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the vag.

Table of Contents // Issue 1 /// April 2010

Editorial Welcome
1. From the editor // John Cameron
The issue explained, the issues examined
Reproductive Rights
2. Speaking Out for Reproductive Rights // Feministing
Notable quotes from a recent conference on reproductive justice
“CLPP 2010: Closing Plenary: Undivided Rights: Building Power, Linking Movements.” Feministing. 11 April 2010.
<> 11 April 2010.
Lesbians in a Cross-Cultural Context
3. The Ballad of Tila Tequila // Riese
Myspace celebrity’s lesbian relationship is a window into issues around gay marriage
Bernard, Marie “Riese” Lyn. “The Lawless Netherworlds of Gay Relationships in The Ballad of Tila Tequila.” Autostraddle. 9
January 2010. <> 3 February 2010.
Women’s Work
4. Wall Street Women Still Knocking on Men’s Rooms // Susan Antilla
Glass ceiling proves itself surprisingly thick
Antilla, Susan. “Wall Street Women Still Knocking on Men’s Rooms.” BusinessWeek. 6 April 2010. Online. <http://> 11 April
Women and Development
5. A Feminist Critique of the Alleged Southern Debt // Allison M. Jaggar
International debt serves to subjugate women in developing nations
Jaggar, Alison M. “A Feminist Critique of the Alleged Southern Debt.” Hypatia. 17.Fall (2002): 119-142. Project Muse.
<> 21 March 2010.
Women and Globalization
6. To Serve and to Pimp // Youngbee Dale
Filipino province’s poilce not only complicit in sex trade, but active in it
Dale, Youngbee. “The Philippines: policemen pimping on human trafficking victims often are not punished.” Examiner. 2
April 2010. <> 3 April 2010.
Women and Religion
7. Sexuality and Religion 2020 // Rev. Debra W. Haffner and Timothy Palmer
Notable quotes from a recent conference on reproductive justice
Haffner, Rev. Debra W. and Timothy Palmer. “Sexuality and Religion 2020: Goals for the Next Decade.” Religious Institute,
2010. <> 11 April 2010.
Women and Politics
8. where my girls at? // Kent Peterson
Saskatchewan blogger calls for fairer female representation in provincial politics
Peterson, Kent. “We Need Female Candidates.” Humble Opinion. April 2010.
<> 10 April 2010.
Gender Equality Movements
9. Haitian Women Demand Role in Reconstruction // IRIN
Hatian feminists struggle for place in rebuilding their nation
“HAITI: Women demand role in reconstruction.” IRIN. 1 April 2010. <>
4 April 2010.
Women’s Rights as Human Rights
10. Terrorism That’s Personal // Dexter Filkins
Acid attack epidemic complicates role of women in Middle East
Filkins, Dexter. “A School Bus for Shamsia.” New York Times. 17 August 2009. <
magazine/23school-t.html?_r=2&scp=1&sq=shamsia&st=cse> 2 April 2010.
the vag. Editorial Welcome

From the editor

In which the editor tries to explain the
need a feminist ’zine for Regina, tries to
justify the possibly offensive name, says
some ivory-tower garbage, and
generally opens himself up for criticism,
all before the first page of the first issue
f you picked this magazine up low, meaning we wouldn’t have to for a magazine by, for and in part

