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1. Read the summary question first (Question 31) before

reading the passage in Section C. The summary question
normally allows students to get some ideas of what the passage is
all about. It is an advantage for weak students to know the
general idea of the passage before they read it. Teachers
must remind the students that they should not write the
summary first after reading the summary question. They
must answer all the comprehension questions first.
2. Read the first line of each paragraph to get the idea what the
passage is about.
3. Students should be able to identify the keywords in each
question. The keywords will be the clues for them to find the
correct answer in the passage.
4. Students should only copy out the sentence from the text once
they have identified the sentence containing the answer. Of
course, they must also be reminded that pronouns such as
I, me, mine, my, our, us and ours must be changed
5. Students must be taught to differentiate between a word and
a phrase. So, if there is a question asking for a word, they must
only write a word for their answer. On the other hand, if they
are supposed to write words/a phrase, they must only
write down a group of words which is not a complete






indispensable part of our lives.

**In short, teachers must ensure the students are aware of
the differences in the
following terms:
word, words, phrase and sentence.
6. Students must attempt to check the accuracy of all their answers.


1. Students must understand the requirement/s of the summary.

2. Students must mark the lines where the summary starts and ends.
3. Students should know that the first 3 lines normally contain the
first point or at least a content point.
4. Students must refer to the summary requirement/s before they
finally copy out any sentence as their content point.
5. When students have picked a sentence as their content point, they
should copy the sentence completely to avoid any distortion of
6. For weak or very weak students, they may copy the longest
paragraph up to 130 words. By doing so, they should be
able to score several marks for content points.
7. Students must also copy the punctuations accurately as they
appear in the passage.
8. They should try as far as possible to keep to the word limit.
Exceeding it will just be a waste of time and effort as anything
written beyond it will not be considered at all. However, no marks
will be penalised for the extra words included.
9. By simply copying out sentences correctly, students will be able to
earn 2 marks for Use of Language.


1. Look for;
a. Subject matter (understand the focus questions)
b. Focus (how/what/where/)
c. Area of text allowed
d. Word limit
e. Starting word (10 words)
f. Count (130)
2. Writing tips
a. Minimizing
b. Removing
c. Condensing
d. Substituting
e. Rephrasing
3. Beware of the differences between;
a. Distractors (supporting details)
b. Elaboration (extra points)
4. Write the summary in the correct order according to the text
(follow sequence).
5. For compound sentences - join content points by using
F - For
A - And
N - Nor
B - But
O - Or
Y - Yet
S - So
6. For complex sentences join the content points by using relative
Who, whom, whose, which, that
7. Use sentence connectors to link ideas from one sentence to the
next and to give paragraphs coherence.
Suggested List of Connectors
firstly, secondly ...
also, too, then
to begin / start with ..., to conclude with
furthermore ...
in the first place, in the second place
moreover ...
next , then , finally, last(ly)
in addition to
that ...
to conclude ...
above all ......
last but not least ...
what is more ...
to summarise , to sum up

Baby Steps for Reading Comprehension

Task 1 - Lets read
Adam is seventeen years old. He is in Form 5 Putra. He lives at
Taman Pelangi, Segamat. He goes to school by bus. Pak Abu is his bus
driver. Pak Abu is a kind and patient man. Puan Salmah is his class
teacher. She is hardworking and caring. Ah Meng and Ravi are his
classmates. They cycle to school. They are good friends. They study at
Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Taman Putra.
A. Circle the correct answer.
1. How old is Adam?






Ahmad have?
A. 7 years old

A. four

B. 17 years old

B. two

C. 70 years old

C. three

2. How does he go to school?






A. by bus

A. Ravi

B. by bicycle

B. Puan Salmah

C. by car

C. Pak Abu

B. Fill in the missing letters in boxes according to the given

1. diligent

2. friendly

3. concerned

4. tolerant

Task 2

Lets read.
Pak Busu was an old man. He lived in a small village. There
was a beautiful garden next to his house. He planted many
flowering plants. There were orchids, roses, hibiscus, sunflowers
and water lilies. The bees and the butterflies liked to perch on the
flowers. The grasshoppers liked to eat the leaves. It was really a
beautiful garden.
One day, he found a little girl on a big leaf. He took her home
and named her Puteri. She was a tiny girl. She slept in a small
basket. She liked to sing and dance in the garden. One evening,
Pak Busu and Puteri went to town. She played, jumped, hopped
and ran around the town. Suddenly, she fell into a pond. She cried
loudly. A bird on a tree flew down and saved her. Pak Busu hugged
Puteri happily and thanked the bird.
A. Answer the following questions.
1. Where did Pak Busu live?
2. Name some of the flowering plants Pak Busu had planted.
3. How many types of insects were there in the garden?
4. What did he find on a big leaf?
5. Where did Puteri sleep?
6. What did Puteri do in town?
7. Who saved her?

