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Zainab Zafar Farhan MS IV 004

Bluetooth-word document
Zainab Zafar Farhan -MS IV 004

Bluetooth is an industrial specification for wireless personal networks (PANs).
Bluetooth provides a way to connect and exchange information between devices
such as mobile phones, PCs, laptops, printers, digital cameras and video game
consoles via a secure, globally unlicensed short-range radio frequency.

A typical Bluetooth mobile headset.
A typical Bluetooth USB adaptor, shown here next to a coin for size
Bluetooth is a radio standard and communications protocol primarily
designed for lower power consumption, with a short range (power class
dependent : 1 metre, 10 metres, 100metres) based around low cost
transceiver microchips in each device.
Bluetooth lets these devices communicate with
each other when they are in range. The devices
use a radio communications system, so they do
not have to be in line of sight of each other and
can ever be in other rooms. So long as the
received transmission is powerful enough.

Class 1

Permitted Power

Permitted Power

~100 metres
~10 metres
~1 metres

List of applications
Wireless control of and communication between a cell phone and a hands
free headset or car kit. This was one of the earliest applications to become
Wireless networking between PCs in a confined space and where little
bandwidth is required.
Wireless communications with PC input and output devices, the most
common being the mouse, the keyboard and printer.
Transfer of files between devices via OBEX.
Transfer of contact details, calender appointments, and reminders
between devices via OBEX.
Replacement of traditional wired serial communications in test
equipments, GPS receivers and medical equipments.
For controls where infrared was traditionally used.

Wednesday, 30 December 2015

Bluetooth-word document
Sending small advertisements from Bluetooth enabled advertising
hoardings to other, discoverable, Bluetooth for their wireless controllers.

Bluetooth vs. Wi-Fi in networking.

Bluetooth and Wi-Fis both have their places in todays offices, homes and on the
move: setting up networks, printing, or transferring presentations and files from
PDAs to computers.

Bluetooth is in a variety of new products such as phones, modems, and
headsets. Bluetooth is acceptable for situations when two or more devices are in
proximity to each other and dont require high bandwidth. Bluetooth is most
commonly used with mobile phones and hand-held computing devices, either
using a Bluetooth headset or transferring files from phones/PDAs to computers.
Bluetooth also simplified the discovery and setup of ser5vices. Wi-Fi is more
analogous to the traditional Ethernet network and requires configuration to setup
shared resources, transmit files, set up audio links (e.g. headsets and hands-free
devices ) whereas Bluetooth devices advertise all services they actually provide;
this makes the utility of the services that much more accessible, without the
need to worry about network addresses, permissions and all other considerations
that go with typical networks

Wi-Fi uses the same radio frequencies as the Bluetooth, but with higher power
consumption resulting in a stronger connection. As mentioned earlier, Wi-Fi is
sometimes but rarely, called wireless Ethernet. Although this description is
inaccurate it provides an indication of Wi-Fis relative strengths and weaknesses.
Wi-Fi requires more setup but is better suited for operatingfor operating full-

scale networks as it enables a faster connection, better range from the

base station, and better security than Bluetooth.
One method for comparing the efficiency of wireless transmission
protocols such as Bluetooth and Wi-Fi is called spatial capacity

TV Tuner card
A TV tuner card is a computer component that allows television signals
to be received by a computer. Most TV tuners also function as video
capture cards, allowing them to record television programs onto a hard
While typically a PCI-bus expansion card, they can also be a USB device.
Some video cards double as TV tuners, notably the ATI All-In-Wonder
series. The card contains a receiver, tuner, demodulator, and a analog-todigital converter for analog TV. Like TV sets, each version is designed for

Wednesday, 30 December 2015

Bluetooth-word document
the radio frequencies and video formats used in each
country. However, many TV tuners used in computers
use DSP, so a firmware upgrade is often all that's
necessary to change the supported video format. Many
newer TV tuners have flash memory big enough to hold
the firmwares for decoding several different video
formats, making it possible to use the tuner in many countries without
having to flash the firmware. In addition to the frequency tuner, many
include a composite video input. Many TV tuners can function as FM
radios: this is because the FM radio spectrum lies between television
channels 6 and 7, and the DSP can be easily programmed to decode FM.

Some provide DVB reception for digital radio, television or data signals
(either with or without hardware MPEG decoding capability); these may be
used to receive satellite broadcasts but normally provide no analogue
input capability.
broadcasts but normally provide no analogue input capability.
Most internal tuners do all the low level demodulation
needed to convert a radio signal into an on-screen
image using a hardware DSP chip or ASIC; some also
have hardware MPEG encoders and use DMA to bypass
the CPU entirely. Some cheaper tuners don't have
much in the way of onboard signal processing and rely
on the system's CPU for that task. External tuners may
convert the signal into either a video stream suitable for display on the
screen, or to an intermediate format such as MPEG; in either case, the
CPU is needed to direct the image onto the screen.
TV tuners supporting digital television broadcasts eventually became
available; a tuner displaying an HDTV image on a computer monitor is
typically much cheaper than a dedicated high-definition television system,
but with a smaller physical screen. Broadcasts can also be digitally
recorded by the computer for later replay, or distribution (illegal in many
countries) to other computer users.
There is one more PCI card which will act as television receiver (a.k.a Settop box) - This will be based on DVB and can deliver MPEG-1, MPEG-2,
MPEG-4 or DivX content. This is also known as Digital television adapter.

Wednesday, 30 December 2015

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