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I/A Series System

(Windows Platforms)
and FERRET V4.5.3
(UNIX Platforms)
Users Guide

Rev A
August 30, 2012

Invensys, Foxboro, I/A Series, the Invensys logo, Tricon, Triconex, Trident and TriStation are trademarks of
Invensys plc, its subsidiaries, and affiliates.
All other brand names may be trademarks of their respective owners.
Copyright 2012 Invensys Systems, Inc.
All rights reserved


Before using the Invensys Systems, Inc. supplied software supported by this documentation, you
should read and understand the following information concerning copyrighted software.
1. The license provisions in the software license for your system govern your obligations
and usage rights to the software described in this documentation. If any portion of
those license provisions is violated, Invensys Systems, Inc. will no longer provide you
with support services and assumes no further responsibilities for your system or its
2. All software issued by Invensys Systems, Inc. and copies of the software that you are
specifically permitted to make, are protected in accordance with Federal copyright
laws. It is illegal to make copies of any software media provided to you by
Invensys Systems, Inc. for any purpose other than those purposes mentioned in the
software license.

Figures..................................................................................................................................... v
Tables.................................................................................................................................... vii
Preface.................................................................................................................................... ix
Revision Information ............................................................................................................... ix
Reference Documents .............................................................................................................. ix
Glossary ................................................................................................................................... ix
1. Introduction ...................................................................................................................... 1
Pointing Devices ....................................................................................................................... 1
Keyboard ................................................................................................................................... 2
Selecting Functions and Menu Items ........................................................................................ 2
2. Executing the 50 Series FERRET Software........................................................................ 3
Starting FERRET ...................................................................................................................... 3
50 Series FERRET Run-Types Screen ....................................................................................... 4
50 Series Data Topology Screen ................................................................................................ 5
50 Series Site Information Screen .............................................................................................. 6
50 Series FERRET Complete Screen ......................................................................................... 7
3. Executing the 70 Series FERRET Software........................................................................ 9
I/A Series V8.5 Secured Stations ............................................................................................... 9
ATS Stations in Extender Mode ................................................................................................ 9
Starting 70 Series FERRET ..................................................................................................... 10
Executing 70 Series FERRET .................................................................................................. 11
Running FERRET on Problem Stations ................................................................................. 11
Installing FERRET on a Problem Station ............................................................................... 12
Merging Problem Station Data into a Single Site File ............................................................. 13
Reviewing Results and Editing Parts List ................................................................................. 13
4. 70 Series FERRET User Interface.................................................................................... 15
Run Types Screen ................................................................................................................... 15
Run Status Display .................................................................................................................. 18


B0860AZ Rev A


Site Info Screen ....................................................................................................................... 20

Station Exclude Screen ............................................................................................................ 21
User Defined SNMP Screen .................................................................................................... 22
File Data / File Info / Paths Screens ........................................................................................ 24
5. Command Line Parameters ............................................................................................. 25
6. FERRET Menus.............................................................................................................. 27
File Menu ............................................................................................................................... 27
Edit Menu .............................................................................................................................. 28
View Menu ............................................................................................................................. 28
7. Scheduled Runs (Unattended Execution) ........................................................................ 31
Opening the Scheduled Run Dialog ........................................................................................ 31
Creating a Scheduled Run ....................................................................................................... 33
Editing a Scheduled Run .........................................................................................................
Scheduled Run Wizard - Dialog 1 ......................................................................................
Scheduled Run Wizard - Dialog 2 ......................................................................................
Scheduled Run Wizard - Dialog 3 ......................................................................................


Scheduled Run Output Files ................................................................................................... 38

8. FERRET for Triconex Equipment................................................................................... 39
9. Considerations ................................................................................................................ 41
Site Equipment List ................................................................................................................ 41
Network Equipment Calculations ........................................................................................... 41
FBM and ECB Counts ............................................................................................................ 42
FERRET Output with Installed Base Repository .................................................................... 42
FERRET Output and ................................................................... 42
10. FERRET Software Subdirectory .................................................................................... 43
Appendix A. FERRET Site Log ........................................................................................... 45
Appendix B. NetMon Report .............................................................................................. 47
Appendix C. DiagFist Report .............................................................................................. 49
Appendix D. Site Equipment Report................................................................................... 51



50 Series FERRET Start Screen ..................................................................................... 4

50 Series Data Topology Screen .................................................................................... 5
50 Series Site Information Screen .................................................................................. 6
50 Series FERRET Complete Screen ............................................................................. 7
ATS in Extender Mode Shown on the FERRET Station Exclude Screen .................... 10
70 Series Run Types Screen ......................................................................................... 11
70 Series Run Status Screen with Problem Stations ..................................................... 12
70 Series User Interface - Run Type Screen ................................................................. 16
70 Series User Interface - Run Status Screen ............................................................... 18
70 Series User Interface - Site Information Screen ....................................................... 20
70 Series User Interface - Station Exclude Screen ........................................................ 21
70 Series User Interface - User-Defined SNMP Screen ................................................ 22
70 Series User Interface - File Data/File Info/Paths Screens ......................................... 24
FERRET Menus - File Menu ...................................................................................... 27
FERRET Menus - Edit Menu ..................................................................................... 28
FERRET Menus - View Menu .................................................................................... 28
Scheduled Runs - Schedule Run Dialog ...................................................................... 32
Scheduled Runs - New Scheduled Run Dialog ............................................................ 33
Scheduled Runs - Schedule Run Wizard Dialog 1 ....................................................... 34
Scheduled Runs - Schedule Run Wizard Dialog 2 ....................................................... 36
Scheduled Runs - Scheduled Run Wizard Dialog 3 ..................................................... 37
Scheduled Runs - Scheduled Run Sub-directory .......................................................... 38
FERRET Site Log ....................................................................................................... 45
NetMon Report .......................................................................................................... 47
DiagFist Report ........................................................................................................... 49
Site Equipment Report ................................................................................................ 51

