Sing With Me

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"Sing with me!


Writer: I'm gonna make a new story, guys.

Action: Aww, why? Things just got good with Rufus and Naki!
*Romance runs out of the room crying, Drama follows after*
Action: Now you've gone and made him all sad! What the hell, Writer?
Writer: I just need a break, I've got a really good story brewing in my head, it's not like I'm going to
abandon my other story or anything, that'd just be stupid. I love that story.
Action: Then why?
Writer: Because, I have a huge fault in my personality-
Action: Well that's obvious.
Writer: … Yes, well. I have to have variety. It's a curse.
Action: *Sigh* Is it a good story, at least?
Writer: *Nod* I think I'm going to go for a more, how do you say… brutal, action-y setting.
*Action's fox ears pop up, oh yeah, I forgot to mention those.*
Action: Action, you say?
Writer: And violence.
Action: Well, what's it about?
*Story appears in thin air next to Action, which causes her to leap up a little in her chair*
Story: *In a hissing, deep voice* That's my job, Action.
*Story puts his large bone like razor sharp claws on Action's shoulder and pushes her away from Writer's
desk, causing her to roll backwards in her chair*
Action: *Angrily* What the hell? Just because it's your job doesn't mean I can't know! You have to know
everyone else's parts!
Writer: She has a point, Story. It's fine.
*Action rolls her way back over*
Writer: Basically, it's going to be in a futuristic setting-
Action: Fancy!
Writer: I know, right! Ok, so it's going to be about a soldier-
Action: A futuristic soldier?
Writer: Yes… can I keep talking?
*Action blushes and nods*
Writer: Right, then. Okay. So it's going to be about a soldier who, for some reason I have to make up, has
to go into hiding. She's-
Action: She?
Writer: Yes, she. She's not going to be a normal soldier though, she's going to be like a "Judge". That’s
like the 2nd highest rank for soldiers. She's going into hiding because the enemy, crazy alien villains on
another planet, found out about her. See, Judge's aren't publically known. They're so secret that no one
except people in the highest ranks of the Army know about them.
Action: That's secret. What's so special about them?
Writer: Judge's are special because they're not technically human, they're sort of super soldiers bred by
the Army. They rip the children from their mother's womb before they're even born and put them in a
sort of DNA changer and mess with their DNA as it's forming, while the child is still beginning to be
Action: Illegally?
Writer: Hm?
Action: Does the Army STEAL children?
Writer: No, no, nothing like that. They take children from the mothers who have abortions, and use a
few who pass physical tests, even before they're formed.
Action: Nifty.
Writer: Yeah, so, like, I'm going to put it in a setting where there are space ships, shields, high-tech
weaponry, and bionic implants. So, what's really special about Judge's is that since they're high-ups in
the Army, they have first dibs on prototype and high-tech implants and weapons that they keep only for
Judges. Because it's so damn powerful.
Action: Awesome… but what if like, they get caught? The enemy could steal their fancy stuff!
Writer: Death. Each Judge has sort of an over-seer, a parent of sort. Judge's can't even be raised in
public or anything, they're alone their entire lives. Each one has a direct link with their Judge, if they get
caught or anything like that, it's their job to flip the switch that instantly kills the Judge. It releases like
an acidic nanobot that devours everything that it touches. The capsule is inside the Judge's brain, so it's
instantaneous death.
Action: Well, what happens if the capsule breaks?
Writer: That's why it's in their head, because if they get shot there, which is the only thing strong
enough to break it other than the nanites themselves, they're dead either way.
*Action approves*
Action: So, what's the story behind our main character girl? Is she pretty? *gasps* Did you model her
after me?
Writer: Yes, she's pretty. And no, she's not modeled after you. You have fox ears, and a demonic arm.
Action: This is true. *frown*
Writer: Judge's were mutated before birth, so they age slower as well. She's going to be in like a 16 or 17
year olds' body, but she's technically like 25 or 30 years of age, something like that.
Action: You dog. You like them young! I bet she has huge bonkers, and a huge ass. *Action looks at her
body then frowns* I'm all slender and my boobs are only one or two levels above flat. And my arse is
small. You're a jerk! *Smacks Writer on the head*
Writer: Gack! *Rubs his head* I made you like that because that's what I like! That's what Geb is going
to be like, too. Cept, you know, younger. You're like, 20.
Action: *Slaps Writer across the face* So you're calling me old? Who's Geb?
Writer: Nyerk! *Rubs slap mark on his cheek* That's her name. And no, I'm not calling you old. I'm only
17, why would you think I wouldn't like young womenz? We're not talking slut-like proportions here, I
have respect for women. If I wanted a woman with huge bonkers and huge arse I woulda made you
exactly like that. I modeled you as a 20 year old because I like woman around that age, Geb is "younger"
because her personality calls for it, that's all. Jeesh.
*Action's anger suddenly fades*
Action: But if she's like 25 or 30 in real time, why would she act younger?
Writer: Because her body ages slower, she may be super smart, because she's super human and
everything, but nature still kicks her in the shins. She doesn't have anything like periods or uhh,
whatever else woman have, because they removed things like those. But they can't remove human
nature. She's a killer, she's a murderer, but deep down inside she's just a 16 year old girl with fears.
Action: That's deep… Wait, so you like woman my age?
Writer: Yeah…
Action: And you like figures like mine?
Writer: Yeah…
Action: So… I'm your perfect woman?!
Writer: *Facepalm* Yes, you could say so.
Action: *Blushes* Oh Writer…

*5 minutes later*
Writer: Gack.
Action: What?
Writer: I have no freakin' clue where to start the story.
Story: Masterrr, you could start where after she has to go into hiding. Fill in the story behind it as you go.
Writer: Ah! Brilliant, Story! It's a good thing talking to myself actually helps.
Story: What?
Writer: What?

*30 seconds later*

Writer: Crap.
Action: What now?
Writer: I have no clue where to start the story.
Action: But we just went over-
Writer: No, I mean, like, what's she doing? Where is she? Oh, I got it!
Action: You're an idiot.
Writer: Don't be mean. I made you like you are, I could change you into an ugly old woman!
Action: Yes, you could, but then who would be the cute girl that sat next to you all day, providing you
Writer: Damn. That's check-mate.
In a back alley of the Moon World "Lyn" stood a girl named Geb.
The girl heard the sounds of the space transport shipped called Voyeur launch into space. She looked
down at the note she carried as the loud cracking noise of the gravity well being ruptured rang through
the Moon World.
The note read '847 - 4', it was the number of the house the member of Sanction, The World's "Civilian
Army", waited. Members ranged from cargo loaders to rocket engineers or scientists, basically any
person that had anything to do with expanding to other worlds, or defending them.
Geb didn't know the member in the house 847 - 4, but she didn't know many people at all. She was a
Judge. An army bred abomination, stripped from their mother's womb and kept inside a testing lab for
mutation, only made for the sole purpose of killing and annihilation.
The reason she was supposed to find the member of room '847 - 4' was because Geb had made the
mistake of leaving a witness on an assassination mission against one of the enemy leaders of a Cargo
base alive. Which caused the almost non-existent knowledge of Judges to sky-rocket, on both sides of
the war. This mistake had almost gotten her executed by her 'Parent', the one person who overlooked
Judge's life and taught them how to blend in with other humans, and how to act.
Geb, though, is one of the oldest Judges, and also one of the most praised. It was her first mistake on a
mission, true, other Judges have been executed for less, but over 37 years Geb had proven herself to be
worthy enough for the Higharchs to spare her life.
That, however, did not solve the problem. The reason she had left the witness alive was because the
power that had to be shut down for monitoring cameras came back on moments before her catching
the escapee. Not only did a witness live, they had 19 seconds of Geb fleeing the compound recorded for
all to see. In those 19 seconds she ran faster than any human possible, killed an innocent man that she
ran across and used a high-tech personal Anti-Gravity device to leap over the wall protecting the
The recording spread faster than a plague through a back alley world like the one she was on right now.
Rumors of the 'Reaper of the Army' and 'Soulless Murdering Child" spread even faster than the
Geb make her way through the alleys, the steam from the pipes that ran all along this world hissed at
her as she passed. She could easily hear the loud talking of the pack of thugs in a hallowed out building,
"So we're going to hit the place tonight, right?" one said, "Yeah that's right, Jerry's got a gun that he's
gonna bring, he plans on using it too." another rougher sounding one said.
At least this was a logical hide-out, why would they suspect a Judge is hidden in a run-down place like
Still, Geb didn't like it. She despised the company of people, her line of work showed how truly low a
human could fall. An innocent murdered here, an innocent raped there. She held no remorse for killing
these types of people with her own hands, they wouldn't if they were in her position, so why show them
She had shown a sprite of mercy once, and she had paid for it with a knife in her back. No, when it came
to killing, there were no survivors.
Geb turned a corner to go up a small pack of stairs, then to her right was a wall marked with "847" in
giant grey letters. 847 was actually the name of the block that "4" was residing in. She went past the wall
to reveal a long trash ridden alley way with a number marked next to a door every dozen feet or so.
She entered the long alley way and made her way to the one marked with '4' and lightly knocked on the
There was no answer.
She knocked again, louder this time.
Again, no answer.
A final loud knock provided no answer, so she decided to let herself in. It wasn't locked, which Geb
questioned since this wasn't exactly the best place to just leave your door open.
Through habit she peered inside as she creaked it open, only to see no sign of anyone inside. Geb closed
the door behind her and inspected this… room. There was only one room. A single square room.
A single light bulb was on ceiling, the paint on the wall, well, if it was paint, was peeling off. There was a
single mat in the far corner of the room, a small floor fan was plugged into a single socket in the wall
that blew around the room, there was no ceiling fan. The only other thing in the room was a small, old
T.V. Surprisingly no trash was found on the floor, which was a neat, thin carpet.
Geb went over to one of the four walls and opened up a door to reveal a toilet, she closed the door and
opened another sliding one that revealed itself to be a closet with nothing but a small amount of dry
food, water, and a box. Geb inspected the brown box inside the closet and it turned out to be a box of
bandages, alcohol and other medical supplies. She closed the closet and sat down in the corner next to
the door, Geb wrapped her arms around her knees and curled up, Might as well get some rest while I

"We were tired for all."

