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Session: BRKEWN-3011: Questions & Answers

Questioner Name
Zach Ljungren

Question Time
2013-06-25 12:43:50

Question Text
is it recommended to have the waps on the same vlan as the controller?
Responder Name
Javier Contreras Albesa

Answer Time
2013-06-25 12:48:44

Answer Text
Only for small deployments, for large networks, it is recommended to have the Aps on their own vlan(s)
Questioner Name
William Briere

Question Time
2013-06-25 12:52:16

Question Text
Where can I get the slides for later review?
Responder Name
Javier Contreras Albesa

Answer Time
2013-06-25 13:00:18

Answer Text
it is available from site
Questioner Name
Kristopher Walker

Question Time
2013-06-25 12:54:58

Question Text
Does DHCP support HA for controllers - assigning primary,secondary, and tertiary?
Responder Name
Javier Contreras Albesa

Answer Time
2013-06-25 12:59:57

Answer Text
no, DHCP option 43 is transparent for the HA feature, this is used for discovery, not for join decision
Questioner Name
Michelle DeBoard

Question Time
2013-06-25 13:01:55

Question Text
how well does coverage hole detection work with ED-RRM?
Responder Name

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Answer Time

Questioner Name
Sebastian Kleber

Question Time
2013-06-25 13:08:25

Question Text
What is the advantage in disabling b data rates?
Responder Name

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Questioner Name
Michelle DeBoard

Question Time
2013-06-25 13:12:56

Question Text
how well does coverage hole detection work with ED-RRM?
Responder Name

Answer Time

Answer Text

Questioner Name
Michelle DeBoard

Question Time
2013-06-25 13:13:03

Question Text
how well does coverage hole detection work with ED-RRM?
Responder Name

Answer Time

Answer Text

Questioner Name
Michelle DeBoard

Question Time
2013-06-25 13:13:10

Question Text
how well does coverage hole detection work with ED-RRM?
Responder Name

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Answer Time

Questioner Name
Zach Ljungren

Question Time
2013-06-25 13:15:53

Question Text
where can i find more about off channel scanning defer options?
Responder Name

Answer Time

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Questioner Name
Jordan Villarreal

Question Time
2013-06-25 13:17:40

Question Text
How do you get data into the WLCCA? Do you point it at a controller? Do you feed it a config?
Responder Name

Answer Time

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Questioner Name
John Linkowsky

Question Time
2013-06-25 13:18:09

Question Text
Is WCCA already on the WLC, or is it something seperate?
Responder Name

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Questioner Name
Sherman Kelly-Wilkins

Question Time
2013-06-25 13:22:59

Question Text
in a local mode and flex connect deployment how does the wlc 5508 handle multicast in a pim-spare deployment? thanks
Responder Name

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Answer Time

Questioner Name
Sebastian Kleber

Question Time
2013-06-25 13:30:06

Question Text
Is client link available with 7921 or 7925?
Responder Name

Answer Time

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Questioner Name
Kristopher Walker

Question Time
2013-06-25 13:37:18

Question Text
DHCP follow-up. If you hand out the controller IP via DHCP during discovery, you will still need to manually assign the IP
of your controllers on each AP, correct?
Responder Name

Answer Time

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Questioner Name
Kyle Nielsen

Question Time
2013-06-25 13:59:51

Question Text
Will the RF group leader use its own RRM settings if those settings differ on the other WLC's?
Responder Name

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Questioner Name
Ryan D'Souza

Question Time
2013-06-25 14:03:15

Question Text
What is the cli command to manually remove a client
Responder Name

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Answer Time

Questioner Name
Mark Bell

Question Time
2013-06-25 14:09:07

Question Text
Is CAPWAP traffic not encrypted?
Responder Name

Answer Time

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Questioner Name
Michael Berens

Question Time
2013-06-25 14:12:51

Question Text
When is sftp going to be used for packet dump. ftp is frowned upon in the financial industry.
Responder Name

Answer Time

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Questioner Name
Zach Ljungren

Question Time
2013-06-25 17:20:53

Question Text
Do the clienta have to reauthenticate when using psk? what advantages does cckm offer with roaming from ap to ap?
Responder Name

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Questioner Name
Kyle Nielsen

Question Time
2013-06-25 21:45:16

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I got my question answerd offline. Thank you
Responder Name

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Questioner Name
Jordan Villarreal

Question Time
2013-06-26 08:07:54

Question Text
For the config analyzer, how do you get the info into it? Can you point it at a controller IP or do you have to dump data
out in a certain way then import it?
Responder Name

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Answer Time

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