B0860AZ Rev A




50 Series FERRET Run Types ...................................................................................... 4

50 Series Data Topology Selections ............................................................................... 5
50 Series Site Information Selections ............................................................................. 6
70 Series User Interface - Run Types ........................................................................... 16
Run Display Buttons ................................................................................................... 17
70 Series User Interface - Run Status Indicators (Icons) .............................................. 19
70 Series User Interface - Run Status Screen Columns ................................................ 19
70 Series User Interface - Site Information .................................................................. 20
70 Series User Interface - Station Exclude Spreadsheet Columns ................................. 21
70 Series User Interface - User-Defined SNMP XMLTag Names and Attributes ........ 23
Command Line Parameters - ferret_gather.exe ............................................................ 25
Command Line Parameters - fes.exe ............................................................................ 26
File Menu ................................................................................................................... 27
Edit Menu Options ..................................................................................................... 28
View Menu Options ................................................................................................... 29
Scheduled Runs - Schedule Run Options .................................................................... 32
Scheduled Runs - Schedule Run Wizard Dialog 1 ....................................................... 35
70 Series FERRET Subdirectory ................................................................................. 43
20/50/51 Series FERRET Subdirectory ....................................................................... 44


B0860AZ Rev A



This document is intended for use by Field Service Representatives. It provides specific information and procedures for configuring and running FERRET including collecting System Management Information, switch data via SNMP, and station information via I/A Series configuration
files. For FERRET installation details for 50 Series and 70 Series stations, refer to the FERRET
Installation Guide (B0860RC).

Revision Information
This is the initial release of this document.

Reference Documents
In addition to the information presented herein, you should be familiar with the following
I/A Series documents:
FERRET 5.3 Installation Guide (B0860RC)
The MESH Control Network Architecture Guide (B0700AZ)
The MESH Control Network Operation, and Switch Installation and Configuration
Guide (B0700CA)
System Asset Viewer 2.0 I/A and Triconex Installation and User's Guide
The latest revisions are available through the Invensys Operations Management Global Customer
Support Center at


Installed Base

System Asset Viewer

FERRET is an application that creates a site equipment list from an

I/A Series system. The software is installed on a single workstation
where it remotely connects to all other workstations at the site to: collect installed software, System Management information, inter-process connections between CPs and between CPs and Workstations.
The Installed Base Repository is a database of all the Invensys sites
where a FERRET collection has been performed. All Invensys
employees can access this data via the Global Customer Support website ( or the System Asset Viewer
System Asset Viewer is a separate application that accepts FERRET
files and displays the data contained within. It can also upload and
download FERRET data directly to the Installed Base Repository.


B0860AZ Rev A


1. Introduction
This chapter serves as an introduction to FERRET and covers how to select basic functions and
menu items.
FERRET is intended for use by Field Service Representatives. It provides for collecting the site
information data in a single FERRET file (called a DAT file). This single file can be used with the
RemoteWatch server offering, uploaded to the Invensys Equipment Repository, or opened in the
System Asset Viewer product.
Separate versions of FERRET are offered for each supported operating system. The most current
versions of FERRET for each operating system are:
FERRET v5.4 (the following Windows platforms):
Windows NT 4.0 SP3 and greater
Windows 7 and Windows XP
Windows Server 2008 and Windows Server 2003
FERRET v4.5.3 (UNIX platforms).
Once you have physically connected your system and loaded the appropriate software as defined
by the commit diskette produced by the System Definition application, you can begin using
The best way to become familiar with FERRET is to just sit down and use it. Use a pointing
device (mouse or trackball) to make selections.

The FERRET application is a collection-only tool. It cannot be used to modify any

system parameters, update configurations, or clear alarms.

Pointing Devices
For 70 Series stations with FERRET software, the cursor is the primary means for making menu
selections and for selecting FERRET functions or data fields. Cursor control is available through a
touchscreen, a pointing device (mouse or trackball), or keyboard cursor control keys.
A menu or function is selectable if it is highlighted, or when it highlights or frames as the mouse
moves over it.
In some functions, auxiliary keystrokes from an alphanumeric keyboard are necessary for implementation. Two examples are:

Entering Site Information

Entering a second IP address for a station.
The pointing device is used to navigate the tree structure to select various screens within FERRET. Clicking on the plus (+) or minus (-) sign within the tree control will expand or collapse the

B0860AZ Rev A

1. Introduction

For 50 Series stations with FERRET software, the only input method is the keyboard. This is
because the 50 Series version of FERRET is a script running in a VT terminal window. Keyboard
entries are limited to choosing menu items and entering site information data.

Selecting Functions and Menu Items

Some functions can be selected either by a pointing device or keyboard. When FERRET software
is expecting input from a pointing device, this document uses Select <function or menu item>.
When FERRET software is expecting input from the keyboard, this document uses Press
<key name> or Type.

2. Executing the 50 Series FERRET

This chapter describes executing FERRET software on a 50 Series workstation. See the
FERRET Installation Guide (B0860RC) for instructions on installing FERRET.
For sites with no Windows stations or when the Windows version cannot connect to a UNIX
station, you will have to run the UNIX version of FERRET.

After FERRET completes the collection program, you need to import the compressed tar file created by the UNIX version into System Asset Viewer to complete
the run.

Starting FERRET
Executing the script FERRET starts the collection programs on the main station host. Upon completion you are prompted to save the compressed tar file to a diskette. 50 Series processors format
the diskette with a DOS format, while 20 Series processors need to have a DOS formatted diskette supplied.
To start FERRET on a 50 Series Workstation, perform the following:

If using VT100 mode, type su before running the script. If running from the cmdtool, this is not necessary.
1. Change the directory to the appropriate FERRET subdirectory:
a. For 50/51 Series stations: cd/opt/fox/bin/remote/tools/FERRET
b. For 20 Series stations: cd/usr/fox/bin/remote/tools/FERRET
2. Execute the following script: FERRET

B0860AZ Rev A

2. Executing the 50 Series FERRET Software

50 Series FERRET Run-Types Screen

After starting the script FERRET, you are prompted for the run type. You should run FERRET
once on the main host station. During its run, FERRET may be unable to connect to a station. In
this scenario you should install FERRET on that problem station and press 2, which runs the
option Execute FERRET on this machine (Local).

