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2009 – 10 SAC Senate – Meeting 13 04/20/10

I. Call to Order
 Vice-President Oren Lefkowitz called the SAC Senate meeting to order in room 102 on Tuesday, April
20th, 2010 @ 11:45am.

II. Roll call

 Please see the attendance sheet.

III. Approval of Minutes – March 23rd, 2010

 The Minutes were approved.

IV. Opening Issues

1. Semi Formal Debt (SAC Executive)
 Everyone asked for a Semi, but few people actually bought tickets.
 The original debt from Semi = $3073, but the SAC is using some of their money, and now
the debt is $1373.
 It is your responsibility to help us fundraise so that we are no longer in debt.
 You asked for it and we organized it, but you didn’t follow through.
 We have less than a month to raise over $1000.
 Any money left over from last year was used to cover Prom.

2. Association Applications (ISD Shannon Hill)

 Please look over package including all clubs that are requesting association status.
 We are only going to vote on Drama Council now because a representative from ESP and
Robotics isn’t here.
 Drama - they should be considered as important as Music Council.
- it is important to have association status when setting up events outside of
- Drama Council has approximately 40 people involved but many more
people are involved in general drama.
- You don’t need to take drama to participate in the drama club.
- Drama Crew and Stage Crew are exec positions on the council.

 Vote: For – 21 Against – 0 Abstain – 0

V. Statements by Executive
1. President Raphael Elkabas-Besnard
 There was no statement from President Raphael Elkabas-Besnard.

2. Vice-President Oren Lefkowitz

 There was no statement from Vice-President Oren Lefkowitz.

3. Treasurer Casey Li
 There was no statement from Treasurer Casey Li.

4. ESD Sally Rylett

 There was no statement from ESD Sally Rylett.

Designed by Sarah Feeney (2009 -10 SAC Secretary)

2009 – 10 SAC Senate – Meeting 13 04/20/10

5. ISD Shannon Hill

 There was no statement from ISD Shannon Hill.

6. Secretary Sarah Feeney

 There was no statement from Secretary Sarah Feeney.

VI. Statements by Senators

1. PTA Senator (Meng Bao)
 The PTA Senator was absent.

2. Super Council Senator (Albert Hu & Dustin Stern)

 There was no statement from the Super Council Senator.

3. Foundation Senator (Daniel Sorek)

 In the report cards, there was a notification for a show at Absolute Comedy. Anyone
over 16 is welcome to come. Tickets are $40 for 1 or $75 for 2.
 In May we will find out if the Field will be built.
 KMG Development hasn’t said no yet, but they also haven’t confirmed.
 Trying to get Mr. Hutton back to help with fundraising.
 The time capsule project is going well – submit any material you have.

VII. New Business

 There was no new business.

VIII. Discussion and Question Period

Semi Formal
 The ticket price was too high for Semi.  A survey was handed out at the beginning of the year
asking students if they would come to a Semi with a ticket price of $20 and many students said
yes. This was only $5 more.
 We should have gotten a free DJ.  We need to get a contract so that they are liable.
 It took place at a bad time.  The SAC had no control over time; it was the administration’s

Constitutional Change
 Can we rid of the prerequisite to run for President?  This was just changed last year, so we
aren’t able to change it again this year. It is also too late in the year to be changed now.

IX. Adjournment
 The meeting was adjourned at 12:05pm.

Designed by Sarah Feeney (2009 -10 SAC Secretary)

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