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Daily Exclusive ORYZA Rice E-Newsletter

March 16,2016
Vol 7,Issue III

Daily Exclusive ORYZA Rice E-Newsletter

Pakistan Basmati Rice Export Prices

Increase for Third Consecutive Month in
February 2016
Mar 15, 2016

Pakistan basmati rice export prices have increased for third consecutive month in February 2016,
after declining continuously for three months from September 2015, according to the UN's Food
and Agriculture Organization (FAO).
In February 2015, Pakistan's basmati rice export prices have increased by about 1.4% to around
$745 per ton from around $734 per ton in January 2015, and down about 24% from their yearago levels of around $978 per ton. In terms of local currency, average Pakistan basmati rice
prices in February 2016 increased about 2% to around PKR 77,110 per ton from around PKR
75,602 per ton in January 2015, and down about 23% from around PKR 88,305 per ton in
February 2015.

Daily Exclusive ORYZA Rice E-Newsletter

The average basmati rice export price declined about 20% to around $740 per ton in the first two
months of 2016 from around $927 per ton during the same period last year.
Pakistan exported around 2.445 million tons of rice (including 223,634 tons of basmati and 2.22
million tons of non-basmati) in the first seven months of FY 2015-16 (July 2015 - January 2016),
up about 11% from around 2.196 million tons (290,013 tons of basmati and 1.91 million tons of
non-basmati) exported during the same period in FY 2014-15, according to provisional data from
the Pakistan Bureau of Statistics (PBS).

Global Rice Quotes

March 16th, 2016
Long grain white rice - high quality
Thailand 100% B grade 375-385

Vietnam 5% broken


India 5% broken


Pakistan 5% broken


Myanmar 5% broken


Cambodia 5% broken


U.S. 4% broken 440-450

Uruguay 5% broken


Argentina 5% broken


Long grain white rice - low quality

Thailand 25% broken


Vietnam 25% broken


Pakistan 25% broken


Cambodia 25% broken 395-405

India 25% broken


U.S. 15% broken (sacked)


Long grain parboiled rice


Daily Exclusive ORYZA Rice E-Newsletter

Thailand parboiled 100% stxd


Pakistan parboiled 5% broken stxd


India parboiled 5% broken stxd 350-360

U.S. parboiled 4% broken


Brazil parboiled 5% broken


Uruguay parboiled 5% broken NQ

Long grain fragrant rice

Thailand Hommali 92% 665-675

Vietnam Jasmine


India basmati 2% broken


Pakistan basmati 2% broken


Cambodia Phka Mails



Vietnam 100% broken 345-355

Thailand A1 Super

Pakistan 100% broken stxd

Cambodia A1 Super



India 100% broken stxd 265-275

Egypt medium grain brokens


U.S. pet food


Brazil half grain NQ

All prices USD per ton, FOB vessel,

Daily Exclusive ORYZA Rice E-Newsletter

EU Imports 656,430 Tons of Rice in

September 1, 2015 - March 8, 2016; Up 19%
from Previous Year

According to the latest data issued by the European Union (EU), rice imports by the EU
increased sharply since the beginning of the crop year 2015-16 (September 1, 2015 - August 31,
The EU imported about 656,430 tons of rice during the period September 1, 2015 - March 8,
2016, up about 19% from around 553,797 tons imported during the same period last year.
Japonica rice imports increased about 8% to around 51,568 tons in September 1, 2015 - March 8,
2016 period from around 47,831 tons during the same period last year. Indica rice imports
increased about 20% to around 604,862 tons during the said period from around 505,966 tons
last year.
The UK remained the largest importer in September 1, 2015 - March 8, 2016 period with around
149,520 tons followed by France (112,018 tons), The Netherlands (77,329 tons), Germany
(51,748 tons), Poland (48,467 tons), and Italy (48,107 tons). Other EU countries imported
169,241 tons.

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During the week ended March 8, 2016, the EU imported around 22,708 tons of rice, down about
15% from around 26,776 tons imported during the week ended March 1, 2015.
The EU imported around 1.143 million tons of rice in the crop year 2014-15, up about 12.7%
from around 1.013 million tons imported in the crop year 2013-14.

Brazil Rice Stocks Decline About 16% m/m to

92,260 Tons in February 2016
Mar 15, 2016

Brazil rice stocks stood at around 92,260 tons in February 2016, down about 16% from around
110,388 tons in January 2016 and down about 32% from around 135,717 tons in February 2015,
according to the country's national grain supplying agency Conab.
According to Conab, rice stocks with the Selling Option Contract of Agricultural Products
(OPCAO) stood at around 51,879 tons in February 2016, down about 15% from around 60,802
tons in January 2016 and down about 36% from around 81,671 tons in February 2015.