Figure 2-1. 50 Series FERRET Start Screen

Table 2-1. 50 Series FERRET Run Types



Execute FERRET on entire System (All Hosts).

Run this first.
Execute FERRET on this machine (Local).
Run this on missing stations.
Exit and Quit without running FERRET.


2. Executing the 50 Series FERRET Software

B0860AZ Rev A

50 Series Data Topology Screen

The second screen allows you to collect Data Topology information using the som and rsom utilities. This information can be used to create a data topology report in the Installed Based Viewer.

and rsom have been known to cause some 51B stations to reboot. Appropriate
care should be taken when choosing this option.

Figure 2-2. 50 Series Data Topology Screen

Table 2-2. 50 Series Data Topology Selections



Collect Data Topology information.


Skip collection.
Exit and Quit.

See previous note regarding
som and rsom.

B0860AZ Rev A

2. Executing the 50 Series FERRET Software

50 Series Site Information Screen

The next screen will prompt you for the site information for this collection. This information is
stored with the FERRET output files.

Figure 2-3. 50 Series Site Information Screen

Table 2-3. 50 Series Site Information Selections

Site Name
Site Location
Process Unit Identification
Service Representative Name
FoxWatch 3 Letter Code

The name of this site. The name should be the same as the site
name in the Installed Based Repository.
Location of the site, for example: Dallas, Texas.
Name identifying Process Unit, for example: Boiler.
Name of FSR running FERRET.
Three letter FoxWatch code, if one exists.

2. Executing the 50 Series FERRET Software

B0860AZ Rev A

50 Series FERRET Complete Screen

After FERRET completes you are prompted to provide a diskette to save the output files. Once
you have saved the files, you need to use System Asset Viewer to see the final results of the
FERRET collection. See the System Asset Viewer users guide for more information.

Figure 2-4. 50 Series FERRET Complete Screen

B0860AZ Rev A

2. Executing the 50 Series FERRET Software

3. Executing the 70 Series FERRET

This chapter describes how to start and execute FERRET on a 70 Series workstation.
In order to execute 70 Series FERRET software successfully, you must be aware of the following
important information regarding:
I/A Series V8.5 secured stations
Address Translation Stations (ATS) in Extender Mode

I/A Series V8.5 Secured Stations

To run FERRET on a secured station you have to first log into the station with a Domain
Account in the Plant Maintenance domain group. This account will give FERRET enough privileges to collect the information it needs.
From the secured station, FERRET can then connect to and collect data from the following stations and nodes:
Other I/A Series V8.5 secured stations
I/A Series Standard and 8.x Legacy stations
I/A Series V7.x and V6.x nodes connected via an ATS in LAN Interface (LI) mode.

When running FERRET on I/A Series V8.5 standard stations or legacy stations,
you should exclude any security enhanced stations from the collection. Otherwise,
FERRET will attempt to connect and repeatedly fail causing the run to be substantially longer.


When running FERRET on I/A Series V8.8 security enhanced stations, you must
not be logged in with an account in the IAInstaller group. This group installs applications only.

ATS Stations in Extender Mode

FERRET cannot collect data from legacy nodes (I/A Series V7.x or V6.x) connected via an ATS
in Extender mode (also referred to as a bridge node). An ATS in this configuration does not route
the IP protocol, which is required by FERRET to connect to remote stations. In this scenario,
FERRET attempts to use a 2nd LAN connection to bypass the ATS and access the legacy stations;
it collects the data if the 2nd LAN connection is available.

B0860AZ Rev A

3. Executing the 70 Series FERRET Software

For I/A Series stations without a 2nd LAN connection, the data collection fails. You must then
run FERRET on the legacy node(s) and merge the results.
On the Station Exclude screen if you see any nodes with both an ATS and an LI, then that node is
a bridge node for the site. You should enter the 2nd IP address for any station that has a 2nd
Ethernet card. See Figure 3-1.

Figure 3-1. ATS in Extender Mode Shown on the FERRET Station Exclude Screen

Starting 70 Series FERRET

To start FERRET from the Start menu, proceed as follows:
Select Start > Programs > FERRET > FERRET for Windows.
FERRET starts and the Run Types screen (Figure 3-2) appears. The Run Types screen is used to
determine what type of data is collected by FERRET. It allows you to start a FERRET run and set
the collection speed using the throttle. For a full description, see Chapter 4 70 Series FERRET
User Interface.


3. Executing the 70 Series FERRET Software

B0860AZ Rev A

Figure 3-2. 70 Series Run Types Screen

Executing 70 Series FERRET

To run FERRET to collect data for all stations:
1. Choose your settings from the Run Types, Station Exclude, and Advanced screens.
See Chapter 4 70 Series FERRET User Interface for more information.
2. Start the run by clicking on the Start FERRET button on the Run Types screen.
You can also click Start FERRET on the main toolbar. See Figure 3-1.

Running FERRET on Problem Stations

After the first run to collect data for All stations has completed, you should analyze the results.
Any stations that appear with a Red Exclamation (!) are problem stations. A problem station is
one from which FERRET could not collect data (usually, for connectivity reasons). You can see a
list of the problem stations on the Run Status screen (Figure 3-3).
Possible problems include: an ATS between the Host station and the problem station or the station may have an active firewall. For whatever reason, you need to install and run FERRET on
each problem station.


B0860AZ Rev A

3. Executing the 70 Series FERRET Software

Figure 3-3. 70 Series Run Status Screen with Problem Stations

Installing FERRET on a Problem Station

1. Install FERRET on the problem station. See the FERRET Installation Guide
(B0860RC) for instructions on installing FERRET.
2. Start FERRET and perform a single station collection as follows:
For 70 Series stations:
a. On the problem station choose only that station Letterbug in the Station Exclude
b. Select the same options on the Run Types screen.
c. Run FERRET and save the output.
d. From the File menu choose Save FERRET file. The file should fit on a diskette.
For 50 Series stations:
a. Choose single station only when prompted.
b. Run FERRET for just that station and collect the compressed tar file
(LBUG_1.Z) it creates.


