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Yin and Yang are Necessary but

Have no Values
The principle of gender states that all
things have masculine and feminine
aspects and that the masculine is the
outgoing, the instigative force, while
the feminine is the incoming, the
receptive, the creative force.
These forces are basic, intrinsic to
everything from the smallest
molecule to the universe itself. These
forces, which some call “yin” and
“yang,” carry no values; neither one
is good or bad, but both are necessary
parts of all existence.
Nor do the masculine and feminine
forces have anything to do with the
male or female sex, although man and
woman are manifestations of the law
of gender on the physical plane.
Communication is easier to
understand when applying this
principle. When you speak with
someone, you are, to some degree, in
the masculine or outgoing mode, and
when you’re listening you are in the
receptive, the inflowing, the feminine
To understand, indeed even to hear
what the other person is saying, you
must be in the receptive/feminine
To have others understand what you
are saying you must be in the
outgoing / masculine mode. Just as a
magnet will attract another magnet
when the outgoing / masculine /
positive pole is put together with the
receptive / feminine / negative pole,
so it is with communication.
If you were to speak from the
receptive mode to a listener also in
the receptive mode, you would get a
repelling force.
When you put the outgoing with the
outgoing, you again have a repelling
To get adherence (communication),
you must have positive with negative,
the receptive with the outgoing.
When two people are attempting to
communicate and both are in the
outgoing mode, when each has
something to say and is eager to say
it, there is no communication and
therefore no understanding.
When two people are in the receptive
mode and they each wish to hear what
other one has to say, then again, there
is no communication. For there to be
any effective movement of
information between two people, the
speaker to some degree must be in the
outgoing mode, and the listener in the
receptive / inflowing.
You will find this principle at work in
all forms of endeavor— in writing,
painting, and all of the other arts;
you’ll find the principle at work in
sports, in business, and in all the
professions. To locate this force you
only to be aware of its existence.

Popular Leaders Develop a Strong

Outgoing Force
Popular leaders have developed a
strong outgoing power force when
speaking. Immensely masculine,
sending out a heroic force, they
overcome the masculine energy fields
of the crowd and switch them to the
It’s worth repeating, for emphasis,
that this has nothing to do with sex. A
woman can project the masculine, or
outgoing, force just as easily as a
New lines of communication open
and great masses of people are
swayed by the charisma of the
speaker. Charisma is an extremely
strong outgoing force.
As in all things, the degree of the
force varies. Two speakers, both
essentially the same but one of them
in better command of the audience
and so displaying a higher degree of
the outgoing power, will have
different effects on the listeners.
By better command, we mean a
strong sense of self-confidence,
which in turn usually comes from
knowledge of the material, practice,
and previous exposure to a similar
circumstance with a positive result.
There are also those who have a
strong sense of self-confidence for
other reasons and whose strong ego
manifests as charisma.
Notice how the people you find to be
charismatic and influential seem to be
in command. There are salespeople,
attorneys, stockbrokers, accountants,
doctors, politicians, and coworkers
who cause you to do something
without question, or perhaps to
question it but do it anyway.
If they have any degree of control
over you, you can bet that they have
outgoing force about them (at least
with respect to you).

Edward LaMonica, a recent student at

one of our seminars, heard this
information and said that he suddenly
understood one of his employees who
had him totally confused.
The sales manager for a major
encyclopedia firm, Edward
supervised an incredibly successful
salesman by the name of Big John
Big John was six feet seven and
weighed 325 pounds, he was a very
impressive sight to behold. It seemed
that nearly every time he made a call,
Big John sold a set of encyclopedias.

Big John was the Best Worst

Salesmen I’ve Ever Seen
Big John was so successful that
Edward decided to make him head of
the outside sales department and train
other salespeople.
The first day a man went out with Big
John he reported to Edward that Big
John was a mediocre salesman and
that he didn’t want to go out with him
The man was asked if Big John sold a
set of books. “Yes,” he was told, “he
sold a set. But I don’t know how he
did it. He’s one of the worst salesmen
ever seen.”
Needless to say, Edward did not lend
too much credence to that report.
The next day he sent another man out
with Big John. The second man gave
the same appraisal of Big John’s
selling ability.
Edward asked if he sold any books.
“Yes, he sold a set. But I don’t know
how; he gave a lousy presentation.”
Mystified now, Edward decided to
accompany Big John that evening
while he went out on a call, and sure
enough he heard his prize salesman
deliver a rambling presentation, an
inept close, and a sale of a mid-priced
bound set of encyclopedias.