I and flipped to this page, you’ve

probably got a burning question
in the back of your mind:
worry about overhead. Sure, we
wouldn’t make a living at it, but a
web-based donation model would
about the Vag.
Which probably reminds you:
“Why The Vag.?”
“Why The Vag.?” hopefully ensure that the publication Well.
Why indeed. This project originally could sustain itself enough. And with Keith Richards of the Rolling
began as a proposal for a national that model, we could publish for free. Stones called Regina “the city that
magazine, meant for submission to So, to recap: we have a profes- rhymes with ‘Fun’.” That’s true. But
Canada’s Status of Women National sional-looking piece of media aimed the vagina means so much more - it’s
Office. But circumstances changed, at appealing to local readers if not a place of love and joy and life and
and the Office had its legs swept out specifically featuring local issues, and pain and confusion and relief and
from under it. we can offer it to the public for free. clarity. It’s a part of the human body
With the status of women in Like I said, perfect fit. and, therefore, an integral part of
Canada in jeopardy, we realized we It’s important that magazine human experience.
were going about the project the shelves at bookstores and supermar- So “the Vag” means what Keith
wrong way. For one thing, the budget kets have national feminist-oriented Richards meant, but it can and does
of the Office - what was left of it - magazines, but those can be pricey. A mean so much more. We want to say
was probably better served on proj- free magazine that everyone can ac- “the Vag” and mean Regina in all of
ects of a wider appeal and focus than cess means that the ideas can pro- its aspects, all those things which give
this. Canada has made great strides pogate without barriers and with us joy and all of those things that, if
toward gender parity over the last great speed. A ’zine can be picked up, unchecked, present grave dager to us.
century, but we’re still far enough off read, and left on the bus for the next It’s a reminder to care for our home-
that the Office needs to show extreme person to read. In fact, we’d really town the same way we’d care for any
discretion with the distribution of its like to see that. part of our body, a reminder to show
funding. But another thing we’d like to see it the respect it deserves and admire
With that in mind, we stepped is increased feminist activism in it for what it represents. Just like,
back and refocused. If we didn’t have Regina. With the status of women well, the vag.
funding, a national project would be being threatened by a callous national The Vag. doesn’t rhyme with “fun.”
hard. Eventually, someone proposed government, it’s even more important It doesn’t rhyme with “Regina” either,
the ’zine model. to aim at organizing concerned citi- when you get down to it. But it does
It was a perfect fit. zens on a local level. With luck (and stand for Regina, seeking to transform
Modern desktop publishing has Internet access), the feminist commu- a crude piece of juvenile comedy into
made it much easier for amateur and nity in Regina can organize itself and something that we, as a city, can take
underground publications to produce network with other feminist move- pride in. Something that you, the
professional-quality material, even ments across the nation, forming a reader, can take pride in.
from home, meaning that we could united front in the face of patriarchal Something you can be part of.
put out what looks like a national- oppression.
quality issue on a local scale. As well, That’s tough to accomplish with a John Cameron
the costs of a ’zine are fundamentally national magazin, but a little easier Editor-in-Chief
the vag. Reproductive Rights

Speaking Out for

Reproductive Rights
Quotes from the closing plenary of the 2010
Civil Liberties and Public Policy conference, a
reproductive justice conference held this April
in Amherst, Massachusetts.

“ “
The opponents of abortion have really inten- Immigration status is a fundamental deter-
sified their campaign this year. minant of your reproductive health status.
The health care bill, violence, tea parties are showing Organizing immigrant women has been one of the
us we have to fight more even though we thought most successful things we've ever done. Including im-
we'd won some ground. One of the things that keeps migrant women in our work is part and parcel of
me going forward is that all of our movements, all of what we do. At every panel I've been to immigration
our identities are related. I am inspired by everyone status has been brought up. So I thought oh, we're
here who is willing and able to speak from their heart good. And then I remembered that we're here. And
and speak that truth to power. we do need to talk about it because others don't
“A lot of my work recently has been in the environ-
mental movement. The nuclear industry is saying, nu- “Immigrant women themselves and the context of im-
clear is the solution to climate change. It's posing a migration has to be a critical gear in the works that
solution, and it can be an appealing solution, because drives the movement. The idea that there's immi-
nuclear power plants don't produce as much pollu- grants and non-immigrants and we have different
tion as coal plants. But pitting those two against each lives is a false dichotomy that's created by policies.
other is not recognizing the reality of both those sit- Families in this country aren't just immigrant and
uations. So if you take any question that's being non-immigrant. Millions of people live in mixed im-
posed to you and break it down, recognize that's it's migration status households. Leaving out immigrant
more complicated. So the nuclear plants, where is it women's reproductive health and rights in our work
happening? On indigenous lands. The plants are is dangerous because leaving that piece alone doesn't
being powered by coal plants. just leave immigrants where they were before. If you
advance rights for some people and leave out immi-
“So it's asking these questions, finding that nuance, grant women you create a context where you are
making those connections. How can we create a so- making them a scapegoat for lack of rights in other
lution that's good for us now and in the future? The arenas. And you're also creating a precedent where
goal is to work ourselves out of a job.” they can be left out.

