wine to his guests.
Chernigiv Secret Caves 153
Thursday, 8th day of August, 1051
Vilus' men show Veritor the clearing near Chernigov. Actually, Veritor
borrows Vilus' arcane connection to the place so that he can find it. Rurik
goes along to accompany Veritor on the way back to Cliff Side. A few other
people are sent along as well to do some shopping for Cliff Side.
The people who are going into Chernigov are given a lecture on how the city
is neutral, and anybody who starts trouble will be dealt with severely.
Once in the city, Paulo and Grigorii go off to place orders for things.
Paulo and the others hear some taunting between opposing sides (Church
and volkhvy). Those who burned the church are being forced to rebuild it.
Veritor, Gunther, and Rurik's men are back at Cliff Side before sunset.
Rotblitz is there for supper. Veritor asks for news from the Tribunal. The
March on Octavia is set aside for the moment, and a senior Quaesitor named
Lanista will be coming to investigate the circumstances of the incident.
Northern Dawn's charter was accepted, and Romagrad was declared to no
longer exist. Veritor asks for new Peripheral Code rulings, and Rotblitz says
that there were some small ones.
Rotblitz says that the members of Romagrad who survived the fall were ruled
to share in the resources that belonged to Romagrad. If Octavia is Marched,
her portion will be divided among the others.
Magus Lanista will be coming north with Alexei. There is one other magus
coming with them with the intent of settling there, a Tytalus, Rotblitz thinks.
That evening, Julka and Johan come out of the lab carrying all sorts of little
things. They move purposefully across the hall and toward Vilus' Sanctum.
There are no sounds of explosions, though. About half an hour later, Julka
and Johan come back the other way; some of the containers are full now,
and one might contain blood. Julka is grumbling to herself.

Friday, 9th day of August, 1051 (New Moon)

Shortly before dawn, Gunther notices Julka and Johan come through the hall
again; Julka is more upset this time.

Saturday, 10th day of August, 1051

Tonsa emerges from Vilus' Sanctum in the afternoon. Vilus and Veritor
discuss the political situation. Vilus mentions that Vsevolod has said that it
might be advantageous if the magi of Northern Dawn were to help any new
bishop get to Novgorod. Veritor allows that such aid might be arranged if
Northern Dawn were notified in time to be of any help.

Sunday, 11th day of August, 1051

Rotblitz leaves in the morning.

Tuesday, 13th day of August, 1051

Chernigiv Secret Caves 154
Rotblitz arrives at Northern Dawn. Grösschen has fun talking about the
"other" Quaesitor who is coming for a visit to investigate the investigation. He
advises that we work on having a fit place for her to stay.
Acernus and Rotblitz talk about a lot of topics that would horrify Veritor if he
heard them.
Near Chernigov, Veritor meets the shoppers at the lodya. He flies them all
back to Cliff Side.

Wednesday, 14th day of August, 1051

Veritor leaves Cliff Side for Northern Dawn.

Friday, 16th day of August, 1051

Veritor and the rest get back to Holly Hill.

Saturday, 17th day of August, 1051 (First Quarter Moon)

Magus meeting. Rotblitz joins the covenant. He brings up the issue of
Octavia's status as a member of the covenant. After much discussion, the
magi of Northern Dawn vote to offer membership to Magus Octavia.
The construction plans are discussed. Rotblitz wants the entire bottom floor
of the new wing for his lab (and a spare). Grösschen will be on the second
floor, and Veritor and Parcus will be on the third floor, with an empty lab on
the second floor.
Over the next several days, the new addition to the keep grows.

Saturday, 24th day of August, 1051 (Full Moon)

Veritor asks Acernus, Parcus, and Grösschen (and Heidi) if they want to see
if they can collect their reflections for vis that evening. They all agree to go,
and Parcus plans to bring Feral and Bran along. Parcus plans to fly Feral and
Bran himself using his Wizard's Boost to make Wings of Soaring Wind work
on a group.
Veritor takes off first with everyone except Parcus, Feral, and Bran. Then
Parcus uses his own magic to take off with his guards. They all fly off to the
At midnight, they all peer into the pool. Feral and Bran do not see their own
reflections, Gunther sees "Karl's" face instead of his own, and draws his
sword. Heidi's reflection is a fire, and Heidi is gone. The magi other than
Grösschen have their priorities: they scoop out their reflections. Grösschen
calls out Heidi's name.
Grösschen asks if that is Heidi in the water, and the flame wavers some.
Gunther hits the water with his sword, and it sounds like a sword hitting flesh
and cloth. The ripples spread out, and the reflections of Grösschen and Heidi

Chernigiv Secret Caves 155
Gunther hits the water again, but it just splashes. Heidi is nowhere to be
seen. Acernus says that maybe Heidi will be back in the morning, or maybe
he should come back next month without Heidi.
Elsewhere, Sebastian is having fun.
Back at the pool, Grösschen is looking around. Veritor decides to catch some

Chernigiv Secret Caves 156
Sunday, 25th day of August, 1051
Heidi is still gone at dawn. Veritor flies everyone, including Grösschen and
his guards, back to the covenant. The buckets do contain processable vis.
We get back to the covenant to find Rotblitz sitting in the hall. Lochlan is
there, too.
Rotblitz has news from Novgorod. He just happened to be flying in the area,
and heard a rumor about a possible gathering of the Perun worshippers
around the statue. He was flying at high altitude, and had to go north of the
city to get away from the gathering storm. Lightning hit the statue, then the
city gates. Then the people from the hill stormed the gates, and the statue
came along behind them. He saw the statue go into the square in front of the
palace and the cathedral. As of dawn, the statue was facing south. The
cathedral was being battered by something big, but he couldn't see exactly
what happened.

