Object Oriented Programming in FEM and BEM A Bibliography 1990 2003 2004 Advances in Engineering Software

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Advances in Engineering Software 35 (2004) 325336


Object-oriented programming in FEM and BEM:

a bibliography (1990 2003)
Jaroslav Mackerle*
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Linkoping Institute of Technology, S-581 83 Linkoping, Sweden
Received 19 November 2003; accepted 18 April 2004

This paper gives a bibliographical review of the object-oriented programming applied to the finite element method as well as to the
boundary element method. The bibliography at the end of the paper contains references to papers, conference proceedings and
theses/dissertations on the subject that were published between 1990 and 2003. The following topics are included: finite element method
object-oriented programming philosophy, mesh modelling, distributed/parallel processing, toolkits and libraries, object-oriented specific
applications (aerospace, civil engineering/geomechanics, coupled problems, dynamical systems, electromagnetics, fracture mechanics and
contact problems, material simulations/manufacturing, mechanical engineering, nonlinear structural simulations, optimization, others);
boundary element method. Totally 408 references are listed.
q 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Finite element method; Boundary element method; Object-oriented programming; Bibliography

1. Introduction
The output of scientific papers in general is fast growing
and professionals are no longer able to be fully up-to-date
with all the relevant information. The increasing specialization in various engineering fields has resulted in the
proliferation of subject-oriented journals and conference
proceedings directed to specialist audiences. The researchers have more channels for communicating the results of
their research at their disposal, but on the other hand finding
the necessary information may be a time-consuming
and uneasy process. Another question is whether
researchers/scientists are willing to spend time looking for
information. It has been pointed out that in engineering,
informal knowledge channels are the most frequently used
means of obtaining information.
In the last almost four decades the finite element method
(FEM) has become the prevalent technique used for
analyzing physical phenomena in the field of structural,
solid, and fluid mechanics as well as for the solution of field
problems. The FEM is a useful tool because one can use it to
* Tel.: 46-13-281111; fax: 46-13-282717.
E-mail address: jarma@ikp.liu.se (J. Mackerle).
0965-9978/$ - see front matter q 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

find out facts or study the processes in a way that other tool
can not accomplish.
The boundary element method (BEM) is about one
decade younger (for elasticity problems). While finite
element analysis demands a time-consuming discretization
of the domain, boundary elements are a function of the
surface configuration only. The method of finite elements is
predominantly based on approximations, the BEM combines them with powerful analytical solutions. From the
point of engineering practice there is a drawback for the
BEM: not many commercial boundary element codes have
been developed and are in usage.
This paper gives a list of published papers dealing with
object-oriented programming applied to FEM and BEM and
hopefully, this bibliography will save time for readers
looking for information on subjects described below. It can
assist researchers interested in described subjects but not
having the access to large databases or not willing spend
their time for own information retrieval.
During developments of FEM and BEM there have also
been changes in programming paradigms, from the
procedure-oriented to the object-oriented. The traditional
programming language is Fortran and its software was tied
to a particular algorithm or data structure. Necessary
changes in the code required modifications through


J. Mackerle / Advances in Engineering Software 35 (2004) 325336

the whole program. The global access to data structure

decreases the flexibility of the software. Interdependencies
in the program architecture are hidden and difficult to
determinea high degree of knowledge of the entire
program is necessary. These limitations are non-existent
with the approach of object-oriented programming, where
class, object, inheritance and polymorphism are the main
concepts and the encapsulation is the central principle. The
object-oriented programming improves the efficiency,
extendibility, reusability and increased maintability of
large finite element software systems. It usually leads to
smaller programs and provides better data management. In
the object-oriented approach the strong modularity is
provided which results from the encapsulation of data,
methods and state. The modularity makes it also possible
that various modules/parts can be reused for multiple
purposes. New analysis capabilities may be added by
inheriting from the classes in the framework. Repetitions or
modifications from previously implemented software are
The bibliography is divided into the following parts and
Finite element method:

object-oriented programming philosophy

mesh modeling
distributed/parallel processing
toolkits and libraries
object-oriented specific applications (aerospace, civil
engineering/geomechanics, coupled problems, dynamical systems, electromagnetics, fracture mechanics and
contact problems, material simulations/manufacturing,
mechanical engineering, nonlinear structural simulations, optimization, others)
Boundary element method:

subcategories are not specified because not so many

papers on the subject have been published
The bibliography is organized in two main parts. In the
first, each topic is handled and current trends in modeling
techniques are mentioned, usually as the keywords. The
second part, Appendix A, contains a list of papers published
in the open literature in the period of 1990 2003 on subjects
listed above. References have been retrieved from the
authors database, MAKEBASE. Also the INSPEC and
COMPENDEX databases have been checked. Hopefully,
this bibliography will save time for readers looking for
information on object-oriented programming in the FEMs
and BEMs, theory and applications. Readers interested in
the finite element literature in general are referred to the
authors Internet Finite Element Books Bibliography (http://
www.solid.ikp.liu.se/fe/index.html), where approximately
500 book titles are listed and completed with bibliographical data, abstracts and contents.

This paper is a pure bibliography. Readers interested in

the concept of object-oriented programming in general are
referred to Rumbaugh et al. [1], Booch [2], Gamma et al. [3]
and implementations to FE analysis to Mackie [4] or Villa
et al. [5].

2. Finite element method

2.1. Object-oriented programming philosophy
The basis of object-oriented philosophy is the abstraction. Roughly speaking: class, object and message are the
main blocks of object-oriented programming. A group of
objects with the same character is called a class. The
software contains classes. These encapsulate data and data
operations. Encapsulating the data and operations together
isolates the classes and promotes reuse of the program. It is
the encapsulation that makes the software maintenance so
easy. To invoke an operation of an object means to send a
message to this object. Objects communicate through
sending and receiving messages.
To give some examples for FE software architecture:
objects are nodes, elements, constraints, materials, loads,
etc. A group of objects with the same character is a class.
The class node contains data (coordinates, DOF, etc.) and
operations (give coordinates, give DOF, etc.).
Topics included contain papers dealing with: objectoriented finite element analysis; object-oriented finite
element program architecture; object-oriented data management; object-oriented structural analysis in a graphical
environment; large scale object-oriented finite element code
design; object-oriented explicit finite element computation;
sub-domain object-oriented finite element computation;
object-oriented adaptive finite element analysis; intelligent
object-oriented environment; object-oriented architecture
for finite element analysis knowledge-based system; expert
system for generation of finite element codes; objectoriented rule-based reasoning within finite element analysis
system; object-oriented database technology for finite
element analysis; support system for finite element analysis;
object-oriented hybrid symbolic numeric approach; modularity improving; control over the calculation process;
substructuring using object-oriented approach; objectoriented decomposition; object-oriented bandwidth, profile,
wavefront reduction; generic field classes.
2.2. Mesh modeling
Mesh generation for complex configuration is timeconsuming and the bottleneck in the finite element
analyses/simulations. What we need are efficient, automatic
mesh generators requiring minimum user input and
experience. Another problem is the grid quality having the
influence on the accuracy, convergence, etc. There are many
papers dealing with general or specific issues of mesh

J. Mackerle / Advances in Engineering Software 35 (2004) 325336

generation algorithms. A list of more than 1700 references is

presented by Mackerle [6].
In traditional programming the data is encapsulated by
static variables and these are identified at the beginning
forcing the relevant event to be driven in only one way
(continuity in downstream processing). Object-oriented
programming makes it possible to build optimal representations allowing an increased algorithm efficiency
and use of less computer memory. The implementation in
the data structure is easier and more general mesh
representations are possible (e.g. hybrid or non-conforming meshes).
Classes that are appropriate for a mesh include nodes,
elements or lines. All these objects are visible and easily
addressed in a class structure. Object-oriented programming
can be used to obtain an interface between the geometry and
the topology. Geometrical objects are hidden from the
topology and from the mesh generator.
Papers on the following topics are handled in this
section of Appendix A: object-oriented 2D and 3D mesh
generation; 2D triangular and quadrilateral mesh generation; 3D hybrid mesh generation; tetrahedral and
hexahedral mesh refinement; mesh generation for
shell structures; adaptive mesh generation; unstructured
mesh generation; graphic objects; geometry defeaturing
for finite element meshing; object-oriented virtual
geometry interface; model visualization and graphical
analysis; mesh generation based on fuzzy knowledge
2.3. Distributed/parallel processing
By means of distributed parallel processing large-scale,
complex engineering problems may be solved in an efficient
way. Here each process has its own local memory and has
direct access to the memory of other processors. Data is
exchanged with help of some message passing tools; each
process needs to know which process and what data it will
receive from or send to.
Most of commercial finite element codes were originally
written in Fortran for scalar processors. When the problem
size is growing it has become necessary to develop and
implement parallel algorithms, modern language extensions
and object-oriented programming. Object-oriented programming is a tool for easily incorporating new changes
in data structures. Recent developments investigate various
issues for parallel processing such as abstractions required
for data mapping, communication and message passing. The
use of object-oriented programming makes the finite
element code portable and reusable across different
computer platforms.
The following topics are included in this section:
distributed object-oriented finite element analysis program
architecture; a class of data structures for distributed
memory systems; object-oriented environment for the
development of parallel finite element applications;


