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Malcolm X Manifolded: A Rhythmic Cultural Movement /blog/malcolm-x-manifolded-a-rhythmic-cultural-movement/

Malcolm was our manhood, our living, black manhood! And we will know him then for what he was
and is A Prince our own Black Shining Prince!

(source: )
In honor of Black History Month, were going to take a look at Malcolm X, and his
continuing influence in Hip-Hop. A preacher, an activist, a Muslim, a teacher, a father, an
African-American; all these words describe the man known as Malcolm X. Just like
everyone else, Malcolm experienced realizations and drastic changes all around him.
However, one thing Malcolm always fought for was human rights in the black
community. During his time with Elijah Muhammad and the Nation of Islam, Malcolm
expressed his feelings and thoughts about how the black community needed to rise up to
become equals and even how he supported the ideas of armed self-defense, selfreliance, and black nationalism. After leaving the Nation of Islam, converting to Sunni Islam, and a visit to Mecca,
Malcolms views and philosophy changed in tone from its original counterpart. Though he still focused most of his
message and time on the black community, the idea of peace between all different races of the world began to
become a part of his overall message as well as attempting to make the strict code and conduct of the Nation of
Islam more lenient. Though Malcolm X may not be with us anymore, the history he made and his messages
continue to live on through others who were influence by him.

People began to express their own idealism and thoughts on race equality and their communities through the only
means they could; through music. Hip-hop and rap artist throughout the years have stated that Malcolm Xs
philosophy and the Black Power movement have influenced them greatly; this includes Tupac Shakur, members of
Wu Tang, Public Enemy, KRS-One, Kendrick Lamar, and many more. A major factor that seemed to open artists
eyes was that both Malcolm, and the Black Power Movement he was a part of, held a firm belief that the harder they
push for change, their voice will be heard eventually and not be silenced. Not limited to just equal rights for the black
community, many artists have brought other social issues to the limelight that effect many urban communities such
as gender equality, poverty and the homeless, race equality for all, single parent households, and substance abuse.
Though more prominent, in terms of a certain subject being the main focal point back in the early days of hip hop
and rap, todays mainstream rap and hip hop touch said subject differently by exhibiting wealth and riches to give the
general public the idea of how successful they have now become compared to the poor or unfavorable upbringing
they experienced before.
Yasiin Bey aka Mos Def has went on record as to say how Malcolm X is one of is favorite thinkers and speakers.
The song Mathematics is a perfect and clever example of addressing social issues by using numbers and the
encouragement to Do your math to realize how the communities differ in terms of how sever the social issues are,
as well as using an underline meaning with the Do your math quote to also encourage kids to finish their studies in
high school to avoid said issues in the song.

Probably considered the most important figure in all rap music, Tupac Shakur has also publicly stated many times on


how much Malcolm has influenced him. The boost in self-esteem and confidence that Malcolm gave to many
African-Americans can easily been seen within Tupac, and within the many
motivational speeches and lyrics of Makaveli. Tupac spoke highly about change in
the black community, including equality between races as well as the treatment and
gender equality of women. One of his most recognized songs Dear Mama shows
just that by confessing his love and appreciation for his mother, and addresses his
upbringing as well as his respect for his mother despite the bad memories such as
his mothers cocaine addiction. Another popular hit is Changes, which addresses
police brutality that surrounds him, racism that he has observed, and drugs and
gang violence that happens way too often. Activist Huey P. Newton of the Black
Tupac Speaking
Panthers is mentioned as well, until finally encouraging the listener that has a whole
we need to change the way we live to finally live in peace.

A more current hip hop artist that expresses certain issues in a similar but also different way is Kendrick Lamar. The
song Hiii Power seems to expresses the need to open ones eyes to conspiracies and other horrible events that
occur around all of us. Out of all the songs used as examples of social realizations, this song mentions the most
important black activists such as Malcolm X, Martian Luther King Jr., Huey P. Newton, Bobby Seal, Marcus Garvey,
and Fred Hampton. A push for Self Determination, which Malcolm advocated strongly, seems to be what the lyrics
are trying to get across and how people should create their own legacy following in the footsteps of our ancestors.
On top of the lyrical content, the music video also further elaborates on the eye opening theory by showing archive
footage of the horrors of the worlds history.
Exposing racism, police brutality, government corruption, and fighting for human rights all expressed in music is
something that could not have been done if it wasnt for Malcolm X making his own stand and doing something
about it. The USA would be a very different place if it wasnt for the bravery and the risks Malcolm X had took just to
make us all at an equal playground as humans and as a species; one person can make a difference, and make a
revolution happen.


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