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Solved Problems by Ian Ray P.

Problem 7-1
An SI engine operating at 1200 RPM has a 10.2-cm bore with the spark plug
offset by 6-mm from center. The spark plug is fired at 20 bTDC. It takes 6.5 of
engine rotation for combustion to develop and get into flame propagation mode,
where the average flame speed is 15.8 m/sec.
(a) Time of one combustion process after flame has developed (i.e., time for
flame front to reach the furthest cylinder wall). [sec]
(b) Crank angle position at the end of combustion.
(a) Flame travel distance = (bore/2) +offset
Dt = (10.2 cm/2) + 0.6 cm = 5.7 cm
Time = Dt / Vf = (0.057 m)/(15.8 m/sec) = 0.0036 sec
(b) Combustion starts at 13.5 bTDC
Time of combustion in degrees of engine rotation
(0.0036 sec)(1200/60 rev/sec)(360/rev) = 25.9
Crank position at end of combustion
25.9 13.5 = 12.4 aTDC

Problem 7-2

It is desired that flame termination be at the same crank angle position when
the speed of the engine in Problem 7-1 is increased to 2000 RPM. In this range,
flame development takes the same amount of real time and flame speed is related
to engine speed as Vf is proportional to 0.92N.
(a) Flame speed at 2000 RPM. [m/sec]
(b) Crank angle position when the spark plug should be fired.
(c) Crank angle position when flame propagation starts.
(a) Vel2000 = (0.92)(2000/1200)(15.8 m/s) = 24.23 m/sec
(b) Time of combustion development
t = (6.5)/[(360/rev)(1200/60 rev/sec)] = 0.00090 sec
Time of combustion at 2000 rpm
t = Df/Velf = (0.057 m)/ 24.23 m/sec) = 0.00235 sec
Total time of ignition and combustion at 2000 rpm
t = (0.00090 sec) + (0.00235 sec) = 0.00325 sec
Total time in degrees of engine rotation
(0.00325 sec)(2000/60 rev/sec)(360/rev) = 39
For combustion to end at 12.4 aTDC, spark plug must be fired at
39 - 12.4 = 26.6 bTDC
(c) Engine rotation during combustion
(0.00235 sec)(2000/60 rev/sec)(360/rev) = 28.2
Combustion must start at
28.2 - 12.4 = 15.8 bTDC

Problem 7-3
A CI engine with a 3.2-inch bore and 3.9-inch stroke operates at 1850 RPM. In
each cycle fuel injection starts at 16 bTDC and lasts for 0.0019 second. Combustion

starts at 8 bTDC. Due to the higher temperature, the ignition delay of any fuel
injected after combustion starts is reduced by a factor of two from the original ID.
(a) ID of first fuel injected. [sec]
(b) ID of first fuel injected in degrees of engine rotation.
(c) Crank angle position when combustion starts on last fuel droplets injected.
(a) ID of first fuel injected = 8 of rotation
t = (8)/[(360/rev)(1850/60 rev/sec)] = 0.00072 sec
(b) ID of first fuel injected in degrees of engine rotation = start of injection start
if combustion
ID = 16 - 8 = 8
(c) Ignition delay is half of original ID
ID = (0.00072 sec)/2 = 0.00036 sec
Time between the start of injection and final injection of fuel droplets
t = (0.0019 sec) + (0.00036 sec) = 0.00226 sec
In degrees of engine rotation: (0.00226 sec)(1850/60 rev/sec)(360/rev) =
Crank position when last droplets start to combust 16 bTDC + 25.1 = 9.1

Problem 7-4
A 3.2-liter SI engine is to be designed with bowl-in-piston combustion
chambers. With a central spark plug and combustion at TDC, this gives a flame

travel distance of B/4. The engine is to operate with an average piston speed of 8
m/sec and a burn angle of 25 of crank rotation. Stroke and bore will be related by S
= 0.95B.
(a) Average flame speed if the design is for an in-line four-cylinder engine.
(b) Average flame speed if the design is for a V8 engine. [m/sec]
(a) For 1 cylinder of a 4 cylinder engine

Vd = (3.2 L)/4 = 0.8 L = 0.0008 m3 = ( /4)B2S = ( /4)B2(0.95)

B = 0.10235 m
S = (0.95)(0.10235) = 0.0972 m
Finding the engine speed
p = 8 m/sec = 2SN = (2 strokes/rev)(0.0972 m/stroke)N
N = 41.15 rev/sec = 2469 rpm
Time of flame
t = (25)/[(360/rev)(41.15 rev/sec)] =
0.00169 sec
Distance of flame travel
Df = B/4 = (0.10235 m)/4 = 0.02559 m
Flame speed
Vf = Df/t = (0.02559 m)/(0.00169 sec) = 15.15

(b) For 1 cylinder of V8 engine

Vd = (3.2 L)/8 = 0.4 L = 0.0004 m3 = ( /4)B2S = ( /4)B2(0.95)

B = 0.08124m
S = (0.95)(0.08124) = 0.07718 m
Finding the engine speed
p = 8 m/sec = 2SN = (2 strokes/rev)(0.7718 m/stroke)N
N = 51.83 rev/sec = 3110 rpm
Time of flame
t = (25)/[(360/rev)(51.83 rev/sec)] =
0.00134 sec
Distance of flame travel
Df = B/4 = (0.08124 m)/4 = 0.02031 m
Flame speed
Vf = Df/t = (0.02031 m)/(0.00134 sec) = 15.15

Problem 7-5

A large CI engine operating at 310 RPM has open combustion chambers and
direct injection, with 26-cm bores, a 73-cm stroke, and a compression ratio of
16.5:1. Fuel injection in each cylinder starts at 21 bTDC and lasts for 0.019
seconds. ID is 0.0065 seconds.
(a) ID in degrees of engine rotation.
(b) Crank angle position when combustion starts.
(c) Crank angle position when injection stops.
(a) ID = (0.0065 sec)(310/60 rev/sec)(360/rev) = 12.1
(b) Crank angle (start of combustion) = angle of fuel injection + angle of ID
21 bTDC + 12.1 = 8.9 bTDC
(c) Engine rotation per injection = (duration of fuel injection)(rps)(360/rev)
(0.019 sec)(310/60 rev/sec)(360/rev) = 35.3/injection
Crank angle (end of injection) = angle of fuel injection + engine rotation per
21 bTDC + 35.3 = 14.3 aTDC

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