The Mauna Loa of Scripture: Wednesday, March 23 - 6:30pm-8:30pm in The Worship Center

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Hayes Wicker, Senior Pastor

The Mauna Loa of Scripture
The volcano of Mauna Loa is actually the largest mountain
on earth, three quarters of a mile taller than Mount Everest.
Of course, much of that is under water, connecting to
an underwater mountain range that forms the rest of the
Hawaiian Islands. Similarly, the Jewish Feast of Passover
(Seder) is not a solitary island in time, but it was a towering
reminder of truth, which Jesus transitioned into the Lords
Supper. During this Holy Week, we will hear David
Brickner, the President of Jews for Jesus, teach on
Wednesday evening about the meaning of Passover and
how it is connected to Christs salvation. In our Good Friday worship service,
we will celebrate the atoning death of the Lamb of God through the Lords
Supper and with powerful music.
If you are familiar with the movie and play, Fiddler on the Roof, you remember
the give and take that Tevyev, the Jewish milkman, has with God. He will
pause in the middle of a scene to discuss out loud something with the Lord. He
is particularly remembered for saying, Tradition! Passover was more than just
a tradition of the Jews, but a truth vehicle to prepare the people of Israel for the
coming Messiah by remembering Gods great deliverance from Egypt.
Someone questions the Rabbi of Tevyevs Russian village, Is there a blessing for
the sewing machine? The Rabbi answers, Theres a blessing for everything!
The Jewish tradition of the blessing instilled the sense of Gods continual
presence made real by those who practice it by prayer and faith. God reminded
Israel not to forget His material and spiritual gifts, somehow thinking that their
own efforts had produced prosperity (Deuteronomy 8:14). Even tiny prayers,
called berakhah, means blessing. We Christians agree with the psalmist:
Blessed be the Lord Who daily bears us up (Psalm 68:19).
Just like the Jews we must continually remember that it is the Lord Who has
delivered us out of our Egypts of lostness and bondage when we celebrate
the Table of the Lord. In Jesus time, Passover was one of three pilgrim feasts
that brought thousands of Jews to Jerusalem. Each family carried a lamb to
the temple to be sacrificed on the afternoon before the meal. The Rabbis also
taught to keep watch to see what great thing God would do next. They sent a
child to open the door after the Seder to see if Elijah might be standing there.
In John the Baptist, we Christians believe He has already come to prepare the
way of the Lord (Malachi 3:1; 4:5). Now we anticipate His coming again. After
all, as often as you eat this bread and drink this cup (in the Lords Supper) you
proclaim the Lords death until He comes (1 Corinthians 11:26).
Join us for all of the celebrations of this Holy Week as we thank the Lord for the
greatest blessing of all the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Lets also
watch and pray to be able to spot His fresh working in our homes and church.
Be in one of the weekend worship services on Saturday or Sunday.
Mauna Loa may be high and deep, but is nothing compared to this amazing
mystery: He who descended is the One Who also ascended far above all the
heavens, that He might fill all things (Ephesians 4:10).
*There is a guest reception in the Commons following the Saturday night and
Sunday morning 11:00am worship services. Pastor would love to meet you!

Welcome Guests!

We are so glad you joined us for worship! Greeters at the

doors can help with any immediate needs. Volunteers at
the Connection Point in the Commons can assist you in
finding the perfect Bible and Life Group. If you are a first
time visitor, stop by the Connection Point for a free gift!

Beach Baptism
Sunday, May 1

If you would like to make your public profession of faith

in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior at the beautiful Gulf
of Mexico, please sign-up at the Connection Point in the
Commons, or call Linda at 596-8600 x280.


Missions Ministry

Passover Presentation
Wednesday, March 23 - 6:30pm-8:30pm
in the Worship Center

All are welcome to attend a Seder Passover Presentation

on Wednesday, March 23 in the Worship Center. This is a
free event and childcare will be available. Normal activities
will take place during this time for ages 0 - 18.

Good Friday Services

Friday, March 25 - 7:00pm
in the Worship Center

All are welcome to attend this free event. Childcare will be

available for ages 0 thru Pre-K3.

Easter Services
Saturday, March 26 - 6:00pm
Sunday, March 27 - 8:00am and 9:30am
11:00am (Worship Center and Chapel)

All are welcome to attend. Childcare will be available for

ages 0 thru Pre-K4. Island Kidz Worship and Townsquare
will not meet as well as no BLGs during this weekend.

