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Submitted To,

Our respected, dignified, revere

and prestigious Professor Sir. Dawood with
thanks and respect.

Name Ihsan ullah Name M. Wasif

Roll No 278 Roll No 282
Class BBA 5th Class BBA 5th
Shift Evening Shift Evening
SYNOPSIS AND THEME OF THE ASSIGNMENT................................................3
What is science?..............................................................................................................................................4

What is technology?........................................................................................................................................4

Advantages of transportation:.......................................................................................................................5

Disadvantages of transportation...................................................................................................................5

Disadvantage of computer.............................................................................................................................6

TELEVISION ..........................................................................................................7
Advantages of Television................................................................................................................................8

Disadvantages of Television...........................................................................................................................8

MOBILE COMMUNICATIONS...............................................................................9
Advantages of Mobile Phones:....................................................................................................................10


INTERNET TECHNOLOGY..................................................................................11
1. Sharing Information...............................................................................................................................12
2. Collection of Information......................................................................................................................12
3. News......................................................................................................................................................12
4. Searching Jobs.......................................................................................................................................12
5. Advertisement........................................................................................................................................12
6. Communication......................................................................................................................................12
7. Entertainment.........................................................................................................................................12

1. Viruses...................................................................................................................................................13
2. Security Problems..................................................................................................................................13
3. Immorality..............................................................................................................................................13
4. Filtration of Information........................................................................................................................13
5. Accuracy of Information........................................................................................................................14
6. Wastage of times....................................................................................................................................14
7. English language problems....................................................................................................................14


TERRORIST IS FOR BAD PURPOSE)...............................................................14
Synopsis and theme of the Assignment
There is no doubt that science has provided us with various precious facilities. It has
rescued human being from so many diseases and hardships. The transportation facilities,
mobile communication, modern medical facilities, factories, industries etc all has been
bestowed by science.
Despite all these facilities science has also troubled human race, it has destroyed the
natural environment of living beings, cutting trees which provide the basic and vital
element of life oxygen, massive destruction weapons have also been invented for killing
human beings, factories pollute the air and sea, the transport which can carry you at
distant places easily can also carry you to the mouth of death, mobile communication in
on place can be used to benefit and on the other hand can commonize sexual activities,
computers have made easy infotainment but the same computer is being used for
commonizing pornography, waste of time, waste of money etc. in the end of all the
discussion we will be putting some light on the role of science for the purpose of security
Introduction and Definition of Science and Technology

What is science?
According to Oxford dictionary, the systematic study of the structure and behavior of the
physical world, especially by watching, measuring and doing experiments, and the
development of theories to describe the results of these activities.

What is technology?
There is a general consensus that science and technology are synonyms and are
interchangeably used instead of each, but in reality both are vivid distinguished concepts.
According to oxford dictionary, the practical especially industrial, use of scientific
The use of established scientific theories for the welfare of human beings is known as

From the very beginning human beings are always in efforts to facilitate activities
performed by them in regular or irregular manner. These activities could be traveling
long distant places, fighting the diseases, communicating with each other, maximizing the
output of resources required by human beings to live a better and facilitated life.

In the beginning the major problem for human beings was to cover long distant travels ,
man has used animals like horses, camels and even elephants and cows for covering long
distant places and to carry load which is over to the might of human beings. Later on with
the help of science the wheel was observed and carts were created which are the
ancestors to the modern transportation vehicles, and then in 18th century motor cars were
invented which were more convenient than former transportation facilities, this invention
has benefited human beings a lot but in the same place it has also give various hassle to
human beings.
Later on human beings invented trains, air balloons and air Boeings, which made
tremendous change and advancement in the speed of movement of man from one location
to another location in a short time. They can carry heavy loads which is almost
impossible for human beings. Some of the advantages and disadvantages of these
vehicles are as under.

