Actividad 1 Mecanica FLuidos

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Universidad Autnoma de Nuevo Len

Facultad de Ingeniera Mecnica y Elctrica

Mecnica de Fluidos N3
Dr. Romn Nava
Aug 2015-Dec 2015

Actividad 1. (Fecha de entrega: examen de medio curso)

1. Elaborate an essay about the concept of pressure and compose a
driagram with the different devices available to measure it (essay and
diagram maximum length: 2 pages).
2. Neglecting the pressure upon the Surface and the compressibility of
water, what is the pressure in pounds per square inch at a depth of
15,000 ft below the Surface of the ocean? The specific weight of the
ocean water under ordinary conditions is 64.0 lb/ft 3. Report in SI units
3. A pressure gage at elevation 8.0 m on the side of a tank containing a
liquid reads 57.4 kN/m2. Another gage at elevation 5.0 reads 80.0 kN/m 2.
Compute the specific weight and density of the liquid. Convert results to
technical units (mks).
4. Repeat Prob. 1, but consider the effects of compressibility (Ev=300,000
psi). Neglect changes in density caused by temperature variations (Hint:
As a starting point, express
to determine

v p

in terms of

and integrate

as a function of y.)

5. The tire of an airplane is inflated at sea level to 60 psi. Assuming the tire
does not expand, what is the pressure within the tire at elevation 30,000
ft? Assume standard atmosphere. Express the answer in psi and psia.
6. Compute the pressure of 0.6 kg/cm 2 in:
mm Hg
m H20
m CHBr2CHBr2 (acetylene bromide)
The specific gravity of CHBr2CHBr2 is 2.94.
7. Calculate the density, specific weight, and specific volume of chlorine
gas at 25C and pressure of 600 kN/m2, abs. (Hint: Molecular weight of
chlorine, Cl2=71)
8. In the figure, originally there is a 4 in manometer reading. Atmospheric
pressure is 14.7 psia. If the absolute pressure at A is doubled, what then
would be the manometer reading? Report values in SI and English units.

9. A mercury manometer is connected to a pipeline carrying water at 66C

and located in a room where the temperature is also 66C. If the
elevation of point B is 3.05 m above A and the mercury reading is 122
cm, what is the pressure in the pipe in kg/m, kg/cm and Pa? Repeat,
assuming all temperatures are 20F. Be as precise as possible, and note
the effect of the temperature. Perform the analysis by addition of forces
(pressure) and by columns obtaining m of H2O.

10.In the sketch below, assume the following: atmospheric pressure = 850
mbars, abs; vapor pressure of the alcohol = 160 mbars, abs; x=2.80 m
and y=2.0 m. Compute the reading on the pressure gauge and on the
manometer. Report in kg/m, Pa and mbars.

11.In the figure of problem 11, atmospheric pressure is 14.7 psia; the gauge
reading is 5.0 psi; the vapor pressure of the alcohol is 1.7 psia. Compute
x and y.


Compute FR and its localization in the section AB. Consider:

a. Triangular section of 1.2 x 1.8 m with vertex in A.

b. Consider section a circular section between AB and gate

angle of 50.
c. Consider a square section between AB and gate angle of
d. Consider a square section between AB and gate angle of
e. Conduct a discussion between the obtained results.

13.A tank with vertical ends contains water and is 8 m long normal to the
plane of the figure shown. The sketch shows a portion of its cross section
where MN is one-quarter of an ellipse with semiaxes b and d. If b = 4 m,
d = 6 m, and a = 1.5 m, find for the surface represented by MN the
magnitude and position of the line of action of (a) the horizontal
component of force; (b) the vertical component of force; (c) the resultant
force and its direction with the horizontal.

Table 1. Physical properties of wter (SI units)

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