Easter Weekend Helpers Needed

On Easter weekend our regular preschool teachers will

need helpers to assist them with the many children visiting
that weekend. If you would like to help during the Good
Friday service or any of the Easter weekend services,
please contact Kim at 596-8600 x360. Thank you.

Parent Dedication

If you are interested in dedicating your child to the Lord in

the Mothers or Fathers Day weekend services, please
make your reservation to attend the Parent Dedication
class on Saturday, April 9 at 4:45pm by contacting Kim at
596-8600 x360.

Discovering First Baptist Church Naples

Monday, April 11 at 6:30pm
in the Worship Center

Led by Pastor Hayes Wicker and the pastoral staff, this

dinner seminar is for those who are new to FBCN, want
to become a member of the church, or would like more
information about our ministries. Please RSVP in the
Commons at the Connection Point, or by calling 596-8600
x679. Childcare is available, but needs to be reserved
separately by calling 596-8600 x360.

Childrens Ministry

Part Time Employment

Early childhood teachers and assistants are needed for

various times and events, 3-10 hours per week, daytime
and evening hours. Training provided. For information call
Kim at 596-8600 x 360.

Vacation Bible School

June 13-17 - 9am-12:15pm

Come get Submerged in the Word of God this year for

Vacation Bible School (VBS). Help the children to Find
Truth Below the Surface at this fun week. We need
many volunteers to share Christ with children from our
community. If you are able to volunteer in a classroom
or assist with decorations, please contact Nancy at 5968600 ext. 350 or email

Kingdom Missions Offering

Thank you so much to those who have turned in their

Kingdom Missions Offering commitment card! There is
still time to participate this year. The commitment cards
are in the chair backs in the Worship Center and Chapel.
They can be placed in the offering plates in the worship
services, or they can be dropped off at the church office.

Bill & Ginny Hanson

At the Missions Kiosk

In the Commons This Weekend

Bill and his wife, Ginny, serve around the globe assisting
ABWE missionaries with building projects. Bill has recently
written two books, both of which are available in the
Lighthouse Bookstore. The Fear App and The Fear App
Study Guide. Find out more information this weekend by
stopping by the missions kiosk.

Run for Immokalee 5K

Saturday, April 2 at 7:30am

This race, hosted by FBCN Sports Outreach, is a great

opportunity to bless many children in Immokalee.
The registration fee for this event is a new pair of
childrens shoes. The race starts and finishes at the
First Baptist Church Naples. For further information,

FCA 9th Annual Banquet

Thursday, April 7 at 6:30pm

This year the SWFL FCA is hosting MLB Champion,

Darryl Strawberry, at the Naples Beach Hotel and Golf
Club. Come support FCA and hear the testimony of this
two time cancer survivor. For ticket information, please
contact 784-3377 or visit

Womens Ministry
Surrendering The Secret
Tuesday, April 5 @ 7:00pm

Are you suffering from the guilt and shame of a past

abortion/s and are in need of healing in a safe and
confidential environment? Surrendering the Secret, an 8
week post-abortion Bible Study will begin a new study on
Tuesday, April 5th. Please contact Cindy at 239-596-8600
X 284 or All contacts are confidential.

EnricHer Spring Teaching Series

Begins Tuesday, April 12 and
Wednesday, April 13

Registration begins on March 22 and 23 (before and after

RefresHer). There are many classes to choose from on a
variety of subjects. For further information, please contact
the Womens Ministry Office at 596-8600 x241.

Christian Vocation Scholarship

Deadline May 1

This scholarship is available for any college or seminary

student who is pursuing a degree in a church ministry,
missions, or Christian counseling. You may download
detailed directions and an application at
or contact David George at for more

Last Weekend

Bible & Life Attendance

Worship Attendance

Saturday Night
Sunday 8:15am
Sunday 9:30am
Sunday 11:00am
Home Groups

Saturday Night
Sunday 9:30am
Sunday 11:00am
Chapel 11:00am
Wednesday Evening

March 12 & 13

March 12 & 13


Decisions for Christ


Financial Stewardship

Kyleigh Geraghty
Ember Martin
Cole Stephens
Abigail Joy Yeldell

2015-2016 Operating Revenues

July 1, 2015 - March 13, 2016
Actual Variance


Statement of Faith
William & Jean Bunton

$6,146,388 ($73,612)

Deacon of the Week

March 21 - 27
Bob Carboy
Norm Long

Wednesday Family Meal

If you need assistance, please call

the church deacon hotline
at 800-732-9573.