Advantages of transportation:
1. fast
2. reliable
3. easy to use
4. heavy load carriers
5. less human effort
6. advancement in the standard of living

Disadvantages of transportation
1. Causes and creates pollution.
2. Very Expensive.
3. The fume and smoke can cause serious diseases.
4. One becomes dull due to sitting always while moving.
5. Accidents can take place which could even lead to death.
Abacus a famous mathematician gave the idea of computer in china some 3000 B.C
which was later on followed by Charles Babbage in 1812 and the Countess ADA in Late
18th century.
In 1943- 1946 computer was invented with bulky and large size which has some very
basic functions but very expensive
In 1975 micro processor was created and it gave computer a new name and status called
PC (Personal Computer) and so the micro processor was called the electric brain this
computer has solved many problems of humans which were some what impossible in a
friendly environment. Even though this computer is and is considered to be a problem
solving machine still it has several draw backs and short comings some of which are as

Advantages of Computer

1. It helps you automate various tasks that you can not do manually.
2. It helps you organize your data and information in a better way.
3. It has much more computing and calculating power then an ordinary human.
4. It may help your work to be a lot easier.
5. It may be the storage of your important data and files.
6. It may be your handy book.
7. It may help you solve problems faster than an ordinary human being can do.
8. It has speed, storage, reliability, consistency and communications.
9. It helps you to find useful information using the Internet.
10. It helps in businesses, factories, offices, schools and homes.

Disadvantage of computer

1. It destroys your social life and interactions with humans if you do not maintain the
2. It may effect to the destruction of your eye sight due to radiation.
3. It may cause pimples and wrinkles.
4. It may damage your studies and life.
5. Too much time in front of monitor may adverse effect your eye sight and can also
make you fat.
6. The way it distracts and can deviate our thoughts and activities towards unproductive
7. It could cause violation of privacy, impact on labor force, health risks, impact on
environment, distraction from work, and possible antisocial influences.
8. Getting away from their real life and getting into bad lines
It is a social habit associated to human beings that they want to be aware of the
happenings around the world. To convey the information from one point to another point
from one person to another person, from one community to other and so on a medium is
required. In the current era of modern science and technology there are various channels
to communicate information from on place to another like newspaper, mobile, radio and
CDs but the best of all is Television which is fast and convenient.
Television is a major source of information and current affairs and current-haps in the
current era. There are several pros and cons to this major source of information some of
which are as following.
It’s also the indispensable device in our daily life. By watching TV, we can see many
things happened in the surrounding us world, therefore it help us to catch and avoid being
dropped back from the world of information. Everyone must agree that the advantages of
watching TV are very considerable .But beside those benefits, there are some
disadvantages that we must notice to be sure that we watch TV most effectively.
Television nowadays has been very popular, and almost every family has the access to it.
By sitting ideally at home, watching TV, you can get a whole look all over the world. The
appearance of television and television broadcasting enriches our entertainments. Many
events and competition can be watched “live” and many exclusive movies are presented
as well (although it’s a bit late in comparison with seeing those movies in the cinema).
Furthermore, the television deserve considered as the unlimited source of information.
There are a lot of scientific channel which is suitable for all ages. Those are the fastest
and cheapest way to improve your knowledge. Today, Television specializes into many
channels; each channel satisfies the different audience’s view such as news, sport, and
film. So that, we do not have to be a passive viewer. By pressing several simple buttons,
you can see your appropriate program that fit your taste.
Everything contains good side and bad side and television has no exception. Wasting
time is one of the inherent disadvantages of watching TV. Let’s imagine : if one day , one
person spends a hour watching TV without gaining any useful information , then in one
year he will waste 365 hours and in 10 year is 3605 hours. With that time, you can learn
several languages as well as finish some studying course. On the other hand, television
programs are not always suitable for all ages. Sometimes, there are some movies contain
sexual material and violence which affected the stormy phase of growing of children and
teenagers and should not be watched, even by some adults. It will be extremely
dangerous if parents neglect their children to discover the TV program themselves as they
will immediately take influence of what they see. To rectify this situation, parents must
supervise their children‘s TV watching throughout their childhood and adolescence
period. In the aspect of health, spending hours watching TV is harmful to your eyesight.
Why don’t play some sport and breathe the fresh air .When your eyes are tired, you‘d
better let them rest than continue to paste them in the screen.
In short we can say.