She woke to the creaking noise of the door opening, the rustle of paper bags followed. Geb lifted her
head up and stared at the person who had entered. He went straight over to the mat on the floor and
laid down the paper bags, he got on his knees and reached behind him into the paper bag and pulled out
a wrench and screw driver. Without noticing Geb in the corner he pulled the small TV close to him and
un screwed some things that held it in place. He opened the back of it up and began working on it, after
a few moments of tinkering he turned around and reached into the paper bag again until he noticed
With a yelp of surprise and a small leap backwards he half yelled, "Who are you?!"
Geb calmly answered, "I'm Geb. My Parent told me that they gave you a letter telling you that I was
coming, did you not get it?"
The boy calmed himself, "I… Ah, yeah, I did get a letter, like a week ago. I thought it was a joke or they
gave it to me on accident, though. I didn't actually expect-"
"It was meant for you. Room 847 - 4, boy named Ark Wills, age 15, medium height with black hair.
Abandoned as a child at the age of 6, found by engineers on the docks, forgotten by the age of 13.
Signed up for the Sanction at the age of 13 and has small income providing medical help whenever
called for by the workers here. Also known for fixing small mechanical problems in non-complicated
class robots. That's you, correct?"

Action: I like that name.

Writer: I like it because it's short. I really hate typing long names.
Action: I guess it's annoying typing "Action: and Writer:" all the time too?
Writer: What?
Action: What?

The boy named Ark sat dumbly for a few moments before saying, "Ah… yeah… that is me… But, as you
said, I don't have much money. I can't just simply take care of you for however long you need to-"
"The letter that was given to you stated that you would be paid," Geb reached under her thin tight shirt
and pulled out an envelope, "This money will easily provide for me and pay you for your troubles. I
require nothing but food and water every day. Are there any other problems?"
Ark rubbed his head, "Ah, how long will you be staying here?"
"However long it takes."
He rolled his eyes, "Alright… uh, why are you hiding here, exactly?"
"The letter said not to ask any questions concerning my identity or why I'm here."
Ark sighed, "Alright, look, I didn't even read the letter other than the first sentence or so. It was all royal
Army and people with fancy titles, I figured it wasn't for me because I'm just a nobody. Is there anything
else I need to know about this letter?"
"The letter says that you will allow me to take residence in this place until not needed, you will be paid
handsomely for your troubles, to keep quiet and to not ask questions about who I am or what it is I do. If
you become a problem all payment will cease and there will be consequences for whatever action you
have taken."
"Fine, whatever. I won't give you any problems, just… just don't cause me any, ok?"
Geb nodded and stood up, she made her way over to Ark and handed him the envelope of money. He
peered inside and gasped, "This… this is how much I'm being paid?"
"For the first week. It will double every week and keep doing so as long as there are no problems."
"Wha… that's more than I've… why am I being paid so much? Who are you?"
Geb shook her head and made her way back to her corner saying, "There are to be no questions, Ark."
She sat back down in the corner and kept to herself while the stunned boy stared at the envelope of
money. After a few quiet minutes he finally went back to fixing the TV, which was fixed moments later.
Ark turned the small thing on and messed with the antenna on the top of it, finally getting a decent
signal he turned it onto a Galaxy wide channel that broadcasted the news. With a Hmph of triumph he
stood up and began walking over to the closet, with a sideways glance looked at what the balled up Geb
was doing. She was blankly staring at the small TV across the room.
He shrugged and opened up the closet to grab the brown box and another grey box that Geb did not see
before. Ark stacked the boxes on top of each other and walked back over to his mat and set them down
with an Oomph. He opened the grey box to reveal tools and light-bulbs, screws and bolts, all sorts of
small engineering equipment. After a moment of rummaging through the box he pulled out an Eater
bot, which was used as an automatic vacuum. It was a small black box with small black wheels on the
bottom, it used suction and a small black brush to tighten up homes.
With no effort he pulled off the black box cover and revealed the inner-workings of the robot. Geb
silently watched the news as he began poking and prodding at the small robot.
An hour or so passed before the news began to talk about the topic of the what they now called
"Reaper" video. Geb didn't worry about Ark watching the video and finding out it was her, there was no
way. She was wearing her light-weight body armor which came with a mask at the time, there was no
facial recognition. They knew it was a girl, however, because the light weight armor was a tight light
metal and fibers that curved to her every curve. They called her the "Reaper" because the armor was all
black, and because she cleaved the man's head off in the video as if she was an old farmer with a sickle,
cutting his plants.
Geb remembered every moment of that man's killing, she always did with innocents. She was fleeing
and he heard the alarm and went to help. Geb collided with him seconds before reaching the exit, the
thought passed through her mind as she noticed him, Leave him. You've already been found. But fear of
the moment caused her to strike when he raised a hand, she thought he was going to attack with a
weapon. He only raised a hand to ask her what was happening. Before she could stop herself she had
cleaved the old man's head off with her Vi-Blade, a long sword that was made out of tough metal and
vibrated to allow slicing of most things with ease.
Her Parent had taught her to live with murdering innocents, it happens. Sometimes you just simply can't
avoid it.
Even with those words, she forced herself to remember her mistake. Every small detail of an innocent
life she took haunted her, and she allowed it to. Somewhere deep inside Geb she begged to be more
than just a monster. The perfect memory of the old man's face of fear, everything in his eyes invoked a
pathetic feeling of being something else other than a cold-blooded tool. Why she yearned for the feeling
of sadness boggled her, maybe it was because it was the only emotion Geb had ever truly felt?
A mumbled out voice interrupted her dark depression, "What?" she asked.
Ark's voice came to her, "Are you ok? You're uhh... crying."
She rubbed her hand around her eyes and felt a drop of water roll onto her hand and fall off, Why am I
Ark asked after a moment, "Ah, well, I'm going to eat… did you want anything?"
Geb barely heard him, she looked up from her hand and said, "What?"
Ark sighed, and in a slightly louder voice he said, "I said I'm going to get something to eat, did you want
me to make you anything?"
She shook herself out of her thoughts and calmly said, "Yes."
Ark shrugged and opened up the closet to grab a cereal box, Captain Crunchawesome was the brand,
"It's nothing much, but I can't afford… well, I couldn't afford anything better. Before it gets dark I'll go
out and buy some better eats." he sat down Indian style with the box in hand and laughed a bitter laugh,
"I'll get some milk, too. I can't even afford that." he dug his hand into the box and pulled out a hand-full
of bland looking cereal, he threw one little piece in his mouth and offered Geb some, saying, "Can't
afford bowls, either. Gonna have to eat with hands."
He smiled as he held out the box and Geb reached a small hand inside to pull a handful of cereal out.
After a moment of silence Ark turned on his rump and inched over to the small TV by sort of hopping,
causing a bit of cereal to fly out the box and land on the floor, he turned and asked "Want me to change
the channel? I don’t really pay attention to it"
He slowly frowned as Geb just stared at her food and ate, he didn't think she'd mind and just kept it on
the news. Ark inched backwards and sat on his mat and continued eating.
For the next few hours Ark worked on more small robots while Geb continued to sit balled up in the
corner. The silence broke with Ark turning on the vacuum bot and testing it out. The thing wurred and
buzzed as it rolled forward then backwards; a frown showed on Ark's face until the vacuum bots' little
brush began rolling and it started moving around the room picking up the fallen cereal from earlier.
With a "Haha!" of victory Ark watched the small bot patrol the room, it was about to hit Geb on the foot
until it stopped and turned around; the sensors worked. Ark dropped a piece of cereal he saved and the
bot zoomed over to him and swooped it up, everything seemed to work fine. Ark got up and hunted
down the small black box robot and picked it up, flipped a switch and turned it off.
He went back over to the grey box and pulled a small black bag out of it and put the bot inside, Ark tied
the bag around his waist and said to Geb, "I'm going to go ahead and return the bot and get some
things, did you want to come?"
Geb ignored the question and just stared at the TV, "Come on, why don't you get some fresh- well,
outside air for a few minutes?"
Geb shook her head and Ark sighed again, "Alright, I'll be back within the hour, if not, then you're on
your own."

