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Boost Immunity with Gut-Immune-Cancer

Guest: Ty Bollinger
The purpose of this presentation is to convey
information. It is not intended to diagnose, treat, or
cure your condition or to be a substitute for advice
from your physician or other healthcare professional.
Dr. Axe: Welcome, to the Heal Your Gut Summit! I
am you host in this episode in this episode, Dr. Josh
Axe. Hey, I am so excited! We have a world-changing guest on the summit
here today. Its Ty Bollinger. And Ty is the founder of The Truth About Cancer,
which, to my knowledge, is the largest online summit to date. He literally
reached hundreds of thousands, if not, millions of people with his message
about how to naturally fight cancer, the truth about cancer.
And today were going to be interviewing Ty. And hes going to be sharing his
top secrets on how to naturally build the immune system. And as we know is
youve heard so many experts talk about on this summit, 80% of your immune
system is located in your digestive tract. So we know that there is an absolute
connection between your gut, your immune system, and cancer.
So, again, we have Ty who is an expert through self-study on the immune
system, on cancer. And so were going to interview him today. And hes a good
friend, as well.
Ty, welcome here to the summit!
Ty: Dr. Axe, good to be here! Thank you so much for having me on here,
Dr. Josh: Well, man, Im so excited. I know I got to meet you back in the
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spring. And you interviewed me for The Truth About Cancer. And one of the
things that I noticed immediately about you is you just have an amazing
heart. I could tell for you, your expertise in immunity and cancer didnt come
from you trying to make a dollar. It really came from this passion I could just
hear in your voice as you were doing interviews and as you were literally
traveling around the country.
Id love for you to share a little bit about your story of what got you in to
studying the immune system and cancer and really led you down this path
youre on.
Ty: Sure. Yeah, thats a great way to lead off the interview. As you know, I
never really dreamed 20 plus years ago when I graduated from Baylor
Universitystick em Bears, by the waywhen I graduated from Baylor
University that I would be doing this. I have a degree in accounting, masters
in taxation. And I thought Id end up running a CPA firm, which I did for a
while in Dallas.
But shortly after I graduated, my father got sick with cancer, July 1st of 1996,
it was. And he died 25 days later. And he did not die from cancer. He actually
died from the surgery to remove his stomach. He had stomach cancer. He died
from the surgery. And I didnt realize at that time hed died from the surgery.
But over the course of the next several years after that, I lost both
grandfathers, my grandmom, a close cousin, an uncle, and then my mother,
all to cancer or to the treatments for cancer.
And I began to do a lot of research going down the rabbit hole of research
learning that weve got a lot of natural things out there that will do much
better than the way that were treating today, the conventional treatments of
chemo and radiation and surgery. But not many people have heard about
them. And theyre poo-pooed as being quackery.
And if you go to your normal medical doctor, many of them cant even talk
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about these natural substances that God made to put our body in a position
where its able to fight off disease. And so that was what really got me
interested in cancer was just personally losing my entire family. By the time I
was 38 years old, I was the oldest one left. And that just shouldnt be that
And so over the course of the next many years after mom died, I put together
the first book that I published. I published in 2006. And since that time, Ive
been doing this and CPA work. Pretty much 95% of the time now, Im doing
just health research, cancer research. And most of my time now is devoted to
The Truth About Cancer. But its really from personal loss that I became
involved in researching health and immunity and cancer.
Dr. Axe: Wow! Its an incredible story, Ty. And I know, as I shared on the
interview with you, I have a family who several people who have been
diagnosed with cancer, my own mom who had stage IV cancer, life
threatening. Her life was saved through the power of natural remedies and
treatments and food and some of the things that you shared and discussed on
your Truth About Cancer Summit.
Again, I know for me, thats one of the reasons I got behind it so much and I
felt so passionate about it is for me, similar to you, it was such a part of my
life and this thing that we have of trying to prevent cancer and teach people
that they dont have to go down that medical path. That we know in most
instances its going to not help them, but instead hurt them in the long run.
And so I know that that is something that we both feel so strongly about.
And one of the things I know that we talked about before this is as weve
talked about on our summit here, the Heal Your Gut Summit, theres an
absolute connection between the gut and the immune system. Id love for you
to just talk for a minute about how the gut, the immune system, and cancer.
