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The Iguazu Falls

The Iguazu Falls are the main tourist center of northeastern

Argentina , and one of the leading nationwide . In them, the
rides are mostly on the Argentine side , but from the Brazilian
side you have a panoramic view. In 1984 the Argentine side of
the falls , Iguazu National Park was declared a World Heritage
Site by Unesco . Later, in 1986 , the sector of Brazil , located
in the Iguau National Park , was also declared a World
Heritage Site. Within the Argentine park is the Hotel Sheraton
Iguaz (formerly: International Falls hotel ) , with a panoramic
view of the Garganta del Diablo and the Brazilian falls . Near
the falls , is the city of Puerto Iguazu Argentina , at the
confluence of the Iguaz and Paran Rivers. There lies the
triple border with Paraguay .

Starting from the viewpoint that reminds her figure to a
lighthouse stands environment for its white color, descend by
numerous stairways (some were carved into the rock) to the
Iguazu River and passes through a beautiful footpath.
Surrounded by the lush jungle you can enjoy a beautiful view
of the bottom of the falls. Beginning the tour in Lanusse and
jump through the of Alvar Nunez Cabeza de Vaca, comes a
splendid vantage point from where you have a first view of
the Garganta del Diablo. Going further the island San Martin
and his right homonymous jump is observed. At the end of the
path is the Bosetti jump. There the water vapor produced by
the shock of the water against the rocks form a soft but heavy
rain. It down the path towards Punta Danger may, if it is
currently enabled, navigate the Iguazu River and crossing to
the island San Martin. Now back it goes through the jump Dos
Hermanas, where before you could enjoy a refreshing swim in
the large natural pool formed at the base, because now that
activity is prohibited.

Starting from the same aforementioned site is traversed, as
the name indicates ride, the top of the falls. The observation
point from a higher level completely changes the view of the
landscape. is practically at your feet despearse the turbulent
waters. Thus visiting the jump Dos Hermanas, the Bosetti,
Chico, which is a small preview of the imposing Devil's Throat
again. On this site, where the water falls from about 70
meters high, the deafening roar surprised water, permanently
covered by dense plumes, bouncing water hammer with
rocks. Devil's Throat: A Devils Gorge is accessed through Train
Falls, descending into the.

Devil's Throat:
From there a walk along the new walkway that winds between the islands is
done, travels 1100 meters to the spacious balconies located along the front
edge and the Garganta del Diablo. The duration of this trip is 2 hours and the
last train leaves at 16:30 h.

San Martin Island:

Main article: St Martin You may reach the St Martin by service boats that
leave from the lower circuit. From here you can see a panoramic view of the
Garganta del Diablo, the window (with its roosting vultures), and hop San
Macuco Path:
This trekking trail is one of the traditional outlets for lovers of nature
observation. An old logging minced 3600 m long and jungle environment.
This trail provides access to a cascade of 20 m in the jungle. It is an
opportunity to meet forest and spot Macuco, platirrinos monkeys like howler

monkey cai or, coatis, wild turkeys, countless insects and occasionally coral

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