Pratt Paul Kathleen 1984 Japan

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13 1984

Te - garni



The people which sat in darkness saw great light;

Matt. '4:16

Campus Ministry (U.S. Address)

Japan Address


Mrs. Mary Lou Bauer

2^40 West Elbert St.,
Indianapolis, Indiana,

Tel. (517) 787-6755

Mr. & Mrs. Paul S. Pratt

c/o Rick & Lydia Coyle

1210 Kamikasuya,
Isehara City,

3557 TallahsBses Dr.,

Cincinnati, Ohio,

Kanagawa Ken, 259-11. Japan

Tel. (0^465) 95-1019

Tel. (515) 585-92'47

XXVIII, No. 2, Summer, 1984

Dear friends,

We were happy to get back to Japan. Especially since we were met by new seekers and a re
newed interest among the ladies of Kathleen's Bible Study Class. And the group is growing. Its
meeting weekly, now.

As you may remember, our church building was built in 197^. Just after that we were able to
choose leaders and get an organization started. So, at our congregational meeting we decided to

celebrate 198^ as our 10th Anniversary year. We will be editing an album (directory) and com
bining a fall homecoming with our season of evangelism.

I still have the sponsorship of the Christian Club at Obirin College. Mark and I each have
120 students in a compulsary Bible Seminar. Together we are subsidising the Word of Life's re
printing of the Japanese copy of Josh McDowell's "More Than A Carpenter". We will use it as our
text during the second semester. I have two other Bible Literature classes in the Junior College,
Kathleen continues teaching 1^0 students there each week.

The Ohio Singers III group will have

two chapel sessions and a class session at Obirin on June 28th. Pray for their total ministry.


A Bible Literature Class

Part of our Christian Club

The Horimotos

Ohio Singers III

Jim Green

Chris Crosgrove

Toahialci Chida

Makoto Yofihii

Our missionaries in Thailand

Speaking of the Ohio Singers, they arrive for a sixty day tour on June 23rd. Their first
dates will be in the Tokyo area. They are lined up for eight programs in five days before taking

off for Osaka. Then they will return on July l^th for l6 days of programs, a camp and the two

Sorry we didn't get a good pose of Nancy Olson, originally of the Pleasant View Church, Cassopolis, Mich, and presently Librarian at Great Lakes Bible College in Lansing, Mich. She will
come on the flight with the Singers and spend ^8 days in Japan. She is planning to help with our
personal library and filing system and that of the church, teach and "do whatever else needs to be

What a fine way to spend your 'vacation', Nancy.

Re.joice with the Machida Church. Remember I told you about the psychiatrist who forbade his

daughter to be baptized. He gave his consent, he and his wife attended the great event on May lOth,
With tears in his eyes he declared, "I shall remember this day as long as I live." Pray for them.

Your church should have received one copy of the 1984 100th Anniversary Edition of Japan Missions. This is history. We still have several copies on hand. Write for your copy. Also, the

devotional booklet, "Gleam of Dawn...Light of Day" is still available. Send $6.50 per copy to
Mission Services, P.O. Box 2427 Knoxville, Tenn., 57901-

Remember our Missionary Convention July 25-28 and the National Convention July 28-50.

Central Japan Christian Mission

19194 Helen St.,

South Bend, Indiana, 46657


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Te - garni

(Paul's Epistle)


The people which sat in darkness saw great light;..." Matt. '^tlS
Japan Address

U.S. Address

~Mrs. Mary Lou Dauer

2^0 West Elbert St.,

Indianapolis, Indiana,

Mr. & Mrs. Paul S. Pratt

c/o Mr. 8t Mrs. Rick Coyle

1210 Kamikasuya,

5357 Tallahassee Dr.,

Isehara City,

Cincinnati, Ohio,

Kanagawa Ken, 259-ll Japan

Tel. (01^63) 95-1019

Tel. (317) 787t6753

Campus Ministry (U.S. Address)

Tel. (513)385-92't7

Vol. XXVIII, No.5, Autumn, 198^

Dear friends.

