Laura Howard OMDE 610 9040 Module 3, Entry

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Laura Howard
OMDE 610 9040
Entry 8, Module 3 (Bulleted items from the OMDE 610 9040 Syllabus)

Current Module 3 topic that has had a great influence on my reflection (University of
Maryland University College, 2016)
If I was to reflect on one subject that has had a substantial impact on my thinking during this

module, I think it would be focusing on how amazing it is that we live in a new era of a
technological advancement. I consider myself so fortunate and privileged to be living during this
time era. I never would have dreamed anything like the technology that is currently available
now would have been possible.
Referring to Harasim (2012a; 2012b) specifically, she emphasizes and discusses how we live
in the Knowledge Age, and that has transformed the ideas of thinking, new technology
advancements and resources that already available to develop new ways of finding, configuring
and interpreting information (Harasim, 2012a; Harasim, 2012b). Siemens (2007) specifically,
also discusses the importance of knowing how to educate others properly in the new era of
technology so that people know how to progress efficiently in this type of environment
(Siemens, 2007). I especially appreciate the information and opportunities that are now present
and that so many things can be accessed fast and efficiently. I reflect on how much in my life has
changed, thanks to the contributions that have been available by the Knowledge Age and how it
has improved my work and even helping manage everyday tasks and life. Thanks to the coming
together of ideas, which is one of the components specifically of the online collaborative theory

as discussed in the Harasim (2012a; 2012b) chapters, we should be able to enjoy and relish on
these advancements that this new environment and lifestyle had brought.

Influence of this topic for a Distance Education Professional (University of Maryland

University College, 2016)
Realizing the impact and the technologies that the Knowledge Age has brought should make

any distance educational professional stronger in their career field. Knowing the potential and the
opportunities that this era has brought and being updated on the latest information and
technology available should increase the potential of becoming an optimal professional. The
potential for this to be achieved could be discovered in and using a collaborative type of
environment, since the internet offers extra ordinary capabilities for communication and
researching as discussed by Siemens (2007), and which is the idea that online collaborative
theory encompasses (Harasim, 2012a; Harasim, 2012b). Realizing the emphasis of knowing the
components and aspects of the Knowledge Age, will also help professionals realize the need to
beneficially provide education on communicating, obtaining and the use of information
(Siemens, 2007; Harasim, 2012a; Harasim, 2012b). After reading the Harasim (2012a; 2012b)
chapters on the online collaboration theory information, and watching the Siemenss (2007)
video, the information has made it clearer to recognizing the importance of and knowing that we
are in a new time era (Siemens, 2007; Harasim, 2012a; Harasim, 2012b).

Harasim, L. (2012a). Introduction. Learning theory and online technologies. (pp. 1-14). New
York & United Kingdom: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group
Harasim, L. (2012b). OCL theory. Learning theory and online technologies. (pp. 79-108). New
York & United Kingdom: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group
Siemens. G. (2007, September 2). The conflict of learning theories with human nature [Video
file]. Retrieved from
University of Maryland University College. (2016). OMDE 610 9040 Teaching and learning in
online distance education (2162) OMDE-610 [Course syllabus]. OMDE 610-9040,
Spring 2016, [Teaching and learning in online distance education (2162) OMDE-610].
Master of Distance Education and E-learning, University of Maryland University
College, Retrieved from

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