Task 3
Read the passage and answer the following questions.
The Malayan Tapir is the largest of the tapir species. It has a white
mid-section and dark front and rear areas. This unique saddle blanket
marking makes it very difficult to spot the tapir in the forest at night. The
adult tapir may weigh up to 400 kilograms.
The tapir has 14 hooves altogether 4 hooves on each of the fore
legs and 3 hooves on each of the hind legs. Tapirs are related to horses
and rhinoceroses. Bananas are the favourite food of tapirs but these
animals will eat other fruits and plants as well.
A tapir has a good sense of smell. It can move its long nose in all
directions. When it finds food, its very flexible nose pulls the food and
places it in its mouth. A tapir can live up to 30 years. It takes 13 months
for a pregnant tapir to give birth. Tapirs are one of the oldest animals on
earth and have existed for 20 million years. These animals have not
changed much over time. Sadly, tapirs are facing extinction due to the
destruction of their habitat through deforestation.
1. In paragraph 1;
a) what is a tapirs most striking feature?
b) why is it difficult to look for the tapir at night?
2. In paragraph 2, how many hooves are there on the tapirs fore
3. In paragraph 3;
a) which word refers to the clearing of forest?
b) what is special about the tapirs nose?

c) how does the tapir eat its food?

Practice 1
Read the passage and answer the following questions.
You mess up your History test and a classmate storms up to your

desk and abuses you. Do you yell back and suggest that he drops dead
or something to that effect? Or do you simply smile and shrug it off as

one of those days?

Whether you are having a bad day at school or recovering from
an illness, laughter may be the best medicine it is natural, free,
positively contagious and very effective.

The arrival of a good clown

exercises a more beneficial influence upon the health of a town than

twenty asses laden with drugs, said the 17th century physician Thomas
Sydenham. And he was not far from the truth.
1. From paragraph 2, what are the four features of laughter?
Laughter exercises the muscles in your face, shoulders, diaphragm

and abdomen.

During a hearty laugh, oxygen surges through the

bloodstream and your brain orchestrates hormonal rushes that raise

alertness and numb pain.

Scientists at the Centre of Preventive

Cardiology at the University of Maryland in America believe that laughter

is very good for the heart.
2. From paragraph 3, state the two benefits of laughter.




We start laughing when we are around 10 weeks old. At 16

weeks, we laugh at least once an hour and by four, we are cracking

about once every four minutes.

In contrast, the average adult only

manages to laugh about 16 times a day. It appears that we actually take

it to heart what our parents told us that life was no laughing matter.
3. From paragraph 4,
i) When does a baby start laughing?
ii) Why do adults laugh less than children?

In order to get ourselves laughing, it has been suggested that we

expose ourselves to humour watch funny movies, tell jokes, start to
laugh at ourselves and improve our sense of humour.

However, we

should try to avoid using negative humour, and that includes sarcasm,
ridicule, contempt and joking about peoples names.
Knowing you are not alone is a key to great physical and mental

health. In our day-to-day life, we rarely laugh alone. Laughter tracks in

sitcoms testify to the fact that we readily laugh when we are with

Laughter is about relationships and about sharing qualities

that are known to relieve stress and promote recovery from illness,
especially among cancer sufferers.

4. From paragraph 5, which word means disrespect?

5. From paragraph 6, what are the qualities of laughter that can relieve
stress and promote

recovery from illness?


Sadly, bad mood is something many of us are experiencing with

more frequency while occasions for us to have a good and hearty laugh
are becoming few and far between. It is not surprising when you think of
our hectic lifestyles and the pressures we
face today. Too many down days can start to seriously interfere with our
work, relationships and home life.

Studies have shown that women are almost twice more likely to
suffer from bad moods and depression than men, and it is not solely due
to hormones.

Research indicates that women spend a lot of time

thinking about what is making them unhappy instead of laughing their

blues away. Consequently, they draw themselves far deeper into the
misery they are in.

Men, on the other hand, are better at distracting

themselves from their problems by doing something totally different.


They seem to be able to shrug their shoulders and laugh it off and as a
result, their mood quickly improves.
So, the next time you are feeling low, instead of wallowing in selfpity, laugh and shake off that bad feeling and you can lift your spirits


6. Why are men better at distracting themselves from problems than


Practice 2
Read the passage and answer the following questions.

Every year, whenever the month of May makes its debut, sons and
daughters all around the world would be thinking of what they could do
this year for Mothers Day. The media, cake houses and shopping centres
take part actively reminding us of this special day. The question that we
probably do not ask is, How did it come about?

The earliest Mothers Day celebrations were dated way back to the
1600s in England. All servants would be given a day off every
Mothering Sunday and encouraged to return home and spend the day
with their mothers. A special cake, called the Mothering Cake, was often
taken along.