Especially, how the immune system and cancer, how those things are related
in some of your studies there.
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Ty: Yeah. And thats one of the things, honestly, Dr. Axe, that I did not even
realize the effect of the immune system on your propensity for cancer and
many other health issues until within the last several years. Its only when Ive
began to do a lot of interviewing and research on the gut and the immune
system that I began to see this link. And it came through in many of the
interviews that I did last year and this year for our different summits on The
Truth About Cancer.
But everyone that Ive interviewed, whether it was immunologists or scientists
or medical doctors or homeopath, they all had the same message. And it was
that we cannot be sick with cancer if our immune system is functioning. And
if your immune system is working at full capacity, theres really little chance of
you even worrying about cancer.
But every cancer patient to a T, if they have cancer, there is something that
has compromised that immune system because, see, the immune system is
what God gave us actually to fight off disease. And if its working the way that
God intended for it to, then we dont get sick.
But its only when we look at the toxicity that were exposed to on a daily
basis, especially today. If you look 100 years ago, we didnt have the pesticides
and the fungicides on the food. We didnt have the chlorine and the fluoride
and all of the different additives to our water. We didnt have planes flying over
top of us and pelting us with chemicals and exhaust. We didnt have the
electromagnetic smog and the radiation thats compromising our immunity.
We are living in a toxic smog today. And all of these toxicities are
compromising our immune system. And that immune system being
compromised is what has led to this cancer epidemic. I believe wholeheartedly.
And thats the reason that we look at the rates of cancer in 1900. And 1 in 80
people were diagnosed. And now according to the World Health Organization 1
in 2 men, 1 in 3 women alive today, will face cancer. What has changed in just
barely over 100 years?
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And you cant tell me that its genetics because genetics dont change to that
extent in just two generations. Something else has to have happened. And
whats happened is that we are living in just a toxic sludge of a stew of
toxicity. And this toxicity is compromising our immunity. And that
compromised immunity is leading to cancer.
Thats my evaluation. Of the hundreds of interviews that Ive done over the
last couple of years, they all have that common thread. And I really believe
thats at the root cause of this cancer epidemic.
Dr. Axe: Wow, Ty. Well, Id like to break that down a little bit further and talk
about for you and all the interviews youve done as were talking about what
ruins the immune system, which, essentially, again the immune system is
your gut. Eighty-five percent of your immune system lives in your gut. As
were talking about immunity, what are the foods that people are consuming
lets pinpoint severalthe foods that are most destroying our immune
Ty: Sure. The most detrimental in my opinion to the immune system is eating
refined processed sugars because cancer thrives on sugar. Sugar compromises
the immune system. Ive seen numerous studies that have shown that just
ingesting one can of sugar-sweetened soda compromises immunity for up to
six hours.
I think it was Dr. David Jockers that was mentioning that just eating a meal
thats high in carbohydrates, even if its not just refined sugar, but just high in
carbs that have a very high glycemic index, then youre compromised for up to
6 or 12 hours, I believe he said. I cant remember the exact quote.
So were talking about sugars compromise system. They fuel cancer because
cancer is anaerobic. It feeds on sugar, not on oxygen. And so I think the
number one food that people should try to avoid and try to stay away from if
theyre going to try to keep their immune system healthy and avoid cancer is
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processed sugars.
Weve got a friend at church here in Nashville that has the last three or four
weeks, he was just sick, just not having all kinds of symptoms. He was very
sick. And all hes done over the last few weeks is cut out sugar. And hes
dropped 15 pounds. And his colors come back. And hes feeling better than
So I think the number one thing to watch out for if youre trying to youre your
immune system healthy is just stay away from processed sugars. Thats
number one on my list.
Dr. Axe: Yeah, theres no doubt sugar is something that feeds yeast, feeds
candida. And Ive seen the same studies. You can shut down your immune
system, a single tablespoon, for three to six hours. Its incredible how
damaging that is to your system.
What are some of the other things, aside from food, that really can destroy the
immune system?
Ty: Okay, so other than sugar, what I would recommend to stay away from is
processed foods. Because with processed foods, I think that the statistic was
75% and maybe 80% of processed foods
When Im talking about processed foods, I mean things that are in a package.