“If we build a movement for reproductive justice that

leaves out immigrants it's not reflecting our lives. And
also, including immigrants is the right thing to do.”

Meredith Crafton Liza Fuentes

CLPP alum and law student National Latina Institute for Reproductive Health
the vag. Lesbians in Cross-Cultural Context

The Lawless
Netherworlds of
Gay Relationships in
The Ballad of
Tila Tequila
How Tila Tequila is giving us
a chance to look at the
importance of marriage
equality from another angle
— and what we can learn
from her story.
marriage for Tila Nguyen and
by riese //
Casey Johnson? ‘Cause that en-
n the days following Casey gagement wasn’t, after all, real,
I Johnson’s death last Sunday
there’s been a lot of talk about
because Tila and Casey cannot
legally marry. I mean we all
what in the heiress’s life and re- admit that, right?
lationship was “real” and what We don’t like to discuss this
wasn’t. The ring, ex-girlfriend vague conceptual notion of law-
Courtenay Semel told the press, less “marriage,” or even acknowl-
was not real, nor was it really 17 edge publicly that our
karats. Casey’s much-touted engagements aren’t as “real”/sig-
heiress fortune was also not real nificant as straight couple’s en-
– multiple sources confirm that gagements. As Julie Goldman so
Casey’s family had cut her off. deftly targets in her Commitment
Tila’s pregnancy wasn’t real ei- Ceremony video, when we use
ther, in the strictest (only) defini- the same language for our cere-
tion of “pregnancy” — due to monies that heteros do, we’re
Tila’s apparent struggles conju- only playing along. It’s important
gating verbs, she announced, for our movement that we play
“I’m pregnant!” when she really along. We don’t like to talk about
meant, “I’m going to be a surro- the “fiancée” in quotation marks
gate parent for my brother!” because it’s offensive and disre-
Some of their body parts, includ- spectful to include quotation
ing Tila’s breasts and Casey’s lips, marks, as it implies illegitimacy.
aren’t technically real, either. The press must exclude quota-
But what about that other tion marks because that’s the po-
thing that isn’t real? That thing us litically correct thing to do and
gays don’t really wanna bring up, we get pissed every time we see
lest we involve such a controver- “marry” in a headline. But let’s
sial and unstable figure in our “get real” here: gay marriage is
very serious, very real, fight for not the same thing as straight
marriage equality? What about marriage right now. It is, in prac- the engagement, y’all? What tice, really only gay “marriage.”
wifey/?id=81717731 about the potential of an actual ****
the vag. Women’s Work