3. Executing the 70 Series FERRET Software

B0860AZ Rev A

Merging Problem Station Data into a Single Site File

To merge problem station data to a single file, proceed as follows:
1. Place the collected FERRET file and/or UNIX tar files in the FERRET/gather subdirectory on the host station. (D:\opt\fox\bin\remote\tools\FERRET\gather)
2. Choose File > Save FERRET file to create the final FERRET file. This action
merges all the files in the /gather subdirectory into a single FERRET file.

Reviewing Results and Editing Parts List

After FERRET completes, review the parts list that was created. To do this, open the final FERRET file in the System Asset Viewer application. See the System Asset Viewer 2.0 I/A and Triconex
Installation and User's Guide for more information on editing parts lists.


B0860AZ Rev A


3. Executing the 70 Series FERRET Software

4. 70 Series FERRET User Interface

This chapter describes the various screens used by the FERRET user interface.
The user interface for FERRET provides run options and better feedback when FERRET is
unable to collect data from workstations. Use this feedback to run FERRET locally on the problem stations and ensure the output is a complete picture of the site.

Run Types Screen

The Run Types screen is used to determine what type of data is collected by FERRET. It allows
you to start a FERRET run and set the collection speed using the throttle. The Reset to Factory
Settings button resets all selections in FERRET to their original state. A description of the components appears Table 4-1.

Data Topology collects OM data to determine IPC issues, such as ghost lists. This is
not required for a Site Equipment list.


B0860AZ Rev A

4. 70 Series FERRET User Interface

Figure 4-1. 70 Series User Interface - Run Type Screen

Table 4-1. 70 Series User Interface - Run Types

Standard Data

SysMgmt Data
SNMP Data from Switches
Vendor Part Number Only

Walk Entire Switch


Collects all standard data including everything from the File Data,
File Info and Paths screen. It also collects the Add/Remove programs list, the Windows Services list, and the current BIOS information.
Uses frev or remv/remd to collect Equipment Information from
system management.
Uses the Nutcracker SNMP utility to query the SNMP database on
Only collects one piece of data from each switch, the sysDecr.0
OID. This allows FERRET to identify the Vendor part number and
subsequently the Invensys part number.
Performs a SNMP walk and collects the entire SNMP database
from the switch. This setting resets after each run of FERRET to
Vendor Part Number.
Note: The SNMP database is very large and should only be collected when its information is needed.

4. 70 Series FERRET User Interface

B0860AZ Rev A

Table 4-1. 70 Series User Interface - Run Types

User Defined
Data Topology

Check Monitors
User Defined Scripts
Recheck Missing Stations /
Continue Run
Check / Uncheck All

Uses the xml settings from the User Defined SNMP screen when
collecting data.
Uses the som/rsom and ps utilities to collect information from the
points database on CPs and workstations. This data can be used to
create a Data Topology report in the Installed Base Viewer.
This option performs a global find (GLOF) for each system monitor.
Runs each selected script on the User Scripts screen. Any output
from these scripts is copied back to the host station.
Rechecks those stations that FERRET normally skips if not found
with GLOF. Use this run type when bringing stations online.
Continues a previous run of FERRET. You are required to pick a
FERRET file that contains the previous run.
Selects or clears all options.
Slows the execution of FERRET.
Table 4-2. Run Display Buttons

Reset to Factory Settings



Resets all settings in FERRET back to the Factory defaults.
Note: To perform a minimal run which collects enough data to create an Equipment List, select Reset to Factory Settings on the
Run Types screen. This action resets all selections on all screens to
what is needed for a minimum run of FERRET.
Changes the password for any stations that do not use the standard
fox account and password.
FERRET uses the standard fox account when connecting to Windows stations and root when connecting to UNIX stations. It always
uses gnomes as the password.
Note: The changed passwords are not saved and are only used for this
instance of FERRET.
Starts FERRET and is the same as the Start FERRET button on the
Stops FERRET once a collection has started.


B0860AZ Rev A

4. 70 Series FERRET User Interface

Run Status Display

The Run Status screen displays the results from the last FERRET run. The top half contains all
the logs of each host as well as the main host. The bottom half contains a list of every station at
the site.

Clicking on any of these stations shows the collection logs from the last run performed on that station, which is very useful when determining why a station was
not collected.
During a run, the station list (Figure 4-2) is updated with the current stations from which data is
being collected. FERRET displays a status in the Station Status column of any station it is collecting from in the current run. As FERRET installs and remotely collects data, you see this column

Figure 4-2. 70 Series User Interface - Run Status Screen


4. 70 Series FERRET User Interface

B0860AZ Rev A

Table 4-3. 70 Series User Interface - Run Status Indicators (Icons)


A green checkmark appears if FERRET successfully collected all the data for
that station.

A red exclamation mark indicates FERRET found the station but was not able
to collect all the data for that station. This can happen if FERRET cannot connect to the station. You should run FERRET on that station choosing to collect
data from that station only.
A yellow question mark indicates if the station was found in a configuration file
or System Management but FERRET was unable to locate the station via
GLOF. This might mean the station is off-line or that the configuration files
needs to be updated. (Commit disk needs to be applied.)
The station icon appears while FERRET is collecting its data.

Table 4-4. 70 Series User Interface - Run Status Screen Columns

Station Status

List of all station and switch letterbugs at the site. The icon for each station
denotes its status as described in Table 4-3.
Description of each station or node
Date and time of the last FERRET collection for each station
Description of the collection status for each station


B0860AZ Rev A

4. 70 Series FERRET User Interface

Site Info Screen

The Site Info screen contains information that identifies the site at which FERRET is being run.

