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Safety Quiz

Question true of false

1. If you are self employed or employ less than 5 people you do not have to do a risk
2. The law says that risk assessment should be carried out at least annually
3. As an employer you need to assess the risk to your own employees but any sub
contractors are responsible for their own employees whilst on your site

4. Temporary workers have the same right to safety information as other

5. Assessment of risk can best be done by a qualified external expert
6. A risk and a hazard are the same thing
7. The best time to assess risk from new machinery is when the equipment is in place and
you can see what is involved for those using it

8. Risk assessment will check that equipment is properly used and

9. Despite equality of opportunity for the sexes there are special rules governing risk




assessment in the case of pregnant women

Noise does not represent a risk below about 90dB
By law you must first consider the possibility of eliminating a risk like noise e.g. by
changing your equipment rather than by supplying the best quality ear defenders.
You only need to do a COSHH assessment if you have harmful chemicals but you must
record all chemicals found when you do the assessment
Portable appliances must be tested at least every six months and labelled as tested.
Portable appliances must be tested at least every eighteen months and labelled as tested
Age doesnt matter, risk affects everyone equally
Your boss is required by law to train you if you are exposed or likely to be exposed to a
hazardous substance.
You have to keep occupational health surveillance records for 40 years
You have to keep occupational health surveillance records for 3 years.
If you have supplied an employee with safety glasses and subsequently the employee
suffers an eye injury because they have not worn the glasses, your company has no
further liability.

20. You have a duty to co-operate with your employer on health and safety
matters including risk assessment
21. Your initial risk assessment in your call centre shows that several employees are
suffering from headaches and eyestrain. You arrange for them all to have their eyes
tested. One employee returns with a note from the optician saying that in the particular
case prescription spectacles are required. You as the employer have to supply them.
22. As the owner you have employed a safety manager. An employee suffers death when a
serious workplace fire occurs. You had left things to the safety manager who had always
claimed that he was on top of safety matters. In court you are fairly likely to be
exonerated whilst the safety officer is taken to task for failure to act professionally.

23. Personal protective equipment and clothing must be maintained in a sanitary condition
and ready for use. Interchanging personal protective clothing or equipment between
employees is prohibited unless it has been properly cleaned.
24. Approved safety glasses must be worn at all times in areas where there is a risk of eye
injuries such as punctures, abrasions, contusions, or burns. Protective goggles or face
shields must be worn where there is a danger of flying particles or corrosive materials.
25. Approved hard hats must be worn where the danger of falling objects exists; they should
be inspected periodically for damage to the shell and suspension system.
26. Appropriate foot protection is required where there is a risk of foot injuries from hot or
corrosive substances; falling objects; or crushing or penetrating actions.
27. Only those employees who have been trained in the proper use of forklifts are authorized
to operate them.
28. The use of metal ladders is prohibited in areas where the ladder or person using the
ladder could come in contact with energized parts of equipment, fixtures, or circuit
29. Health and safety failures cost Great Britain up to 18[##] billion each year.
30. 400 [##] people every year are still killed in accidents caused by work activities.
31. Over 25,000 [##] people are forced to give up work every year as a result of work-related
accidents and ill-health.
32. Around 2 million people - 5 per cent of the population - suffer from ill-health caused by
33. Over a million workers get injured every year.
34. Around half a million people suffer from stress caused by their work
35. The most common forms of work-related ill-health are back problems and other aches
and pains with 1.2 million people affected every year, causing almost 10 million working
days to be lost.
36. In 1998/99 [##/##] there were almost 29,000 [######] major injuries to workers.
37. In 1998/99 [##/##] there were 131,000 workers had to take more than three days off work
as a result of a work-related injury
38. More than 24,000 members of the public were injured as the result of a work activity.
39. Every year around 3000 people die as a result of past exposure to asbestos.
40. Falls from a height are the most common cause of death to employees.
41. Workers in small manufacturing firms are more than twice as likely to be killed at work
than workers in larger firms in the same sector.
42. Self-employed people are twice as likely to be killed at work as employees.
43. Workplaces with safety representatives have half the rate of accidents of workplaces that
dont have safety representatives
44. The fatal injury rate for employees in Great Britain is a quarter of what it was in 1971
45. Great Britain has a lower rate of deaths to workers than America or any other European
country: the rate is 1.7 per 100,000 workers in Great Britain; 3.2 in America and an
average of 3.9 across Europe.
46. The rate of deaths per 100,000 workers is 3.7 per cent in Germany and 4.3 in France
47. The cost of work-related accidents and ill-health to employers equals 140 - 300 for
each worker employed
48. The cost of work-related accidents and illness to employees is estimated at between 3.5
billion and 7.3 billion a year.
49. Over 180 million could be saved in work-related illness costs in the construction industry
50. Around one in five workers have been physically attacked or threatened by a member of
the public.
51. Some insurers, particularly in higher hazard sectors, offer discounts of up to 20 per cent if
employers can demonstrate good health and safety arrangements