Chernigiv Secret Caves 157
Rotblitz is heading south to tell Vilus what happened last night. After some
talk, though, he agrees to take Acernus, Lochlan, and Cormac into the city so
he will have more concrete news to tell Vilus.
Rotblitz sets them down on the edge of the woods. They walk toward the
town through the fields of crops. The statue is gone, and can be made out
over the city walls. The gate is destroyed, and the buildings just past them
have been smashed. Some cleanup efforts are ongoing. There are no guards
They approach the bridge, where there are some guards stationed. The
guards challenge us, and ask who we are. "Foreign wizards," says Acernus.
He says that we are here to see the prince who rules Novgorod. The guards
give them an escort to the other end of the bridge, and hand them off to the
guards there. The statue is standing in front of the palace, facing southwards.
They go in to see Prince Sevaschek. The hall is a little messed up, but there
is Sebastian near the throne wearing unevenly dyed red boots. Acernus
greets him as "Prince Sevaschek."
Acernus explains that he heard about some excitement last night. Sebastian
says that "we won," and Rotblitz wants to know if he intends to hold the city.
Sebastian says that he plans to get things organized. Acernus asks if he
plans to rule the city. Sebastian evades the question, but says that he will be
moving on. Not according to his own ambition, though. Presumably, that will
be Perun's ambition.
Acernus asks what he plans to do with the Christians in Novgorod. Sebastian
says that he plans to get rid of the Church and have everyone follow Perun.
Those who don't wish to follow Perun may leave. Acernus asks Sebastian's
policy on foreign wizards. Sebastian says that Perun will leave them alone if
they do not try to hinder Perun's forces. Sebastian beat the previous prince in
battle, but Sebastian hasn't seen the corpse.
Acernus requests that we be allowed to take the books from the library.
Sebastian doesn't give an answer. Acernus asks to be allowed to treat the
wounded. "Which side?" Sebastian asks. "Both," is the answer. Sebastian
wants to know if he intends to use "the food thing." Acernus mainly plans to
keep wounds from going bad, not heal them quickly. Sebastian has no
objections to his healing those on Perun's side, or innocents. He's not sure
how Perun would feel about Acernus healing the wounded enemy.
Sebastian allows the healing of his people, and the city guard, and any of the
city folk who got injured in the course of the fighting.
Rotblitz returns to Holly Hill with Lochlan.

Tuesday, 27th day of August, 1051

That evening, Acernus asks Cormac to go to the covenant in the morning to
tell them that he wants transportation back to Holly Hill. Then he goes to tell
Sebastian that he plans on going back to Holly Hill the next day, and asks if
Chernigiv Secret Caves 158
Sebastian has made any decision regarding the books. Acernus points out
that some of them are Christian books.
Sebastian says that the books are safe where they are, and he doesn't plan
on destroying the books. He says that he will decide later.
Acernus says that he can take anyone who is "inconvenient" out of the city.
Nobody comes to mind.
Acernus gives Sebastian some advice, saying that he might give some
thought to saying "no" to Perun in some cases. When asked for messages,
Sebastian says to tell Sadko that he knows how Sadko feels.
Acernus asks whether it is all right to purchase things in the city, and send
guards on leave. Sebastian says that this is fine.
At Holly Hill, the bells rings, and Veritor sees a tired-looking, vaguely familiar
man. It turns out to be a messenger from Vsevolod. Vsevolod is wounded,
and is being taken to a place of safety. He asks for healing. Veritor invites the
man in for food and drink. Veritor starts making arrangements to go to
Vsevolod's aid.

Everything happens around Holly Hill. The secret is there. The Stone
Grave, discovered in the 1820s, contains caves and grottoes with
petroglyphs of animals and other motifs. Shilov is convinced that these
glyphs constitute a primitive script; on the basis of this conviction, he
declared that the world’s first writing system was developed in the lower
Dnieper basin at least two millennia before the Sumerians invented

The Russian linguist Anatoly Kifishyn claimed to have deciphered the

mysterious script and confirmed Shilov’s discovery. Kifishyn’s findings were
published in Ukraine with the financial support of Shilov, Polischuk, and
Mykola Senchenko, director of the Book Chamber of Ukraine, a state
organization that supports publishing. Senchenko is well known for his
numerous nationalistic, anti-Semitic publications.

Kifishyn, 63, is a hardy character who lived for a period in a shelter he

fashioned from tree branches in a village near Moscow while he spent his
days doing research in the Lenin Library. His 850-page volume is his first
published book. According to the biographical note, he has always been
obsessed with arcane subjects that are ignored by “normal researchers” and
as a result has been persecuted by other scholars. Until the 1990s virtually

Chernigiv Secret Caves 159

the only venue that would publish his writings was a magazine called Useful

Professional archeologists believe that the Stone Grave glyphs have nothing
to do with any script. Kifishyn, however, concluded his book with an even
more astonishing statement. He asserted that the linear markings painted
with red ochre on mammoth bones, which have been found at several
Paleolithic sites in Ukraine, are also primitive texts. Thus he has extended the
history of writing back 44,000 years.

Historians have dismissed Kifishyn’s theory as nonsense, but a number of

nationalistic politicians who are happy to consider themselves descendants of
proto-Sumerians have treated his book very seriously. It was formally
presented in Parliament. Kiev’s then mayor, Oleksandr Omelchenko,
bestowed the city’s highest honors on the author, and a group of Ukrainian
writers petitioned the Nobel Committee in Stockholm to nominate Kifishyn for
the Nobel Prize. The proto-Sumerian migration from Ukraine to Mesopotamia
even made its way into a textbook.

Yushchenko also made a contribution. A museum was constructed at Stone

Grave with funds provided by a local company. The president himself opened
the museum in October 2005, a much-publicized event that was described on
Yushchenko’s official Web site as one of his first “steps toward the people.”

This high-level attention paid to the subject of the extremely distant past
provoked a veritable frenzy of well-publicized archeological discoveries that
supported Ukraine’s claim to be the cradle of civilization. Thus there were
reports on a burial site of “pure Ukrainians” unearthed in Kiev; on the remains
of a Varangian (Norse) warrior found near the city of Chernigov, described as
evidence of “Ukraine’s European past”; on the alleged invention of
hamburgers by the Scythians; on Polischuk’s museum as proof that Ukraine
was the birthplace of the “white race”; on the settlement of Kharkov 6,000
years ago (the city was founded in the 17th century); and many other
interesting facts. All of these reports appeared in a single month, reflecting
the intensity of the mythmaking.

