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Winners’ Circle Notes for Sunday, April 25, 2010

THE REVELATION OF JESUS CHRIST: walking among the Lamp Stands

Facilitator: Bob Hirst

Reading Assignment: Read the first 3 chapters of 1 Samuel and pray over them.

OVERVIEW OF THE SEVEN LAMPS (for your reading before class).

The seven lamps of the temple are first mentioned in Exodus 25:8-40 when God gave
Moses directions on how to make them out of pure gold. Later in Exodus 27:20-21 we learn
more about them. Finally in Leviticus 24:1-4 we read clear instructions given as to the care and
constant supply of fuel for the lamps.

The Aaronic priests were commanded to make sure the lamps never went out but burned
continually. The fire of the lamps symbolized God’s continual presence with his people. In the
first three chapters of 1 Samuel we read that High Priest Eli’s sons (who were also priests) did
not value their calling or privileges. They let the temple’s lamps go out and showed disrespect
for the sacrifices and engaged in sexual sin. Even though God had earlier promised Eli that his
family would be priests “forever”, the terrible sinful course of Eli’s sons could not be ignored
and God showed that his “forever” for Eli’s family was conditional. These wicked priests died
on the same day (1 Sam. 4:11). Because Samuel listened, God revealed himself to him. God’s
eternal promises to us become real when we respond with faith and trust in him.

From the story of Eli and his sons we can rightly conclude that appointment to a sacred
office does not automatically insure God’s blessing on either leaders or people. Rituals are
odious to God when we do not believe or obey God’s clear commands. Eli should have publicly
scolded his sons for their sins and removed them from priestly duties. Rebuking them privately
did not correct their flagrant sins so God’s judgment on them was carried out by Israel’s enemies.

It is God’s plan that every person who believes in Jesus Christ shall be “continually”
filled with the Holy Spirit, flooded with light to be shared with others around them. The church
was born on the day of Pentecost when the Holy Spirit was poured out as “tongues of fire” on
those who believed. (See Acts 2). Every day we may be filled with the light of the Spirit and the
love of God. It is the Spirit of God who places a seal of ownership on us making us kind,
compassionate and forgiving - signs we have been with Jesus. (Ephesians 4:29-32). By faith
we enjoy the constant presence of Jesus and his angels. “I will never leave you” (Rev. 1:20) Jesus
says to each of us as he breathes upon us today. “Receive the Holy Spirit.” (John 20:22).

COMPLETE THE BLANKS and we will talk about your answers in class

The reason God commanded Moses to make the temple was because ______________________

Exodus 25:8. Then have them make a sanctuary for me, and I ________ _____________
____________________ ______________. (Ex. 25:9-40. The “first mention” of lamp
God instructed Moses and Aaron how the priests were to care for the lamps.

Leviticus 24:1-4. v. 4 The lamps on the pure gold lamp stand before the Lord must be
___________________ _____________________.

God called Samuel at a low point in Israel’s history and a dark and perilous time for his people.

1 Samuel 3:3,4. The lamp of God had not yet _____________ __________, and Samuel
was lying down in the temple of the Lord, where the ark of God was. Then the Lord
___________________ Samuel.

1 Samuel 3:10 The Lord came and stood there, calling as at the other times, “__________
________________!” Then Samuel said, “________________ for your _____________
_______ _____________________.”

When a person neglects prayer and Bible study, the lamp light of the Spirit burns low.

Psalm 119:105 Your word is a ___________ to my feet and a _________ to my path.

Zachariah 4:6 This is the word of the Lord to Zerubbabel: ‘Not by _____________ nor by
________________, but by my _________________, says the Lord Almighty.
Read the full chapter for the context of the lamps in the temple. Notice the two olive
trees mentioned in v. 3, 11-14 and compare them to Rev. 11:4.

In the context of his return at the end of the age (Matthew 24) and amid warnings to those who
are spiritually asleep and unprepared for our Lord’s return (vv. 36-51) Jesus told a parable about
ten virgins (Matt 25:1-13) who were planning to meet the bridegroom.

Matthew 25:2-4 Five of them were ___________ and five of them were _____________.
The foolish ones took their _________ but did not take any ______ with them. The wise
however, took _______ in jars along with their _________. The bridegroom was a
_________ time in coming, and they _____ became drowsy and _______ _________. At
midnight the cry rang out: ‘Here’s the bridegroom! Come out to meet him!’ Then all the
virgins woke up and ___________ their lamps.”

SUMMARY: Our Bridegroom has been a long time in coming. Today all believers in Jesus are
asleep. The Lord will return at the darkest hour in the history of the world - at “midnight.” Are
you fully “alive in the Spirit” today? Is your lamp trimmed and burning bright?

A Prayer for You Today:

Let every lamp be burning bright, the darkest hour is nearing.

The darkest hour of earth’s long night before the Lord’s appearing.
Then trim your lamps, my brethren dear. Then trim your lamps with godly fear.
The Master’s coming draweth near. Let every lamp be burning.
If you have an announcement or prayer request, please share it with all of the class simply by
clicking "Reply All" to this email and write it out so we may pray with you and in the Spirit.


May 2: Next week’s lesson: “God’s Message to Seven Churches. Which one do you feel fits
our congregation?” We will consider the common characteristics of the messages Jesus gave to
the seven churches. What warnings in the messages to the seven churches do you feel may apply
to our congregation or the Christian church in the USA and why? (Read Revelation 2, 3).

May 9: “Iraq and Babylon - the Cradle of Civilization - Home of Noah and Abraham”
Revelation has much to say about spiritual Babylon. (Rev. 13-19) Following the law of first
mention, we will look back at the origin of the word “Babylon” to see how it was used by
Biblical prophets. We want to see lessons Christians today might learn from history to help them
live for God in a secular world. In our world that pressures us to conform and live by its
standards, how can a Christian be a bright light for God? In our world that makes stars and heros
of those who live selfishly, cheat, applaud dishonesty, ignore injustice and despise the poor, how
may we make a difference and example the power of the God who loves a lost world?

May 16: “The Babylonian Captivity of Israel - what happens when people forget the God
who made them?” (Rev. 13; Romans 1:16-32) We will see how God’s judgments often come in
the form of allowing people to have the results of their own bad sinful choices. We will see how
selfishness, greed, a desire to control and manipulate others, appetite, obsession with
possessions, pride, vanity and a refusal to listen are roots of disobedience to God and have been
since the Garden of Eden. When Adam and Eve hid themselves, why did God look for them?


Be happy in the Lord. Serve him with gladness and singing. Let God’s thoughts fill your mind.
Remember all power in heaven and earth has been given to Jesus and thus to you.
“Resist the devil and he will flee from you.” “Be always in the spirit of prayer.”

Never forget that there is POWER IN THE NAME AND GOOD NEWS FROM JESUS.
“I am not ashamed of the gospel because it is the power of God.” Romans 1:16,17
“We are more than conquerors through him who loved us.” Romans 8:37
“At the NAME of Jesus, every knee will bow and tongue confess Jesus.”

If the Lord wills, I will see you next Sunday morning.

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