Manual Handling:

1. When lifting items from below arm level, you should bend your knees, not your back, to
lower your body to the object
2. As you lift, you should bring the load as close as possible to the body before lifting.
3. Your grip on the object is very important. You should grip firmly with your hands (not just
fingers) and keep your arms and elbows tucked in for more strength.
4. Pull, rather than push when moving equipment.
5. Push, rather than pull when moving equipment.
6. Bending from a seated position and sitting back up places tremendous strain on your
7. When carrying a load, you must have a good line of sight; therefore, be sure you can see
where you are going and move slowly enough to avoid bumping into other objects.
8. If no pain is noticed while doing repetitive task than you do not have to worry about
cumulative trauma.
9. Do not twist your body while carrying heavy objects; twisting is a major cause of injury. If
you need to change directions, move your feet in that direction first.
10. Create and maintain ease of access to piles or stacks of materials.
11. Proper lifting techniques can injure spinal tissues.
12. Stretching and mobility exercises for the back and key leg muscles can be used prior to
work as a warm-up, as well as after work to restore flexibility.
13. Lifting is safest when you keep your back straight and your stomach muscles tight.
Staying in good physical condition and getting proper exercise are also important.
14. Loads should be broken down to movable weights, routes planned, and legs used to do
the work. If an object is too heavy, help should be obtained or a handcart or device used.
15. Try to carry all loads by yourself to save time.
16. A manual handling risk assessment is only to find out if you are strong enough to do the

1. Fire results from combining - fuel, oxygen, and heat or an ignition source.
2. Smoking only in permitted areas is a fire prevention precaution.
3. It is acceptable to store compressed gas cylinders in the upright position
4. It is not necessary to clean grease accumulation from the kitchen exhaust hoods and
5. It is important to provide suitable waste cans for oil-soaked rags.
6. Fire extinguishers are special pressurized devices that release chemicals or water to put
out a fire
7. Combustible materials should not be stored next to heaters
8. It is acceptable to store combustible and flammable liquids in a boiler room.
9. A Type [A,B,C] fire extinguisher is used to extinguish fires that are involved in wood
[electrical, liquid] fires.

Display Screen Equipment [DSE]:

1. The keyboard should be approximately at your elbow height when seated.
2. People who work in offices don't have to worry about workplace health and safety.
3. If no pain is noticed while doing repetitive task than you do not have to worry about
cumulative trauma.
4. Bending from a seated position and sitting back up places tremendous strain on your
5. An assessment of display screen equipment checks more than just the equipment.

1. If electrical equipment malfunctions and emits a strange odour, use it until you can call
maintenance personnel.
2. When using a paper cutter, keep your fingers clear of the blade at all times.
3. You should always leave your file drawer open to retrieve files quicker.
4. Office materials that are improperly stored can lead to objects falling on workers, poor
visibility, and create a fire hazard.
5. Overloading electrical circuits and extension cords can result in fire.
6. Never stack combustible material near sources of ignition.
7. Always pull a plug from an outlet from the cord.
8. Chairs should be used as step ladders.
9. Office falls are frequently caused by using makeshift ladders.
10. Loose carpeting does not cause falls in offices
11. Wet floors do not cause slips and/or falls.
12. Workplace tidiness and waste disposal are included in risk assessment.

Access and Egress:

1. All exit doors and passages must be clear and free of obstruction.
2. Exit signs, and their illuminating light source, must be kept clear of obstruction and in
place at all times
3. At least two means of egress must be kept open from elevated platforms, pits, or rooms
where the absence of a second exit would increase the risk of injury from hot, poisonous,
corrosive, suffocating, flammable, or explosive substances
4. Aisles and passageways must be kept clear of obstruction
5. Materials spilled in walkways must be cleaned up immediately.
6. When present, markings on aisles and walkways must be observed
7. Materials or equipment must be stored in such a way that sharp projections will not
interfere with walkways
8. Materials must be stored so that adequate headroom is provided for the entire length of
any aisle or walkway.
9. Handrails on stairways must be used to prevent falling; steps should be taken one at a
10. Safe clearance must be allowed for walking in aisles where motorised or mechanical
handling equipment is operating
11. Slip resistant material applied on the surface of steps must not be removed.
12. Workplace tidiness and waste disposal are included in risk assessment

1. Never use a ladder in the horizontal position as a scaffold or work platform
2. Short ladders should not be spliced together
3. Use any type of ladder for any job
4. Never attempt to straighten or use a bent ladder.
5. Anyone can repair a broken ladder.
6. Keep ladders protected from heat, weather and corrosive materials


Never use a damaged ladder.