1. From paragraph 1, what would be in the thought of children when the

month of May
2. From paragraph 2,
(a) why were the servants given a day off every Mothering Sunday?
(b) what was given to their mothers as a gift?

In the United States, Mothers Day was originally suggested by Julia

Ward Howe back in 1872 as a way of honouring all mothers. Her dream
of setting aside a special day to honour mothers finally became a reality
in 1907 through Anna Jarvis, who is considered the founder of Mothers

It was Jarvis who initiated the custom of giving mothers carnations.

White carnations were for mothers who had passed away, while pink
carnations were given to mothers who were still living. Finally, in May
1914, President Woodrow Wilson made Mothers Day a national holiday.
He also started the Mothers Day tradition of displaying the United
States flag to represent the publics expression of love for all mothers of
the United States of America.

As is widely known, Mothers Day is celebrated on the second Sunday

of May. It is a day when mothers are showered with 30 tokens of
appreciation from their families. Some mothers are given gifts such as
flowers, sweets, meals and cards.
3. From paragraph 3, who introduced the idea of celebrating mothers

and in which year did the idea of Mothers Day come true?
4. From paragraph 5,
(a) when is Mothers Day commonly celebrated worldwide?
(b) which word has the same meaning as pampered?
(c) what are the gifts given to mothers as tokens of appreciation?

In France, Mothers Day is celebrated on the last Sunday in May. It

is a family holiday in France. The family gathers to eat a large meal and
at the end of the celebration, all the mothers in the family receive a
special cake that looks like a bouquet of flowers. In Spain, Mothers Day
is celebrated on December 8th and it is looked as a religious holiday.

In this day and age, Mothers Day can prove to be rather daunting
for some as we either run out of ideas on how to treat our mothers or are
simply not sure of how to show our love and appreciation. Here are some
tips on how to celebrate the day itself. One of the best ways is simply to
give your other a day off. Let her take it easy and relax while the rest of
the family does the work. You will be amazed the amount of work your
mother has to do! You can also prepare your mothers favourite
breakfast or meal. Make sure the food is arranged nicely on a tray and
dont forget to include some fresh flowers, preferably her favourite kind.
Do remember to include a present, too!

Another suggestion is to take your mother to dinner at her favourite


restaurant. Whatever you have in mind, let her know that her wisdom,
love and sacrifices are greatly appreciated. We are always taking things
for granted and if it werent for our mothers, we would not be here today.
5. Without using examples from the passage, suggest how you would
like to celebrate Mothers Day. Why?
[2 marks]

Baby Steps for Summary Writing

Task 1
Read the text and complete the following tasks.

Do you know that Taman Negara is part of a vast jungle untouched

by mankind for one hundred million years? The jungle is older than the
Amazon. A visit to this place is a must for nature lovers and those
looking for adventure.
There are numerous caves waiting to be explored. The crystal clear
water feels so cool and refreshing when you take a dip. Waterfalls and
natural ponds that can be found in many places contain more than 300
types of fish. Fishing at these natural ponds can be very enjoyable.
Besides fishing, you can also have a relaxing picnic with your
family and friends while listen to the various sounds of animals, birds
and insects in the middle of the jungle. For those who love painting and
taking pictures of the beautiful scenery, this is the most suitable place
for them. The beautiful and breathtaking surroundings inspire them to do
their art work.
A. Based on the text, identify the activities you can do in Taman Negara.
The first one has
been done for you.
1. Exploring caves
2. ________________________________

6. _____________________________

3. ________________________________


4. ________________________________
5. ________________________________


B. In about 60 words, summarise the activities you can do in Taman

Negara. Begin your
summary as follows:
In Taman Negara, you can
Task 2
Read the passage and complete the following tasks.
Muar: A flash flood swept through a few villages in Muar district
yesterday afternoon. Most of the residents were at work and the children
were at various schools in the district. Fortunately, no lives were lost.








outpatient treatment at the hospital. Others lost their livestock like goats
and chickens which were swept away by the fast moving flood water.
Some of the wooden houses had collapsed while many sustained minor
damages. Furniture and electrical appliances were also damaged in
many houses.
Many residents complained about the damage to their cars and
motorcycles. Our reporters also saw fallen telephone and electricity
poles around the area. The village heads have appealed to the state
government for financial aid.


A. Based on the passage, fill in the blanks below with the effects of the
flash flood in Muar district.

Effects of flash

B. Write a summary of about 60 words on the effects of the flash flood in

Muar district. Begin your summary as follows:











Practice 1
A. Based on the passage given, complete the following tasks.

You mess up your History test and a classmate storms up to your

desk and abuses you. Do you yell back and suggest that he drops
dead or something to that effect? Or do you simply smile and shrug it

2 off as one of those days?

