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Stonegate HOA Board Meeting

November 5th, 2009

6:30 PM
Caldwell Free Methodist Church

1. Opening
a. 6:44pm – Roll Call
i. Present: Brent Orton, Jim Porter, Amanda Gigray, Karla Baker
2. Minutes
a. August notes reviewed
b. Motion: Ms. Gigray motioned to approve August meeting notes. Second: Mr. Orton. Vote:
Unanimously approved.
3. Financial Report
a. Discussion of payment of Idaho Power bill
i. Option to pay large amount till charge is due
ii. Motion: Ms. Gigray motioned to auto debit the Idaho Power bill. Second: Mr. Orton.
Vote: Unanimously approved.
iii. Substitute Motion: Mr. Orton presented a substitute motions that Ms. Gigray can
exercise her authority for auto debit or bill pay or credit balance at the Treasurer’s
discretion. Second: Mr. Porter. Vote: Unanimously approved.
b. Three liens were put on properties: XXXX, XXXX, XXXX
c. Letters for 60 and 120
d. Lien discussion
i. Ms/ Gigray suggested that the Board make a policy for the minimum overdue before a
lien is placed
ii. Mr. Porter asked Mr. Orton if it is in the Board’s jurisdiction to make this policy.
iii. Ms. Gigray – Board could make ruling
iv. Mr. Orton – He does not believe we have to amend the CCNRs, Board can adopt rule
v. Mr. Orton quotes Declaration of Protective Restrictions and Covenants, Article 6,
Section 6.5A4
vi. Motion: Ms. Gigray motioned that anyone 18 months past due ($180 at current rate) will
have a lien placed automatically, unless on an approved current payment plan, effective
January 31st, 2010 (will get in January billing). Second: Mr. Porter. Vote: Unanimously
approved. Role call vote: Mr. Porter – yeah, Mr. Orton – yeah, Ms. Gigray – yeah, Ms.
Baker – yeah.
e. Mr. Orton suggested that everyone should get payment plan sheets, and if no payment is made,
total will be revised with interest. Decided that $60 overdue will send reminder letter, $120 or
more will get letter to get payment plan or lien.
f. XXXX – moved out
g. XXXX, Mr. Orton visited with, asked for envelopes, keep amount without adding interest
h. XXXX – Mr. Orton will visit
i. XXXX, Mr. Orton will visit with.
j. XXXX – payment plan on track
k. XXXX, Mr. Orton and Ms. Gigray will talk with
l. XXXX – 180
m. XXXX – 120
n. XXXX - moved out
o. XXXX – 120
p. XXXX – 393.33
q. XXXX – 120
4. Follow Up
a. Mr. Porter talked with the XXXX who said they were too busy to participate in the Board
b. Ms. Baker needs to ask XXXX

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c. Ms. Baker received and filled HOA annual report with the State of Idaho.
d. Mr. Orton – Pond update: We could file a complaint against the engineer of design, as the pond
has never worked. We still have the bentonite option (~500), also piping canal (2250 to 5000)
e. Mr. Porter asked how we should proceed. It was decided that Mr. Porter would contact the
irrigation company about the bentonite lining when we get a better estimate of the cost.
5. Current
a. Newsletter – Ms. Baker will find out if we set date for annual meeting to put in our newsletter.
Tentatively February 14th, and 21st as a backup. Ms. Orton will reserve library for 6:30
b. Mr. Orton will try and contact members about the neighborhood watch.
c. Ideas to make our subdivision better. Value Added – Mr. Porter will look into what it would cost
to give current members (dues) a free sprinkler blow-out. Other ideas discussed were free Internet
for current members.
d. Discussion of hiring someone to conduct walk throughs
e. The HOA received a letter from the City of Caldwell pertaining to the cleaning and maintenance
of our sand and grease traps. Mr. Orton will get cost to.
f. Motion: Mr. Porter motioned to spend up to $500 to get the sand and grease traps cleaned.
Second: Ms. Baker. Vote: Unanimously approved.
6. Close
a. The next regularly scheduled meeting will be the Annual Meeting at 6:30 P.M. on December the
10th, 2009 at the Caldwell Free Methodist Church.
b. 8:31 P.M. – Motion: Mr. Orton motioned to adjourn the meeting. Second: Mr. Porter. Vote:
Unanimously approved.

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