Figure 4-3. 70 Series User Interface - Site Information Screen

Table 4-5. 70 Series User Interface - Site Information

Run InFormation
Process Unit
Service Rep
FoxWatch Code
Optional Information
Site ID


Customer site name
Physical location (example, Dallas, TX)
Site function (example, Boiler)
Name of the Field Service Representative running FERRET
Three letter FoxWatch code, if one exists
Unique 32-character site ID retrieved from the GCS website. This ID is
stored in the FERRET output file and can be used to identify the customer site run.

4. 70 Series FERRET User Interface

B0860AZ Rev A

Station Exclude Screen

The Station Exclude screen allows you to select the stations from which FERRET should collect
data. To stop FERRET from collecting from a station, simply uncheck the station. Stations can be
displayed for the entire site or for an individual node by clicking on the node in the left view pane.

Figure 4-4. 70 Series User Interface - Station Exclude Screen

Table 4-6. 70 Series User Interface - Station Exclude Spreadsheet Columns

Column Heading
Last Run
Second IP Address

Station Status

List of all station and switch letterbugs at the site. The icon for each station
denotes its status as described in Table 4-3.
Description of each station or node.
Date and time of the last FERRET collection.
Either an IP address for the station or its letterbug. If a second LAN is available,
FERRET replaces the letterbug with its second IP address after the first run.
The user can also enter the second IP address. It is recommended that all stations with a second IP address are entered here.
Run status for each station.


B0860AZ Rev A

4. 70 Series FERRET User Interface

User Defined SNMP Screen

The User-Defined SNMP screen allows you to create custom collection xml scripts for FERRET.
The format of the scripts is xml tags. The resultant xml is inserted into the ferret_gather.xml
file in the D:\opt\fox\bin\remote\tools\ferret\data directory.
See Table 4-7 for information about XML tag names and attributes.

Figure 4-5. 70 Series User Interface - User-Defined SNMP Screen


4. 70 Series FERRET User Interface

B0860AZ Rev A

Table 4-7. 70 Series User Interface - User-Defined SNMP XMLTag Names and Attributes

Tag Names

Perform a SNMP walk using oid1 or oid2 and store the results in
/SNMP.txt in collected files for the switch.
Perform a SNMP get using oid1 or oid2 and store the results in
Perform a SNMP bulkget using oid1 or oid2 and store the results in
bulkget has the additional attribute repeat="50", which determines
how many items after oid1 or oid2 to get

Common Attributes Used

with Tag Names


Each attribute below can be used with any of the criteria tags to select items.
Only executes on A2 Series switches
Only executes on switches with the vendor part number A2H124-24
Attempts to get the value for the sysDescr.0 OID
If the oid1 get fails, then a second get is performed using oid2
The special action attribute below saves the results of the get to the Equipment Info for the switch.
Store the retrieved data in equipment info for the item under the key


B0860AZ Rev A

4. 70 Series FERRET User Interface

File Data / File Info / Paths Screens

Each of these screens contains lists of paths or files that FERRET should collect. You can add or
subtract any files you wish to collect in addition to the normal FERRET data.

Care should be taken not to collect large files as they have to be copied back to the
host station and may cause network problems.

Figure 4-6. 70 Series User Interface - File Data/File Info/Paths Screens


5. Command Line Parameters

This chapter describes the command line parameters that can be used to automate FERRET
Previous versions of FERRET could be automated using the command line parameters of the
FERRET.exe executable.
These command line parameters are no longer part of FERRET.exe, but have been moved to the
ferret_gather.exe in the \bin sub-directory. If you want to automate FERRET, the
ferret_gather.exe should be used instead of FERRET.exe.
FERRET V5.4 provides the feature Scheduled Runs that should be used when automating
FERRET collections.
The two functions within FERRET that use the command line parameters of
ferret_gather.exe are:
Collections on remote machines
FERRET copies ferret_gather.exe and ferret_gather.xml to a remote
machine and executes it passing the location of the ferret_gather.xml file.
Scheduled Runs
The FERRET Scheduled Run function works by using Windows Task Scheduler and
passing it a task to execute to the ferret_gather.exe. See Chapter 7 Scheduled
Runs (Unattended Execution) for more information.
Table 5-1. Command Line Parameters - ferret_gather.exe


/gather:XML filename

Letterbug of the station from which FERRET should collect. Usually, it is
the current station. If this parameter is set, no other stations in the
ferret_gather.xml file will be collected.
The full path and file name of the ferret gather xml file to be used. If this
entry is omitted, the xml file in the /data sub directory is used.
Starts a silent run of FERRET using the ferret_gather.xml file in the /data
sub directory.
Starts the site log file at line number nnn.
Creates a debug output file named ferret_gather_debug.log in the same
directory as the ferret_gather.exec file.
Loads and executes the scheduled run {taskname} from the tasks xml file


B0860AZ Rev A

5. Command Line Parameters

Table 5-2. Command Line Parameters - fes.exe




Uninstalls the ferret_gather service from the current machine. This call
will not remove the fes.exe file.
This parameter is used by the FERRET installer.
Installs the ferret_gather service on the current machine.
This parameter is used by the FERRET installer.
Displays the version of the ferret_gather service and whether the service is
currently installed.

6. FERRET Menus
This chapter describes the menus in FERRET and their functions.

File Menu
The File menu allows you to perform tasks such as, create FERRET xml file, open FERRET DAT
files or save to external storage, schedule a run, and display the letterbug of the Host station.

Figure 6-1. FERRET Menus - File Menu

Table 6-1. File Menu




Creates a new ferret_gather.xml file.


Note: This option removes all status information from the Run
Status screen including the run log. However, the second IP
Address stored on the Station Exclude screen will not be cleared.
Opens an existing ferret_gather.xml file.

Save As
Save FERRET file
Run As
Schedule Run

Note: This option updates all status information on the Run

Status screen from the ferret_gather.xml file that is opened.
However, the second IP Address stored on the Station Exclude
screen will not be cleared.
Saves all the settings to the ferret_gather.xml file.
Saves the file to a new ferret_gather.xml file.
Saves a copy of the collected FERRET file.
Changes the user account under which the FES service is running.
Configures FERRET to perform a run at a scheduled time. See
Chapter 7 Scheduled Runs (Unattended Execution) for more

B0860AZ Rev A

6. FERRET Menus

Table 6-1. File Menu (Continued)



FERRET Host Machine

Displays the letterbug of the Host machine for the FERRET

Exits the FERRET application.


