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: is the fifth planet from the Sun and the largest

planet in the Solar Systemorbital period : 11.8618 year

Weight : 1.89861027 kg
volume: 1.43131015 km3

hydrogen (H2)
helium (He)
methane (CH4)
ammonia (NH3)
hydrogen deuteride (HD)
ethane (C2H6)
water (H2O)

Ices: ammonia (NH3) , water (H2O) ,ammonium hydrosulfide (NH4SH)

Surface area : 6.14191010 km2

Average orbital speed : 13.07 km/s
Its moons :Lo , Europa , Ganymede , Callisto .

Effects of space travelling :

Space exploration is the discovery and exploration of

celestial structures in outer space by means of
continuously evolving and growing space technology.
and space exploration have a lot of effects on our life like :
It opens the possibility to live outside the earth , and
make the dream of living in space true , that makes
people think about how to build houses ? and which
material will be used in that ? and the more important
question is there the good conditions which make the
humans able to live there !
and this experience can be true be cause , Mars One
which is a non-profit organization based in the
Netherlands that has put forward plans to land the first
humans onto Mars and establish a permanent human
colony there by 2026.
In the first time it has a military purposes , then by the
time it changes and the NASA starts to explore and
discover a new planets , stars , moons.
Sending satellites which make us able to watch TV ,
connect at the Internet , and communicate .
The developed countries use this like an arm ; by
following people and knowing all what is happening all
over the world .
Make a concurrence between the strong countries ,who
sent a lot of satellites ? or who did discover a lot of
planets ? for example

Neptune :

is the eighth and farthest planet from the Sun

in the Solar System.

orbital period : 11.8618 year

History of space travel :

Weight : 1.02431026 kg

The Chinese used rockets for ceremonial and military purposes

centuries ago, but only in the latter half of the 20th century were
rockets developed that were powerful enough to overcome the
force of gravity to reach orbital velocities that could open space
to human exploration.
After World War II, the United States and the Soviet Union created
their own missile programs. On October 4, 1957, the Soviets
launched the first artificial satellite, Sputnik 1, into space. Four
years later on April 12, 1961, Russian Lt. Yuri Gagarin became the
first human to orbit Earth in Vostok 1. His flight lasted 108
minutes, and Gagarin reached an altitude of 327 kilometers
(about 202 miles).
The first U.S. satellite, Explorer 1, went into orbit on January 31,
1958. In 1961 Alan Shepard became the first American to fly into
space. On February 20, 1962, John Glenns historic flight made
him the first American to orbit Earth.
Landing a man on the moon and returning him safely to Earth
within a decade was a national goal set by President John F.
Kennedy in 1961. On July 20, 1969, Astronaut Neil Armstrong took
a giant step for mankind as he stepped onto the moon. Six
Apollo missions were made to explore the moon between 1969
and 1972.
In the 1980s satellite communications expanded to carry
television programs, and people were able to pick up the satellite
signals on their home dish antennas. Satellites discovered an
ozone hole over Antarctica, pinpointed forest fires, and gave us
photographs of the nuclear power-plant disaster at Chernobyl in
satellites found new
stars and gave us a new view
of the center of our galaxy.

Volume : 6.2541013 km

Hydrogen (H2)
Hydrogen deuteride (HD)

Ices: ammonia (NH3) , water (H2O) ,ammonium hydrosulfide (NH4SH)

Surface area: 7.64 x 109 km2

Average orbital speed : 5.43 km/s
Its moons : has a total of 14 moons. The largest moon is Triton

Space systems will continue

to become more and more
integral to homeland defense,
weather surveillance, communication,
navigation, imaging, and remote sensing
for chemicals, fires and other disasters..


: is the largest of Neptune's 13 moons. It is unusual

because it is the only large moon in our solar system that orbits in
the opposite direction of its planet's rotation -- a retrograde orbit.
Scientists think Triton is a Kuiper Belt Object captured by
Neptune's gravity millions of years ago. It shares many
similarities with Pluto, the best known world of the Kuiper Belt.
Like our own moon, Triton is locked in synchronous rotation with
Neptune -- one side faces the planet at all times. But because of
its unusual orbital inclination both polar regions take turns facing
the Sun.
Triton has a
diameter of 2,700 km (1,680 miles). Spacecraft images show the
moon has a sparsely cratered surface with smooth volcanic
plains, mounds and round pits formed by icy lava flows. Triton
consists of a crust of frozen nitrogen over an icy mantle believed
to cover a core of rock and metal.
Triton's thin atmosphere is composed mainly of nitrogen with
small amounts of methane. This atmosphere most likely
originates from Triton's volcanic activity, which is driven by
seasonal heating by the Sun. Triton, Io and Venus are the only
bodies in the solar system besides Earth that are known to be
volcanically active at the present time.


: is the sixth-closest moon of the planet Jupiter,

and the smallest of its four Galilean satellites, but still the sixthlargest moon in the Solar System. Europa was discovered in 1610
by Galileo Galilei.
, Europa is primarily made of silicate rock and has a water-ice
crust and probably an ironnickel core. It has a tenuous
atmosphere composed primarily of oxygen. Its surface is striated
by cracks and streaks.
it weighs about (4.7998440.000013)1022 kg ; its surface area is
3.09107 km2 . Europa is 1,900 miles (3,100 km) in diameter.

Europa's surface temperature at the equator never rises above

minus 260 degrees Fahrenheit (minus 160 degrees Celsius).
The surface of Europa is frozen, covered with a layer of ice,
leading scientists to believe there is a very active ocean beneath
the surface. The icy surface also makes the moon one of the most
reflective in the solar system.

Project of English
Astronomy and space travel

Realized by : -Abdeladim Selma

-Cherfioui Rym
Class : 3rd year

School year : 2015/2016

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