Investing in Gold Everything You Should Know

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Investing in Gold

Everything You Should Know

By Raag Vamdatt

Note: Although the data presented in this eBook is primarily from the Indian
market, most of the analysis and the guiding principles would be relevant for
investors from markets across the globe.

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2007-2011 Copyright

This eBook can be distributed freely in its entirety feel free to pass it on to friends and
family if you find it useful. Reproduction of any kind needs express written permission from
the author (
Copyright for graphs and diagrams (World Gold Council)
Images on the front page courtesy

All facts and figures in the eBook have been derived from publicly available sources.
Readers are advised to verify these, and consult their financial planner / financial advisor
before making investment decisions.

Table of Contents
About the Author: Raag Vamdatt...............................................................4
Some User Comments...........................................................................................................5

Some Good Articles from

Chapter 1: Importance of Gold in Your Portfolio.......................................8
Importance of Gold as an investment................................................................................9

Chapter 2: "Investment" in Jewellery.......................................................11

Why buying jewellery is not the right way to invest in Gold...........................................11

Chapter 3: How to Buy Gold.....................................................................14

Option 1: Buying Gold Coins from Banks .........................................................................14
Option 2: Buying Gold Coins / Bars from Jewellers .........................................................15
Option 3: Gold Exchange Traded Fund (ETF) ...................................................................15

Chapter 4: Gold Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs).....................................17

What is Gold Exchange Traded Fund (Gold ETF)..............................................................17
Advantages of Gold Exchange Traded Fund (Gold ETF) ...............................................17
What Do You Need to Invest in Gold ETFs?.......................................................................18

Chapter 5: Gold ETFs in India....................................................................19

Chapter 6: How Much Should You Invest in Gold...................................20

Investing in Gold: Everything You Should Know


About the Author: Raag Vamdatt

Raag Vamdatt, the author and the person behind,

is an MBA in Finance from NMIMS, Mumbai and an Engineer from Gujarat
University, Ahmedabad.
He is an independent financial planner, and provides online financial
planning service at
He has over 12 years of experience in the field of personal finance and
investment planning. He hopes that he can share his experience with a large
number of people through his website and his eBooks, so that others can
learn from his successes, and his mistakes.
For more, please visit About The Author at
( - Financial Planning Demystified

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Investing in Gold: Everything You Should Know


About is a website that focuses on educating investors,

and the public in general, about different areas of personal finance. This
covers investment (stocks / shares / equities, mutual funds, ULIPs, gold, real
estate, etc), insurance (term insurance, endowment plans, ULIPs, etc), loans
(home loans, personal loans, vehicle / auto loans, etc) and many other
money-related matters affecting the common man.
The site has in-depth (yet easy to understand) articles on topics spanning the
entire personal finance spectrum. You can read the articles and improve
your understanding of investment avenues, or ask specific questions about
your situation and get a customized solution. Yes, you can get free advice for
your personal finance issues!
There is lots of other useful information about personal finance as well, written
in an easy to understand, how-to format.
Web-based financial planning service is also provided on the website you
can check the details at

Some User Comments

No where in the world can you find such a simple language. Its damn
This article is very important for youngsters like me to plan their own future. - Financial Planning Demystified

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Investing in Gold: Everything You Should Know


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Investing in Gold: Everything You Should Know


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Investing in Gold: Everything You Should Know


Chapter 1: Importance of Gold in Your Portfolio

Indians are known to be gold buyers. India is world's largest gold market Indians buy more gold than people from any other country. Here are some
interesting and eye-opening facts:
Indians bought 774 tons of gold in
the year 2007, up 6% from 2006

India accounted for a little over 20%

of the global demand for gold in 2007, worth $17.8

Indians own more than 15,000 tons

of gold - mostly in the form of jewellery. This is around
10% of the entire world's gold stock!

Gold owned by Indians is more than

the gold held by US, French and German
governments put together!