Action: She's so bottled up.

Writer: A-Wha?
Action: Geb, she's bottled up.
Writer: Yes, I know.
Action: *Angrily* You don't have to be an ass about it.
Writer: No, no, I didn't mean it like that, I meant I know in a depressing sort of way.
Action: Oh… sorry.
Writer: It's fine; I'm going for a "lonely, but curious and aware" kind of bottled up. She's been a
murderer her entire life, she's been taught that what she does, kill other people, is right… but she
doesn't understand that there are good and bad people in the world. They taught her to be emotionless,
to be a murderer. And that she is… but something happened to show her something else.

"All the miles and all the trials of cities made of gold, there was a free way… a free way… a free way to
carry on!"

Ark made his way out of the door and closed it behind him, he turned to his right and went down the
long hallway alley. He had taken this path so many times he could literally do it blind-folded, Right,
right, left down the stairs, right, left, left, left, then left to the market. He followed those directions until
he made his way out of the alleys, left was to the market, but right was to where he needed to go to give
the vacuum bot back.
This city, Leore, was the only city on this Moon World. It was less of a city and more of a checkpoint,
however. It was a port city used for refuel and restock of supplies, for it was the only Planet safe
enough to land on for a long time. To get to the other planets far off most of the smaller business ships
would have to stop here, but because of the war the enemy had taken over the nearby territories that
all of those small business owners went to, it left this Moon with practically no use at all. It was quite
prosperous at the start, but now it had dried up and become a back alley world. Before the war hit
people had enough money to start expanding the city, which lead to some very nice homes on the far
end of the city. This moon was located in one of the most beautiful solar systems, it consisted of only
gas giants which showed every color known to man. This lead to many rich people moving in at its high-
point in time. That is where Ark is headed to.
He turned towards the place that hired him and within 10 minutes he was there, this city wasn’t large.
Ark approached the large gated house and as he approached a voice of a robot came from a speaker on
the gate, "State business."
He cleared his voice and said, "I was hired to repair a vacuum bot, I'm here to turn it in."
A slow beeping noise was followed by the gate loudly opening. Ark stepped inside and the gate closed
just as loudly behind him. He stepped on the cobblestone pathway and couldn't help but stare at the
grass, he had just recently been introduced to the concept of "Plants".
Ark arrived at the large wooden doors and he used the knocker on the door and within moments a
servant opened the door, It was a decently young man, maybe 25 years of age, "Yes, sir?"
Ark had been taught to bow for courtesy sake and did so as well as he could, "I was hired to repair a
"Ah yes, I will get the madam."
The servant moved his head in a motion that indicated that Ark should come in, the servant then
nodded towards a nice chair located next to the door. The servant went off and Ark sat down on the
chair and waited… and waited…
It took nearly 15 minutes before the lady that hired him arrived downstairs, "Sorry, boy. I wasn't
expecting you for another day or two and decided to take my afternoon bath."
Ark smiled at the apology and in the politest tone he said, "It's no problem at all, mistress. I was enjoying
sitting down in this comfy chair anyways."
Her slightly wrinkled face lit up with a smile and she glanced to her right and said, "Geoffrey, the nice
boy has manners!" she turned back to Ark, "Alright, down to business, then. You have the bot?"
Ark nodded and reached inside the pouch and pulled it out, "I tested it on my room and it picked up
everything I threw at it, and stopped before it hit Geb, so the sensors work."
The ladies smile showed approval, "'m guessing Geb is a friend?"
Ark thought about that for a second, "Well, you could say that."
They chit chatted for a few minutes but finally came down to the lady saying, "Alright, enough of this
chitter chatter," she turned to her servant, "Geoffrey, pay the boy." she turned back to Ark and said,
"Get yourself something nice. If this bot turns out to work as well as I hope I may call for you again, I
rather like your attitude."
Ark smiled, this was truly the first time he had ever been treated nicely. Geoffrey handed Ark a small
blue tie pouch and politely showed him to the door, and with that, Ark was on his way to the market.

Nearly an hour later he was heading back to his room when he saw Geb walking towards him in the
alley. He laughed, because for some reason he knew why.
When he was in talking range he said, "What happened to make you leave my place?"
She looked up and stared at Ark, "You said that if you weren't back within an hour, that I was on my
own. I was heading to the nearest-"
"I wasn't serious, it was just a joke."
He laughed again and Geb said in her normal, affectionate-less tone, "Please be clearer on these things. I
was lenient and gave you an extra 15 minutes of time to arrive, but you still didn't. I thought you dead."
Ark laughed again, "Did you say 'Please'?"
Geb nodded and Ark laughed a little bit more, "You're the strangest person, Geb. You act like a robot yet
you go and throw the word 'Please' out there."
"My Parent told me that when communicating with humans it is a tactical advantage to add the word
'Please' when asking for something. It is supposed to persuade you humans into trusting someone you
don't know quicker."
Ark was going to laugh, but there was no humor in her tone… she was serious, "Geb… who are you,
She blankly stared at his face with eyes devoid of life, "You are not allowed to ask such questions."
He sighed, "Can you at least help me with these groceries? I took so long because I splurged on food
with the money you gave me, and I got another job offer."
Geb took one of the two brown paper bags that Ark carried and they walked back to his place.
On the way Geb asked, "If you have plenty of money, why take another task?"
Ark shrugged, "Us stupid humans like to actually help people from time to time. Not all people work for
money, some just work for the sole purpose of helping others."
The joke making fun of Geb's earlier comment didn't faze her and she asked, "Why?"
He shrugged again, "Just because it's nice helping other people. Gives you a nice fuzzy feeling in your
stomach that can get you through a rough day." he looked down to Geb after he was done talking and
noticed that she didn't get it, "When I asked you to help me with the groceries, why'd you help?"
Geb walked in thought and responded with, "If I had let you carry both you would have been slow. It's
only logical if I carry most of the weight so you can move faster, causing less of a chance to be spotted
and save time."
Ark chuckled to himself, "So, it was only a logical move?" Geb nodded, "You felt-" he leapt up the small
stairs leading to his room, "nothing at all at the act of helping me?"
Geb shook her head, "I felt accomplishment that things are running as well as they could with the
current circumstances."
"Ah, but Geb, that's feeling something. That's what us humans call 'joy' or 'happiness' knowing
something good has been done."
He was enjoying a laugh at Geb's facial expression when she stopped walking and looked at him as he
opened the door to his room, "I felt… happy?"
Ark stopped laughing at the question, "Well, yeah... Is that… surprising?"
Geb nodded.
Ark started laughing again, "Are you sure you're not a robot?"
They both entered the room and Ark set down the bags inside the closet, He grabbed the bag Geb was
holding and did the same with that. Ark reached inside one the bags and pulled out another small
gadget, but it was just a clock of sorts. He went over to his mat and turned on the TV then sat down and
began working on it.
Geb curled back into her ball in the corner of the room and stared blankly at the TV.

"It's your birthday! It's on earth day! Like a child you're born again, little child you're born again."

The first week went by with the same basic schedule. With the new income of money he would go out
and buy things for the room. At first he came home with just some bowls and spoons, but the items
slowly began getting bigger and bigger. (That's a lot of g's) Over the week he had gotten a small table so
he could work on his jobs better, and so they didn't always have to hold their bowls in their hands. Ark
had also gotten a small sleeping mat for Geb, since she just slept in the corner, and a better TV; It was
still an old one, but Ark figured why not?
All day Ark would work on things people asked him to fix, watch TV and go out every once in awhile to
pick up some more jobs. Ark sighed every time he came back into the room to find a curled up Geb just
staring at the TV, he would say, I swear she's a robot to himself every single time.

