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My Teaching of


Submitted By:
Eduardo C. Ma, Jr. MST English

Submitted to:
Dr. Billy Siddayao Ph.D.


I decided to enter the teaching profession because of the sense of wonder of rendering
service by sharing knowledge and wisdom. It is really wonderful to that you become a part of a
change in peoples mind and eventually in their life.
I started teaching at the age nineteen in our church in Tondo as a Bible study leader for
our youth members. There at that time; I felt the sense of happiness because I know I am serving
God by serving our church. But, at that time I didnt know about teaching methods and
principles, so much so about teaching philosophy. What Ive known is just to share what I have
read in the Bible and share it to the listeners for one hour which was our allotted time for the
Bible studies. As I was teaching at that time there was desire to develop my teaching skills, thats
why I shifted my course from Psychology to BS in Education. Graduated from that course.Then,
I even passed the LET with 82.40% grade. All by Gods grace.
Then, I was appointed to plant a church in Taribubu, Tuao East in October 2005. I and my
wife, Babes, started a church there from 2005 up to present. But, after eight years of ministering
there, God gave me a thought to apply for teaching position in our nearby public High School.
So, I tried, then again I witnessed the hand of God guided me in the process. Even before we
have the required Teaching Demonstration, the Principal of the school called me for interview
because he wants me to get the Teaching item available. On June 13, 2013 I was appointed as
English Teacher I at Tuao Vocational and Technical School Main campus.
For three years now I am teaching in that school, still have the sense of wonder, and now
with more challenges. I was appointed also to teach ESP for Grade 10, and a coach for our
schools Taekwondo players. Doing all that as I serve the church. As apostle Paul said, I can do
all things through Christ who strengthens me.

2)How do you define Teaching?

Teaching for me is a transfer of knowledge and wisdom that will transform others for
their development and progress. That is why there is a need for continues training, because it is
not only talking or lecturing to others, it is about transferring these knowledge and wisdom
effectively, which will be catalyst for change in how they see things and how they behave
accordingly to what they have learned. So teaching is a two-way process: teachers as transmit
the knowledge, then the students who will receive this information. The ultimate result will be,
Transformation. Transformation is the evidence of the transfer of knowledge. Transformation is
developmental. It is not instant. It happens first in the mind, or in the thought process, then in the
speech, then finally to the behavior.
In teaching, the message to be transferred should be considered as knowledge and
wisdom. We are not just transferring a mere facts or information, these kind of transfer can be
effectively done by advertisements or mass media. Though, knowledge and wisdom can be

promoted through advertisement and mass media also, it is effectively done through human
medium, the teacher. The teacher should be the embodiment of the knowledge and wisdom he
wants to transfer. Through this he instills hope and inspiration to his or her students.
So, teaching is a honorable and highest form of vocation and profession because it
requires the fullest responsibility to walk our talk or demonstrate in our lives the message we
want to share, then and only then we can truly motivate and inspire our students to receive the
message seen in us.


My philosophy of teaching is based on Perennialistsview of teaching:
Perennialists believe that the focus of education should be the ideas that have lasted over
centuries. They believe the ideas are as relevant and meaningful today as when they were
written. They recommend that students learn from reading and analyzing the works by historys
finest thinkers and writers...perennialism...aims to develop students intellectual and moral
qualities. Perennialist classrooms are also centered on teachers in order to accomplish these
goals. The teachers are not concerned about the students interest or experiences. They use tried
and true teaching methods and techniques that are believe to be beneficial to disciplining
students minds. The perennialist curriculum is universal and is based on their view that all
human being possess the same essential nature. Perennialists think it is important think deeply,
analytically, flexibly, and imaginatively. They emphasized that students should not be taught
information that may soon be outdated or found to be incorrect. Perrenialists disapprove of
requiring students of massive amounts of disconnected information. They recommend schools
spend more time teaching about concepts and explaining they are meaningful to students...
Robin James http;/./
The Perennialists content of teaching are ideas and concepts which are eternal, universal, and
that is being valued and taught throughout the ages. Teaching should not be swayed by fads and
hype of contemporary culture. Thought some new concepts are necessary and beneficial, most of
these are just temporary and not long lasting.


Knowing that I became a catalyst for my students development is one the highest joys
that the teacher can have, and being remembered by them doubled that joy and bliss.But, if they

will remember me, I want to be remembered as one who enlightened them. Just as I remember
my, third year High School English Teacher, Mrs. Ng. She enlightened my mind as she made
alive the book, Mythology by Edith Hamilton. The stories became vividly clear in our mind
when she taught that book to us. The love stories of Cupid and Psyche, the adventures of
Hercules and Perseus, and the tragedy in Troy etc..Because of that it awakens my mind to have
the desire to read and to explore knowledge and wisdom.
Not only that, I dont want to be remembered as an English teacher only, but I want to be
remember as an English and Bible Teacher. Like my Trigonometry teacher when I was in High
School. I forgot all things about Trigonometry, I even forgot his name, but I will never forget the
very first Bible verse Ive learned from him, John 3:16 For God so loved the world that He gave
His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him will not perish but have an everlasting life.