Whether you are having a bad day at school or recovering
from an illness, laughter may be the best medicine it is natural, free,

positively contagious and very effective. The arrival of a good clown

exercises a more beneficial influence upon the health of a town than
3 twenty asses laden with drugs, said the 17 th century physician
Thomas Sydenham. And he was not far from the truth.
Laughter exercises the muscles in your face, shoulders,
diaphragm and abdomen.

During a hearty laugh, oxygen surges

through the bloodstream and your brain orchestrates hormonal

rushes that raise alertness and numb pain. Scientists at the Centre of
Preventive Cardiology at the University of Maryland in America
believe that laughter is very good for the heart.
1. In paragraph 3, identify three benefits of laughter.



We start laughing when we are around 10 weeks old. At 16

weeks, we laugh at least once an hour and by four, we are cracking

about once every four minutes. In contrast, the average adult only


manages to laugh about 16 times a day. It appears that we actually

take it to heart what our parents told us that life was no laughing
In order to get ourselves laughing, it has been suggested that
we expose ourselves to humour watch funny movies, tell jokes, start


to laugh at ourselves and improve our sense of humour. However, we

should try to avoid using negative humour, and that includes
sarcasm, ridicule, contempt and joking about peoples names.
2. In paragraph 5, identify one benefit of laughter.


Knowing you are not alone is a key to great physical and mental
health. In our day-to-day life, we rarely laugh alone. Laughter tracks 25
in sitcoms testify to the fact that we readily laugh when we are with
people. Laughter is about relationships and about sharing qualities
that are known to relieve stress and promote recovery from illness,
especially among cancer sufferers.

3. In paragraph 6, identify three benefits of laughter.




Sadly, bad mood is something many of us are experiencing

with more frequency while occasions for us to have a good and hearty 30
laugh are becoming few and far between. It is not surprising when


you think our hectic lifestyles and the pressures we face today. Too
many down days can start to seriously interfere with our work,
relationships and home life.
4. In paragraph 7, identify four reasons why adults tend to laugh less.

Studies have shown that women are almost twice more likely to
suffer from bad moods and depression than men, and it is not solely
due to hormones. Research indicates that women spend a lot of time
thinking about what is making them unhappy instead of laughing
their blues away. Consequently, they draw themselves far deeper
into the misery they are in. Men, on the other hand, are better at
distracting themselves from their problems by doing something totally
different. They seem to be able to shrug their shoulders and laugh it
off and as a result, their mood quickly improves.
5. In paragraph 7, identify two reasons why adults tend to laugh less.
So, the next time you are feeling low, instead of wallowing in
self-pity, laugh and shake off that bad feeling and you can lift your



spirits immediately.

B. Based on the passage given, write a summary of:

The benefits of laughter and

Why adults tend to laugh less than children

Credit will be given for use of own words but care must be taken not
to change the original meaning.
Your summary must:
be in continuous writing form (not in note form)
use materials from lines 9 to 39
not be longer than 130 words, including the 10 words given
Begin your summary as follows:
Laughter is undeniably beneficial because it can exercise the
muscles _________


Practice 2
A. Based on the passage given, complete the following tasks.

Every year, whenever the month of May makes its debut, sons and
daughters all around the world would be thinking of what they could do
this year for Mothers Day. The media, cake houses and shopping centres
take part actively reminding us of this special day. The question that we
probably do not ask is, How did it come about?

The earliest Mothers Day celebrations were dated way back to the
1600s in England. All servants would be given a day off every
Mothering Sunday and encouraged to return home and spend the day
with their mothers. A special cake, called the Mothering Cake, was often
taken along.
1. In paragraph 2, state the name of the country and how Mothers Day
is celebrated
name of country: _______________________

In the United States, Mothers Day was originally suggested by Julia

Ward Howe back in 1872 as a way of honouring all mothers. Her dream


of setting aside a special day to honour mothers finally became a reality

in 1907 through Anna Jarvis, who is considered the founder of Mothers

It was Jarvis who initiated the custom of giving mothers carnations.

White carnations were for mothers who had passed away, while pink
carnations were given to mothers who were still living. Finally, in May


1914, President Woodrow Wilson made Mothers Day a national holiday.

He also started the Mothers Day tradition of displaying the United
States flag to represent the publics expression of love for all mothers of
the United States of America.
2. In paragraph 4, state the name of the country and how Mothers Day
is celebrated
Name of country: _______________________

As is widely known, Mothers Day is celebrated on the second Sunday

of May. It is a day when mothers are showered with 30 tokens of
appreciation from their families. Some mothers are given gifts such as
flowers, sweets, meals and cards.
3. In paragraph 5, how Mothers Day is celebrated?