Wall Street

(but what else do you expect goes on in buildings that look like this?)
Women Still
on Men’s
cepting that if you want to treat
by Susan Antilla // BusinessWeek
women equally, you can’t shut them
ack in an era that some Wall
B Street guys consider the good old
days, men got the promotions,
out of perks, equal pay or key busi-
ness meetings.
The latest round of complaints
women got left out of important against financial firms read a lot like
meetings and anyone dumb enough the Boom-Boom Room protests, ab-
to complain met with a blitz of retali- sent the dirty-old- man-style sex talk
ation. and the Penthouse centerfolds taped
Ultimately, legal actions including to the trading-room walls. What they
the embarrassing 1996 “Boom-Boom have in common is outlining practices
Room” lawsuit against Smith Barney that make it easy for men, not
& Co. got Wall Street’s attention. Some women, to get ahead.
firms apologized, sort of, using that
“We didn’t do anything wrong but we No Invites
sure are sorry if you think we did”
ploy that financial firms pull off like Bank of America Corp. was hit with a
no others. lawsuit on March 30 by one current
Fast forward 14 years. These days, and two former employees who de-
women filing lawsuits against big fi- scribe offices where women are left
nancial firms say men are getting the off the invite list for meetings, plum
promotions, women are getting left accounts are doled out to men and a
out of important meetings and any- formal complaint can be followed by
one dumb enough to complain is met a flurry of new compliance demands
with a blitz of retaliation. Sound famil- that don’t apply to the guys. The bank
iar? denies the allegations and is “regu-
Wall Street may be on the cutting larly recognized” as a top company
edge when it comes to financial ad- for women, spokeswoman Shirley
vancements. Lehman Brothers’ fa- Norton said in an e-mail.
mous Repo 105 accounting wizardry
comes to mind: China and India sure Dorly Hazan-Amir, an associate in
didn’t beat us at inventing that. Citigroup Inc.’s Asset Finance Group
Daniel Mayer,
Wall Street is an institutional di- -- where three women and 22 men File:Bank_of_America_Plaza_from_North_Ave_near_old_Wacovia_
nosaur, though, when it comes to ac- worked on deals -- filed a complaint Building_garage.JPG
the vag. Women and Development

A Feminist Critique of the Alleged


A Peruvian woman with her child, Sacred Valley, Peru.

I. The Alleged Southern Debt same time, they imposed new tudes of world trade; for exam-
by Alison M. Jaggar // loan conditions that mandated ple, SAPs' promotion of cash
Hypatia During the 1970s, when inter- policies of so-called structural crop agriculture has made
n 7 September 2000, a pe- est rates were low, many devel- adjustment. Structural adjust- many countries in the global
O tition requesting cancella-
tion of the debts owed by the
oping countries engaged in
massive borrowing to finance
ment policies or SAPs are ne-
oliberal economic policies that
South vulnerable to drops in
world prices for their crops. At
most impoverished nations and their economic and social de- "adjust" the "structures" of local the same time, the shift to cash
signed by over 22 million peo- velopment. When interest rates economies in order that they crop agriculture has encour-
ple was handed to world lead- rose sharply at the end of the may be integrated into the aged these countries to become
ers meeting at the Millennium decade, most debtor countries global economic system. The permanently dependent on
Summit of the United Nations. had difficulty paying the inter- aim of the integration is to en- Northern machines and fertiliz-
This paper argues that strong est on their loans and in the able the local economies to ers. [2] Thus, SAPs have en-
feminist reasons exist for can- early 1980. s a world debt crisis earn sufficient foreign currency sured a "captive" supply of
celing much of the debt al- resulted, threatening the failure to service their external debts. cheap labor, cheap raw materi-
legedly owed by developing of major U. S. banks and per- Thus, SAPs are designed to ori- als and agricultural products for
countries, a debt that not only haps a collapse of the world ent local economies away from Northern industries, and have
drains these countries' re- economic system. In order to production intended to satisfy simultaneously created guaran-
sources but also traps them in forestall default by large the needs of local people and teed markets for Northern
a situation of global indentured debtors such as Mexico, inter- toward producing goods for ex- manufactured products, tech-
servitude. national lending institutions port. [1] nologies, and consumer goods.
such as the International Mone- Any local economy that is In a world where the terms of
tary Fund and the World Bank integrated into the global econ- trade for raw materials and
rescheduled many debts. At the omy is exposed to the vicissi- agricultural products have
the vag. Women and Globalization