Edit Menu
The Edit menu allows you to edit information in a text field.

Figure 6-2. FERRET Menus - Edit Menu

Table 6-2. Edit Menu Options


Undoes the last edit
Cuts text and saves to the clipboard
Copies text to the clipboard
Pastes text from the clipboard

View Menu
The View menu allows you to change the displays in FERRET as well as show various reports.

Figure 6-3. FERRET Menus - View Menu


6. FERRET Menus

B0860AZ Rev A

Table 6-3. View Menu Options

Status Bar
Log File
NetMon Report

DiagFist Report

Site Equipment

By Monitor
By Node

Toggles the toolbar On and Off.
Toggles the status bar On and Off.
Moves the splitter bar.
Shows the Sites log file in Notepad. See Appendix A FERRET Site Log for a
sample report.
Generates a text file that can be opened by the Microsoft Network Monitor
(netmon). This text file contains the MAC address, letterbug, and description
of every station at site. See Appendix B NetMon Report for a sample report.
Generates a text file that contains the letterbug, station type, station address,
Primary MAC address, Shadow MAC address and IP address for each station at
site. See Appendix C DiagFist Report for a sample report.
Generates a text file that contains all stations and devices at the site. The text file
is tab delimited so it can be easily opened in an Excel spreadsheet. It is
grouped by Node and then Station Host. See Appendix D Site Equipment
Report for a sample report.
Groups the stations in the Station Exclude screen by system monitor.
Groups the stations in the Station Exclude screen by Node.
Reloads and redisplays the current view.


B0860AZ Rev A


6. FERRET Menus

7. Scheduled Runs (Unattended

This chapter describes configuring FERRET to perform an unattended collection at a scheduled
FERRET can perform scheduled runs for its collections. This means you can configure what you
want to collect and have that collection performed at a planned time in the future. All Scheduled
Runs are performed by automatically creating a task using Windows Task Scheduler. The Windows Task Scheduler can be displayed by opening Control Panel and Selecting Task Scheduler
Scheduled Runs fall into three categories:
1. One time FERRET collection. A collection that executes at a predetermined time
2. Recurring collection (Daily, Weekly or Monthly). A collection that re-occurs after a
pre-determined time period
3. Repeatable runs. A collection that repeats after an elapsed time period. A repeatable
run is different from a recurring run in that it will only repeat for the day on which
that collection is scheduled to start.

It is recommended to lower the throttle for unattended executions.


On Windows 7 and Server 2008 stations, you must run FERRET as Administrator
for this function. Right-click FERRET.exe and choose "Run as Administrator".

Opening the Scheduled Run Dialog

From the File menu, select File > Schedule Run to open the Scheduled Run dialog as shown
in Figure 7-1.


B0860AZ Rev A

7. Scheduled Runs (Unattended Execution)

Figure 7-1. Scheduled Runs - Schedule Run Dialog

Table 7-1. Scheduled Runs - Schedule Run Options

Task List



A list of all the FERRET collections that are scheduled to run. The task needs
to be checked in order for it to be scheduled.
The Desc column displays a summary of when the collection will be performed. The user can click on the description to edit the task.
Removes the selected task. Click on the Task Name first and then select Delete.
Creates a new task. The user is prompted for the task name.
Once created, click on the task description to edit the task.
Closes the dialog and saves any edits the user has made.
A new Windows Scheduled Task is created for any tasks that you have checked.
Closes the dialog and discards any edits.

7. Scheduled Runs (Unattended Execution)

B0860AZ Rev A

Creating a Scheduled Run

To create a new Scheduled Run, perform the following steps.
1. From the main screen of FERRET, select File > Schedule Run.
2. In the Scheduled Run dialog, click the New button.
3. In the New scheduled run dialog (Figure 7-2), type a descriptive name for the collection.
Names cannot contain the following characters:
< (less than)
> (greater than)
: (colon)
" (double quote)
/ (forward slash)
\ (backslash)
| (vertical bar or pipe)
? (question mark)
* (asterisk)

Figure 7-2. Scheduled Runs - New Scheduled Run Dialog

4. Click the OK button.

Your new Scheduled Run is added to the list in the Scheduled Run dialog, but does not appear as
checked and therefore, is not actually scheduled. When you want the run to be scheduled, you
must select the checkbox for that run. See Figure 7-1.

An empty schedule run has been created. In order to set all the necessary options,
you need to edit the run using the Wizard. See Editing a Scheduled Run on
page 34.


B0860AZ Rev A

7. Scheduled Runs (Unattended Execution)

Editing a Scheduled Run

Once you create a Scheduled Run, you need to edit the settings described in Table 7-2. To see the
Schedule Run Wizard used to change the settings, click on the task description in the Scheduled
Run dialog (Figure 7-1). The wizard is responsible for setting all the collection parameters that
FERRET uses when the task is run. See Figure 7-3, Figure 7-4 and Figure 7-5 for descriptions of
the Wizard.

Scheduled Run Wizard - Dialog 1

In the first dialog of the wizard, enter when you want the task to run. You have the same basic
choices as you would in the Windows Task Scheduler. In addition to entering when to run the
task, choose how many runs to save, if it is a recurring task.
If you choose the Save Run for RemoteWatch option, then the data from the collection is saved
in a special folder that is collected by RemoteWatch. This collection is then transferred to the
RemoteWatch server and stored.

Figure 7-3. Scheduled Runs - Schedule Run Wizard Dialog 1


7. Scheduled Runs (Unattended Execution)

B0860AZ Rev A

Table 7-2. Scheduled Runs - Schedule Run Wizard Dialog 1




The name of the task.

Schedule Run

The frequency that the task should execute.

Your choices are:
Weekly (same weekday as start date)
Monthly (same weekday as start date).
The date and time that the task will begin executing.

