Tut 161

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II Semester 2015-2016
MTL 768/MAL 656/MAL 468 Graph Theory
Tutorial Sheet 1
1. Prove that every graph of order n 2 has at least two vertices of equal degree.
2. What is the maximum number of edges a graph of order n can have?
3. Let p be an integer such that 0 p n. Does there exist a graph having exactly p odd
4. A graph of order 20 and size 50 has 12 vertices of degree a and remaining vertices of
degree b. Find the possible values of a and b.
5. Prove that either G or its complement is connected.
6. Let G be a graph containing p vertices of degree p and q vertices of degree q and p+q = n.
If G contains an odd vertex, then prove that every vertex of G is odd.
7. For k 2, prove that a k-regular bipartite graph has no cut edge.
8. Let G be a graph with at least two vertices. Prove or disprove:
a. Deleting a vertex of degree (G) cannot increase the average degree.
b. Deleting a vertex of degree (G) cannot reduce the average degree.
9. Prove that every graph with n vertices and n edges contains a cycle.
10. Let p1 , p2 , . . . , pn be n points in the plane such that the distance between any two points is
at least one. Let G = (V, E) be the graph such that V = {p1 , p2 , . . . , pn } and E = {pi pj |
distance between pi and pj is exactly one}. Show that (G) = 6.
11. If G has (G) 2, then show that G contains a cycle of length at least (G) + 1.
12. . If G has n vertices and (G) (n 1)/2 , then prove that G is connected.
13. Let G be a simple graph having no isolated vertex and no induced subgraph with exactly
two edges. Prove that G is a complete graph.
14. Prove or disprove: If u and v are the only vertices of odd degree in a graph G, then G
contains a u v path.
15. . Let G be a simple graph with adjacency matrix A and incidence matrix M . Prove
that the degree of vi is the ith diagonal entry in A2 and in M M T . What do the entries
in position (i, j) of A2 and M M T say about G?
16. Prove that a self complementary graph with n vertices exists i n or n 1 is divisible
by 4.

17. Let G be a bipartite graph with n vertices and m edges. Show that m n2 /4.
18. Show that a connected graph with n vertices has at least n 1 edges.
19. Let S be a set of six persons. Any two persons in S are either friends or strangers. Prove
that S contains three persons who are mutual friends or mutual strangers.
20. Let P1 and P2 be two distinct paths from x to y in a graph G. show that P1 P2 contains
a cycle. (Prove it by construction).
21. Prove that G is connected if and only if for every partition of its vertices into two
nonempty sets, there is an edge with end points in both sets.
22. Let p and q be nonnegative integers, not both equal to 0. Show that there is not always
a graph having p odd vertices and q even vertices. However, show that there is such a
graph if p is required to be even.
23. Suppose G is a graph of order 3n with D(G) {n, n + 1, n + 2}. Show that G contains
either (i) at least n vertices of degree n, (ii) at least n + 2 vertices of degree n + 1, or
(iii) at least n + 1 vertices of degree n + 2.
24. If an n-vertex simple graph has n 1 distinct vertex degrees, then which degree is

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