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Temuan performance database hasil testing tanggal 13 Januari 2016

Recommendation 1: SQL Tuning
Estimated benefit is .28 active sessions, 40.43% of total activity.
Tune the PL/SQL block with SQL_ID "9n3kxwdhtrsr1". Refer to the "Tuning
PL/SQL Applications" chapter of Oracle's "PL/SQL User's Guide and
Related Object
SQL statement with SQL_ID 9n3kxwdhtrsr1.
begin proses_match_atmbtransfer(:1); end;
SQL statement with SQL_ID "9n3kxwdhtrsr1" was executed 1 times and had
an average elapsed time of 1030 seconds.
Recommendation 1: SQL Tuning
Estimated benefit is .48 active sessions, 10.21% of total activity.
Tune the PL/SQL block with SQL_ID "9n3kxwdhtrsr1". Refer to the "Tuning
PL/SQL Applications" chapter of Oracle's "PL/SQL User's Guide and
Related Object
SQL statement with SQL_ID 9n3kxwdhtrsr1.
begin proses_match_atmbtransfer(:1); end;
SQL statement with SQL_ID "9n3kxwdhtrsr1" was executed 9 times and had
an average elapsed time of 192 seconds.


Recommendation 2: SQL Tuning

Estimated benefit is .23 active sessions, 33.04% of total activity.
Tune the PL/SQL block with SQL_ID "67vyxyprr0pt2". Refer to the "Tuning
PL/SQL Applications" chapter of Oracle's "PL/SQL User's Guide and
Related Object
SQL statement with SQL_ID 67vyxyprr0pt2.
begin proses_match_atmb(:1); end;
SQL statement with SQL_ID "67vyxyprr0pt2" was executed 1 times and had
an average elapsed time of 843 seconds.
Recommendation 2: SQL Tuning
Estimated benefit is .42 active sessions, 8.86% of total activity.
Tune the PL/SQL block with SQL_ID "67vyxyprr0pt2". Refer to the "Tuning
PL/SQL Applications" chapter of Oracle's "PL/SQL User's Guide and
Related Object
SQL statement with SQL_ID 67vyxyprr0pt2.
begin proses_match_atmb(:1); end;
SQL statement with SQL_ID "67vyxyprr0pt2" was executed 9 times and had
an average elapsed time of 167 seconds.

AWRRPT M10 (tidak issue di prod)

Finding 2: Log File Switches

Impact is .16 active sessions, 23.06% of total activity.

-------------------------------------------------------Log file switch operations were consuming significant database time while
waiting for checkpoint completion.
This problem can be caused by use of hot backup mode on tablespaces. DML to
tablespaces in hot backup mode causes generation of additional redo.
Recommendation 1: Database Configuration
Estimated benefit is .16 active sessions, 23.06% of total activity.
Verify whether incremental shipping was used for standby databases.
Recommendation 2: Database Configuration
Estimated benefit is .16 active sessions, 23.06% of total activity.
Increase the size of the log files to 2048 M to hold at least 20 minutes
of redo information.
Symptoms That Led to the Finding:
--------------------------------Wait class "Configuration" was consuming significant database time.
Impact is .22 active sessions, 31.31% of total activity.
Finding 6: Undersized Redo Log Buffer
Impact is .06 active sessions, 8.24% of total activity.
------------------------------------------------------Waits for redo log buffer space were consuming significant database time.
Recommendation 1: Database Configuration
Estimated benefit is .06 active sessions, 8.24% of total activity.
Increase the size of the redo log buffer by setting the value of
parameter "log_buffer" to 32 M.
The value of parameter "log_buffer" was "4202496" during the analysis

Recommendation 3: Segment Tuning

Estimated benefit is .02 active sessions, 2.67% of total activity.
Investigate application logic involving I/O on INDEX PARTITION
"PAWANGREPORT.BIDX_ATMBTRANSFER_2_M7.P201511" with object ID 9705720.

Related Object
Database object with ID 9705720.
The I/O usage statistics for the object are: 0 full object scans, 15430
physical reads, 15506 physical writes and 0 direct reads.

AWRRPT PROD (tidak issue di M10)

Finding 2: CPU Usage
Impact is 1.2 active sessions, 25.58% of total activity.
-------------------------------------------------------Host CPU was a bottleneck and the instance was consuming 16% of the host CPU.
All wait times will be inflated by wait for CPU.
Host CPU consumption was 99%.

Recommendation 1: Host Configuration

Estimated benefit is .74 active sessions, 15.65% of total activity.
Consider adding more CPUs to the host or adding instances serving the
database on other hosts.
Session CPU consumption was throttled by the Oracle Resource Manager.
Consider revising the resource plan that was active during the analysis


Database M10 :
1. Merubah parameter log_buffer menjadi 40 M (disamakan dengan prod)
2. Mengurangi redolog goup menjadi 3 (disamakan dengan prod)
3. Merubah configure dataguard di M10 hanya 1 standby (disamakan
dengan prod)
4. Create SR ke ORACLE SUPPORT mengenai issue performance di M10
berdasarkan data setelah perubahan konfigurasi point 1 dan 2.

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