Ladders should always be inspected prior to use.
It is acceptable to use a metal ladder for electrical work if the floor area is dry.
A stepladder does not have to be fully open and firmly locked in place when in use.

Lab Safety Practice Test

This is a self-grading exam. Answers are entered by clicking the button
corresponding to your selection. The examination is scored by clicking 'Grade
Test' at the bottom of the form. Correct answers and explanations are found
through hyperlinks at the bottom of the page. You may bypass taking the
examination and simply view the answers by clicking the answer hyperlinks.

Question # 1 (Multiple Answer) Why should contact lenses not be worn in lab?
A) it is difficult to remove lenses after a chemical splash
B) the lens is permeable to vapors, which cause irritation
C) chemicals trapped under lens will cause severe damage
D) that boy or girl you are tying to get to see you cannot tell the color
of your eyes
Question # 2 (Multiple Answer) Which of the following are reasons why we
should never used broken or chipped glassware?
A) it can explode when heated or under pressure
B) glass cuts are extra dangerous is lab due to chemicals
C) we always get better results with broken glassware
Question # 3 (Multiple Choice) The correct procedure for combining acid and
A) add acid to large amounts of water
B) add water to large amounts of acid
C) always add acid to water, cool and swirl

D) always add water to acid, cool and swirl

E) just dump them both together into beaker
Question # 4 (Multiple Choice) Which of the follow should not be a part of the
check-out at the end of the lab.
A) water turned off
B) gas turned off
C) aprons ripped off and stuffed, unfolded, into drawers
D) all equipment cool, clean, and neatly arranged
Question # 5 (Multiple Answer) Which of the following is considered safety
equipment for our lab?
A) spill kit
B) fire blanket
C) eye wash
D) first aid kit
E) fire extinguisher
Question # 6 (Multiple Choice) Which of the following is not a correct match
between type of fire (and fire extinguisher) and the material that would be burning
in that type fire:
A) Type A - large structures like a house
B) Type B - oil, grease, paint thinners
C) Type C - electrical equipment
D) Type D - combustible metals
Question # 7 (True/False) All accidents and/or injuries must be reported to the
teacher immediately
A) True
B) False
Question # 8 (Multiple Choice) What is the correct procedure for students to
follow if a chemical is spilled:

A) Stand back and advise the teacher of the spill

B) Run madly about the room
C) Splash large amounts of water onto the spill
D) Immediately ask to go to the restroom
Question # 9 (True/False) To eliminate liquids that can flushed down the sink, first
run water in the sink, then add small amounts of the liquid, then flush more water
A) True
B) False

Food Safety Quiz

Test Yourself: Is Your Kitchen Safe from Foodborne Disease?

Choose the answer that best describes your household. Keep track of the number of
points for your answers and compare your score at the end.
1. The temperature of the refrigerator in my home is:
a. 50 degrees Fahrenheit (10 degrees Celsius)
b. 41 F (5 C)
c. I don't know; I've never measured it.
Answer to #1

2. The last time we had leftover cooked stew or other food with meat, chicken or
fish, the food was:
a. cooled to room temperature, then put in the refrigerator
b. put in the refrigerator immediately after the food was served
c. left at room temperature overnight or longer
Answer to #2

3. The last time the kitchen sink drain, disposal and connecting pipe in my home
were sanitized was:
a. last night
b. several weeks ago
c. can't remember
Answer to #3

4. If I use a cutting board to cut raw meat, poultry or fish and will use it to chop
another food, the board is:
a. reused as is
b. wiped with a damp cloth
c. washed with soap and hot water and sanitized with a mild chlorine bleach solution
Answer to #4

5. The last time we had hamburgers in my home, I ate mine:

a. rare
b. medium
c. well-done
Answer to #5

6. The last time we had cookie dough in the home, the dough was:
a. made with raw eggs, and I sampled some of it
b. store-bought, and I sampled some of it
c. not sampled until baked
Answer to #6

7. I clean my kitchen counters and other surfaces that come in contact with food
a. water
b. hot water and soap
c. hot water and soap, then bleach solution
d. hot water and soap, then commercial sanitizing agent
Answer to #7

8. When dishes are washed, they are:

a. cleaned by an automatic dishwasher and then air-dried
b. left to soak in the sink for several hours and then washed with soap in the same water
c. washed right away with hot water and soap in the sink and then air-dried
d. washed right away with hot water and soap in the sink and immediately towel-dried
Answer to #8

9. The last time I handled raw meat, poultry or fish, I cleaned my hands afterwards
a. wiping them on a towel
b. rinsing them under hot, cold or warm tap water
c. washing with soap and warm water
Answer to #9

10. Meat, poultry and fish products are defrosted by:

a. setting them on the counter
b. placing them in the refrigerator
c. microwaving
Answer to #10

Here are the Answers!

