General Questions

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1. Tell me about yourself?

I’m Akundi Siddharth Rao . After completion of my 12 th from Kendriya Vidyalaya chhindwara, I came
to my grandmother’s house situated in Sompeta and joined in B.Sc from Dr. B. R. Ambedkar Open
University and started my preparation for Bank Clerical Examinations.

2. What are your interests?

Playing Football and Listening to latest hindi songs are my personal interests. We have a nice garden
around my house. I’m very much interested in watering those plants – I enjoy in doing that.

3. What are your strengths and Weaknesses?

My Family and My Friends are my Strengths. And I always try to throw away my Weaknesses.

(Don’t you have even one weakness?)

I think that I’m not matured enough to recognize my weaknesses. If anybody points out my weakness,
I think of that, if I feel that’s right, I try to overcome that soon.

4. Why do you want to enter Banking?

There are many reasons behind this. Planned preparation will be possible due to frequent
notifications. Importantly, with my qualification it seems me the best place for my future. Social image,
good perks, and public interactive service….are the reasons that I want to enter banking.

5. How do you manage stress?

A morning walk, listening to light music, chating with friends gives me relaxation. These will help me
to overcome the stress.

6. Tell me about your family?

7. How do you prepare for this interview?

I prepared well for this interview. My uncle helped me for this. I prepared banking terminology,
history of banks, computer knowledge and current affairs too.

8. Are you expecting your selection for this interview?

I have to look after my brother. This job is very important for me and my family .So; I put all my efforts
for it. So, I expect that the result should be positive.

9. What is the happy moment in your life?

When I saw my result that I have been short listed for the interview. I feel my success at that moment;
I almost jumped out from the internet café. I really enjoyed a lot that moment.

10. What appeals to you most about banking and joining banking?

Almost everyone is getting the benefits of banking. If I were the employee of this sector I can give my
services directly to the people. To the best of my knowledge, bank job gives social respect. This pushes
me towards banking sector.

11. What have you done to improve your knowledge for the last few months?

I practiced Reasoning and Arithmetic for the last few months as a part of my preparation for the bank
examinations. I read newspaper daily for current affairs. In this time I really improved my skills.

12. If you don’t have your selection, then what will you do?

This job is very important for me sir. So, I tried my best for this job and I did’t think the favour will be
against me. Incase my expectations went wrong, I’ll try for the next selection.

13. What is your hobby?

Playing football is my hobby.

14. What is hobby?

Spending one's spare time in an useful way with a purpose is known as hobby. By choosing a hobby one can improve
one’s skills and it gives recreation.

15. What is difference between hobby and habit?

Spending one's spare time in a useful way with a purpose is known as hobby but habbit is a behavior which is
repeated with or without your control. Hobby can become passion but habit leads to addiction.

16. Why do you choose this hobby?

I like this game very much, it improves my stamina and keeps my fitness level and I feel fresh
throughout the day.

17. Why don’t you go further studies?

Need for job pushes me toward banking. But, I haven’t stopped my studies. I’m joined B.Sc in distant
mode from Dr. B.R. Ambedkar Open University.

18. Your telugu is not good . How do you manage if you posted in rural areas?

I can speak telugu well and I will improve it soon by interacting with the local people. I think that I can
manage it.

19. You are from Madhya Pradesh. Why do you choose Andhra Pradesh rather than your own

I born in Andhra Pradesh. Every year I come to my Grand Mother’s house, which is at sompeta. I
eagerly wait for the vacations to visit here. Almost all my relatives are here only. So, I opted my
mother state Andhra Pradesh.

20. Tell me about Chhindwara?

It is known as Chhindwara due to a large number of “Chind“trees present here. Chhindwara is a

District and nine divisions come under it. Betul and Pachmary are famous places near Chhindwara. It
is situated on Sillevani Ghat . Nearest famous place from Chhindwara is Nagpur of Maharashtra, which
is also known as second capital of India. Chhindwara District is famous for Coal mining. And Panna is
famous for Diamond in Madhya Pradesh.

21. You wrote your Computer knowledge is Intermidiate level. Why don’t you have any

Informatics Practices was a compulsory subject in 11 th and 12th standard. It is about MS Office, Visual
Basic and Oracle. It is included in my mark sheet and my pass certificate.

22. Owing which qualities you opted for this job?

My friends and members of my family say that I’m disciplined. I think that I have good communication
skills, patience and friendly nature and I suppose these qualities will be helpful for the job.

23. You are a science student. Why do you choose this field?

In these last few months I studied a lot about banking. So, I can give my best to it. And this field gives
me best opportunity for my career owing to my qualification.

24. What are the qualities required for a bank employee?

He should be respectable to the bank and should satisfy the need of the customers of the bank. He
should treat the bank as a business unit, and try to develop the unit with his best. Besides these he
should be honest, punctual and have patience, responsibility and good communication skills.

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