Seventy-five to eighty percent of processed foods contain genetically modified
organisms. And GMOs can destroy the immune system. They can destroy the
gut because of the different BT toxins that are in some of the GMOs. GMOs
literally can create pesticide factories in your gut and just destroy your gut.
And that will destroy the immune system because 70% to 80% of your
immune system is your gut.

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So secondly from sugar is just stay away fromShop on the outer aisles of the
grocery store. Go to fresh, buy fresh fruits, fresh vegetables, things that
actually have a shelf life that they will rot because if theyre in the middle
aisles, theyre in these packages. They have like a shelf life of 2.5 billion years.
They never rot.
Theyre really harmful on your immune system and your gut because not only
are they just dead foods without any enzymes, but the main thing is, because
in my opinion, the genetically modified organism factor or the GMO factor,
these foods that are processed that are packaged, they really have no food
value. Theyre empty calories. So theyll help you put on weight. Theyll help
you become diabetic. They may cause cancer. And they will destroy your gut
because of the fact that they contain the GMOs, which will wreak havoc on
your immune system and your gut.
And so as far as a particular product, thats probably hundreds of products
that are on the middle aisles of the grocery stores.
Dr. Axe: Gosh, youre right. It is going to be a lot of products as youre saying.
Lets talk a little bit about some of the things that people can do. I know that
this is probably what youve heard about most and youve studied the most.
Give me maybe your top five or seven foods and what you like about them for
fighting cancer. What are the best foods out there?
Ty: Sure. So one great food for fighting cancerI dont know if youd consider
it a food or an herbis curcumin or turmeric. If you watch The Truth About
Cancer or our Global Quest, I dont know how many people mentioned
curcumin. And there is so many studies have been done on curcumin that
show that its more effective than chemotherapy at fighting cancer. But it
doesnt have any side effects.
As a matter of fact, if you are undergoing chemotherapy, if will help
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chemotherapy be more like a rifle, instead of a shotgun. And it will be less

toxic on your system. So thats number one is curcumin.
Grapes or raspberries, berries that contain ellagic acid. Thats something else
thats very powerful at fighting cancer because it targets the stem cells, and so
does curcumin. So both of these substances target stem cells. So the way that
youre going to take curcumin is probably in a supplement. You can use curry
powder on your eggs or whatever you cook up to flavor. Thats one way to get
in it. But youre probably not going to get enough to have a therapeutic effect
there. So youre probably going to have to take that as a supplement.
The ellagic acid is in a lot of different berries, though. If you can get organic
green tea, I love green tea, because of the ECGC in it. And thats something
also that fights. That will target cancer stem cells, and be selectively toxic to
them. And its very good at it being an immune booster, as well. Thats three
I also, I love medicinal mushrooms. I know that we had in The Quest, one of
the questions and answers that we had to answer, we had a lot of people wrote
in and said, Okay, so Dr. Russell Blaylock came in and said stay away from
mushrooms because they contain glutamine. And your body can convert that
to glutamate. And glutamate can fuel cancer cells.
Dr. Axe: Id love to hear your opinion on this. I have mine already. But, yeah,
Id love to hear your thoughts on that because I actually dont agree with him
at all.
Ty: Well, I didnt want to put words in his mouth because hes a really smart
guy. And I know that hes done a lot of research on glutamate fueling cancer
cells. And I know that the research is out there. Ive read the research. And I
do agree with that.

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But I dont know that I agree that you should stay away from foods that are
high in glutamine because were talking about all the mushroom. Were
talking about tomatoes, broccoli. Even organic beans are high in glutamine.
So Im not sure that I agree with that statement that he said you should stay
away from that.
I think what he was trying to do was really just make people aware that if you
are a cancer patientespecially if youre not active because glutamine fuels
muscle cells, and so thats why athletes take glutamineif youre not active, if
youre maybe cachexic, youre an end-stage cancer, maybe you need to know
that there are certain foods that maybe you thought were good for you before,
but you should try to stay away from them if youre an end-stage cancer
patient. And I really think thats all Dr. Blaylock was trying to say.
Dr. Axe: Right.
Ty: But I do love medicinal mushrooms. I love all these foods. A lot of the
foods that are high in glutamine, I eat on a regular basis. And I would say
that, no, they are very healthy for you. They are very immunomodulating.