In many ways this has been the busiest summer we've spent since the two other Ohio Singers

groups were with us.

With Mark Maxey and Hideo Yoshii in charge of arrangements, we were responsi

ble for the Ohio Singers III Tokyo bookings and appearances.

All the missionaries of Japan appre

ciate the fact that Martin Clark escorted them to all other places in Japan in his van. During
their 20 days in this area they had eight programs at schools, four in churches and a three-day
camp session besides the five days of conventions. They were able to squeeze in a half day for
shopping and one day for fun at Tokyo's Disneyland. Their music was tops, their messages came thru
perfectly since they had translators in their group, and they had many opportunities to witness to

other young people concerning their faith. In our own outdoor program with 85 present from six

churches, two young ladies decided for Christ and seven others determined to study the Bible more.
One of these ladies was baptized soon after and attended the Ohio Singers III Camp at Shinshu. An
overall report will be forthcoming. However, total results will have to wait for the report from
'The Lord of The Harvest'. Now, a hearty 'Well done' to Jim, Makoto, Toshiaiki and Chris!M

Any of you who are interested in knowing what a "Work Vacation" is all about should contact
Nancy Olson, Librarian at Great Lakes Bible College. Kathleen would not have been able to prepare
the meals and care for "^her needs of the Ohio Singers III group without her valuable assistance.
She spent k7 days in Japan maJcing herself available for 'whatever needs to be done'. After the
Singers went to Kansai she set our library, files and address list in order. She assisted Penny
Boggs with the smaller children at our Missionary Convention and then taught English to the child
ren at Sannobara's Vacation Bible School.

Not until she found a break in the schedule did she and

Penny take off for a few days of sightseeing.

and to Japan! 11

Thank you, Nancy, for such unselfish service ^ us

Even if the eel and raw fish don't appeal to you, tempura may invite you back.

You met Mr, & Mrs. Toshio Morimoto, missionaries to Thailand thru our last 'Epistle*. He re

turned to Japan for both conventions and brought with him Daniel Kalnin, a Burmese who has been
serving with his wife Beverly, in Thailand for several years. The Kalnins attended the Cincinnati
Bible Seminary in the early '70s while our children and Hideto Yoshii were there. He spoke to our
church group on August 5th and is anxiously awaiting the equipment he purchased here for his prin
ting evangelism work. Pray for both of thwse families and their ministry in a strategic mission

field, " can they believe in the one of whom they have not heard?" Rom. IQilk (NIV)

Paul with Daniel Kalnin



Ohio Singers III

Vacation Bible School - 198^

A Visit with International Students

Shen Lin, bottom right

Speaking of Hideto Yoshii, (1966-70) he and Spiigeru Akada C1965-66) will be back to Isehara
for our-Homecoming Evangelism and 10th Anniversary| Celebration, Nov."

It Is just ten years

since the building was built. We are making every effort to get members living at a distance to
return and to reach our many prospects at the same time. Stories are being written for a Memor
ial Album to commemorate the occasion.

We will be sending our supporting churches a copy.

Dr. and Mrs. Takeuchi invited us to a party in their home for exchange students from Taiwan,
New Zealand, China, Hawaii and Nigeria. We enjoyed the chance to witness to them about our God,

Kathleen talked with Shen Lin from Shanghai. The jjovernment is paying for her education here,
will provide her a job, arrange her marriage and thus control her future. We thought, "What a won
derful thing is freedomJ

And the most wonderful

all is to put ourselves into God's hands".

We will keep the home address she gave us hoping tjj accept her invitation to visit her one day.
When you pray; Remember Mark Maxey who underwent surgery on August 20, 198^ at Kumamoto,

Japan to repair a detached retina in one eye.


Pray, too, for Exie Fultz who has had three

Pauline Maxey, too, has been under the care of a doctor for some time.

Kara family who operate the Kentucky House Restaurant in Isehara?

has a non-malignant brain tumor.