To Serve and to Pimp

In the by Youngbee Dale, Human
Rights Examiner //
Islamic Liberation Front (MILF)
fighting for autonomy" does not
but also traffickers of women
and children, themselves. Some
help the situation, either. How- of the government officials
esterday, a news article was
ever, what seems to be the were directly profit from the

policemen Y
greater problem is the govern- trafficking while others receive
reported to expose the situ- ment itself rather than MILF. protection fee from the brothels
ation of human trafficking of Human trafficking of in exchange of tolerating their

pimping on minors in Mindanao, Philip-

pines. The article starts out
with a story of a 14 year old girl
women and children in Min-
danao demonstrates the classic
illegal operation of sex trade.
Police men sometimes are the
example that the government is owners of a night club, where
human who had no choice but to leave
her family to become a domes-
part of the problem, not the so-
lution to the problem. Accord-
they traffick minors for com-
mercial sexual exploitation. In
trafficking totic helper in Kuwait. According
the report, poverty and
ing to a report, a hand full of
wealthy individuals became
this regard, a police man can be
not only an assistant to traffick-
human trafficking is far greater
victims in Mindanao than other regions
rich not because they worked
harder than others but because
ers but also a trafficker, or even
a pimp himself.
in the Philippines. The popula- they profited from smuggling Weak rule of law in Min-
often are tion living under less than $2 a
day is a lot higher in Mindanao
and corruption. Moreover, ac-
cording to 2009 U.S. State De-
danao was caused by the gov-
ernment corruption, which led
not than any other regions in the
Philippines. Certainly, the four
partment Report on Human
Trafficking, law enforcement
the public to mistrust the public
servants. Therefore, more peo-

punished decades old fight between "gov-

ernment troops and the Moro
officers and immigration offi-
cers not only assist traffickers
ple turned to MILF for protec-
tion by joining the group,
the vag. Women and Religion


In concert with Religious Institute, The Vag. is
very pleased to present this excerpt from the 51-
page booklet detailing their vision of sexually
healthy faith institutions over the next decade.
their responsibilities to be sex- The Religious Declaration’s ership. Women currently lead
by Rev. Debra W. Haffner ually healthy, just and affirming vision of sexuality the Episcopal Church, the
and Timothy Palmer prophetic. and spirituality, grounded in the Christian Church (Disciples of
his is a kairos moment.
T Kairos was the Greek god
of the fleeting moment. In the
Ten years ago, a new vision
of sexual health and wholeness
for America’s faith communities
core teachings of the historic
faiths, emphasized breaking the
silence around sexuality that
Christ), the Fellowship of Met-
ropolitan Community Churches,
and the Fellowship. Women
Christian scriptures, kairos sig- was forged. In the spring of persists in too many faith com- also have been elected to serve
nals “the appointed time in the 1999, Debra W. Haffner and the munities. It urged religious as bishops in such diverse tra-
purpose of God,” the moment Rev. Dr. Larry Greenfield con- leaders and faith communities ditions as the African Methodist
when God acts, and long- vened a meeting of 20 promi- to promote comprehensive sex- Episcopal Church, AME Zion,
needed change at last is made nent clergy, academicians, uality education, sexual and re- the Evangelical Lutheran
possible. In broader faith terms, ethicists and theologians to de- productive health, and the full Church in America, Unity Fel-
it is a time of opportunity, when velop a progressive vision of inclusion of women and les- lowship and The United
the world opens itself to move- the relationship of sexuality bian, gay, bisexual and trans- Methodist Church.
ment and transformation. and religion. The product of gender persons in religious • In 2000, only a handful of de-
In this moment, we are wit- their work was the Religious communities and society at nominations had welcoming or-
nessing a new willingness, in Declaration on Sexual Morality, large. ganizations promoting the full
religious communities and soci- Justice, and Healing. Published The last decade has seen re- inclusion of lesbian and gay
ety at large, toward transform- on January 25, 2000, the Reli- markable progress in furthering persons in communities of
ing traditional understandings gious Declaration was a clarion the vision of the Religious Dec- faith. Today, welcoming organi-
of sexuality and religion. Reli- call to the nation’s religious laration: zations are working toward full
gious denominations have leaders for a new sexual ethic, • Women’s ordination was inclusion in all of the mainline
spent decades addressing sexu- focused on social justice and nothing new in 2000, but over Protestant denominations, in
ality and faith. Congregations the integrity of personal rela- the past 10 years there has been several evangelical Christian de-
and clergy around the country tionships, rather than on partic- notable progress in the rise of nominations, in the Roman
are increasingly recognizing ular sexual acts. women to denominational lead- Catholic Church, and in Jewish
the vag. Women and Politics

