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Helping to grow a sound and sustainable energy market, environment, and economy for Long Island.

15 March 2016

The Honorable Andrew M. Cuomo
Governor of New York State
NYS State Capitol Building
Albany, NY 12224

Dear Governor Cuomo:

We are writing you on behalf of the thousands of Long Island community members who stand in
opposition to the proposed construction of the 750MW natural gas-fired Caithness II power plant in
Yaphank, New York.

PSEGLI has already determined that this plant would unnecessarily burden Long Islands ratepayers.
For one, LIPA has contractually purchased an excess of electricity that is expected to last until at least
2028, which means it doesnt need any more energy commitments at this time, especially one that is
dependent on a fossil fuel source. Also, under the current terms between LIPA and its ratepayers, the
multi-billion dollar price-tag attached to Caithness IIs construction costs and power purchase
agreement would be derived from a 5-10% increase in our electricity rates. This increase has been
cited to last for the contractual length of the power purchase agreement LIPA would make with
Caithness, typically 20-30 years. We already pay some of the highest rates in the nation; it would be
unfair to expect us to pay even more for a project that has been deemed unwarranted, especially
considering we will have to bear that expense until the year 2040 or beyond. Instead, any
investments LIPA makes from this point forward should be focused on upgrading the transmission
and distribution system in preparation for an energy economy that is based on cleaner and more
sustainable generation methods.

Another unfortunate side effect of the Caithness II project is that the surplus of electricity it would
generate will displace what has been a growing need for local jobs in the renewable energy sector.
Study after study has proven that a market based energy economy built around sustainable energy
practices will produce more long-term/permanent jobs than any fossil fuel proposal. In contrast,
this power plant project is expected to create, at most, 580 jobs over a peak period of only four
months. Once the power plant is constructed, fewer than 15 full time human employees will operate
the plant. 15 full-time positions and 580 extremely temporary construction jobs are not enough to
justify the long-term toll this power plant will take on Long Island ratepayers or the environment in
which we live.

Finally, the construction of the Caithness II power plant in Yaphank, NY undermines both NYs
Reforming the Energy Vision initiative and the states 50/30 goals, which we believe are reasonable
and worthwhile goals for Long Island to pursue. According to its environmental impact statement,
Caithness II is expected to release 2,434,941 TONS of CO2e into our local atmosphere each year,

along with uncalculated amounts of methane gas. It will also emit Volatile Organic Compounds and
other toxins in excess of current EPA thresholds, requiring Caithness to purchase emission reduction
credits in order to operate in the first place. The American Lung Association has repeatedly assigned
Suffolk County a grade of F when it comes to our air quality; many of our residents also suffer from
respiratory illness such as lung cancer and asthma. This power plant will unnecessarily harm the
health of our residents. It will also burn oil when natural gas is too expensive or limited in supply,
and it will rely on the very same fracking industry against which you have so fervently spoken. As
though this were not enough, the power plant would also require the rate-payer-funded construction
of a new natural gas transmission line from Connecticut, across the Long Island Sound, through miles
of Pine Barrens, and across two National Wild and Scenic Rivers (the Peconic and the Carmans)
before it reaches the power plant in Yaphank, New York; accompanying this new pipeline will also be
the construction of several compressor stations. Altogether, hundreds of acres of open space, a rarity
on Long Island, will be permanently decimated in the name of Caithness II.

Honorable Governor Cuomo, we urge you to resist the special interest groups and Caithness-funded
politicians who have requested this power plant be green-lighted. Caithness II is in no way a
positive move for Long Islanders; nor is it a positive move for New York State. We support your
initiative to Reform the Energy Vision and to curb the negative effects our energy industry has on
climate change; we also hope that you see how, in this very rare moment, time is on our side: we
have from now until at least 2028 to avoid locking ratepayers into the expensive practices of the past
and to instead build a sustainable and cleaner Long Island that benefits all.

We therefore respectfully request that you act on behalf of our health, our environment, and our
future financial sustainability by rejecting any power purchase agreement LIPA may enter with
Caithness Long Island or any of its affiliates aiming to build this power plant.

Very respectfully,

Andrea M. Barracca
MaryAnn Johnston
Co-Founder, Project SEEEDS
Co-Founder, Project SEEEDS
Middle Island, NY
President of ABCO, the Affiliated

Brookhaven Civic Organizations
Thomas Bjurlof
Mastic, NY
Co-Founder, Project SEEEDS

Port Jefferson, NY
Jeffrey W. Kagen

Member, Project SEEEDS
Peter Maniscalco
Treasurer, ABCO, the Affiliated Brookhaven Civic
Co-Founder, Project SEEEDS
Former Coordinator, Stop Shoreham Campaign Farmingville, NY
Manorville, NY

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