Teaching is valuable career because I consider this as the mother of all professions. Through
teaching we form and develop the future generations. The development and progress of our
future generations is in the hands of the teachers. If we effectively transfer the perennial or
eternal wisdom of the ages, we will not only preserve our culture, but we will preserve our
Our world today is the result of the kind of teachers we have in the past. So, teaching is a
valuable career because youre not only changing a persons mind, but we are molding the whole
world in the way we teach and the content of what we are teaching.


As a perennialists teacher, I expose my students to great literatures of the world. These
great literatures though hard to read, are time tested and found to be beneficial for the
development of the mind of the students. I help them to develop the habit of reading. I believe in
the old adage, Reading is the key to success. Reading is one of the great challenge for me
before, and now also a great challenge and really great problem for if not all, for many of my
students. They can read Facebook comments and posts, but they dont have time to read an essay
and so much so to read a book. Another habit that I want them to learn is the habit of listening.
They can listen to their almost a thousand mp3 songs in their iPod, but to listen to a lecture or
lessons they only have three to five minutes listening tolerance, after that they want to put on
their earphones to listen to the next song in their playlist. I also advise them to reflect. Good
thing most of the materials right now require the students to reflect on the activities and tasks.

Students right now have difficulty in sitting still and have time to have silence and reflection.
Most of the students thought to be lively in the classroom they should be shouting and laughing
out loud. Silence and having time for reflections bores them. But, development of the mind takes
place when they process all the tasks and activities they have done. Silence and reflection is the
time when they putting all things together in their mind, connecting all the dots so they can see
the big picture of what they have done in the classroom.


As I said before, first it was my third year high school English teacher, Mrs. Ng. In her
dramatic way of teaching us the stories about Greek mythology. Second, my Trigonometry
teacher, who taught us Bible verses whenever he notice we are at lost in his lesson. Third, my
church minister in Tondo. When I visited his apartment, his room is full and crowded with books
he used for teaching us in the church. He always told me, the things that we read and studied are
not for personal consumption only but it is meant for sharing and teaching to others. Fourth, a
church minister in Muntinlupa who is also teaching computer and math subjects in
PamantasangLungsod ng Muntinlupa.
I was motivated also by authors like Mortimer J. Adler who wrote How to Read A
Book. Through that book I was introduce to many more ways of reading various kinds of book.
I was fascinated also by the writings of C.S. Lewis; Mere Christianity, and The Chronicles of
Narnia. I read the Narnia before it was shown it theaters. I was inspired also by the writings of
Stephen R. Covey, especially by his book, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. He always
quips that the best way to learn is to teach. He also said to make the student quickly learned the
lesson; ask them to teach what they have been taught to others. And last but not the least, the
most influential book in my life is the Bible. Everything I read in the Bible all sums up in the last
words of Jesus to the apostle go make disciple...baptizing...teaching them to obey everything I
have commanded you.... Every waking hours of my life I hear those words of our Master.


Its a blissful joy to see students learn and opening up to the new vistas of knowledge.
Witnessing someone changed because of the knowledge and wisdom imparted to them is joy
beyond measure. I experienced that when some of my students before acknowledging me in front
of an audience that I taught them and they were influenced by the things I shared to them.



I think the qualities of the excellent teacher should possess are the following
1. Christ-like Character- For me, I believe this is the very first qualities that excellent teacher
should possess. That you can see Jesus in Him is the very first description of teacher par
excellence. Every great teacher is always compared to Jesus. A skillful teacher without a
character like him will be forgotten and will become irrelevant. There are lots of geniuses in this
world but many of them has morally bankrupt that their knowledge was use not to give life but to
2. Competence Excellent teacher masters his trade. Though we need a character like Jesus, it
doesnt mean we neglect the skills and the know-how. Excellent teacher knows what he wants to
teach, and how he will teach it, the method and techniques that he will employ. He studied how
he will inspire, motivate, and persuade his student to take the direction he wants for them to take.
3. Commitment- Excellent teacher is committed in teaching. He is not affected by weather, by
salary, by co-workers, or by any other external factors. He will teach and transfer his message,
the knowledge and wisdom within him, through thick in thin. Teaching for him is not just a job,
or part of life needed to earn a living. Teaching for him is a way of life.
4. Compassion-Excellent teacher is concern to his students. He knows if the students are ready
to learn or not. He has the patience to understand, to wait, and to endure with them. He is
teaching not for his own sake or even for the content of his message. He is teaching for the
transformation of his students. And transformation takes time.Waiting for that period of
transformation to take place we need a compassionate teacher.


Perrenialist Philosophy is not just be content to the knowledge and wisdom of old, but these
wisdom and knowledge encourage us to develop ourselves, to make progress everyday of our
life. Not only that, Perrenialist has self-awareness that they are always being challenged to be
better every day of their life as Henry Wadsworth Longfellow wrote in his poem entitled
A Psalm of Life,
Not enjoyment, and not sorrow,
Is our destined end or way;
But to act, that each to-morrow
Finds us farther than to-day.

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