Company Overview

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(+082) 305 50 98
88 Celica Street, Sarphil Village, Park
Avenue, Bajada, Davao City, 8000
Jan Rey Altivo (CEO)
Bachelors Degree, Electronics Engineering,
University of Southeastern Philippines
Registered Electronics Technician
NC II Mechatronics Certified
Comprehensive SolidWorks Essentials Certified
Executive Education for Lifelong Learning Center Entrepreneurship Development Program, Asian
Institute of Management

Franch Maverick Lorilla (COO)

Bachelors Degree, Electronics Engineering,
University of Southeastern Philippines
Registered Electronics Technician
JLPT Level 4 Certified
Comprehensive SolidWorks Essentials Certified
Executive Education for Lifelong Learning Center Entrepreneurship Development Program, Asian
Institute of Management

Rexon Lacaba (CTO)

Bachelors Degree, Electronics Engineering, Holy
Cross of Davao College
Executive Education for Lifelong Learning Center Entrepreneurship Development Program, Asian
Institute of Management

Ket Justin Villasencio (CIO)

Bachelors Degree, Electronics Engineering,
University of Southeastern Philippines
Registered Electronics Technician

Connie Soguilon
Supervising Agriculturist at BPI-Davao National Crop
Research and Development Center
TOP 25 Agriculturist in Davao Region

Engr. Filmann Simpao

Faculty at University of Southeastern Philippines
Study Leader - Research and Development

TRACTIONS Last 3 months of product deployment

Early Adopters: 20+
Deployed: 4 Farms (1 large scale, 3 Medium Scale)





Start Tel Aviv 2015

Company Summary:
CloudFarm Innovations, Inc. is an agri-tech company focused on
sustainable farm solutions through IoT innovations and big data
analytics helping farmers maximize crop yields and better food security
to the region.
Our Mission:
The leading company in providing technological solutions to Filipino
Crop Farmers.
Our Vision:
Helping Farmers in maximizing crop yields and simplifying their lives in
Product: Heat Stress Analyzer
Product Description:
Heat Stress Analyzer as the first product of the
company is an IoT smart sensor and app that
helps farmers maximize their yield through
advance monitoring and analytics of the crop
Heat Stress is the number 1 reason farmers reduced their crop yields. 35%
(1.7M out of 4.8M crop farms) of the total farms in the Philippines where
greatly affected with USD 602M loss annually for the agriculture sector.
Crop heat stress is a condition that greatly affects the growth, survival
and crop yields, and this is due to the intense heat coming from the sun
that causes drought and the intense light that affect the proper
photosynthesis process. Filipino famers still use a traditional method to
know the condition of the crop called the feel method. This method is
inaccurate, inefficient, and gives late response to crop stress.
The Solution
Heat Stress Analyzer solves the difficulty of the famers in managing and
taking care of the crops with proper and fast response on the needs of
the crop before crop heat stress occur in 3 ways. First, it monitors the
environmental condition of the crop by measuring the heat levels, light
intensity, relative humidity, soil moisture and all other important
parameters and it is connected to an app allowing them to do real-time
remote monitoring and get notified if their attention is needed. Second,
the data gathered will be analyzed so that the farmer/ farm in-charge can
see a clearer picture of whats going on the field providing them the
needed data tools like historical trends, statistics and recommendations
based on analytics for a smarter way of improving their crops growth.
And not only that, it automatically controls crop heat stress when it is
installed to their pre-installed irrigation systems on the field and other
automation components like sprinklers, exhaust fans and growing lights
used inside a greenhouses.
The Markets
We are targeting:
1. sPrivate companies
2. Family owned / farm owners

3. Farmers corporations/associations


Industry: Food & Agriculture Technology

4. Agriculture Government Agencies


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