Clearly, Indians love gold! But is gold used as an

investment? Well, no. As we saw above, most of the
gold held is in the form of jewellery - Jewellery
accounts for around 70% of India's gold demand.
Is holding gold in the form of jewellery a good way of investing in gold? We
would examine that shortly.
But having gold in one's portfolio is definitely desirable. Why should you have
gold as a part of your portfolio? Why should you invest in gold? Lets see the
advantages of gold as an investment. - Financial Planning Demystified

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Investing in Gold: Everything You Should Know


Importance of Gold as an investment

Negative Correlation With Other Asset Classes
Gold has strange price movements - when the price of everything else (like
oil, real estate and stocks) is rising, the price of gold is usually subdued. But
when the price of other assets is going down, the price of gold strengthens!
This is because gold is seen as the safest investment - even safer than
investing in government backed securities! After all, as history has shown us,
governments can fail. But gold never fails it is always accepted by
everyone. Gold is a universal currency!
Therefore, when the prices of other assets are going down, people start
investing in gold, seeking safety. This causes the price of gold to increase
when the price of other assets is decreasing.
Hedge Against Downturns
Because of its negative correlation with other assets, gold is also a preferred
investment in times of economic slowdowns.
When there is a downturn, prices of all other assets decrease, as people lose
faith in the future of the economy. But since gold is safer even compared to
government bonds, people start buying gold as a hedge. And due to this
reason, the price of gold increases in the time of economic slowdowns.
Therefore, if you have gold in your portfolio, you would be hedged against
economic slowdowns to that extent.
Hedge Against Inflation
over the
the - Financial Planning Demystified


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Investing in Gold: Everything You Should Know


1983 to 2005, gold gave a return of 7.8% per year compared to an inflation of
Although this is not spectacular, it is definitely inflation beating.
The above figure shows movement of gold price with respect to inflation (as
measured by Consumer Price Index CPI). In the period depicted (19702005), gold price has outpaced inflation. But please note that this is an
exception and not a rule generally speaking, gold beats inflation by a small
margin over the long term.
Remember - Gold has maintained its purchasing power over several
Gold investment acts as an insurance policy against inflation and economic
slowdowns. Considering the benefits offered by gold investment, it is
comforting to know that at least you are not paying for this insurance!
If you have gold investments, you would lower your overall returns during the
times of economic booms, but at the same time, you would preserve your
returns in times of economic slowdowns - that's the trade-off we have to
Thus, we can safely conclude that gold should be a part of everyone's
portfolio. - Financial Planning Demystified

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Investing in Gold: Everything You Should Know


Chapter 2: "Investment" in Jewellery

Let's summarize some facts presented in Chapter 1:

Indians bought 774 tons of gold in the year 2007, up 6% from

India accounted for a little over 20% of the global demand
for gold in 2007, worth $17.8 Billion

Indians own more than 15,000 tons of gold - mostly in the

form of jewellery. This is around 10% of the entire world's gold stock!

Gold owned by Indians is more than the gold held by US,

French and German governments put together!

We also saw in Chapter 1 that owning gold is very important, and desirable,
for all investors.
But the golden question is - how should one invest in gold?
(Remember, there is a difference between buying gold for ornamental
value, and buying gold as an investment. Here, we are discussing about
buying gold as an investment)
The third bullet above says it all: Most of the "investment" in gold in India is in
the form of jewellery.
But that is not the best way to invest in gold.

Why buying jewellery is not the right way to invest in Gold

Making Charges
When jewellery is made, the jeweler charges a hefty making charge. It can
range from Rs. 60 per gram to Rs. 150 per gram. (The lower end of making
charges is applicable usually in case of non-hallmark gold, where purity is
always doubtful!). - Financial Planning Demystified

