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Courier Hub



Thursday, March 17, 2016 Vol. 134, No. 34 Stoughton, WI

R -

e elect

Donna Tarpinian

SASD School BoArD

Thoughtful $1



Paid for by Donna Tarpinian.

City of Stoughton

Kettle Park West

Council adopts
new TIF policy

7 or 8 buildings in 2016

West development some

of what they wanted.
Language in the new
policy requires that the
city follow the policy
unless two-thirds of the
council votes to allow
officials to deviate from it.
Some alders felt it was
important to include the
two-thirds requirement in
the overhauled TIF policy
because some city officials
who supported developing the Kettle Park West
commercial center argued
during debates in the last
two years that the policy

After failing to
amend and table,
alders come
Bill Livick
Unified Newspaper Group

In an uncommon show
of unity on a contentious and divisive issue,
the Common Council last
week unanimously adopted a more stringent taxincrement finance policy.
It gives people on each
side of the Kettle Park

Turn to TIF/Page 18





a Press

Hub & Veron

- March

17, 2016

Whats ins
enjoy trav
Ways to
after retir

Map courtesy JSD Professional Services, Inc.

Ideas for
new frien
Page 9


Phase 1 rolls along as Phase 2 including houses begins

tions of
after wor
Page 10

Photo by



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Page 11

Bill Livick

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Page 13

Unified Newspaper Group


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Unified Newsp

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Pages 8-14

Kettle Park Wests developer has been rolling out

plans in recent weeks for
the projects second phase,
including 20 single-family
homes to be built this year.
Phase 2 comprises 82 acres west
and north of the 32-acre commercial
center at the intersection of Hwys.
51/138. The citys Planning Commission took an initial look at details of
the plan Monday night, but it postponed most of the approvals Forward
Development Group was seeking as it
waits to hear feedback from alders.

Bring home the silver!

Vikings make first girls
basketball state final
in school history
Page 15

Phase 1, meanwhile, did not have

any delays Monday, as the commission approved plans for two buildings a Kwik Trip and a multi-tenant retail center. Contractors are still
working on infrastructure in Phase 1
and expect to begin building a roundabout and the Wal-Mart Supercenter
this spring.
City staff, including Mayor Donna
Olson, are eager to see the start of
Phase 2 because it includes the potential for lots of new residential housing
a major motivation behind the citys
support for the project.
They anticipate the development sparking a large increase in the
citys tax base, along with new families moving to Stoughton to reverse
declining enrollment in Stoughton

But commissioners were cautious,
knowing that alders will be discussing the project in detail later this
During a public hearing, Alds. Tom
Majewski and Michael Engelberger
asked the commission to postpone
several resolutions related to Phase 2,
saying recommendations to the council would meet significant opposition until a set of issues is resolved.
Ald. Scott Truehl, who also sits
on the Planning Commission, cited
three key matters he felt need to be
addressed: a street access point from
the second phase area to Hwy. 138;
a secondary access point to Hwy. 51;
and details of how roughly 16 acres
of parkland would be developed.

Get an in-depth look at Kettle Park West: Page 7

Phase 1

Phase 2

Kwik Trip, strip mall get

final approvals as site
prep continues

Courier Hub

Plans include parks, a

hotel and lots of houses
some this year

COW this week

Alders will discuss
concerns, including
parkland and access

Hooray for the HOME team!

Congratulations to the girls basketball
team and boys wrestling team for their
success at State.

Visit us: 400 W. Main St, Stoughton

Call us: 608.282.6160


8 - The

Plans for the second

phase of the Kettle Park
West development show
a possible 460 residential
units in an 82-acre area
west and north of the KPW
commercial center, which
is being anchored by a
152-square-foot Wal-Mart

March 17, 2016

Courier Hub

City of Stoughton

Momentous task ahead after

ash-tree killing beetle found
3 trees removed
so far, more likely
Scott girard
Unified Newspaper Group

What: Emerald ash borer

informational meeting
When: 10 a.m. April 12
Where: Stoughton
Senior Center, 248 W Main
Info: rnelson@ or 8738585
cost of that, plus the cost of
replacing them.
But he added that the city
has more to consider when it
comes to trees.
We cant just throw
100 percent of our efforts
into the ash borer problem
... as we have literally, I
think its like 6,700 different trees identified in our


Despite the City of

Stoughtons proactive
approach to an ash treekilling beetle, its recent confirmed presence in Stoughton leaves a momentous
task for the city.
City urban forester Randy
Nelson told the Hub Monday
that the March 8 discovery
of emerald ash borer beetles led to three trees being
removed, and numerous
potential sightings around
town after that.
Nelson said the next steps
are to decide which trees to
remove, and determine the

Find out more

tree inventory that also need

maintenance as well, Nelson said. Its not like we
can just walk away from the
entire rest of the urban forest.
The city began treating trees two years ago to
prevent the beetle, which
is native to East Asia but
has been spreading around
the U.S., and particularly
the Midwest, over the last
decade. The treatments can
cost about $10 per diameter
inch of a tree and are needed
every two years.
Since then, the insect has
been confirmed in Madison,
Verona, Oregon and McFarland, among others.
Deciding which trees to
continue those treatments
for and what trees to remove
will come next.
We are ahead of it, but
it is still a momentous task
that we have in front of us,
Nelson said.
He said the city would
be considering next steps at
upcoming committee meetings.
Nelson also mentioned
a preliminary date for an
EAB informational meeting at the senior center. The
event is currently scheduled
for April 12 at 10 a.m., and
Nelson encouraged anyone
with questions about EAB to

A tale of two journeys

The Stoughton Village Players hit the road in their production of Leaving Iowa last weekend.
The comedy follows the protagonist, Don, through the past and present as he reminisces about
dysfunctional family vacations while trying to find a final resting place for his father. The show
continues its run this weekend at 7:30 p.m. Thursday, March 17 through Saturday, March 19 at the
Stoughton Village Players Theater, 255 E. Main St.
Top, Dad (Bryan Wenc) cant contain his excitement during a presentation from a Civil War reenactor (Bob Breen).
Below, Don (Mark Wegner) and Sis (Marisa Kahler) keep each other occupied during a long road
trip while Mom (Jean Gohlke) and Dad (Bryan Wenc) take a less rambunctious approach.
Photos by Kate Newton

Time to order yo
Easter Ham!


Jakes Own Ham - Low in added sale and water, trimmed to perfection

Spiral Cut Fire-Glazed Ham (oooh!)

Dont Forget





Plus 5 Other Great Locations


On the web
See more photos from the Stoughton Village Players Production of Leaving Iowa:


Assisted Living and Memory care , Apartments and Studios

Bright lights, big city

SHS choir bound for New Yorks Carnegie Hall
Scott De Laruelle
Unified Newspaper Group

For the third time in the

last eight years, the Stoughton High School Concert
Choir will perform at perhaps the countrys most
famous and revered concert
venue Carnegie Hall.
The choir, led by Ryan
Casey, has been preparing
the music since mid-January, and have had to send
in-progress recordings to
Manhattan Concert Productions throughout the process.
Walking into Carnegie
Hall for the first time (when
it is closed to the public) is
an amazing experience,
Casey said in an email to
the Hub. Standing on that
stage and thinking about
everyone else who has been
there is a special moment.
The 76-member choir
will perform on March 28,
collaborating with nationally recognized guest conductors Dr. Timothy and
Sandra Peter, as well as
three other choirs Saint
Marys School Chorale
from North Carolina,
Lions Pride Chamber
Singers from California
and the Seminole Ridge
Community HS Chorus
from Florida.
In an email to the Hub,
Casey said there are about
150 singers total in the chorus.
The choir was chosen by
sending in an audition tape
to Manhattan Concert Productions, which selects and
invites choirs 15 months
in advance of the performance.
This will be the third
performance for Stoughton

Courier Hub

March 17, 2016

Stoughton man injured

in Cottage Grove crash
A 19-year-old Stoughton
man was injured in a rollover crash in Cottage Grove
Sunday morning.
The Stoughton man was
the passenger in the car
driven by a 20-year-old man
from Marshall. Both were
transported to UW Hospital with non-life threatening injuries after Dane
County Sheriffs deputies
responded to the scene at
the intersection of Baxter
Road and Wind Chime Way
at approximately 10 a.m.,
according to a release from
the Sheriffs Office.

Investigators reported
that the men were traveling
south on Baxter Road at a
high rate of speed when the
2008 Mitsubishi Eclipse left
the road, causing damage to
several mailboxes and yards
before coming to rest.
Detectives are investigating whether drugs or alcohol
were involved in the crash,
Dane County Sheriffs
Office spokeswoman Elise
Schaffer said. Both were
still hospitalized as of Tuesday morning.
Kate Newton

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by calling

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Photo by Derek Spellman

The Stoughton High School concert choir, under the direction of

Ryan Casey, will perform March 27 at Carnegie Hall in New York
City. The visit will mark the third time in the last decade the choir
has been invited to perform at the prestigious concert hall. Here, the
choir sings at a recent rehearsal.

at Carnegie Hall, after performances in 2008 and

The choir are no strangers to cross-country travel,
either in 2002 they performed at the St. Louis
Basilica, at Washington
University, the Saint Louis Cathedral and the New
Orleans Center for the Creative Arts.
In 2003, the Stoughton High School Madrigal
Singers performed at the

Lincoln Center (Alice Tully Hall) in New York City.

In 2005, the concert choir
traveled to Orlando, Fla.,
for a featured performance
at Disney World.
Along with their rehearsals and performance, the
choirs will tour the Statue
of Liberty, Ellis Island, the
9/11 memorial, NBC Studios, the Today show, and
will take in a Broadway

Four arrested in robbery attempt

An article and photos
published last week about
the Triangle Troopers 4-H
Clubs accomplishments
referred to the annual banquet as happening last
The banquet was actually held Nov. 14 at First
Lutheran Church in Stoughton.
The Hub regrets the error.

robbery, according to a
release from the department.
Stoughton police and
the Dane County Sheriffs
Department responded to
a 911 call at approximately 3:05 a.m. in the 2000
block of Jackson Street,
where the caller described
a masked man at the front
door attempting to gain
entry and waving a
handgun, the release said.
After they allegedly fled
on foot, officers located the
four suspects and arrested
them. Stoughton police Lt.
Dan Jenks told the Hub the
situation posed no danger

to the general public, as

it appears the home was
targeted and the suspects
might have been acquaintances with the residents.
The investigation was
ongoing as of Tuesday, and
the four had not been officially charged. Police also
recommended charges of
bail jumping for Troia and
Noyce. Troia is awaiting
trial on a felony charge in
February for possession of
marijuana with intent to
deliver, and Noyce has a
pending theft charge from
Kate Newton

VFW Badger Post 328 Inc.

200 Veterans Rd., Stoughton

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Dine-in only.
Regular menu also available.
Every Friday Night Meat Raffle starts at 5-ish
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Four suspects were

arrested early Monday morning in what the
S t o u g h ton Police
described as
a targeted
armed robbery attempt
of a StoughTroia
ton home.
M a d i son residents Everett
Troia, 18 and
Deon Noyce,
20, and two
boys were
booked into
Dane County Noyce
Jail on tentative charges of attempted armed


March 17, 2016

Courier Hub

Robert Freeman Green

Robert Freeman Green

Robert Freeman Green, age 97

and a resident of the Town of Dunn,
died Friday, March 11, 2016.
Bob was born in 1918 to Freeman and Agnes (Stondall) Green.
He was a fourth generation farmer
following Asher, Marcus and Freeman. Bob attended the one room
Lakeside School and became an
active 4-H member raising Championship Holstein calves. Following Stoughton High School graduation, he attended the UW School
of Agriculture until rejoining his
father on the land.
In addition to farming, Bob
served on the Town of Dunn as
clerk for 15 years, measured land
for the U.S. government and was
an active member of the Stoughton Festival Committee. He purchased registered Holstein cattle
for the UW farms and for clients
in the U.S., Puerto Rico, Cuba,
Mexico and San Salvador. Bobs
relationship with the UW continued in 1980 when he purchased and
remodeled Lakeside School. For 25
years he housed researchers for the
UW Synchrotron Radiation Center.
The dormitory is known as Robert
Green Guest Housing, UW.
Lillian Hanson and Bob were
married in 1941. Lillian was a
hard working partner on the farm
until her death in 1981. Their
infant daughter, Pamela, died in
1956. Many members of Lillians

family preceded her in death.

Lavonne Hanson Hoffland and her
extended family survive.
Lillian and Bob welcomed many
foster children to their home including foster sons, Richard and Donovan (Betsy) Trevaskis. They and
their extended families survive.
Hazel Stai Lovick and Bob shared
almost 25 years of marriage prior to
her death in 2007.
Happy days were spent at the
Hayward Lake Home, Venneval
North. Hazels children, Judy
Clifton, Jerry (Kathy) Lovick, Deb
(Charles) Stacey, Shelly (Bruce)
Buell and their extended families
survive. Bob is further survived by
his sister, Virginia Nickeson; niece,
Holly (Phil) Mirell and their children, Richard (Ashley Bradaric)
Mirell (sons, Austin and Nico), and
Allison (Allen) Koster (son, Owen);
niece, Linda (Ron) Brown and their
children, David Brown, Stephen
(Cindy) Brown and Jill (Matthew)
Weber. He was preceded in death
by his parents; a brother-in-law,
Richard Nickeson; and niece, Sandra Nickeson.
Funeral services to celebrate
Bobs life will be held at 11 a.m.
Friday, March 18 at Covenant
Lutheran Church, 1525 N. Van
Buren St., with Rev. Mark Petersen
officiating. Burial will follow in
Riverside Cemetery. Friends and
relatives are invited to a luncheon
following the burial in the church
fellowship hall. Visitation will be
held from 9:30 a.m. until the time
of services.
Those interested in a memorial
might wish to consider the Heifer
International Project, which helps
to fund the gift of farm animals to
impoverished people of the world,
at or Trees for
America at
Please share your memories of Bob

USPS No. 1049-0655

Periodical Postage Paid, Stoughton, WI and additional offices.

Published weekly on Thursday by the Unified Newspaper Group,
A Division of Woodward Communications, Inc.
POSTMASTER: Send Address Corrections to
The Stoughton Courier Hub, PO Box 930427, Verona, WI 53593.

Office Location: 135 W. Main Street, Stoughton, WI 53589

Phone: 608-873-6671 FAX: 608-873-3473
Circulation customer service: (800) 355-1892
This newspaper is printed on recycled paper.

