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By: JohnMary. N .Atep


The Blessed Virgin Mary is invoked by the church under the titles of
advocate, auxiliatrix, adjutrix and mediatrix; but they are titles which
must be understood in a way that neither they detracts from nor adds
anything to the dignity and efficacy of Christ the one mediator.

(Lumen gentium no 62)

“Modern society makes great use of titles”. Titles confer and convey significant attributes of a person. This is true as it
concerns the Blessed Virgin Mary. She is blessed with myriad of titles referring to some dignity, honors, distinction, or
preeminence attached to her by reason of rank, office, precedent, privilege, or attainment. No wonder, of all creatures, she
is the most celebrated in heaven and on earth: yet the most controversial figure in Christendom. The foregoing is evident in
the fact that she is full of glorious titles, perpetual privileges, solemn dogmas, and lasting honors accorded her by the
Blessed Trinity, Angels, Saints, Popes, Theologians, Liturgists, and Hymnologists.

Eulogies on Mary are not devoid of attacks. Observations buttressed by “the argument of Father Faber is that Mary
is not half enough known or loved, with sad result for souls: devotion to her is low, thin and poor… hence, it is that Jesus is
not loved…”

It is against this background that this exposition seeks to examine the mediatorial title and role of the Blessed Virgin Mary.


According to J.B .Carol (world renowned Mariologist) “ a mediator or a mediatrix is one who stands between two persons
or groups of persons either to facilitate an exchange of favours or to reconcile parties at variance(with one another)”. The
title mediatrix and its definition are applied to Mary. This dates back to the 6th century in the East, and to the 9th century in
the West.


Our lady is given the appellation mediatrix because she played a mediatorial role by way of her cooperation and
participation in the history of salvation. Her cooperation and participation is in dual perspective. Firstly, to the Blessed
Trinity, and Secondly, to Man. Thus, Carol offers why we styled her mediatrix; either (a) because, as a worthy mother of
God and full of grace, she occupies a middle position between God and his creatures: or (b) because, together with Christ
and under him, she cooperated in the reconciliation of God and humankind while she was still on earth: or(c) because, she
distributes the graces that God bestows on his children.

It follows that the mediatorial role of our Lady issues from two paramount mysteries in the Salvific mission of
Christ, that is, Incarnation (Lk1:26 ff) and Redemption (Jn 19:26). But we should quickly note that her mediatorial function
is secondary to and dependent on Christ’s primary and self sufficient mediatorial function. Again, it is not the case that
Mary’s mediatorial office conflicts with that of Christ whom St Paul states; “there is one God and there is one mediator
between God and man, the man Christ Jesus…” (1 Tim 2:5-6). Rather, our Lady was appointed and confirmed a mediatrix
because she prepared “The way”, served “The way”, and cooperated without any reservation with “The way” to link God
and mankind, and to unite God and mankind. So, Mary’s mediatorial function is not absolutely necessary but simply a
necessary one ordained by the will of God.


1 Her maternal mediation(Gen 3:15)

2 Annunciation and Incarnation(Lk1:26 ff)

3 Mediatrix in the visitation of Graces (Lk 1:41)

4 Mediatrix of the first miracles and public ministry of Christ (Jn 2:1-11)

5 Mediatrix of the graces of redemption(Jn19:26-28)


“Woman, behold your son… son, behold your mother” (Jn 19:26-27) are words of the dying Jesus to his mother (woman) at
the foot of the cross. These are words that bring forth the establishment of Mary as the motherly mediatrix of graces.
According to the mind of the church, John the Beloved represented the whole human race, particularly those who were
joined with him in faith. Pope John Paul II avers that the appointment of Mary as mediatrix of graces came from Jesus the
mediator at Calvary. Here the whole human receives the spiritual mother in the order of grace.


Since the 5th through 21st centuries, Popes, Fathers, Doctors, and Theologians have explained and honoured Mary mediatrix
of graces without contradiction. For instance, special mention is the great Marian Father of the church, St Bernard of
Clairvaux. He tells us: “God has willed that we should have nothing which would not pass through the hands of Mary”.
While St Louis Maria de Montfort echoes the teaching of St Bernard by regarding Mary as God’s mysterious canal and
aqueduct, through which he makes his mercies flow gently and abundantly. In addition, a unique and eloquent contribution
to the subject at hand is that of Pope John Paul II. Without hesitation, he taught that the mediatrix title of Mary is an
elevation of the motherhood of Mary, and according to will of Christ. Mary puts herself in the middle to act as the
mediatrix, not as an outsider but in her position as mother.

From our discursion so far, there is no ambiguity or conflict between the mediator Jesus Christ and the mediatrix Mary.
The fact remains that Jesus is the universal source of graces. In his goodness, he paves the way to share in his saving
mission with man. Mary in obedience to Christ cooperates in union with the Holy Spirit to distribute graces in all
ramifications. So, Mary plays her part, and now she is still actively mediating graces. What an immense function!

Finally, we too are called in the words of St Paul, to “fill up what is lacking in the suffering of Christ” (Col 1:24). We do
this by our sensitivity to the needs of our neighbors. Hence, let us emulate Mary to distribute Gods graces.


Most holy Mary, mother of grace and life,

of mercy and forgiveness,

turn to me your kind face.

Behold my many miseries of soul and body.

Raise me up to a state of perfect friendship with God.

Obtain for me the grace of final perseverance.



Flannery, A(Ed) Vatican Council II; Conciliar and post Conciliar Documents, vol. I, Dominican
Publications, Dublin, 1998.

Miravalle.M Mary Co-Redemptrix Mediatrix Advocate; Queenship Publishing, Sancta Barbara, 1993.

Montfort. L True Devotion to Mary; Tan Books and Publishers, Rockford, 1941.


Dictionary of Mary, St Paul’s Publishers, Mumbai, 2006.

The New Jerusalem Bible, standard Edition, Verbum Bible, London, 1985.

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