Chernigiv Secret Caves 160

But the most fascinating was the discovery of “pre-Egyptian pyramids”

near the city of Lugansk in southeastern Ukraine, hailed as the greatest
find in recent history. The truth is that although the site is an important
one, there are no pyramids, according to Klochko, who led the
excavation. “We don’t have pyramids in Ukraine,” he says.






Pechersk Lavra
Have you ever dreamed about
travelling back in time?
If you'd like to know what it was
like in the Kiev Rus of the 11th
to 18th centuries, then visit the
Pechersk Lavra monastery.
The remarkable complex was
founded in the 11th century by
a monk named Antoniy, and it
is still an active monastery.
When you visit it, you can see
that the atmosphere is still like
it was in medieval times.
The first magnificent building of
the complex, which you can
see even before entering, is the
Troitskaya (Nadvratnaya)
Church, which towers above
the main gates. The church
was built in the 12th century,
Chernigiv Secret Caves 161
but most of it was
reconstructed in 1718 after a
disastrous fire. The beautiful
paintings that hang on the
church's walls were also done
in the 18th century. A medieval
legend says: When you pass
through the Saint gates under
the Nadvratnaya Church, you
get rid of 50 percent of your
sins. So come on in. It certainly
won't do you any harm, will it?
The centre of the complex and
the main temple of the
monastery is Uspenskiy
Cathedral. The original
structure was the first building
in the complex, built in 1078. It
was reconstructed in the 18th
century in Ukrainian baroque
style but destroyed during
World War II. Happily, it was
rebuilt in 2000.
Unless you are really fit, you
shouldn't try to make your way
to the top of the church's Bell
Tower. At 96 meters high, the
graceful, refined creature of the
18th century was the tallest
building in the country at the
time. If you can make it to the
top, you will find an
unbelievable view of Kiev
downtown, the River Dniper, its
bridges and the districts of the
low left bank. The big clock on
the tower's fourth floor has
seven bells, which strike every
15 minutes.
The Lavra complex includes
other wonderful churches as
well as the two largest. The
high, proud white buildings
Chernigiv Secret Caves 162
have dark-blue and green
capes and gilded stars. Their
marvellous interiors include
paintings and carved gilded
icons of Ukrainian and Russian
artists of the 18th century.
The most mysterious and holy
feature of the complex is the
Lavra caves. Originally, the
monks lived there. Later, the
caves became a burial places
for Lavra's saints. The caves
have many branches, making
them a labyrinth of
underground corridors, niches
and even small underground
churches. So far about 600
meters of the caves have been
discovered. Many people
believe that much more has yet
to be found.
The monastery grounds include
unique exhibitions and
museums. Visitors can see
historical jewellery, ancient
book printing, Ukrainian
decorative art and other
interesting artefacts.

Chernigiv Secret Caves 163
St. Sofia's Cathedral
St. Sofia's is a historic part of
Ancient Kiev Ruse that has
survived intact since it was built in
The builder was one of the most
capable Kiev Ruse princes -
Yaroslav the Wise. In the 10th
century the temple was a cultural
center of the whole Kiev Ruse
Lots of scientific societies and
schools were established at the
facility. Their members wrote,
translated and commented on
scientific and religious books.
Yaroslav the Wise established an
enormous library in the cathedral.
It disappeared sometime during
the medieval centuries -- an
occurrence that is still a mystery
to historians.
In the 17th and 18th centuries,
other stone buildings were built
around the cathedral, transforming
the complex into a monastery.
The interior of the cathedral has
been left unchanged since the
11th century! The most impressive
part of the interior is about 3,000
square meters of ancient Ruse
frescoes. The shining mosaic
background contains at least 177
colors. In the center you can see
the figure of Maria Oranta with her
arms up.
A medieval legend says Kiev will
last as long as St. Sofia does.

Chernigiv Secret Caves 164
St. Michael's Cathedral
Together with St. Sophia, St.
Michael's Cathedral gives you
a unique portrait of ancient
The building was built in 1113
by Prince Svyatopolk. Other
buildings were added later to
create the St. Michael's
monastery complex. The
cathedral was partially
destroyed during the time of
Tatar-Mongol rule, but it was
reconstructed in the 17th
During that century,
St.Michael's became one of
the most important
monasteries of Kiev Rus. The
monastery complex itself was
enlarged, a bell tower to the
cathedral and gates built. The
Ukrainian getman
Skoropadskiy added
wonderful icons to the
cathedral during that time.
It is hard to believe it now, but
in 1934 the government of
Soviet Ukraine decided to put
the headquarters of the
Central Committee of the
Ukrainian Communist Party
on the St. Michael's grounds.
To make for that building, the
government ordered the
cathedral razed.
When Ukraine became
independent in recent years,
it decided to rectify the
situation. It rebuilt the
cathedral between 1997 and
2000. It even used copies of
the frescos and mosaics of
Chernigiv Secret Caves 165
the 12th century to
reconstruct those
Visitors enjoy the gloomy
charm of the ancient
Orthodox cathedral. It is
always dark and cool inside.
The only light comes from the
candles of visitors. By
candlelight, the icons glimmer
and the religious paintings
look very mysterious. Light a
second candle and ask God
to wipe away your sins.

St. Vladimir Cathedral

This cathedral is devoted to
the Ruse christener, the great
Prince Vladimir. It was built
for 20 years, the architects
Beretty, Berngard, Nikolaev,
took part in the project. The
building itself as well as the
interior decoration was
finished in 1896.
The building is implemented
in the traditions of the
architecture and it keeps the
old Ruse history and
traditions. It is built in the
cross shape and pyramid
composition. The main dome
height is 49 meters.
The interior of the Cathedral
is created by the group of the
famous painters, which
included Vasnetsov, Vrubel
and others. The most colorful
and emotionally expressing
are the Vasnetsov's paintings.
The monumental figure of the
Godmother (the height is 10,5
Chernigiv Secret Caves 166
meters) in the altar part of the
Cathedral is the compositional
center of the building.

