Motivation Lette1

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Dear : Sir Staffan Melin

My name is Eka Pratama Putri, from indonesia. With this letter I hereby to would like to
express my motivation to get scholarship in Oxford University.
This time I study in biology of Malang University, Indonesia. And I would like to
continue my study at Oxford University, because I want to see how the athmospere while
studying there. The first ecquaintance with this university is began from collecting particular
information about it. From the data I had found I manage on make some basic picture explaining
why I choose it. Oxford University is the biggest innovative centre which takes active part in the
field of fundamental and applied science. Furthermore, the research investigation of student and
scientists make a great contribution to the development of high technologis. Beside that, I have a
big dreams as an expert researcher in the field that I recite. So I really need deepening of
knowledge and I m sure I will get it on there.
Follow some courses is very important and necessary to reach to my dream. Because I
like to learn new thing, I love find a new friends, get to knowing new language and also doing
activity that can release our good personality. For some reason that I mention above, I wish I can
be part of this scholarship program. When we life in different culture, then we will knowing how
that it goes and its make us to have respect on that culture. Other hand, I so much interest learn
and work with many people in different culture. At the time, I life on indonesia in several city
which have different culture, its so awesome feelings. So, I want to trying to live in new
government and I am also ready to learn a lot of thing and something positive there.
I study on bioloy science and my study focuse on biological engineering and
biotechnology. I m particulary interested in research related of plant and chemical. I wish to
examine more closely what the relation of the temperature and Off-Gas Emissions from Stored
Wood Pellets. Because its many creation an incident on Europe. As a true student, I want
contribute to my country terms of education. After I graduating and I get my Master on oxford
University Press I will be back to indonesia and what I get, I want transferring that knowledge to
education in indonesia.
In conclusion I want say, that I really want study in oxford University and I promise I will
work hard and never disappoint. Thank you very much for considering and I look forward to
your positive responses.
Your Sincerelly,

Eka pratama Putri

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