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Press Release

Denny Town Centre. “Walk 2, the Walk.”

Following the hugely successful “Walk Around the Block” when over 1,000 members of the local community
gathered within the confines of the Town Centre in protest at Falkirk Council’s lack of progress on the Denny
regeneration project, a further ‘Gathering’ has been organised for May 1st.

‘Walk 2 the Walk’ has been organised as a result of the continuing inertia of Falkirk Council administration in dealing
with the matter of Denny Town Centre Regeneration. The apolitical community campaign is the brainchild of 2
young mothers, residents of Denny & Dunipace, who became so concerned at the dilapidated condition of the
Council owned blocks and their impact on the Town’s wellbeing. Some of the Council owned flats are known to be
occupied by ex-offenders and believed to include low-level sex offenders among their number. The young mothers
are being assisted by another concerned resident, Brian McCabe.

Mr McCabe, speaking on behalf of the organisers said: “Tracie & Sharon have some serious concerns regarding the
existing use of the flats. I personally have major issues on the traffic impact upon the town centre with the proposals
being promoted by Henry Boot. Their “Masterplan” is anything but. It doesn’t even have something as fundamental
as a ‘start date’. How can you have a Masterplan with absolutely no indication of when you will start a project,
never mind complete the thing? The current Masterplan is fatally flawed and as good as worthless.”

Sharon Tait, who attended the Public Meeting in February to hear of the Council’s “progress” on the project stated,
“Quite simply, but loudly, the people of Denny expressed their anger at the lack of progress on the Town Centre
regeneration. At the meeting, Councillors and officials were left in no doubt of the Community’s demand for a Plan
B. The existing Henry Boot proposal was shown to be lacking and yet our Council still persisted with the argument
that it was the only option.”

Tracie Newton reinforced this view. “Both Sharon and myself had never met Brian before, and yet we were all in
agreement that those monstrous blocks which currently deface our Town Centre just had to go. We formed our wee
group with a view to having those blocks knocked down at the earliest possible opportunity, and a rebuilding of
something in which the town’s people could be proud.”

It is hoped that the ‘Walk 2 the Walk’ will further indicate to Craig Martin, Leader of Falkirk Council, the absolute
necessity for substantial action on his administration’s behalf.

Those already indicating their intention to attend include Eric Joyce, sitting MP; Michael Matheson, local MSP; and
various members of the current Council.

Local Councillor John McNally said, “I am a personal friend of Brian, and what he and the 2 girls have done on this
campaign is truly astonishing. It is extremely humbling to represent such wonderful folk within my community. This is
not a political issue. The community spirit they have displayed, and which the whole local community have bought in
to, is wonderful to witness. I wish them every continuing success.”

‘Walk 2 the Walk’ will take place within the town’s environs on Saturday 1st May 2010 between 11.00am and
2.00pm, and is open to all residents, visitors, friends and family alike. If you care for Denny, come along and express
your opinion. It will hopefully be another day to catch up with some old friends.

The substantial numbers expected will be entertained by the World famous Denny & Dunipace Pipe Band. Kids, an
intrinsic part of the campaign, will display their own artwork of the ‘beautiful’ Denny blocks, before being able to
have a go on the Bouncy Castle and clambering aboard their ‘own’ Fire Engine.

It promises to be another Great Day in the history of Denny & Dunipace.

- Denny & Dunipace Local Residents (25/04/2010 )

ps: A DVD of photographs and vox-pops will be made available to all media.
Additional Information.!/pages/The-Regeneration-of-Denny-Town/250812739969

Facebook Page. Currently sitting at 1450 ‘fans’.


Video of Community’s response to Falkirk Council. Submitted to ALL Councillors.


STV Video National News Broadcast of 20th March 2010 covering the first “Walk Around the Block”


Urban Realm site where Denny sits as entrant in “Carbuncle of Year” competition.


BBC Website illustrating resident’s concerns.


Falkirk Herald Website with photographs of the first “Walk Around the Block”


Contact Details.
Brian McCabe : Tel : 01324 823085

: e-mail :

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