Classifieds/Inside Sales
Nancy Garcia
Laura Young
Carolyn Schultz

Charlane Holden Meyer

Charlane Charlie Holden Meyer

Charlane Charlie Patricia

Holden Meyer, age 80, passed away
on March 8, 2016 at the Agrace
Hospice Care Center in Fitchburg.
Charlie was born to Stanley
Albright and M. Rey (Wochner)
Holden on Oct. 15, 1935 in Baltimore. One summer day in 1952,
a ship sailed into the Port of Baltimore and off stepped a handsome young sailor named Eugene
(Gene) Lee Meyer. While still in
high school, Charlie met Gene at
the roller rink and it was love at
first sight. Charlie and Gene were
married on Easter Sunday, April
5, 1953 at the Lazarus Reformed
Church, Lineboro, Md.
After graduating from Manchester High School in 1953, Charlie
attended The College of William
and Mary while Gene shipped
out to serve his country during
the Korean War with the United
States Navy. In 1955, she moved

Susan Hanson

Cress Funeral Service

206 W. Prospect Street
Stoughton, WI 53589
(608) 873-9244

Thursday, March 17, 2016 Vol. 134, No. 34

General Manager
Lee Borkowski
Catherine Stang


Jim Ferolie
Jeremy Jones
Kate Newton
Samantha Christian, Bill Livick,
Anthony Iozzo, Jacob Bielanski,
Scott De Laruelle, Scott Girard

Unified Newspaper Group, a division of

Woodward Communications,Inc.
A dynamic, employee-owned media company
Good People. Real Solutions. Shared Results.
Printed by Woodward Printing Services Platteville


One Year in Dane Co. & Rock Co. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $37
One Year Elsewhere . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $45
Stoughton Courier Hub
Oregon Observer Verona Press

Susan Hanson

Loving mother, grandmother and

friend to many, artist, teacher and
humanitarian Susan Suzi Jo Hanson of Barrington Hills died March
8, 2016 in Barrington Hills.
Suzi was born Feb. 28, 1947,
to Robert and Arlene Hanson in
Stoughton. She was raised on Chicagos north side and was inspired
by her father, an acclaimed professional artist and her creative mentor. She was drawn to follow in
the arts as well, and she showed
remarkable artistic talent at an early
age. As a graduate of the University
of Illinois with a Bachelor of Fine
Arts, she continued her studies at
various institutions throughout her
life, including the Art Institute of
Chicago, Scottsdale Artist School
and the Fechin Institute, among
to Madison with her family. After
Genes graduation from pharmacy
school in 1959, the family lived in
Wisconsin Rapids, Biron, and later
Wisconsin Dells. In 1970 the family moved to Montfort, Wis., where
they owned and operated Meyer
Pharmacy and later Distlefink Gift
Charlie was a faithful child of
God with a tremendous amount of
energy, love and care for her family and friends, and always ready to
share a song or favorite hymn with
those around her.
Charlie gave without reserve to
all who knew her, whether they be
family, friends or strangers. She
was a member of the United Methodist church choir, the Bayshore
Chapel choir, Montfort Hilltowners Homemakers Club and a 4-H
She shared her love of education by serving on the Iowa Grant
School Board for six years with
the unique distinction of being the
first woman to serve in that capacity. Spending time with family and
friends was her passion. She also
enjoyed square dancing, singing
and sewing. Charlie sewed for her
young family and made special outfits for her grandchildren and beautiful memory quilts for her family.
After raising her four children,
and working alongside Gene for
more than 17 years, Charlie went
back to college in 1986. She earned
a degree in elementary education
from UW Platteville in 1992, and
started her second career as a substitute teacher.
In 2001, Charlie and Gene

became snowbirds, spending

their winters in North Ft. Meyers Florida at Pioneer Village Park
and relocating there permanently in
Charlane is survived by her loving and devoted husband, Gene of
63 plus years; her four children,
Holden Alyce Eddy, Charles Harold (Nancy) Meyer II, Patricia Rey
(Robert Wangard) Meyer and Gena
Lee (James) Walker; eight grandchildren, Etrik James (Amanda)
Eddy, Joshua Steven Eddy, Jared
Clay Emmart, Adrianna Lane
Emmart, Leah Alyce Walker,
James Charles Walker, Benjamin
Charles Meyer and Julia Rose Meyer; and two great-grandchildren,
Lylli Elyse and Violet Elizabeth
Eddy. She was preceded in death
by her parents; sister Violette (Bubbles) Lee Holden; and parents-inlaw Harold and Viola Meyer.
The family would like to extend
a deep appreciation to the staff at
Agrace Hospice Inpatient Center for their loving care during her
final days. In lieu of flowers, please
contribute to Agrace Hospice Care
Center, 395 E. Cheryl Parkway,
Madison, WI 53711.
A celebration of life to honor
Charlane was held at Lakeview
Church on Sunday, March 13.
Please share your memories of
Charlane at:

She built a successful and prolific career in the arts, creating a
wide variety of artwork during her
lifetime. She also taught art in the
Barrington school district and the
Kaleidoscope School of Fine Arts.
Suzis accomplishments as a fine
artist include notable works such
as multiple public and commercial
murals that continue to educate,
inspire and motivate viewers. These
included Barrington Hills Country
Club, Barrington Early Learning
Center and a massive 1,500-squarefoot mural at the Bultasa Temple
in Chicago. Additionally, she has
created numerous residential scenic and thematic murals that decorate interiors of fine homes in many
She also illustrated three childrens books that remain in publication, as well as a cover of a novel.
Her individual works of art include
commissioned portraits, studies of
the Masters and personal selected
subject renderings are recognized
in the art community as collectable and valuable. Her other artistic
endeavors included works of pottery, wood carving, bronze sculptures and jewelry and other media.
Her sense of community included board membership of the
Woodstock Opera House, Riding
Club of Barrington Hills, Cowboy
Dreams (a therapeutic riding organization for handicapped children);
and membership to Questers, the

Natural History Society and the

Garden Club of Barrington.
Suzi particularly enjoyed many
trips including camping, skiing, hiking, riding, scuba diving,
canoeing and rafting in Alaska,
Canada, and the U.S. She enjoyed
several trips to Europe, including
her beloved Norway to connect
with her family with whom she
remained close. Suzi has had a lifelong love of nature and animals and
cherished her rescued horses, dogs
and cats.
Suzi is survived by her loving
husband of 46 years, John Palumbo;
children, Christofer (Sheila) Palumbo, Alexander (Toni) Palumbo, and
Erik Palumbo; grandchildren, Nyla
and Barrett Palumbo; her parents,
Robert and Arlene Hanson; brother,
Peter (Kim) Hanson; nephew, Ryan
and niece, Katelyn Hanson. She
was predeceased by her sister, Kristi Hanson (Mark Donham).
Visitation will be held at 11 a.m.
Saturday, March 19 at St. Annes
Church, 120 N. Ela St., Barrington,
before the Mass at noon. In lieu
of flowers, tax deductible donations may be made to Bellarmine
Jesuit Retreat House, attn: Suzis
Memorial Garden, 420 W. County
Line Rd., Barrington, IL. 60010,
or online at
For more information, please
contact Davenport Family Funeral
Home at 847-381-3411.

Cress Funeral Service

206 W. Prospect Street
Stoughton, WI 53589
(608) 873-9244

Read more obituaries on page 20

Submit a letter

Guidelines for Spring election letters

Unified Newspaper Group is proud to offer a venue
for public debate and welcomes letters to the editor,
provided they comply with our guidelines.
Political endorsements and other election letters
must be submitted about two weeks before the relevant
election. For the upcoming spring election, letters need
to be submitted by March 21 and will be printed March
24. Letters will be printed as space allows.
Other special rules apply during election season.
Letters should be no longer than 400 words. They
should also contain contact information the writers
full name, address, and phone number so that the
paper may confirm authorship. Unsigned or anonymous letters will not be printed under any circumstances.

The editorial staff of Unified Newspaper Group

reserves the right to edit letters for length, clarity and
appropriateness. We generally only accepts letters
from writers with ties to our circulation area.
Language, quotations, facts and research that are
contained in a letter but come from another source
should be attributed. Plagiarized material will not be
published. Unified Newspaper Group encourages lively public debate on issues, but it reserves the right to
limit the number of exchanges between individual letter writers to ensure all writers have a chance to have
their voices heard.
This policy will be printed from time to time in an
abbreviated form here and will be posted in its entirety
on our websites.

Unified Newspaper Group

been the guy to start the

whole automotive revolution in this country but
it didnt catch on the way
his outboard motor did,
Jacobson said with a laugh.
He told the Hub that the
turning points of Evinrudes life will be the focal
point of his free presentation, which will also include
a book signing of Ole
Evinrude and His Outboard
Jacobson, a freelance
writer based in Madison,
also wrote Les Paul, Guitar Wizard for the Badger
Bios series.

Stoughton United Methodist Church

525 Lincoln Avenue (608) 873-3273

write-in candidate for District

3, Scott Truehl is running
unopposed to fill a two-year
term remaining in District 4,
and Pat OConnor is running
unopposed for a full threeyear term, also in District 4.
Stoughton Municipal Judge
Matthew Roethe will be
represented at the forum as
Check next weeks Hub for
questionnaires for candidates
for City Council and
Stoughton School Board.
Scott De Laruelle

Good Friday
7pm Nursery Provided

Easter Services
Palm Sunday Worship, March 20

9am Childrens Programs

8:00 am & 10:00 am

Hearty Communion Thursday, March 24

11am Nursery Only

7:00 pm - A Taste of New Worship

Good Friday, March 25

12:00 pm & 7:00 pm

We are invited to worship at Covenant Lutheran.

Easter Worship: Sunday, March 27

8:00 am & 10:00 am

Holy Humor Worship: Sunday, April 3

with Communion - 8:00 & 10:00 am
Bring your best G-rated religious jokes!

Stoughton VFW
Spring Fundraiser

2200 Lincoln Ave., Stoughton

873-9838 |

What: Forum
for Stoughton
City Council and
municipal judge
When: 6:30-7:30
p.m. Thursday,
March 24
Where: EMS
Training Building
conference room,
516 S. Fourth St.
Info: 279-7613,


When author Bob Jacobson set out to write a book

for the Wisconsin Historical Societys Badger Bios
series, picking Norwegian-American inventor
Ole Evinrude
from the list
of possible
topics didnt
immediately Jacobson
stand out.
It never
would have occurred to me
to write about him, Jacobson said. But as I started
looking into his life, its
such a classic Wisconsin
immigrant success story
with so many elements of
the mythology that we like
to tell ourselves about people looking for a better life
in America, and, through
hard work and overcoming of obstacles, becoming
important contributors to
Evinrudes story and
his journey from an ambitious farm boy to a successful businessman and
creator of the first commercialized outboard motor
has endeared many Wisconsinites over the years
and was shared with a new
generation when Jacobsons
book, Ole Evinrude and
His Outboard Motor, was
published in 2009. Jacobson will discuss his book
and share stories from Evinrudes life at 11 a.m. Saturday at the Livsreise Norwegian Heritage Center,
277 W. Main St.
Evinrude was born in
Norway in the 1870s and
immigrated to Wisconsin
as a child with his family, where they settled on
a farm near Cambridge.
His passion for boats and
inventing quickly took off
despite the disapproval
of his father (His father
would smash up (his boats)
and throw them in the fireplace, Jacobson said), and
after several failed attempts
at starting a business, Evinrude found international
success with the creation of
his outboard motor and the
Evinrude Motor Company.
He just kept plugging
away, and thats that gritty immigrant experience
of, OK, you get knocked
down, you dust yourself
off, go back to the drawing
board and come up with
the next idea, Jacobson
said. Thats what I think
is appealing to young readers about these stories, that
theres this grit and determination built into them.
Jacobson added that
while Evinrude is known
most prominently for his
motor, he had the chance
to become even more of a
household name, as he built
a fully functioning automobile around the same time
as Henry Ford.
Had he been a little luckier or been a more savvy
businessman, he could have

What: Ole Evinrude

discussion with author
Bob Jacobson
When: 11 a.m.
Saturday, March 19
Where: Livsreise,
277 W. Main St.
Info: 873-7567,

ordinances and best practices

related to maintaining a safer,
healthier community for its
residents. Those candidates
who cannot attend the forum
will be sent questions prior to
the event; their responses will
be read at the forum.
Theres only one contested
race for council incumbent
Ron Christianson vs. Kathleen
Tass Johnson in District 2 for
a three-year seat.
Incumbent Sonny Swangstu
elected not to run for
re-election in District 1, where
Dennis Kittleson will run
unopposed. Tom Majewski
is running unopposed as a

If you go


Small Town Poverty

and Homelessness

Sat., March 19

Bring the whole family for this

great spring photo event!
200 Veterans Rd., Stoughton 608-873-9042
The Easter Bunny will be here!
Bring your camera!

Breakfast with the

Easter Bunny

35 South Band at 7:30 pm

8:00 am - 11:30 am

Breakfast: pancakes, scrambled eggs,

sausage, coffee or milk

Adults $7, Children under 10 $3.50

Children under 2 Free!

35 South Band at 7:30 pm

Kick up your boots to country,

soul, and rock n roll!


All proceeds benefit Stoughton VFW| Donations are appreciated.

Thursday, March 31 6:00-8:00 pm

(Light refreshments starting at 5:30 p.m.)

Stoughton High School Multi-Purpose Room

600 Lincoln Avenue, Stoughton, WI (Park in lot off Devonshire St.)

Join us for a Speaker, Film and Discussion on Poverty and Homelessness in Our Area
6:00-6:30 pm: Speaker Dr. Leann Tigges
6:30-7:15 pm: Films on impact of homelessness
7:15-8:00 pm: Discussion with local agency representatives


Kate Newton

If you go

StoughtonCARES Coalition
is holding a forum for
Stoughton alder and municipal
judge candidates on March 24,
at the Stoughton EMS training
building. Representatives
from the League of Womens
Voters will also be on hand to
help people register for next
months elections.
member Sharon MasonBoersma said the format is
not a debate, but a chance
to review information about
the candidates positions
on various issues related to
drug, alcohol, the misuse
of prescription drugs, laws,

Hope to see you there!

For more information, visit

Sponsored by the Stoughton Homeless Coalition and the Stoughton Public Library.

Easter at

Covenant Lutheran
1525 N. Van Buren St.
Stoughton, WI 53589

Easter Buffet



Reservations recommended, but required for groups of six or more.

Palm Sunday, March 20

9:00 am & 10:30 am

Eggs, quiche, bacon, ham, sausage, pancakes,

French toast, fruit, Danish, and more.

Sunday, March 27th

Breakfast Seating - 9:00-11:00am


Maundy Thursday, March 24

11:00 am & 7:00 pm


Lunch Seating - 12:00 noon-2:30pm

Beef, ham, chicken, fish, potatoes, pasta,
vegetables, rolls, dessert, and much more.

Good Friday, March 25

1:15 pm & 7:00 pm



Easter Vigil, Saturday, March 26

5:30 pm

Reduced prices for children 8 and under

Easter Sunday, March 27

7:30 am, 9:00 am & 10:30 am

We will be closing at 3:00pm

to celebrate the holiday with our families.

All are welcome!


Author to highlight
Ole Evinrude

Candidate forum is March 24


Captain of

Courier Hub

March 17, 2016

3097 Sunnyside Street, Stoughton

(608) 205-9300


March 17, 2016

Courier Hub

Coming up

Community calendar

VFW fundraiser
The Stoughton VFW, 200 Veterans
Road, will hold a spring fundraiser on
Saturday, March 19.
The event will begin with a breakfast
with the Easter Bunny from 8-11:30
a.m. The menu includes pancakes,
scrambled eggs, sausage and beverages, and costs $7 for adults, $3.50 for
children under 10. Children under 2 eat
for free. Attendees will be able to take
photos with the Easter Bunny, and the
35 South Band will perform at 7:30
p.m., playing country, soul and rock
n roll. Donations are appreciated, and
will benefit the Stoughton VFW. For
information, call 873-9042.

Egg hunt

library by stopping by the Sons of Norway Mandt Lodge Book Swap from
2-3:30 p.m. Saturday, March 19 at 317
S. Page St.
Books will be accepted from 2-2:30
p.m. When attendees enter, they will
pay $10 and get a card indicating how
many books they brought (up to 15
allowed). Books must be in good condition and not more than half the books
can be paperbacks. After 2:30, participants can select up to the number of
books that they brought. For information, contact Darlene Arneson at or 873-7209.

Community meal
Visit First Lutheran Church, 310 E.
Washington St., for the free monthly
Our Daily Bread meal from 4-6 p.m.
Sunday, March 20.
The meal will be served at 4:30
p.m. and includes ham, beef brisket or
pulled pork and assorted sides, salads
and beverages. No carry-out meals are
available; for transportation to dinner,
call 873-1705 by noon on Sunday and
leave a message. Rides are provided
free of charge within the Stoughton
Area School District.
This months meal is sponsored by
Stoughton United Methodist Church.
For information, call 873-7761.

Stoughton families can celebrate

Easter during an egg hunt at 11 a.m.
Saturday, March 19 at the Mandt Park
Ball Diamond, 321 S. Fourth St.
The event is free and open for children under 8. All children must be
accompanied by an adult and bring
their own basket or bag for collecting
eggs. There will be a photo opportunity
with the Easter Bunny. Donations will
be accepted for the Personal Essentials
Pantry, and the Stoughton Kiwanis
Club will match all contributions. If the
event is rained out, it will be rescheduled for 11 a.m. Saturday, March 26. Lunch and learn
For information, visit stoughtonkiwanChat with an international student at or contact Wright at 669-2501.
UW-Madison via Skype or FaceTime
during Lunch and Learn from noon
Book swap
to 1 p.m. Monday, March 21 at the
Clean out and restock your home senior center. The center is starting a
Bahai Faith

Bible Baptist Church

1525 N. Van Buren St., Stoughton 873-7494
Saturday: 5:30 p.m. Worship
Sunday: 9 a.m. and 10:30 a.m. Worship
Sunday School: 9:30 a.m.

Christ Lutheran Church

515 E. Main St., Stoughton 834-9050
Sunday: 10 a.m.

2095 Hwy. W, Utica

873-7077 423-3033
Sunday: 10 a.m. - Worship; 6 p.m. - Worship

Ezra Church

700 Hwy. B, Stoughton

873-9353 e-mail:
Sunday: 8 and 10:30 a.m. Worship,
9:10 a.m. Family Express followed
by Sunday School
401 W. Main St., Stoughton 877-0303 Sunday: 10 a.m. - Worship

Christian Assembly Church

1844 Williams Drive, Stoughton 873-9106

Saturday: 6 p.m. worship; Sunday: 10 a.m. worship

The Church of Jesus Christ

of Latter-day Saints

616 Albion Rd., Edgerton

Worship Saturday 11- Sabbath School 10
Fellowship Meal follows service on first Sabbath

St. Ann Catholic Church

323 N. Van Buren St., Stoughton

873-6448 873-7633
Weekday Mass: Nazareth House
and St. Anns Church
Weekend Mass: Saturday - 5:15 p.m.;
Sunday - 8 and 10:30 a.m.