And so I dont think thats what he was trying to say. But if thats what he was
trying to say that you shouldnt eat these, I would disagree with him
respectfully. Hes a lot smarter than I am. So who am I to disagree with him?
But I do think that theres a lot of really healthy and immunomodulating
properties in these foods. And I do love medicinal mushrooms as one. As a
matter of fact, I know that Dr. Daniel Nuzum who was on the Quest, hes
formulating a product now. Its called Seven-M. And its got like seven
medicinal mushrooms in it. So theres a lot to be said for these mushrooms I
So you asked me for my top five. How many is that? I dont even know, four,
three or four?
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Dr. Axe: Yeah. Well, Ill just jump in and say this on the discussion is I think
youre right as I really have dug in and done research. He is talking about
glutamate. But the other thing is, yeah, if somebody is in a state where their
body is catabolism, where its literally breaking down your muscular tissue,
the body is continuing to look for sugar. And itll break down amino acids, as
But that doesnt mean you should not eat amino acids, just because cancer
will break them down. So, yeah, I agree with you. But I am a huge fan of
mushrooms. I just got back, as I was telling you, from a ranch trip. I was
meeting a good mutual friend of both of ours, Jordan Rubin. And were
working on some supplement lines together. And we were actually talking
about this medicinal mushroom supplement that contains [inaudible], reishi,
cordycep, shittake, and others.
But thats one of the things my mom did. In fact, when my mom had
severeShe had leaky gut. She was diagnosed with cancer. She had a very
compromised immune system. She got sick two or three times every year. For
months, she was always sick. And we had her start doing some of these
medicinal mushrooms. And I believe it was one of the things that transformed
her health. We also had her do turmeric. Pretty much all of these things that
youre saying are many of the things that she had done.
Lets talk a little bit about treatment. Id love to hear your thoughts on first,
lets talk about conventional treatment. What do you believe some of these
medical treatments are doing? What are the results youve seeing? I know you
mentioned with your family. But what are some of the other stories youve
heard about conventional treatment.
Ty: Well, since this is pretty much what I do full time, I literally could go
throughno exaggerationprobably 10,000 emails of people that have
emailed me over the years that have done conventional treatment, not
successfully, or their family died from it. And heres the reason why, Dr. Axe.
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The conventional treatments are treating the wrong thing. See, we have cancer
because our bodys sick. Our bodys not sick because we have cancer. Were
already sick. The immune systems sick. And we get cancer as a result of that.
So any treatment that would successfully turn that body around, that sick
body around, will have to be something that will get the body well. Well,
conventional treatments dont focus on getting the body well. They focus on
shrinking the tumor. And the tumors just a symptom that the bodys sick.
So any time that we treat symptoms instead of the root cause, were not going
to have a very successful outcome, especially when we treat those symptoms,
those tumors, the cancer symptoms with substances like chemotherapy that
will destroy the immune system because the compromised immune system is
why you got sick with cancer to begin with.
And if we further destroy that immune system with chemotherapy treatments
or with radiotherapy treatments or whatever, then the long-term prognosis is
not good. Because although you may have just shrunk that symptom, you
may have shrunk the tumor and the doctor says, Hey, we got it all. Youre
cancer-free, the reality is your bodys still sick. And injecting that sick body
with toxic chemicals like chemotherapy didnt make it well. It just masked the
symptom for a while.
And so thats why we always see a year or two later, the doc says, Hey, you
know, it came back. The cancers back. Well, the reality is, as Bob Wright
said during The Quest, that the cancers not back. It never left. You may have
masked that cancer for a while. But it was always there. It just went
somewhere else. You shrunk that tumor on the breast. And now its back in
the pancreas and the liver because the bodys still sick. And it just remanifested in another organ.
And so I think thats why with our traditional treatments like
chemotherapyAnd let me make a correction there. Its not a traditional
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treatment. I fell for it just like we all do. Chemotherapy and radiation are not
traditional treatments. What does traditional mean? It means treatments that
have been used through the ages.