It marked the 7th day with Geb, when he awoke he found Geb sitting next to his mat, waiting for him to
wake up.
Mostly, it just surprised him, since she literally never moved from her corner, "Ah…" he lifted his head
up from his pillow to droopily look at Geb, "Is something wrong?"
Geb stuck her hand under her shirt and produced another envelope, she handed it to Ark saying, "The
week's payment. Double of what your first was, as agreed on." she got up and began walking over to the
Ark looked inside the envelope and opened his mouth wide with surprise… it really was double.
He broke himself from the awe-struck stare and looked at Geb as she opened the door, he said, "Are you
"I will be back within the hour, don't follow." was all she said.
Geb slammed the door behind her and stepped out into the alley.
She walked silently in the morning fog. Geb made it out the alley areas and headed to her left. A few
minutes passed quietly before she arrived at the docks. She waded herself through the group of people
gathering outside of a transport ship, a giant space-craft that could hold hundreds of people; it was most
likely restocking. After passing the people boarding the transport ship she had to then navigate through
the markets to arrive at her destination. The markets were just small tents pitched up with open sides
for people to survey the goods, it was nothing special at all, it was really the only thing they could afford.
After passing the decently large sized market she arrived at the big wooden building that they used as an
Inn for people having to spend more than a night here while travelling.
Geb entered the building through the double-wooden doors in the front and was greeted with a "Hallo!"
from the inn keeper.
She walked up to the long wooden bar that had a few people sitting at it and asked the old inn keeper, "I
am meeting a friend in room 9, can you give me the key?"
The old man nodded and said, "Aye, I can. But 'e said you needed to say somethin' special."
"Aye, that's the one! Alright then," he reached inside his big apron pocket, pulled out a key and tossed it
to Geb, "Up the stairs, 5th door on the right." he pointed to the flight of stairs at the end of the bar.
Without any thanks said Geb made her way up the stairs. She counted the doors on her right to 5 and
inserted the key. The door opened with a Klick and she entered to face a young woman sitting uneasily
on the only bed in the room.
The woman forced a smile and said, "Hello, Geb."
Geb closed the door behind her and stood cautiously in the doorway, she said, "I was told to meet here
with my Parent every 7 days, who are you?"
She swallowed hard and said, "Your superiors believe that your Parent is in danger of being found, as
well, so she's in hiding, just like you. I am her temporary replacement."
"Do you have proof of this?"
The girl on the bed pulled out a small black rod and pushed a button on it that caused a holographic
display to pop out. She navigated through the thing and finally said, "Here, the letter."
Her hand shook as she handed Geb the rod, it was from her Parent stating that this girl, Hope, would be
overlooking her for her stay here.
Geb closed the program on the rod and handed it back saying, "What do you need of me?"
Hope said, "This is to be just a weekly check up. Is your holder causing any problems?"
Geb shook her head, "No. He keeps to himself and doesn't ask too many questions."
" Have you noticed anyone following you or suspicious people?"
Geb shook her head again, "No."
Hope nodded and said, "That's all for now, really." she reached inside her pocket and pulled out an
envelope and a small circular gadget, "The next weeks' pay for your holder," Hope handed the envelope
to Geb, "and they've deemed a small communicator safe enough to use, we can't talk through it but if
you press the button I'll be waiting in this room within the hour. The communicator works both ways, so
if I need you for something I'll use this, meet me in this room." she gave that to Geb as well, who put it
in her pocket, "If I'm not in the room when you get here in that case, just wait. But if I don't arrive within
the hour think the worst and wait for further instruction."
Geb nodded.
Hope forced another smile and said, "Hopefully the next time I'll see you is in a week."

Geb made her way back to Ark's room and opened the door with a "Huh?" from Ark himself, she silently
sat down in the corner which caused him to sigh and say, "Where'd you go?"
She said, "You aren't allowed to ask questions like that."
Ark laughed, "So you did something secret?"
"You aren't allowed to ask questions like that."
Ark laughed louder, "I guess I don't have to, you just told me that you did."
He thought even Geb would laugh at that, or do something… but she still just simply stared with her
blank face.

Another week passed, Ark had added a bigger and nicer tool chest to his collection, along with fruit and
a fruit basket to hold the fruit. He still had plenty of money, especially since today he got even more, but
there was nothing really left that he could buy.
Once again Geb paid Ark in the morning and left.
She arrived at room number 9 in the Inn and opened it to find Hope sitting on the bed as she expected.
Hope again forced a smile and said, "Hello, Geb. I have another appointment soon so let us get things
done quickly. Are things still going smoothly?"
Geb nodded.
"Good, good. Have there been an suspicious people around?"
"Not that I know of. The only time I have been outside of Ark's room is to come here."
Hope crossed her legs and said, "Ark the holder, right?"
Geb nodded again.
"Ark… what an odd name. What was he, 15 years old?"
Geb nodded once again.
"Hm, still young." Hope sighed, "I guess that's all, then."
Geb asked, "How much longer must I stay here?"
"I don't know, Geb. The Higharchs are still searching for possible spies through-out the upper works,
until they confirm there are none they do not feel safe operating. All Judges have gone into hiding, Geb,
not just you."
"I wasn't told."
"They couldn't contact you. Almost everyone that has any job relating to Judges have gone into hiding.
They had to promote me from my previous job because they needed someone to talk to you Judges."
"Is that why you force yourself to smile with me?"
The sudden question caught Hope off guard, "Ah… Yes, it is. I do it because I don't know how to act
around Judges. I've only heard of the rumors before I was asked to do this, that's also why I'm uneasy
around you."
"You're afraid of me?"
"Yes… Geb, I am." she changed subjects as she became increasingly nervous, "That's all, I will see you
next week."

Geb entered Ark's room and thus began another quiet week.

"I don't want to alarm you, but I'm thinking we can end this in what seems easy quick and painless man
so I'll get down to business!"

Ark woke up on the 7th day expecting Geb to be waiting for him, but she was still in her corner.
He got up and said, "What's wrong? You're not being creepy and hovering over me like you normally
do." he laughed, "Changing things around, that's something weird for a robot to do!"
As usual, Geb blankly said, "I received a notification last night that my next meeting with my superior
will be tonight, instead of this morning. You will be paid then."
Ark smiled and said, "Ah, okay." he paused and his smile grew, "So you leave every week to have a
meeting with your 'superior', eh? Sounds Army-ish."
Before Geb could say something he said, "You don't talk down to me or talk like you were raised in a
royal family, so you're not a princess gone into hiding." he paused for quick thought and continued, "You
have far too much money at your disposal, so you're not running from a debt to someone who's less
people friendly… The letter I received was from a high-up General of the Army itself, so I'm pretty sure I
know who you are."
Geb's voice became hollow as she said, "And who am I, Ark?"
Ark began to slowly move his mouth, as if looking for the words to say… Geb would rather not kill
another innocent, but if he knew who she was… there was no way around it.
Geb was ready to pounce when he said, "I don't care, honestly. It's not my job to know, right?"
She relaxed, "Yes."
Ark turned to a serious tone and said, "You were going to kill me if I said who you are, weren't you?"
Geb didn't hesitate at all and said, "Yes."
He yawned and said, "Well, it's a good thing I don't know who you are."

Late in the afternoon, around the time Ark usually went out to the markets, he got up and went up to
the still curled up Geb.
"Come on, Geb. You're coming with me today."
Geb still just simply stared at the TV.
He sighed, "I'm not joking. Come on."
She still stared.
Ark opened the door and made a motion for her to get out, "Look, I don't care how robot-like you are, I
don't care that you don't care. You need to move around and we need to take bathes. We're both
starting to stink this room up something fierce, so let's go and be done with it."
Geb didn't take her stare from the TV and said, "There's no need to."
He sighed once again and crossed his arms in thought, what would make her get out of here? What
would move her… then it hit him, "You know, it's awfully weird for a brand new face like yours to arrive
in this town, then pop up only once a week at the Inn. Oh, yes, I know about the Inn, do you know why I
know about the Inn?" he didn't wait for the answer, "I know because people in the market notice you
every single time you go. You're not exactly the most non-obvious person in the world, people started
asking things like 'Why does she always come here every week, then leave?' or 'Who is she? I've never
seen her around before.' . So, my result for that is to come out with me to the markets and act like
you're my friend or sister or something, to blend in. It's only logical, right?"
Ark chuckled triumphantly as Geb got up and walked out the door he still held open. They made their
way out of the alley area, passing some rather bruised up thugs that only gave them the evil eye as they

"I want to be that ocean! I want to shine like that! I want to smile so big my daughter jumps into my lap,
I want to tell her 'dad is fine and always plans to be!' then take her in my arms. This is what we'll always
see; Blue skies."

*Action's chain jingles as she throws her hands into the air in defeat*
Action: I give up, what the crap do those quotes mean?
Writer: Finally, someone asks. They're markers for every time I sit down and start writing. It's whatever
is being sung in the song I'm listening to at that moment.
Action: Oh… *Covers face with hand* That's stupid.