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Rice stocks with the Federal Government Acquisition (AGF) stood at around 40,381 tons, down
about 19% 49,586 tons in January 2016 and down about 24% from around 53,193 tons in
February 2015.
Rice stocks with farmers (Agricultural Familiar) were nil and unchanged from January 2016 and
down from around 853 tons in February 2015.

Oryza CBOT Recap Chicago Rough Rice

Pull Back as Market Fails to Find FollowThrough Buying Interest
Mar 16, 2016

Chicago rough rice futures for May delivery settled 8 cents per cwt (about $2 per ton) lower at
$10.370 per cwt (about $229 per ton). The other grains finished the day lower; Soybeans closed
about 0.4% lower at $8.9200 per bushel; wheat finished about 0.3% lower at $4.7725 per bushel,
and corn finished the day about 0.1% lower at $3.6850 per bushel.
U.S. stocks traded mostly lower Tuesday, led by declines in energy and health care stocks, ahead
of the Wednesday conclusion of the Federal Reserve meeting. WTI briefly fell to $36.04 a barrel,
its lowest since March 4, before paring losses and holding near $36.30 as of 1:34 p.m. ET. The
Federal Open Market Committee is kicked off its two-day meeting Tuesday and is scheduled to
release its statement and economic projections Wednesday afternoon. Fed Chair Janet Yellen is
also due to hold a press conference.
Retail sales fell a less-than-expected 0.1% in February, but January's figure was revised down to
show a 0.4% decline versus the previously reported 0.2% increase. U.S. producer prices fell
0.2% in February, but were unchanged over the last 12 months. That marked the first time since
January 2015 that the year-on-year PPI did not decline, Reuters said. The Bank of Japan left rates
unchanged, as expected. European stocks ended lower, with the pan-European Stoxx 600 index
falling 1.1%. Asian stocks closed mostly lower, except for the Shanghai composite which eked
out a gain of nearly 0.2%.In afternoon trade, the Dow Jones industrial average traded down 15
points, or 0.09%, to 17,213. The S&P 500 declined 7 points, or 0.37%, to 2,012, with health care
leading six sectors lower and information technology the top gainer. The Nasdaq composite
traded down 21 points, or 0.45%, to 4,728. Gold is seen trading about 1% lower, crude oil is seen
trading about 2.3% lower, and the U.S. dollar is seen trading marginally lower at about 1:00pm
Chicago time.
Monday, there were 352 contracts traded, down from 382 contracts traded on Friday. Open
interest the number of contracts outstanding on Monday increased by 17 contracts to 12,457.

Daily Exclusive ORYZA Rice E-Newsletter

European Commission Postpones Vote on

Glyphosate Authorization for Another
Fifteen Years
Mar 15, 2016

The European Commission (EC) has reportedly postponed the voting on the new authorization
for glyphosate for another fifteen years, after some member states such as Italy expressed
concern over the use of this herbicide on human health.
The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) has included the glyphosate in the list
of food items that are "probably carcinogenic."
Though the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) argued that the herbicide is unlikely to be
carcinogenic, some cases have brought to light traces of glyphosate in some food items, such as
German beer, in the EU.
Following these contradictory arguments, the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) is said to
conduct further investigations into the impact of glyphosate to get to a health official
classification of the EU. The process is likely to end by the end of 2017.

Halal Certification Opens More Export

Markets in Middle East for Philippines Rice
Mar 15, 2016

Halal certification by the Islamic Da'wah Council of the Philippines opens more export markets
for the country's rice in the Middle East, according to the Business World Online.
Halal signifies a requirement of importing countries. Two varieties of rice - Jasponica (mix of
Thailands special Jasmine rice and Japans premium Japonica) and Miponica (sticky type of rice
for use in sushi)- produced by a private company in the Philippines are Halal certified.
The company is planning to export a bigger share of rice to the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC)
countries. It is also keen on targeting Overseas Filipino Workers (OFWs).
The Philippines has been exporting premium quality rice since 2013 when the government lifted
the decades-long export ban on specialty fancy rice. However, ban on regular milled rice still

