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for long-term economic development.

The top ten countries in the list include Hon

g Kong, Singapore, Australia, New Zealand, Switzarland, canada, Chili, Mauritius
, Denmark and US.
India second in steel production globally
India is second only to China in terms of steel production. In the last 5 years
India s production grew by 33 percent, thus making it behind China among the top 5
steel producing nation. World Steel Association (WSA) data has revealed that Ch
ina s production grew by 39 per cent during 2008-2012, India s by 33 percent and Ind
ia s production grew constantly in the last five years from 57.8 MT in 2008 to 63.
5 MT in 2009, 69 MT in 2010, 73.6 MT in 2011 and 76.7 MT in 2012
RBI cuts CRR, Repo Rates
On 29 January The Reserve Bank of India slashed its key interest rates by 0.25
per cent and released 18000 crore rupees additional liquidity into the system to
perk up growth through reduced cost of borrowing. RBI in its third quarter mone
tary policy review surprised the market by cutting short-term lending rate calle
d repo, by 0.25 per cent to 7.75 per cent and Cash Reserve Ratio (CRR) by simila
r margin to 4 per cent.
US approved First new Tuberculosis Drug
On 1 January The US Food and Drug administration approved a Johnson & Johnson t
uberculosis drug in 40 years .This is the first new medicine to fight the deadl
y infection in more than four decades.The disease is rare in the US, but kills a
bout 1.4 million people a year worldwide.
Spiral galaxy IC 2233
Astronomers had captured one of the flattest galaxies known in the universe, sit
ting like a silver needle in the haystack of space. The NASA/ESA Hubble Space Te
lescope produced a beautiful image of the spiral galaxy IC 2233, one of the flat
test galaxies. The IC 2233 is located about 40 million light-years away from Ear
th. This galaxy was earlier discovered by British astronomer Isaac Roberts in 18
Immune system booster may hit cancer
Japanese research where stem cells were used to clone and produce large numbers
of a specialized type of white blood cell. These cells, known as cytotoxic T lym
phocytes (CTLs), are produced by the immune system and are able to recognize spe
cific markers on the surface of various tumour cells, causing them to launch an
attack to kill the tumour cells.The researchers are succeeded in using stem cell
s to mass-produce CTLs in laboratory conditions.
Chinese Biologists Discovered Antibiotic In Panda Blood
Chinese biologists have discovered that the blood of the endangered giant panda
includes a compound called
which acts as a natural antibiotic. T
he nature of the blood compound makes it an attractive treatment for so-called s
uperbugs, those strains of disease that have become immune or resistant to tradi
tional antibiotics.
India to make world s largest solar telescope
India is likely to begin construction of the world s largest solar telescope on th
e foothills of the Himalayas in Ladakh to understand the fundamental processes t
aking place on the Sun by year-end.A 2-metre class, state-of-the-art National La
rge Solar Telescope (NLST), built by Bangalore-based Indian Institute of Astroph
ysics (IIA), will permit Indian scientists to carry out cutting edge research ai
med to study Sun s atmosphere.
Internet emits 830 mt of carbon dioxide annually
According to Researchers from the Centre for Energy-Efficient Telecommunications
(CEET) and Bell Labs, Internet and other components of information communicatio
n and technology (ICT) industry annually produces more than 830 million tonnes o
f carbon dioxide (CO2), the main greenhouse gas, and is expected to double by 2
Lakshya Missile Successfully Tested
India s indigenously developed, Lakshya was sucessfully tested on 7 January .It was
launched from the Integrated Test Range ITR, at Odisha .25 meters in length, 100

km away from the target to the missile .

17 billion Earth-sized planets in Milky Way
The Milky Way contains at least 17 billion planets the size of Earth.Astronomers
using NASA s Kepler spacecraft found that about 17 percent of stars in our galaxy
have a planet about the size of Earth in a close orbit.The Milky Way is known t
o host about 100 billion stars, meaning that about one of every six has an Earth
-sized planet around it.
Brahmos cruise missile test fired in successfully
Supersonic cruise missile BrahMos scored once again in its 34th launch on 09 Jan
uary 2013 off Visakhapatnam in the Bay of Bengal, hitting a decommissioned vesse
l with accuracy.As it took off vertically from a naval warship, reached an altit
ude of 14 km, levelled out and started cruising at three times the speed of soun
d, it performed a double manoeuvre in S-form and hit the decommissioned ship, abou
t 290 km away.
Astronomers Found
NGC 6872
Largest known Spiral Galaxy
A team of astronomers from the United States, Chile and Brazil has crowned it th
e largest-known spiral galaxy, a spectacular behemoth five times bigger than our
own Milky Way, based on archival data from NASA s Galaxy Evolution Explorer (GALE
X) mission.The title-holder is now NGC 6872, a barred spiral found 212 million l
ight-years away in the southern constellation Pavo. The distance between NGC 687
2's two huge spiral arms is 522,000 light-years, compared to about 100,000 light
-years for the Milky Way.
Indian Scientists Discovered Molecule for Cancer Treatment
A team of Indian researchers, led by Dr Sathees C Raghavan of the Indian Institu
te of Science at Bangalore, have identified a molecule which they claim will rev
olutionise the cure for cancer.The molecule has been named after Sathees as SCR7 a
nd a detailed account of it has been carried in the international scientific jou
rnal Cell ".Scientists world over believe that the double strand break (DSB) of DNA
is one of the most lethal form of DNA damage, resulting in drastic consequences
such as genome instability, and cancer.
Largest Space structure in the Universe:Large Quasar Group
An international team lead by astronomer Roger Clowes of the University of Centr
al Lancashire in England discovered the largest known structure in the universe,
a clump of active galactic cores that stretches 4 billion light-years from end
to end.This is the largest Space structure in the Universe.This structure is kno
wn as a Large Quasar Group(LQG) .
Indian Scientists Discovered Molecule for Cancer Treatment

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