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Strongly Disapproved Acts in Salāh

From Salāh of a Mu’min, Pg 278 – 284:

Playing with clothing and beard:

Issue: To play with the clothes, beard or body or doing meaningless movements renders the salāh
makrūh-e tahreemī.1

Adjusting garments:

Issue: Salāh will be rendered makrūh-e tahreemī if clothes [sleeves, front or back flap of shirt etc] are
drawn together or trousers lifted whilst going into sajda.2

Finger cracking:

Issue: Finger cracking and criss-crossing the fingers of both hands during salāh is makrūh-e

Placing hand on waist:

Issue: It is makrūh-e tahreemī to place one or both hands on wait during salāh. It is also disliked for
one to place the hands on the waist outside the performance of salāh. 4

Folded sleeves:

Issue: It is makrūh-e tahreemī to fold the sleeves more than half the forearm, be it prior to salāh or
during salāh.5

Issue: If the sleeves are folded up in such a manner that one’s elbow becomes exposed then
salāh will makrūh-e tahreemī and must be repeated. If the salāh is not repeated one will be a sinner.6


Issue: it is makrūh-e tahreemī to perform salāh topless, wearing on a trouser or loincloth even
though a shirt or shawl is available.7

Reverse clothing:

1 Sadr as-Sharī’ā Muftī Amjad Alī Ridwī’s, Bahar-e Sharī’ā, Part 3, Pg 165
2 Sadr as-Sharī’ā Muftī Amjad Alī Ridwī’s, Bahar-e Sharī’ā, Part 3, Pg 165
3 Imām al-Haskafī’s, Durr al-Mukhtār

Imām Ahmad Rida al-Qadrī’s, al-Atāya Nabawiyyah Fil Fatawa Ridhwiyyah, Vol 1, Pg 205
Sadr as-Sharī’ā Muftī Amjad Alī Ridwī’s, Bahar-e Sharī’ā
4 Imām al-Haskafī’s, Durr al-Mukhtār

Sadr as-Sharī’ā Muftī Amjad Alī Ridwī’s, Bahar-e Sharī’ā

5 Imām al-Haskafī’s, Durr al-Mukhtār

Sadr as-Sharī’ā Muftī Amjad Alī Ridwī’s, Bahar-e Sharī’ā

6 Imām Ibn Hummām’s, Fath al-Qadīr

Ibn Nujaym’s, al-Bahr ar-Raiq

Imām Ahmad Rida al-Qadrī’s, al-Atāya Nabawiyyah Fil Fatawa Ridhwiyyah, Vol 3, Pg 416, 423
7 Fatawa al-Hindiyyah

Ghunyah Sharh al-Munyah

Sadr as-Sharī’ā Muftī Amjad Alī Ridwī’s, Bahar-e Sharī’ā, Part 3, Pg 170
Issue: It is makrūh-e tahreemī to perform salāh wearing reverse clothing. The wearing of reverse
clothing is khilaf-e mo’tād [against conformity], one will not enter the market or present himself
before any respectable dignitary wearing reverse clothing, how then, in the court of Allah
Almighty, may one perform salāh wearing reverse clothing?8

Covered Hands [for men]:

Issue: It is makrūh-e tahreemī to perform salāh with cloth [shawl] wrapped around the upper part of
the body in such a way that the hands are covered.9

Covered face:

Issue: Salāh will be rendered makrūh-e tahreemī if performed by covering the face or nose with a

Golden or silver frame spectacles:

Issue: It is unlawful to wear spectacles with gold or silver frames. It is absolutely abominable to
perform salāh wearing such spectacles and removal of such spectacles prior to the performance
of salāh is a must.11

Back-knot of hair:

Issue: For men, it is makrūh-e tahreemī to perform salāh with a back-knot of hair. Salāh will be
rendered invalid if the back-knot is kept tied during the performance of salāh.12

Pictures of living creatures:

Issue: It is makrūh-e tahreemī to perform salāh dressed in clothing bearing a picture of a living
creature. It is also unlawful to wear clothes bearing pictures of living creatures outside salāh.
Similarly, salāh will be rendered invalid if performed at a place where a picture [photographs or
painting] is mounted on the wall or ceiling.13

Issue: If a picture of a living creature is covered then the salāh will not be makrūh-e tahreemī.

8 Imām Ahmad Rida al-Qadrī’s, al-Atāya Nabawiyyah Fil Fatawa Ridhwiyyah, Vol 3, Pg 438
Sadr as-Sharī’ā Muftī Amjad Alī Ridwī’s, Bahar-e Sharī’ā, Part 3, Pg 170
9 Sadr as-Sharī’ā Muftī Amjad Alī Ridwī’s, Bahar-e Sharī’ā, Part 3, Pg 140
10 Imām al-Haskafī’s, Durr al-Mukhtār

Fatāwa Hindiyyah
Sadr as-Sharī’ā Muftī Amjad Alī Ridwī’s, Bahar-e Sharī’ā, Part 3, Pg 167
11 Imām Ahmad Rida al-Qadrī’s, al-Atāya Nabawiyyah Fil Fatawa Ridhwiyyah, Vol 3, Pg 427
12 Mirqāt

Imām Ahmad Rida al-Qadrī’s, al-Atāya Nabawiyyah Fil Fatawa Ridhwiyyah, Vol 3, Pg 417
Sadr as-Sharī’ā Muftī Amjad Alī Ridwī’s, Bahar-e Sharī’ā, Part 3, Pg 166
13 Imām Ahmad Rida al-Qadrī’s, al-Atāya Nabawiyyah Fil Fatawa Ridhwiyyah, Vol 3, Pg 448

Sadr as-Sharī’ā Muftī Amjad Alī Ridwī’s, Bahar-e Sharī’ā, Part 3, Pg 168

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