Fulton Church

9209 Fulton St., Edgerton

Saturday: 8 a.m. weekly prayer breakfast
Sunday: 8, 10:30 a.m. Worship;
9 a.m. coffee hour; 9:30 a.m. Sunday School;
12-3 p.m. Varsity (teens); 3-5 p.m. AWANA

1860 Hwy. 51 at Lake Kegonsa, Stoughton

Sunday Worship: 8 a.m. and 10:30 a.m.
Education Hour for all ages: 9:15 a.m.

Cooksville Lutheran Church

11927 W. Church St., Evansville

Interim Pastor Karla Brekke
Sunday: 10 a.m. Worship and Sunday School

United Methodist of Stoughton

525 Lincoln Avenue, Stoughton
Sunday: 8 a.m. - Short Service;
10 a.m. - Full Worship

West Koshkonong Lutheran Church

1911 Koshkonong, Stoughton
Sunday: 10:30 a.m. - Worship

LakeView Church

Western Koshkonong
Lutheran Church

2200 Lincoln Ave., Stoughton

Sunday: 9 & 11 a.m. worship

A Life
Celebration Center

2633 Church St., Cottage Grove

Sunday: 9:30 a.m. worship
11 a.m. Bible study

Praise God




Seventh Day Baptist

Church of Albion

Stoughton Baptist Church

310 E. Washington, Stoughton

Saturday: 8 a.m. weekly prayer breakfast
Sunday: 8:30 & 10 a.m. worship

Thursday, March 17

6 p.m., Sustainable Stoughton Green Thursday: Our

Night Flying Friends, EMS Building Community Room,
516 S. 4th St.,
7:30 p.m., Stoughton Village Players present Leaving
Iowa ($10-12; tickets at,
Stoughton Village Players Theater, 255 E. Main St.,

Friday, March 18

9:30 a.m., Winter/Spring Storytime (ages 0-5; no registration required), library, 873-6281
1 p.m., Classic Movie Friday: Brigadoon (PG-13, 144
min.), senior center, 873-8585
7:30 p.m., Stoughton Village Players present Leaving
Iowa ($10-12; tickets at,
Stoughton Village Players Theater, 255 E. Main St.,

Saturday, March 19

Stoughton VFW spring fundraiser (8-11:30 a.m.

Easter Bunny breakfast, $7 adults, $3.50 children under
10, children under 2 free; 7:30 p.m. live music), 200
Veterans Road, 873-9042
11 a.m., Ole Evinrude discussion with Bob Jacobson,
Livsreise Norwegian Heritage Center, 277 W. Main
St., 873-7567
11 a.m., Community Easter egg hunt, Mandt Park Ball
Diamond, 321 S. Fourth St.,
2-3:30 p.m., Sons of Norway Mandt Lodge Book Swap
($10), 317 South Page St., 873-7209
6 p.m., Bingo (food available at 5 p.m.), Sons of
Norway-Mandt Lodge, 317 South Page St., 873-7209
7:30 p.m., Count This Penny ($20), Stoughton Opera
House, 381 E. Main St., 877-4400
7:30 p.m., Stoughton Village Players present Leaving
Iowa ($10-12; tickets at,
Stoughton Village Players Theater, 255 E. Main St.,

Sunday, March 20

Good Shepherd By The Lake

Lutheran Church

825 S. Van Buren, Stoughton

877-0439 Missionaries 957-3930
Sunday: 9 a.m. Sunday school and Primary

221 Kings Lynn Rd.

Stoughton, WI 53589
(608) 873-8888

Learn more about poverty and

homelessness in rural Wisconsin during a discussion and film screening at
5:30 p.m. Thursday, March 31 in the
Stoughton High School multipurpose
room, 600 Lincoln Ave.
During Small Town Poverty and
Homelessness, Dr. Leann Tigges, a
Professor of Community and Environmental Sociology, will discuss related
issues, interventions and prevention
efforts for the future beginning at 6
p.m. Beginning at 6:30 p.m., two films
on the impact of homelessness on children and families will be screened, and
at 7:15 p.m., local agency representatives will talk about current efforts in
housing the homeless and ways to contribute. This program is sponsored by
the Stoughton Homeless Coalition and
the Stoughton Public Library.
For information, call 873-6281.

Corner of Williams Dr. & Cty. B, Stoughton

Sunday: 10:30 a.m. - Worship;
6 p.m. - Evening Service

First Lutheran Church

Christ the King Community Church

Mike Smits Dale Holzhuter

Martha Paton, Administrative Manager
Sara Paton, Administrative Assistant
Paul Selbo, Funeral Assistant


Covenant Lutheran Church

For information: Alfred Skerpan, 877-0911

or Gail and Greg Gagnon, 873-9225 Stoughton study classes.

1358 Hwy 51, Stoughton

new program to match people with an

international student to meet weekly once a week for an hour or twice a
week for a half hour to chat. Training
and support will be provided, as well
as contact information for a student.
Participants are welcome to use the
computers in the computer lab or their
own device, and can arrange their own
meeting schedule after the initial meeting and luncheon. The meetings should
continue for about one semester. To
sign up or for information, call 8738585.

There is something in us which wants and needs to praise God.

There are times when our spirit just seems to overflow with joy and
we simply cant help praising God. There are many ways that this can
be done, and a variety of words which can express Gods praise, but
this seems to be a near universal sentiment. Most of the Psalms are
hymns of praise, and throughout the Bible we are told repeatedly to
praise God, even being told the seemingly paradoxical advice to praise
and thank Him in all circumstances (1 Thessalonians 5:18). Psalm
150 exhorts everything which has breath to praise the Lord! And
indeed, it sometimes seems that even the animals are praising the
Lord. The animal kingdom seems to have something joyous imprinted
in the very fiber of its being, for when we are moving and breathing
and fulfilling our God-given functions there is something inherently
joyful. So let all that you do be a praising of God, and remember that
our primary purpose is to praise God.
Christopher Simon, Metro News Service
If anyone speaks, they should do so as one who speaks the very
words of God. If anyone serves, they should do so with the strength
God provides, so that in all things God may be praised through Jesus
1 Peter 4:11 NIV

4-6 p.m., Our Daily Bread free community meal (dinner served at 4:30 p.m.), First Lutheran Church, 310 E.
Washington St., 873-7761

Monday, March 21

Noon to 1 p.m., Lunch and Learn: Conversation

Partners with the UW (registration required), senior center, 873-8585
5-6:30 p.m., Gathering Table free community meal,
senior center, 206-1178
7 p.m., Town of Dunkirk Board meeting, Town Hall,
654 Cty. Road N
7 p.m., Town of Dunn Board meeting, Dunn Town Hall,
4156 Cty. Road B

Tuesday, March 22

7 p.m., Adult Book Discussion: Necessary Lies by

Diane Chamberlain, library, 873-6281

Wednesday, March 23

9 a.m. to noon and 1-4 p.m., Energy Services, Inc.

home energy assistance office hours, 267-8601
10 a.m., Winter/Spring Storytime (ages 0-5; no registration required), library, 873-6281
1 p.m., Book Discussion: Necessary Lies by Diane
Chamberlain, senior center, 873-6281

Thursday, March 24

12:15-2:15 p.m., 4-C Play and Learn group (newborn

to age 5), United Methodist Church Fellowship Hall, 525
Lincoln Ave.,
6:30-7:30 p.m., Candidate Forum sponsored by the
StoughtonCARES Coalition, EMS Building conference
room, 516 S. 4th St., 279-7613

Support groups
Diabetic Support Group
Low Vision Support
6 p.m., second Monday,
1-2:30 p.m., third ThursStoughton Hospital, 628- day, senior center, 873-8585
Parkinsons Group
Dementia Caregivers
1:30-2:30 p.m., fourth
Support Group
Wednesday, senior center,
2 p.m., second Thursday, 873-8585
senior center, 873-8585
Multiple Sclerosis Group
Crohns/Colitis/IBD Support
10-11:30 a.m., second
Tuesday, senior center, 873Group
5:30 p.m., third Wednes- 8585
Older Adult Alcoholics
day, Stoughton Hospital, 6286500
2 p.m., Tuesdays, senior
Grief Support Groups
center, 246-7606 ext. 1182
3 p.m., third Tuesday,
senior center, 873-8585

Submit your community calendar

and coming up items online:

Kettle Park West

March 17, 2016

Courier Hub

Photo by Chris Litzkow Aerial Images

An aerial panoramic view of the Kettle Park West development, taken Feb. 21.

KPW Phase 1: Site prep, more approvals

Bill Livick
Unified Newspaper Group

After nearly two years of discord over

the first phase of KPW the 32-acre commercial center site preparation began late
last summer.
All the pads were completed by
December, and construction has mostly
been on hold through the winter.
But there has been plenty of progress
nonetheless. Construction crews have
moved more than 300,000 yards of dirt
between September and December, Forward Development Group manager Dennis Steinkraus told the Hub, and Kettle
Park Way, which will serve as the interior
road system, is 75 percent done, he told the
Common Council in January.

Steinkraus has claimed the center will

provide the city with $34 million of new
tax base. And he said he feels a sense of
urgency to get the approvals and start construction.
Planning the commercial center, while
at time contentious, was less complicated
than the second phase because it involved
six or eight lots total, compared with about
50 in Phase 2, planning director Rodney
Scheel commented in a recent Common
Council meeting.
In his January presentation to the council, Steinkraus said the new access off
Hwy. 51 at Jackson Street is nearly complete and that construction of the other
access point a roundabout at Hwy. 138
and Kettle Park Way will begin around
June 1.

Committee of the Whole:

addressing concerns
Bill Livick
Unified Newspaper Group

Alds. Michael Engelberger, Tom

Majewski and Scott Truehl have
a lot of questions for Kettle Park
Wests developer.
Theyre concerned about a second phase access point to Hwy.
138 and also that there is only one
approved entry on Hwy. 51 a
right-turn-in and right-turn-out only
Their feelings are shared by other
members of the Common Council,
as well as city staff. And theyll all
get a chance to discuss it Thursday,
March 17, at a Committee of the
Whole meeting designed to delve
more deeply into the details.
On Monday, Engelberger, chair
of the Public Safety committee, told
the Hub that both police chief Greg
Leck and fire chief Scott Wegner
also have safety concerns about the
lack of access.
Forward Development Group
has said the logical place to gain
that access to Hwy. 138 would be
to extend Oak Opening Drive a bit
further south to the highway.
But as city planner Rodney
Scheel has pointed out, theres no
guarantee the DOT would approve
an access point to Hwy. 138 beyond
what it has authorized for the commercial center.
And without that DOT approval,
its difficult to predict what might
happen with the developers plan
for Phase 2.
I could never support development that far south until we get the
connection to 138, Truehl said
Majewski also wants to see
changes to the Phase 2 plan relating to a roughly 16-acre park that
would sit between Oak Opening

If you go
What: Common Council committee of the whole meeting
When: 7:30 p.m. Thursday,
March 17
Where: EMS Building, 516 S.
Fourth St.
Purpose: To learn more about
KPW Phase 2
Drive, Wild Sienna Trail and Glacial Buttercup Court.
He said the Phase 2 plan does
not conform to a detailed neighborhood plan the city approved last
year. He raised the issue at a Parks
committee meeting but told the
Hub the developer took only a halfstep to comply with the approved
That plan showed a park that
is skirted on all sides by streets,
Majewski said. The developer
gave us a plan for Phase 2 that is
surrounded by private property.
Steinkraus adjusted his plan after
the Parks meeting and removed
some of the homes around the
park, but not all of them. He told
the Hub theres no city ordinance
that says a development cant have
homes next to a park.
Majewski said he was surprised
to learn that the Phase 2 plan was
going to the Planning Commission
Monday without changes to meet
the approved neighborhood plan.
I assumed that none of this is
set in stone and that we were in the
middle of a negotiation, and the
next thing I know I see that theyre
calling for an approved plat, he
said, a point he made in asking the
commission to postpone considering the plan for Phase 2.

All improvements to the highway must of Jackson Street and Kettle Park Way.
be done by Nov. 1, per the developers
Steinkraus said hes got leases for about
agreement with the DOT.
40 percent of both buildings, but declined
to name the occupants.
Commercial buildings
McFarland State Bank is planning to
June 1 is the projected start time for build on Lot 5 near the intersection of
crews to begin building the Wal-Mart Jackson Street and Hwy. 51 and, like WalSupercenter on lot 2. The building is Mart, it must be open by Dec. 31, 2017.
Steinkraus said lot 3, on Jackson Street,
required to be completed by Dec. 31, 2017,
with an assessed value of at least $12 mil- could accommodate an office building,
but right now were looking at retail.
If we get the senior facility (lot 9), the
Steinkraus said work on a new Kwik
Trip will begin around the same time, as hotel and one of the multi-family units
well as an 11,909 square-foot building approved, you could have seven or eight
buildings going up this year, he added.
thats planned to be mixed-use retail.
The Planning Commission unanimously We really dont want to loose this conapproved the building plan for that site struction season. The economy is right now
Monday, along with the plan to build a for what we want to do out there, and weve
10,000-square-foot building at the corner got developers who want to build it.

If we get the senior facility, the hotel and one of the multi-family units
approved, you could have seven or eight buildings going up this year.
Dennis Steinkraus, Forward Development Group

Phase 2: Houses, hotel, parks

Bill Livick
Unified Newspaper Group

The plan for Kettle Park

Wests second phase includes
an 80-room hotel, 16 acres of
parkland, a senior housing complex and 460 residential units.
About 20 of those houses are
expected to get started this year,
but only if Forward Development Group can work out concerns alders have about traffic access and parkland soon
FDG manager Dennis
Steinkraus has presented the
plan to the Common Council,
the Planning Commission and
the Parks and Recreation Committee, among others.
He also plans to request taxincrement financing assistance
for public improvements for the
projects second phase, but said,
we dont have the numbers

New houses, townhomes

and a 16-acre park

Phase 2 housing
Total: 460
Senior housing: 120
Multi-family: 300
Single family: 40 (40 lots;
18 condos)
a roughly 16-acre park south
of Glacial Buttercup Court,
with room for a full-sized soccer field, three junior fields and
a baseball backstop. A smaller
playground area would be close
by to the northwest, near the
intersection of Buttercup Court
and Wild Sienna Trail.
Oak Opening Drive would
basically dissect the area, running from the northeast corner
of the development southwest
almost to but not quite reaching State Hwy. 138.
Jackson Street would intersect Oak Opening Drive from
the southeast and Wild Sienna
Trail from the northwest.
The plan also shows about 18
single-family lots on the north
and west edge of the park.
Other main components of
Phase 2 include a 20-24 unit
townhouse on 2.5 acres and
a total of eight duplex lots on
the west side of Oak Opening

FDG wants to start building 20 single-family lots this

year on the northern edge of
the development, along Glacial
Buttercup Court, which would
run east-west between Oak
Opening Drive and Wild Sienna
Thats what we would like
to see as our first single-family High-density: apartments,
lots, hopefully to be ready by senior housing, hotel
the fall if we can get the approvOn the east side of the street,
als, Steinkraus said.
developer has planned highA master plan drawing shows
density multi-family structures

with 60-61 units in each building on lots 10 and 11, and similar but small buildings on lots
12 and 13.
On lot 9, the plan calls for
a senior housing complex of
between 100-130 units. East
of the senior housing is an
80-room hotel with a banquet
facility with access on Jackson
Taking Jackson Street east to
Hwy. 51, youll find a signalized intersection thats already
been approved by the Department of Transportation.
We have to meet warrants
for the DOT to have them (the
stoplights) functional, and its
been determined that as soon as
Walmart and Kwik Trip open,
theyll be needed, Steinkraus
A major hitch in the developers plan is that he hasnt yet
won DOT approval to take Oak
Opening Drive all the way south
to Hwy. 138.
The commercial center in
Phase 1 does have Kettle Park
Way intersecting the highway,
where a roundabout will be
But most alders have
expressed the opinion that
Phase 2 needs to have an access
point on the highway, given the
number of people who could
eventually live in that part of
the development.
I have significant concerns
about funneling all of those
houses to a single access point,
Majewski said during the public
hearing Monday.

8 - The Stoughton Courier Hub - March 17, 2016

Whats inside
Ways to enjoy travel
after retirement
Ideas for making
new friends
Page 9

Expectations of life
after work
Page 10
Changing diet,
exercise habits
Photo by Samantha Christian

Page 11

Sugar Creek Senior Apartments resident Dorothy Parker, left, asks traveling banker Jim Wermuth, right, how his winter was while he counts cash for her March 8 in
Verona. Wermuth visits 13 area senior living facilites each week to help residents with various banking services, including cashing checks and buying stamps, below.