Daily Exclusive ORYZA Rice E-Newsletter

China Agrees to Release Water into Mekong

River to Help Vietnam Deal with Drought
Mar 15, 2016

China has agreed to release water from its Jinghong Hydropower Station reservoir into the lower
Mekong River to help Vietnam deal with drought and salinity in a number of provinces in
Mekong Delta, according to Vietnam Net.
More than 150,000 regional households with 600,000 people are lacking fresh water. China will
reportedly release water between March 15 and April 4, 2016.
China has agreed for Vietnam's proposal to increase the outflow from its Jinghong Hydropower
Station to the lower reach of the Mekong River. We held that the protection and sustainable use
of water in the Mekong River is the responsibility shared by countries along the river to
harmonise the interests of relevant nations and regional peoples lives, said the Vietnamese
Foreign Ministrys Vice Spokesperson.
Nearly 140,000 hectares of rice area has been damaged by drought and salt water intrusion. A
total of 339,200 hectares of 2015-16 winter-spring rice, or 22% of total rice area, in coastal
Mekong Delta provinces are prone to saltwater intrusion and drought. Government authorities
fear that if the drought conditions continue till June 2016, nearly 500,000 hectares may have to
remain unsown.

EU Exports 119,116 Tons of Rice in

September 1, 2015 - March 8, 2016; Down
18% from Previous Year
Mar 15, 2016

According to the latest export data issued by the European Union (EU) for the crop year 2015-16
(September 1, 2015 - August 31, 2016), the EU exported about 119,116 tons of rice during the
period September 1, 2015 - March 8, 2016, down about 18% from around 145,713 tons exported
during the same period last year.
Japonica rice exports declined about 21% to around 99,173 tons in September 1, 2015 - March 8,
2016 period from around 125,303 tons during the same period last year. Indica rice exports

Daily Exclusive ORYZA Rice E-Newsletter

declined about 5% to around 19,943 tons during the said period from around 20,410 tons last

Italy remained the largest exporter in September 1, 2015 - March 8, 2016 period with around
63,440 tons followed by Spain (16,504 tons), Greece (14,383 tons), and Portugal (7,628 tons).
Other EU countries imported 17,161 tons.
During the week ended March 8, 2016, the EU exported around 4,238 tons of rice, up about 13%
from around 3,764 tons during the week ended March 1, 2016.

Government of Egypt Launches Crackdown on

Hoarders Amid Rice Shortages, Surging Prices
Mar 15, 2016


Daily Exclusive ORYZA Rice E-Newsletter

The government of Egypt has launched a crackdown on firms it believes are hoarding rice in
expectation of getting better prices, according to according to
Due to rice hoarding by many traders, the country is currently is facing severe rice shortages
despite having an estimated one million tons of rice surplus. The government is not in a position
to get rice for its public distribution purposes. It was forced to increase prices to get rice from
traders. The price paid by the government has reportedly increased by about 50% in the past two
months. This situation has led to acute rice shortages in the country with most of the
underprivileged people not getting subsidized rice.
According to the Head of the Rice Committee of Egypt's Agricultural Export Council, Egypt
produced 3.75 million tons of rice in 2015 and carried over 700,000 tons of rice from 2014. After
accounting for consumption of 3.3 million tons, the country will have a surplus of more than one
million tons.
Experts have noted that the government's failure to stockpile rice during the harvest season has
led to this situation. The government has decided to take on hoarders to increase supplies of rice
in the market as well as to stabilize prices.
However, the government authorities are said to be targeting rice mill owners rather than the
traders, according to the rice mill owners. Some mill owners noted that the government is not
pursuing with the real perpetrators.
The investigators came here because they were supposed to go after the traders, but instead they
are going after the factories and these factories arent under the authority of the supply ministry,
theyre under the trade and industry ministry, said one of the rice mill owners. We have a
permanent license, we have an industrial record, we have a permit from the Industrial
Development Authority. But its easier for them to attack the mills the known mills, he adds.
Expecting a surplus, the government has allowed the exports to resume, but now traders are
discouraging exports as well and are holding back supplies in expectation of rising prices

Thailand Rice Sellers Increase Their Quotes

Today; India Rice Sellers Lower Their
Mar 15, 2016

Thailand rice sellers increased their quotes for 5% broken rice, 25% broken rice, and Hommali
rice by about $5 per ton each to around $365-$375 per ton, $355-$365 per ton and $665-$675 per
ton, respectively, today. India rice sellers lowered their quotes for 25% broken rice and parboiled
rice by about $5 per ton to around $330-$340 per ton and $350-$360 per ton respectively. Other
Asia rice sellers kept their quotes unchanged today.
5% Broken Rice