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Let's say that the making charge is Rs. 100 per gram. With the price of gold
being Rs. 1200 per gram, it is a whopping 8.3%! This is like paying an 8.3% entry
load for a mutual fund it means that if you want to invest Rs. 100, your
actual investment would end up being only Rs. 91.7. Now that's ridiculous!
Liquidation Charges
To realize profit on any investment, you have to sell what you bought. Let's
consider the time when you want to liquidate your gold holding by selling it.
If it is in the form of jewellery, you would have to forego another fraction of
the value in the form of "melting charges" or "melting losses". And this is
around 5% of the value. How does a 5% exit load for a mutual fund sound?
The gold used in jewellery is either 22 Carats or lower. This means that a part
of the weight of the jewellery is not gold.
You want to invest in gold, and not a mixture of metals, right? Then, why buy
something that is not pure gold?
When bought as jewellery, gold is bought from regular jewelers. This means
that you rely purely on the expertise (and honesty!) of the jeweler as far as
the quality of gold is concerned.
Unless Hallmark gold is used, there is no certification backing the purity of the
gold. And this means that you can get a rude shock when you want to
liquidate your gold jewellery.
Storage and Safekeeping
Once you but the jewellery, you have to worry about its storage and its
continued safekeeping. This means that you either keep it at home (and
remain worried all the time), or rent a safe deposit locker, and pay yearly
maintenance fee for it. And the jewellery wont be 100% safe even in a

So, how does investment in gold sound? 10% making charges, 5% melting
charges and doubtful quality! - Financial Planning Demystified

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Investing in Gold: Everything You Should Know


Would you ever invest in a mutual fund (MF) which charges 10% entry load,
5% exit load, and whose quality of investments is doubtful? Of course not
because it is simply unwise!!
The same way, investing in gold in the form of jewellery is not wise. In fact, it is
the worst way to invest in gold due to the reasons discussed earlier.
So, how should one invest in gold? Let's move on to the next chapter. - Financial Planning Demystified

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Investing in Gold: Everything You Should Know


Chapter 3: How to Buy Gold

In Chapter 1, we saw that gold is a very important part of any portfolio. It

gives stability to the portfolio value during volatile times, because the price
movement of gold is usually opposite of the price movements of other
popular asset classes.
In Chapter 2, we realized that most Indians buy gold in the form of jewellery.
If bought for ornamental value, it makes perfect sense. But buying gold in the
form of jewellery is the worst possible way to invest in gold!
So, how should gold be bought? There are multiple options:

Gold Coins
Gold Bars
Gold Exchange Traded Fund (ETF)

Each of these is better than buying jewellery. Of course, each method has its
own pros and cons. Let's discuss each in detail.

Option 1: Buying Gold Coins from Banks

Banks in India sell gold in many branches. This includes State Bank of India
(SBI), ICICI Bank, Bank of Baroda (BoB) and Indian Overseas Bank (IOB),
among others.
Banks source their gold from the most authentic sources (For
example, VOLCAMBI, Switzerland, which is one of the worlds most renowned
precious metal refineries). You can trust the purity, and the weight.

Banks also give a certificate of purity with the gold that they

Disadvantages - Financial Planning Demystified

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Investing in Gold: Everything You Should Know


The price that banks charge for gold is usually 10-15% higher
than the market rate. That's way too high! This increase in the cost of
acquisition means reduced profit when you sell it!

Banks do not repurchase gold from you. So, when you want
to sell, you would have to go to the market, and you would only get the
prevailing market rate.

You are responsible for the storage and safekeeping of the


Conclusion: Buy gold from banks only if you are extremely risk averse you
pay too high a price for getting certified gold.

Option 2: Buying Gold Coins / Bars from Jewellers

Jewelers have traditionally been selling gold coins and bars.
You get gold at market rate! You don't have to pay any
markup on the prevailing market price.

Jewelers usually buy back gold coins or bars that they have
sold in the past - again at the prevailing market price

There is no guarantee about the quality of gold. The quality
totally depends on the reputation of the seller.

You are responsible for the storage and safekeeping of the


Conclusion: Although buying gold from jewelers is better than buying gold
from banks, you need to be really careful while doing this. Before finalizing
the jeweler to buy gold from, do some research and find out the firms
reputation. And buy only from a jeweler who is known for selling quality gold.