object-oriented programming applied to massively

parallel computing; object-oriented control of parallel
computations; object-oriented programming applied to the
domain decomposition methods; object-oriented approach
to finite element modeling on clusters; parallel adaptive
FEMs and object-oriented programming.

3. Toolkits and libraries

Existing object-oriented toolkits and libraries can easily
be extended by users for their specific applications.
Topics included: object-oriented tools for scientific
computing; C ; C templates; Janus; Smalltalk;
ADA; Java; object-oriented Fortran 90; CFE tools;
FE ; VC ; matrix class libraries; parallel matrix
class libraries; object-oriented finite element libraries;
object-oriented optimization libraries; object-oriented
expert system tools; framework-based environment for
object-oriented codes; generic object-oriented interfaces
between meshes and solvers; object-oriented finite element
specific codes and structural modelingKASKADE, FEMSTER, FER/SubDomain, SIFFEA, MEF, FrameView,
3.1. Object-oriented specific applications
This section of Appendix A lists papers dealing with
object-oriented finite element analyses or simulations in
aerospace, civil engineering/geomechanics, coupled problems, dynamical systems, electromagnetics, fracture
mechanics and contact problems, material simulations/
manufacturing, mechanical engineering, nonlinear structural simulations, optimization, others.

4. Boundary element method

Not many papers dealing with object-oriented programming implementing the BEM have been published. Therefore subcategories are not specified in this section and all
papers are stored in the same group.

The bibliography presented in Appendix A is by no
means complete but it gives a comprehensive representation
of different object-oriented programming techniques
applied to the FEM and BEM analysis in various fields of
engineering. The author wishes to apologize for the
unintentional exclusions of missing references and would
appreciate receiving comments and pointers to other
relevant literature for a future update.


J. Mackerle / Advances in Engineering Software 35 (2004) 325336

Appendix A. A bibliography (1990 2003)

This bibliography provides a list of literature references
on the object-oriented programming techniques applied to
FEM and BEM. The listing presented contains papers
published in scientific journals, conference proceedings, and
theses/dissertations retrospectively to 1990. References
have been retrieved from the authors database, MAKEBASE. Entries are grouped into the same sections described
in the first part of this paper, and sorted alphabetically
according to the first authors name. In some cases, if a
specific paper is relevant to several subject categories, the
same reference can be listed under the respective section
headings, but the interested reader is expected to consider
also areas adjacent to his/her central area of research

[1] Rumbaugh J, et al. Object-oriented modeling and design. Englewood
Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall; 1991.
[2] Booch G. Object-oriented analysis and design with applications.
Redwood City: Benjamin/Cummings; 1994.
[3] Gamma E, et al. Design patterns: elements of reusable object-oriented
software. New York: Addison-Wesley; 1994.
[4] Mackie RI. Object oriented methods and finite element analysis.
Edinburgh: Saxe-Coburg Publ; 2000.
[5] Villa A, Rodriguez-Ferran A, Huerta S. Nonlinear finite element
techniques using an object-oriented code. Barcelona: CIMNE;
[6] Mackerle J. 2D and 3D finite element meshing and remeshing, a
bibliography (19902001). Eng Comput 1990;18(7/8):110897.

Further Reading
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