Advantages of Television

1. It provides up to date information.

2. One can come to know about new products and services.
3. One can follow university lectures.
4. Provides good entertainment.

Disadvantages of Television

1. Watching television is a time wasting activity.

2. It can affect the eyesight negatively.
3. The information provided in the television may be incorrect and unilateral
commonly in favor of government, which can mislead the receivers.
4. Sometimes on television unsuitable programs are broadcasted.
Mobile Communications
According to a research every normal person spends his 49% of the total time of his/her
life in communicating ideas, thoughts, information and events to others. Communication
has various modes like verbal, non-verbal, personal and impersonal communication. The
best mode of communication is verbal communication.
From the very beginning it has been a vital part of human life to transmit information
from one person to other person or persons.
Object sender method is the oldest method of communicating messages from on person
to other. This method was then replaced by mail and this mail was then replaced by
telephones and then telephones were replaced by portable devices called mobile.
Nowadays mobiles have become a vital part of our daily lives. Every person above the
age of 14 may have a mobile using it for different purposes. A mobile can be used for
business, family awareness, education, current news and transmitting orders etc…
It is for a fact that having a mobile phone now a days is a sort of a necessity and it is an
inevitable truth that mobile industry is taking everyone by a storm. From the very basic
thing of making a call to texting, and now internet access for just a touch of your finger
tips. Do you have one of these? or do you know somebody who enjoys having such stuff?
I do have one of those too and I won’t deny the fact that I enjoy using them. So as one of
the million subscriber of this technology I will share you some of the advantages and
disadvantages I found, out of having a mobile phone.
It keeps you in constant contact with people you consider important It can help you seek
help immediately during emergency cases It’s a sense of being financially uplifted.
Through mobile phones you can lessen your boredom, example listen to your favorite
music and as well as watching movies through downloading. It can take photos
Mobile phones also gives us easier access on the internet You can carry it anywhere
It has a lot of useful function like calendar, making notes, alarm clock, timer and
No doubt, our mobile phones make our life more convenient, but as the saying goes every
technology has its equal negative side and mobile phones are not so especial to be
In short of some of the advantages and disadvantages are as under.

Advantages of Mobile Phones:

1. Some advantages of mobile phones are that they are portable and that they keep
phone numbers so they don't have to be memorized.
2. Ability to make phone calls while away from a land-line phone.
3. It can be used as a mp3 player, instead of carrying around your mobile and your
ipod or what ever type of music thing you have.
4. you can have easy access if you need to call someone right away
you are able to have calendars and email and the Internet on the phone
5. There are so many advantages of mobile phone on the human life like connecting
people ,GPRS, net surfing etc
6. You can use a mobile phone any time any where.


1. It costs money.
2. If you lose it, that's really bad.
3. It causes social dispersion.
4. people can
5. If it breaks, you lose all of your information and contacts.
6. They can get lost easily and they need to be recharged.
7. Some disadvantages of mobile phones are that they aren't attached to the wall, so
they can get lost, and they need to be recharged.
8. In addition it causes health problems and it distracts pupils from their duties
9. Having to answer inconvenient phone calls, i.e., from your boss.
10. You can lose signal in different places depending on how close you are to signal
11. pushed people apart from each other e,g instead of going to see the parents just
call them and one does not need to go and see them so just to find out 'how are
you' is not enough.
12. Expensive People spend less time bonding with there family and friends.
13. People just contact through phone and became too lazy meeting outside.
14. Disturb us on our works and studies.
15. People spend lots and lots of money buying the latest model.
16. Affects our body because of radiation it produces.
17. Easily broken.
18. Mobile phone makes it easier to invade privacy.

Internet Technology
The global information portal called the internet is one of the greatest invention of human
history. It can and is solving problems regarding information processing and other
communication activities at a speed of near to light.

