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MCQs on anatomy of the pelvis -part 2


Regarding the uterus


Uterine artery reaches the cervix at the external OS


Uterus is covered with peritoneum except anteriorly below the internal OS


Anteriorly the body is related to the uterovesical pouch


Normally uterus is antiverted and Antiflexed


Lymph from the fundus can drain into inguinal lymph nodes

Answers : F T T T T

In the female pelvis


The sub public angle is smaller than in the male


He greator sciatic notch is greator in male


The ovary lies on the media aspect of the acetabular fossa


Has the articular surface for the sacrum which is larger than in the male pelvis

Answers : F _ T F

WOF are T/F


In perineal method of pudendal nerve block needle inserted on the lateral side of the

ischial tuberosity

In rectal examination of male the vas deference can be palpated onteriorly


Medial sacral artery is a continuation of inferior mesenteric artery


Secretion of vagina is secreted by vaginal mucosal glands


Lymph of the mucous membrane of lower half of anal canal drains into superficial

inguinal nodes
Answers : F _ F F T



Sacrotuberous ligament lies anterior to the sacrospious ligament


Male pelvic inlet is larger than that of female


Pyriformis muscle leave the greator sciatic foramen


Sacroiliac joint is secondary cartilaginous joint

Answers : F F T F

T/F regarding the rectum


Appendices epiploicae is present in the proximal part



MCQs on anatomy of the pelvis -part 2


It commences at the level of 2nd sacral vertebra


Anorectal junction commences at the level of the tip of the coccyx


Longitudinal folds can be seen in the empty rectum


It is empty in normal individual

Answers : F F T T F

Regarding the bladder


Neck of the bladder is most fixed part


Trigone of the bladder contain mucosal folds


In the neck muscle fibers are continuous with the prostate


It is separated from the rectum by vas differences

Answers : T F T T

Regarding the pelvis


Transverse diameter of the pelvic outlet is larger than antero-postrior diameter in

female pelvis

The pelvic surface of the symphysis pubis faces downward & backward


Pelvic diaphragm relax during defecation


Male sacrum is wider than female


Ischial tuberosities are inturned in males

Answers : F F F F T

WF are T/F


In rectum outer longitudinal muscle fibers are arranged as 3 tenia coil


In children up to age 3 years, the bladder is an intra abdominal & extra peritoneal organ


Superior & lateral surface of the bladder are covered by peritoneum


Uterine artery reaches at the level of internal OS


The uterus is supported mainly by the brood ligament & round ligament of uterus

Answers : F T F T F

Regarding the prostate gland


Anterior lobe is rich in glands


The prostatic venous plexus receives the deep dorsal vein or penis


Carcinoma in prostate can e spread to the skull



MCQs on anatomy of the pelvis -part 2


The apex of the prostate rests on the external sphincter of bladder


Spread of the carcinoma of the prostate toward the rectum is very common

Answers : F T T T F

WOF are T/F


Antiverted anti flexed uterus is the most common


Membranous part of urethra is the shortest & least dialatable part of urethra


Pelvic outlet is the larger in the female than male


Perineal body lies posterior to the analcanal


Hysterosalpingography is carried out to visualize lumen of cervical, uterine cavity &

different parts of uterine tubes

Answers : T T T F T


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