St. Andrew's Street

The most romantic place in Kiev,
this narrow road slopes down from
the Starokievskaya and
Anreevskaya hills to where it levels
off in the Podol district.
The district, which dates to the times
of the Kiev Ruse empire, is now the
center of Kiev's cultural life. The
buildings that went up there in the
late 19th and early 20th centuries
and the overall bohemian
atmosphere give a unique charm to
the place. Each building is a piece of
art in itself. There are painters'
studio, theaters, museums,
exhibition halls, galleries and
souvenir shops. Those working in
these establishments are as colorful
as the buildings themselves.
Tourists often say this street
reminds them of the Monmartre
Hills. St. Andrew's may be more
vibrant, however. When the weather
is good, artists place their works
right in the street. You can find
everything here - from modern
paintings to a Kazak's hat (papaha)
from the Russian civil war of 1918.
The centerpiece of St. Anrew's
Street is St. Andrew's Church. It is
one of the best examples in the
country of the Ukrainian baroque
style architecture. Russia's Queen
Elizabeth ordered it built in the 18th
century. The famed architect
Rastrelli personally supervised the
The other impressive building in the
Chernigiv Secret Caves 167
area is the Castle of Richard the
Lion Heart. The structure actually
has nothing to do with Richard the
First of England It was built in the
late 19th century. But it does look
like a real Western medieval castle.
Another popular place in the area is
St. Andrew's 13, the house of the
famous Russian writer Michael
Bulgakov who is the author of well-
known "Master and Margarita."

Where the St. Andrew's Street slope levels off is Podol, a district that
from ancient times has been a centre of handicrafts, portrait painting,
education and of course beautiful churches and monasteries.

St. Kirill Monastery

This monastery was founded in
1139 by the Chernigov prince,
Vsevolod Olgovich. The first
building on the complex was the
St. Kirill Church.
The Mongols and Tatars badly
damaged the church in the 13th
century. Restoration work on the
facility was done during both the
17th and 18th centuries.
In 1786 Russia's Queen
Ekaterina II ordered the
monastery closed and a mental
hospital set up there.
In 1860 some priceless 12th
century frescoes were discovered
under a layer of plaster. The
plaster was taken off to reclaim
the art. The famous Russian
painter Vrubel restored the parts
of the frescoes that were
damaged when the plaster was

Chernigiv Secret Caves 168
The Kiev Brotherhood
founded the monastery
and the academy in 1615.
In the 17th century the
complex was a cultural
and spiritual centre of Kiev
Rus. Thus it had a
significant impact on
European cultural life.
Famed Ukrainian educator
Peter Mogila was the force
behind the founding of the
academy. He modelled it
on the principles of the
best European schools of
the times. The school and
a university that grew out
of it prepared generations
of Ukrainian scientists,
artists and teachers.
The main temple of the
complex, the
Bogoyavlenskiy Cathedral,
became a victim of
political repression in
1935: Stalin's government
blew it up. The most
important building that still
stands is the Old
Academic building, which
along with
Church was built in 1703.

Chernigiv Secret Caves 169
Flora and Lavra Monastery
This is one of the oldest women's
monasteries in the world.
The complex, situated right at the
foot of Mount Zamkovaya, was
built between the 17th and 20th
centuries. It was a wealthy
institution because the nuns were
mostly from aristocratic families -
and those families poured money
into the complex and its
programs. The nuns made
beautiful embroidery, carpets and
decorations that gained fame in
Kiev and beyond.
The monastery was closed in
1929. Some buildings were
destroyed while others were
reconstructed. The complex
reopened in 1941.
The most beautiful old buildings
that continue to stand today are
the Trapeznaya Church of Flor
and Lavr, the Voznesenskiy
Cathedral and the Nadvratnaya
bell tower.

Pokrovskiy Monastery
This women's monastery was
founded in 1889 by Russia's
Princess Alexandra Romanova. It
has achieved fame for its medical
and educational facilities.
For example, the monastery
hospital was the first in Kiev to
have X-ray equipment. Lots of
well-known scientists and doctors
worked in the monastery complex.
The famed Ukrainian entrepreneur
Nikolay Tereschenko financed the
complex's administration building
on the foothills of Mount
Chernigiv Secret Caves 170
The complex's architectural style is
known as Moscow-Jaroslavl - for
the two Russian cities. The
complex includes the biggest
church in Kiev - Nikolaevskiy
Cathedral - which seats 3,000
people. It also includes Pokrov
Church, a hotel, and surgery and
therapy facilities.

Pirogoscha Church
Kiev's Prince Mstislaw
started the church in 1131.
After the Mongol-Tatar
invasion, the church became
a centre of Kiev social life.
Many important celebrations
were held there, many
notables were buried on the
church grounds, and the city
archive was kept there.
The original building was
destroyed in 1935 by
The people of Kiev decided
to rebuild the church after
Soviet rule ended. The
restoration was completed in

Chernigiv Secret Caves 171
St. Ilea Church
This church was
built not far from
the River Dnieper
in 1692. The one-
story building,
while only
decorated, is a
great example of
Ukrainian Baroque
architecture. The
building was
rebuilt in the 18th
century, and
repainted in the
19th century.
Some of the 18th
century painting
has been kept
inside the building.
The complex also
includes a bell
tower that was
built in the early
18th century.

Chernigiv Branch
Shchorsa Str., 8, 14000 Chernigiv
tel. +380-46-224-10-46
fax +380-46-224-32-86
DC "CHERNIGIVNAFTOGAZGEOLOGIYA" Tel.: +38 (04622) 7-70-81,
Ουκρανία, 14000, Chernigiv, 16, st Shevchenka. fax: +38 (04622) 10-14-65

Juridikal διεύθυνση
NJSC "Nadra Ukrayny"
Volodymirska Str.34, Κίεβο, 01601, Ουκρανία

Ταχυδρομική διεύθυνση
NJSC "Nadra Ukrayny"

Chernigiv Secret Caves 172
Povitroflotskiy av.54, Κίεβο, 03151, Ουκρανία

Αίθουσα αναμονής του προέδρου Τηλ..: +380 (44) 454-15-00

του Διοικητικού
Τμήμα Γεωλογίας και της Τηλ..: +380 (44) 520-10-69
Τμήμα του πετρελαίου και του φυσικού Τηλ..: +380 (44) 520-17-42
αερίου γεωλογία

So finally which is the secret of the caves?