A personal touch

Dane County banker making house calls for nearly 20 years

Scott De Laruelle and Samantha Christian
Unified Newspaper Group

For busy people who arent as mobile as

they used to be, just getting everyday business
done can be a frustration.
Of course, it never hurts to have a friendly
person to chat with and get to know at the
same time. And for nearly two decades, thats
where Jim Wermuth comes in quite literally
bringing a warm smile, pleasant demeanor
and any services a bank can provide to its less
mobile customers, right where they live.
A traveling banker with Capitol Bank out
of Madison, the genial, 81-year-old Wermuth
harkens back to days of personal service long
since past. He visits 13 retirement communities around western Dane County every week,
and has done so for the past 19 years after
bank officials discovered a need to deliver

withdrawals, sells stamps, cashes checks and

does just about anything else his customers
need, including having a good chat. Capitol
Bank director of marketing Steve Fontaine
said Wemurths genuine, warm personality
helps him form lasting bonds with people he
Its all about the interaction, and Jims a
really friendly guy and connects really well
with these folks, he said. Its a good cause
and its an easy thing to do.
People will line up at a table to work with
Wermuth, chatting and joking like friend getting together for cards or coffee. A security
guard is present to help keep tabs on cash
services to customers who couldnt make it and records just to deter any malfeasance
into the bank.
though much of the money exchanged is quarAt the sites for about a half-hour each week ters for laundry and snack machines.
during morning hours, he opens accounts,
Sugar Creek Apartments resident Dorothy
serves as a notary, performs transfers and
Turn to Banker/Page 12

Retirement saving
for late bloomers
Page 13

Caring for
Page 14

T-Coil audio system helps churches, senior centers

Scott De Laruelle
Unified Newspaper Group

Its nice to get an assist. And

when it comes to something as
vital as hearing, that assist can be
a very important one.
Hearing decreases as people
age for a variety of reasons, and
for many seniors, it can be frustrating being unable to pick up
sounds like they used to.
Last September, the Verona
Senior Center installed a T-Coil

assisted hearing system to help

patrons hear presentations and
performances. The system is
nearly invisible installed underneath the carpet, and works by
tuning into patrons hearing aids.
Verona Senior Center director Mary Hanson said the senior
center got the idea from libraries, churches and other senior
and community centers that were
using similar systems to great
Its very efficient, she said.

the audio/visual system.

The advantage of a hearing loop ... is that you
I think people are going to find
reduce that cognitive load, freeing your resources to its a really huge benefit, she
said. Its certainly appropriate
engage in other processes.

Its like a little radio wave that

goes directly into their hearing
aids, so people with a hearing aid
that has a telephone setting, they
already have the capacity to use

for us as a senior center to have

that kind of service for people.
Veronica H. Heide, audiologist
Audiologist Veronica H. Heide
from the Madison-based Audible
Difference, LLC, said at age 50,
the system.
peoples brains naturally start
Hanson said the system allows to devote more cognitive effort
people to hear much more clearly to hearing. So, instead of listenduring a movie, a presentation or ing, they are spending more brain
anything in the center that uses
Turn to Hearing/Page 12

March 17, 2016 - The Stoughton Courier Hub - 9

Interesting ways to enjoy travel in retirement

Research indicates that traveling
is at the top of the list of interests
motivating todays men and women
over the age of 50. Seniors are perhaps the most likely demographic to
indulge their love of traveling.
Retirement leaves lots of time
for recreation, and many choose to
spend that time on the road. Travel
also can be improve adult longevity, according to geriatricians at the
University of Arkansas.
Those in the travel industry
understand that men and women
over 50 comprise a large percentage
of their customers, and have catered
many travel packages toward this
influential demographic.
The following is a look at some
of the more popular travel opportunities for men and women over 50.
Genealogical tourism: This
is one of the fastest-growing markets in vacation travel. Genealogical tourism involves individuals
traveling to areas of historical significance for their families, such as
churches where past relatives may

Photo by Metro News Service

Many seniors arent ruling out road trips in retirement.

have married and villages where

grandparents or cousins once resided or were employed. This can create a tangible link to ones past and
open up more opportunities to learn

the varied genealogical history that

has shaped a family, and even ones
personal identity.
Extended vacations: Seniors
may have the capacity to devote

more time to travel and not be

caged in by strict time constraints.
That makes them eligible for
extended vacations. These can
include long-term rentals in tropical locales, several-week sightseeing cruises or guided tours overseas that touch on several different
countries or cities during the trip.
Off the beaten path: Adventurous travelers may not be content
to stick to the resort lifestyle or
standard vacation options. Active
men and women over 50 are charting their own vacation courses
with bucket list-style vacations
that may be off the beaten path.
Travelers who have always aspired
to climb a mountain or see a rain
forest may be inclined to realize
these goals as they get older. Nontraditional tours can include living
like indigenous peoples or following the footsteps of early explorers.
All-inclusive tours: All-inclusive packages remain a popular
option for travelers of all ages.

These vacation packages charge

one price for accommodations,
entertainment, sightseeing, food
and many other amenities. Allinclusive vacations remove some
of the headaches associated with
organizing various components of
travel so that a person can focus on
relaxation and having fun.
Singles meets: Single vacationers over 50 may want to meet
other men or women in their age
bracket in the hopes of finding
romance. These vacations double
as relationship mixers and give
men and women the opportunity to
mingle with others in similar situations without the pressure of traditional dating.
Travel is a way to see the world,
meet new people and experience
various cultures. Seniors increasingly embrace travel because they
have both the time and the means
to take vacations.
Metro News Service

How to make new friends after a move or other life event

Downsizing and other life
changes often find seniors
leaving their comfort zones
to move to new neighborhoods or regions of the
It can be difficult to leave
those comfort zones behind,
especially when it means saying goodbye to close friends
or family members. Establishing new social circles as
a senior can be challenging.
But with a little effort and
the right attitude, seniors can
meet new people and enjoy
the excitement that comes
with new friendships.
Join a club. If you have
a particular hobby or interest, rekindle it in your new
location. Find a local gardening club, church-sponsored organization or fitness center where you can
meet like-minded men and
women. Ask the real estate
agent who helped you relocate to make suggestions on
where to find community
information and read community notices in the local
Get a dog. Dogs make
great companions inside of
the house and also serve as
an ice-breaker when you
are outdoors. Take plenty of
walks and take advantage of
opportunities for conversation when people come up

Go out on a limb and plan

a new to the neighborhood party. Put invitations
4. Get active in church
in neighbors mailboxes
and invite everyone over
5. Find work
for snacks and cocktails.
6. Host a party
Remember, neighbors may
be just as nervous about new
and learn more about your faces as you are, and a party
new neighborhood in the is a great way to break the
Host your own party.
Metro News Service

Ways seniors can get social

1. Join a club
2. Get a pet
3. Volunteer
find yourself immersed in
your communitys weekday
hustle and bustle. This is a
great way to meet people

Photo by Metro News Service

Seniors may need to get outside their comfort zone and explore different social circles to meet new friends.

to you to inquire about your

dog. Explain your situation
and you may make some
new friends along the way.
Volunteer your time.
Many people make new
friends through volunteering. Volunteer and youre
likely to meet people who
share the same interests as
you. Sign up with a favorite
charity or volunteer at nonprofit events and look for
familiar faces. Start talking
to those people you meet
again and again.

Participate in church
events. Places of religious
worship are often cornerstones of a community, and
they frequently host different events to get parishioners
or members together. Read
the bulletin and get involved
in pot lucks, retreats, movie
nights, and other churchsponsored events.
Work at a school.
Schools also serve as hubs
of community activity. Volunteer or work for a local
school and you will soon



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Photo submitted co-founders Carol Larson and Mary Helen Conroy chat during a recent radio

Aging expectations
Retiree Rebels give alternate view of retirement
Jerry Huffman

Capitol Banks representative,

Jim Wermuth, has delivered
services to residents of several
Verona retirement communities
over the past ten years.

UNG correspondent


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Call to learn how we go above

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Todays retirement scenario is not the same as your

fathers, or your mothers.
Those are words of wisdom from Carol Larson,
Fitchburg resident and cofounder of RetireeRebels.
com who believes newly
retiring baby boomers are
looking at a different retirement picture than previous
Mary Helen Conroy, a
life coach and the other half
of Retiree Rebels, said with
people living longer, healthier and more active lives,
retirement means people still
have 20-30 years yet to go.
People can create whole
new lives after they retire,
maybe even pursue new
careers, she said. The
rocking-chair ideal doesnt
exist for most people today. was
launched last fall and offers
podcasts, audio essays,

A retiree needs to rebel against ageist

assumptions in order create a new and
purposeful life for themselves.
Mary Helen Conroy, co-founder

If you go
What: Retirement talk
with Retiree Rebels
When: 1-3 p.m.
Thursday, April 7
Where: Fitchburg Senior
Center, 5510 Lacy Road,
Info: 270-4290
interviews and discussions
for the newly and nearly
retired not about traditional financial advice, but
the possible psychological
pitfalls to this major life transition.
Retirement is one of
lifes biggest changes, but
theres no manual for this
psychological shift, Conroy said. You cant just flip
a switch. It takes time, at
least a year and maybe more
to adapt.
Larson said one of the
main reasons the two started
Retiree Rebels is because no
one was talking about things
like the first rocky year of
retirement, figuring out your
next direction, making new
friends, or finding a job.
Statistics show up to 80
percent of new retirees may
be looking for work, many
out of financial necessity.
But jobs appropriate for
older workers can be hard to
find, Conroy said.
Ageism is one of the
factors behind the rising
depression and suicide rates
for people over 65, she
said. There is a societal
undercurrent that says retirees are old, worn out and
... incapable of productive
work anymore, which is not
true. You only have to look
around today to see lots of
active seniors.
There is also the prevailing belief that retirement is

a vacation-like existence.
Societal pressure to conform
to that myth makes it difficult for seniors to pursue
new ambitions, whether its
an artistic urge, a new job or
perhaps getting involved in
community activism. Larson
said its a strange wall to run
into for seniors.
Well-meaning family or
friends pressuring retirees to
take it easy and relax can
thwart a retirees dreams of
being a writer or maybe a
local alderperson, she said.
What todays seniors need is
support to break through stereotypes that say they are too
old to do anything of value
with their lives.
Conroy said thats exactly
why the group is named the
Retiree Rebels.
These days, a retiree
needs to rebel against ageist
assumptions in order create
a new and purposeful life for
themselves, she said.
The Retiree Rebels and
their message of redefining
retirement are catching on.
They were recently featured
on WMTV-TV news report
and several radio programs,
including Wisconsin Public
Radio. A Wisconsin State
Journal editorial on working seniors reached several
thousand retirees nationwide
through social media.
To further discuss contemporary retirement issues,
Conroy and Larson will
lead a discussion from 1-3
p.m. Thursday, April 7 at
the Fitchburg Senior Center.
They invite new retirees to
bring questions and concerns,
and older retirees to share
their experiences and advice.
My retired friends were
the ones who first warned
me what to expect from my
beginning years of retirement, Larson said. I feel,
through Retiree Rebels,
were passing along that
help to others.

March 17, 2016 - The Stoughton Courier Hub - 11

Diet, exercise needs change with age

Maintaining a healthy weight is
important at any age.
But avoiding being overweight
or obese can be particularly crucial for seniors, considering many
illnesses are tied to body weight.
Maintaining a healthy immune
system also can require eating a
balanced, nutritionally sound diet.
The Geriatric Research, Education, and Clinical Center at Durham Medical Center in Virginia
says people need to change how
they eat for every decade they
reach. Caloric intake should be
reduced because individuals are
generally moving around less,
have less muscle and their metabolic rates decline. People who
find that they are having trouble
losing weight in their 50s and
older may be basing weight-loss
goals on calorie recommendations
for younger people.
One challenging thing about
eating less overall is supplementing with more nutrient-rich foods.
Older bodies still require similar
amounts of protein, vitamins and
minerals as younger ones, but
older men and women must balance that need with their need to
consume less calories. Consuming more fruits, vegetables and
lean protein sources, including
beans, and choosing whole grains
over refined starchy foods can be
the key.

Photos by Metro News Service

Healthy eating paired with moderate exercise remains one of the

best combinations for healthy weight loss or weight maintenance.

Watch what you drink, as well.

Soft drinks and other sugary
beverages may be packed with
calories you dont need. Choose
unsweetened beverages and opt
for water as much as possible. Protect yourself against dehydration,
which can be harder to detect as
you get older.
In addition to modifying food
and beverage choices and reducing
their calorie intake, seniors should
continue to exercise. Healthy eating paired with moderate exercise
remains one of the best combinations for healthy weight loss or

weight maintenance.
The goal is to consume fewer
calories and expend more energy.
While cardiovascular exercises
can be a good way to get the heart
pumping and stimulate your metabolic rate, as you age you should
perform strength-training and
weight-bearing exercises as well.
Muscle mass naturally diminishes with age, and according to the
Mayo Clinic, if you avoid strength
exercises you can eventually lose
muscle and increase the percentage of fat in your body. Strength
training also helps you develop

stronger bones, which can help

prevent fractures. In addition, as
you gain muscle, your body will
begin to burn calories more efficiently, making your time in and
out of the gym more productive.
Apart from diet and exercise,
aging adults may need to consult
with their doctors about nutritional supplements. Your body
may produce less stomach acid
as you get older, making it more
difficult to absorb vitamins from
food, including vitamin B12 and
vitamin D.
Aging skin is less able to

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transform sunlight into the vitamin, which can affect the bodys
ability to absorb calcium. Deficiencies in vitamins D and B12
and calcium can result in a number of health conditions. Routine
blood work can help pinpoint
whether you are deficient in key
The bodys nutritional and fitness needs change as a person
ages. Those uncertain about the
lifestyle changes they will need to
make should speak with their physicians.
Metro News Service

The iCare Medicare Plan HMO SNP is a Coordinated Care plan with a Medicare contract and a contract with the Wisconsin
Medicaid program. Enrollment in the iCare Medicare Plan depends on contract renewal. This information is not a complete
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12 - The Stoughton Courier Hub - March 17, 2016

Hearing: Difference is day and night for hearing impaired

Continued from page 8

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resources simply getting the

message processed.
Thats where the hearing
loop like the T-Coil system comes in.
The advantage of a hearing loop, whether you wear
hearing aids or not, is that
you reduce that cognitive
load, freeing your resources
to engage in other processes, she said. It has helped
so many people.
The system is called a
loop because of the electronic connection works
only inside of a certain
area. For instance, people
with hearing aids outside of
the certain area would not
be able to pick up the signal.
The system has worked
very well so far at Oregons
Peoples United Methodist
Church, which installed a
system in December to help
people with hearing loss;
the first of its kind in the



Photos by Scott De Laruelle

village. Larry Mahr, who

helped spearhead the drive
to bring the technology to
the church, said people who
dont have hearing devices
that work with the system
can check them out at the
Its miraculous for a
person with hearing issues,
which I am one of, he said.
Mahr said people in the
You turn on your T-Coil church previously had trouand the difference is day ble hearing because of the
and night.
high ceilings, which church

officials realized was

reducing their participation
in events. The new system
has made a huge difference,
though, and for less than
$7,000, he said the cost was
well worth it.
Its not an expensive
venture, he said. Its done
a lot of work for the amount
of money. I hope were the
first of many places that
will recognize that hearing
loops are of value.

Continued from page 8

Low-maintenance residence designed for carefree
living offering a wide variety of comforts and


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In-patient and out-patient therapy services for
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400 North Morris Street Stoughton, WI 53589 608.873.5651

Below, Verona Area

Historical Society
president Ruth Jensen
demonstrates how the
T-Coil loop system
can be switched on
using regular hearing

Banker: Wermuth makes stops across Madison

Skaalen is located in a quiet residential neighborhood.

The beautiful campus offers walking paths and
comfortable outdoor spaces. Skaalens continuum
of care provides residents a full menu of living
options from which to choose.

Rehabilitative and restorative care to meet each

individuals need for long-term or short-term residency.

Verona Senior
Center director Mary
Hanson, left, shows
a headphone system
available at the center
to link to the T-Coil
system without using
a hearing aid.

