Conspiracy Theories

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Conspiracy theories

1. Lee Harvey Oswald didnt participate alone or didnt participate at all.

JFK was assassinated in 1963. He was shot while riding in a presidential car
with his wife in Dallas. Lee Harvey Oswald was the man who people said
killed JFK, but he was shot and killed two days later, which created a lot of
suspicion. Also, witnesses say they heard shots coming from a hill near the
presidential car, creating the mystery of the second shooter. The CIA, the
Mafia, Fidel Castro, and Lyndon Johnson are often listed as the people who
organized the murder.
2. Princess Diana was killed on purpose.
When the Peoples Princess died in a car crash, the public wanted answers.
It was difficult for them to believe that she could die in that way. Many
theories appeared about why certain people in power wanted her dead.
Some think she was pregnant and planning to marry her boyfriend, Dodi AlFayed (son of the owner of Harrods and the Ritz Hotel in Paris), and
planning to become Muslim, something that might have worried the British
Royal Family. Others say that the family wanted to eliminate her so that the
people would support Prince Charles remarriage. There are also optimists
who believe she faked her death to escape the public eye.
3. AIDS is a man-made disease.
People in the scientific community generally believe that HIV originated from
monkeys found in western Africa. But many people believe that AIDS was
created by the government to control the population and to eliminate racial
minority groups and homosexuals. Some people also say that theres a cure
for AIDS but the government doesnt want to reveal it for similar reasons.
4. The government participated in September 11, 2001 in New York.
Many people say that the Bush administration knew about the attacks and
didnt act or that it organized everything. Both versions center on the idea
that Bush and his people wanted to have more power quickly and get the
support of the people. Also, some people say that the World Trade Center
towers came down as a result of planted explosives and that a plane didnt
crash into the Pentagon.
5. Elvis has left the building.
Many people believe that Elvis is still alive. There have been many Elvis
sightings during the years and most people say that his incorrect
gravestone (it says his middle name is Aaron but its spelled Aron on his
birth certificate) is the key evidence that his death is a fraud. Some say he
faked his death to get out of the public eye, and others say he was in a
witness protection program by the FBI.
6. The 1969 Apollo moon landing didnt happen.
People who believe this cite altered pictures and videos, missing designs
and bad recordings as evidence of the falsification. One of the most popular
reasons for the fake moon walk is that the Kennedy administration wanted
to win the space race with the Soviet Union and wanted the public to
support NASA.
7. A UFO crashed in Roswell, New Mexico.

When ranch manager Mac Brazel found crash remains near his property in
1947, he didnt know what to think and called the local authorities. That
same day, the Roswell Army Air Field sent a communication that said a
flying disc was found; later they retracted what they said and the U.S.
military told the public it was a weather balloon. Some people say alien
bodies were found in the crash. Now the story is that the balloon was part of
Project Mogul, the governments attempt to discover Soviet Union nuclear
tests. As a result, Roswell has become a big tourist destination for
extraterrestrial enthusiasts.
8. Global warming is a lie.
Some people believe global warming isnt happening. Supporters of this
theory believe its due to technology created by the people in charge for a
variety of reasons: keep the public in a state of panic to maintain control
and decrease world population.
9. Reptilian humanoids control all of us.
This is one of the craziest theories. It was started by a 1999 book written by
David Icke called The Biggest Secret: The Book That Will Change the
World. In it, he explains that most world leaders are, in reality, reptilian
beings who change shape and who are two-metres tall from a different
planet who start wars and are responsible for horrific events in order to
promote fear and hatred, which gives them strength.

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