These caves are underground ways to escape, desidned throw the
movement of telurian rivers. Set over that places ab ancient greek
church and later a christian one to mark the point where valuable
materials are. So the priests was sure that none will destroy these
places as these are monuments of the history of each place. The names
of the saints inform these who knew the code what valuable metals has
the ground there. The entrance top these ancioent mines are in the
center of the church or under the holly table, usualy a square stone by
marble or granite. Also these pasages designed to move the governors
and their army from one monastery to the other in secret
These tunels used by Ilia Murovets to move fast from one place to
another. The same did the Greek epic Heroe Hercules

Chernigiv Secret Caves 173

The first creators of monastery to this area knew the secrets of

electromagnetic power and used it to heal people. We lost that
knowledge so we have to invent it again

Ancient Chernigiv
Chernigiv and the surrounding oblast are worth a visit for at least three
reasons. First of all, in the 12th-13th centuries, the town was the capital of a
mighty principality about the size of modern-day France. Secondly, you can
view musical instruments 15 thousand years old. Thirdly, you might see the
mysterious Black Monk in St Anthony’s Caves, a phenomenon that Ukraine’s
top scientists are unable to explain According to historians, Chernigiv
conceals as many secrets as Egypt’s Valley of the Kings. The first historical
mention of this town on the right bank of the Desna River 140km from Kyiv
dates back to 907. In the 11th-13th centuries, it was the capital of the
Chernigiv principality before being looted by the Mongol Tatars and later
conquered by Lithuania and Poland. In 1654, Chernigiv became affiliated with
the Kyivan Rus, becoming one of its major cultural and handicraft centres.

Ancient Churches of Dytynets

Some believe the city was named after its founder, the warrior Cherniga.
Locals prefer the romantic legend about a girl who threw herself out a window
rather than be forced to marry against her will. Her father, Prince Chornyy,
was allegedly the founder of the town and was buried there in the Chorna

Most of Chernigiv’s architectural sites are found in Dytynets, an historical

area in the centre of town. The earliest settlements appeared at the
beginning of the first millennium, and in the 8th-12th centuries, the town’s
fortifications came into being. On the east, Dytynets borders the Desna
beside what is known as the Ramparts, where there are still twelve old
cannons once used for the city’s defense. The city’s historical treasure is the
11th-century Church of the Transfiguration of Our Saviour. One of the oldest
cathedrals of the Kyivan Rus, it was built by the legendary Prince Mstislav the
Brave, whose remains were laid to rest there, along with the remains of
Prince Igor and Prince Svyatoslav. The weapons of the Kyiv princes and the
battle colours of Chernigiv’s Cossack regiments are also preserved there.
The Cathedral of St Boris and St Glib, also in Dytynets, was built in the 12th
century on the foundations of an even earlier building. The Tsars’ Gates, built
at the beginning of the 18th century by the order of Hetman Ivan Mazepa, still
Chernigiv Secret Caves 174
stand there, and the cathedral itself houses an architectural exposition.

The 18th-century St Katherine’s Church near Dytynets is considered the

symbol of Chernigiv. It houses the oblast’s Museum of Folk and Decorative
Art (tel.: 0462-43-236).

Archaeologists’ Paradise
The Chernigiv area is a prize catch for researchers, since the Mezinska
excavation site is unrivalled in the world. About 20 thousand years ago,
people of the late Palaeolithic period lived in the few primitive shelters there.
Tools made from the local chalky flint along with interesting works of ancient
art, such as a bracelet made from mammoth ivory, female figurines and
pendants were found at the site. These artefacts are on display in the
Chernigiv V.V. Tarnovsky Historical Museum (4 Gorky St., tel.: 0462-17-66-
50, 17-67-93). But the most interesting exhibits are a “noisy bracelet” similar
to a castanet and six mammoth bones decorated with patterns that represent
the world’s only remnants of a Palaeolithic percussion orchestra! By
analysing the impact patterns on the bones, experts have even been able to
reconstruct the music composed in those prehistoric times.

Secrets of the Chernigiv Caves

The most mystic and visited place in Chernigiv are the legendary St
Anthony’s Caves at the Holy Trinity-St Elias Monastery (92 Tolstoy St.), one
of the oldest remnants from the times of the Kyivan Rus. In 1069 the founder
of the Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra, St Anthony of the Kyiv Caves, visited Chernigiv.
Later a monastery was built there, and the famous St Elias’ Church appeared
in the 12th century.
For many centuries the monks dug catacombs until an underground complex
appeared. These catacombs have been the site of many phenomena for
which there is no scientific explanation. In the 1960s, members of
archaeological expeditions claimed to hear strange sounds and to smell the
aroma of burning incense, and they often reported feeling that someone was
breathing down the backs of their necks. In 1970, the famous Black Monk, an
apparition in a long black robe, made his first appearance …
Most visitors to the caves experience increased vitality, a feeling of euphoria
and the correction of abnormal heart rhythms, so from time immemorial,
people from all over Ukraine have travelled there to be cured of various
Besides the caves, the Holy Trinity-St Elias Monastery boasts the Holy Trinity
Cathedral (1679), where the relics of St Feodosy and St Lavrenty are kept,
the Church of the Presentation with a refectory (1677) and a 58-metre bell
tower that offers a fascinating view of the city. No wonder these picturesque
places have inspired many Ukrainian writers! From 1898 to 1913, the great
Chernigiv Secret Caves 175
writer Mikhailo Kotsyubinsky lived and worked in Chernigiv. A museum now
occupies his house on the street named after him. The author of Shades of
Forgotten Ancestors is buried near St Anthony’s Caves. Another prominent
Ukrainian writer, Leonid Glibov, is buried at the Holy Trinity-St Elias