With tremendous accuracy and speed the information revolves from different points of
the world in nanoseconds. This technology has transformed the world in to global village
and a cyber building. The users are bonded in shields sharing information. According to a
research the search which takes place at ( in one day is more than the
knowledge that a skillful human being gains throughout his life.

If face book becomes a country it would be the third largest country regarding population
and there are so many other advantages and eases that internet has provided to human
beings. Like other scientific miracle internet is also boon and ban for society equally.
Some of the pros and cons of internet are as under.

Advantages of internet


The Internet provides many facilities to the people. The main advantages of Internet are
discussed below.
1. Sharing Information

You can share information with other people around the world. The scientist or researchers
can interact with each other to share knowledge and to get guidance etc. Sharing information
through Internet is very easy, cheap and fast method.

2. Collection of Information

A lot of information of different types is stored on the web server on the Internet. It means
that billions websites contain different information in the form of text and pictures. You can
easily collect information on every topic of the world. For this purpose, special websites, called
search engines are available on the Internet to search information of every topic of the world.
The most popular search engines are,,, etc. The
scientists, writers, engineers and many other people use these search engines to collect latest
information for different purposes. Usually, the information on the Internet is free of cost. The
information on the Internet is available 24 hours a day.

3. News

You can get latest news of the world on the Internet. Most of the newspapers of the world are
also available on the Internet. They have their websites from where you can get the latest
news about the events happening in the world. These websites are periodically updated or
they are immediately updated with latest news when any event happens around the world.

4. Searching Jobs

You can search different types of jobs all over the world, Most of the
organizations/departments around the world, advertise their vacant vacancies on the Internet.
The search engines are also used to search the jobs on Internet. You can apply for the
required job through Internet.

5. Advertisement

Today, most of the commercial organizations advertise their product through Internet. It is
very cheap and efficient way for the advertising of products. The products can be presented
with attractive and beautiful way to the people around the world.

6. Communication

You can communicate with other through Internet around the world. You can talk by watching
to one another; just you are talking with your friends in your drawing room. For this purpose,
different services are provided on the Internet such as;

• Chatting
• Video conferencing
• E-mail
• Internet telephony etc.

7. Entertainment

Internet also provides different type of entertainments to the people. You can play games with
other people in any part of the world. Similarly, you can see movies, listen music etc. You can
also make new friends on the Internet for enjoyment.
8. Online Education

Internet provides the facility to get online education. Many websites of different universities
provide lectures and tutorials on different subjects or topics. You can also download these
lectures or tutorials into your own computer. You can listen these lectures repeatedly and get
a lot of knowledge. It is very cheap and easy way to get education.

9. Online Results

Today, most of the universities and education boards provide results on the Internet. The
students can watch their results from any part of country or world.

10. Online Airlines and Railway Schedules

Many Airline companies and Pakistan Railway provide their schedules of flights and trains
respectively on the Internet.

11. Online Medical Advice

Many websites are also available on the Internet to get information about different diseases.
You can consult a panel of online doctors to get advice about any medical problem. In
addition, a lot of material is also available on the Internet for research in medical field.


Although Internet has many advantages but it also has some disadvantages. The main
disadvantages are:

1. Viruses

Today, Internet is the most popular source of spreading viruses. Most of the viruses transfer
from one computer to another through e-mail or when information is downloaded on the
Internet. These viruses create different problems in your computer. For example, they can
affect the performance of your computer and damage valuable data and software stored in
your computer.

2. Security Problems

The valuable websites can be damaged by hackers and your valuable data may be deleted.
Similarly, confidential data may be accessed by unauthorized persons.

3. Immorality

Some websites contains immoral materials in the form of text, pictures or movies etc. These
websites damage the character of new generation.

4. Filtration of Information

When a keyword is given to a search engine to search information of a specific topic, a large
number of related links a displayed. In this case, it becomes difficult to filter out the required
5. Accuracy of Information

A lot of information about a particular topic is stored on the websites. Some information may
be incorrect or not authentic. So, it becomes difficult to select the correct information.
Sometimes you may be confused.