Well, chemotherapy and radiation have only been used for less than 100
years. The real traditional treatments are Gods medicine that he created in
nature, like herbs, like mushroom, like these natural substances that have
immunomodulating properties. Those are the real traditional treatments. But
weve bought into the fact that they changed the words on us. They changed
the language. And now we say, Oh, yeah, the traditional treatments are
chemo and radiation and surgery. Well, thats not true. The real traditional
treatments are Gods medicine and nature.
And so thats why these conventional treatments, lets just say, this Western
medical treatments of chemo, radiation, they dont work because they destroy
the very thing that God gave us to protect us from sickness.
Dr. Axe: Wow, Ty. Its amazing when you look at other conventional
treatments. I know when my mom was going through chemotherapy, and I
remember as a kid seeing her hair fall out, how sick she got, and just saying
to myself, I dont want to see any other moms have to go through
chemotherapy. Because it was, again, in no way did it help her.
As a matter of fact, after she went through chemo, she went from not only
having cancer, she then struggled with chronic constipation, chronic fatigue,
Hashimotos thyroiditis. She developed autoimmune. All of these health
problems to just spiral out of control. Literally, she spent half her life in bed
after that. So I know of all things, it didnt save her life. It really destroyed her
health in many ways. So, again, I know that your message is so true in what
youre teaching.
Lets talk a little bit more aboutSo weve touched on some foods. We talked a
little bit about treatments. What are some of the more, I guess, advanced
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treatments youve seen or youve heard from some of your people in terms of
immune therapy, such as anything in regards to chelation or any other types
of treatment you heard about travelling around the country doing your
Ty: Sure. Yeah. When I hear chelation, the first doctor that I think of is Dr.
Rashid Buttar. And he was in The Quest, as well. And he has an office out in
the Charlotte area of North Carolina. And he focuses, number one, primarily
every patient gets detoxified through heavy metal chelation and other types of
detox, not necessarily just heavy metals, but all kinds of detoxification
procedures that he follows. Thats his number one step is to detoxify. And hes
really good at it.
He was the doctor, actually that, if you remember maybe six or seven years
ago, one of the cheerleaders for the Washington Redskins, her name is Desiree
Jennings, she got the flu shot. And immediately, she came down with, I think
it was, Guillain-Barr. And she wasnt able to walk. And it was all over the
news. And she went to these conventional doctors.
And they said, Theres nothing we can do. We dont know whats happened.
Of course, they said it had nothing to do with the flu shot. But then, we cant
help you. And so she went to Dr. Buttar. And he put her on some chelating
agents and got rid of the heavy metals and got her back to normal in a span of
just a couple of months. But that was what made Dr. Buttar relatively famous.
Hes also testified before U.S. Congress regarding autism because his son,
little beknownst to him, his ex-wife vaccinated their son against his wishes.
And his son was within a couple of days with full-blown autism. And Dr.
Buttar healed his son from autism through heavy metal chelation and FAR
infrared saunas, sweating out the heavy metals. But he focuses on that
primarily in all of his treatment protocols.

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And he does not treat cancer per se. I have to say that. And I have to say that
because he wants me to make that clear because a lot of these doctors, you
know very well, they dont treat cancer because if they claim to treat cancer,
youre in trouble. What Dr. Buttar does is he treats the body. He heals the
Dr. Axe: Yeah. I think that a lot of times our medical profession trains us to
things that again youve got to treat a condition, when its really all about
working with your body and really supporting your own bodys healing
Ty: It is. And the thing is if we give our body the fuel that it needs, if we give
our immune system what it needs, if we keep our gut healthy, our body does
the work. And so in reality, we call this a global quest. Were in quest for the
cures for cancer. The reality is there are no cures for cancer. The only cure for
cancer is your own body. And so the real cures come when we give our body
what it needs to function the way that God made it to function. It cures all
diseases because the body is miraculous. God made it that way.
And so all of these different treatment protocols, there are a lot of different
treatment protocols that help your body to treat cancer effectively. But in
reality, thats what they do. They supply the body with what it needs.
It reminds me of a supplement that weve been taking for years is its called
Life One. I talked about it briefly. And if you remember the interview with Todd
Jones, hes the father of Jenay, the little two-year old, or maybe shes five now.
But she was diagnosed with leukemia up in Alaska. While she was taking
chemotherapy, they would give her little syringes full of Life One orally to help
her immune system while she was going through chemo. And what Todd said
is while all the other kids were dying and were receiving ports, Jenay stayed
healthy through chemo. And so thats a treatment protocol that anybody can
use at home.
