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1st Grade Weekly News!

Week of April 26, 2010

Memory Treasure
Spelling Words
Wednesday– Matthew 22:39 #168
new grew drew
Friday– Hymn 375 vs. 1 blue true glue
The King of love my shepherd is, give put
Whose goodness fails me never.
I nothing lack if I am his,
And he is mine forever.

Field Trips Notes and Such!

• Important! We are getting to the end of the

• April 27 is an entire school field trip to Camera
year. Please be sure your child is receiving
7 to see the showing of “Oceans” produced by
8-10 hrs of sleep per night. When they are
Disney. We will be back on campus in time for
well rested their potential in school is higher.
to receive hot lunch.
• Monday, May 3, there is no school due to
• April 30 will be to Fujitsu Planetarium at
the older grade’s track meet in Sacramento.
DeAnza College. Do not order hot lunch, a bag
• Musical! Thursday is the dress rehearsal for
lunch will be necessary.
this upper grade musical. Since I am one of
• May 7 trip to Gizdich Ranch to pick strawber-
the directors, I need 2 willing parents to
ries is cancelled. The reason is because that
supervise the 1st grade from 9:00-11:00.
is Teacher Appreciation Week. The meal and
During that time, the 1st graders will be
activities for the kids involves while the teach-
watching the musical. If you are willing,
ers have lunch involves many of the parents in
please let me know ASAP. Thanks!
1st grade. It is not able to be rescheduled be-
• Field Trips! How lucky are we? Two field
cause of different reasons. Maybe next year?
trips this week! Tuesday we are leaving at
• May 28 we will be going to Santa Teresa Park
9AM and Friday we are leaving at 9AM.
for science lessons in nature! Do not order hot
• Childrens’ Choir sings on Sunday at 11:15.
lunch, a bag lunch will be necessary.
Meet in the 1st grade classroom by 11:00 to
• June 3 End of the year field trip with 2nd

Important Dates to Remember!!!!!—Mark Your Calendar!!!

Tuesday, April 27: Field Trip to Camera 7 Pruneyard for “Oceans”

Thursday, April 29: Dress Rehearsal for Spring Musical 9:15
Friday, April 30: Field Trip to Fujitsu Planetarium
Performance of Spring Musical 7PM
Sunday, May 2: Children’s Choir sings at 11:15
Monday, May 3: No School: Upper Graders Track Meet in Sacramento
Tuesday, May 4: Band Concert at 1:30
Friday, May 7: Mid-term Report Sent Home
Thursday, May 13: Ascension Service (k-8 sing) 7PM
Friday, May 14: Dismiss at Noon: Teacher Collaboration
Tuesday, May 18: Mini-Track Meet at Cahalan Park 11:30-3:00PM
Friday, May 21: Piano Recital 7PM (grades 3-8)
May 22&23: Spring Choir Concert– Involves Children’s Choir

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