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Journal Entry

September 5, 2009


Dear Journal:

First things first: I am a vampyre. You see, I didn’t get bitten by a vampyre; I just became a vampyre like

I am right now. I guess I’ll never really know since my mother died giving birth to me. I’m not really

saddened that my mother died giving birth to me, not because I’m a heartless person, just that I didn’t

know her well. I saw her when I first came out of her stomach, but then they took me away from her.

I found out later when I was older, that the reason they took me away from her was because they were

trying to revive her. Obviously they didn’t succeed so now I only live with my father.

My father’s a vampyre too. I really don’t want to explain this but, I pretty much have to if you’re going to

understand: You see, my mother died giving birth to me because I was very strong when I first came out.

Sometimes I would break her ribs when I kicked her and sometimes I would even make her faint. That’s

how bad the pain was. I remember being in her stomach, even though normal people don’t. As a girl, I’ll

have to say that it was very gross in there. But, hey, what was I to expect? A $10,000,000 dollar house

with a Jacuzzi? I don’t think so.

There are many kinds of my kind. I know it sounds weird, but it’s true. You (the average human) could

tell mostly by how beautiful that person is. Vampyre’s have a kind of beauty that could be hidden, but

isn’t likely to be. You see, Vampyre’s are very proud of their beauty, so we see no use in hiding it.

We do drink blood, but not exactly human blood. It is permitted to drink human blood, since it makes us

stronger, but some of us actually care about the population of the human race. So, those who do care
drink animal blood. Which means that we’re vegetarian’s. Whenever I think about it, it makes me laugh.

Who’s ever heard of Vegitarian Vampyre’s? Well, I guess I have: Bella and Edward. The Cullen family is

very interesting.

Yes, I have met them and they are real. The story Mrs. Stephanie had written was very thorough. The

only possible way she could’ve known how all the things, is all added up to one conclusion: She has

visions. I say that because those things came to her mind and formed Bella and Edward’s story, thus

causing her to come up with Twilight. Now I have to say that was a very thoughtful title. It said things

that you weren’t even sure of and maybe didn’t even understand, but it still made the story undeniably


When I talked to Bella and Edward about the book, they approved of it. And of course Bella was

embarrassed about the parts when she was alone and she thought about Edward. The movie, on the other

hand, they we’re frustrated about. When Bella saw Kristen Stewart, she was fairly angry about the

decision. Not that she didn’t resemble Bella enthusiastically it was just that, well, Bella never really wore

that much make-up. Yeah; she would wear lip-gloss (maybe not a dark color) and on and off mascara, but

otherwise Kristen seriously needed to cool down on the make-up. Now, when Edward saw Rob Pattison,

he went off. He started yelling about how his hair wasn’t even that color and how his hair looked way

more controlled then “that Rob guy”. He said that Pattison’s hair looked like a tornado or a hurricane hit

it, and I’m sorry but I have to agree with him on that.

I mean seriously, if you looked at Edward’s hair you would notice that, yeah, it was very nicely done and

it did have its own little thing going on. If you looked at Rob’s hair, I would seriously worry that I’d lose

my hand in there. It looks ridiculous, it really does. That’s one reason why I didn’t really like the movie.

Also they kind of exaggerated the “vampire” parts. Seriously, they all looked really fixed; because

whenever they had to be all “fast vampire” they would do it in this weird kind of slow motion/ fast thing.

But other than all that it was an OK movie, I liked the part when they played baseball (but don’t tell
Edward or else he’ll get really angry at me for liking that “insanely unnecessary and un-real movie”,

especially with his anger issues….).

Well enough about The Cullen’s how about I tell you all about me?

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