In France, Mothers Day is celebrated on the last Sunday in May. It is

a family holiday in France. The family gathers to eat a large meal and at
the end of the celebration, all the mothers in the family receive a special
cake that looks like a bouquet of flowers. In Spain, Mothers Day is



celebrated on December 8 and it is looked as a religious holiday.

4. In paragraph 6, state the name of the country and how Mothers Day
is celebrated
Name of country: _______________________

Name of country: _______________________


In this day and age, Mothers Day can prove to be rather daunting
for some as we either run out of ideas on how to treat our mothers or are
simply not sure of how to show our love and appreciation. Here are some
tips on how to celebrate the day itself. One of the best ways is simply to
give your other a day off. Let her take it easy and relax while the rest of
the family does the work. You will be amazed the amount of work your
mother has to do! You can also prepare your mothers favourite
breakfast or meal. Make sure the food is arranged nicely on a tray and
dont forget to include some fresh flowers, preferably her favourite kind.
Do remember to include a present, too!


Another suggestion is to take your mother to dinner at her favourite

restaurant. Whatever you have in mind, let her know that her wisdom,
love and sacrifices are greatly appreciated. We are always taking things
for granted and if it werent for our mothers, we would not be here today.

B. Based on the passage given, write a summary of

how Mothers Day is celebrated in different countries

Credit will be given for use of own words but care must be taken not to
change the original meaning.
Your summary must:

be in continuous writing form (not in note form)

use materials from lines 6 to 33

not be longer than 130 words, including the 10 words given below

Begin your summary as follows:



Mothers Day was first celebrated long ago in 1600s in







Section C
[25 marks]
Questions 26-31 are based on the following passage.

Sea turtles are among the largest living reptiles and they are found
in all the oceans in the world except in the Arctic. They have been
reported as far north as Norway and in the south, off the coasts of Chile
and New Zealand. This is possible because these amazing creatures,
unlike other reptiles, are able to survive in cold water. They can keep

their body temperature warmer than the water surrounding them, due to
a thick fat layer under their skin and their ability to shunt (turn off) blood
flow away from their cold flippers.

All sea turtles have a heavy shell and they can withdraw their
heads into it. This heavy shell makes them clumsy and slow on land, but


it is not a drawback while in the sea; the shell makes excellent

protection against predators. They also have flat, flipper-like limbs, which
can be rotated. These enable them to swim gracefully through the water
as well as move on land.

Female turtles always lay their eggs on the same beaches. There
are only a few turtle nesting sites worldwide. After mating offshore, they
wait for nightfall to struggle up the beach to a place above the high tide


mark. There, they dig a shallow pit in the sand with their fore flippers,
and lie in it. Then, using their hind flippers, they dig a deeper pit into
which the eggs are deposited. The turtles then cover the eggs with sand

and return to the sea.

Once abundant throughout the worlds oceans, all seven species of
sea turtles are now threatened or endangered. Leatherback populations


have plummeted in recent years due to the many threats they face.

One major threat to sea turtles is the increased harvesting of eggs.

Although sea turtles lay a large number of eggs, this natural defence of
preservation is failing. Turtle eggs are in demand not only in Asian
countries but also in Latin America. The former use them in traditional


medicines, while the latter consider turtle eggs an aphrodisiac and

energizing protein. However, human beings are not the only ones
interested in turtle eggs. Turtle eggs have always been a delicacy to
other animals such as seagulls, crabs and dogs which routinely dig up
and eat them.

Another major threat to sea turtles is the disturbance of nesting

beaches. Beach development and the noise and activity of the people on


the beach may cause females to return to the sea instead of nesting.

Turtle eggs are sometimes unintentionally destroyed by other

turtles during digging. Baby sea turtles or hatchlings are also at risk.


Many are eaten up by predators lying in wait, as the hatchlings make

their way back to sea. The number of hatchlings that perish depends on
the tide. If they hatch on a night with low tide, they risk being eaten up


as they have a long way to go to reach the sea but if they hatch on a
night with high tide, the chances of survival are higher as they have a
shorter distance to cover before reaching the sea.
Every year, thousands of sea turtles are caught in fishing nets.
Once trapped in these driftnets, they are unable to surface for air and


they eventually drown. Some sea turtles choke to death when they eat
rubbish dumped in the sea. Leatherbacks are especially susceptible to
ingesting plastic, mistaking it for jellyfish.

Artificial lighting on beaches may misrepresent the time of day to

turtles attempting to nest. A brightly-lit beach may signify daylight and
therefore inhibit nesting. Hatchlings can become disoriented by city and


street lights when trying to find the sea. Many young turtles actually
head away from the ocean and move towards parking lots. These
animals may be eaten by predators or crushed by cars.