Ark hummed a nameless tune as they neared the roaring noises of the afternoon market. The Giant,
constellation travelling Cargo and Transport Ship Thor had just arrived minutes ago, causing an uproar.
Hundreds, maybe even thousands of people ran around the area, making it hard, or fun for Ark, to get
Ark nimbly moved around the crowd as if he was born to do so, well, maybe he was… but Geb certainly
wasn't. He laughed as he turned around to find Geb being swarmed by a dozen or so people that rushed
to a seller next to her that just announced 'All new low prices!', Ark thought to himself, She may be a
robot, but I can see that hint of aggravation on her face. He laughed some more as Geb finally just cut
through the small road block of people and wordlessly fell in line behind him.
They shopped around for about an hour, first Ark showed Geb how to pick out the right kind of fruit.
Then he stopped by a General Good stand and bought some more cereal, milk, sandwich materials, and
eventually ended up buying a small grill that he could cook small things on. With their hands full Ark
decided they could go ahead and stop their shopping for today.
With Geb carrying the grill Ark carried most of everything else, they made their way back to his room.
He had to eventually ask Geb to put down the grill and open the door when they arrived, however. With
the door open Ark made his way inside and put the paper bags down on the floor and opened up the
closet and instantly began filling it with the newly acquired items.
Geb set down the grill on the table and made her way to her normal corner, but Ark's sharp voice made
her stop, "Ah! No! Bad robot! This place gets a little less human friendly after dark. Now, I know that
doesn't concern you, but I want to get a bath before dark, and not get stabbed when I'm not looking. So,
come on, we're leaving."
Ark opened the door and made his way outside and he waited for Geb… but she just sat down in the
He sighed, "Alright, Geb. Do I honestly have to explain to you why it's a good reason to bathe?" Ark
knew she wouldn't answer, so he sighed again and went ahead and said, "It's awfully easy to get a rumor
about a very smelly, silent, creepy looking little girl that arrived newly in town going. So, if you bathe up,
look less like a zombie, people will stop caring. So, come on!"
Ark cackled menacingly as Geb got up and headed out the door.

Again, they passed by the bruised looking group of thugs, who still only gave them an evil eye and a few
taunting words before they were out of sight.
With little humor in his voice Ark said, "Good thing they didn't bother us, heh, I'd rather hate to beat up
a group of thugs in front of a nice, smelly girl such as yourself."
Ark and Geb made their way out of the alley to turn right at the opening, towards the most rich side of
the town.
On the walk Ark got bored of the silence and tried to start a conversation… one sided or not, "You know,
some people actually call this a 'different town' than the rest, since it's so different. I do consider it a
different town, it's just too different to be the same one." he smiled and continued, "I mean, on one side
you have a dock town with a few fancy customers and thugs around almost every corner, then on the
other you have rich people with servants and their own little market." his smile faded as he looked down
at Geb and realized she probably wasn't even listening.
Sigh. Robots are no fun.
They arrived at the 'next town' and instantly things suddenly became less industry, steam works, dirty,
and more homey, grassy, and clean. With nearly a skip in his walk Ark made his way through the town,
they passed a few dozen houses down a road and finally made it to a more market-like area.
Past the small market of stores and stands, they made it to the bathhouse.

"To be taken back to the younger days, when there was no giving up. To all the people we held closely to
our hearts."
Ark burst open the doors to the bathhouse dramatically, just for fun. He was like that.
The front girl yelped in surprise, her name was Lana and Ark had come to know her just a little since
living here. The booth she sat in was a circle like wooden kiosk, it was a sort of old fashioned type style.
Behind the booth were three doors, the left one was the 'Man' side, the middle was the 'Woman', and
the last was the 'Mixed' side.
Ark smiled and went up to the now calmed down Lana and said, "Hello, Lana! For the first time in history
I would like to buy two, 1 hour baths."
Lana sarcastically looked surprised, smiled and said, "Hooked up with a girl, did you? You're still awfully
young-" she peered over at Geb and gasped, "Ark! She's… well… she's…"
"She's what?"
"Well! I was going to say she's too young for you, but you look younger than her. So, then I was going to
say she was too old for you, but then she's still young… so… I don't know."
Lana motioned for Ark to come closer, she leaned in and with her hand over her mouth she said in a
whisper, "So… mixed bath?"
Ark blushed and tried to come up with something funny to say, but only the rush of thoughts of the act
came in his head, he eventually said, "Ah… no, Lana."
She tried to hold back a laugh, but she only succeeded enough to make it a small Fffttp sort of noise,
"I'm sorry, Ark. I couldn't help but laugh at your face. So one man one woman bath?
Ark nodded and a moment later Lana said, "12 coppers, then."
"12? But it's 8 per person?"
"Couples discount, only 6 per."
Ark shrugged, "Huh, well. Thank you, Lana."
He made his way to the "Man" labeled door and couldn't help but laugh when he heard Geb's footsteps
on the wooden floor behind him, he turned and said, "Geb, you go to that one over there-" he pointed
to the next door over, "you use that one."
Geb as usual blankly looked over at the door, she turned back a moment and said, "What do I do?"
Ark laughed, she had finally made a joke!
Wait… I forget who I'm talking to.
He sighed, then laughed a little bit more, "You've never taken a bath before?"
Geb said, "I know what they are, but have never taken one. It's where a human washes him or her self
under a stream of water to keep clean, correct?"
Ark nodded, "Yes, Robot 44, that's correct."
"Robot 44 is not my name, nor my code name. Why do you address me so?"
"It's just a joke, Geb, you really need to work on getting those. Now, all you had to do to take a bath is
this: you go through that door there, take off your clothes and put them in the lockers, then go outside
and sit in the water. After about an hour when we're about to get out go to the table in the middle of
the bath and scrub yourself down with some of those soaps and things, then rinse it all off and meet me
outside! Easy as that."
Geb didn't say anything, but Ark guessed she got what he said.
Ark shrugged and was going to go through the door when the question struck him, "Geb, how have you
never taken a bath? How do you keep clean?"
"My Parent would take me to a room and hose me down."
He cringed at the answer, "Not much of a parent…"

Ark went Oooo as he lowered himself into the hot water. With a great sigh he leaned back on the
imitation rocks they had placed for a more, "natural" feeling.
The place was an outside Hot Spring, and didn't actually have "real" rocks nor was it a natural Hot
Spring, that was just the illusion. It was actually just one big pool of water split into 3 segments by a
bamboo wall. The same wall circled the entire pool for privacy, of course. Although easy to see that it
was fake, it still held a very nice calming effect. The sky was cloudy with rain clouds, but the stars and
planets were truly worthy of being noted.
Ark heard the splashing of what he thought was Geb getting into the water from behind the wall, he
smiled and said, "Geb, is that you?"
Lana's voice came back, "No, Ark, it's Lana. Jewels came in and took over for the rest of the night, so I
decided to take a bath."
"Oh… Is Geb there?"
"Yeah, she's right next to me. She's quiet, though."
"That's Geb for you… well, I was just making sure." Ark sighed as he leaned back onto a nice shaped rock
and closed his eyes for some relaxation.
The hour was filled with silence that only broke when Lana would try talking to Geb. A few mumbles of
conversation here, a few mumbles over there, overall it was mostly funny for Ark, at least he wasn't the
only one having problems talking to Geb. Sadly, however, the hour of fun eventually ended and before
Ark wanted to he found himself slipping back into his clothes.

"By the way… by… your side I'll stay… if that's… ok? Then by your side I'll stay… forever…"

Writer: Action.
Action: Yes, Master?
Writer: It's almost time.

With a short made farewell to Lana, Ark departed with Geb . It was a nice, quiet walk back to the room
and with almost no talk they found themselves at the door. The duo entered and Ark went straight to
the TV, turned it on and with a big Ahh. he sat down on his mat.
He looked over to Geb who was making herself comfortable in her corner and said, "That was better
than being hosed down wasn't it, Robot 54?"
Geb said, "I thought the 'joke' was Robot 44, why have you changed it?"
Ark began stretching and said, "Just a variation, is all."
Her blank stare didn't change, but she said, "I don't understand. If the objective is to make fun of
someone else's faults, why would you do it in a different way, to the same subject of fault?"
He scratched his head at the complex question and slowly said, "Well, uh, it's just to be funny, while not
making the joke get too old, that's all."
"I still do not understand. My Parent once taught me to try to get me to understand this things you
humans call 'jokes' and 'making fun of', but I never truly understood it all."
Ark smiled and said, "Ah, Robot 44, you're showing some non-robot problems. Confusion? Not
understanding something that's been taught to you? Maybe you actually are a human."
"Do not get me confused with humans, Ark."
He was laughing and barely heard what Geb said, "What's that?" he asked.
Geb clarified, "I am not a human, Ark."
Ark laughed a little bit more, "Of course you are, Geb. That's just silly-"
"The only reason I appear to be human to you is because that is what I have been trained to show, that
is all."
He suddenly turned to a serious tone, "Then what are you, Geb? Or am I not allowed to ask that?"
Geb shook her head, "You already know what I am, and for that I should kill you."
Ark sighed, for some reason he didn't take the threat seriously, "Then why haven't you killed me, Geb?"
"My observations of your personality show me that you are not the kind of human that cares for life;
you simply drift through it. I examined the fact that you know me, I should kill you, but if you were to tell
anyone, they just wouldn't believe you. If I killed you it would just cause problems for the already
shambled organization I work for, they would have to re-locate me to another hide-out. It was I that
caused these problems to begin with, I wouldn't want to add any more to it by killing someone who's
not worth the effort."
He was taken aback by the answer, Ark tried to find something to say back… but she was completely
right. No one would believe him if he told them, even if it was someone like Lana.
A wave of depression caused by the feeling that no one was close enough to be called a true friend
overran Ark as Geb silently stood up and made her way out of the room.