Remember the

Their son, Michitaro, aged 12,

Pray for his future treatments and for his


Kathleen and I were honored with a certificate and a gift along with the other 'long-term
missionaries' at the Japanese Convention on July 36th. A good spirit of brotherhood prevails.
'Knowing Jesus makes a big difference in life

Those who don't know Him never really live.

Those who do know Him never really die.' Addison powers.

X" 7

'j Sayonara,

Central Japan Christian Mission

1919^ Helen St.,

South Bend, Indiana, ^6637


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10th Anniversary Celebration-

Evangelistic Meeting
Nov. 23-25, 198^








8 1984

/-Jf Jl/(7)^M




Te - garni



The people which sot in darknesr. saw great light:

Campus Ministry (U.S. Address)

Japan Address

U.S. Address

Mrs. Mary Lou Bauer

2'<0 West Elbert St.,

" Matt. '< :16

Mr. & Mrs. Paul S. Pratt

c/o Mr. R.L. Coyle, Fwd. Secy.

1210 Kamikasuya,
Isehara City,

3357 Tallahassee Dr.,

Cincinnati, Ohio,

Indianapolie, Indiana,

Kanagawa Ken, 259-11, Japan

Tel. (317) 787-6753

Tel. (0^65) 95-1019


Tel. (515)385-92'7
Vol. XXVIII. No. 1, Winter. 1984

Dear friends,

"...the Lord's loving kindnesses indeed never cease.

They are new every morning;

all our plans


Great is Thy faithfulness."

For His compassions never fail.

Lamentations 3:22,23. He has blessed

that they fit together like a great puzzle.

From the very first our lead

ers at Sannobara volunteered to keep a live witness through the church. Mark preaches once a
month and Mrs. Leone Cole agreed to assist with English and ladies classes.
Our three Stateside children and their families along with my brother Ralph, and his wife,Ethel, welcomed us to California. What a nine-day delight that was!
We attended the Del Rio
and the University Ave. Churches on Christmas and New Years. We made the rounds to Sea World,

Universal Studios, Knott's Berry Farm and boarded the Queen Mary. The Rose Parade was out of
this world and Ralph and I were able to see a lifelong dream fulfilled by watching the Rose Bowl
game. We had visitors in California, too. A^ and Lois Wilson of Salem, Oregon who helped us
build Mark's Campus Building took us out to dinner. My nephew. Rod and Debbie Crider who help
ed us build the Sannobara Church dropped in.

Were we overjoyed to meet Tadao Takahashi, former

ly of Isehara, who recently became a Christian.

When we flew back east along with Lydia, Rick and girls the temperatures were well below

zero. But in the joy of our visit, we scarcely noticed it. In three more days we had met or
talked to all of our CJCM trustees and thanks to the George Williamses we had v/heels. Pray with
us for Polly Wilkinson as she is handicapped with back trouble.

so faithfully as forwarding agents and trustee.

She and Ernie have served CJCM

Congratulations! are in order to Harold Akers

who was ordained to the Christian Ministry at Milburn Blvd. Church, Mishawaka, Indiana, Jan. 8,
1984. I baptized Harold thirty-four years ago and he serves Central Japan Christian Mission as
Trustee. He and his wife, Neomia donate their time representing our work wherever they can. He
has been serving for several years at Milburn as Minister of Visitation.

To date we have reported to our three Ohio churches and are concentrating on some others in
the Michiana (Michigan-Indiana) Area and in other parts of Indiana and Illinois.

Our earliest

appointments were made for late Feb. and early March with two Florida churches that support us.
Mabel and Stan Buttray's son, Paul lined up six other appointments in the Sunshine State for ns.

It will be quite an experience, too, since our Forwarding Agents, Harry and Mary Lou Bauer will

us in their mobile home.

Our friends

in Sannobara

Rick, Shara, Lauren, Lydia, K., Paul, Jeannie

at Rose Parade

Kathleen and I will go directly from Florid^ to Pennsylvania where we have three engagements
and will be able to enjoy a week with old friends and brothers and sisters. Then after four more

appointments in Michiana we have a plane to catqlj at Cincinnati for Los Angeles on March 31st.
What an added blessing to be able to make a seccnd stopover with Mary Joyce and Paul David and

his family.
More than at other times we have been able to meet other missionaries and friends of Japan

along the way.