Kaltenberg said, "It's a nice

service, and we appreciate it."
For some seniors, Wermuth
said, even walking a block
down the street to the bank
is difficult, making it important for him to get to them.
He said though the program
(officially chartered by the
FDIC) started as a necessity,
its grown into something far
more than just convenience.
A lot of it is routine banking, but having someone
to talk to is a lot of it, too,
because some of these people
have no one to talk to, which
is sad, Wermuth said. I
dont consider them customers, I consider them friends,
because Ive worked with
I was born and raised on
the west side of Madison
and have been basically in
retail my life, so I know a lot
of these people its more
than just going to the senior
Recently, a woman who
saw his nametag discovered they had both attended
Blessed Sacrament Grade
School as children.
Its been that way
though the years, Wermuth said of running into
old friends and acquaintances. Its fun.
Photos by Samantha Christian

Sugar Creek Senior Apartments

Traveling banker Jim Wermuth, above, also sells stamps, below, at

area senior living facilities and said that the picture on the stamp is
very important to residents. The program is officially chartered by
the FDIC.

Where Veronas most active seniors live


Professionally managed by Oakbrook Corporation.

Wermuths weekly stops


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Sugar Creek, Verona

Evia Apartments,
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The Jefferson,

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Middleton Glen,
All Saints, Madison
Coventry Village,
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March 17, 2016 - The Stoughton Courier Hub - 13

Retirement savings for late bloomers

nearing retirement. Substantial debt may delay your
retirement and can greatly
reduce your quality of life
during retirement. If you
still have substantial debt,
eliminate that debt before
you start saving additional
money for retirement. Once
your debt slate has been
wiped clean, you can then
increase your retirement
Eliminate unnecessary
expenses. If your retirement savings are low (many
financial advisors now
advise men and women that
they will need at least 60
percent of their pre-retirement income each year
they are retired), start cutting back on unnecessary
expenses and reallocate
that money toward retirement saving. Cutting out
luxury items, such as vacations to exotic locales or
country club memberships,
is one way to save money.
But dont overlook the simpler ways to save, such as

See what activities

are springing up..

Conversation Program
Monday, March 21, 12PM,
Registration required.
Through a partnership with
UW-Madison you can give international
students a chance to speak English
and learn about conversation structure
via Skype or FaceTime.
Call 873-8585 to register for this Lunch
& Learn or for more information.

canceling your cable subscription or dining at home

more often.
Downsize your home.
Many empty nesters downsize their homes as retirement nears, and doing so
can help you save a substantial amount of money.
If the kids no longer live
at home or if you simply
have more space than you
will need after retirement,
downsize to a smaller, less
expensive home. Monitor the real estate market
before you decide to downsize so you can be sure to

get the best deal on your

current home. Downsizing
saves on monthly utility
bills, property taxes and a
host of additional expenses.
Downsizing also means less
maintenance, which gives
you more time to pursue
your hobbies upon retiring.
Take on some additional work. While you
may have long felt you
would slowly wind down in
the years immediately preceding retirement, taking
on some additional work
outside of your current job
is a great way to save more


Metro News Service

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experience. Even if the

initial jobs dont bowl you
over financially, part-time
consultant work in retirement can make up for lost
retirement savings and may
even make your retirement
years more fulfilling.

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for retirement and perhaps

even lay the foundation for
a post-retirement career.
Workers over the age of 50
can be invaluable resources
to startups or other businesses looking for executives who have been there,
done that. Look for parttime jobs that seek such


Todays young professionals hear about the

importance of saving for
retirement seemingly from
the moment they are hired.
In addition to discussions with human resources
personnel about employer-sponsored retirement
plans, young professionals are learning about the
importance of saving for
retirement thanks to the
abundance of financialplanning advertisements
on television, the radio and
online. Older workers may
not have been so lucky, and
many may find themselves
trying to play catch up as
retirement age draws closer.
While its important to
begin saving for retirement
as early as possible, late
bloomers whose retirement
dates are nearing can still
take steps to secure their
financial futures.
Pay down debts. Eliminating debt is good for men
and women of all ages,
but especially so for those

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14 - The Stoughton Courier Hub - March 17, 2016

Tips for grandparents helping to raise children

As retirement age approaches,
many older adults envision themselves downsizing and moving to
a quaint community to enjoy their
golden years in as relaxing a fashion as possible. However, for a
growing number of seniors, their
retirement years are being spent
helping to raise grandchildren.
Although being raised by grandparents may not be the ideal situation for all parties involved, such
situations are a necessity for many
families. Seniors who are once
again thrown into the caregiver
arena may need a crash course in
childcare or a few pointers on parenting in the modern age.
Get the right equipment.
Children certainly require a lot
of gear, more than grandparents
likely used when raising their own
children. Certain safety requirements are in place to safeguard
young children, and that often
means investing in new cribs, car
seats, high chairs, and other items.
Grandparents should resist the
temptation to use old items they
may have kept in storage, as such
items may no longer be safe and
could put grandchildren at risk for
Gather important documents. Grandparents should keep
pertinent documents in one easily accessible place in their homes
should an emergency arise. These
include birth certificates, health
immunization records, death certificates (if the childs parents are
deceased), dental records, school
papers, citizenship papers and
proof of income and assets.
Speak with an attorney. Lawyers can help grandparents wade
through legal arrangements, such

Navigating multigenerational households

Photo by Metro News Service

A study of data from the Rand Corporation found that, of the four million children
living with their grandparents in the United States, 2.5 million live in three-generation households. Nearly 1.5 million live in split-generation households or ones in
which grandparents are raising their grandchildren.

as filing for custody, guardianship

or adoption. Options vary depending on where petitioners live, but
lawyers can provide peace of mind
to grandparents concerned about
their grandkids futures.
Investigate financial assistance. Seniors may not earn the
income they once did and may be
on assistance programs or living
off of retirement savings. Grandparents who find themselves caring for a child may be eligible
for financial assistance. The
Temporary Assistance for Needy
Families is a joint federal and
state program that can provide
need-based financial assistance.
The AARP or the organization
GrandFamilies may be able to put

grandparents in touch with financial advisors in their areas.

Contact schools and daycare
centers. School-aged children
will need to be enrolled in school.
Grandparents should contact the
department of education where
they live to learn about local
school systems, especially when
grandkids are moving in with
their grandparents. Some grandparents can qualify for free or
low-cost daycare, and such programs can be discussed with local
Social Services offices. Enrollment in school or daycare can
provide grandparents with muchneeded free time during the day.
Find emotional support.
Taking care of grandchildren is

Caring for their grandchildren can elicit many feelings in grandparents, from nervousness to excitement about a fresh face around the
house. Raising grandkids can be overwhelming for elderly men and
women, but the following are a few tips that can make the process
Explore your feelings. When you acknowledge your feelings,
you are on the right path to making things work and recognizing possible obstacles.
Expect mixed feelings from others. Grandchildren and your
own children also may be apprehensive about this new living situation. Encourage everyone to share their thoughts and come to a consensus on how things will be done. Expect it to take some time to
establish a schedule, and dont be discouraged by any initial behavioral problems.
Take care of yourself. Grandchildren, particularly young ones,
can have a lot of energy and may require constant attention. Caring
for such lively youngsters can be taxing on grandparents, who must
make their own health and nutrition a priority. Give yourself some
time for recreation and rest. Have grandchildren help out where they
can. Dont feel you have to spend every moment entertaining them.
Ask for help when needed. Reach out to friends or community members if you are feeling overwhelmed. There are a number of
resources available to you, and many organizations, including AARP,
have their own tips for assisting three-generation households.
a full-time job. At times, grandparents may feel stressed or out
of sorts. Having a strong support
system available can help grandparents work through the peaks
and valleys of this new and unexpected stage in life. Church- or
community center-based counseling services may be available.
Grandparents also can check
with their healthcare providers to
determine if counseling or therapy sessions are covered under

their plans.
Caring for grandchildren is a
life-changing event. Although it
can be fulfilling, it also requires
a lot of energy and commitment. But grandparents neednt
go it alone, as there are numerous resources available to seniors
who suddenly find themselves
caring for their grandchildren.
Metro News Service

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your changing needsand your commitment to

living a purposeful life.

Jeremy Jones, sports editor

845-9559 x226

Anthony Iozzo, assistant sports editor

845-9559 x237
Fax: 845-9550


Thursday, March 17, 2016


Courier Hub
For more sports coverage, visit:

Girls basketball

File photo by Jeremy Jones

Sophomore forward Jackson

Breton (19) was named to the
second-team All-Badger South

Boys hockey

Breton earns
Photos by Anthony Iozzo

The Stoughton High School girls basketball bench cheers after Stoughton grabbed a lead in the first half Friday in the WIAA Division 2 state semifinal against Onalaska at
the Resch Center in Green Bay. The Vikings defeated Onalaska 59-56 and fell to New Berlin Eisenhower 46-42 Saturday in the state final to finish as the D2 runner-up, the
best finish in school history.

Taking home the silver ball

Stoughton finishes
historic season with first
state final appearance
Anthony Iozzo
Assistant sports editor

It wasnt the storybook ending the

Stoughton High School girls basketball team dreamed of after reaching
its first ever state title game, but taking home the WIAA Division 2 runner-up silver trophy still left a lasting
impact on the girls.
The Vikings dropped a 46-42
thriller to New Berlin Eisenhower
that came down to the final seconds,
but when the tears dried up, the girls
were all smiles as they hoisted the
runner-up trophy.
History was made here in
Stoughton, and it was awesome to be
a part of it, senior Hannah Hobson
said. We fought every day, and we
always had this goal in mind to make
it to state. And we kept changing our

More photos from state semifinal and final
goals to go one step farther and make
it to the championship game. We fell
short in our last one, but that doesnt
define our whole season.
Our whole season was defined by
our work ethic, our leadership and
our will to fight.
Stoughton (25-3 overall) came
into the final with a 24-game win
streak in what was already an historic season. The Vikings won their
first conference title in 14 years,
going 11-1 in the Badger South.
They added regional and sectional
titles, including an overtime winner
over Union Grove in the sectional
And on Friday, Stoughton continued its run with a 59-56 win over
Onalaska in the state semifinals, and
it all wrapped up with the best finish
in school history Saturday.
That is a legacy all seven seniors
Carrie Aide, Megan Boettcher,

Senior Carrie Aide (middle) wipes the tears from junior Payton Kahls eyes Saturday
after the Vikings fell to New Berlin Eisenhower in the D2 state final.

Jenna Gardner, Maren Gryttenholm, Hobson will take with them after
Gabby Saunders, Coley Lankey and

Jeremy Jones
Sports editor

Stoughton boys hockey

saw three players named
all-conference earlier
this month when the
Badger South team was
Sophomore forward
Jackson Breton earned
second team honors
Breton tied for third on
the team with 12 goals
and he assisted on seven
more to finish fifth on the
Vikings with 19 points.
Senior defenseman
Nathan Varese and freshman goaltender Carson
Roisum were both named
honorable mention.
Varese finished sixth on
the team with eight goals
half of which came on
the power play in 24
games. He added seven
Roisum finished the
season 9-11-0 in goal
with a 3.56 goals against,
.882 save percentage and
one shutout.
Stoughton finished the
second 11-13-0 overall
(4-6-0 conference).

Turn to State/Page 16

Girls hockey

Icebergs land three on all-conference team

Jeremy Jones
Sports editor

File photo by Jeremy Jones

Stoughtons Savannah Kopf was named to the Badger Conference honorable mention team.

A quarter of the Icebergs girls hockey team

was named all-conference athletes last week
when the Badger South released the annual
Oregon sophomore second-team forward
Samantha Eyers finished second on the team
with 10 goals and set up 13 more over 24
regular season games to earn second team
honors. She added one power-play goal and
one game-winner.
Eyers helped lead the Icebergs to an 8-3
regional victory over the Beaver Dam co-op

with two goals and an assist.

Stoughton senior forward Savannah Kopf
earned honorable honors, as did sophomore
defender Sydney Urso.
Kopf had a team-high 11 goals to go along
with nine assists in 23 games. She finished
second on the team with two power-play
Urso was a solid starter along the blue line,
recording a goal and four assists. She played
in all 24 games.
Sun Prairie had a team-high five girls
named all-conference, including unanimous
forward Jada Ward and defender Margo


March 17, 2016

Courier Hub


Annual alumni tournament returns for 36th year at Stoughton High School
The Stoughton Boys Basketball
Association will be hold the 36th
Annual Stoughton Alumni Basketball Tournament on March 18-20.
The event will be in the Stoughton
High School gyms beginning at 6:30
p.m. on Friday night.
Twenty five teams will play for
titles in three mens and one womens division. The championship
games will be played on Sunday in

the main gym.

Last years winners include the
class of 2001 (A), 2003 (B), 1998
(C) and 1998-99 (W). Last years
womens champions were also the
only girls team to play at the state
tournament before last week.
The 2015 boys Badger Conference champions are the youngest
team and the 1968-80 team is the
oldest. Greg Payton is the oldest

player still active.

The complete schedule can be B Division
The 2009 team faces the 2003
found at: cityofstoughton/rec.
team. The 2000 team takes on the
A Division
1987-88 team, and the 2013 team
The 2012 team will take on the plays the 2008 team in the opening
1993 team. The 2010 team will face round of the mens B division. The
the 2002 team, and the 2004 team 2007 team gets a bye.
play the 2001 team in the opening
round of the mens A Division. The C Division
The 1981-84 team takes on the
2015 team has a bye.

1968-80 team. The 2005 team faces

the 1991 team, and the 2006 team
plays the 1998 team in the opening
rounds of the mens C division. The
1994 team gets a bye.

Womens Division
The 2002-2003, 1998-99, 200913 and 2004-06 teams compete in a
round robin tournament in the womens division.

State: Stoughton holds off Onalaska, falls to New Berlin Eisenhower in the D2 final
Continued from page 15
graduation, and that is something that the eight returners can use as motivation to
come back next season.
Juniors Marissa Robson,
Kendra Halverson, Payton Kahl, Aly Weum, Sydney Johnson, Ally Slager,
Corinne Olson and Lydia
Schultz are all expected to be
It is a very special group
of kids, and I think this years
group of seniors they
taught these juniors what it is
like to show up to gym everyday, Stoughton head coach
Brad Pickett said. You hope
that once you get a taste of
something like this, you want
to continue to get better and
improve in the offseason.
It is going to be neat the
next three to four weeks
when the weather starts
warming up and you see second-, third- and fourth-grade
girls out in the driveways
shooting baskets. That is the
really cool thing about this
group is the image they gave
to the Stoughton community
and those younger girls.
In the finals, the Vikings
built a nine-point lead with
7 minutes, 31 seconds to go.
A 3-pointer by Hobson and
a free throw by Kahl made
it 31-23, and a little later
Kahl scored on a layup to put
Stoughton up 36-27.
But New Berlin Eisenhower would not go away.
Freshman Julia Hintz drained
a 3-pointer, and senior Abby
Thyne followed with another
3-pointer to cut the Vikings
lead to 36-33.
Sophomore Katie Ludwig followed with a basket
and a foul and although she
missed the free throw, senior
Chelsea Brackmann followed
with a rebound and a basket
to put the Lions up 37-36.
Senior Emalie Hahn finished the 12-0 run with two
free throws, and Stoughton
would never lead again.
New Berlin Eisenhower
head coach Gary Schmidt
said the halftime adjustment was to close the gap
on the boards. Stoughton
outrebounded the Lions 16-6
in the first half and had six
second-chance shots to the
Lions one.
I have a lot of respect
for Stoughton. We knew we
were going to be in a battle.
They are very physical and
very strong, Schmidt said.
We made some adjustments
at half, and I thought that at
about the 10-minute mark,
we really turned it on and
made a difference.
Johnson hit a layup with
2:38 left to cut Stoughtons deficit to 41-40, and
Brackmann missed three of
four free throws to keep the
Vikings in the game. But a
basket by Robson with six
seconds left was the last
Stoughton would get.

Photos by Anthony Iozzo

The Stoughton High School girls basketball team finished the season 25-3 overall en route to the first ever state final berth in school history.

Junior Kendra Halverson sprints after a loose ball in the second half
against Onalaska Friday.

Senior Hannah Hobson drives in for a layup against New Berlin

Eisenhower Saturday in the D2 state final. She combined for 27
points, eight rebounds, three assists and three steals in the semifinal and final.

I think maybe we got a

little impatient, Pickett said.
We talked about going with
that killer instinct and putting
teams away We maybe
wanted to spread the floor a
little bit more, but again the
reason we went on that run
is because we were attacking and you dont necessarily want to stop what you are
The first half was backand-forth with Hobson draining a 3-pointer to put the
Vikings up 9-8. Boettcher
and Robson followed with
baskets, Halverson drained
one of two free throws to
make it 15-12.
Robson and Hintz traded
baskets to finish the half with
the Vikings leading 17-14.
Coming out here today
we knew that this was a good
team and it was going to be
two good teams going at each
other, Robson said. We

came out with such a good

fight. They outworked us
sometimes, and sometimes
we outworked them. It was
all 50-50 balls.
Robson finished with 12
points and eight rebounds,
while Hobson added 11
points. Kahl and Halverson chipped in nine and six
points, respectively.

