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Policy of Isolationism

A national policy of abstaining from political or economic relations with other


Before 1999, Bhutan had banned television and internet to preserve its
culture, environment, its identity etc. Eventually, Jigme Singye
Wangchuck lifted the ban on Television and Internet. His son, Jigme
Khesar Namgyel Wangchuck was elected as Druk Gyalpo of Bhutan







Monroe Doctrine

A unilateral declaration made by president Monroe before the US Congress in

1823 which laid down the two essential principles of any status quo policy. On
the one hand it included respect on the part of the western hemisphere: With the
existing colonies or dependencies of any European power we have not interfered
and shall not interfered. On the other hand, it proclaims resistance on the part of
the US to any change of existing distribution of power by any non-American


An easing of tension between rivals.

"Threats won't ease anyone's fears. Perhaps it's time to give detente a
chance. " Mr. Lieberman's Rash Rhetoric; The Hartford Courant
(Connecticut); Jun 13, 2007.


Deterrence is a strategy by which governments threaten an immense retaliation if

attacked, such that aggressors are deterred if they do not wish to suffer great
damage as a result of an aggressive action. Weapons of mass destruction
(WMDs), conventional weapons strength, economic sanctions, or any
combination of these can be used as deterrents.

Mutually Assured Destruction (MAD) is a form of this strategy, which

came to prominence during the Cold War when it was used by the US to
characterize relations between the United States and Soviet Union. Both
nations were prepared to fight a full scale nuclear and conventional war,
but were not willing to risk the carnage of a full scale nuclear war.


A condition of enforced isolation.

The United States considered attacking Cuba via air and sea and settled on
a military "quarantine" of Cuba. The U.S. announced that it would not
permit offensive weapons to be delivered to Cuba and demanded that the
Soviets dismantle the missile bases already under construction or










A prohibition by a government on certain or all trade with a foreign nation.

An embargo is the partial or complete prohibition of the movement of merchant
ships into or out of a country's ports, in order to isolate it. Embargoes are
considered strong diplomatic measures imposed in an effort, by the embargoimposing-country, to elicit a given national-interest result from the country on
which it is imposed. Embargoes are similar to economic sanctions and are
generally considered legal barriers to trade, not to be confused with blockades,
which are often considered to be acts of war.

The United States imposed an embargo on Cuba's Castro government on

February 7, 1962. Misnomered by Cuba as "el bloqueo" (the blockade),
the US embargo on Cuba remains as one of the longest standing
embargoes. While taking some steps to allow limited economic exchanges
with Cuba, President Barack Obama stated that, without improved human
rights and freedoms by Cuba's current government, the embargo remains
"in the national interest of the United States."

Balance of Power

It refers to an actual state of affairs in which power is distributed among several

nations with approximate equality.

It has been argued by historians that in the sixteenth century England came
to pursue a foreign policy which would preserve the equilibrium between
Spain and France, which evolved into a balance-of-power policy:The
continental policy of England [after 1525] was fixed. It was to be pacific,
mediating, favourable to a balance which should prevent any power from
having a hegemony on the continent or controlling the Channel coasts.
The naval security of England and the balance of power in Europe were
the two great political principles which appeared in the reign of Henry
VIII and which, pursued unwaveringly, were to create the greatness of

Political Power

is the ability to shape and control the political behavior of others and to lead and
guide their behavior in the direction desired by the person, group, or institution
wielding the political power. Political power is the capacity to influence,
condition, mold, and control human behavior for the accomplishment of political

Alliance system

A group of nations or organizations formed to support a common goal.

International law

It is the body of legal rules considered binding upon states and other international
persons in their mutual relations. It is also referred to as the law of nations.

1. Well, based on my readings, the circumstances were almost alike. US wanted to invade
both countries, Cuba and Iraq. It is starkly divergent in a way that the US wanted to

invade Iraq illegally. I said illegally since Iraq really doesnt have any weapons of mass
destruction while on the other case, Cuba did have weapons which triggered the mind of
the US to invade them because they, the Americans, know that the nuclear missiles in
Cuba are capable of striking most of the continental United States. The Organization of
American States unanimously approved the U.S. decision to quarantine Cuba.
2. Based on recent lectures and past discussions, I could say that America is an imperialist
country. Why? Because they are used to fabricating issues just to be able to invade a
certain country anytime they want which would contribute a lot to an increase of their
power! Remembering the 9/11, the Americans claim that there are links between Iraq and
the 9/11 terrorists, despite having absolutely no evidence of this. If such claims are
allowed to stand as justification for war, then any country can invade any other country
any time they like, simply by making false claims about terrorist links.

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