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Project Report


Business Incubation Management System



Science and Technology Park,

Pune University, Pune.

Submitted By

Hanmant G. Rachmale

Master in Computer Application (MCA)

University of Pune
Vidya Pratishthan’s Institute Of Information Technology (VIIT),
Vidya Nagari, MIDC, Bhigwan Road, Baramati,
Dist Pune 413 133
Guide Certificate

This is to certify that, Hanmant G. Rachmale of MCA Course, SEM-VI has successfully
completed his Project Work Titled “Business Incubation Management System (BIMS)”,
under my guidance.

Signature of Guide
Miss. Snehal Jadhav
Project Guide

Date: Place: Baramati


I take pleasure in presenting my project work done for Science and Technology Park,
Pune University. Since last 4 months. The training period was an enriching experience for me
from professional as well as personal front for getting an opportunity to familiarize myself to
the world’s best IT industry.
I am thankful to my project guide Miss. Snehal Jadhav, who
keeps monitoring my project continuously to complete it in time as per the expectations by
Science and Technology Park, Pune University.

“Ability is of little account without opportunity”, and I want to thank our Director
Dr. Amol C. Goje, who gave me a very bright learning opportunity, during my course to prove
my ability and skills.

From bottom of my heart, I must appreciate and express my gratitude towards the effort taken
by Mr. Ramaswamy Iyar, Project Leader Science Technology Park, Pune University. And
Mr. Ashok Saraf for providing technical support all the time.

I would also like to thank Miss. Sushama Patil (Head of the Department Computer Course)
for providing all the necessary facilities at college during the development of this project.

Last but not least I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude towards staff members of
VIIT, my colleagues and friends for their moral and technical support throughout the duration
of the project.

Chapter Table of Content Page

No. No.
1. Introduction 1
1.1 Company Profile 2-5
2. Proposed System 6
2.1 Existing System and Need for System 7-10
2.2 Scope of Work 10-12
2.3 Detail Description of Technology Used 13-26
3. Software Requirement Specification 27-34
4. Analysis and Design 35
4.1 Class Diagram 36
4.3 Use Case Diagrams 37-40
4.5 Activity Diagram 40
4.5.1 Activity Diagram for User 40
4.5.2 Activity Diagram for Manager 41
4.5.3 Activity Diagram for Moderator 42
4.6 Sequence Diagram 43
4.6.1 Sequence Diagram for Admin 43
4.6.2 Sequence Diagram for User_Community 44
4.6.3 Sequence Diagram for Manager 45
4.6.4 Sequence Diagram for User Mentor 46
4.6.5 Sequence Diagram for Services 47
4.7 Deployment Diagram 48
4.7Component Diagram 49
4.8 Site Map of the System 50
4.9 Table Specification 51-62
5. User Interface Design 63-97
5. Testing and Implementation 98-104
6. User Manual 105-108
7. Drawbacks and Limitations 109-110
8. Proposed Enhancements 111-112
9. Conclusions 113-114
10. Bibliography 115
10.1 Annexure 1 Output Reports 116-122
10.2 Annexure 2 Sample Program Code 123-130

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