"Don't die on me… Don't go away when I need you here! Don't… Don't go… the rain will come… the rain
always comes…"

Within 20 minutes Geb arrived at door 9. She entered and as usual Hope was sitting on the bed.
She said, "Hello, Geb. There's good news and bad news today." she gave Geb a chance to say something,
but she never did, so Hope continued, "I'll start with the bad news first. Judge 39, name Jermiah, was
assassinated yesterday. He was killed with a knife slash that ripped open his windpipe, he was asleep on
his bed at the time. Jermiah was due to be transported to his hiding location tomorrow, which is why he
was still inside our headquarters.
Good news is that the assassin was identified by a security camera and was killed afterwards in his
personal quarters. We found a mass of long-ranged stealth communication devices, we were able to
hack the records and find that none had been recently sent to whomever he was sending it to.
This is good news because the last message was sent before your incident. Our hopes are that the spy
became distressed at the sudden burst of people coming in and out of the workplace to send out any
messages or updates. Then we guess he found a moment where Jermiah was alone and acted on it, like
a buffoon. The second good part about that is that we know what kind of communication devices to look
for now, if there are more spies we will find them quite quickly if they send any messages out."
Geb didn't show any signs of caring and just asked, "How much longer must I stay here?"
Hope sighed and said, "Well… That's the thing. We found a spy, that means there could be dozens more,
meaning it's not safe to return… so you're most likely going to be here for awhile." she stopped but then
added, "Sorry, Geb."
"Is that all?"
She shook her head, "No, I still need to ask some questions. Is Ark causing any problems?"
Geb thought of the idea of telling Hope that he knew what she was, but for some reason decided against
it, "No."
Hope smiled a real smile and asked, "Did he take you to a bath? You look very clean."
Geb looked down at her body and did notice that her skin seemed much brighter in color, she looked
back up to Hope and said, "Yes, he did."
"That's nice. I bet it's a weird feeling for a Judge to be treated like a human for once, isn't it?"
Geb felt a sort of hollow feeling in her chest arise, but ignored it and said, "He misinterprets me for a
Hope couldn't help but smile again at the awkward sounding answer, she innocently asked, "Do you like
it, Geb?"
Confusion didn't show on her face; nothing ever did, but Hope knew she was confused, she said, "I don't
understand the question."
"Do you like being treated like a human?"
Geb withheld her initial answer of 'No' and contemplated the idea, Did she really like being treated like a
She had to admit she liked the bath; it was much more comforting than most likely anything she'd ever
felt before. It was comforting… a thing she wasn't supposed to feel.
Long moments of inner confusion went on until Hope finally said, "It's alright to feel things, Geb, but in
your line of work it can be dangerous. Don't be afraid of them, embrace them. But don't let anyone in
your organization see them, and you may be able to one day fully enjoy them."

Hope had soon afterward said good bye and Geb left room 9 with turmoil in her thoughts. She self-
consciously walked her way back to Ark's room, too busy was she with her thoughts to care about
anything else… or at least until something felt wrong.
Geb had just entered the alley ways that lead to Ark's room, and almost instantly afterward she heard
light foot-steps of 3 people behind her. Without looking back she figured by the way they breathed and
how insanely loud they were they weren't assassins, they were the thugs they passed by earlier that
day. Geb took a turn towards her destination and was greeted with the noise 2 more people breathing
ahead of her, behind the next turn that was only a few paces away. When she neared the next turn the
2 around the corner and blocked her way.
She stood her ground and examined the thugs as the one to her right said, "'Ello Missy. Where're you
'eaded to?"
She remained silent and tried getting more info on the ones behind her, one of them held a what she
guessed to be a metal pipe that he kept banging his hand against. Geb had drowned out their voices at
that point, but they seemed to be getting irritated by her silence.
The one to her front right moved forward and reached his hand out to touch Geb, but she grabbed the
hand and crushed it. With a yelp of pain from the thug and yelps of surprise from the others the one she
held onto punched at Geb.
She dodged underneath the blow and with a powerful punch to the chest she crushed his ribcage,
almost instantly killing him and causing him to fall to the floor at her feet.
With a "Why you-" a thug behind her charged forward with his fists, she quickly turned around and
dodged sideways out of his forward punch. Before the thug could register that she had dodged aside
Geb grabbed his hand with her left arm and with her right jabbed downward with her elbow; breaking
the man's arm. He yelled in pain and Geb silenced him with a sideways chop to his neck, breaking his
windpipe and causing another body to fall to the floor. She silently walked over the flailing body of the
man with the broken arm and made her way to a less cluttered area.
The remaining thugs were silent, trying to figure out a strategy to take her down. With a Click Klak noise
from behind she turned around to find a thug with an old butterfly knife aimed at her gut running
towards her. She waited for the thug to come within feet of her and dodged aside, swiftly elbowing him
in the face with enough force to break his neck, he fell limply to the floor. The man with the pipe came
into the view as she did this, and he too charged forward with the heavy pipe hanging in a downward
striking position. Geb put her arms upward in a cross and blocked the large blow of the pipe, before the
thug could retreat back she kneed him in the crotch and took the pipe from his loose hands.
He had only a moment to lift his hands in mercy before she bashed his head in with the weapon, Geb
watched as his face went dead and his ragged body fell to the floor.
4 people laid out dead or dying around her… there was only one left. She looked up from the last man
she felled and found a petrified man with a gun staring back at her. His hands were shaking and the gun
in his hands was completely unstable.
Geb barely took a step towards the man when he fired. A dull feeling hit her stomach and she slowly
looked down to the bullet wound, she dapped the tip of her finger in the blood and looked at it… this
was the first time she had ever been shot… she always had armor on to block bullets. It hurts…
She looked upward at the even more terrified man and took another step, which resulted in another
shot. Geb felt another sharp feeling explode in her chest this time.
She took another step which caused the man to scream, "Why won't you die?!"
Explosions of pain erupted inside her as he fired every round of his pistol into her. With a Krrk Krrk noise
the gun finally ran out of ammo. Geb nearly fell to her knees from a sudden weakness, but held strong.
Her blank face turned to a face of malice and anger as she suddenly began running towards the thug.
Within a second she had her hands around his neck and began crushing his throat, he screamed and
screamed and flailed his arms like clubs against Geb, but finally his body went limp.
She looked down at the strangled body and wondered why he was covered in so much blood, he wasn't
bleeding, but why was he covered in it?
Geb coughed, causing blood to splatter on the dead man's face. She wiped her mouth with her hand and
looked at it and realized where the blood was coming from…
She lifted herself off of the dead body and fell against the nearby wall, she was barely strong enough to
stand, let alone walk. But walk she did, leaving a bloody trail behind her.