Turtles also die when they collide with boats or get caught in the
propellers. These types of injuries are more frequent in areas with a high
level of recreational boating, such as South Florida, the Florida Keys, and 50


the United States Virgin Islands.

The plight of sea turtles has been recognized around the world,
and many organizations and government are working to preserve these
ancient creatures.

26.From paragraph 1,
(a) name one region where sea turtles are not found.

(1 mark)
(b) what enables sea turtles to stay alive in cold waters?


(1 mark)
27. From paragraph 2,
(a) why is the shell considered a problem for turtles?

(1 mark)
(b) what is the advantage of the shell?

(1 mark)
28. From paragraph 3,
(a) how many holes does a female turtle dig before laying its eggs?

. (1 mark)
(b) which word means hole?

(1 mark)
29. From paragraph 5, what is the natural defence that turtles have to
prevent their

.(1 mark)
(b) state one reason why human beings eat turtle eggs.

(1 mark)
30. Suggest two ways to save baby turtles.
Suggestion 1:

(1 mark)
Suggestion 2: ...
(1 marks)


Based on the passage given, write a summary on:

the dangers sea turtles face both on land and at sea, and

the predators that endanger them

Credit will be given for used of own words but care must be taken not to
change the original meaning.
Your summary must:

be in continuous writing ( not in note form)

use material from line 16 to line 47

not be longer than 130 words, including the 10 words given


Begin your summary as follows:

Sea turtles are facing extinction all over the world because



Section C

[25 marks]
Questions 26 31 are based on the following passage.

When will I be released? I have another three months to serve

until I am freed. I have messed up my life and true enough, my
mothers curse really worked. That must have been because I have

2 hurt her feelings a lot.

My father had left my mother when she was pregnant with 5
me. She played the role of a single parent very well until I started
mixing with some notorious boys in school. She warned me to keep
away from them but I insisted that they were part of my life. I
3 idolized them because they always had the money to spend and
used expensive handsets.


My mother worked as an operator in a small industry and

earned very little. We lived from hand to mouth. I was never given
any luxury and I always blamed her for it. I felt that she did not
4 work hard enough to give me the luxury. At that time, I despised
her so much that I even told her that I hated the sight of her. Then, 15
she found a second job as a washerwoman in the neighbourhood.
I started stealing money from her savings and once I even
pawned her only

wedding ring to get extra pocket money to

impress my rich friends. I spent it at expensive Nasi Kandar

restaurants. At school, I became notorious among friends and 20
started missing classes to join my friends at shopping complexes.
Slowly, I stopped going to school and when my mother found out,
5 she scolded and even begged me to go back to school. I told her to
get lost and packed my bags to leave home. She cried and
promised to provide me with all the luxuries I needed. I went near 25
her and slapped her on the face. That was when she cursed that
one day, I would regret it when the whole world turned its back on
I left home and found myself a job as a foreman. The boss

sacked me when I started laying hands on his earnings. Then I 30

6 became a contract worker and stayed with the other contract
workers. The workload was too heavy for me and I started playing
truant at work. I got myself fired again and had no home to stay. I
went back to my so-called friends for money and shelter but they
turned me down and some did not even acknowledge me. They 35
stared at me as if I was a filthy thing. I was hungry and became
desperate. I needed food, money and shelter but I didnt want to
7 return to my mother because I was ashamed of myself.
I had to do something. I walked up to the wet market in town,
hoping to get myself a job there. I saw an Indian lady with things in 40
both hands walking alone towards her car. An evil idea struck my
8 mind. She had her purse under her armpit. I walked slowly towards
her, snatched her purse and fled on foot. I could hear her shouting
for help and some people ran after me. However, I managed to
escape. I hid myself at a construction site and I rummaged through 45
the contents of the purse. She had almost RM200.00 and that kept
me alive for another twelve days.
I became excited because that was easy money and I felt like
doing it again. This time I went to the Mega Mall and tried my luck.
I snatched a Chinese ladys handbag and tried to flee but this time
I was unlucky. Some passersby and the security guard caught me. I
found myself behind bars, for a year.
I truly regret now. Once I am out, I want to go back to my
mother. I have been really cruel to her. I need to take care of her. I
will go back to school and at the same time I will work to cope with
our expenses. I will do well in school and further my education. I
want to be an engineer and make my mother proud. I will get her
everything, everything that she needs. I need to get out of this
place. Mother, please forgive me.


26. (a) From paragraph 1, what has the writer done to himself?

(1 mark)
(b) From paragraph 2, what did the mother do when the writer
started mixing with
some notorious boys?

(1 mark)
27. From paragraph 3, give ONE reason why the writer despised his
mother so much.

(1 mark)

28. From paragraph 4, which word has the same meaning as the word

29. From paragraph 5,
a) Why did the writer lose his job as a foreman?

.. (1 mark)
b) How did the writers friends treat him when he went back to them to
get some help? State two ways.

