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Ans. Np. 37 fs 6..

I feel great! With their participation it makes the barrio fiesta successful. / no. 38 . Teachers dont need their status raised in the eyes of the public. Telling people that youre a

teacher, especially one who works in a secondary school, generally garners immediate respect. People will tell you that youre brave, and how they couldnt do it, and how
important the job is, and that they take their hat off to you. So for public PR we probably shouldnt bother.
A bigger issue is that teachers often talk down the job, especially to their own children. Better become a shopkeer, actor. Pondcleaner! they say. Being a teacher is also not
sexy sounding. What normal person wants to spend year after year saying the same words to different faces? Who wants to deal with the raging hormones of teenagers and the daft
mistakes they consequently make? (Those remarks, ironically, are what I said when I helped TeachFirsts first recruitment team find a university room for running recruitment
sessions in 2003. I helped, of course, but I thought they were deluded).
What later changed my mind was that TeachFirst made rethink about teaching as a profession. I know this isnt what TF is known for, and no doubt several commenters will spend
time below the line focusing on all its negatives, but TF does do high quality and continuous learning for its teacher participants very very well. So well that it made me see
teaching as something to be incredibly proud of, no matter who tried to put me off doing it. Sure, some of this in the hype the adverts, the schmaltzy videos, the mission
statement. But the best thing about TeachFirst is the continual professional development you receive. These are the parts many of its critics dont see: the school competition where
participants compete for funds to run extracurricular activities, summer internships spent creating curricula for charities or working with policymakers, the chance to mentor new
participants when you return to summer institute, participants being coached towards goals they set for in their second year, plus endless access to workshops, training days, and
an active online community. And this isnt just over the two years of the programme. It continues after that. By my third year of teaching I was training new participants at Summer
Institute and evening workshops, and I could attend annual conferences, dinners, residentials where some of the top thinkers in education were speaking (some free, some very
reasonably priced and always at times that fit around schools). These experiences meant I learned about teaching beyond my own context, and I worked with participants in many
schools, all of which helped make sense of the increasing levels of responsibility I was facing.
For me, these activities helped me learn about teaching and helped me do a better job. That was why I took part. But they also meant when talking to other people about my job
it sounded, frankly, cooler. Friends in top jobs drew parallels with their own work and commented that teaching involved more than they expected. Teachers didnt just teach,
they were also involved in a profession that develops, and teaches each other, and influences policy. Other groups are seen this way doctors, nurses, police commanders and its
quite proper that teaching be considered the same way.
Still, it has never felt right to me that teachers coming through other routes didnt get these same opportunities. Both local authorities I worked in provided some similar opportunities but
not anything on par with TF. Academy chains and Teaching Schools might also lead such provision, but it cant be ensured. And while TeachFirst does a lot it is only a small
organisation that trains a tiny percentage of new trainees, it cant do it all or alone. To raise the status of teaching as a profession there must be opportunities for every teacher to
enact and develop their professionalism. This is why I support the revamp of the Royal College of Teaching, and why I support the idea of teacher licencing (as long as it is linked to
developmental activities beyond ones own school).
Not only would more access to continued teacher learning improve our own practice, it also enables people in other fields to see that teaching is a complex, growing, engaging,
innovative field. Or, at least, that it involves a lot more than just saying the same words to different faces year-in and year-out.

Page 45.. one personal qualities of teachers in New Zealand are as follows:

Being kind.
Helping your class to succeed.
Passion for teaching.
Love of children.
Love of the subject/subjects they teach

Work ethic


Collaborative classroom setting

The quality of teachers in New Zealand is that they must act properly according to the profession as a teacher. Some qualities teachers need are
compassion, creativity, kindness, and intelligence.
Personal qualities of the global teacher in Australia are similar to qualities of teachers everywhere. They should possess a love of learning as well as
teaching. They should also be compassionate, kind, and patient.
Indonesia.. Teacher is avery very very good for the students.
Her dresses of a good impresion for the students.
Her styl is a good for the students.
Teacher r the parents of the students and students r the children for the teacher
Professional qualities of teachers in Indonesia include being able to teach valuable skills and concepts to children using methods that invoke their
interests. Cultural knowledge is also important for educators in Indonesia.

Australia Know the students and how they learn. Lead teachers are expected to select, develop, evaluate and revise teaching strategies "to improve
student learning using knowledge of the physical, social and intellectual
development and characteristics of students" in order to meet the needs of
students from diverse cultural and economic backgrounds (AITSL, 2011).
Know the content and how to teach it. Lead teachers must be able to "lead initiatives [] to evaluate and improve knowledge of content and
teaching strategies," as well as to "monitor and evaluate the implementation of teaching strategies to expand learning opportunities and content
knowledge for all
students" (AITSL, 2011).
Plan for and implement effective teaching and learning.
Qualified lead teachers should "demonstrate exemplary practice and high
expectations [] and lead colleagues to plan, implement and review the
effectiveness of their learning and teaching programs" (AITSL, 2011).
Create and maintain supportive and safe learning
environments. Lead teachers are expected to be active in "the development of
productive and inclusive learning environments," as well as to "lead and implement behavior management initiatives" (AITSL, 2011) in order to ensure
students' well-being.
Assess, provide feedback and report on student learning. Lead teachers are required to "evaluate school assessment policies and strategies" to
diagnose learning needs and to "co-ordinate student performance and program
evaluation using internal and external student assessment data to improve
teaching practice (AITSL, 2011).

Engage in professional learning. Lead teachers should "initiate

collaborative relationships to expand professional learning opportunities, engage
in research, and provide quality opportunities and placements for pre-service
teachers" (AITSL, 2011).
Engage professionally with colleagues, parents/carers and the
Professional and community networks and support[ing] the involvement of
colleagues in external learning opportunities" (AITSL, 2011).
Requirements,,.. Indonesia,.. A certified teacher in Indonesia must first hold a four-year degree from a recognized college or university. New teachers are
required to take an additional two-semester course in teacher certification, while more senior teachers can replace this with a portfolio assessment.
To become a professional teacher in Australia, one has to complete a diploma or degree in education.

Upgrade to Bachelor's Degree new Zealand..

The upgrade courses are available by distance study only (Flexible Learning Option).
The Bachelor of Teaching and Learning (BTchLn) is an NZQA-approved Bachelor's degree and is rated as Q3 for salary purposes. To graduate with a BTchLn (Early Childhood) you
Diploma in Teaching (Early Childhood);
Two compulsory courses (2015 is the final year for compulsory courses):
EDTL746 Investigating Issues in the Curriculum
EDTL747 Studies in Teaching and Learning Theory
Optional courses
three optional courses if you have a CEC or UC DipT, or
six optional courses if you have a non-CEC or UC DipT.

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