State semifinals:
Stoughton 59, Onalaska
The Vikings made their
first state final with a 59-56
win over Onalaska in the D2
state semifinals
Our community has really
come together to support us,
and it was just really awesome to be a part of this team
that is a part of school history, Hobson said.
It is pretty awesome to
represent our school and do

something not a lot of teams

have done in Stoughton,
Kahl added.
The Vikings held a ninepoint lead, 53-42, after Halverson knocked down two free
throws with 1:31 seconds
remaining, but the Hilltoppers full-court pressure started to get to Stoughton.
The Vikings had four turnovers in the final minute, and
that allowed Onalaska (216) to cut Stoughtons lead to
one, 57-56, with six seconds
left. Halverson knocked
down her free throws after
being fouled, however, and
junior Tayla Stuttley missed
a running 3-point attempt at
the buzzer.
Stoughton went 14-for-16
from the free-throw line in
the final five minutes to seal
the win.
We will shoot free throws
every day and we are kind
of up-and-down sometimes
with our free-throw shooting. For the most part when
we need to, we make them,
Pickett said.
The Vikings trailed 31-27
early in the second half after
Stuttley who finished with
30 points hit a basket, was
fouled and drained the free

But defense led Stoughton
all season, and once again it
was a catalyst for the Vikings
to quickly retake the lead
with an 11-0 run, forcing
three turnovers and holding
the Hilltoppers scoreless for
This game really wasnt
really any different than
every other game, Kahl
said. We always rely on our
defense when things arent
working offensively. We
always know how to step in
and help each other.
You look at a game that
is this close, it ends up being
huge to keep them from scoring and get some buckets to
fall, Pickett added. We got
stops during that stretch and
executed well offensively to
battle back. We have been
in overtime games. We have
been down at half. We have
been in different situations
this year, and to have that
experience obviously helped
out at this level.
Sophomore Emma
Gamoke who scored all
nine of her points in the second half hit a 3-pointer
to cut Stoughtons lead to
38-34, but the Vikings continued to make the free-throw

line and build on their lead.

(Stoughton) is quick.
They are athletic. They are
here for a reason, Onalaska
head coach Matt Kelliher
said. They won the Badger
South, which is a very difficult conference. It is a heck
of a basketball team, plain
and simple. They are just
long and give you fits.
The Vikings started the
game on a 9-2 run with a
3-pointer by Hobson and
baskets in the paint by Robson, Kahl and Gardner. However, Stuttley and senior
Josie Thomas combined for
14 points to cut Stoughtons
lead to 19-18 with 6:53 left in
the first half.
Thomas scored later to
put Onalaska up 22-21, but
Kahl came back with a layup.
Hobson finished the half
with two free throws to give
Stoughton a 25-24 lead.
I just know we played our
style of basketball and, looking back on it, I feel good
about it, Hobson said.
Hobson finished with 16
points, six rebounds and
three steals, while Halverson picked up 14 points and
seven rebounds. Kahl added
12 points and three steals,
and Robson chipped in eight
points and six rebounds.
Gardner had seven points and
four rebounds.
This is a special group,
and they get a chance to do
a special thing tomorrow,
Pickett said. I couldnt
think of 15 young ladies that
deserve it more. They work
hard every single day, and
the community and school
support has been unbelievable.
I think Stoughton kind of
invaded Green Bay a little
bit with our student section
and our community, and that
is cool. Our guys absolutely
deserve it.

March 17, 2016

Courier Hub



Case No. 14PR134

1. An application for Informal Administration was filed.
2. The decedent, with date of birth
June 4, 1956 and date of death June 20,
2013, was domiciled in Dane County,
State of Wisconsin, with a mailing address of 125 S. Gjertson, Stoughton, WI
3. All interested persons waived
4. The deadline for filing a claim
against the decedents estate is June
10, 2016.
5. A claim may be filed at the Dane
County Courthouse, Madison, Wisconsin, Room 1000
Lisa Chandler
Probate Registrar
March 3, 2016
Michael D. Rumpf
PO Box 1
Cambridge, WI 53523
(608) 423-3254
Bar Number: 1015663
Published: March 10, 17 and 24, 2016


The Town of Pleasant Springs Clerk

will receive sealed bids until 11:00 a.m.
on Monday, April 4, 2016 at the Town
Hall, 2354 CTH N, Stoughton, WI, 535892873, during office hours Monday and
Tuesday 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. and
Thursday from noon to 6:00 p.m. The
project work consists of chipseal surfacing on various Town roads.
A separate bid must be submitted
for each road. The bidder shall recommend and clearly specify the following
information on each bid form:
- Asphalt Cement PG 58-28 with no
cutback(Emulsified asphalts will not be
-3/8 washed, fractured peastone
aggregate coated with no less than 1%
AC Asphalt
-Asphalt .35 Gallons per square
yard (4,200 per 20 foot wide mile)
- Aggregate 24 pounds per square
yard (140 ton per 20 foot wide mile)
- Final total cost for the road, based
on the roads actual width
- All chipsealing work must be completed by August 15, 2016.
Questions concerning the roads
to be included in the project, as well as
a request to obtain a Bid Specification
packet, may be directed to the Public
Works staff by phone at (608) 205-9169
or by fax at (608) 877-9444.
A performance bond in the amount
of 100 percent of the total bid price,
a Certificate of Insurance naming the
Town as an additional insured, and a
signed contract, will be required of the
successful bidder.
Bid opening will take place on Monday, April 4, 2016 at Noon, or as soon
thereafter as practicable, at the Town
Hall. The Town Board will review the
bids at their meeting on April 6, 2016,
and reserves the right to reject any and
all bids, and to accept the bid or bids
deemed to be most advantageous to the
Bid envelopes must be clearly
marked 2016 CHIPSEAL BID and must
be addressed to:
Town of Pleasant Springs, Attn:
Town Board, 2354 CTH N, Stoughton, WI
/s/ Cassandra Suettinger
Published: March 17 and 24, 2016


The City of Stoughton Planning

Commission will hold a Public Hearing
on Monday, April 11, 2016 at 6:00 oclock
p.m., or as soon after as the matter may

A regular meeting of the Board of

Education of the Stoughton Area School
District was called to order Monday,
February 1, 2016, at 7:00 p.m. in the Fox
Prairie Library, 1601 West South St., by
President, Liz Menzer.
Scott Dirks, Bev Fergus, Yolibeth
FitzGibbon, Joe Freye, Wanda Grasse,
Liz Menzer, Brett Schumacher, Allison
Sorg, and Donna Tarpinian.
243 E. McKinley St., 1892 building
comments; Katherine Foster, Stoughton, 1892 building comments; Peggy
Veregin, 223 N. Monroe St., 1892 building comments; Chris Barrett, 131 S.
Prairie St.; 1892 building comments;
and, Roger Springman, 812 Kriedeman,
1892 building comments.
asked to host an Amber Alert Poster
Kickoff event, February 8 at 1:15 in the
Sandhill gym, all three elementary buildings and St. Anns
are be invited; and, reviewed the
storm coming tonight through tomorrow morning, the processes we use to
monitor weather and road conditions, as
well as communication with area superintendents. If school would be cancelled
tomorrow families will be advised via
phone, email, TV, radio, and website.
CONSENT AGENDA: A motion was
made by Bev Fergus, seconded by Allison Sorg, and carried unanimously to:
approve the January 18, 2016 regular
meeting minutes; approve the January
12-27, 2016 check register as presented;
We would like to say thank you to the following individuals and groups and move
approval of their donations to the District: $1,000.00 for high school Fab Lab
supplies from Laird Plastics; $800.00 for
high school Fab Lab supplies from Trek
Bicycle Corp., $110.00 for high school
drinking fountain from Stoughton Viking
Wrestling Club;$15,628.00 for Sandhill
student computers from Sandhill Working for Kids Parent Group; A book valued at $15.00 for the Kegonsa Library
from Ruby Hauge; and, related budget
adjustments for $17,538.00; approve the
temporary professional educator contract for Chelsey Hunt, Fox Prairie kindergarten effective January 19 June 9,
2016; approve the retirements for Trish
Rorvig and Cheryl Carpenter at the end
of the 2015-16 school year; approve the
Dane County School to Work 66.0301
Contract for the 2015-16 school year.
A. Facility Committee Meeting
Update - Facilities Committee Chair,
Joe Freye, reported the committee met
Wednesday, January 27, review of 10
year maintenance plan, mid-year project
review, 1892 building information, and
school forest progress update.
B. Strategic Planning Committee
Update - President Menzer reported the
committee met, Wednesday, January 27,
and decided to do a strategic plan refresh this spring.
C. WASB Convention Update - Scott
Dirks reported he attended the delegate
assembly and session about alumni
tracking. Donna Tarpinian reported she
sat in on some sessions about communication, and a session regarding the effects of ostracism at a young age. Tim
Onsager reported a keynote speaker
presentation about brain research, short
term memory, working memory, and the
effects on homework/assignments to reinforce student learning. Bev Mansfield
attend a session on state law changes
affecting policy. Brett Schumacher informed members of a Sandhill movie
night watching Inside Out movie about
A. Community Survey - Bill Foster, School Perceptions - Bill Foster of
School Perceptions presented the survey process, and how the surveys assist
educational leaders to make important
strategic decisions. Stoughtons survey
would include the same strategic plan
type questions we have included in the
past to provide longitudinal data. Members discussed when to do the survey
spring or fall 2016, questions to be included (financial issues, class size HS,
MS, program options, school reconfiguration, school calendar, etc.). Bill Foster
said the first thing the Board needs to do
is define the scope of the survey (funding, technology, facilities, etc.), then
within those areas what needs to be
asked/answered, then comes the drafting process
with questions (not uncommon to
go through 30 drafts), and then the final
survey is delivered. The survey questions talked about earlier tonight were

vices of Lessee (the Representative)

and the School Board President (the
President), or either of them, shall be
and each herby is authorized to execute,
acknowledge and deliver the agreement, schedules and related forms (the
Agreement) providing for the acquisition of the Equipment from the Lessor
under the terms of the Proposal, and to
include such changes, insertions and
omissions thereto, as shall be approved
by the Representative and/or the President executing the same, the execution
and delivery of the Agreement and/or
such schedules and related forms being
conclusive evidence of such approval.
Section 3. The Representative and the
President, or either of them, hereby is,
authorized and directed to execute and
deliver any and all papers, instruments,
opinions, certificates, affidavits and
other documents and to do or cause
to be done any and all other acts and
things necessary or proper for carrying
out this resolution and the Agreement.
Section 4. Pursuant to Section 265(b) of
the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as
amended (the Code), Lessee hereby
specifically designates the Agreement
as a qualified tax-exempt obligation
for purposes of Section 265(b)(3) of the
Code. Section 5. This Resolution shall
be effective immediately upon its approval and adoption. The undersigned
certifies that the above resolution was
approved and adopted by the School
Board of the Stoughton Area School
District at its meeting held on February
1, 2016, and further that such resolution
has not been repealed or amended and
remains in full force and effect.
FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS: A. Regular Board Meetings: Building Tours March 7-Sandhill, April 4 - Kegonsa, May
2-High School, February 15 and March
7 & 28; Policy Committee Meeting, February 8, 5:30 p.m.; Safety and Security
Recommendations, March 7.
Dr. Onsager informed board members Wood Communications continues
to interview staff and will be scheduling
a time to meet with board members and
should have a recommendation to the
Board by the end of this month. Brett
Schumacher asked to be informed of
the upcoming 1892 building community
listening sessions. A motion was made
by Scott Dirks, seconded by Wanda
Grasse, and carried to adjourn at 8:52
Bev Fergus, Clerk
Published: March 17, 2016

Stoughton Area
School District
February 15, 2016

A regular meeting of the Board of

Education of the Stoughton Area School
District was called to order Monday,
February 15, 2016, at 7:00 p.m. in the Administrative and Educational Services
Center Board Room by President, Liz
Scott Dirks, Yolibeth FitzGibbon, Joe
Freye, Wanda Grasse, Liz Menzer, Brett
Schumacher, Allison Sorg (arrived at
7:08 p.m.), and Donna Tarpinian. Excused: Bev Fergus.
DISTRICT ADMINISTRATOR/PRINCIPAL/STUDENT REPORTS: Dr. Onsager informed the board of upcoming
district events: high school girls basketball tonight vs. Verona; tomorrow high
school wrestling will host Milton for sectional competition and Mandt Center will
host the hockey regional; Friday, February 19 is Sandhills Get Up and Go night
for families; Saturday, February 20 is
solo and ensemble competition hosted
at the high school and Fab Lab adult
workshop day; Monday, February 22 is
the high school Jazz Red Slipper, 6:00
p.m.; February 24 & 25 is parent/teacher
conferences; February 25th no school
for all students; Tuesday, March 1st
high school juniors take the ACT test,
no school for 9th, 10th and 12th grade
students; Wednesday, March 2 Fox Prairie will host Green Eggs and Ham family

breakfast; Thursday, March 3 Sandhills

4th grade concert at 2:00 p.m. and 6:30
p.m.; and, Thursday March 3-6, high
school Pride and Prejudice production,
7:00 p.m. and 2:00 p.m. matinee Sunday,
March 6.
Student Representative Report
- Mary Claire Mancl presented high
school activities: upcoming plans for Winter Dance
February 20, Charity Ping Pong,
Middle School Engagement Day and
Leadership Camp; Holiday activities
- Santa for Seniors, Ugly Sweater Contest, Snowflake scavenger hunt, bell
ringing, and, cold weather drive; RSVP
- homeroom rules, lunch improvements,
and hallway crowding; Krafts for Kids;
Halloween - costume contest and hallway wars; Homecoming Dance; Food
for Kidz; Summer Retreat - color groups,
scavenger Hunt and Homecoming planning; and Homecoming week activities.
CONSENT AGENDA: A motion was
made by Donna Tarpinian, seconded by
Allison Sorg, and carried unanimously
to approve: the February 1, 2016 regular
meeting minutes; the January 28-February 10, 2016 check register and Pcard
statement as presented; We would
like to say thank you to the following
individuals and groups and move approval of their donations to the District: $1,000.00 for high school student
scholarships from American Legion
Post 59; $440.00 for high school track
coaches clinic from Stoughton Youth
Running Club; $50.00 for River Bluff
Washington DC trip expenses from Todd
& Katie Memmel; $12,500.00 for the high
school Fab Lab from the Wahlin Foundation; $305.00 for high school choir tour
expenses from SHS Choir Boosters;
$250.00 for high school student supplies
from Robert Bernier; $100.00 for the district Angel Fund from Jeffry and Dawna
Furseth; $663.18 cameras for Fox Prairie classrooms from Fox Prairie Working for Kids Parent Group; and, related
budget adjustments for $15,308.18; with
sincere appreciation for service to the
district approve retirements for Gayle
Dyreson and Deborah Blackburn at the
end of the 2015-16 school year; an increase to common school fund aid in the
amount of $37,068.00 and related budget adjustments; an international field
trip request for high school students to
travel to Spain over spring break 2017;
and, a temporary professional educator
contract for Paige Stephenson effective
February 8 - June 9, 2016.
Update, Donna Tarpinian reported the
Senate and Assembly have been busy
passing the following bills Tuesday,
February 9: Pupil Records Disclosure
bill; CPR Instruction to Pupils; locker
room privacy; Local Government Property Insurance Fund; Vocational Teaching Licenses; and, School Mental Health
Services. Other upcoming bills: Special
Needs Voucher Program, 751. The Referendum bill discussed earlier this year is
not on the docket to be voted on.
A. Activities Update - High School
Athletics/Activities Supervisor, Mel Dow,
reviewed who, what, why, where, when,
how, and examples of activities available for our high school students. He
then presented high school extracurricular activities data: 25 active activities; 4
developing activities; 926 students; and,
numerous offshoot and corresponding
co-curricular groups. Of the 926 students: 301 are male, 625 female, and,
3.37 GPA. Student Senate president,
Leah Olson presented the Spirit of Excellence Award Stoughton earned by
exhibiting excellence in leadership development, school spirit, sportsmanship
and service to school and community.
This award will be presented at an assembly February 24th, during a Milwaukee Bucks basketball game and at the
WIAA state basketball tournament. Mel
Dow complimented the high school student senate for their work to engage all
students at all levels at the high school.
Scott Dirks requested an unduplicated
count of these activities. Mel informed
the Board about 40% of the current high
school population do not participate in
any athletic or extracurricular activity.
B. Policy Revisions/New Policy
I. 718.00 Testing Programs - Donna
Tarpinian, Policy Committee Chair re-

viewed the revisions to 718 which aligns

this policy with current testing/assessment practices. This revised policy
will be placed on the March 7 agenda for
board action.
II. 808.00 Foreign Exchange Students - Policy Committee Chair, Donna
Tarpinian reviewed the revisions to policy 808 which align with current guidelines/procedures/practices. This revised
policy will be placed on the March 7
agenda for board action.
III. 111.00 Vacancies and Resignations - Policy Committee Chair, Donna
Tarpinian, reviewed the revisions to
policy 111 made necessary by recent
changes in state law (Act 63). This revised policy will be placed on the March
7 agenda for board action.
IV. New - 819.00 Participation of
Home-Based High School Students in
Athletic and Extracurricular Activities Policy Committee Chair, Donna Tarpinian, introduced this new policy to board
members. Policy 819 provides a detailed
process for resident home-based students to participate in high school athletic and extracurricular activities as
prescribed in Wis. Stat. 118.133. This
new policy will be placed on the March 7
agenda for board action.
FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS: A. Regular Board Meetings: Building Tours
- March 7 - Sandhill, April 4 - Kegonsa,
May 2-High School, March 7 & 28; Policy
Committee Meeting, March 14, 5:30 p.m.;
Safety and Security Recommendations,
March 7
SESSION - Exemption Wis. Stat.
19.82(1) and 19.85(1)(c)(f) to discuss
an employee issue. - President Menzer cited a need for executive session.
A motion was made by Allison Sorg,
seconded by Joe Freye, and carried on
a roll call vote (Freye, Grasse, Sorg,
FitzGibbon, Tarpinian, Dirks, Schumacher, Menzer) to move into executive
session citing Wis. Stat. 19.82(1) and
19.85(1)(c)(f) to discuss an employee issue at 8:01 p.m. President Menzer called
an executive session of the Stoughton
Area School District Board of Education
to order in the upper conference room of
the Administrative and Educational Service Center, 320 North St., Stoughton, WI
53589 at 8:10 p.m. Present: Scott Dirks,
Yolibeth FitzGibbon, Joe Freye, Wanda
Grasse, Liz Menzer, Brett Schumacher,
Allison Sorg, and, Donna Tarpinian. Excused: Bev Fergus. Also present: Tim
Board members discussed an employee issue.
A motion was made by Joe Freye,
seconded by Scott Dirks, and carried
unanimously to adjourn at 9:15 p.m.
Bev Fergus, Clerk
Published: March 17, 2016