where my
Michael Lewis,

Why are there so few women in the

Saskatchewan Legislature? Well, for starters,
there aren’t that many running for office.
“I am committed to 50% of [These] quotes are very challenging McIntyre in Regina
by Kent Peterson // our candidates in the 2011 elec- strong commitments to nomi- South. Pedersen's announce-
Humble Opinion tion being women. I publicly nating, and electing, women. ment was surprising for three
or many elections, going
F back many years, the
Saskatchewan NDP has strug-
stated my commitment to this
target when I declared my can-
didacy and I continue to state
Two current nomination
races are testament to the fact
that strong, intelligent, compas-
main reasons. Firstly, his first
preference was Regina Lake-
view, the constituency in which
gled with the fact that it fails to the importance of an inclusive, sionate, and effective women he lives. Secondly, he had also
nominate anything close to an welcoming and representative want to run for our great party. approached MLA Ron Harper,
acceptable number of female party….We also need to elect In Regina Coronation Park, wondering he if he could in-
candidates. At conventions, the more women – not just nomi- Tamara Harder is running an stead run in Regina Northeast.
party has even passed resolu- nate them.” excellent campaign and engag- (These two facts are reported in
tions effectively stating that - Yens Pedersen ing voters, but is being chal- the StarPhoenix here.) Finally,
nominating anything less than March 24, 2009. lenged by three other the quote from Pedersen posted
50% female candidates is unac- individuals, all male. above seems to suggest that he
ceptable. Most of these efforts “In both 2003 and 2007, In Regina South, Heather would help strong female can-
towards sex parity, sadly, have Saskatchewan New Democrats McIntyre has been directing a didates, not run against them.
largely been ignored. offered a smaller percentage of very organized, grassroots cam- For the sake of parity, eq-
During the 2009 leadership women candidates for election paign. On March 1, 2010, uity, and an NDP victory in
race, however, there seemed to than either of the other two Heather announced her candi- 2011, I hope women are not
be a renewed commitment to main parties — slightly more dacy. She was the first person further discouraged by the
nominating 50% women. For in- than 20%. In the 21st century to declare, with no other poten- events listed above. We need
stance, [here] are two quotes that is unacceptable and we tial candidates on the horizon. women for better policy, and
from two of the leadership can- simply must do better to have On March 19, however, another we need them to win.
didates: any hope of winning in 2011. “ candidate entered the nomina-
- Dwain Lingenfelter tion race. Yens Pedersen an-
March 24, 2009. nounced he would be
the vag. Gender Equality Movements