Tickets may be purchased at the Lighthouse

Cafe or at the door for $6 each or $25 for a
family. Alternate choices available.

March 23 (4:45-6:00 p.m. in the

Fellowship/Recreation Gym)

Chicken Marsala, Pasta,

Vegetable, Salad, and Dessert

Saturday, March 19

6:00 p.m. Contemporary Worship Service: Worship Center

7:30 p.m. Bible and Life Groups: Various Rooms on Campus

Sunday, March 20
8:15 a.m.
9:00 a.m.
9:00 a.m.
9:30 a.m.
9:30 a.m.
9:30 a.m.
10:00 a.m.
11:00 a.m.
11:00 a.m.
11:00 a.m.
5:00 p.m.
6:00 p.m.
6:30 p.m.

New Enrollment Session in Full Swing

Now is the time to schedule a tour or set aside time to

attend our upcoming Open House event on March 31. Call
today at 597-2233 x566 to learn how FBA is partnering with
parents to equip the next generation to serve as leaders in
the Kingdom of God.

FBA Spring Musical

April 14 & 15

Tickets are now on sale at the ticket kiosk in The Commons

and online ( for FBAs Spring Musical, Beauty
and The Beast Jr. Refreshments will be available for purchase
prior to the show. The performances will be Thursday, April
14th and Friday, April 15th at 7:00pm. General seating is $15
and sponsorship boxes are available. For more information,
email We look forward
for you to be our guest.

FBAs 14th Annual Golf Tournament

This Upcoming Week

Weekly Schedule

First Baptist Academy

Bible and Life Groups: Various Rooms on Campus

Haitian Bible Study & Worship: ED206
Vietnamese Worship & Bible Study: DC221
Blended Worship Service: Worship Center
Bible and Life Groups: Various Rooms on Campus
Spanish Worship Service: Family Life Center
Romanian Bible Study & Worship: Modular 4
Blended Worship Service: Worship Center
Contemporary Worship Service: Chapel
Bible and Life Groups: Various Rooms on Campus
Various Childrens Choirs (various locations on campus)
Romanian Worship Service: Modular 4
Haitian Worship Service: ED206

Tuesday, March 22
No RefresHer Womens Bible Study
Wednesday, March 23

4:45 p.m. Family Meal: Fellowship Recreation-Gym

6:20 p.m. AWANA for Kids: Education Building
6:30 p.m. Seder Passover Service: Worship Center
6:30 p.m. High School Ministry: Home Groupsr
6:30 p.m. Middle School Ministry: Student Center
No Band of Brothers Mens Bible Study
No RefresHer Womens Bible Study

Church offices will be closed Friday, March 25 - Monday, March 28.

Other events this week include: Annas Tea, Back to Basics,
Celebrate Recovery, and Good Friday Service

Saturday, April 30 at Windstar on Naples Bay

This tournament is a great way to continue the tradition of

excellence at FBA. Deadline for registration is April 16. For
registration information, please contact 597-2233 x300 or

Annas Tea

Monday, March 21 at 1:30pm in Room WC117

This is a ministry of the deacons wives to the widows of our

congregation. Join us for fellowship and encouragement
from Gods Word. Please sign-up at the Connection Point,
Fellowship Hallway, or call Vada at 596-8600 x268.

Back to Basics: Quilting & Sewing

Monday, March 21 at 6:30pm in Room WC117

Whether you are a beginner or an expert, you are welcome

to join us. For more information, contact Pam at pcole@ or 272-5583.

Absent from the Body, Present with the Lord

Marshall Smith passed away on February 25. Marion

Dunham passed away on March 9. We express our
sympathy to, and are praying for, these families.

Contact Us

First Baptist Church Naples

3000 Orange Blossom Drive, Naples, FL 34109

Office Hours: Monday-Friday 8:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Church Receptionist...................................................................597-6057
Enter ext. # for direct connection 596-8600
Lighthouse Bookstore.................................................................449-4488
First Baptist Academy Naples 597-2233
24-Hour Prayer Line......................................................597-PRAY (7729)


You can be part of FBCNs worship services no matter where

you are. Simply go to on Saturday at 6:00pm or
Sunday at 9:30am for our live streaming.

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