To the Citizens and Land-Owners of

the Town of Pleasant Springs:
March 15, 2016, the Town Board of the
Town of Pleasant Springs adopted an
Ordinance to adopt state traffic regulations. A full copy of the Ordinance
is available at Town Hall, 2354 County
Highway N, Stoughton WI 53589, during regular business hours, or by email
or regular mail by request. The Town
Clerk can be contacted at 608-873-3063
or by email at
The Ordinance imposes a forfeiture
for violation of State traffic regulations
within the Town.
/s/ Cassandra Suettinger
Published: March 17, 2016



Vern A. Brussow


Stoughton Area
School District
February 1, 2016

presented to the Facilities Committee

for feedback. The Facilities Committee decided to postpone any decisions
on the 1892 building for one year. Tim
Onsager informed members of Strategic
Thinking Teams topics we may want to
include in the survey: Time-school calendar, bell schedule; alternative measurements how do we measure how
students are doing; digital learning;
and, integrated comprehensive services
model (current model is 10 years old).
President Menzer asked board members
to familiarize themselves with past community surveys and to identify topics
the board would like to learn more about
from the community. President Menzer
also informed members the point person liaison for the 1892 building will be
Tim Onsager. Board member or members will be appointed to assist with survey development.
A. Petition to Detach Small Territory from SASD - Dr. Onsager presented
background information for the petition
to detach from the SASD and attach to
Oregon school district presented by
Joanna and Peter Nowka. A motion was
made by Scott Dirks, seconded by Yolibeth FitzGibbon to deny the resolution
authorizing issuance of an order to detach 1216 Sunrise Rd., LOT 2 CSM 9682
CS56/19&20 5/8/2000 DESCR AS SEC
9-5-10 PRT SW1/4NW1/4 (6.264 ACRES)
IN DOC #3246782 from the Stoughton
Area School District and attach to the
Oregon School District. Mr. and Mrs.
Nowka presented a specific curriculum
for their daughter in the Oregon School
District is only open to students who actually live in the Oregon school district.
Nowkas currently homeschool their
children (two are open enrolled out to
Merrills online school). Members discussed the detachment petition and how
this will affect SASD. Members asked
the Nowkas were aware of the school
district when the bought the property;
have you investigated any programs or
services SASD would offer your daughter; discussed Oregons online option
flexibility to offer this program; open
enrollment law; fiscal impact on SASD;
past boundary detachment decisions;
precedent setting potential; tabling the
motion to February 15; and, fiduciary
responsibility to SASD taxpayers. The
motion passed unanimously on a voice
B. Resolution Authorizing the
Acquisition of Equipment, the Execution and Delivery of a Lease Purchase
Agreement and Related Instruments,
and Determining Other Matters in Connection Therewith - 2 buses - Erica
Pickett presented the pricing information submitted by American Capital,
Jules and Associates and McFarland
State Bank for two buses. A motion was
made by Brett Schumacher, seconded
by Wanda Grasse, and carried on a roll
call vote (Freye, Grasse, Fergus, Sorg,
FitzGibbon, Tarpinian, Dirks, Schumacher, Menzer) to approve the resolution
as follows: Resolution authorizing the
acquisition of equipment, the execution and delivery of a lease purchase
agreement and related instruments, and
determining other matters in connection
WHEREAS, the Stoughton Area
School District (the Lessee) presently
wishes to acquire two school buses (the
Equipment) from McFarland State
Bank (the Lessor) by lease purchase
agreement over a term of five years
under the terms of the proposal of the
Lessor dated January 21, 2016, a copy
of which has been available for review
by the governing body of Lessee prior to
this meeting (the Proposal); and
WHEREAS, the Equipment is essential for the Lessee to perform its governmental functions.
It is hereby found and determined that
the acquisition of the Equipment under
the terms and conditions presented
to this meeting and incorporated in
the Proposal are in the best interests
of Lessee. Section 2. The acquisition
of the Equipment under the terms set
forth in the Proposal of the Lessor are
approved. The Director of Business Ser-


Case No. 16PR149


1. An application for Informal Administration was filed.
2. The decedent, with date of birth
May 21, 1926 and date of death February 2, 2106, was domiciled in Dane
County, State of Wisconsin, with a mailing address of 1390 Washington Road,
Stoughton, WI 53589.
3. All interested persons waived
4. The deadline for filing a claim
against the decedents estate is June
10, 2016.
5. A claim may be filed at the Dane
County Courthouse, Madison, Wisconsin, Room 1000
Lisa Chandler
Probate Registrar
March 3, 2016
Judith Kanvik
2317 Hwy AB
McFarland, WI 53558
(608) 838-8260
Published: March 10, 17 and 24, 2016

be heard, in the Council Chambers, Public Safety Building, 321 South Fourth
Street, Second Floor, Stoughton, Wisconsin, 53589, to consider a proposed
Conditional Use Permit Application by
Laura Viney, for a Group Daycare at 1401
E. Main Street, Stoughton, Wisconsin.
The property at 1401 E. Main Street is
currently owned by GREENWICH INVESTORS XLVI REO LLC, and is more fully
described as follows:
Parcel Number: 281/0511-092-81000,
SEC 9-5-11 PRT NE1/4NW1/4
1023.80 FT TO POB TH N01DEG22E
75.00 FT TH S1DEG22W 210.00 FT
TH N89DEG3840E 75.00 FT TH
For questions regarding this notice
please contact Michael Stacey, Zoning
Administrator at 608-646-0421
Michael P Stacey
Zoning Administrator
Published: March 17 and 24, 2016 Hub


Ruth C. Kaupanger




March 17, 2016

Courier Hub

TIF: Policy establishes new process for considering, approving TIF applications


Lake Mills Cleaners offers FREE Pick-up

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Looking for full time

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not necessary. Will
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Complete Dry Cleaning including:

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OR any other dry cleanable garment you own!


ANTIQUES in Milton across from the
Milton House.

402 Help Wanted, General

Applications available at
Sugar & Spice Eatery.
317 Nora St. Stoughton.
looking for experienced flat work
finisher, foundation form setter, concrete
foremen and operator. DL/CDL helpful.
Competitive wages, insurance benefits.
Seeking detail oriented and reliable
candidate. Flexible 20-30 hrs/wk. Job
description and applications available at:
THEY SAY people dont read those little
ads, but YOU read this one, didnt you?
Call now to place your ad, 873-6671 or

Selsor thanked the Finance
committee at the March 8
meeting for its work on the
policy, but said he was disappointed more members of the
council werent involved in
drafting it.
He attempted to send the
policy back to the committee until such time as
we come up with a clearer
understanding of what were
trying to do. That failed on
an 8-4 vote, with Michael
Engelberger, Sid Boersma
and Hirsch joining Selsor.
Alders Scott Truehl, Pat
OConnor, Sonny Swangstu, Tim Swadley, Ron
Christianson, Paul Lawrence, Tom Majewski and
Greg Jenson voted against


Specializing in Residential Cleaning

Insured 13 Years Experience
Reliable Free Estimates

835-0339 513-3638


150 Places To Go

a TIF application will be

considered, beginning with
a report to the Finance committee and the council by the
citys finance director.

Cleaning, LLC

Sign up your Ash trees for

a 2 year treatment now.
Caring for our Green World since 1978

TIF is a public financing method that is used as

a subsidy for redevelopment, infrastructure, and
other community-improvement projects by capturing property tax revenue from all underlying taxing
jurisdictions (the city, county, state, technical
college and the school district) of the newly developed property.

Tinas Home

You can trust your

trees to our family of
Certified Arborists.

Tim Andrews Horticulturist LLC

Apply in person at:

Jacobson bros
2125 Mccomb rD
stoughton, WI

What is TIF

postponing the issue.

Specifically, Selsor said
he felt the 15 percent threshold for citizens to force the
city to hold a permissive
referendum the results of
which would be binding
was too high. He called the
requirement very cumbersome for citizens.
This sounds very friendly to those who might be
opposed to a project, but
its not, Selsor said during
discussion of the resolution.
Its a huge project to get 15
percent of voters to sign a
After the vote, committee chair Christianson (D-2)
said he was disappointed
that anyone would oppose
the draft policy after the
committee spent almost two
years working on it.
He told Selsor the committee had followed his suggestions in drafting the new
policy, and he defended the

15 percent threshold.
There should be some
burden to force a referendum, he argued. You cant
have five people say we
want a referendum and then
just hold one.
Swadley (D-1) explained
that hed asked to have the
permissive referendum language included in the TIF
policy because during the
discussion of the commercial center, most people
werent aware that it was an
option. Hirsch and Selsor
said it would give residents
a chance to have more say
over projects that require the
city taking out a long-term
loan, and they didnt see a
Despite Christiansons
concerns he called it a
detriment to development
he voted for it anyway,
along with Hirsch, Selsor,
Engelberger and Majewski.
Earlier he had said his
hope in forwarding the policy was to bring the council
and the community together.
Lets be a performing council that gets things
done, he said.
Swadley urged his colleagues to support the new
policy, despite the fact that
its not perfect.
I think we should
approve it tonight because
itll be a much better policy
than the one weve had in
place, he said.

me to the Team
B & G Foods, Inc., Stoughton, WI, would like to
announce the hiring of Ansu Jammeh as
3rd Shift Sanitation Supervisor! Ansu was
previously with Kraft Foods, Madison, WI.


Drop off your Dry clEaning at

10 percent failed on a 7-5

vote, and a few minutes later
the council came together
for a unanimous vote to
adopt the new policy.
The council also decided that the two-thirds vote
to deviate from the policy
would mean two-thirds of
alders present during the
time of the vote, not of the
entire 12-member body.
The council has the ability
to call for a referendum with
a simple majority vote.
A key theme of the policy
that was universally supported states, The council
reserves the right to approve
or disapprove any project as
it deems appropriate.
The policy also establishes the process in which



We are now accepting applications
for part time or half time positions
selling outdoor and casual furniture
in the summer and assisting in our
sportswear and clothing department
in the winter. This is a year round
job with flexible shifts ranging from
15-30 hours per week. If you enjoy
working with people, have a flair for
color and design and love the great
outdoor please stop by our store and
apply in person. Chalet is a fun and
friendly place to work and we've been
a member of the local community for
over 35 years. We sell the best quality
brand name merchandise and provide
a high level of personalized service.
Chalet is locally owned and we have a
great appreciation for our employees
and customers. We offer a generous
base salary plus commission, paid
training and a nice benefits package.
Please stop by the store and apply
in person:
Chalet Ski & Patio Store
5252 Verona Road
Madison, WI 53711

434 Health Care, Human

Services & Child Care
Seeking caregivers to provide care
to seniors in their homes. Valid DL/
Dependable Vehicle required. FT & PT
positions available. Flexible scheduling.
$1000 sign-on bonus.
Call 608-442-1898
part-time. Unique, fun granny/nannytype work in Stoughton. Call Holly:
TRAINER - Provide personal care assistance and skills training to individuals
with developmental disabilities in vocational & community settings. 30 hrs/
week. $11.77 /hr. Excellent benefits.
Send resume by 3/15/16 to sbraund@ or MARC-Stoughton 932 N
Page St., Stoughton WI 53589 AA/EOE
Friday for The Great Dane and Noon
Monday for the Courier Hub unless
changed because of holiday work
schedules. Call now to place your ad,
873-6671 or 835-6677.

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GUN SHOW: March 18-20 Onalaska Omni Center, 255 Riders
Club Road, Onalaska, WI. Fri 3-8pm, Sat 9am-5pm, Sun 9am3pm. FREE PARKING Admission:$6 (14 & Under FREE) Buy/
Sell/Trade 608-752-6677 (CNOW)
STEEL BUILDINGS-Diamond Steel Structures-Factory Direct
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County is looking for experienced, confident care providers. We support a wide
variety of children and adults with developmental disabilities throughout Dane
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immediately! For more information, or to
request an application, please visit our
website at or contact
Shannon at or (608) 273-3318. AA/EOE

436 Office Administration &

IMMEDIATE OPENING for a part-time
Office Assistant. The right candidate will
have strong customer service, phone and
organizational skills, a positive attitude
and will be attentive to detail. Must have
computer experience for word processing
and data entry. Experience with Microsoft Excel required and Peachtree Software knowledge a plus but not required.
Please apply at Galva-Closure Products
Co. 1236 East Street, Stoughton, WI
53589, (608) 873-3044
THEY SAY people dont read those little
ads, but YOU read this one, didnt you?
Call now to place your ad, 873-6671 or

444 Construction, Trades &

HELP WANTED: Looking for a Heavy
Equipment Operator for Residential and
Light Commercial. Pit/Quarry experience
preferred. CDL license would be helpful.
If qualified and interested please call

446 Agriculture,
Landscaping & Lawn Care
LOOKING FOR Lawn care team members with valid drivers licence and good
record. Cutting Edge Lawn Care. 608835-2162 or 608-695-4910

449 Driver, Shipping

& Warehousing
DRIVERS AND Help wanted. Looking for
seasonal Class B CDL drivers with tanker
endorsement or candidates capable of
obtaining Farm insurance license. Please
contact Zac @ the Delong Co. Inc. 608882-5756
CLASSIFIED AD DEADLINE IS Noon Friday for The Great Dane and Noon Monday for The Courier Hub unless changed
because of holiday work schedules. Call
now to place your ad, 873-6671 or 835-6677.



FRIDAY APRIL 15, 2016 @ 9:00 A.M.
101 E. Murray Street Browntown, WI 53522
Farm & Construction Hay & Forage
Planting & Tillage Combines & Tractors
Wagons & Carts Trucks & Trailers
Skid Loaders & Attachments

Office: (608) 439-5764 or Dan Powers, Jr: (608) 214-1883


Friday for The Great Dane and Noon
Monday for the Courier Hub unless
changed because of holiday work
schedules. Call now to place your ad,
873-6671 or 835-6677.

548 Home Improvement

Light Construction Remodeling
No job too small
"Honey Do List"
No job too small
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Arthur Hallinan
RECOVER PAINTING currently offering
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every job is donated to cancer research.
Free estimates, fully insured, over 20
years of experience. Call 608-270-0440.
Professional, Interior,
Exterior, Repairs.
Free Estimates. Insured.


was merely a guideline

that the city did not need to
strictly follow.
Including the requirement
was seen as something of a
victory for alders who had
opposed using the taxpayer
financing mechanism for
But in what could be
interpreted as a win for supporters of that TIF deal,
an attempt to make it easier for the public to force

a permissive referendum
when the city elects to borrow money with more than
a 10-year payback schedule
Some alders, including
Regina Hirsch (D-3) and
Tom Selsor (D-4), wanted to
lower the threshold needed
to force the city to hold a
referendum from 15 percent
of residents who voted in the
last gubernatorial general
election to 10 percent.
Hirschs motion to change
the draft policy from 15 to


Continued from page 1

554 Landscaping, Lawn,

Tree & Garden Work
Proudy serving the local community
for 5 years. Call us today for all your
lawncare and landscaping needs.
Free your time! Call 608-807-3320.
trimming, roto-tilling. Garden
maintenance available.608-235-4389

Consignment Deadline


CHIPS available with provided dump
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CLASSIFIEDS, 873-6671 or 835-6677. It

pays to read the fine print.