Haitian Women Demand

Role in Reconstruction

Haitian-born Massachusetts
from IRIN
State Representative Marie St.
omen's civil society groups
W were noticeable by their
absence from the landmark Haiti
Fleur, who represented the dias-
pora community at the main
conference, said she was not sur-
donor conference on March 31, prised to look across the room
which secured pledges of and see few other female faces.
US$5.3 billion over the next two The text of the Haitian govern-
years to support the country’s ment’s Post-Disaster Needs As-
post-quake recovery. sessment (PDNA), a blueprint
Their lack of a presence at plan for recovery, offered a sim-
the meeting was indicative of a ilar lack of gender diversity, she
broader missing voice in Haiti’s explained.
long-term reconstruction “There needs to be a bolder
prospects, gender activists ar- vision for reconstruction, and
gued. right now, there isn’t a very clear
“Why are we not there right place for women within that,” St.
now, where are the women at Fleur told IRIN. “But I think we
this conference?” questioned make a mistake when we say
Marie St. Cyr, a Haitian human that we have to have a place for
rights advocate. “We still don’t women, because they must not
have full participation and we placed in a corner like that.
certainly don’t have full inclu- Women and girls must be inte-
sion. Haitian women are still grated throughout this plan. And
being raped…they are support- that doesn’t exist, right now.”
ing more than half of the house- The PDNA report divides re-
holds, and yet they are not being construction into eight main
heard.” themes, including governance,
More than 20 women’s infrastructure sectors, and envi-
groups attended an alternative ronmental and disaster risk de-
conference hosted by MADRE, a velopment. Women gain
New York-based rights organiza- inclusion only in the “cross-cut-
tion. St. Cyr said she had lobbied ting sector,” which also ad-
for the past month to join the dresses youth and culture.
donor meeting, but had not re- The Haiti Gender Equality
ceived a response from any of Collaborative, a coalition of civil
the various co-hosts, including society organizations, placed its
the United Nations, the Haitian own spin on the document, issu-
and the US governments. ing a modified “gender shadow
the vag. Women’s Rights as Human Rights

Bushra Shari, 39, adjusts her

veil as she poses for a
photograph in Lahore,
Pakistan, Friday, July. 11,
2008. Bushra was burned
with acid thrown by her
husband five years ago
because she was trying
to divorce him.
She has
plastic surgery
25 times to try
to recover
from her scars.

Photo: Emilio Morenatti, Caption: Jim Verhulst, St. Petersburg Times, ibid.

Terrorism That’s WARNING:

The following pages

by Dexter Filkins //
New York Times
in June 2008, Taliban fighters
and suicide bombers attacked,
students. Kandahar’s Mirwais
Mena neighborhood sits just off
feature graphic
images. Please use
your discretion.

circled for several minutes as

the girls streamed to school.
freeing more than a thousand the national highway. A rutted Then they moved in.
ven before the men with criminals and comrades. The mud path called Panjwai Road Shamsia Husseini and her
E acid came, the Mirwais
Mena School for Girls was sur-
area around the Mirwais Mena
School is the Taliban heartland.
cuts through the center of the
neighborhood and up an out-
sister, Atifa, were walking along
the highway when they spotted
rounded by enemies. It stood Teaching girls to read was not cropping of bare rock that rises the men on the motorbikes.
on the outskirts of Kandahar, something that would escape 500 feet. A single electrical wire Shamsia, then 17, was old
barely 20 miles from the home- their notice. Across the country, runs into Mirwais Mena from a enough to be married; she was
town of Mullah Muhammad the Taliban have made the de- pole along the highway; no one wearing a black scarf that cov-
Omar, the Taliban’s founder. struction of schools, particularly can remember the last time it ered most of her face. Shamsia
Just down the road from the schools for girls, a hallmark of carried any current. had seen Taliban gunmen be-
school, in an area known as their war. The attackers appeared in fore and figured the men on the
Old Town, residents had built a The Mirwais Mena School the morning on Nov. 12 of last motorcycles would pass. Then
shrine to Mullah Dadullah, the — L-shaped, cement, two sto- year, as the girls were walking one of the bikes pulled along-
Taliban commander with the ries, with canvas tents donated to school. The men came on side her, and the man on back
fiercest reputation, who made by the United Nations — was three motorcycles, each one jumped off. Through the mask,
his name by massacring mem- built in 2004 with a grant from carrying a driver and a man on he asked Shamsia what seemed
bers of the Hazara minority. He the Japanese government. A back. They wore masks. Each of like a strange question.
was killed in an American-led plaque out front gives the date; the men riding on back carried “Are you going to school?”
operation in 2007. Also nearby it hangs on the 10-foot-high ce- a small container filled with The masked man pulled the
sat the Sarposa Prison, where, ment wall built to shield the battery acid. The masked men scarf away from Shamsia’s face

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