Daily Exclusive ORYZA Rice E-Newsletter

Thailand 5% rice is indicated at around $365 - $375 per ton, about $10 per ton discount to
Vietnam 5% rice shown at around $375 - $385 per ton. India 5% rice is indicated at around $365
- $375 per ton, about $30 per ton premium on Pakistan 5% rice shown at around $335 - $345 per
25% Broken Rice
Thailand 25% rice is indicated at around $355 - $365 per ton, about $5 per ton discount to
Vietnam 25% rice shown at around $360- $370 per ton. India 25% rice is indicated at around
$330- $340 per ton, about $25 per ton premium on Pakistan 25% rice shown at around $305 $315 per ton.
Parboiled Rice
Thailand parboiled rice is indicated at around $370 - $380 per ton. India parboiled rice is
indicated at around $350 - $360 per ton, about $55 per ton discount to Pakistan parboiled rice
last shown at around $405 - $415 per ton.
100% Broken Rice
Thailand broken rice, A1 Super is indicated at around $330 - $340 per ton, about $15 per ton
discount to Vietnam 100% broken rice shown at around $345 - $355 per ton. India's 100%
broken rice is shown at around $265 - $275 per ton, about $20 per ton discount to Pakistan
broken sortexed rice shown at around $285 - $295 per ton.

Thai Rice Exports Likely to Remain Sluggish

in First Quarter of 2016, Says TREA Official
Mar 15, 2016

The Honorary President of the Thai Rice Exporters Association (TREA) noted that exports
during the first quarter of 2016 are likely to be sluggish due to low demand from traditional
markets as well as increasing competition from India, Vietnam and Pakistan, according to local
sources.He specifically noted that lack of government-to-government (G2G) deals and absence
of new demand from the Philippines and Indonesia have contributed to rice export slump.
Thai rice exports in February 2016 reportedly declined to around 700,000 tons from around 1.2
million tons in January 2016. The official attributed the fall to the reluctance of rice exporters to
take orders from some customers such as Nigeria due to export and currency problems faced by
them. They fear if their payments would be defaulted, he said. Local sources report that some
exporters are facing liquidity problems due to export slump, stiff competition from other
exporting nations and payments from some African customers.
The TREA official, however, predicted that exports would recover in the second quarter.

Philippines Rice Stocks Decline for Second

Consecutive Month in February 2016

Daily Exclusive ORYZA Rice E-Newsletter

Mar 15, 2016

The Philippines rice stocks declined

in February 2016 after increasing
for the previous three consecutive
months, according to the Bureau of
Agricultural Statistics (BAS).Total
rice stocks in the Philippines as of
February 1, 2016 stood at around
2.94 million tons, down about 8%
from around 3.2 million tons
recorded on January 1, 2015, and
up about 25% from around 2.35
million tons recorded during the
same period last year.According to
the BAS, household stocks (which account for about 34.2% of total rice stocks in the country)
stood at around one million tons as of February 1, 2016, down about 5% from year-ago levels.
Commercial warehouse rice stocks (which account for about 32% of total stocks) have reached
around 940,000 tons as of February 2016, up about 22% from their year-ago levels. The rice
stocks with the National Food Authority (NFA) (which account for 33.8% of total stocks) stood
at around one million tons, up about 89% from around 530,000 tons recorded in February
2015.Month-on-month, household rice stocks are down about 25%, commercial warehouse rice
stocks are down about 3% and NFA rice stocks - in which about 85.9% are imported rice - are up
about 11%, according to the BAS.The BAS says that the Philippines' total rice stocks as of
February 1, 2016 are enough to last for 87 days (household stocks are enough for 30 days,
commercial warehouses stocks are enough for 29 days and stocks with NFA are enough for 28

Oryza U.S. Rough Rice Recap - Prices Soften

a Day after IGB Books Argentinian Cargo
Mar 16, 2016

The U.S. cash market gave up yesterdays small gains today following news that the Iraqi Grain
Board purchased 30K tons from Argentina, although farmers remain disinterested in
selling.Analysts note that price of the Argentinian cargo that was booked was $93 per ton
cheaper than the best offer shown from the U.S.Many market participants believe that there will
be more demand coming from Iraq in the coming months; however, U.S. prices will need to
soften if the U.S. is going to stand a chance of getting that business.

Exclusive News have been shared with written permission of with thanks

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