1. Refrigerators should stay at 41oF (5 C) or less, so if you chose answer B, give yourself
two points. If you didn't, you're not alone. Many people overlook the importance of
maintaining an appropriate refrigerator temperature. A temperature of 41oF (5 C) or less
is important because it slows the growth of most bacteria. The temperature won't kill the
bacteria, but it will keep them from multiplying, and the fewer there are, the less likely
you are to get sick from them.
Question #2

2. The answer is B. Hot foods should be refrigerated as soon as possible within two
hours after cooking, but don't keep the food if it's been standing out more than two hours.
Don't taste test it, either. Even a small amount of contaminated food can cause illness.
Date leftovers so they can be used within a safe time; generally, they remain safe for
three to five days in the refrigerator. If in doubt, throw it out.
Question #3

3. If answer A best describes your household's practice, give yourself two points. Give
yourself one point if you chose B. The kitchen sink drain, disposal and connecting pipe
should be sanitized periodically with a solution of 1 teaspoon of chlorine bleach in 1
quart of water. Food particles get trapped in the drain and disposal and create an ideal
environment for bacterial growth.
Question #4

4. If C best describes your household's practice, give yourself two points. Washing
with soap and hot water and then sanitizing with a mild bleach solution is the safest
practice. If you picked A, you're violating an important food safety rule: Never allow raw
meat, poultry and fish to come in contact with other foods. Answer B isn't good, either.
Improper washing, such as with a damp cloth, will not remove bacteria.
Question #5

5. Give yourself two points if you picked answer C. The safest way to eat hamburgers is
to cook them until they are no longer red in the middle and the juices run clear. Cooking
food, including ground meat patties, to an internal temperature of at least 160oF (71 C)
usually protects against foodborne illness. Check cooked meat, fish and poultry with a
meat thermometer.
Question #6

6. If you answered A, you may be putting yourself at risk for infection with Salmonella
enteritidis, a bacterium that can be found in shell eggs. Cooking the egg or eggcontaining food product to at least 140 F (60oC) kills the bacteria. So answer Ceating
the baked productwill earn you two points.
You'll get two points for answer B, also. Foods containing raw eggs, such as homemade
ice cream, cake batter, mayonnaise, and eggnog, carry a Salmonella risk, but their
commercial counterparts don't. Commercial products are made with pasteurized eggseggs
that have been heated sufficiently to kill bacteria. Commercial preparations of cookie
dough are not a food hazard. If you want to sample home-made dough or batter or eat
other foods with raw-egg-containing products, use pasteurized eggs.
Question #7

7. C or D will earn you two points each; answer B, one point. Bleach and commercial
kitchen cleaning agents used according to directions are the most effective at getting rid
of bacteria. Hot water and soap does a good job, too, but may not kill all strains of
bacteria. Water may get rid of visible dirt, but not bacteria. Also, be sure to keep
dishcloths and sponges clean because these materials harbor bacteria.
Question #8

8. Answers A and C are worth two points each. There are potential problems with B
and D. When you let dishes sit in water a long time, it creates a soup full of nutrients for
bacteria. If washing dishes by hand, wash them all within two hours. Also, it's best to airdry them so you don't handle them while they're wet.

Question #9

9. The only correct practice is C. Give yourself two points if you picked it. Wash hands
with warm water and soap for at least 20 seconds before and after handling food,
especially raw meat, poultry and fish. If you have an infection or cut on your hands, wear
rubber or plastic gloves. Wash gloved hands just as often as bare hands because the
gloves can pick up bacteria.
Question #10

10. Give yourself two points if you picked B or C. Food safety experts recommend
thawing foods in the refrigerator or the microwave oven or putting the package in a
water-tight plastic bag submerged in cold water and changing the water every 30 minutes.
Do not thaw meat, poultry and fish products on the counter or in the sink without cold
water. When microwaving, follow package directions. Foods defrosted in the microwave
oven should be cooked immediately after thawing.

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