How Big John Did It

But Big John was such an
overwhelming masculine presence,
Edward came to realize, that he was
causing his clients to switch to the
receptive mode and surrender at the
sight of him.
When Big John rang the doorbell, the
client would come to the door, take
one look at that mass of towering
masculine strength on the doorstep,
switch to the inflowing feminine
mode, and surrender.
With Big John not only physically
outgoing but also confident of
success, he had only to ask for a
signature to make the sale; his
presentation was incidental to his
Edward said that he actually got a call
from a woman one day who asked,
“Your man was at my house last night
and I bought something. Tell me,
what did I buy?”
Have you ever purchased something
you did not really want just to get
away from a salesperson? If you did,
you can bet that you were in the
feminine / receptive mode and the
salesperson was in the masculine /
There is a way to control this force.
The next time you’re dealing with a
salesperson (or for that matter, with
any domineering person), recognize
the fact that successful salespeople
are always in the masculine mode.
For you to be in a buying spirit, you
must be in a feminine mode.
You can switch yourself to either
mode. If you wish to listen to the
sales presentation, imagine that you
are in the receptive mode, with things
coming to you.
Picture the incoming ocean tide, or
someone throwing a ball to you, or a
car driving along a street toward you,
anything that is incoming relative to
See yourself purchasing the product
or service and being happy with it.

The Best Test Taker in the Country

You can see how useful this would be
to students listening to an instructor
and wanting to retain the information.
A student who is sitting in a
classroom and thinking about other
things is usually in the outgoing
mode, and is getting little from the
teacher’s lessons.
To switch to the receptive so as to
have a better understanding and
superior retention of the material,
(and maybe become the best test taker
in the country,) the student should
consider incoming things.
Controlling Salespeople
If you would like to have more
control over the outgoing mode and
to stop the receptivity, switch to the
masculine. First, visualize a
protective shield between yourself
and the person you’re dealing with.
This shield absorbs all the incoming
masculine energy before it can
envelop you.
Next, visualize yourself in the
outgoing mode. Picture yourself
speaking forcefully.
Picture things going away from you;
imagine a train, a rocket, a boat, or
any other vehicle moving away from
you. See yourself in action—perhaps
turning your back on the person, or
walking away, or closing the door on
the man or woman in front of you.
Most physical actions put you in the
outgoing mode.
If it is a salesperson whose outgoing
mode you’d like to control, remember
that you are in charge; you need make
no excuses for declining to purchase
Say, “No, I’ve decided that now is not
the time,” or simply, “No, I do not
want it.”
If the salesperson asks you any
question, such as why not, and you
answer the question, you will place
yourself back in the feminine mode.
You do not have to justify your
reasons. You do not have to have any
Your answer to the question should
simply be, “I just don’t want it, no
reasons.” It’s as simple as that.
We recognize that sometimes it is
difficult to get away from the clutches
of a forceful salesperson or an overly
aggressive family member, friend, or
colleague who is in the masculine
mode, especially when you find it
difficult to get out of the feminine
Here is an easy technique for you to
You have just visualized a force
leaving you, an arrow being shot from
a bow, a rocket going away from you,
a car racing away, or anything
Then you have said to the
salesperson, “I’ve changed my mind,
I don’t want
At this point you will be asked what
made you change your mind, or why
don’t you want it, or any question to
keep you engaged. It doesn’t matter
what the salesperson asks; answer any
question by responding, “Why do I
have to answer that question?”
And you will see someone practically
melt before your eyes. To understand
your question, the salesperson will
have to switch to the feminine /
receptive mode.
When that happens, any power he or
she had over you has banished. Then
you may smile nicely and leave.
All forceful people are outgoing.
Who’s the outgoing/masculine force
in your life?
Your mother-in-law, spouse, boss,
parent, child? Most authority figures
are seen as masculine forces, and we
tend to switch to the receptive when
in their presence.
Use your knowledge of the forces of
gender to control the masculine and
feminine modes within yourself and
to understand and enhance your
communication with others.

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