Start Date
Start Time
End Date

Stop the run if it runs longer than

Continue previous run if it
did not finish
Cancel schedule after full
FERRET run completed

Repeat Run

Check this box and enter an end date and time to end a recurring
Note: This date and time does not stop a task if it is in the process of
collecting data. It only stops the task from running at the next scheduled time.
Check this box and enter the duration in hours and minutes in which
a collection should be stopped. This ensures that a long running collection does not interfere with normal site operation.
If a long running collection is stopped and this task has a recurring
schedule, the next time the task starts it continues from where it was
This is similar to the End Date selection but instead of stopping the
schedule at a specified date and time, it stops the schedule after FERRET has performed a full collection.
Note: If any stations were not collected (problem stations) the schedule is still stopped. It is up to the user to perform any manual collections necessary to complete the run. See Run FERRET on problem
If checked, the task is repeated after the entered duration has elapsed.


The repeated task continues until the entered end time has been
Keep ** ALL ** runs
FERRET saves all runs from this task. Each run is saved in a folder
with the Scheduled Runs name, which is a timestamp. See Scheduled
Run Output Files on page 38.
Keep n runs
FERRET only saves the number of runs entered. The runs are saved in
the Scheduled Run folder. See Scheduled Run Output Files on
page 38.
Save run for RemoteWatch The run is put in a folder that RemoteWatch collects during its run.

B0860AZ Rev A

7. Scheduled Runs (Unattended Execution)

Scheduled Run Wizard - Dialog 2

The second dialog of the wizard allows you to specify the type of run you want FERRET to perform. This dialog is the same as the Run Types screen you would use when doing a FERRET run.
See Run Types Screen on page 15 in Chapter 4 70 Series FERRET User Interface.
When you have finished making your selections, click the Next button.

Figure 7-4. Scheduled Runs - Schedule Run Wizard Dialog 2


7. Scheduled Runs (Unattended Execution)

B0860AZ Rev A

Scheduled Run Wizard - Dialog 3

The final dialog of the wizard allows you to specify on which stations you want FERRET to run.
This dialog is the same as the Station Exclude screen you would use when doing a FERRET run.
See Station Exclude Screen on page 21 in Chapter 4 70 Series FERRET User Interface.
When you have finished making your selections, click the Next button.

Figure 7-5. Scheduled Runs - Scheduled Run Wizard Dialog 3


B0860AZ Rev A

7. Scheduled Runs (Unattended Execution)

Scheduled Run Output Files

When the Scheduled Run executes, the output for the run is stored in the FERRET\Scheduled
subdirectory. Each Scheduled Run has its own sub folder. Each collection of the Scheduled Run
has as a FERRET file and a log file for the collection. The file names are time stamps. The timestamp is the Date and Time the Scheduled Run was executed.
Example of Scheduled Run subdirectory:

Figure 7-6. Scheduled Runs - Scheduled Run Sub-directory


The file 30MAR2010_140001.txt is a special file used by FERRET during its collection. This is the continue run file which is created when a FERRET collection
starts. During its run FERRET periodically saves its data to the file
30MAR2010_140001.fer. When FERRET completes the collection it removes the
text file, which allows FERRET to continue the last run if it was stopped.
Contents of the continue run text file:
Continue run file
If this file is here after run stops then the run was not complete.


8. FERRET for Triconex Equipment

This chapter describes using Triconex firmware files with FERRET
Triconex firmware files are extracted from Tricon and Trident systems by using the Tri-Station or Enhanced Diagnostics Monitor software packages. These files represent one Tricon or
Trident system and contain a listing of firmware revision levels by chassis. A single site may contain many Triconex systems.
In previous versions of FERRET, you could convert these files to a site equipment list by importing them into FERRET. FERRET would attempt to convert the firmware into part numbers as
best it could. This functionality has been moved from FERRET to the System Asset Viewer
To use the Triconex firmware files you must use the System Asset Viewer product. The System
Asset Viewer application allows you to import and modify Triconex firmware files in the way
older versions of FERRET did.
System Asset Viewer is available on the Global Customer Support website:


B0860AZ Rev A


8. FERRET for Triconex Equipment

9. Considerations
This chapter describes some of the problems you might encounter when doing a FERRET

Site Equipment List

The site equipment list created needs to be checked before leaving the site. Open the FERRET
file collected in System Asset Viewer and review the site equipment list created by System Asset
FERRET cannot see what is not configured or not physically present. Also, errors may be encountered. Therefore, it is highly recommended that the output and log files be checked to ensure
accuracy of the data.
A review of these files with the customer would help ensure all exceptions and discrepancies are
accounted for in the calculation of the system.
The Field Service Representative will forward the FERRET file to the Field Service Manager or
Service Sales Representative unless otherwise instructed.
Items not collected by FERRET include:

CRTs and Flat-Panel displays

Touchscreen displays
Base Plate Power Modules
Base Plates
Termination Assemblies
Node Bus Extenders
Switch Chassis
Switch Power Modules
Off-Platform workstations
Solaris on the Mesh - Needs Telnet / ftp on and the root account password must be

Network Equipment Calculations

There may be a discrepancy with the number of Dual Nodebus Interface Modules (DNBT,
DNBI, RCNI and NCNI). If the site has 70 Series stations, it is possible that FERRET will not
accurately calculate the number of DNBT, DNBI, RCNI or NCNI modules. If your site has 70
Series stations configured, verify this number.


B0860AZ Rev A

9. Considerations

FBM and ECB Counts

FBM vs. ECB counts may differ. FERRET checks for both FBM hardware types and ECB software. Certain FBM hardware supports many different software types. It is possible that the FBM
hardware count may be different and not exactly match the number of ECBs in the software section of the report.

FERRET Output with Installed Base Repository

The Service Sales Representative or other designated person uses FERRET files in conjunction
with the Global Product Support Installed Base Repository:
Following is a brief summary concerning the use of FERRET output files:
Ensure Installed Base Repository users have authorization to upload FERRET files.
Email the web master to request access to do so.
Upload all files output by the FERRET program.
After uploading the files, make sure to review and edit the equipment listed in the
This function is the best way to create a basket with support agreement pricing.

