Grandcase Ovarian Cancer

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Anatomy and Physiology

Female Reproductive System

It produces female hormones and female sex cells. Also, it provides a suitable
environment for the development of the offspring, and is actively involved in birthing
process. The organs of it are paired ovaries, which produce female sex hormones, and
sex cells; paired uterine tubes, which transport the female sex cells; a uterus, where
internal development of the fetus occurs; a vagina, which serves as the female
copulatory organ and birth canal; and accessory glands and external organs.

A high emphasis is on the pair of ovaries. They are located on the upper lateral
portions of the pelvic cavity, one on each side of the uterus. Its size and shape is
almost the same as that of a large almonds size and shape.

For it’s microscopic structure; the surface of the ovaries is covered by a layer of
small epithelial cells, called germinal epithelium and deep to the surface of it is called
the ovarian follicle, which is embedded in a connective tissue matrix.

The primary function of the ovaries is that it produces female gametes or ova.
This process that culminates in the release of an ovum is called oogenises or “egg
production”. The end of oogenisis, when the ovum is already released is called
As patient LM was asked onto her lifestyle as the aspect of personal habits, she
said that she frequently drinks coffee especially every morning before going to work.
Cola was just a drink when with special occasion. There was also no use of alcohol and
tobacco. For her diet, she said that she is not a picky-eater. She eats whatever their
budget can accommodate. Being the mother of the family, she is the one who shops
and cooks for her whole family. She also has no food allergies. Regarding the sleep and
rest patterns before being confined in the hospital is that she is an early bird. She wakes
up in the morning to prepare foods and prepare for her work. Patient LM does not suffer
from difficulty of sleeping and sleeps at around 9-10 PM. As to the activities of the daily
living, she said that she is a Barangay Treasurer. If not on the Barangay Hall, she is at
the City Hall. It is already part of her usual daily routine. If no work, she just stays at
home. As for the budget, like other moms, she is the one who handles it and put them
on proper things accordingly.

Psychological Data
Patient LM has good mental capacity and acts her age, although it is really
evident that she is irritable due to the pain that she is suffering evidenced by facial
grimace and guarding behavior. She never talked much and refused to have her
interviewed. She just asked her companion to answer for her. Most of the time, she just
wants to stay on bed and not to do conversations with anyone. Everything seen on her
face was just a grimace and even a single smile was not even rendered. However, it is
just a normal response to the post-operative pain that she is experiencing.

Patterns of Health Care

When patient LM was asked regarding to where she is having her check-up and
Consultation, she said that at first, she consults at the health center before going to the
hospital. Also, she acknowledges the herbolarios but seldom consult on those.
Nevertheless, patient LM believes more of the medical doctors and practitioners rather
than the herbolarios, because according to her, people beyond the hospital basis gave
and provided adequate and more efficient care.
Developmental History

Theory of Psychosocial Development (Erik Erikson)

“Crisis is not a threat of catastrophe but a turning point, a crucial period of

increased vulnerability, and heightened potential.”

Patient LM should see this crisis as a turning point of her life. Though diagnosed
with cancer, her life should pursue what she have had started and live to her highest
potential. Having cancer doesn’t mean that one should stay at home and wait until one
dies. Thinking positively and praying to God that you will recover, and live longer are the
keys to reach the highest potential.

Cognitive Developmental Theory (Jean Piaget)

Formal Operational Stage

“Perspective thought”. There is awareness on different views rather than one

single thought.

Patient LM is fully aware if the views and opinions of other people. More so, the
feelings of her child and herself were expressed as they had a phone call. After hearing
some words from her child, she cried and accepted the way of thinking and opinions
that her child said to her. Though not yet informed by her true condition, she listens to
what other people say regarding her state right now. And respects it. She has clear
sense of thought, though forbidden of adequate sleep and rest. She still considers other
people’s thinking and not merely relies on one’s own.
Moral Developmental Theory (Lawrence Kohlberg)

“ This stage understands human complexity and individuality, that there is no

easy solution in overcoming human problems and moral considerations.”

This stage should be attained by patient LM she should learn to understand that
there is no easy way in solving her problem. Thinking of solution should rely on the
ability of the patient to learn through experience and be molded by education. There is a
slow, step- by-step process that did not need to be rushed so as to arrive at a better and
efficient solution. Every step should be thought of very much and possible outcome
should be anticipated, so as to think and arrive at the best solution to resolve the

Obstetric and Gynecologic History

Patient LM had the menarche of her menstruation when she was 17 years old,
too late than any other girls who had their first menstruation. The patient has regular
menstruation on a three-day duration associated to occasional dysmenorrhea. She is on
G4P3. For her first child she has her last 1989; second was last 1991; third, 1998. All of
them were born at Manila thru Normal Spontaneous Delivery. However, her last child
wasn’t given a chance to witness how great the world is, because last 2003, patient LM
had spontaneous abortion. Moreover, for her Last Menstrual Period, she had it last
February 15, 2010.

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