Option 3: Gold Exchange Traded Fund (ETF)

Buying gold from banks or from jewelers has its own advantages and
disadvantages. But one common disadvantage for both is that you would
need to buy and store physical gold and this is a BIG disadvantage. You
need safekeeping for it for as long as you own it!
And that's where Gold Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs) come in. If you want to
invest in gold, a Gold ETF is the best way just buy gold in dematerialized
form, and you can sleep peacefully at night! - Financial Planning Demystified

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The advantages of Gold ETFs are manifold, and therefore, Golf ETFs warrant a
chapter of their own! - Financial Planning Demystified

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Chapter 4: Gold Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs)

What is Gold Exchange Traded Fund (Gold ETF)

In simple terms, you can say that Gold ETFs are like mutual funds - they collect
money from many investors, and invest it on their behalf. The difference is
that MFs invest the money in shares and debt instruments, whereas Gold ETFs
invest your money in physical gold.
Gold ETFs buy gold from very reliable sources on your behalf, and take care
of its safekeeping. In return, they issue you units of the ETF, each unit
representing roughly 1 gram of gold. These units are traded on the stock
market, and can be bought and sold like ordinary shares.
The NAV of these units fluctuates based on their demand and supply, and
usually mirrors the price movement of physical gold. The charges regarding
the storage and safekeeping of physical gold purchased on your behalf are
deducted from the NAV of the units.

Advantages of Gold Exchange Traded Fund (Gold ETF)

Ease: If you want to invest in gold, you just purchase the
units of the ETF. The Gold ETF does all the hard work of finding reliable sellers,
buying from them, storing the gold and its safekeeping. You just sit back and
relax! And if you want to sell, no need to go to the market to a jeweler - just
sell the units like ordinary shares on the stock exchange, and you're done!

Safety: Since gold is not physically held by you, you don't

have to worry about its safekeeping! The EFT takes care of the storage and
safekeeping. There are no physical certificates to worry about either it is all
electronic. That's a big relief!

Quality: If you are buying physical gold, your first concern

would be to be sure about the quality of gold. With ETFs, that worry is gone
too - the ETFs buy only from the most reliable sellers, and so, you are in safe
hands! - Financial Planning Demystified

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Investing in Gold: Everything You Should Know


Small Investments: With Gold ETFs, you can invest in as less

as 1 gram of gold. Is that possible with any other option of buying gold? This
also means that you can make regular (maybe monthly) investments in gold,
just like Systematic Investment Plans (SIPs) of mutual funds.

No Wealth Tax: You need to pay wealth tax on gold that is

physically held - be it jewellery, coins or bars. But there is no wealth tax on
gold held in the form of Gold ETFs.

Liquidity: If you want to sell physical gold, you would need

to go to the few jewelers available in your area, and would have to settle for
the best price offered by one of them. Gold ETFs are traded in an open
market in a transparent manner, and they have ample liquidity. This means
that you get a price that is very close to the actual prevailing price of
physical gold.

What Do You Need to Invest in Gold ETFs?

Buying and selling Gold ETFs is exactly like buying and selling stocks. And
therefore, just like for stocks, all you would need is:
- An account with a broker, through which you can buy and sell the Gold ETF
- A Depository Participant (DP) account, that would hold your Gold ETF units
Yes, thats all it takes!

There was a time when shares were issued and traded in physical form. You
held share "certificates", and had to "deliver" these certificates to the buyer
when you sold your shares. Then, dematerialization came, and all the hassle
with holding physical shares was gone.
Now, it is time to embrace dematerialized gold in the form of Gold ETFs, and
enjoy the benefits of dematerialization all over again! - Financial Planning Demystified

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Chapter 5: Gold ETFs in India

Gold ETFs are very new in India the first Gold ETF started trading only in
February 2007. Therefore, long term historic data is not available. - Financial Planning Demystified

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Chapter 6: How Much Should You Invest in Gold

Now that we know how to invest in gold, the obvious question is How
much?. What percentage of your portfolio should be invested in gold?
Well, as a rule of thumb, you should invest around 5% of the portfolio in gold.
This investment in gold would act as a solid pillar or core for your portfolio,
giving it the strength to withstand economic fluctuations with minimal
Of course, this is only a rule of thumb. The actual investment in gold would
depend on your tolerance for variation in your portfolio value the more you
invest in gold, the more hedge you would get against inflation and
But at the same time, if the economy is performing well, the returns from gold
would be below average, and would drag down your overall portfolio
Therefore, carefully assess your risk tolerance, and decide what percentage
of your portfolio you would invest in gold.
Happy investing! - Financial Planning Demystified

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