FERRET Output and

The Service Sales Representative or other designated person uses FERRET files in conjunction
with to calculate installed system value and support agreement pricing
BuyAutomation users must have Service Extranet authorization to utilize BuyAutomation's capabilities related to pricing support agreements.


10. FERRET Software Subdirectory

This chapter describes the contents of the FERRET subdirectory.
The FERRET subdirectory contains all the files needed for running FERRET. These files remain
on the hard disk until a Field Service Engineer or the customer removes them.
Table 10-1. 70 Series FERRET Subdirectory

Files / Sub-directory



A Windows executable that is the main program for FERRET. It is

also known by the name FERRET Management Console.

/bin subdirectory

This directory contains all the utilities needed by FERRET to run

(remd/remv, frev, pc, tar).
FERRET Execution Services. fes.exe is copied to AW70s and
WP70s. FERRET uses this program for remote collection. It will
install itself as the ferret_gather service on the remote machine and
respond to requests from the FERRET application.
The FERRET gather executable. This file is copied to remote AW70s
and WP70s and executed remotely using FERRET Execution Services.
The smon_get executable is used to retrieve smon data for all workstations at the site.
This file is required for smon_get to run on older workstations
(with I/A Series V6.x and I/A Series V7.x system software).
The snmpget executable is responsible for retrieving snmp data from




/Data subdirectory



This directory contains the file site.fer file and the gather.xml
This file is the FERRET file for the entire site. It is created after each
run of FERRET. The user can also get a FERRET file for the entire
site by running FERRET and choosing File > Save FERRET File.
This file directs FERRET as to what to collect for its next run. The
FERRET application modifies this file. It can also be modified
This file contains all the information FERRET needs to execute a
scheduled run.


B0860AZ Rev A

10. FERRET Software Subdirectory

Table 10-1. 70 Series FERRET Subdirectory (Continued)

Files / Sub-directory


/gather sub directory

This subdirectory is where FERRET places collected files from remote

stations. After the FERRET collection, this directory is cleaned out.
The files will be the letterbug of the station.
Example: AWXP01.fer.


This directory contains the MIBs that describe the Enterasys switches.
FERRET uses these MIBs when collecting data via SNMP.
This directory contains output from user-defined scripts. The output
is copied from the remote station and stored in a subdirectory with
that stations letterbug.
This directory contains the user-defined scripts that FERRET executes
during its run. It is broken down into two subdirectories: 51_Series
and 70_Series.



Table 10-2. 20/50/51 Series FERRET Subdirectory



This shell script is the main program. It performs the following operations:
Using the contents of /usr/fox/sp/hldb builds a list of accessible host processors including PWs, AP10s, AP20s, AP50s,
AW50s, WP50s, AP51s, AW51s, WP51s, AP70s, and WP70s.
Attempts to connect to each of the above hosts and, if successful,
gathers the relevant information from the remote host station.
Combines the output generated on the individual hosts into a
single Tar file containing data for the entire site and then
prompts user to save the output file.
UNIX Shell Script used to connect to each remote host from which
FERRET needs to gather information.
UNIX shell script used to gather data for each remote AW and WP.
This program calculates the counts for:
Peripherals attached to a COMM processor
Workstation peripherals
Standard and optional software licenses
Third-party software packages
Library volumes
Additional display manager licenses.
UNIX shell script used to gather information from the points databases. This information is used to provide a Data Topology report for
the site.
UNIX shell script used to format floppies and save FERRET files.

Appendix A. FERRET Site Log

This appendix describes the output of the FERRET log file.
For each run, FERRET creates a site log file. This log file is actually the combination of multiple
log files, one for each station from which FERRET has collected information and one for the host
station on which FERRET was started.
The log file contains the following information:
Run information showing when the FERRET software was run, the version of FERRET, and the host station on which FERRET was run.
The type of information selected for and omitted from the run, such as Gather Standard Data not selected, Gather Data Topology selected and Recheck missing
stations not selected. See Figure A-1.

The log information for each station, which includes:

A log line number (00327)
A timestamp (03-31-2010 17:23:48)
The letterbug of the station executing code followed by a period (MSRINF)
The letterbug of the station being collected (AWSL10) or dashes ------ if it is the
same station.
The text of the log entry (Pinging AWSL10).

Figure A-1. FERRET Site Log


B0860AZ Rev A


Appendix A. FERRET Site Log

Appendix B. NetMon Report

This appendix describes the NetMon report created by FERRET.
After a collection has been performed, you can create the NetMon report from the View menu.
This report is a list of all the MAC addresses for each station at the site. The format of the report
is designed so that it can be easily loaded into the Microsoft Network Monitoring tool.
For each station, the MAC address along with the station letterbug and description is output to
the report. Any fault-tolerant station also has its Primary and Shadow addresses listed.

Figure B-1. NetMon Report


B0860AZ Rev A


Appendix B. NetMon Report

Appendix C. DiagFist Report

This appendix describes the output of the FERRET DiagFist report.
The DiagFist report produces a list of the stations at the site along with their MAC and IP
addresses. If any station has a second IP Address, FERRET lists that address as well. See
Figure C-1.

Figure C-1. DiagFist Report


B0860AZ Rev A


Appendix C. DiagFist Report

Appendix D. Site Equipment Report

This appendix describes the output of the Site Equipment report.
The Site Equipment report is a list of all the stations and devices for which FERRET has collected
information. The data output is grouped by the node and the station host within the node. For
each station, its letterbug, Host station, description, monitor letterbug and OS version are displayed. For each device, its letterbug, Host station, description, monitor letterbug, EEPROM
revision, and software revision are displayed.
The tab delimited report can be opened in an Excel spreadsheet.

Figure D-1. Site Equipment Report


Invensys Operations Management

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United States of America

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Inside U.S.: 1-866-746-6477
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local Invensys representative.

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