6. Wastage of times

A lot of time is wasted to collect the information on the Internet. Some people waste a lot of
time in chatting or to play games. At home and offices, most of the people use Internet
without any positive purpose.

7. English language problems

Most of the information on the Internet is available in English language. So, some people
cannot avail the facility of Internet.

Science in security measures (the gun in the hand of a

security guard is for good purpose while in the hand
of a terrorist is for Bad Purpose)
Life is the sweetest thing in the world and man is always in charge of insecurity. This
insecurity can be natural, personal or environmental. For meeting such insecurities
human beings are always in search of tools which could save them from these things.

In the beginning most of the time wild animals used to attack human beings, for the
purpose of security man thought and brought bows and arrows to use. These bows and
arrows were to fight against the environmental predators. Some of the insect like snakes
and mosquitoes were also subject to the death of many humans medicines were

Thousands of people used to die because of natural predators. Science helped man to save
themselves from them. As far as the history of weapons is concerned it traces to an
immemorial time in the past. Arrows, bows, scorches, swords shields, fighting spoons
and guillotines are the ancestors of modern weaponry. The modern MDWs (mass
destructive weapons) evolved from the invention of Lady Shinkov who invented the
world famous weapon KALASHNIKOV. She invented this weapon only for saving the
suburban from the attack of wild animals, which today is being used for the purpose of
killing innocent people in Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Kashmir and Palestine etc. this
invention began a new era in the history of weapons. After the introduction this weapon a
path way opened for the mass destructive weapons and various weapons were created for
the so called peace equilibrium society.

Science bestowed us so many beneficial tools for security but at the same time handed
these anti-human tools to the selfish politicians to legalize every illegal act in the court of
conduct of humanity.

With the help of these weapons 2 million people were killed in the World War 1st. Rivers
of blood were streamed on earth. Later on the weapons changed from nominal or infant
weaponry to Nuclear weapons.

These weapons can not only kill human beings but can destroy the whole world. The
effect put by these weapons is so horrifying that the land on which these are used can not
yield plants, trees and even children, if they born they would be handicapped.

We have a living example of such destruction in Japan in the state of Nagasaaki and
YurSchema in the Second World War these states were hit by an atom bomb by USA.
The earth in these states can not yield plants and babies born here are naturally

In the Second World War millions of people were killed with these weapons. The country
who claims to be the ambassadors of Peace and Serenity (America) is the founder of this

Blood shed has been a habit of such countries. The mission of killing humans was started
by these countries and they started the mission by stating that “there should be a supreme
power in the world that could monitor and supervise other countries so if any other
country makes mischief on the land this super power country will defend the innocent
This so called statement is just a statement and it does not carry any weight in the scale of

Tanks, motor bombs, rocket, jet engines, and different type of bombs are all created for
the destruction of poor people on earth.

With the terror of these weapons countries like America and Israel are snatching the
resources and land of other countries like Oil from Iraq, Lands From palatine, mines and
fighting terminals from Afghanistan and blood of innocent people from Pakistan.

1. The same science which gave us the medicine to Cure AIDS and other diseases
also gave the danger of being assaulted by these massive destruction weapons.
2. The science which gave us Kalashnikov for the purpose of protection from wild
animals is being used for killing innocent people specially Muslims.
3. The science which gave us the Air machines for easy transportation also gifted us
bombs for killing human race.
4. The science which gave us high quality large scale production units has also
destroyed our mother nature.
5. The science which gave us motor cars for ease and comfort also gave us
hopelessness and inferiority complex.
6. The science which gave us a high standard of living also destroyed our social
bonds and the love of a human being for other.
7. The science which gave us the facility of internet, cable operator and dish
antennas for the global awareness also gave us the habit of uncontrollable sense of
illegal, unfair, unlawful sexuality.
8. The science which gave use mobile communication have also opened a way for
others to easily invade our privacy. It also gave us heart diseases caused by
trillions of signal waves.
9. The science which gave us easy and comfortable methods of production also gave
us high Blood pressure, sugar, Cancer, Joint Traumas etc.

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