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And all it contains is things that weve talked about on The Quest that youre
very familiar with like selenium and chrysin, resveratrol, diindolylmethane,
turmeric, turkey tale mushroom, green tea, quercetin. All these things that
were thrown out there a dozen times by different medical doctors, this one
supplement contains all of them. And no, I dont sell it. I dont make any
money off of it.
Its just a supplement that I know has been used by numerous cancer
patients across the globe to treat cancer on their own at home and also to help
their immune system stay healthy if theyre being treated with chemotherapy.
I know many, many families, so many that I cant list, that have sneaked this
in to the hospitals and given it to their loved one whos dying. And their loved
one has come through it. And I really believe its because their immune system
was able to stay strong through the treatments.
Dr. Axe: Wow! As youre saying here, Ty, so much of this comes down to
supporting the immune system. And I want to get into detoxing, cleansing a
little bit more.
But before I get into that question, Id love to hear your thoughts on stress
levels. What impact do you believe that stress has on cancer and your entire
immune system, in general? But what is the relation between stress, your
immune system? And if you believe theres a connection there, what are some
natural things, some of the best things youve heard from some of the worlds
leading experts on ways to reduce that or naturally take care of stress?
Ty: Yeah, so I do believe theres a direct correlation with stress and sickness.
And Ive read studies about how stress and fear and anger, all of these
different negative emotions, I guess I would lump them all together, that they
do have a direct effect on your immune system. And I was reading a report.
And I cant remember where it was published. But they can actually measure
your white blood cells. They can measure different types of white blood cells.
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And they can measure your immune response to certain emotions, whether it
be happiness and laughter or fear, stress, anger. And theyve shown that your
white blood cells, they take a hit after youve had just one minute of fear,
anger, or stress and that your immune system is depressed for I think six
hours is the study that I was reading was a study that was referenced by Dr.
Francisco Contreras in the Quest for the Cures last year. Whereas, they can
also measure the white blood cell response to laughter and to happiness and
to joy, that somebodys feeling really good and show that that actually
increases your white blood cells and your immune systems function.
So I do believe that there is a direct correlation. I know also that when youre
talking about in a woman with estrogen-sensitive cancersand Ive read the
studies and Ive seen the research on thisthat as a woman is stressed, the
body produces cortisol, which is we think of the fight or flight.
And as the body produces cortisol, if youre in a constant fight or flight, if
youre in constant stress, what a womans body does is it starts converting
progesterone to cortisol. And then what that does is it throws the estrogen to
progesterone balance out of whack because its all about hormone balance. Its
not about levels. Its about ratios. And thats what really lends to good health
is if the ratio of your hormones are in balance.
And when a womans always stressed, the cortisol is used up, progesterone
begins to be converted to cortisol. And then that causes them to be estrogen
dominant. And what that estrogen dominance does is it stops the thyroid from
producing T3 and T4, which are like the keys that turn on our metabolism
and gives us energy. So they become sluggish. You get overweight. And then
they become estrogen dominant. And its just like a cycle that never ends.
And thats what has led to I think a huge increase in breast cancer and
ovarian cancer, uterine cancer, cervical cancer, all of these cancers that we
would think of as being estrogen-relate. And I think that maybe a large
percentage of those are a result of this constant state of fight or flight that
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were in today because of the stressful circumstances in which we live.

Dr. Axe: Yeah, Ty, this is a huge deal. As you were saying, when youre
stressed, that cortisol getting up, we know that can shut down the immune
system and affect everything. As youre saying, it is a key component. If you
look at some of the countries out there with lower incidences of cancer, youll
see that they really incorporate more of a stress-free environment and
practices in their daily life. Like, I know Ive done many trips over to Asia and
have really seen that about their culture.
One of the last questions I have for youand I have one more after this, and
then, we can wrap upbut talk to me about the importance of detoxification
and cleansing when it comes to fighting cancer or preventing cancer and some
of the best detoxes, cleanses, or even herbs and things like that that you
believe are beneficial.
Ty: Sure. And in one of the episodes in The Global Quest here, we spent
probably a good half hour, forty-five minutes on detox. So I think its very
important. And this is one of the areas of health that is oftentimes overlooked,
even by a lot of natural practitioners.
