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If We Build It

If We Build It

Sunday, March 13, 2016

If We Build It
2Ch 2:1- Then Solomon
determined to build a temple for
the name of the LORD, and a royal
house for himself.

If We Build It
2Ch 2:2 - Solomon selected
seventy thousand men to bear
burdens, eighty thousand to quarry
stone in the mountains, and three
thousand six hundred to oversee

If We Build It
2Ch 2:3 - Then Solomon sent to
Hiram king of Tyre, saying: As you
have dealt with David my father,
and sent him cedars to build
himself a house to dwell in, so deal
with me.

If We Build It
2Ch 2:4 - Behold, I am building a temple
for the name of the LORD my God, to
dedicate it to Him, to burn before Him
sweet incense, for the continual showbread,
for the burnt offerings morning and evening,
on the Sabbaths, on the New Moons, and on
the set feasts of the LORD our God. This is
an ordinance forever to Israel.

If We Build It
2Ch 2:5 - And the temple which I
build will be great, for our God is
greater than all gods.

If We Build It
2Ch 5:1- So all the work that Solomon
had done for the house of the LORD
was finished; and Solomon brought in
the things which his father David had
dedicated: the silver and the gold and
all the furnishings. And he put them in
the treasuries of the house of God.

If We Build It
2Ch 5:5 - Then they brought up the
ark, the tabernacle of meeting, and
all the holy furnishings that were in
the tabernacle. The priests and the
Levites brought them up.

If We Build It
2Ch 5:6 - Also King Solomon, and
all the congregation of Israel who
were assembled with him before
the ark, were sacrificing sheep and
oxen that could not be counted or
numbered for multitude.

If We Build It
2Ch 5:7 - Then the priests brought
in the ark of the covenant of the
LORD to its place, into the inner
sanctuary of the temple, [fn] to the
Most Holy Place, under the wings
of the cherubim.

If We Build It
2Ch 5:11 - And it came to pass
when the priests came out of the
Most Holy Place (for all the priests
who were present had sanctified
themselves, without keeping to
their divisions),

If We Build It
2Ch 5:12 - and the Levites who were the
singers, all those of Asaph and Heman and
Jeduthun, with their sons and their
brethren, stood at the east end of the altar,
clothed in white linen, having cymbals,
stringed instruments and harps, and with
them one hundred and twenty priests
sounding with trumpets

If We Build It
2Ch 5:13 - indeed it came to pass, when the
trumpeters and singers were as one, to make one
sound to be heard in praising and thanking the
LORD, and when they lifted up their voice with
the trumpets and cymbals and instruments of
music, and praised the LORD, saying:
"For He is good, For His mercy endures forever,"
that the house, the house of the LORD, was filled
with a cloud,

If We Build It
2Ch 5:14 - so that the priests could
not continue ministering because
of the cloud; for the glory of the
LORD filled the house of God.

If We Build It

If We Build It
Our efforts should be directed at
building for Him and not for them!
If you build for Him youll get
them; but getting them is no
guarantee youll get Him!

If We Build It
Were not just building buildings,
were creating an environment.

If We Build It
There are times we find ourselves
in our own personal corn fields
and hear these haunting words.

If We Build It
This is Gods admonition to do
something great.
The key is to see the ball field in
the corn field!

If We Build It
The corn field was his money
He had to sacrifice potential profit
in order to obey the voice
encouraging us to build.

If We Build It
1) We Build A Place For His
2Ch 2:1- Then Solomon
determined to build a temple for
the name of the LORD

If We Build It
Reputation, fame, glory

If We Build It
God doesnt put His name on a
place until He is satisfied with its
That would be like signing a
contract without reading the

If We Build It
How do we build an environment
that is welcoming to God?

If We Build It
Pre-service preparation is critical!
Just as you use care in choosing
your wardrobe and accessories,
exercise care in choosing your
mindset and mentality

If We Build It
Our ritual should include:

If We Build It
Our presentation is important. One
of the best ways to present
ourselves to God appropriately is
to be on time. Our timeliness
shows God we mean business with

If We Build It
2) We Set the Conditions For His

If We Build It
Luk 5:17 - Now it happened on a
certain day, as He was teaching, that
there were Pharisees and teachers of
the law sitting by, who had come out
of every town of Galilee, Judea, and
Jerusalem. And the power of the Lord
was present to heal them.

If We Build It
I want this place to be as
conducive to Gods power as
a childcare center is to germs
and sickness!

If We Build It
An atmosphere of faith sets the
atmosphere for God to be Himself!
When God is able to be Himself,
miracles happen

If We Build It
When God is Himself, people are
challenged to be their best selves.

If We Build It
Mar 6:5 - Now He could do no
mighty work there, except that He
laid His hands on a few sick people
and healed them.
Mar 6:6 And He marveled
because of their unbelief...

If We Build It
We set the atmosphere with praise.
The difference between a song and
a praise is the direction and intent
of your words.

If We Build It
Have you ever had one of those
what am I singing moments?
stop, wait a minute, fill my cup
put some liquor in it.

If We Build It
When we create a God atmosphere,
the miraculous will be catching.
Youll touch a door handle and receive
the anointing. Youll sit in a chair get
healed. Youll hear a hallelujah and
the sound waves will enter your ear
canal and cause an infusion of faith!

If We Build It
When It (the atmosphere and
environment) is built, three
things will happen

If We Build It
1) Those who have made
decisions that have caused them
to be ostracized from God will

If We Build It

The Return

If We Build It
Shoeless Joe Jackson and seven
other players were banned from
baseball for intentionally losing the
World Series!

If We Build It
2) The father, John Kinsella,
The relationship between Ray and
his father was strained by a
decision the son made.
Sound familiar?

If We Build It
If we build it, not only will The
Father come, but fathers will

If We Build It
3) Those who have not had an
experience with God will come
from wherever they are to
experience Him!

If We Build It
When those who have never known
God learn that families are being
restored and people are being
forgiven they will come from
everywhere to be a part of it!

If We Build It
If we dont build it, neither He nor
they will have a place to which to

If We Build It

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