Additional English E21201

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Additional English E21201

Surprise = an unexpected event
Secretary = someone who works in an
office , writing letters , making phone
call , and arranging meetings for a person
or for an organization
Dont worry = not to worry worry = to
think about problem or unpleasant things
might happen in the way that makes you
feel unhappy and frightened
Excuse me = to forgive someone
Never mind = to tell someone not to
worry about something because it is not
Kit = a set of things, such as tools or
clothes. Used for a particular purpose or
Timetable = a list of the times when
events are planned to happen, especially

the times when buses, trains, and planes

leave and arrive
Programme = a broadcast on television
or radio
Lunchtime = the time in the middle of
the day when most people eat a meal
Dance = to move the body and feet to
Drama = a play in a theatre or on
television or radio, or plays and acting
Music = a pattern of sounds made by
musical instruments, voices, or
computers, or a combination of these,
intended to give pleasure to people
listening to it
Strange = unusual and unexpected, or
difficult to understand:
Interesting = Someone or something
that is

interesting keeps your attention because

he, she, or it isunusual, exciting, or has a
lot of ideas:
Horrible = very unpleasant or bad:
Freezing = extremely cold:
Fantastic = extremely good:
Rafting =
to travel or transport something on a raft:
Desert = an area,
often covered with sand or rocks, where
there is very little rain and not
Eagles = a large, strong bird with
a curved beak, that eats meat and
can see very well
Rattlesnake =
a poisonous snake found in southern part
s of the US that,
when annoyed, produces aloud noise by s
haking its tail

Capital = a city that is

the centre of government of
a country or smaller political area:
Coast = the land next to or close to
the sea:
Mosquito =
a small flying insect that bites people and
animals and sucks their blood:
Ostrich = a
very large bird from Africa that cannot fly:
Penguin = a black and white bird that
cannot fly but
uses its small wings to help it swim
Dangerouse =
describes a person, animal, thing,
or activity that could harm you:
Poisonous =
very harmful and able to cause illness or

Independent =
not influenced or controlled in any way by
other people, events, or things:
Intelligent = showing intelligence,
or able to learn and understand things ea
Polite = behaving in a way that
is socially correct and shows understandin
g of and care for other people's feelings:
Rude =
not polite; offensive or embarrassing:
Careful = giving a lot of attention to
what you are doing so that you do not
have an accident, make a mistake,
or damage something:
Quite = a little or a lot but
not completely:
Pour = to make a substance flow from
a container, especially into
another container, by raisingjust

one side of the container that

the substance is in:
Drop = to fall or to allow something
to fall:
Fired =
to cause a weapon to shoot bullets, arrow
s, or missiles:
Push = to
use physical pressure or force, especially
with your hands,
in order to movesomething into a
different position, usually one that
is further away from you:
Geography = the study of
the systems and processes involved in
theworld's weather, mountains,seas, lake
s, etc. and of the ways in
which countries and people organize life
within anarea
Expensive = costing a lot of money

Forest =
a large area of land covered with trees an
d plants, usually larger than a wood, or
thetrees and plants themselves:
Lake =
a large area of water surrounded by land
and not connected to the sea except
byrivers or streams:
River =
a natural wide flow of fresh water across t
he land into the sea, a lake, or another
North = the direction that goes towards
the part of the Earth above
the equator, opposite to the south, or
the part of an area or country that is in
this direction:
Different = not the same
French = a country in Europe which is
near UK

Population = all the people living in

a particular country, area, or place:
Afraid = feeling fear,
or feeling worry about
the possible results of
a particular situation:

Reference : Cambrigde

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