Wednesday, April 13, 2016 by 5:00 P.M.
720 Apartments

560 Professional Services

We specialize in finding people. www. 608712-6286

602 Antiques & Collectibles


10x10 through 10x40, plus
14x40 with 14' door for
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Come & go as you please.

652 Garage Sales

5421 Caddis Bend. 3/18-3/19, Friday,
10am-7pm, Saturday, 10am-3pm. BABY
SALE, Newborn-6 years, 1000's of items.

696 Wanted To Buy

THEY SAY people dont read those little

ads, but YOU read this one, didnt you?
Call now to place your ad, 873-6671 or

705 Rentals


Convenient location behind
Stoughton Lumber.
Clean-Dry Units
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Verona on Hwy PB.
Variety of sizes available now.
Call 608-424-6530 or



Friday for The Great Dane and Noon
Monday for the Courier Hub unless
changed because of holiday work
schedules. Call now to place your ad,
873-6671 or 835-6677.
THEY SAY people dont read those little
ads, but YOU read this one, didnt you?
Call now to place your ad, 873-6671 or

Resident Care Assistants (RCA)


10x10 - 10x15
10x20 - 12x30
24 / 7 Access
Security Lights & Cameras
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1128 Union Road
Oregon, WI
Located on the corner of
Union Road & Lincoln Road

Resident Caregivers/CNAs

8210 Highview Drive - Madison

OREGON 3-BEDROOM duplex, 3

baths, 2.5 car garage. Over
1,700 sq. ft. Quiet area. Smoke-free.
Small pet. $1,595+. 6/1. 216 Thomson
Lane. 608-835-9269.

Courier Hub

6x10 thru 10x25
Market Street/Burr Oak Street
in Oregon
Call 608-520-0240

to download
an application:

Apartments for Seniors 55+, currently
has 1 & 2 bedroom units available
starting at $750 per month, includes
heat, water, and sewer.
608-835-6717 Located at:
139 Wolf St., Oregon, WI 53575

Watertown Moose Lodge.
1222 Juneau St., Watertown, WI
3/20. Preview@11:30,
C&D Auctions Wi Reg#474-053

10x10 through 10x25
month to month lease
Call Karen Everson at
608-835-7031 or
Veronica Matt at 608-291-0316

Now hiring caregivers to help our seniors on a variety of

shifts. We offer competitive wages, Paid Time Off,
$1.00/hour night & weekend shift differentials, paid
training, plus health, dental & other benefits for eligible

WE BUY Junk Cars and Trucks.

We sell used parts.
Monday thru Friday 8am-5:30pm.
Newville Auto Salvage, 279 Hwy 59
Edgerton, 608-884-3114

to request an

Milestone Senior Living is seeking full-time and part-time

Resident Care Assistants for Assisted Living and Memory
Care. Brand new facility. Competitive starting wages.
Apply by sending a cover letter and an application found on
our website: to:
Milestone Senior Living
Attn.: Lisa Ford, Community Director
2220 Lincoln Ave.
Stoughton, WI 53589

801 Office Space For Rent

In Oregon facing 15th hole
on golfcourse
Free Wi-Fi, Parking and
Security System
Conference rooms available
Autumn Woods Prof. Centre
Marty 608-835-3628


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16379 W. Milbrandt Road
Evansville, WI


975 Livestock


of two-flat, near downtown, River Bluff
School. Newly renovated. Central air.
W/D, water included. No pets. $855/
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Appliances included, A/C, garage, W/D
hook-up. No pets/smoking. Available
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THEY SAY people dont read those little
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Lawn Care

DAIRYMEN: Overcrowded?Short on
feed, space, time? Let us raise your heifers to meet your needs. Years of dairy
experience; heifers raised healthy and
well-fed. Small numbers welcome. Located West side of Madison. Call Gordy at
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Heifers tab at

Work for a company with a culture where you feel appreciated. Join
Stoughton Hospitals award winning Environmental Services team of
Housekeepers. Our patients rank Stoughton Hospital as having the
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Duties may include cleaning hospital inpatient and outpatient areas,
discharges, Health Center, clinic, kitchen, floor care, managing waste,
soiled linens, rest room cleaning, stairs, dusting, and other general
cleaning needs. Assist with setting up or taking down evening special
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Prefer previous housekeeping experience and high school graduate or
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Microsoft office suite skills.
Full-time, Evenings, 80 hours bi-weekly, 3:00 p.m.-11:30 p.m.,
every 3rd weekend and holiday.

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Office/inside sales

PURE BRED Red Angus Bulls, open and

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Red Angus 608-558-5342

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and these attachments. Concrete
breaker, posthole auger, landscape rake,
concrete bucket, pallet forks, trencher,
rock hound, broom, teleboom, stump
By the day, week, or month.
Carter & Gruenewald Co.
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Monday FOR THE Stoughton Courier Hub


UW-Madison, Facilities Planning and Management, Physical

Plant, Campus Services Department is looking for h
motivated, hard-working individuals to work on the Moving/
Window Washing Crew. UW offers unmatched benefits and great
opportunities for personal and professional growth. This exciting
position will assist trade workers and clean, repair and replace
windows and other glass fixtures up to as high as 160 feet. Duties
may also include special event setups/teardowns, maintaining
accurate inventory, and inspecting and making necessary repairs.
Must have, or be able to obtain within six months of hire, a
Wisconsin Commercial Drivers License with tanker and air
brake endorsements. Starting pay is based on experience and
qualifications, with a minimum starting rate of $17.32 an hour.
To apply go to the following web site:
Weblisting/External/Staff.aspx and Search All Staff Vacancies
for Vacancy ID #98092. Click on the Apply Online button and
follow the instructions. If you have any questions contact Dawn
Bierman at 608/265-4057, Deadline to
apply is March 24, 2016.
UW-Madison is an affirmative action/equal employment employer
and we encourage women, minorities, veterans, and people with
disabilities to apply.


Delivery Driver Part Time

Our current delivery driver is retiring so were looking to fill his position.
Duties include:
Serving as a courier between our three offices.
Delivery and sales tracking of our publications to established retail outlets.
Scheduling maintenance and repairs as needed for our company van.
On average you will work about 10 hours a week, two hours every Monday morning,
approximately 8 hours every Wednesday. Once a month there be an additional
delivery day to distribute two specialty publications.

Do You Like to Meet People?

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The successful candidate will be at least 18 years of age with a good driving record.
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If youve answered yes, we are very interested in talking to you. We are

seeking candidates for part-time openings in our front office. Hours are
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not limited to, selling and processing classified ads, selling special projects
by phone, receptionist duties, assisting walk-in customers and processing
reports. Previous sales experience preferred. Positions are located in the
Oregon and Stoughton offices.

Oregon Observer, Stoughton Courier Hub,

Verona Press, The Great Dane Shopping News
Unified Newspaper Group is a part of Woodward Community Media,
a division of Woodward Communications, Inc.
and an Equal Opportunity Employer.


STOUGHTON 1616 Kenilworth Ct.

Large 2-BR apts available now.
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Oregon Observer, Stoughton Courier Hub,

Verona Press, The Great Dane Shopping News
Unified Newspaper Group is a part of Woodward Community Media,
a division of Woodward Communications, Inc.
and an Equal Opportunity Employer.


If this part-time position interests you and you have the equivalent of a
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March 17, 2016

Courier Hub


farms in several counties.

Dolores attended elementary schools in Iowa
County, received diploma
from Dodgeville grade
school on June 2, 1948,
and graduated from
Barneveld Union Free
High School on May 22,
1952. Dolores married
Billy Maybee on June 6,
1954. She retired after
18.5 years of service to
the UW- Madison Extension.
After retirement, she
resided in Fort Atkinson
and Stoughton. Many
people loved her goulash
and chocolate cake.
Dolores is survived by
her children, Billy Maybee, Jr. of Evansville,
Bruce Maybee of Madison, Blaine (Kim) Maybee of Baraboo, and Diane
Potter (special friend,
Ballard) of Virginia; six
grandchildren, Ginger
(Kevin) Garfoot, Mike
(Susan) Maybee, Blaine
Marie (Mike) Huebsch,
Keith Carico, Kayla Carico and Cameron Maybee;
eight great grandchildren,
Corey Garfoot, Brandon
Garfoot, Stacey Maybee,
Mike Maybee, Jr., Austin

Dolores Maybee

Dolores Maybee

Dolores Minerva Snodgrass Maybee, age 82,

passed away peacefully
in Baraboo on Thursday,
March 10, 2016 with family by her side.
She was born on Nov.
28, 1933 in the Township of Scott, Crawford
County, the daughter of
Glen and Pearl (OKane)
Snodgrass. Dolores lived
with Glen and Pearl on the
family farm until Glens
death in 1934. On March
28, 1939, her mother
Pearl then married Laurel Pete Kast. She lived
with Pete and Pearl on

Huebsch, Aspen Garfoot, Tony Maybee, and

Frankie Huebsch; and two
sisters, Lorraine (Harold)
Febock and Linda (Jim)
She was preceded in
death by her parents;
brother, Larry (Georgia)
Kast; nephew, Tony Leroy
Kast; and great-greatgranddaughter, Rilee Rae
Funeral services will be
held at 11 a.m. Monday,
March 21 at Cress Funeral
Home, 206 W. Prospect
Street. A luncheon reception will follow the services. Visitation will be held
from 3-5 p.m. Sunday,
March 20 at Cress Funeral
Home, and from 10 am.
until the time of services
Monday at Cress.
Please share your memories of Dolores at: www.

John Jack Harr

John Harr

John (Jack) Harr, 79, of

Sparta, Wis., passed away
peacefully on Thursday,
March 10, 2016, at Gundersen Health Services in La
Jack was born on June 25,
1936, to Byron Markley Harr
and Luella Mae (Jones) Harr
in Sparta. He graduated from
Sparta High School in 1954,
and then attended Platteville
State College, graduating in
1958 with a Bachelor of Science degree in Agriculture
and Science. In 1963, he
earned a Master of Educational Administration degree
from the University of Wyoming.
While studying at Platteville, Jack met Lois (Larsen),
whom he later married on
June 11, 1960, at St. Johns
Community Church in Fort
Atkinson. During their 55
years of marriage, they raised
four daughters and celebrated
life by following old traditions while creating new
ones as their family grew,
cherishing family recipes on
holidays, traveling near and
far, gardening, bird watching, serving the community
and individuals in need, being
active in their local church
and making friends new and
old wherever they were.
Jacks career in education
spanned 31 years except for
a 10-year gap during which
he worked in insurance and
took him many places. Jack
first began teaching in Kendall, Wis., then at Royall High
School in Elroy, Wis. He
next moved to Madison East
High School, where he taught
science and coached football
and track. In 1967, he transitioned into administration as
the assistant principal at Central High School in Madison
before moving to West High
School in Madison when
Central High closed.
His next transition was
to a career selling insurance
with Horace Mann Insurance
Company in Springfield, Ill.,
where he was promoted to

Cress Funeral Service

206 W. Prospect Street
Stoughton, WI 53589
(608) 873-9244

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Michael F. Dolan, age 70,

passed away at his home on
Tuesday, March 8, 2016.
He was born in Chicago
on June 27, 1945, the son
of Martin and Ruby Dolan.
Mike was drafted into the
assistant vice president. Jack
returned to Wisconsin as the
registrar for Madison School
of Cosmetology in 1975. He
then returned to insurance as
a sales agent for Prudential
Insurance before returning
to education for the Sparta
School District as assistant
principal and athletic director
in 1980.
After serving at three
school districts over three
decades, Jack retired in 1999.
As a teacher, coach, athletic
director and assistant principal, he had a positive impact
on the lives of thousands of
students, hundreds of teachers and countless parents and
community members. During
his retirement, many students
reached out to him to express
their gratitude for his influence in their life.
The theme of Jacks life,
Serving God by Serving
Others, was apparent in
everything he did. He was
involved in a variety of service organizations including
serving as a board member
for the Monroe County Local
History Room for 19 years
and Habitat for Humanity for
over a decade. He also spent
countless hours as a volunteer for the Sparta Coalition
for Youth, the Boys and Girls
Club and Lifeline Services.
Additionally, he was an active
committee member at his
church, Trinity Lutheran, and
was involved in mission projects locally and abroad.
Jacks love of football
continued throughout his
life, first as a player and
later as an influential coach.
Jack played football and lettered all four years as a high
school student at Sparta High
School, and in college was on
two all-conference teams in
1955 and 1956. As he began
his career in education, Jack
drew upon his athletic ability
and began coaching the Royall High School team, which
he led to three conference
championships in 1958, 1959
and 1960. Later, as the assistant varsity football coach at
Madison East High School,
he coached several players
who went on to play successfully for the University of
Wisconsin-Madison Badgers.
In 1996, he was placed on the
Sparta High School Wall of
Fame for his involvement in
academics and sports. True
to the Spartan way, his passion for football didnt stop
after he retired he continued
to cheer on his local Spartans as well as collegiate and
professional teams. Jack and
Lois loved traveling together,
enjoying journeys to 51 countries and all 50 states. Jacks

passion for genealogy followed him throughout these

trips as they traveled to destinations of ancestral heritage.
He successfully documented
his family lineage back to the
Jack is survived by his
wife of 55 years, Lois (Larsen) Harr; four daughters,
Shara Fredrickson (Parnell)
of Hayward, Wis., Rhonda
Love (Perry) of Babson Park,
Fla., Jeanne Miller (Gene)
of Verona, Wis., and Marcia
Harr Bailey (Todd) of Madison; seven grandchildren,
Kyle, Kyra, Carly, Haley,
Helena, Celie and Jackson; sister, Nancy Jackson
of Golden, Colo.; and four
brothers, Jim Harr (Judy) of
Norwalk, Wis., Tom Harr
(Judy) of Salmon, Idaho,
Jeff Harr (Susan) of Sparta,
Wis., and Mark Harr (Chris)
of Almond, Wis.; and many
loving friends. He was preceded in death by his parents,
Byron Markley Harr and
Luella (Jones) Harr; motherin-law, Ruth Sundt-Larsen
Riebe; and stepfather-in-law
Robert Riebe.
When you look at a grave
marker, what is the first thing
that you notice? The name?
The age of the deceased?
There is often one tiny mark
that we overlook. And its
the most important mark
on the stone. Its the dash:
the what we do between the
time were born and the time
we diethats what is most
important. The dash is your
identity; who you are, your
influence, and how youve
touched the lives of others.
The dash is your legacy. It is
what youll leave behind for
future generations. Jack
Harr. Well done, good and
faithful servant.
Funeral services were held
Tuesday, March 15 at Trinity
Lutheran Church in Sparta,
followed by the burial in
Woodlawn Cemetery.
In lieu of flowers, memorials may be directed to one
of the following: Monroe
County Local History Room,
200 West Main Street, Sparta, WI 54656; Sparta Area
Cancer Support, Inc., P.O.
Box 130, Sparta, WI 54656;
Sparta Public Education
Foundation, Inc., P.O. Box
371, Sparta, WI 54656-0371;
Trinity Lutheran Church
Endowment Fund, 612 North
Water Street, Sparta, WI
Online condolences may
be offered to Jacks family at The
Lanham-Schanhofer Funeral
Home, Sparta, is assisting the
family with funeral arrangements.

U.S. Army
and served his
country during Vietnam
from 19671968 with the 1st Calvary/1st
Division. Following his
honorable discharge, Mike
worked at the UW-Madison
Space and Science Engineering until his retirement.
Mike filled his retirement
years with travel and enjoyed
traveling throughout the U.S.
Mike is survived by his life
partner, Pamela Abbs Waters
and her children, Travis,
Nicole (Richard) and Ray;

Pams grandchildren, Cody,

Rebecca, and Jacob; and
special cousin, Doris-Jean
Oldham-Smolka. He was preceded in death by his parents.
Visitation was held March
15 at Cress Funeral Home
in Stoughton. According to
Mikes wishes, no funeral
services will be held. Please
share your memories of Mike
Cress Funeral Service
206 W. Prospect Street
Stoughton, WI 53589
(608) 873-9244

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