Ark sat silently watching TV in his room when the silence was rudely interrupted by someone bursting
through his door. He turned to find the figure of Geb laying face first on the floor, completely covered in
Ark jumped off his mat and ran over to Geb saying, "What happened?!"
He made it Geb and turned her over to find tearful eyes looking back at him, she whispered the word,
"Help…" Without hesitation Ark began to run over to his closet to get the few medical supplies he had,
but was stopped by a bloody arm grabbing his arm.
He turned to see Geb grabbing onto him, again she said, "Help…"
Ark said, "I have to get bandages… or something! Why are you so bloody?!"
With weak gasps for breath between every few words she said, "Shot… no time for bandages… don't
need them… just… remove bullets…"
He sat down next to Geb once again and said, "Bullets… why… where are you shot?"
Her arm fell from his and she said, "Chest… Stomach…"
Ark grabbed the bottom of her damp shirt and with a gulp pulled it away. He could barely believe what
he saw. Thick streaks of blood had been smeared all over her body, almost no skin was visible. In a
desperate attempt to find a bullet hole he wiped his hand across her, throwing blood around in every
direction until finally he found where some was pouring out. She had been shot near the belly button.
That was the first one.
He looked at Geb's pain filled face and asked, "How… how do I get it out?"
Ark couldn't help but notice how her well rounded breasts moved up and down as she took a heavy
breath and said, "Use… your hand…"
He looked back at his hand and figured there was no better course… he didn’t have any tools to do it for
Ark took a deep breath and plunged his fingers into Geb. She didn't cry out in pain, rather, she just
tensed up, causing his hands to be pinched inside by her layer of muscles.
He almost laughed at the predicament, "Geb, don't tense up! I can't move my fingers around!"
A moment passed and the tension only stayed, Ark yelled out, "Geb! Stop tensing up!"
She yelled back, and for just a moment the tension released itself, "I can't!"
He knew instantly what to do, "Then scream! Let it out!"
Ark dug his fingers in as far as he could and Geb screamed out in pain, letting him move freely around.
He dug around gently, trying to cause as little pain as possible, he tried not to think about what he
fingers collided with inside of her, until he collided with something that felt metal.
Ark grabbed the bullet and as gently as he possibly could yanked it free.
He threw the bullet aside and instantly started wiping away more blood that had congealed itself to find
the next bullet hole. He did this 6 more times, until he reached the last bullet hole.
With a strong blush Ark started pushing blood away from her chest, the last one was around her left
breast. By slowly moving his hand around he finally found it, it was a small hole that was barely far away
enough from her heart to miss it.
Ark tried to put his fingers inside, but a problem quickly arose, "Ah… Geb… I can't fit my fingers inside, I
can't get between your ribs."
Geb had already calmed, the bleeding had lessened somewhat but her problem with breathing only
increased, she said, "Then… reach around…"
Ark though of the possibilities, but found none, "I can't just reach around, it's near your heart, your rib
cage blocks that entire area!"
She reached her bloody hand to a hole that was high on her stomach, "Use that… to reach up…"
Ark laughed a bitter laugh, "Geb, that's not going to work… there's too many organs and way too much
distance for me to reach… I'd have to stick my entire hand in there almost… you'd die if I tried."
Geb shook her head and put her index finger inside the wound and ripped it open wider, with a cringe
from Ark she said, "I'll… live… Just… do it… the bullet… is blocking an artery… I can't… live with it...
He had thrown away all theories of how Geb had lived this long and was still able to even stay conscious,
let alone speak, and gave into the theory that she was not human.
Ark reached his hand inside the now few inch wide bullet wound and tried as hard as he possibly could
to not think about what insane organ his hand was rubbing against. All of it was warm, fleshy, wet, tight,
and just disgusting; the fact that Geb wasn't even flinching as his hand lurked around inside of her
disturbed him the most.
He stopped moving his hand through her chest after a minute and asked, "Where is my hand? Can you
tell?" Nearly his entire arm was inside her, he was actually have to lean forward into her to get it in far
She weakly tapped just under her breast, he was close.
He reached just a little bit farther in until he hit something that felt metal, but it wasn't a bullet… it was…
her lung?
"Geb, what… is your lung made out of metal?"
She said, "They coat our lungs… and heart… in a bullet resistant alloy… when we're young… the bullet
would have… bounced off and dug itself… between my heart and lung…"
Ark didn't even ask any more questions, he just felt around as much as he could, using the metallic lung
as a guide. He felt the back of his hand rub against metallic veins, he figured that was her heart. With
the utmost care he moved his hand around, barely rubbing against the many things that ran around the
Finally he felt something metal that wasn't her lung or heart. With his index finger he grabbed it and
began the long process of pulling his hand out.
Nearly an hour had passed since Geb burst through the wall, but they were finally done.
A sudden huge wave of exhaustion overran Ark as he threw the last bullet into the corner.
He laughed as he leaned against Geb's corner and said, "Geb, I don't know how you're alive… but I think
you're gonna be ok."
To his astonishment Geb leaned up from her laying position and looked at him. He was instantly
reminded that she was half naked, and that it was really the first time he had seen so much of a girl
Even with the array of weird, strong urges and feelings arising inside of him he couldn't help but laugh
and say, "We should probably get ourselves cleaned up."
Geb looked down at her body and she tried wiping away some of the blood, but only replaced it with
more from her hands. Ark couldn't help but burst out laughing, which luckily diminished all arising
feelings inside of him. He stood up and passed by Geb only to laugh as she tried again to wipe the blood
Ark went to the closet and opened it up, then reached for the medical supplies. He placed the brown
box down in front of Geb and sat down with an Oomph.
Opening the box he instantly frowned, saying, "Ahh man, I forgot to get more bandages…" he burst out
laughing again, "We're going to have to be bloody for awhile, it seems." he reached inside the box and
pulled out a small cotton ball and a vial of alcohol, "I'll clean your wounds, at least."
Ark moved in closer to the staring Geb and dabbed the cotton ball in the alcohol. Now that Geb was
completely leaning upward her shirt had begun to slowly fall down again, and since Ark was the 'leap
before looking' kind of guy he grabbed her shirt and helped Geb remove it. Of course, as soon as he
looked down his job only became harder. Ark tried as hard as he could to not think about it and began
wiping the blood on her away as well as possible. He started from the bottom, removing as much blood
from the bullet wound area as he could before cleaning the small openings with the cotton ball.
He didn't question why the wounds had stopped bleeding, but couldn't help to notice that her hand
went to her mouth every time he began cleaning the wound. Ark began cleaning the 5th wound when
he finally followed the arising hand to her mouth, she was biting down on her index finger hard enough
for it to start bleeding.
He sighed and said, "Geb, why are you biting your finger?"
Geb answered with a voice that he barely recognized, it was filled with… emotion?
He was too busy trying to figure out what was wrong with her voice to actually hear what she was
saying, "Er… what was that, Geb?"
With an almost unbearably innocent face she said, "Because it hurts…"
At some point between her face actually showing emotion and her voice, he had lost his breath.
He swiftly found it and tried to shrug off the weirdness of this not so weird situation, "Ah… What hurts?"
"You keep putting that cotton ball against my wounds, it burns…"
Ark found himself having to find his breath again, he coughed lightly and said, "Well, don't bite your
finger, that just adds onto the amount of blood…" he sighed, "You know what, just don't hurt yourself,
no amount of blood is going to make a difference at this point."
Ark couldn't help but shudder at the 7th bullet wound on her chest, he figured cleaning it was more
painful for him than it was for her. But, like most things, it was finally over.
He put the things back in the box and then placed it back in the closet.
Ark turned to Geb and examined her, almost every inch of her was covered in blood. Then his eyes
wandered to the area around Geb, and that too was covered in blood. Then… he looked down at himself
and laughed at how much blood was on his hands and shirt. Especially his right arm that he used to
reach inside of Geb, it looked as if he dipped his entire arm into a bucket of red paint.
He shook his head and asked Geb, "Geb, how much blood do you have?"
She missed the joke question and said, "What?"
Ark covered his head with his palm… which caused his head to be completely covered in blood, he
laughed and asked the re-phrased question, "Any human would have been dead loooong before you
even started bleeding all over my room. God knows how much blood is outside, but this room is covered
in it. I understand, you're not human, but what are you exactly? How are you not dead from losing so
much blood?"
"My body regenerates hundreds of times faster than a human body."
Ark looked slightly dumbfound and said, "Ah, well, that was a much simpler answer than what I thought
it was going to be." he shrugged and moved over to the TV and with the least amount of blood
splattered on it he turned it on.
He eye balled his clean, almost blood free bed mat and sighed again. Geb had already taken to being
huddled in the corner, but she seemed less… curled up. She loosely held her knees with her arms
instead of holding them tight enough to almost be hitting her chest.
He made his way and sat down next to the still topless Geb, he said, "I don't want to get my bed wet
with blood, so I'm going to sleep over here in the…" he looked around the blood stained ground and
slowly said, "murder scene."
Geb did something else amazing that baffled Ark for a good moment or two, she actually turned away
from the TV and looked him in the eyes. He could have sworn she was blushing, but guessed it could just
be the blood.
Ark swallowed hard and said, "Geb, why are you acting so different tonight?"
Her look was still blank as she said, "I don't understand what you mean."
"You seem… not so robot-y since you came here covered in blood. You actually… seem human."
She looked away from Ark and after just a second of thought said, "Hope told me-"
"The one I meet with every week. She told me to not be afraid of my emotions. I have been almost my
entire life. When I showed them my Parent would beat me, I learned to keep them inside. When you
helped me passionately it reminded me how powerful they can be… I thought… maybe if I use my
emotions, I can be even better."
"Ahh, so it's just to be a better killer."
Geb nodded, "Yes, but…"
"But what?"
"I think I enjoy them as well."
"Ah, that's where the problem comes in, Geb. If you want to be emotional and be a good killer, you will
be in pain the entire time. So, which is it? Be emotion, but in pain, or be non-emotional and be a cold-
blooded murderer?"
She held herself tighter and said, "I don't know."
After a moment of silence Ark got up and made his way to the closet once again. Reaching inside to the
very back of it he pulled out a ragged black shirt.
Ark tossed the shirt to Geb who caught it, "Put that on, I can't have you half naked, it's quite
He sat down again and asked Geb while he was leaning back against the wall, "Who shot you, anyways?"
She finished putting on the shirt and said, "The thugs that we saw earlier today. They attacked me in the
alley, one of them had a gun."
Ark was actually expecting something more…serious, "What did you do to them?"
She grimly said, "I killed them all."
He honestly wasn't surprised by the answer, but liked it no less, "If you killed them, how did you get
"He caught me off guard. He shot me once, then again after I didn't stop walking towards him. He
unloaded the clip after the 2nd failed shot. I kept walking and eventually got to him and strangled him."
Ark filled in the rest. He sighed and tried paying attention to the TV. As usual it was on the news, they
were talking about the weather at the moment. Ark smiled when they say that the planet Lyn would be
getting heavy rain early in the morning and throughout the day, it caused an idea to pop up in his mind.
He was ready to pass out when Geb closed in and leaned against him.
Ark retreated a little from the feeling, asking, "What's all this about?"
With blank innocence she said, "I suddenly felt warm when you sat down next to me." she moved in
closer and wrapped her arm around his, "It intensifies when I get closer to you."
Ark rolled his eyes, at this point he was too tired to even care. He just wanted to sleep.