And to be honest, I didnt know much about detoxification until probably five,
six years ago. When I first published my book, Cancer: Step Outside the Box in
2006, I didnt even include anything about detox in it. I didnt know anything
about detox. And so I think this is an often overlooked area.
So if were sick because were toxicand I believe that we really are sick
because were toxic because of this exposure to chronic toxicity all the time
then it only makes sense that if were going to get well, we have to get rid of
the toxicities. And thats what we refer to as detoxification. And I think a fullbody detox is essential for anybody. My wife and I try to do at least one fullbody cleanse every year. And we try to cleanse on a daily basis, as well.
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But it needs to start with the colon. So you got to get rid of the toxic sludge in
your colon. And thats one of the reasons that I think people are so sick today
is because as our colon becomes impacted, were not detoxifying. Were eating
these foods that have no enzymes. Were not digesting them. We get this toxic
sludge in our colon that builds up around the lining. Thats going to cause a
whole cascading effect of health problems in immune system being
compromised. Its going to cause digestive problems.
How many people have you seen, Dr. Axe, you go out on the street, just Any
City, USA, and look at all the men that look like theyre pregnant? But theyre
not all that fat, some of them. Theyre toxic. Their colon is impacted. And
thats what causes them to have these huge bellies. And so weve got to
detoxify the colon first.
And so theres a wide range of herbs that we can use to detoxify the colon.
Youre looking at psyllium husks or cascara, are two of the big ones that are
used. Theres another couple dozen herbs that you can use to detoxify the
colon. Its up to you. Theres a lot of good products out there. I dont really
recommend one over the other. But whatever you use, its got to be something
thats going to stimulate peristalsis, which is the contracting the colon and get
rid of all of that nasty sludge that you have in there.
And we have to go from the colon cleanse. Once thats openyou have to do
that firstonce those exits are open, then you can detoxify the liver, the
kidneys, the gall. You can do a parasite cleanse. You can cleanse your blood.
Those all follow after you do the colon. But thats the order that I would
recommend that people do for a full-body cleanse.
Ive got a whole chapter in my book on full-body cleanse. Theres dozens of
full-body cleanses that you can do out there. I dont necessarily recommend
one over the other. And you can educate yourself online easily on that. I think
I was reading some stuff that youve written, Dr. Axe, on full-body detox. Have
you written some stuff on that?
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Dr. Axe: Ah, yes.

Ty: I thought so. So yeah, theres no shortage of information. But I would
recommend that anybody do this. Not somebody thats just sick with cancer,
but anybody. Everybody thats out there needs to detoxify on at least an
annual basis, if not more regularly than that to get rid of these toxicities that
are compromising our immune system and making us sick.
Dr. Axe: Well, Ty, you made a great point. One of the things that I know that
Ive taught my patients to do, Ive written about is the importance of
detoxification. And with my mom, we really focused specifically on the colon
and the liver. Those were two of the biggest areas. We also did some things
that really support the kidneys and adrenals.
Yeah, the colon was first. And then, we also really focused on liver. And so I
know with the colon, as you said some of the different things that cause the
peristalses, thats I know that we did some thingsActually, we used a lot of
herbs that were based in Chinese medicine for that. Things like theres one
called triphala, which is actually a combination with amla berry, which is very
effective. And, of course, liver. Ive heard talk about, as well, obviously already
on this interview, things like turmeric is good for liver, milk thistle, and things
along those lines are all fantastic.
Ty: And coffee enemas, too, are great for the liver, as well. Yeah.
Dr. Axe: Yeah, thats a key component. I know as Ive heard you interview
about with Gerson, some of the people that youve talked to and some of the
benefits there.
Ty: Yeah. Yeah. Coffee enemas are great. And the main thing is that you just
you make sure that you get the exits cleared first because if youve got an
impacted colon, you cant do a liver detox until your colons clear because
theres no place to get rid of the toxins that you just got rid of from the liver.
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And then youll reabsorb them. So the key is really youve got to do a good
thorough colon cleanse first.
