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The Goshorns Step by Step

March 2016
Sharing the Word of God

Our Peruvian Godchild Sofia Nicole is officially part
of the world. Shes so precious and Katherine wants
to hold her all the time. The Lord has truly blessed us
to have the privilege to be involved in the life of this
little girl. We look forward to what's to come.
We gave out Bibles at the Kids Club and I wish
people were as excited in the States to have the
word of God in their hands as these kids were. Even
though some of them cant read, they still carry it
around proudly. Were in the process of growing the
feeding / Bible story program and Kids Club. We
hope funding will grow along with the opportunity to
share the word of God.

wait for it to happen again. This also makes the

process of moving to a new home away from her
friends very hard. I know this happens every day,
but when your missionaries in another culture its
magnified. Shes been a trooper and said she can
stay in touch and visit them.

2 Timothy 3:16-17
All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for
teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in
righteousness, so that the servant of God may be
thoroughly equipped for every good work.

We are in full gear preparing for a couple of

teams this year. We can use your prayers that the
lives of the people of Peru and team members will
be forever changed. And that the love of God will
be spread through the mountains of Peru.

Katherine had her first sleepover in Peru. She was

so excited and had a blast staying up all night. I have
to be honest, I slept very little that night. The next
day though I saw how excited she was and I cant

Make sure and read the next page. Jennifer talks

about one of her girls.

We humbly thank you for your continued

prayers and financial support. If you havent
yet, we ask that you would prayerfully
consider financially supporting this ministry
in Peru. Without more financial partners this
ministry can not continue to grow. We love
you all and thank you for being part of Gods
work in Peru.

Page 2

Another Baby Girl

We were up early preparing for the first meal for the feeding program
since we returned from the states. I was excited to see the children and how
they were doing. They started piling in and soon we began with prayer and
then served the meal. After everyone was served, I walked around as I usually
do and I noticed 14 year old Janella, one of the girls from the family of ten that
we have mentioned before. She was holding a bundle in her lap and I
immediately became exasperated. How could her mother have another child
when she could not feed or clothe the ten she already had? I went over and
asked Janella to see the baby. Your sister? I asked. Sheepishly she replied,
No, she is my baby. My heart sank. I wanted to cry. Forgive me for my
presumption Lord and help this child my heart cried out. You see later we
found out the father of the baby is Janellas uncle. Also, the baby was delivered
at just 25 weeks. Now, at three months old Dana is finally starting to open her
eyes , make little noises and is just about 6 pounds. Janella is very attentive to
her baby. And its heartwarming to see her siblings all pitch in and hold the
baby while she eats. Melissa, age 12, who has a special place in my heart, asks
for extra food so her sister can eat more later. Melissa also cares for the two
year old Yuli, making sure she gets a plate of food and feeding her because she
cannot feed herself. Please pray for this family and the health of little Dana.

Peru has more reported cases of rape and sexual violence than any
other South American country

8 out of 10 rape victims are minors

35,000 pregnancies are a result of rape

Law enforcement believe only 25% of rapes are actually reported

Until 1999 when the law was repealed , if the rapist offered to marry his victim and she accepted he
was exonerated. However, many families still pressure the victim into the marriage to restore family
honor. Many Peruvians believe this law should not have been changed since Marriage is the right
and proper thing to do after rape. When a woman is raped she is used and this would at least get her
a husband.

Page 3

The Goshorns Step by Step

P raye r R e q u e s t s a n d P ra i s e s

Continued physical, emotional and

spiritual protection.
Continued financial and prayer
support, as well as new financial and
prayer partners.
Discernment as we continue to explore
ministry opportunities.

Travel mercies as we travel in Peru.

For Jennifers mom, Joan.

Prayers for parenting from a distance.

Prayers for Daniel, Matthew and

Audrey while they live in the U.S..

Prayers that relationships at the

orphanage will grow.

Prayers that discipleship groups will

grow and spread the word of God.

Prayers for prison ministries

We are thankful for the body of Christ.

We are thankful for our health.

Prayers for kids programs.

Praises for the people in Peru so
willing to help.

We are thankful for a new home, big

enough to house people.

Pa r t n e r w i t h u s
God has been very clear that we cannot do anything alone. First we
need Him, second we need the Body of Christ. We will never be
effective ministers of Gods word without your prayers and financial
support. Please consider partnering with us to further Gods
Kingdom in Peru.

All tax deductible donations may be made to:

The Mission Society
PO Box 922637
Norcross Georgia 30010-2637 USA
Designate gifts to: Goshorn Support 5/540
Or online at: and go to give to a missionary and

use our name.

Or visit our website at:
Skype: tim.jen.goshorn
US Phone (works wherever we have internet): 859-474-2494

Please help by sharing this with

whomever you wish.

Psalm 140:12
I know that the LORD secures
justice for the poor
and upholds the cause of the

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