.(1 mark)

(1 mark)
30. (a) From paragraph 7, why is the writer behind bars?

..(1 mark)
(b) From paragraph 8, the writer says that he wants to go back to
his mother. Do you
agree with him? Give a reason using your own words.




(2 marks)
31. Based on the passage given, write a summary on:

how the writer messed up his life

what he is planning to do for his mother when he is out of prison

Credit will be given for use of own words but care must be taken not to
change the original meaning.
Your summary must:

be in continuous writing(not in note form)

use materials from lines 13 45

not be longer than 130 words including the 10 words given below

Begin your summary as follows:

The writer messed up his life when he stole from




Section C
[25 marks]
Questions 26 31 are based on the following passage.

Sparky found school quite impossible. He failed every subject in

the eighth grade. He failed Physics in high school, getting a grade F.
Sparky also failed Latin, Algebra and English. He didnt do any better in
sports. Although he did manage to do well enough to get a place in the
schools golf team, he promptly lost the only important match of the

season. There was a consolation match; he lost that, too.


Throughout his youth, Sparky was socially awkward. He was not

actually disliked by the other students; no one cared that much. He
would be quite astonished if a classmate as much as greeted him
outside school hours. He got used to being ignored by people. It was not
possible to say how he got along with the girls. He always steered clear
of them and it was said that he never asked a girl to go out on a date.

He was afraid of being turned down.



Everyone looked upon Sparky as a loser. His classmates,


relatives, everyone thought Sparky was a born loser. So Sparky went

along with that idea, too. He made up his mind that if things were meant
to work out, they would, despite everything working against them.


Otherwise, he would be contented with what life dished out to him, even

if it meant mediocrity.
But Sparky had one important gift - drawing. He was very


of his artwork. But again, no one else appreciated it at all. When he

submitted some cartoons to the editors of his high school yearbook, the
cartoons were turned down. Despite being turned down, Sparky was


quite convinced that his forte lay in drawing. He decided to become a

professional artist.
After completing high school, he submitted a letter to Walt Disney

Studios. He was told to send samples of his artwork as well as cartoons

based on a suggested subject. Sparky spent a lot of time on the
proposed cartoons and the other drawings, which he

submitted. Finally,


the reply came from the Disney Studios. He was rejected.

It seemed that rejection was going to be a frequent feature in Sparkys

Sparky then decided to tell his own life story in the form of
cartoons. He described his childhood as a failure in school, in the social
world and in his working life. He, after all, had had a lot of experience,
having failed in many subjects in school and being rejected in the other


areas of life. He created a little boy who was a chronic underachiever.

This cartoon figure was to become a world famous character in the
comic strip Peanuts. The famous cartoon character was, of course,
Charlie Brown. His kite would never fly, girls made fun of him, he never

succeeded in kicking a football - but this character was here to stay.

Sparky was none other than Charles Schulz.
Schulz completed a correspondence course at the



Art School which was the only formal art training he received. But Schulz


developed his own cartooning style and sold his cartoons to the St Paul
Pioneer Press. In 1948, the Saturday evening Post bought his Ll Folks
and distributed it under the







become one of the most popular comic strips in history, appearing in

more than 2000 newspapers and was translated into more than two
dozen languages.
Schulz received many awards and honours, including the

prestigious Reuben award given by the National Cartoonists

Society, which he won in1955 and 1964. Schulzs style is admired
as clean and uncluttered and his humour is personal, dignified and
intelligent. His characters are lovable and have human weaknesses.

Throughout his career, Schulz worked without any artistic assistants,

unlike other cartoonists.
Schulz proved to the world that faith in ones work and the ability
to work hard can make a difference. He didnt give up when


were tough. He didnt give up when others didnt recognise his talents.
He didnt lose his perspective when the world at large rejected him. He
did the rational thing and went on to become a great success and a role
model to the world.


From paragraph 2,
(a) How did Sparkys classmates treat him?

[1 mark]
(b) Which word has the same meaning as the word amazed?



[1 mark]

(a) From paragraph 2, why did Sparky never ask a girl out on a


[1 mark]
(b) From paragraph 3, what did the people around Sparky think of

[1 mark]

From paragraph 4,
(a) What was the one thing that Sparky was proud of?

[1 mark]
(b) What happened to the cartoons that he submitted to the
editors of his school

[1 mark]

(a) From paragraph 6, what did Sparky decide to do after Disney

Studios rejected


... [1 mark]
(b) From paragraph 7, what sort of art training did Schulz have?

[1 mark]

From paragraph 9, in your own words, explain the lessons that can

be learnt from
Schulzs story?