Gems of Chernigiv Oblast

From 1669 to 1708 and again from 1750 to 1764, the city of Baturin was the
residence of Hetmans Samoilovych and Mazepa and the last Ukrainian
hetman, Kyryl Rozumovsky. The classical palace (1799-1803) is dilapidated
but fascinating. The museum of local lore and history (tel.: 04635-48-437) is
also worth a visit, and you can pay for a guided tour of the Rozumovsky
family burial vault, the Church of the Resurrection. The Kachanivka History
and Culture Reserve (tel.: 04633-24-193) is open from March to September.
A unique collection that belonged to the Tarnovskys, an aristocratic family,
was created at the end of the 18th century and was completely restored in
1980. The museum has fragments of V. Tarnovsky Jr’s collection, dedicated
to Taras Shevchenko, who was a frequent guest of the family.
The Monastery of the Transfiguration of Our Saviour is the point of greatest
interest in Novgorod-Siversky, capital of the Siversky principality in the mid
11th century. According to one account, it was founded in 1033 by Prince
Mstislav Vladymyrovych to thank God for victory over Kyiv’s Prince Yaroslav;
according to another version, it was founded by Yaroslav the Wise in 1036.
The Cathedral of the Transfiguration of Our Saviour (1785-1787) has a
museum exposition called A Word Concerning Igor’s Regiment (Pushkin St.,
tel.: 04658-21-521). The partially preserved, 10th-century Yuriev’s House of
Prayer is the second most important monument of the Kyivan Rus period,
after St Sophia’s Cathedral, and draws visitors to the city of Oster in the
Kozelets district. The first historical reference to the town of Nizhyn appeared
in 1147. It was once the site of trade fairs, a Cossack community and a
former Greek colony in Ukraine. It is also home to the famous Nizhyn
Teachers Training University, founded in 1820, where the great writer Mykola
Gogol studied. In the village of Sosnytsa in the Mensky district, visitors can
see the log cabin where the great Ukrainian screenwriter and film producer
Alexander Dovzhenko was born, as well as an exhibit about him in the
Literature and Memorial Museum (2 Dovzhenko St.; tel.: 04655-21-590).

Getting there
The best way is by car along the Kyiv-Chernigiv road or by public transport
van from the Lisova metro station. The two-hour trip costs UAH10.
International Airlines offers convenient, daily flights to Kyiv from almost each
capital of Western Europe. For more information on flights schedules and

Chernigiv Secret Caves 176
ticket reservations, please contact the UIA office in Kyiv at (+380 44) 581-
5050, or visit the UIA website: .

Places to Stay and Relax

Slovyansky Hotel Complex

Just 200 metres from the city’s main square with deluxe and semi-deluxe
suites, single and double rooms with all amenities, a café/bar, sauna, pool
and parking.
Address: Chernigiv, 33 Myra Ave., Tel.: (04622) 74-604

Gradetsky Hotel
Chernigiv’s biggest hotel is a 10-minute walk from the centre and has deluxe
and semi-deluxe suites, single and double rooms and probably the best
cuisine in town.
Address: Chernigiv, 68 Myra Ave., Tel.: (04622) 45-025

Etoile Cafe
Located on the Ramparts and very popular with the locals, it offers the
Courage disco, billiards, the Traffic Light bowling alley and delicious,
inexpensive meals.
Address: Chernigiv, 50 Pyatnitska St., Tel.: (0462) 18-57-30

Old Town Tavern

Situated on the town’s main street, it has a quiet atmosphere and offers a
variety of reasonably priced Ukrainian dishes.
Address: Chernigiv, 32 Myra Ave., Tel: (04622) 7-41-65

Kachanivka Hotel
This hotel sleeps 26 people (UAH20 per person), has its own restaurant and
is located in the former servant and guest wings of the Tarnosky Palace.
Address: Kachanivka Village, Ichnyanskiy District; Tel.: (04633) 24-115, 24-

Mislivets-Cozelets Grill
It works round-the-clock at the 79th kilometre on route E-95, a 30-minute ride
from Kyiv. A very stylish place decorated with hunting trophies and Ukrainian
souvenirs with a large hall seating 50 people, a 10-person banquet hall, an

Chernigiv Secret Caves 177
area with sofas and two braziers.
Address: 79th km, Chernigiv Route, Cozelets; Tel.: (04646) 42-454

Natural conditions and natural resources. Geophysical


Physical fields that were caused or changed with planet natural environment
called geophysical fields (GF). GF change and distribution in time and space
depend on resources availability and power and on natural environment
characteristics structure and its dynamics under the influence of natural and
anthropogenic factors as well. It is important to know the present condition
and change nature of GF for understanding of natural processes, that
influence the people’s life and country economics, for long-timed socio-
economic planning, rational earth usage, task-oriented minerals seeking and
dangerous processes prediction.

Gravitational field of the Earth or field of gravity force is the field caused by
gravity force and centrifugal force, that was entailed Earth axial rotation. It is
conventionally divided into abnormal and normal. Abnormal gravitational field
(AGF) represents Earth form and its subsoil structure characteristics. AGF
changes in the wide range on the territory of Ukraine, thatia connected with
characteristics of Earth crust material and upper mantle thickness. On the
atlas map the AGF distribution is showed with the lines of the similar values
of its quantity, that is called isoanomaly.

On the base of gravitational modeling of the schistose inhomogeneous three

dimensional deep structures with the usage of data about abnormal
gravitational field, deep seismic sounding data (DSS), experimental correlate
dependences between specific thickness and seismic-wave propagation
under the conditions of different temperatures and tenses considering
material constitution amendments was created a map of abnormal Earth
crust and upper mantle thickness. Due to the tendency to isostatic equilibrium
of separate blocks and its complexes the bottom of the Earth crust immerses
under heavier blocks and rises under lighter ones.