Clayton Goe, aged 82 and also a T*:i'imothy of the Vanderbilt Church has been assist-

ing in this work for some time.

We visited him

md his wife in Muncie.

We saw Bob and Joyce

Warrick and two of their children and then attended church with Dale and Peggy Wilkinson at Circleville, Ohio. Both families are missionaries ijo Japan. Bill and Akemi Belew, recruits to
Japan came to visit us in Cincinnati. Pray them! off to the 'land of the rising sun' on Feb. 20th
I have met a few times with members of OHIO SINGjERS III at C.B.S. to discuss their summer plans.

Just like the first group (1970) and the New OhiO! Singers (1972) they are coming to serve and to
evangelize as God opens doors. Will you pray for them? Will you stand behind them with financial support? Please write to Jim Green; 2700 Glenway Ave., Cincinnati; Ohio, 45204. Two of

their group of six members, Makoto Yoshii (son of; preacher Hideo Yoshii) and Toshiaki Chida aro
exchange students from Japan to C.B.S.

Kathleen and

have been getting thorough physical checkups at the Inlow Clinic in Shelby-

vi-lie, Ind. -We

gating-new glasses,- tool' She-has come .through with flying colors, but

the treadmill test revealed that I have an irregujlar heartbeat under exercise. Consultation
with a cardiologist revealed that it is best to have the catherization (heart scan).

So I will

be admitted to St. Francis Hospital in Indianapolis between Feb. 7th and 9th for that purpose.
We request your prayers for our health.

Speaking of health, ^^ praise God for keeping Cason from serious harm when he was re
cently (Jan. 17th) struck by a car.
Mark explained that "x-rays showed that no bones were bro
ken and the next day there seemed to be no after effects from a bump on his head".
As in furloughs past, both our daughter, Lydia and Kathleen's sister, Mary Lou have been
gracious hosts. They simply have opened their homes to us unreservedly, for which we will be

forever thankful. Space could not be found to melition the many others who have and do now hold
their doors open to us.

"Your Father...will reward you."

Mrs. Mildred Hawkins, a great stalwart in tli^ First Church, East Chicago, Ind. was called
to her reward November 21, 1983.

She gave prayer and financial and moral support to us as well

as to the 'missionary effort' at East Chicago.

It is a 'changed' neighborhood.

Pray diligently for the 6,OOP,POO people of I'KCanagawa Ken. Pray for the 110,OOP,OOP who
live in Japan, many of whom do not know HIM. "Pray...the Lord of the harvest to send out labor

ers (trained Christians within Japan & workers fr<|)m outside Japan) into his harvest."

Central Japan Christian Mission



19194 Helen St.,

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Mk. 16:15

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/a 37






Te - garni

(Paul's Epistle)

The people which sat in darkness saw great light;..." Matt. '+:l6
jj.^. Address
Mrs. Mary Lou Bauer
2hO West Elbert St..

Indianapolis, Indiana,

Tel. (317) 787-6753

Campus Ministry (U.S. Address)

Japan Address
Mr. & Mrs. Paul S. Pratt
1210 Kamikasuya,
Isehara City,

c/o Mr. 8t Mrs. Rick Coyle

3357 Tallahassee Dr.,
Cincinnati, Ohio,


Kanagawa Ken, 259-11, Japan

Tel. (513)385-92't7

Tel. (0'^63) 95-1019

Vol. XXVIII, No. 5, Christmas, 198^

Dear friends,
The writer of the Hebrew letter tells us that Jesus

"reflects the glory of God and bears the very stamp of his
What a terrific plan our Heavenly Father had to
visit our planet in human flesh in the person of His Son.

And what a blessing, too, that the message of His coming,

his loving, his dying and resurrection to life was written
down for those of us who weren't alive to see Him.

