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Over the last few years, the usage of the internet among teenagers has

predominantly increased. The internet has come to prominence as it has been

implicated for perturbing the grades of students. It is believed that students spend
too much time on the internet and insufficient time doing school work This topic has
peaked my interest because of the tremendous controversy surrounding it. This
study is being conducted in an attempt to expand knowledge and improve the
understanding of how the internet affects the lives of students primarily in terms of
academics, socialization skills and a briefing of behavioural patterns. I truly believe
that if used correctly, the internet usage can be helpful but can be very harmful if
used prejudicially. The community will be provided with an insight of what happens
when students are granted full accessibility to use the internet. This collected
information will be propitious to teachers, parents and especially students
themselves. After reading this presented information, parents will realize the
inimical effects the internet has on their children and may reduce the timeframe
spent surfing the net. Teachers will be more aware of children disregarding school
work being taught in the classroom. Also students may be encouraged to use the
internet to a more positive extent after gaining knowledge of these adverse effects.
However, one way in which the internet proves beneficial to extent is that it has
becme the main source of receiving information as regards to homework and school
for students. Hence when used properly, it can advance the learning and academic
performance of students.
Also, the internet access have been made inconsiderably easier with smart
phones. This grants students internet accessibility from almost anywhere thereby
increasing the use. Also, during school hours, t can be used by students whol
neglect school work being taught.
In addition to this the internet is mainly used by these students for social
media sites. Social media has now been included into their daily routine resulting to
personality and social life changes in this individual. Many teenager students fall
trap to the internet as it can become a borderline addiction. The problematic use of
the internet is global even impacting the Caribbean inclusive of the students of Holy
Faith Convent Penal. However, it is alleged that parents of the Caribbean are too
lenient regarding internet usage by their children.

Purpose of Research
This study is being conducted to find out how internet usageby affect
the students of Holy Faith Convent penal. I truly believe that if used correctly, the
internet usage can be helpful but can be very harmful if used prejudicially. This
study will provide the reader with an idea of what could happen if students are
granted full accessibility to use the internet. This topic has peaked my interest
because of the tremendous controversy surrounding it. This research can also
possibly alter the views of parents in permtting their children to use the internet.
This research will be a great addition to the already existing knowledge and
information on internet usage.

Educational Value
This study is being conducted in an attempt to expand knowledge and
inprove the understanding of how the internet affects the lives of students
specifically in terms of academics, socialization skills and a briefinh of behavioural
patterns. This collected information will be propitious to teachers, parents and
students themselves. After reading this presented information, parents may realize
the harmful effects the internet has on their children and may limit the amount of
time in which they can use it. Teachers will be more aware of children disregarding
school work being taught in the classroom. Also students may be encouraged to use
the internet to a more positive extent after gaining knowledge of these various
negative effects.
On the contrary, the readers may view the internet with high educated value
and promote using the internet for a greater purpose. Hopefully, this research will
educate and inform this reader that the internet can be profitable if used properly.

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