[2 marks]

The article describes the story of Sparkys life. Write a summary


how Sparky went through life being constantly rejected, and

his rise to success and his achievements.

Your summary must:

be in continuous writing (not in note form)

not be longer than 130 words, including the 10 words given


use material from lines 1 - 42

Credit will be given for use of own words but care must be taken not to
change the original meaning.
Begin your summary as follows:
Sparky had one important gift - his ability to draw. However,





Section C
[25 marks]

Questions 26 31 are based on the following passage.


Just like any other modern devices, the mobile phone has
become an indispensable part of our lives. These days, we trade
our phones for newer units, with sharper colour screens, digicams,
as well as more polyphonic ringtones. We seem to be getting new
phones faster than we get new clothes. However, not all old mobile 5
phones go back to the market to be resold when the owner decides
to get a new unit. Some are left at home to rot in the drawer while
others are sent to the garbage bin, a practice which, at the end of
the day, adds to the growing volume of toxic waste in our countrys
landfills. The fear by environmentalists is that as millions of mobile 1

2 phones are disposed of with other trash, the possibility exists for 0
their toxins to be released into the air and even ground water.
Mobile phones are full of pollutants such as lead (primarily
from soldering), arsenic, antimony, beryllium, copper, nickel,
mercury and brominate flame retardants. Older phone models use
3 nickel-cadmium batteries which contain cadmium, a toxin and 1
suspected carcinogen. Therefore, the fear of the environmentalists 5
is genuine.
Even if Malaysians want to do the right thing, most are just
4 too engrossed to figure out the right way to get rid of their phones.
A private college student, who likes to follow the latest trends when
it comes to mobile phones, disclosed that when she buys a new 2
one, the old one goes to her favourite charity.

The managing director of the Petaling Jaya Community

Centres Environment Centre said that unfortunately it is not often
5 that his office gets unused or old mobile phones from the public.
The few times that it does receive mobile phones, the units are
totally unusable and irreparable and theres nothing that can be 2
done apart from tossing them into the centres scrap metal bin to 5
be sold for their weight. If there are any that can be used, they are

sent to the shop to be repaired.

Nokia Malaysia offers a wide range of electronic waste
management services including recycling, processing and refining.
6 According to Nokia, a typical mobile phone recycling process 3
involves the material being shredded into scrap. Metal and plastic 0
parts are then separated. The metals are sold to metal refineries,
where they are melted and purified for reuse.

However, the

recycling rate of plastics is low, partly because recovered plastics

often contain impurities.

Fortunately, most recycled plastics are

7 suitable as a fuel replacement for oil. In addition, the plastic scraps 3

can also be turned into plastic benches and fences.

Nokia encourages its mobile phone users to send mobile

phones which are beyond repair to them for proper disposal. If not
stored in the correct conditions, old and unused phone batteries
may leak and toxic chemicals will be released into homes. Even if
stored in the best conditions, what happens to these phones 4

One day, they will probably be discarded with the 0

trash and end up in landfills.

Mobile phone sales continue to climb, making it unlikely that
the number of used phones will decline. All too often, the one you
used to love and take everywhere with you, is now left at home, in
a drawer, unwanted and abandoned.

However, attitudes are 4

beginning to change as awareness and education grow. Ongoing 5

campaigns by various governments as well as by companies and
organizations within the telecommunications industry can and will
help prevent old mobile phones from making their way to landfills.
Hence, it is our social responsibility as users to help protect the
environment for future generations. Remember: reclaim, reuse and
recycle for a greener earth.
(Adapted from The Star, 8 July 2004)

Questions 26 30
Answer all questions. You are advised to answer them in the order set.
26. (a) In paragraph 1, why do people trade in their mobile phones for
newer units?
[1 mark]
(b) Not all mobile phones are traded for newer units. What happens
to most of them when owners get a new one?
[1 mark]
27. (a) From paragraph 2, give two reasons why mobile phones are
(i) ........................
.............................[1 mark]
(ii) ...........................
.............................[1 mark]
(b) From paragraph 3, find a word which has the same meaning as
.. [1 mark]
28. In paragraph 4, what happens when people donate their hand
phones to the Petaling Jaya Community Centres Environment Centre?
(i) ..
...[1 mark]

(ii) .....
[1 mark]
29. From paragraph 5, state one use of recycled plastics.
[1 mark]
30. In your own words, state how we can educate the public to recycle
their mobile

..(2 marks]
Question 31
This article describes the threats posed by mobile phones to the
environment and the solutions to the problems.
Based on the text, write a summary of:

the dangers posed by improper disposal of mobile phones

how they are recycled

Your summary must

be in continuous writing (not in note form)

not be longer than 130 words, including the 10 words given below

draw material from lines 8 to 37

Begin your summary as follows:


Unused mobile phones pose a threat to the environment




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