For our

faith, and thereby our salvation, "comes by ... the word of

God". As we think of His coming, we remember the whole love
story. His plan of salvation for us. We respond with Paul,
"Thank God for his Son - his Gift too wonderful for words."

Mrs. Mitsu Akiyama, Sannobara's Senior Citizen at 80,

was called to her reward on September 26th. She was the
first person to be baptized in our outdoor baptistry at 66
when the Ohio Singers were here in 1970. She faithfully let
her light shine in her dark corner. Shut-in much of the time
due to high blood pressure and other ailments, she prayed
for each of the church people who had assisted her. Entries
from her diary were transferred to our Memorial Album after
her death. They are an inspiration to all who read them.
She will be an influence yet on bringing her grandchildren
to the Lord. She, "being dead, yet speaketh".
With our 10th Anniversary Evangelism still on the way,
three persons were lead to faith in Christ.


Mrs. Mitsu Akiyama


Shiroki's baptism was September l6th and Mr. and Mrs. Naoaki Ishii's unforgettable day was November 11th. (He is a
_genetics professor and she is a music teacher.) Mr. and Mrs.
Katsumi Hara, devout Christians came to serve with us from

the Komatsugawa Church, in Tokyo where I formerly taught in

their English school.

The Anniversary Weekend itself was a big boost to our

Christians and an added step closer for other prospects.
Each of our leaders wrote articles for our Memorial Album

which is a fine historic record and holds forth a vision for

the future of the church.

Speaking of 'vision', just before the celebration, we

had our first home meeting on the other side of Isehara with

sixteen adults present. It was decided then and there that

we schedule them every month in the future and invitations
have come in for several months into the future. At least
three of these are in other cities around Isehara.

November 3rd is Culture Day in Japan and an

time for weddings. Hasako and Sumio, one of our
ples, were married that day at the church and we
lovely garden party in celebration. About sixty

fine cou
had a

The Ishiis

Naoaki, Yoshiaki & Makiko

and church friends attended.

They spent their honeymoon in the Philippines.

he has not yet made a decision for Christ.

Pray for him as

Believe it or not, Isehara finally has two American fast food franchises. McDonalds and
Kentucky Fried Chicken both opened on October 23rd. The Ohio Singers III and Nancy Olson came
a bit too soon. Speaking of Ohio Singers III we have had about a dozen enrollees for our Bible Correspondence Course recently as a result of their programs in Southern Japan. I'm sure
their influence will be felt for years to come.
The responsibility for the Bible Correspondence Course was taken over by Akira Ishii

since the time we returned to the States a year; ago.

He is faithfully taking care of this as

well as working with the new church at Kotesashi along with the Bill Turners. Thanks to dif
ferent churches and individuals in the Tokyo Area he has been able to put his full time into
evangelism. This, too, is a breakthrough for the Tokyo area churches.
Evangelism right on the campus has extra benefits for us.

Mark and I invested mission

funds in a reprint of Josh McDowell's book, "More Than A Carpenter" as a text. Now, with our
Bible Seminar students each buying the book, the proceeds come back to us to be used in other
evangelism. Praise the Lord!
And, the book is proving again to be a valuable tool for our
thinking students. We have scheduled the movie "What's Up Josh?" as a recapitulation of the

ideas advanced in the book.

We. expect some decisions, from the.-200 or -more- students.. .Pray I

Paul David, Jeannie and their sons Travis and Wade

live at 28014 Ridgebrook Ct-, Rancho Palos Verdes, CalifThey attend the Del Amo Christian Church at Torrance, Ca.,
where Bro. Charles Magnuson ministers. Paul serves as an

attorney, working in contracts with the Magnavox Corp.


of September 8, I983 he was "admitted and qualiiTied as an

attorney and counsellor of the Supreme Court of the United

States". He is also advising our Central Japan Christian






The Paul D. Pratt fsuaily

Central Japan Christian Mission Inc.

(a tax-exempt corp.)
1919^ Helen St.,
South Bend, Indiana, 46637


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