Thermal field also gives the important information about structure and
dynamics of our planet. Thermal condition of the Earth crust is characterized
by thermal flow thickness that comes from the Earth subsoil and dissipates
from its surface and by temperature change depending on depth. The main
part in formation of the thermal flow plays: the long-living
radioelements’ (uranium, thorium, potassium) break-up energy, the
maximal concentration of which is observed in the Earth crust
materials, primary Earth energy and the energy of the physicochemical
processes that take place in its subsoil. The important part in positive

Chernigiv Secret Caves 178
geothermal anomalies formation plays also thermal conduction conditions
that significantly change depending on depth and according to lateral. The
leading part in positive geothermal anomalies formation plays active tectonic
and magmatic processes that is attended by release of the great amount of

Thermal flow thickness – is a quantity of heat that is released from subsoil to

surface per time unit on area unit. It is measured in mW/m2 and is defined as
the result of multiplication of the geothermal gradient in the definite depth
interval and the material thermal conductivity of this interval. On the territory
of Ukraine the thermal flow thickness changes from 25-30 mW/m2 to 100-110
mW/m2. Temperatures on the depth of 1 km changes from 20 to 70oC, and
on the depth of 3 km – from 40 to 135oС. Thermal flow distribution is closely
connected with geological development characteristics or the regions and its

Deep thermal flow (DTF) is defined as observed thermal flow corrected

considering numerous nearsurface influences: paleoclimate, groundwater
move with vertical component, geological structures, that cause out-of-level
bedding of the distribution surfaces with different thermal conductivity, young
overthrusts, conglomeration of young sediments etc. DTF map shows the
distribution of its background (35-50 mW/m2) and abnormal (60-130mW/m2)
values on the territory of Ukraine. Earth thermal energy is a geoenergy
resource. The map given in the atlas (map of geoenergy resources thickness
in tones of conditional fuel on square meter that can be mined with water
geocirculate system with the carrier temperature not less than 60oC and its
returning to the subsoil with T ~ 20oC) was made on the base of DTF data.
General geoenergy resources of Ukraine (present time defined)
approximately 20 times exceed all the reserves of fuel minerals on its
territory. They reach 10 t c.f/m2 on some areas, that exceeds reserves that
can be mined from the big oil or gas field. Geoenergy resources suitable for
practical usage by steam getting (electric power) without additional heating
are investigated only in Transcarpathia and not very limited territories of
Magnetic or geomagnetic field is geophysical force field caused by
electromagnetic processes in the Earth core (main or normal field), in upper
ionosphere (geomagnetic field variation) and Earth crust material
magnetization. Last factor forms abnormal magnetic field that shows
availability of the materials with different concentration of magnetic minerals
in the Earth crust. It is defined by excluding normal field intensity and its
variations from general geomagnetic field intensity. Normal field does not
have exact analytical image. Several approximate models are used for its
description, one of which is in the atlas.

Abnormal magnetic field of the territory of Ukraine is very differentiated

and consist of regional and local components which differ by
diametrical anomaly sizes and source placing depth.
Chernigiv Secret Caves 179
Regional field component showed on the map “Long waved magnetic
anomalies” is provided by inhomogeneous structure of the Earth crust lower
part and the relief of magnetoactive layer bottom, that can be equaled to
Earth crust bottom (Mokhorovichich discontinuity) or to isothermal
surface Curie temperature magnetite – the main carrier of materials’
magnetism. It reflects regional characteristics of the big geostructure.

Local abnormal field component is formed under the influence of

magnetized materials of upper Earth crust part and represents its
structure. This magnetic field component is used as one of the important
information sources for geological material mapping, fold and disjunctive
tectonics, tectonic zoning study and in complex with regional component and
other geophysical data – for studying surface and deep lithosphere structure
correlations, for making non-uniformly scaled three-dimensional models of
geological environment, that are used when geologize geological structures
to find different materials.

Magnetotelluric Earth field is a natural electromagnetic field, caused current

system. This field is one of the important source of knowledge about present
geological structure, tectonic processes, geodynamics and fluid rate of Earth
crust and mantle. Material electrical properties are closely connected
with temperature and fluid subsoil rates, mineral chemical composition,
consisting of C, S, Fe and other metals, juvenile waters mineralization
level, available melt of crust and mantle materials etc. On the base of
observed magnetotelluric field analysis using the methods of film and two-
dimensional finite difference electromagnetic fields modeling the given in
atlas maps “Earth crust electroconductivity” and “Upper mantle
electroconducivity” in the siemens (S) – units of conductivity were made.
Electroconductivity anomalies are distinguished above “normal”
generalized Eastern Europe geoelectrical section, that characterized by
specific electric resistance (in ohm.m): 1000, 600, 250, 100, 50, 20, 10, 5,
1, 0.1 – in the geological environment layers with power (in km): 160, 40,
50, 70, 80, 100, 100, 160, 200, ∞. Value of longitudinal
electroconductivity of the environment film was taken as 10cm.

For studying deep Earth structure: geometry and main tectonic bounder
location, physical parameters distribution of geological environment etc –
another type of GF is used widely – seismic field. It is observed in the form of
mechanical oscillations on the soil surface or in mines, caves, adits,
boreholes. Oscillations are generated by seismic waves (longitudinal,
diametrical, surface, channel), that propagate from the source fading,
reflecting, refracting and reradiating in other types on geological environment
inhomogeneities. Depending on source seismic field can be natural or

Chernigiv Secret Caves 180
Studying of anthropogenic seismic fields that were by special explosions or
by Vibroseis generated and observed along geologic profiles, allowed getting
unique data about Earth structure, that are used for minerals searching and
solving other geological-geophysical problems. There are Earth crust and
lithosphere sections through the main tectonic structures on the territory of
Ukraine in the atlas.

1. Observations on the deep seismic sounding (DSS) geotraverse

“Holovanivs’k – Kirovohrad - Taganrog”, that crosses in latitudinal
way Eastern and Central parts of Ukrainian board, were made
according to the uninterrupted profiling method using the mutually
connected travel- time curves of the main waves. This model shows
velocity properties and deep structure of the Archean-Proterozoic
parts of the board.
2. Geotraverse “Black Sea – Baltic Sea” on the territory of Ukraine has
the 900 km length. It crosses Paleozoic Skythian plate and
Precambrian Ukrainian board. Velocity model was made on the
base of two-dimensional figure wave field modeling, that was taken
by DSS method.
3. DSS profile “Poltava- Sverdlovsk” goes along Dnipro-Donets’k
avlakogen. DSS results was taken and interpreted by the big staff of
Ukrainian geologists and geophysicians.
4. Deep seismic researches on the profile “Berehovo – Dolyna –
Vyshnevets’ – Shepetivka - Chernigiv” showed the tectonic structure
of different age and genesis: Transcarpathian Mesozoic –
Palaeogene bending, Carpathia, that are one of the main European
Alpine orogenes and Archean-earlyProterozoic Ukrainian board.
5. DSS profile “Putyvl’-Kryvyi Rih” join the ultradeep well UDW-8 and 9.
In its Southern part it goes along Kryvoriz’ko-Kremenchutc’ka
submedidianal early protherozoic protogeosyncline, and in the
Northern – obliquely crosses Dnipro-Donets’k late proterozoic-
Devon paleorift north-western extent.
6. On the territory of Ukraine great amount of seismic profiling were
done (over 10 th km) for studying Earth crust and lithosphere
structure. A map of Mokhorovichich surface was made in the atlas
according to these data. The word “surface” is conventional, as
actually it is powerful transition zone, that divide Earth crust from the
upper mantle, that is characterized by complicated structure,
alternation of thin layers with higher and lower seismic waves

