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Chapter 3

I knew that something was wrong...

I felt so vulnerable and hopeless, I couldn`t
look in Jacob`s eyes.
I saw pain and aggression!
I stood up from where I fell and I saw the
redness of this man’s eyes.
I was not scared but, interested...
I was staring into his eyes when I fell into a
dark hole I can just remember those red
I couldn`t move or speak but I could hear
people`s voices.
“She is fine Emmet relax!” It sounded like
my dad.
I felt someone holding my hand and I could
sense it was that person.
The guy that I fell in love with and, just by
staring in his eyes.
I tried to speak in my mind to tell my dad
that I was fine but I sensed that I could
move my fingers.
I stood up in a fast reaction and when I got
to open my eyes I was crouched into the
“Renesmee Carlie Cullen can you relax!” my
dad screamed when he didn`t expect my
“Dad! Where is Jacob!?” I ran to him and
hugged him but I was pushed off.
“Renesmee you are squishing me!” I looked
at him and then at me...
I was pale white and I couldn`t hear my
“What is wrong with me?” I looked to
everyone and I noticed that the person that
I saw at the clearing was not here.
“Nessie you have stopped growing! You are
immortal! Congratulations!” My mom came
up and hugged me.
That was the first time I had heard her call
me Nessie.
But I had bigger problems to think of.
I was looking for that man and I want to
know where Jacob was.
I ran downstairs and found Jacob and this
guy sitting down and looking at one another
as angry as possible.
When they noticed me I was already next to
this random guy.
“Hallo... I am Renesmee what`s your
name?” I looked at him and then someone
coughed and I realized that I was probably
on his lap.
“Oh... sorry!” I jumped up and ran upstairs.
I realized I must be as red as a tomato.
I went down when I thought I had relaxed
and sat on the stairs.
“I am Leo.” This guy was perfect his voice
so smooth and his eyes burned through me
as fire.
He gave me a polite smile and then looked
to Jacob.
“Jacob!” I ran to him and jumped on top of
“Hey Nessie... I`ve missed you so much!”
“How long was I out?”
“About 2 weeks!”
“What! What did I miss?”
“Our wedding!”
“No! I was there!”
“You fell in a coma.”
“That`s weird I remember it and I-“
“Nessie your here now, that’s what
“I love you Jacob!”
“Love you to Nessie!”
I jumped off him and went to Leo.
I held my hand out and he took it I showed
him where I saw him.
“Is it true or one of you gifts?”
He looked at me and I didn`t realize until I
looked around the room that my whole
family was there.
“Am... I am going to take Leo somewhere I
need to talk to him.” I looked at everyone
and grabbed Leo`s hand and we were at the
clearing so fast that I thought that I was
faster than dad.
“Okay... Leo I want you to tell me what
happened?” I looked at him and sat on the
He followed my movement and sat down.

POV- Leo

She was amazing and when I sat down in

the grass next to her I thought that I could
never live without her!
I knew that I had to tell her what really
happened but I couldn`t stop staring in her
“Leo please tell me?” she broke the silence
and I looked away.
I couldn`t tell her that I fell in love with her
or that I gave Jacob a potion to tell her that
he hates her and then she could break up
with him.
I want her to myself!
I need her!
Jacob was too dangerous so I had to let her
fall in a coma.
“Nothing is true I gave you a dream... I can
give dreams and also take them away.”
“Oh... But why give me a bad dream?”
“Renesmee I love you!” I looked at her and
then she was on top of me and we kissed.
I knew she loved me too and that we
belonged together for this forever.
“Leo I love you to!”
We laid there for 2 hours and then I knew
that we had to break the news to the
Her father hated me and her mother didn`t
trust me and the DOG things I am crazy.

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