Writer: Alright, how was that, Action?

Action: Well, I liked the fighting, but it was a little too short lived.
Writer: Yeah, I know… I just couldn't think of anything else to put in there.
Action: *Nod* Understandable. But I did like the follow-up.
Writer: Hmm, yes, indeed. My only complaint about it is that it seems too fast paced, it's supposed to be
like a month since Ark and Geb met, but it's only like… 5 pages… I need to fix that eventually. *Sighs*
*Supernatural suddenly appears next to Action, grabs her demonic arm and holds it up to inspect.
Although Supernatural's scrawny, featureless body and flat, jagged head appear to be weak, Action
couldn't break his grip.*
Action: *Trying to break Supernatural's grip* What the hell? Let go!
*Supernatural's pure white skin shimmers and morphs around, suddenly his fingers on the hand not
holding Action transform into razor sharp talons. He drags his long, knife like index finger down Action's
demonic arm, causing a yelp of pain and black blood to come from Action.*
Supernatural: Your arm is not human, it is Supernatural. You are Supernatural. What am I?
Writer: *Interrupts Action's angry response* Supernatural, she is Action, nothing else.
Supernatural: But she is Supernatural…
Writer: She is only partially Supernatural. She harbors over Action, not Supernatural, that is your job.
Supernatural: *Drops Action's arm* So we are not the same?
Writer: Of course not. *Looks over to the bleeding Action and frowns* Say you're sorry.
Supernatural: *Backs away and bows politely to Action* I am sorry, Action.
Action: *Rubbing long cut down her arm, angrily responds* Just don't cut me again!
*Supernatural slinks away and fades into shadow.*
Action: *Sighing* That hurt, you know.
Writer: *Shrugs* You'll live.
Action: *Lifts her demonic arm up and clenches her fist. All the black blood leaking down her arm traces
itself but into her skin and seals itself. She starts rubbing her arm* It still hurts. And it's going to scar, this
isn't fair!
*Romance pops his head around the corner*
*Writer takes Action's demonic arm and kisses it, like, you know, all politely and stuff.*
Writer: It's still beautiful, so don't worry.

Ark woke-

Action: No. Hell no. Don't you even think about it!
Writer: What?
Action: Well, uh, DUH. You just kissed me! You can't just start writing after that!
Writer: But that's-
Action: No! I don't give a shit! You physically took my hand in yours, kissed it, then said "It's still
beautiful, don't worry." in a totally stylish way! There's no god damn way you can just cut away like that.
I'm still here!
Writer: Well-
Action: No! I don't even care! There's nothing you can say to save yourself from this situation! *tosses
hands up into the air* You totally made a move on me! I actually blushed, felt something, then you just
cut away! I can't believe this!
Writer: But it was just a funny, classy thing, I didn't really think much of it- Ah… well, I mean, I could…
Action: But what!?
Writer: I don't know!
Action: *Shakes fist angrily at the heaven* You know what, Writer? I thought I liked you, because you're
all mysterious and cool, but you… just… Gwaugh!
*Action leaps out of chair and storms out of the room, she spots Romance and Drama huddling behind
the doorway*
Action: The hell are you guys here for?! *Action punts Drama in his squishy face and grabs Romance
with her demonic hand. She lifts Romance up to eye level* I don’t ever want to see you near me and
Writer ever again! *Throws Romance at the wall*
Writer: Wait, Action! *Gets up from chair and chases after Action*
*Action turns around and punches Writer in the face with her human hand*
Action: Don't talk to me for at least a few chapters worth! *Turns around and growls* I need to go and
let off some steam.
*Writer walks back to his desk and starts writing.*

Ark woke- *record playing being stopped*

*Action walks in the room angrily and sits down*

Writer: What's wrong? I thought-
Action: You don't talk to me! I realize I'm far too bored doing anything else but watching you write, so
write, and don’t' talk!
*Writer nods*

Ark woke-

Action: Don't even-

Writer: Sweet Raptor Jebus! Can I just write!?

Ark woke… Ark… God dangit.

Action: What now?!

Writer: I need Jordan to read what I have to ask her a question! I can take the story in an entirely
different direction right now and I need advice!
Action: Just do whatever the hell you want and kick Jordan in the face if she says it's bad!
Writer: *Grumbles* Fine, I'll do that.
Writer: But I really need to ask her! I don't want to come off as perverted or something!
Action: *Faceplam* Look, Writer, you showed Water naked in front of Rufus, she's like, what, 14 years
old? That's pretty much pedophilia.
Writer: No! Water was transforming so she wasn't technically a child!
Action: And how old is Geb!?
Writer: 37… But she-
Action: Nyah! By your logic Water is under the same set of rules of Geb!
Writer: But this is really sexual!
Action: *Sighs* What do you mean sexual? How sexual?
Writer: Well I was thinking that Ark could… well… wake up to some pleasantries (I spelled that right?)
and stuff.
Action: What do you mean… pleasantries?
Writer: I mean… well… Geb is blissfully ignorant and Ark is too so they-
Action: *Laughs*
Writer: What?
Action: Remember what Jordan wrote?
Writer: *Thoughtful* Yeah…
Action: Nothing you do can make Jordan laugh at you for being too sexual. Unless it's like… literotica or
Writer: Hmm, you speak truth. Alright, I'll do it.
Action: I'll still think you're perverted, though.
Writer: You already think that.
Action: This is true.
Writer: But my only concern is… no… no… I'm getting something!
Action: What?
Writer: Nyerk!
Action: *Backs away a little* …What?
Writer: Action! *Grabs Action's hands* You're a genius!
Action: Yes, I know but… what'd I do?
Writer: You just gave me a perfect idea!
Action: Well, what is it?
Writer: I can't tell you!
Action: Then write it down already!
Writer: God this is going to be embarrassing to write.
Writer: Now Dart is attacking me in my room.
Action: What?
Writer: What?

Ark woke-

*Supernatural sneezes and interrupts Writer*

GETS CUT OFF! *Throws pencil at Romance, who gets smacked in the head and falls backwards*
*Writer materializes another pencil*

Ark awoke-

Writer: Ah hah! Wait… Shit.

Ark found himself in the kind of awake where you don't want to open your eyes, but you know you're
awake. He knew he was laying on his ride side, that it was heavily raining just outside, and that his hand
was rubbing against something rough and soft.

Writer: *Sigh* Am I really going to go through with this? It's so Liedish.

Action: No one is going to get that reference, Writer. Just do it and be done with it, jeez.
Writer: Fine… I just realized Liedish is a freakin' awesome name…

The rough thing felt, well, rough, and for some reason, it felt familiar, as if he'd felt it before or
something. But he didn't pay too much attention to the rough side of whatever he was feeling, he
started paying attention to the soft. To be exact it wasn't entirely soft, it was more like he felt he was
rubbing off a thin layer of dried paint that was coated over something soft. The paint like coating was in
such weird designs, it was thick in some areas and almost completely gone in others. He ventured
through the land of dried paint over something soft and eventually found some sort of… bump in it. Ark
liked this bump, it was softer than the rest of the soft areas, and it moved around a little when he
pressed his hand against it hard enough or moved his hand over it fast enough; it even lifted and fell
slightly every few seconds.
But, eventually, Ark got bored and let his arm relax and fall. He thought of getting up and eating
something, he was quite hungry. He bet Geb was too.
His thoughts were frozen by the feeling of a small hand upon his. The small hand gripped his and took it
back to the soft bump on the dried paint land. The small hand pressed his against the bump, he didn't
mind the feeling of rubbing his hand against it, but who's hand was it? The only person that hand could
belong to was Geb, and she was on the other side of the room.

Now, before you continue reading, since you're most likely on AIM right now, do you know what is
going on? Come on, tell me, I want to see!

I slept next to Geb...
Suddenly it all hit him and he burst out of his semi-slumber. Ark backed away from the laying down
figure of Geb and leaned against the wall as flat as he could. He found himself dizzy and panting from
the sudden burst of energy, a wave of nausea run over him.
Ark rubbed his temples from the sudden blood rush as he said, "Geb, I'm so sorry! I didn't… I was half
asleep and I didn't realize what was going on!"
Geb wordlessly got up from her bloody mat and started crawling the short distance over to Ark on her
knees. With Ark looking on in confusion and worry Geb lightly grabbed his hand and put it up her shirt,
dragging it across her stomach and then back to her chest. Again, she pressed his hand against it.
Ark withdrew it with a quick snap and said, "Geb, no, you don't understand what that means."
She grabbed Ark's hand again but it was yanked from her grasp, she said, "Why not?"
He let out a small laugh, "Geb, there's so many reasons why but I'll tell you the two main ones on the
top of my head: You have absolutely no idea what it means, and I have no idea if I can stop myself from
doing something stupid if you keep pushing it."
She seemed to understand somewhat and in her normal blank tone said,

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