On the territory of Ukraine Earth crust thickness changes in wide ranges from
25 to 65 km. Maximal crust thickness fixes under the Carpathia (65 km),
Mountain Crimea (up to 60 km), jn the Ukrainian board (Odessa-Yadliv,
Kryvyi Rih-Krupets’k, Orikhovo-Pavlohrad early Protherozoic geosyncline
zones – 50-60 km). Minimal Earth crust thickness is observed in the
Transcarpathian bending region (25 km), under Dnipro-Donets’k avlacogene
Chernigiv Secret Caves 181
(30-35 km), on the Ukrainian board, in the Zaporizhzhya middle massif region
(25-30 km), Kirovohrad protoplatform block region (35 km) and on the water
area of Black Sea depression (25-30 km).

Natural seismic fields caused by the local and strong distant earthquake foci,
must be taken into account because of their dangerousness when
accommodations, important buildings, objects at ecological and
anthropogeneous risk are built. The cause of earthquakes is the present
geological structure tectonic activity. Distribution of different magnitude
earthquakes on the given territory in time and dimension is called seismicity.

On the territory of Ukraine the high seismicity level is observed mainly on the
territory or Carpathia and Crimea-black Sea region.

Seismicity of the Carpathia region depends on the earthquakes with

epicenters in Transcarpathia, Carpathia and on the adjacent territory of
Poland, Slovakia, Hungary, Romania. The most active is Transcarpathia.
On the Western regions territory (from 18th century and to the present time)
earthquakes are characterized mainly by foci depth (h) 2-10 km and
magnitudes (M)< 5,5. due to the small depth these earthquakes caused local
effects on the soil surface with intensity up to 7-8 points on the MSK-64 scale.
Similar fluctuations are felt on the Transcarpathia from deeper (h=35 km) and
bigger (M=6.8) earthquakes with epicenters in Romania at the ~60 km from
Ukrainian bounder. the biggest at the adjacent territories of the Precarpathia
earthquake was in the 1875 year in the Lvivs’ka region. It has magnitude
M=5.3, focus depth h=19 km and was felt in the epicenter with the intensity 6
points. In Chernivtsi intensity reached 3 points.

The territory of Ukraine is influenced by the subcutaneous earthquakes from

Vrancea zone in Romania. Earthquake foci are placed in the mantle on the
depths from 80 to 190 km. Maximal magnitudes reached 7.6. Due to big
depths of the foci and magnitudes earthquakes from the Vrancea are felt on
the huge territory: from Greece on the south to Finland on the north. There
are earthquake foci from the Vrancea zone from 11th century with
magnitudes higher than 3.5 on the epicenter map. For the last two centuries
isoseims for the strongest earthquakes were defined.

Seismicity of the Crimea-Black sea region is defined by the earthquake

epicenters, placed in the Black Sea water area near the Southern Coast of
Crimea. They are characterized by the highest in the Ukraine magnitudes
(M=6.8). On the epicenter map earthquake are represented with M>2 from
the first century to the present time. On the lower part of Crimea and Sea of
Azov waters area earthquake foci with M>1 are shown.

Chernigiv Secret Caves 182
On the platform part of Ukraine only several local earthquakes are known.
Their foci were in the Earth crust range, and to it, seismic effect had local
character. Seismic swing intensity in the epicenter reached 6-7 point.
Earthquake with intensity of 6 points on the MSK-64 scale that took place on
January 3, 2002, near the village Mykulyntsi Ternopils’ka region and
aftershock trail are the evidence of seismic activity availability of the platform
tectonic structures on the territory of Ukraine.

Danger level, which can be caused by earthquakes, is displayed on the maps

of general seismic zoning (GSZ) in the numbers of MSK-64 macroseismic
scale. These maps are used in long-term social-economic planning, rational
land use, acceptance of administrative and technical decisions concerning
maintenance of existing constructions' stable operation and placing of the
new ones (HPS, APS, pipelines, etc.). In Ukrainian seismic areas design-
survey and construction works are regulated through three probabilistic ЗСР-
2004 maps, marked as A, B and C. They represent intensity values of
seismic shakings, which can become evident once in 500, 1000 and 5000
years accordingly, or, in other words, may be exceeded with probability of 10
%, 5 % and 1 % in the next 50 years.
Maps of seismic zoning (SZ) display a predicted increase in seismic numbers
on different territory lots, according to the one, presented on GSZ map.
Increases may be positive or negative, depending on the local soil conditions,
relief and presence of tectonic failures. Engineering-geological researches
data, macroseismic inspections of earthquakes consequences data, tool
observation over the earthquakes' seismic fields, explosions, natural and
technogenic microseisms are used while creating SZ maps. SZ maps are
used for planning of population aggregates' development, maintenance of
existing constructions' stable operation and designing of the new ones.
The maps of geophysical fields represented in the atlas and the maps and
schemes, created on the basis of their interpretation, which display depth of
the lithosphere structure, dynamics of tectonic structures, the danger,
connected with earthquakes, creep movements, shifts, subsidences, etc., is
an important tool for the preception of a deep planet structure, purposeful
search of minerals, protection of the population, habitation and important
constructions from dangerous endogenous processes and the secondary
engineering-geological phenomena, connected with them.

Scale 1:5 000 000

Chernigiv Secret Caves 183

Η Βιβλιοθήκη και στο Μουσείο Chernigiv

Chernigiv Secret Caves 184


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