And to be honest with you, Josh, when I first did my first colon cleanse right
after my dad got sick because I was worried, I was living in a state of fear at
that point. I thinking, Okay, dads 52. He dies of stomach cancer. Im going to
die of stomach cancer. Thats what I thought, I was doomed to die of stomach
So 20 years ago, I first started reading about detoxification, did my first colon
cleanse. At that time, I was just coming of being a competitive body builder. I
was like 225 pounds with 5% body fat. So I didnt have much weight to use.
But I did a colon cleanse, I lost like 15 pounds. But I didnt lose fat. I got rid of
a bunch of impacted fecal material that was in my intestines that I didnt even
know was there.
And so I would really encourage anybody, if youve never done a colon cleanse,
you need to! Because weve all got impacted colons because the fact that were
eating toxic food. Even if were trying to eat clean, I guarantee you, weve still
got impacted colons. Thats really number one. And once you get those exits
clear, you can do the liver.
And the liver really is the key. The colon has to be first. But the liver is the
key. As a matter of fact, Ive heard it said, Dont tell a girl you love her with all
your heart. Tell her, you love her with all your liver. Because your liver is the
key organ that keeps your body healthy.
Dr. Axe: I love it! Thats great! Im going to tell my wife that tonight. I love you
with all my liver.
Ty: All your liver.

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Dr. Axe: And see what she thinks. Actually, she probably will get it because
she gets this stuff and shes a doctor. But, anyway, she will think its funny
anyways. Thats brilliant!
Ty: Make sure you give her a dozen roses when you say it.
Dr. Axe: I will. All right, Ty, well last question for you. For those people that
are out there now, theyre dealing with digestive issues and specifically
immune-related problems, theyve got a weak immune system, what is your
biggest piece of advice or takeaway, for people that have a weakened immune
system, of something they can start doing right now to radically change their
Ty: Well, I think the key is that we do what we can the things that weve been
given control over. And so dont worry about the things that you cant change.
There are things that everybody can change now. And most of the time that
involves what were putting in our mouth because thats what directly affects
our immune system.
So I would encourage anybody, you got a weakened immune system, you have
cancer, you got another disorder or disease, whatever you want to call it, then
start taking baby steps right now. Just like what about Bob? Baby steps, you
take baby steps right now to what you can do to improve your health. And
that will be changing your diet because no matter what youre eating, you can
improve it.
And so whether that is right now, if youre eating a fast-food diet, thats easy.
Stop eating the fast food. Start eating fresh fruit. Buy organic foods. And you
can afford it. People say, I cant afford it. But the reality is most people that
think they cant afford it, can afford to eat organic and fresh fruits and
vegetables. They just havent prioritized that.
So I would encourage anybody to begin taking baby steps to change your diet
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because that will directly affect your immune system. That will directly affect
your gut health. And that will directly lead to better health in the future, if you
start changing what youre eating today.
Stop eating the things that are making you sick and start eating the things
that will make you healthy. And if you want to learn what those foods are, go
to Dr. Axes website because hes got a gold mine of information and research
that hes done on the foods that you should be eating.
So we know what we should be doing. The key is start doing it. Now, that you
know this, youre responsible. You have this knowledge, dont just have it in
your head, implement it in your lives and start making good choices today
that can affect your health. And those start with the things that you put in
your mouth.
And so I would just encourage anybody thats listening to begin taking baby
steps today to clean up your diet because we all need to do that. Even myself,
I eat really well. But there are things that I can do better. And we should all
make an effort to do that today.
Dr. Axe: Absolutely. Well, just, Ty, I want to say thank you so much for
coming on. And thank you for your mission. If you havent checked out, I encourage everyone to. I know that I was so
excited, Ty, that you were willing to come on and do the interview.
And I know that my co-hosts Donna Gates and Dr. Eric Zielinski, were just
thrilled that you came on, as well, because we know youre busy. And we
know that youre one of the leading experts and interviewers now in the
immune system and cancer. And so, again, were excited to be able to have
you come on as a special guest here on our Heal Your Gut Summit.
So, everybody, I want to say thanks again. You can visit
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22 Again, if you want to learn more, And I want to say again, thanks, everybody.
Guys, this has been Dr. Josh Axe and Ty Bollinger with The Heal Your Gut
Summit. Thanks, everyone!

2016 Axe Wellness, LLC. All rights reserved.


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